#which is. like. a lot of villains in lotro tbh
asgardian--angels · 8 years
Tagged by @radioactive-earthshine
Rules: Answer 11 questions and then create 11 questions, then tag 11 people.
1.) Your favorite AU
Probably my Angbang modern au (metal band au, hurr hurr, so original), or the angbaby au which I barely count as an au anymore, I’m thoroughly convinced it’s just part of the canon timeline (aka because 90% of their time is unaccounted for, they could have gotten up to a lot of things). But for these purposes, yes, the angbaby au. In which Melkor and female Mairon have a Valarindi child and it’s fuckin tom bombadil. 
2.) If you were a fictional race/species of people, what do you think you would be?
Realistically? I’d be a dwarf. I fit dwarf to a T (well perhaps apart from the live-in-a-mountain-and-craft bit - I’m hobbity or elvish when it comes to my love of nature, but in every other way, I’m a dwarf at heart. If given the choice though, I’d be a maia. 
3.) Flower petals or grass?
hmMmmMMMMm. Both? Both is good. 
4.) Favorite spice?
I’m a bland motherfucker. Spiciest thing I can tolerate is garlic. So, garlic. I fucking love garlic.
5.) Favorite video game?
I don’t play that many, so um.... LOTRO probably. Sims 4 is second. I also hold Animal Crossing Wild World dearly in my heart.
6.) A character that deserved better…
ALL OF THEM um... yeah tbh all my favs lmao. Since I like a lot of villains and otherwise characters who are underloved and misunderstood and usually are made to suffer lol. 
7.) Worst movie you have ever seen.
I try to only go see movies I know will be good. If it’s not good, I switch it p fast, so idk.
8.) Do you empathize more with heroes or villains?
Whoomp there it is lmao. Villains. I don’t empathize with the, well, murder or destruction, but er... I greatly empathize with the emotional struggles and conflicts villains have that are either absent or minimized or vastly different in heroes. The struggles of villains, are dare I say, more realistic? Well-written villains at least. Much more interesting if nothing else. Well-written, somewhat morally gray or tragic heroes can capture my empathy as well but I lean towards villains definitely. Like, I empathize with Sauron and Melkor 1000%. 
9.) Favorite season and weather.
Summer without a doubt. Weather? Easier to say that I prefer minimal humidity and also maybe no biting winds or black ice lmao. Sunshine’s great, rain’s rad, that little post-rain window where it smells like petrichor and it’s both sunny and dark, good shit right there. I’m good with almost anything in the summer apart from god-awful humid days, it’s nice in fall if it’s not too cold and windy, winter must be quiet peaceful snowfall or it’s miserable for me lol, and spring can go either way. 
10.) What is home?
Home is my house. It’s where my family is and my memories. Home is also nature. I always feel at home in nature. I am more at peace in nature than in my house or anywhere else. 
11.) If an ancient being appeared before you and offered you one and only one wish, no matter how extreme, what would you wish for? Or, would you refuse?
sjfhdghd;fghd;gjlgj;ld pulling this shit on the last question uM
I’d probably go for the ‘unlimited wishes’ shit lmao then I could solve all the world’s problems plus get myself a lifetime supply of lindt chocolate idk lololol
not tagging anyone but if you see this and wanna do it, go right ahead and use the same questions or smth YOU HAVE MY BLESSING 
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