#which is. bad reasoning and I'm peeved (politely) with my past self
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
Well based on some recent reflections I've been having: hey you're not 100% in love with that middle name you picked out, maybe think over it a little bit more instead of going "well who cares it's fine" and then legally changing your name. Because now later you've thought of something better and much more meaningful to you personally but also really don't feel like going through the process again. I understand you wanted to be able to receive your degrees with the name Quil, but also now they all have this middle name you're kinda meh on so
Oh also I'd tell them to be more cringe and weird unapologetically :)
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richardsondavis · 1 year
I'm still bothered by the Drinker recommending Arcane. A little peeved but checking out his recs, it has some great stuff. Dredd and Event Horizon he gives his recommendation and approval.
Don't know why I should take his word for it cause I did try his other recs and they weren't doing it for me so yeah.
Guess I shouldn't really put my trust in people like him.
But I also ask? Why do I like Gigguk's recommendations and not The Critical Drinker's?
Well, for starters, Gigguk is anime and I like anime so I get where he's coming from. The Drinker doesn't really have much for me aside from the anti-woke ranting every now and then.
Gigguk breaks it down when he recommends something with a tad of memes thrown in the mix and it makes for an enjoyable viewing experience.
The Critical Drinker just makes some quips and, to be honest, a tad obnoxious use of some memes and sound effects, especially "The Message" in his vids. That isn't really something I particularly enjoy.
And when I do say this out loud, it would be considered as trolling or something and that really isn't what I'm trying to do.
And then they would say vile stuff to me and I have seen some shit and read some crap that would even destroy people like me and I really fear that.
Gigguk steers clear of controversy as much as he can and he does poke jabs at woke culture like cancel culture and Twitter ranters but that's about it and that's how much I can stomach.
The Critical Drinker comes off as too strong and when I can't stomach it, I'll be considered a wimp and that's not fun. Even fucking 4chan is not that toxic, the movie and tv boards I mean.
Politically Incorrect and R9k and random is a given sure but you expect that from there. I just want the Drinker to present why the movie is shit instead of calling it woke and using surface level literary stuff that's probably not up to snuff with a Tumblr post.
Dumbsville, an equally anti-woke dude is leagues better than The Drinker in reviewing. He likes Arcane, okay, but I want to fucking reject Arcane because of that now cause I feel like he tainted it with his "approval".
I am so fucking glad, Gigguk convinced me to watch it first before that esteemed gentleman whom I have been referring to as The Critical Drinker had the chance to taint it for me. And have you seen his review, dude doesn't know the difference between an MMORPG and an FPS. Gigguk's review of Arcane is superior for the sole reason that he gets the culture and the memes.
I found the Drinker back in the day cause of my anti-woke attitude and I still have an anti-woke attitude, just that I've mellowed out. I will admit though that his video on what is woke is one of the best videos on the topic to date and for that reason I will salute him but aside from that, I'm not a fan of him.
Although his podcast interviews are not too bad, he seems chill when he's not unhinged.
So if you guys like the type of content where it's Sargon of Akkad but for movies, TV, Pop culture and Western culture war with a side of snarkiness that's too much for my sensible sensibilities, then The Drinker is for you. I recommend starting with his Why Modern Movies Suck series. A good start.
Then Gigguk for the animes. And I have a lot to say about some anitubers but that's for another post here.
If you're confused as to where I stand with the Drinker, I'm in the middle of the fence that leans into the dislike team more. Like my feet is on the dislike team's side of the fence but I also hear the like and revere side and I understand some of what they're saying but not really getting into it, y'know? If it weren't for The Drinker making that one video defining woke, which I have been looking for years and where he was not a tad bit unhinged, I would've hated the guy and my past self for even liking his videos and his talking points.
I guess I just need someone to break down the woke movies of the modern day in a not so strong way. Dumbsville and Filmento come to mind. And they're a much more interesting watch than The Drinker is for the modern me.
I just can't help but think as to what the anti-woke internet would say about my opinion. Would they cancel me?
Would they label me a troll?
Would they see me as a threat that deserves termination?
Will they bully me?
Will they harass me?
Will they kick me out of their groups and circles?
So many questions that all hinges on what other people would think of me. They say to try to listen to your side but I tried that before and tries their recommendations and that just didn't do it for me. I have bad taste according to someone online but my brother also says that to me and I think I'm okay.
I just have to consume more media before I get the urge to move to more thought-provoking media.
I want to keep talking here but I should stop now. Let me check. Okay, checked. Not long enough.
So about my anti-woke past, I started my internet journey on Pinterest and then Tumblr and then Facebook before I was introduced to 4chan and Reddit.
I was seeing these posts on Pinterest about gay stuff and trans pride and all that without knowing what it all was but I do remember my reaction to it, it was confusion and a bit of not too fond of what it was.
I still had a very favorable view of Pinterest as a whole of course. Then I went to Tumblr where the porn was still all the rage back then. Loved the things I discovered there. Didn't really had the capacity of higher thought to make posts like this back then. I was just existing and that's okay.
So I was not aware of what anti-woke was or what Gamergate was or why it was happening but I know that there are some things I dislike in Pinterest that I wanted to say something about and Reddit and 4chan came to me. Introduced to me by a friend, these two were my go to back in 2018 to 2019. I was also starting to develop an anti-woke sentiment based on the things I see. I already had a dislike of strong stuff so things that sound like The Critical Drinker I steered clear off.
I discovered KotakuInAction (Gamergate), TumblrinAction (Anti-Tumblr but quite nuanced) and SocialJusticeinAction (unhinged but less interesting brother) and I enjoyed and lapped up all the things they said. How gays are ruining media (one can argue that it is true, new characters are more favorable than rewrites and I have a lot to say about rewrites) and how the ESG focused companies are bowing down to the woke mob (which I pretty much agree, I have the idea that if the people crying doesn't know what the thing they're trying to change is then they're not worth jack and is best to be ignored or provide a polite reply that says no).
I started with the news article reviewing sites like Mr. Obvious or No Bullshit. Obvious was better and he had this humor I liked. He was just repetitive and that really wasn't doing it for me then I started looking into anti-woke media analysis cause I always saw woke media analysis like that one Meduse and Athena are feminists and such (Yas, beotch slay!!!!; sorry I had to).
So I found the Drinker through that. He was still under a million subs and stuff but he scratched an itch.
Then the pandemic happened and the lockdowns, I got to thinking about things and I realized that being anti-woke isn't all that. How? I tried their recommendations and I wasn't really feeling them.
I tried the ones they dislike or the ones I know they will dislike and I got to enjoy those.
I still remember reading my first true LGBT webtoon called Acception and it still is my standard for LGBT media.
I had some things to go through during those years and I guess the strong opined individual is something I'm not very fond of developed greatly during that time.
I know I'm weak and I want to understand how to get better. I've been trying ever since.
I know that I went kinda off topic but hmmmm.
That's all from me for now. Go away now.
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