#which like nothing wrong if i wanna go ham on some nutella i will but if i'm in the kitchen hungry for lunch i'll pick the tuna now yknow??
becca-alexa · 2 years
buying a tofu press has changed my life
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annielaskorp · 7 years
stupid burger
annie's day was genuinely the same as usual. she always hated school. she always hated people (alright bit of an exaggeration, but annie damn well wasn't going to admit that), hated shitty lunch food. so, even though she hadn't the foggiest of an idea of how piss-poor lena's day had been, when the girl walked over, slammed down her food, and gave a look that read something to the effect of, "fuck everything and everyone", annie gave a corresponding look (with slightly lifted eyebrows that admitted her curiosity, however) that said, "i feel you, man". she'd been taking a sip of her coca-cola, and as lena spoke, she pulled the plastic from her lips and loosely screwed the cap onto the top of it. okay. annie was pretty lucky. she'd brought a lunch. "no kidding. that looks like dog shit on a bun," she blinked a bit, then tilted her head, "you want a peanut butter sandwich, dude? i wasn't gonna eat it." she paused to open a bag of cheddar cheese potato chips. "i can't, in good conscious, watch you eat that." she didn't even know what to call it. it kinda looked like a sloppy-joe. on the other hand, it kinda looked like radioactive human waste. "you'd probably grow a third eye eating that shit." she popped another chip into her mouth, took the time to chew it, swallow, then picked at a piece that had somehow lodge itself in between the gum of one of her molars. "having a bad day?" she flicked the speck of leftover chip at a kid that was walking past.
yeah, annie was pretty lucky. she wouldn't say it, but she knew it was true. seriously, the peanut butter sandwich was a downgrade of what she might've had, but annie was pretty picky. she'd turned down the fresh turkey or ham sandwiches made with arugula (what the fuck even is arugula? ) and dijon mustard that her father had offered in days past. her own requests were modest ones. peanut butter or jelly. never both at the same time. that was too much. and of course, her dad had tried to even spice that up. adding nutmeg, nutella, whatever. he'd even tried slicing bananas in there. which was just... ew. well, she liked it well enough, but just peanut butter and bread? that was the best way to go. "here ya go, man," she mumbled, picking up and passing off the goods. one pb sandwich, comin' right up, "if you want, i could ask my dad to make you something fancy to pack in with my lunch. it'd make him so friggin' happy. he likes making fancy shit. he'd probably pee himself, he'd be so excited." this was annie's way of saying she'd like to do something for lena. even if she wouldn't really be the one doing anything. it wasn't much in her character, but... eh. they'd been really, really close once. she liked to think they were getting back to that. "if you eat that shit and end up getting a psychic third eye, do me a solid and see if i end up growing some actual boobs somewhere down the line. i'd greatly appreciate it." she was smiling a bit at that point, if faint. her eyes spied lena as she stifled a laugh, which made her smile widen slightly. that was nice. which.. was a weird thing to think. "sounds shitty," she hummed before opening up her soda again, sipping, nodding her head at the tray before lena, "definitely looks it. but, uh.. you wanna talk about it?" she wriggled her shoulders slightly, popping a shoulder, which must have given her some sort of relief, because she let out a pleasurable exhale. "i mean, i've got nothing better to talk about."
she didn't mean to stare. or, at least, didn't realize she was staring. it wasn't like she was making a face or anything-- no funny business. but when she saw lena going at the sandwich, she just kinda.. watched. like the weird fuckin' kid she was. so, after a minute, when she saw s=the shift in the way the girl next to her was eating, she chimed in with a, "man, that's how i feel whenever i see a mickey-d's double cheeseburger." she hummed a bit, popped a chip in her mouth, then continued, "they're cheap as fuck, but shit. so amazing." there was this entire side to eating that annie was fortunate enough to have never touched on. for now, her metabolism was awesome. and playing basket ball probably did her some favors in that regard, too. "mind? hell no, he wouldn't mind," she took a sip of her drink, then pulled out her cell phone, took a picture of lena's food. or whatever the fuck you could call it, "especially not after i show him that shit." if anything, she knew her dad would be sympathetic. because he probably didn't like eating stuff that looked like literal shit, either. she blinked a couple of times, then gave a soft laugh-- more like an exhale of the nose, but close enough to a laugh, "sounds fair," she mumbled, "seriously, they should'a popped out by now, considering all the other girls in our class." she paused, thought about the words for a moment, "like, how does a chick just wake up at fourteen with a set of double d's or whatever? isn't there some feminine right of passage or something?" okay. that was puberty. but, still, puberty was only supposed to set a girl up with fledglings, rights? not full on birdies. "alright, alright. that's fair, too." she tapped her chin, in "deep" thought. "whelp. i put cling wrap on some kid's car before class today. so that was alright. and i got someone to do my math homework for me. so, all in all, i'd call it a pretty good day, yeah. "
"it's absolutely amazing that you would suggest he become a cafeteria "lady" and not a cafeteria "guy"," annie hummed, brows raised. honestly, she wouldn't exactly put it past him to try and start shit because of the crappy food for the poor students of lhhs. at the same time, she'd pretty much die if her classmates had to see her dad in a hair-net every day. not that she cared. or. whatever. okay, she was pretty embarrassed of her dad. she lost her train of thought to the idea of roxy clarke getting breast implants. hell, the girl's face didn't even fuckin' look real as it was. she snorted, then shook her head, sighing softly. "i'd pay money to see one of 'em pop an implant." even though her statement sounded confident, she had no idea if that was even how implants worked. could they pop? or were they just complete jelly on the inside? "go all limp tit in the middle of class or something." okay. yeah. no. not how that would work at all. at the very least, annie didn't claim to be the smartest kid on the block. it was more obvious than not, actually. "yeah, sure. let me grab it for you," there was no hesitation with that. annie didn't have much of a moral dilemma when it came to sharing answers (especially when she was on the receiving end of it). hell, she wouldn't have been passing many classes without the help of her enabling, intellectually inclined, friends. so, she reached into her bag and shuffled a few things around before turning out a wrinkled sheet of paper, "i changed the answer for number three, so it wasn't too obvious that i copied-- so it's probably wrong."
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