#which requires time management and tuning of the model parameters. This could be either due to the data drift or the addition/removal of pa
magistralconsulting · 4 years
Deal Origination and Deal Execution Support Services- An Introduction
Introduction to Deal Origination Services
Making a deal is imperative for a Venture Capital or a Private Equity firm. That is the business they are in. However, behind every successful deal that attracts investment, there is a pipeline of multiple other deals that are curated over time. Deal origination services deal in populating and updating that deal pipeline.
Every fund has an investment philosophy or mandate to make deals that are relevant for its purpose of delivering outsized returns. Some specialize in early-stage investments like Seed or Series A while others prime for late-stage investments like M&A or Series D and beyond. Whatever is the fund mandate, it’s imperative for every private equity or venture capital fund to populate the deal pipeline, so that the deals that fit every criterion could be fructified as and when required. For Hedge funds and Fund of Funds, deal origination concerns about stocks and funds respectively. Deal Origination for Investment Banking also works on similar lines.
Scope of Deal Origination Services
Private Equity Deal origination or Venture Capital Deal Origination services understand in detail the fund philosophy or the mandate. It is then broken down into actionable categories for the selection of targets. For a typical early-stage VC fund, for example, would be interested in SaaS product companies, where the product development has been done and the company is looking for commercialization in the space where the fund may have connections to bring in the early clients. This breaks down into requirements in terms of the industry of the target, industry where target’s clients are, revenues, geographical presence, employees, team, and their background, and suitability to deal terms like management ready to give majority stake, etc.
Once the profile of an ideal deal is finalized, the search begins for the potential targets, where the deal could be fetched.
Population and Update of Deal Pipeline
The deal pipeline is continually updated for the right deals. Every new deal that is originated finds a place in the deal pipeline. This also works for M&A deal Origination. As not all the details about the private companies are available in the public domain, primary research along with secondary research is employed. Details of the deal origination process are explained below
How A Deal Pipeline is Populated?
Here are the most common ways of populating the deals pipeline:
Secondary Research
Secondary Research is the backbone of finding suitable deals. The analyst looks for the private and sometimes public companies satisfying a given set of criteria like revenue, stage, team, geographical presence, etc. Information on all relevant parameters is collected to shortlist the right target
Primary Research
Once the target is shortlisted the analyst gets in touch with the company to collect other information and understand the intent of the company to raise funds. All the information collected is duly captured in the pipeline sheet or Deal Origination platform
Accelerators, Incubators, and other similar Associations provide a current set of targets that are looking to raise funds and have been primed to do so. Getting in touch with such organizations provides important inputs to the deals pipeline. Sometimes these organizations distribute information through regular newsletters which need to be studied to populate the pipeline for the appropriate targets
Platforms and Events
Some multiple platforms and events help startups in raising funds. These platforms are continually looking for investors to fund their member startups. The analyst usually takes the membership of these platforms to receive periodic information
Deal Databases
There are multiple deal databases along with private company financials. Each geography has a specialized database. Sometimes databases also specialize in a given industry. Deal terms on databases help in arriving at the company valuation which is useful in the deal execution stage
Introduction to Deal Execution Services
Once the pipeline is populated and the opportunity is shortlisted for deal-making, deal execution services come into play. Deal execution services help in preparing documents that go into deal-making and negotiations involved therein.
Activities in deal execution are Financial Modeling, Valuation, Due Diligence, Strategy, Business Development Support, and Deal Documentation
All that forms Deal Execution Services
Financial Modeling
Financial modeling serves as a host of purposes. It analyzes if the proposed acquisition, buy-out, M&A, or investments makes sense financially. It also helps in fine-tuning the financial future of the proposed asset. Revenue, profitability, and costs are forecasted to finally arrive at a proposed valuation. The financial model also takes into account the cost of capital and analyzes various exit opportunities for investors. The financial model also suggests if the investment is viable and is going to provide the expected returns to the fund. The financial model analyzes various investment scenarios too, and how key investment parameters change in all those scenarios. Financial Models have been traditionally prepared on the excel sheets but increasingly there have been multiple software products to aid the modeling and reduce the analyst errors
Valuation is one of the key metrics for the investment decision. It is calculated differently for different types of companies and their maturity. For public companies, the DCF Model along with comps from similar companies gives a comprehensive view. For private companies, it’s usually based on multiples prevailing in the industry. Valuations change in various business scenarios of optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic business outcomes
Due Diligence
Due Diligence makes sure that investment is right and will meet its objective in terms of expected returns from the asset. Due Diligence checks thoroughly the financials of the company. All the assumptions made to forecast the financial future are double-checked. Due diligence also checks for the track record of the team as professionals. All aspects of Corporate Governance are verified in detail. Legal battles, statutory or government actions on the company are looked at. Due diligence gets into details of finances, strategy, assumptions, marketing, people, team, and everything else that is important. For smaller assets, it could be done in a few weeks, whereas for strategic investment it can go on for months. A data room is set to comb through the huge amount of data and information.
Strategy Formulation for Portfolio Companies
In terms of Deal Execution either the strategy is prepared or already prepared strategy document is vetted. A strategy document is put to attract co-investors and set the expectations from the management. Strategy or plan for the next 5 to 10 years is prepared. The input from the strategy document goes into financial modeling and revenue forecasts. If Strategy is already in place, assumptions are rechecked to make sure the document is robust and achievable. Annual budgets are also derived from the strategy documents.
Business Development Support for Portfolio Companies
Immediately after the deal goes through, major thrust from investors is towards the business development of the invested company. Almost always there is an imminent need of finding out and reaching out to the customers. It is usually achieved through lead generation and meetings’ set up in B2B set-up and effective digital marketing in B2C set up. Business Development support services ensure the revenue and growth forecasts are met
Deal Documentation
There are a host of documents that are prepared for fund-raising. Requirements are even more in the case of public companies. Following are the documents that are usually prepared for fund-raising
–PPM/CIM: Private Placement Memorandum or Confidential Information Memorandum is a detailed document covering all aspects of the proposed investment
-1 Pager: It’s a teaser document that is sent out for information of other investors
-Financial Model: As discussed earlier in the document, it analyzes the investment in all scenarios and the respective outcomes.
-Pitch Deck: A short version of CIM which is more of a marketing document
Several other forms are filled and prepared depending on the geography of the investor and investee.
Magistral Consulting has helped multiple investors like Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Family Offices in making the right investments through all the services mentioned above. To drop an inquiry please visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact
About Magistral
Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing CIO related activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modeling, Portfolio Management and Equity Research
For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact
About the Author
The Author, Prabhash Choudhary is the CEO of Magistral Consulting and can be reached at [email protected] for any queries or business inquiries.
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shyobjectangel · 5 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.org/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram  
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
Rumba Workstation
NASDAQ Workstation
Are you tired of obtaining to deal with the space hogging nature of computers, monitors, scanners, DVDs, printers and cables sprawling out of handle? The U.S. Division of Education’s (USDE) gainful employment regulations require disclosure of particular system information for programs that lead to certificates or diplomas and are monetary aid eligible. (Not necessarily an issue if you plan on possessing it tucked away, though you’ll definitely notice it if you engage in some of that aforementioned schlepping.) It also appears much less black than it does on Apple’s internet site – far more like the “Space Gray” that it really is. As it happens, that case is easy to unlock and slip off, on the rare occasion that you want to replace the RAM, storage or a single of the GPUs. Users can run 3D simulations and edit 8K video in true time with up to 56 processing cores and up to three TB of primary memory, 3x the capacity of its predecessor4.
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If your perform atmosphere does not let you to break up your work day with periodic stretching sessions, you ought to definitely take into account purchasing an ergonomic seat cushion to give middle and reduce back assistance and relieve you of pressure points. As the cherry on best, the Asrock Rack EP2C602 server motherboard we picked up for putting this build with each other fees about the identical quantity as a high-end X99 motherboard, $300 brand new So the two Xeons and the dual-socket motherboard came to a total of just $500, less than the asking price tag of a single hexa-core 6850K. For less income you can get a much better performing consumer card and devote that cash on an SSD or ECC board and RAM. – To steer clear of any possibility of a skipper and therefore loss of income, the hotel will typically ask for an advance payment or deposit at the time of check-in.
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Our desks are available in a range of designs and shapes from rectangular or wave to ergonomic, and in tough supplies, such as wood, steel or glass. By contrast, Parallels Workstation (offered as a totally free beta) is stated to supply “close to native” overall performance, which may possibly be adequate for users who require to run Visio, Project, or one particular of the many other Windows-only productivity apps – though gamers will most likely nonetheless want to use Boot Camp and maintain just one particular OS operating at a time. Ususally I run the simulations in series (tuning model and manage parameters, etc.) despite the fact that at times they could run in parallel for Monte-Carlo-sort simulations, should MATLAB permit so (Parallel Processing Toolbox?). Dell Precision Xeon Dual Core Workstation.
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The lack of a quad-core processor indicates it could lag in demanding multi-threading applications, its motherboard is fundamental, it doesn’t have a discrete video card, and the solid state drive’s capacity is restricted. It includes a energy cord and runs utilizing a 200W external energy provide that is 89% efficient and operates using 100-240 VAC at 50-60 Hz. Although the installed operating technique is Windows 7 Specialist (64-bit), a Windows ten Skilled (64-bit) license and media is integrated. Made for engineers, architects, builders and construction specialists for workplace and home use, the CAD Workstations fairly effectively serve the purpose of becoming very carefully assembled machines. When you are looking for a workstation desk, there are several aspects of furniture that you need to hold in mind.
Primarily based on desktop workstations memory capacity as of June 14, 2017. Some styles are meant to be placed centered in a space, although corner laptop desks are excellent for tucking away on one particular side. Appropriate now, no particular hardware is needed for most CAD computer software. I am not a fan of OSx but the one issue I have missed every time I’ve utilized a Windows primarily based laptop is the extraordinary touchpad on the MacBook Pro. Browse our massive selection of residence and workplace desks for just the appear you need. You may possibly be able to substantially boost the efficiency of any video that is stored in memory. What’s been truly acquiring at me though is if the dual xeon is really going to give me THAT Considerably MORE” functionality than the single setup.
GX Power of Chaos MOD ), Although I was playing I notices that the CPU ( Gaden ) playing with only 1 card deck plan, He just use it each and every time even if the CPU LEVEL stars going UP. CAD systems also provide “zoom” characteristics analogous to a camera lens, whereby a designer can magnify certain components of a model to facilitate inspection. eight, 2011 – To address the needs of an evolving workforce that demands anytime, anyplace access to organization applications and information, Dell right now announced 24 new enterprise computing solutions and form factors, like laptops, tablets, desktops and workstation computer systems in one of the largest-ever introductions in the company’s history and component of 39 new solutions launching in the subsequent year. There are not numerous desks created particularly for gaming (such as the Atlantic Gaming Desk above).
With a range of efficiency, capabilities and value points, there is a proper Quadro to go with the desktop workstation of your selection. The content material index server cannot update or access its database, due to the fact the version retailer has insufficient sources. Although the scientist need to have believed it absolutely was a inventive notion at the time, the human wrist was not created for a laptop mouse. Do not underestimate these laptop workstations, as they will make your operate dazzle like never before providing you the custom options, even though offering the greatest-in-class functionality. Our primary objective is to provide wonderful value, high-quality server and storage solutions, we recognize that every single firm has diverse needs and as such are able to provide un-equaled flexibility in designing custom server and storage options to meet our clients’ needs.
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shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
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shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
0 notes
shyobjectangel · 6 years
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.net/red-ama-session-1%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8asummary/
RED AMA Session #1 — Summary
First of all, thank you all for tuning in last night for our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) session. Armand Doru Domuta (CEO) and Andrei Avram (CTO) were delighted to answer your burning questions.
Secondly, we apologize for the sound issues — clearly a conference room wasn’t the best idea. We promise you a more professional session next time.
For those of you who couldn’t join us or had trouble understanding parts of the video, we’ve put together a transcript of the questions covered and the answers given.
“In the next two/three months what will be your biggest challenge/challenges to achieve?”
Great companies and successful projects are developed by great people working together as focused teams. That means the biggest challenge is always finding and managing the right people for the entire value chain from product or service development to marketing and sales.
*Restart Energy is hiring. Please read this article and access the section about the positions we have available to find out more and how you can apply.
“Is there a strong demand for franchises by larger, established companies and would there be the possibility to move up the timeline from the roadmap to expand faster?”
We’ve had over 200 applications so far and out of those 30 were for type A franchise. There are also requests coming from corporations. Interestingly, the top three countries from which we’ve received applications are: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
“Won’t starting a franchise become very expensive if the MWAT token price increases?”
They could, but for this reason, we have proposed the new RED Token Renting System (TRS) to alleviate such potential issues. Read more about it here.
“Is the required amount for a franchise fixed in MWAT, or in USD?”
Franchises are acquired with MWAT tokens only, for the time being.
“What about the platform — could we get some more details about it? I think that having the platform would be a crucial step, so perhaps more information about upgrades, process, description how the platform is being built would be useful.”
We are planning to feature a sneak peek of the RED Platform very soon — it will be where MWAT owners will be able to vote for or against the RED-TRS proposition. It is better to see than tell, right?
“Not sure whether you would have to pay once for a master franchise and then build as many through the country as you like for free, or whether you have to buy MWAT also for each of those.”
Depends on what type of franchise license you acquire.
If you get a Type A franchise — these allow you exclusive country-wide expansion and you can set up as many ancillary businesses within the county as you see fit.
If you buy a Type B franchise, then you’re limited to either city, region, or country — based on your tier. You can set up as many places of business within these parameters as you want and are able to.
For example, if you own a Type B reseller/broker city franchise and want to expand to another region, then you will need to acquire the rights for that region as well. But if you have a Type B regional franchise, you can set up places of business in all cities/towns within that region.
Apply for a franchise here.
More info on RED franchises here.
“Why is the team not focussed on marketing? It’s an important part of the business and one can’t afford to ignore it.”
We are working on marketing strategies, however many of these are under-the-hood technical visibility aspects of our marketing — SEO, for example.
We come from an energy sector background and the marketing needs and wants of a crypto-based model were not as familiar to us initially as they are now. This is why we’ve changed our stance regarding country expansion updates — bringing you incremental updates of current expansion targets, rather than the normal-in-the-industry updates once everything is done.
Our background combined with the rapid growth of our community has taken us somewhat off-guard initially, but we are working diligently to attune ourselves to the communities expectations and exceed them.
We’ve recently also hired two marketing firms to better handle our needs in this area and you’ve already met our new PR Manager — Mihai Herman — that we on-boarded after the need for more community engagement became apparent.
“Concerning the platform and adapting it to the blockchain — which blockchain will be chosen? Ethereum right now is much too slow to use on a larger scale and your platform will work on such. How is this problem going to be resolved? Using another, faster blockchain, perhaps? If so, which one?”
The authentication system, including franchises, can easily be handled using the existing Ethereum main net. The energy exchange system, including the KWT tokens will work on a different system. We are trialling three providers for their blockchain technology and will announce a decision on this matter once we consider it final.
“Concerning the RED Platform again: is there a chance to have it be finished faster? From what I understand, the project depends on this platform.”
While crucial to the use of MWAT tokens within the ecosystem, the RED Platform software’s implementation and design will need their due time — these things cannot be rushed, as quality must be assured.
Furthermore, our expansion as a company and brand — with franchises and all that comes with them — is something we’re already successfully doing. We’re the fastest growing private energy company within the EU and have had over 1700% growth within our first two years of expansion.
Our growth will be boosted with the implementation of the RED Platform software and it will bring major changes to our users, yes, but it is by no means everything we have to offer — it is simply one part of a larger whole. Until it is done, we will continue to expand globally and supply energy as we have done for years now.
“In the whitepaper, it is stated that “Restart Energy offers integrated energy, gas, and fuel packages […]”. My question is: as a consumer, can I also purchase gas from the RED platform or only energy?”
To clarify: the term ‘energy’ stands both for ‘electricity’ and ‘gas’. We supply both, however, electricity distribution networks are almost universally available, while natural gas availability is more scarce; but we do also supply gas. In the first stage, the RED Platform will be developed for electricity trading and it’s possible that in the second stage we might also tokenize natural gas supply.
“As stated on page 15 and 16 of the whitepaper, will it be a problem when franchises are built in all stated countries and have 499,873,492 MWAT tokens locked. How will there be enough tokens for the platform to run?”
Depending on the expansion speed and token price, RED has the option to reduce or increase the minimum necessary amounts of MWAT for specific franchises.
“When will there be an updated whitepaper?”
The Website and Whitepaper are undergoing a renewal process to be in line with the integrated expansion strategy.
“Where are you in getting the product launch in Australia and other countries?”
Australia is a specific deregulated energy market, with very specific aspects. It has 4 major energy suppliers and more then 30 smaller private suppliers. While in recent years, many new companies attempted market entry in the retail of electricity, very few succeeded so the market entry in Australia needs to be very carefully planned.
As such, RED has commissioned a detailed market study of the Australian energy market and also started procedures for registering a local subsidiary. We expect to enter Australia sooner then planned and a JV with a local energy company is also a possibility.
You can see more updates on our global expansion in this article.
“Any new major partnerships made recently?”
We’ve recently started the process of acquiring two hydroelectric plants that generate a combined 20,000,000 KWh of clean energy per year. We will announce the full details on our Medium blog
This is it, for now. We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions and that you’ve taken at least one big idea from this article.
Until next time, make sure you check out Restart Energy’s latest article with updates on everything we’ve been working on from our global expansion roadmap to the RED platform. Read more here!
    For more informations: Facebook Twitter Telegram
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