#which is why im a big believer in writing theory over writing advice
just-orbiting-you · 2 months
i’ve been a fan of bts since 2017 and then took and brief break in 2022 and then came back in 2023 right before FACE. so i wasn’t here for the live anon was talking about where tae went live in jungkook’s house and then JK went live right after frustrated. i’m assuming it happened in 2022 or early 2023 but i was scrolling through their weverse lives and couldn’t find it. maybe i’m blind 😭 if you could help me or explain it more plsss. also as someone who’s been a fan of jimin and jungkook’s bond for so long and have seen tae’s behavior i have to say it’s definitely something that has been so strange in the last year. to me he was never to type or be “jealous” or outright obsessed with fan service. he use to be so relaxed and comfortable in his role in BTS and knew how to please the fans without being so over dramatic with the fan service, it’s been disappointing to see cause he use to shut down things like that, best explain being “get out of that imagination of urs” (forgot how he phrased it). anyways i definitely believe you and all the anon’s have been spot on with noticing his behavior. maybe it stems from the solo eras, maybe he wasn’t confident enough in himself to achieve certain things without pleasing his biggest supports (tkkers) because when you compare his solo career to jimin there’s a big different, jimin has been very secure in himself and tried to have a solo career where it’s about him, if im not wrong he even told yoongi on his show that he didn’t wanna ask him for help writing lyrics cause he wanted to do it himself and with his producers, comparing that to tae who asked JK to use his studio and then purposely mentioned it randomly so people can talk and theorize. jimin wanted something separate from BTS and he tried his best to not mention that much or involve them, aside from the small part namjoon had in writing like crazy. anyways sorry for rambling, i haven’t really cared much about taekook and tae’s obsession with name dropping cause it seems to be one sided to me and for that i dont believe it genuine, but all of ur anon’s have opened my eyes a bit and its been interesting to read up on everything
hey anon! thank your for insights! i'm glad you've enjoyed the anon convos on this blog.
in regard to the laundry from another anon, here are the two links.
tae's live with hobi, jungkook's live afterward
of course this is just the reading of situation. after tae turns on the live in jungkook's house i think jungkook felt obligated to go on live. despite him saying he had to do his laundry, he still kept the live on. he keeps apologizing, saying they just turned it on and he didn't really have a plan to go live that day, then has a reality check mid live like "you don't need to see his side of me, what am i doing." he just seemed really frustrated, like a boundary was crossed by turning on a live in his house not on his own terms. but he also made it clear he invited the members over in their groupchat and tae and hobi showed up, which anon wrote cleared up any theories of why tae was in his house.
idk just interesting.
your comments on jimin and tae's solo careers are interesting. i too have always praised jimin for sticking with pdogg, finding his own group to make music with, and staying with them. it allows him to remain authentic in his work and i really admire that. i think he has utilized the members when he is looking for advice and talent. like namjoon is the one songwriter in his life he trusts and feels confident in, so he went to him for lyric advice. he talks to jungkook about singing, and jungkook lent his vocals for letter. it's strategic while still remaining appreciative of his member's talents. jimin seemingly is developing a passion for music making, which makes me so happy. seeing him be a little student of the rap line makes me so excited for his solo career trajectory.
tae i think has different goals in a solo career, mostly falling in line with curating a mood, aesthetic, and visuals which serve a narrative. this doesn't make him less than, but just different than jimin here. he contacted min hee-jin, used different song writers from in house, and created a r&b, jazz, pop fusion album. i wonder how he felt about deviating just slightly from how others did their projects, as he went very genre focused rather than mainstream pop and more aesthetically focused over writing lyrics personally, etc. but it think tae also worries about fan perception and feels insecure in his fan relationship, so sharing about key members keeps that in tact since he will get attention. on top of the theory that tae may not have been close to all members, but stayed close to jungkook during solo era, adds to the fact that he only shared about jungkook. if his only frequent contact was with jungkook, that's the only bts things he will have to share.
interesting to compare these two releases, thank you for your ask!
0 notes
haikyuutrash11 · 6 years
1:                                        My name?  Jess, but most online people call me Jet              
2:                                        Do I have any nicknames? I have loads of nicknames and I pretty much answer to slurred words too lmao             
3:                                        Zodiac sign? Taurus    
4:                                        Video game I play to chill, not to win? Overwatch                 
5:                                        Book/series I reread? Junjou romantica and a few others                
6:                                        Aliens or ghosts? I like both... but I guess aliens                 
7:                                        Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? @yakulev-trash               
8:                                        Favourite radio station? don't have one... oh wait... maybe kerrang                
9:                                        Favourite flavour of anything? toffee               
10:                                        The word that I use all the time to describe something great? sick                
11:                                        Favourite song? worst question to ever be asked... fuck knows fam               
12:                                        The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? got any kinks? lmao               
13:                                        Favourite word? yaaaars               
14:                                        The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? my ex and no I do not               
15:                                        Last song I listened to? post Malone better now              
16:                                        TV show I always recommend? the big bang theory or anything Michael McIntyre                 
17:                                        Pirates or ninjas? ninjas                 
18:                                        Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? I don't really watch a lot of films to be honest               
19:                                        Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? at the moment BTS- idol ft minaj                
20:                                        Favourite video games? overwatch, rayman, bloodbourne                 
21:                                        What am I most afraid of? losing my son               
22:                                        A good quality of mine? non judgemental                
23:                                        A bad quality of mine? quick to assume                
24:                                        Cats or dogs? dogs               
25:                                        Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Jason stathem                 
26:                                        Favourite season? winter                 
27:                                        Am I in a relationship? no im happily single                
28:                                        Something I miss? lay ins                 
29:                                        My best friend? Jody and wife                
30:                                        Eye colour? blue               
31:                                        Hair colour? at the moment its half purple half red               
32:                                        Someone I love? Yaku! my omega :D               
33:                                        Someone I trust? my mum                
34:                                        Someone I always think about? my son                
35:                                        Am I excited about anything? Haikyuu season 4               
36:                                        My current obsession? Reinhardt x Lucio smut               
37:                                        Favourite TV shows as a child? Sailor moon and digimon                
38:                                        Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? yeah, my gay American friend Jacob                
39:                                        Am I superstitious? nahhhh                
40:                                        What do I think about most? getting all my shit sorted                
41:                                        Do I have any strange phobias? ……. nunu from teletubies and wind turbines                 
42:                                        Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind it                
43:                                        Favourite hobbies? writing, gaming, painting, drawing                
44:                                        Last book I read? deviations submissions                 
45:                                        Last film I watched? 47 ronin               
46:                                        Do I play any instruments? I used to play the violin and guitar. but don't anymore, although I do want to learn piano                
47:                                        Favourite animal? leopard                
48:                                        Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? bun that               
49:                                        Superpower I wish I could have? telekinesis                 
50:                                        How do I destress? vape                
51:                                        Do I like confrontation? mate I love that shit                 
52:                                        When do I feel most at peace? when im cuddling my son                 
53:                                        What makes me smile? a few things... okay a lot of things but too many things to name                 
54:                                        Do I sleep with the lights on or off? off, what made man sleeps with them on?!?!               
55:                                        Play any sports? pfffffft               
56:                                        What is my song of the week? why is there so many song questions                
57:                                        Favourite drink? milk                
58:                                        When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? ………… hand...…. written...…. letter?               
59:                                        Afraid of heights? nope               
60:                                        Pet peeve? chewing gum loudly               
61:                                        What was the last concert I went to see? reading festival and I only went to see metallica lol                
62:                                        Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? no                
63:                                        What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? red arrow pilot               
64:                                        Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? yeah                 
65:                                        What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Haikyuu… and I would be such a slut lol                
66:                                        Something I worry about? all the legal stuff im going through right now               
67:                                        Scared of the dark? embrace the dark                 
68:                                        Who are my best friends? what... like you want me to name them all?????                
69:                                        What do I admire most about others? honesty. if a person is honest with me all the way through then I will really appreciate them                
70:                                        Can I sing? don't think so                
71:                                        Something I wish I could do? dance and play the piano                 
72:                                        If I won the lottery, what would I do? treat my mum and dad to what ever they wanted and the fly over to Hawaii and be with my omega and then move to Japan               
73:                                        Have I ever skipped school? no kids don't skip school!               
74:                                        Favourite place on the planet? Tokyo                 
75:                                        Where do I want to live? Tokyo                 
76:                                        Do I have any pets? nope              
77:                                        What is my current desktop picture? Kuroo and Tsukki in suits sat on a sofa                
78:                                        Early bird or night owl? night owl                
79:                                        Sunsets or sunrise? sunsets               
80:                                        Can I drive? legally no               
81:                                        Story behind my last kiss? goodbye lmao               
82:                                        Earphones or headphones? headphones              
83:                                        Have I ever had braces? yes for 2 years then I didn't wear my retainer and they moved back lmao               
84:                                        Story behind one of my scars? I have a scar at the top of my finger where I caught it in the part of the door where it locks and I was on skates and slipped and chopped my finger off. I went running to my mum and she put the tip back on and rushed me to hospital lmao               
85:                                        Favourite genre of music? metal               
86:                                        Who is my hero? my mum                
87:                                        Favourite comic book character? do overwatch comics count? if so then Genji                
88:                                        What makes me really angry? having to repeat myself                
89:                                        Kindle or real book?  real book              
90:                                        Favourite sporty activity? *throws up*                
91:                                        What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? sorting out bullies                
92:                                        What was my favourite subject at school?                
93:                                        Siblings? yes 3... 2 sisters and 1 brother               
94:                                        What was the last thing I bought? bread                
95:                                        How tall am I? 5″8
96:                                        Can I cook? yes I can                
97:                                        Can I bake? indeed                 
98:                                        3 things I love? anime, Tsukki, and petals               
99:                                        3 things I hate? slow updates, not getting haikyuu season 4 and my ex lmao                
100:                                        Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? boy friends                
101:                                        Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? usually boys               
102:                                        Where was I born? Hastings UK                
103:                                        Sexual orientation? pansexual               
104:                                        Where do I currently live? Hastings                
105:                                        Last person I texted? my mum                
106:                                        Last time I cried? I couple of weeks ago                 
107:                                        Guilty pleasure? im not guilty about any of my pleasures ;)                
108:                                        Favourite Youtuber? the anime man                
109:                                        A photo of myself. nope                
110:                                        Do I like selfies? if im the one taking it                
111:                                        Favourite game app? summoners war               
112:                                        My relationship with my parents? really good with mum and a bit rocky with dad                
113:                                        Favourite accents? Australian                 
114:                                        A place I have not been but wish to visit? Hawaii to visit my omega                 
115:                                        Favourite number?  7             
116:                                        Can I juggle? not a chance                 
117:                                        Am I religious? science                 
118:                                        Do I like space? yes               
119:                                        Do I like the deep ocean? nooooooo                
120:                                        Am I much of a daredevil? yeah, stupidly sometimes ahahaha               
121:                                        Am I allergic to anything? peanuts               
122:                                        Can I curl my tongue?  yeah I can ;)              
123:                                        Can I wiggle my ears?  yeeeeeee              
124:                                        Do I like clowns? I don't hate clowns?               
125:                                        The Beatles or Elvis? the beatles                
126:                                        My current project? wildest dreams                
127:                                        Am I a bad loser? sometimes               
128:                                        Do I admit when I wrong? yes I do                 
129:                                        Forest or beach? forest                
130:                                        Favourite piece of advice? “each day is a gift and not a given right” 
131:                                        Am I a good liar? I am really!!! shit at lying. I twitch and stutter, its not pretty.                
132:                                        Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Hogwarts house- Slytherin                
133:                                        Do I talk to myself? sometimes                 
134:                                        Am I very social? I can be                 
135:                                        Do I like gossip? its like asking if I like to breath                
136:                                        Do I keep a journal/diary? nahhhhh               
137:                                        Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? I failed a few tests                 
138:                                        Do I believe in second chances? yeah                
139:                                        If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? find the ID and return it                
140:                                        Do I believe people are capable of change? no                
141:                                        Have I ever been underweight? nahhhhhh               
142:                                        Am I ticklish? yes, very...its embarrassing                 
143:                                        Have I ever been in a submarine? I have but it wasn't going under water lol                
144:                                        Have I ever been on a plane? indeed I have                
145:                                        In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? rebel Wilson to be me, Melissa McCarthy to be my mum lol                
146:                                        Have I ever been overweight? yeah still am a thic bit ahaha               
147:                                        Do I have any piercings? yes I have 10                
148:                                        Which fictional character do I wish was real? Tsukki or Kuroo maybe even Yamaguchi for best friend material or Tanaka for banta                 
149:                                        Do I have any tattoos? yes I have 4                
150:                                        What is the best decision I have made in life so far? to break up with my ex lmao                
151:                                        Do I believe in Karma? 100%              
152:                                        Do I wear glasses or contacts? no I have perfect vision                 
153:                                        What was my first car? n/a                
154:                                        Do I want children? if I didn't then I would be pretty fucked now ahaha                
155:                                        Who is the most intelligent person I know? I did have a friend called Aaron and he was very very very very smart                 
156:                                        My most embarrassing memory? I don't get embarrassed                
157:                                        What makes me nostalgic? the smell of clay                
158:                                        Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? yes many times                 
159:                                        Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains                
160:                                        What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? black lmao!!                
161:                                        Have I ever had a paranormal experience? yeah loads lol                 
162:                                        What do I hate most about myself? my weight                 
163:                                        What do I love most about myself? ugh.... my humour lol                 
164:                                        Do I like adventure? hell yeah!               
165:                                        Do I believe in fate? yes I do               
166:                                        Favourite animal? …. wasn't this already asked? well in case you forgot! leopard                 
167:                                        Have I ever been on radio? nope                
168:                                        Have I ever been on TV? yes I have hehehehe               
169:                                        How old am I? 25                
170:                                        One of my favourite quotes? because we don't have wings we look for ways to fly                 
171:                                        Do I hold grudges? a few                
172:                                        Do I trust easily?  no I really don't               
173:                                        Have I learnt from my mistakes? yeah, its important to always learn from your mistakes               
174:                                        Best gift I’ve ever received? a child               
175:                                        Do I dream? I dream big fam                 
176:                                        Have I ever had a night terror? yeah and its fucking horrible and wouldn't wish it upon anyone!!               
177:                                        Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? I do remember most of my dreams. one that comes to mind was a very very smutty one between a haikyuu pairing but I wont say it because ill be adding it to wildest dreams hehehehehe               
178:                                        An experience that has made me stronger? a break up from a long term relationship has made me grow as a person                 
179:                                        If I were immortal, what would I do? try and become what ive always wanted to                 
180:                                        Do I like shopping? I love shopping but only if I know what im going for or if I have money to spend                
181:                                        If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? murder                
182:                                        What does “family” mean to me? it means home                 
183:                                        What is my spirit animal? a leopard or a bunny lol                 
184:                                        How do I want to be remembered? I want to be remembered for having a sense of humour and for being very accepting                
185:                                        If I could master one skill, what would I choose? dancing                
186:                                        What is my greatest failure? not passing some gcse’s
187:                                        What is my greatest achievement? becoming a mum               
188:                                        Love or money? love                
189:                                        Love or career? career               
190:                                        If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? to the future about 5 years                
191:                                        What makes me the happiest? when my son is laughing and when I talk to the people I love                 
192:                                        What is “home” to me? home is where the heart is                
193:                                        What motivates me? ive had to be my own motivator most of my life                 
194:                                        If I could choose my last words, what would they be? just lost the game               
195:                                        Would I ever want to encounter aliens? yeah but the seem to only kid nap dumb arses                 
196:                                        A movie that scared me as a child? robo cop lmao                 
197:                                        Something I hated as a child that I like now? toad in the hole               
198:                                   ��    Zombies or vampires? vampires                
199:                                        Live in the city or suburbs? city                 
200:                                        Dragons or wizards? dragons                
201:                                        A nightmare that has stayed with me? dunno               
202:                                        How do I define love? it cant be defined by another person, each person has to figure out there own type of love and for what reason and if it matters to them then no one else can judge                
203:                                        Do I judge a book by its cover? hell no I don't! I love people for who they are as a person not there appearance                
204:                                        Have I ever had my heart broken? yes of course                 
205:                                        Do I like my handwriting? nahhhh my hand writing is horrible                 
206:                                        Sweet or savoury? savoury                
207:                                        Worst job I’ve had? caravan park... cleaning them ><               
208:                                        Do I collect anything? anime stuff!!! :D               
209:                                        Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? shoes lmao!               
210:                                        What is on my bucket list? to move to Japan, to learn Japanese, to become an author, to learn an instrument.... the list goes on                 
211:                                        How do I handle anger? not very well ahahahaha               
212:                                        Was I named after anyone? no I wasn't                 
213:                                        Do I use sarcasm a lot? pfffft me? would I ever? of course not! *looks to the corner*                
214:                                        What TV character am I most like? ermmmmmmmmmmmm I would say a mix between Rosa from Brooklyn nine nine and Michael McIntyre                
215:                                        What is the weirdest talent I have? erm… I can twitch my nose and move my ears at the same time without touching them               
216:                                        Favourite fictional character? Tsukki 
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Wendy McElroy: Interview With Jeffrey Tucker on All Things Crypto, Part Two
Interview with Jeffrey Tucker on All Things Crypto, Part Two
Conducted by Wendy McElroy
The multi-faceted Jeffrey Tucker is an American writer who focuses on market freedom, anarcho-capitalism, and cryptotech. He is the author of eight books on economics, politics, and culture, a much-sought after conference speaker, and an Internet entrepreneur. Jeffrey is editorial director and vice president of the venerable American Institute for Economic Research, founded in 1933. His career has focused on building many of the web’s primary portals for commentary and research on liberty, and is undertaking new adventures in publishing today.
I have incredible good fortune, as Jeff has written the preface to my book “The Satoshi Revolution,” which will be published in early 2019 by bitcoin.com. Meanwhile, a rough draft of the book is available online for free, compliments of bitcoin.com. Be sure to come back for the substantially-rewritten and thoroughly-edited book. I expect there will be a forum established here for me to chat with readers and answer their questions.
To access Part One of this interview, please click here.
Wendy: I was very impressed by an article in which you argued against the idea that Misesian regression theorem invalidated bitcoin as a money. For readers, the Regression theorem claims “Any valid medium of exchange (money) has to have a previous use as something else.” Could you offer an overview of your argument?
Jeff: Mises’s argument was that the root value of money traces to a conjectural history in which the pre-money form was deployed, for example, in barter. By 1949, Mises became hardened in this view: money had to originate in barter; there is no other path. From a historical point of view, this is probably correct. But it is a theoretically misleading formulation.
To understand the theory behind the conjectural history, you have to return to Mises’s original 1912 argument. Here he is more precise. In order for something to become money, it had to have a pre-existing use value. Use value. That’s not the same thing as being used in barter trade. His point was that you can’t take a useless thing and call it money and expect it to take flight.
How can we reconstruct the history of Bitcoin to discern if this applies here? From the January 2009 genesis block until October of that year, Bitcoin’s posted dollar exchange value was exactly $0. And yet we know, because we have a perfect historical record, that there were many thousands of trades being made all these 10 months. What was happening? What was going on? This was a period in which the network was being tested by enthusiasts. What does this network do? It permits the peer-to-peer exchange of immutable information packets on a geographically non-contiguous basis using the Internet so that they can come and go without corruption or compromise.
Is this a valuable service and does it work? This is what was being tested. By October, the use value of this network had proven itself, and so we began to see the emergence of a dollar/Bitcoin exchange ratio. That is to say, Bitcoin was priced as a scarce good. We can see, then, that the conditions of the “Regression Theorem” as theory are met via the services provided by the blockchain. You can also see, however, that if an economist looking at this did not understand the payment system embedded as part of the monetary technology, he or she would be completely befuddled.
To be sure, some very smart people disagree with me. My friend William Luther is blunt about his opinion about his matter. He thinks the Regression Theorem is just wrong, so it doesn’t matter if Bitcoin is theoretically compliant. He once made the argument to me and pretty much backed me into a corner. If he turns out to be correct, I’m fine with that. What matters more, my theory or existing reality? I faced that problem in early 2013 and concluded that I had, as a matter of intellectual integrity, to defer to reality, even if it meant admitting the wrongness of my position or even that of Mises’s. Shocking, I know!
Wendy: The crypto community parallels the libertarian one, in ways both good and bad. An example of the latter is the deep personal schisms with which it is rift. You are a person who stays away from internecine battles. What advice do you have to others who wish to do the same?
Jeff: I try to stay focused on the big picture and imagine that my audience is not my friend network but rather the general public. I try to serve that readership. That means no Twitter wars. No flame wars at all. Plus, I’ve seen vast destruction spread by vicious internecine battles. I’ve seen friendships wrecked, bad theory perpetrated by virtue of ego alone, massive setbacks take place in understanding and marketing. Also, there are some people who are ideologically attached to the friend/enemy distinction. Unless they are smashing someone and hitting “the enemy” they think they are not working. It’s extremely strange how some people thrive off this posture.
To be sure, I have no trouble taking a stand, as I have when libertarians have wrongly drifted left and right. Why? I like to seek greater intellectual clarity and share my thoughts with others, in hopes that I can help others understand too. I’m not seeking saints and not looking to burn witches. I try to choose my battles carefully and stay focused on doing productive work, cooperating with anyone who thinks, writes, and acts in good faith. That’s the main thing to ask yourself, not “Who have you destroyed today?” but rather, “What kind of light have I brought to the world today?”
Wendy: Different explanations of crypto’s recent plunge in price have been advanced. Some people point to increased government regulation, especially in China and in the U.S., where the SEC is taking active steps against the crypto community. Many believe the tumble resulted from a bursting bubble that was created by surging prices earlier in 2018. Still others speak of manipulation by “the whales.” These explanations are not mutually exclusive, of course. But do you favor one over the other? Do you have another explanation?
Jeff: It’s impossible to untangle all of this, and many of the factors you name are right, but let me add another issue. The amazing bull market of 2017 was fueled by wild optimism and adoption. People in the space were ready to rock. Then this optimism was massively interrupted by a terrible realization. Bitcoin would not scale. It stopped behaving like Bitcoin and started becoming more expensive and slower than regular credit cards. To use street parlance, it sucked. It was an amazing thing to have happened. It was a true calamity. And to top it off, it was completely the fault of the guardians of the code. When the code would not adapt to broader use, the optimism turned to pessimism and we experienced a huge setback.
By the way, I’ve worked for years with people who are geniuses at code but completely stupid when it comes to the user experience. It was the tragedy of Bitcoin that it fell prey to exactly this same problem. Coders desperately desire cleanliness, zero bloat, no cruft, perfect logic. It’s an old joke in the community that a coder invites you to use his new program but all you see on the black screen is a blinking green cursor. “Of course I still have to write the user interface.”
The OCD-ish mind of coders is a great thing for some purposes but this outlook has never prevailed in the commercial marketplace. In the early 1990s, there was a great battle over word processors. Microsoft kept making Word larger and larger, puffed with cruft, and the code monkeys were screaming that this was a disaster in the making. For my own part, I hated Word in those days and completely agreed that the hard-to-use light-weight programs were better.
But guess what? The market disagreed. Moore’s Law kicked it as it always does and eventually Word destroyed the competition. Why? Because it had more features that users like. Eventually the code got clean again and now Word itself has many elegant competitors. This is the normal progression of any software with a consumer focus.
Incredibly, some people with the keys to the kingdom of Bitcoin actually came to imagine that they could develop a digital money without an efficient, consumer-focussed use case. They drove a wedge between two functions: store of value and medium of exchange. This is not how much work. One function depends on the other. The freeze in the development of Bitcoin, in the name of staying light and elegant, was a fool’s errand. During all the scaling debates of 2014-16, they dug in their heels, shouting slogans, guarding their small blocks, instead of thinking about adoption and scaling when the time came.
When the time did come, Bitcoin did not perform. It fact – and it pains me to say this – it completely flopped.
Old school Bitcoiners like me were horrified to see it all happening. It was like an old friend had become possessed. When the mempools exploded, and the miners were in a position to ration trades based on price, it would cost $20 to send $2. This was in the fall and winter of 2017. It was absolutely disgraceful, and all the more so because the newly emergent “maximalists” defended this preposterous reality, acting if as this was part of the plan all along. They were like PeeWee Herman explaining that when he fell off the bike that he “meant to do that.” They flagrantly ignored even the title of the White Paper. Then the fork came in August of 2017, as it necessarily had to. But then followed a tremendous explosion of tokens of all sorts.
I don’t regret the competition, and I think this is all a good thing. I’m not a Bitcoin Maximalist. I’m a Competition Maximalist. But the absurdities of Bitcoin’s performance could have been completely avoided with just a bit of concern for the user. I would love it if we could perform a controlled experiment and see the BTC price today if the thing had properly scaled. We can’t do that. We have the reality we have.
Privately, of course, Bitcoin Core developers will admit that this was a disaster and that scaling will eventually take place on the chain. But at this point, pride and arrogance had gotten the best of them. How long will they continue to promise the Lightning Network while showing no concern for the use case? It’s time for a bit of humility.
To be sure, the Lightning Network is super great. We run a node at the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy. I look forward to its final stability and adoption. The problem is that this was proposed as an eventual solution to the scaling problem that currently exists. Real-time technological development has to deal with problems in real time according to the time schedule of the market rate of adoption. Markets don’t obey code architects; the reverse has to be the case. Bitcoin Core forgot that at the very point it mattered most.
Wendy: Whatever the probable explanation(s), do you have a sense of when or whether crypto markets are likely to rebound significantly? Do you have a sense of what will cause a rebound or prevent one?
Jeff: Like all enthusiasts, I do expect a turnaround. Remember that I’ve been in these markets since BTC was $14. I’ve seen wild swings and long periods of nothingness. I’m prepared for anything.
Wendy: A debate within crypto parallels one I have heard between gold bugs. That is, should one take physical possession of precious metals, or they can be stored with reputable entities. In crypto, the parallel argument is whether coins should be in private wallets with undisclosed keys, or can they be stored with exchanges that do not demand possession of the keys?
Jeff: That is an interesting parallel! I think it is a valid one. I’m disappointed with the rise of what are effectively Bitcoin Banks that now dominate the market. I’ve reluctantly concluded that there is indeed a demand for financial intermediation, even within crypto. Here is a case where my own preferences are being overridden by market choice. That said, intermediation in crypto is not going to have the problems that it does in a central banking world. We have transparency. We have clear lines of ownership. We know the difference between money and a money substitute. I don’t necessarily think that intermediation is an evil thing in the crypto world.
Wendy: Any other thoughts you’d like to share on this subject?
Jeff: I would council Bitcoiners and anyone who sees the potential of this technology to be patient. Think back to railroads and how they came to be. The headlines were all about land speculation, wildcat banks, stock fraud, bankruptcies, and crashes. The reality, in the end, was a transformed world. It was true with the Internet too. People said for years that no one could make money on the Internet. The dotcom crash of 2000 seemed to prove it. Now Internet commerce leads the world. It will be a long time before crypto becomes competitive with nationalized money, and even longer before the pundit class comes around.
The important point is that we have the knowledge. We have the technology. We know now that it is possible. It can be done. There is no longer any excuse for not turning over the production and management of money itself to the market.
Also let us not forget what matters most. Bitcoin is a technology but the goal is much more grand: a better, more peaceful, more prosperous world. I’ve seen it myself how this works. When you pull down the barriers, when you provide opportunities for people to cooperate, beautiful things happen. I see it constantly at the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy. This is a place where people from all walks of life come together in a spirit of joyful cooperation to build the future. This inspires me more than anything else and points to the kind of future that can be built by a P2P technology. It’s a microcosm of what life in the cryptocon can be like.
Wendy: Thank you, Jeff! This has been fascinating.
[To be continued next week.]
Reprints of this article should credit Bitcoin.com and include a link back to the book
Wendy McElroy has “published” her new book The Satoshi Revolution exclusively with Bitcoin.com. However, things aren’t over yet. Every Saturday you’ll find another installment in a series of interviews about sections of the book with people like Doug Casey, L.Neil Smith, Jeff Tucker, Carl Watner…and so on. Altogether they’ll make up her new book ”The Satoshi Revolution”.
The post Wendy McElroy: Interview With Jeffrey Tucker on All Things Crypto, Part Two appeared first on Bitcoin News.
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