#which is the take I'm going for in his post-Genshin verse
reginrokkr · 7 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐗𝐗. A recent Discord conversation made me want to look into the references I've posted on this blog and I couldn't help myself but take special attention on a few ones that point towards how horrible is to be cursed and corrupted once you are, be it by pure corruption or even Eleazar:
◜Craven trespassers… the majestic one’s dark curse… is inescapable…◞ ◜…In death… there is awakening…◞  (Buliwyf, Guardian of the Desolation.)
◜Depart! Depart…! The shadow of the omnipresent struggle is not something you can bear!◞ ◜...The echoes of the end… will never… subside…◞ (Herger, Jester of Bloody Tears)
◜…Void emptiness… everything is… void…◞ (Rethel, Slain of the Split Bow)
...The curse... inescapable... but... we will be reunited... (Sealed Orders — Khaenri'ahn / Schwanenritter).
And how this has very dark connotations when linked with King Irmin as per one of his statuette's descriptions, but more likely than not the crystallized entity met in Caribert that, according to Chlothar, "blessed" him and Caribert but it could be just as good as the curse described by all these Khaenri'ahns.
A one-eyed carving that emanates an ominous energy, with no indication of what it’s made of. As you gaze upon this idol, you can almost hear a strange, comforting whisper… “See, my child. All that lies under the throne of heaven shall be destroyed by upheaval. The eternal peace of the pitch-dark void shall embrace us all.” (Deathly Statuette)
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smpgta-ptls · 2 years
I'm here for my monthly post (though I think I'll start being more active here again)
I've been into genshin lately, and I suddenly had that thought, what visions would the black clover characters have?
So here are what visions I think the bc characters would have and why, just for funsies ! Also a disclaimer, the reasons for gaining visions are just what I've searched. I'm not 100% sure if it's canon but I'll go with it for now.
(we're going with Asta, Noelle, Julius, and Mereoleona for today. Maybe I'll do some other characters at some point, ask for characters if you'd like.)
Geo Vision. At first I thought this guy would have an electro vision because they're given out to people who are perceived as different, and given how Asta has no magic at all and ultimately stands out in the bc-verse, I think that his perseverance to achieve his goal of being wizard king shines out more compared to his magicless-ness.
Geo Visions are characterized by having a very goal someone wants to achieve, it's like fulfilling a contract to achieve that goal in a sense (based on what I've read), and Black Clover as a whole basically revolves on Asta's journey and his determination to becoming wizard king. He's always going "I'm not done yet!" And he's never going to be done until he completes the "contract" he made with himself and to yuno as a kid, not until he either becomes wizard king or proves to everyone that he doesn't need magic to be successful.
My baby, my lovely, my number one in everything. My poor princess is getting an anemo vision.
Anemo Visions are characterized by a person wanting to achieve, or who has already achieved, what they perceive as freedom. Noelle has many things that she wants to be free from— the guilt of being the one to 'kill' her mother, the expectations (or lack thereof) of her siblings, or just the terrible shitshow of a life she's had so far. It was also shown from the magic knights exam itself (wherein Nozel tells her that her path is set in stone, and that she has no choice but to go with the bulls) that Noelle doesn't really have much of a say in things, and not much freedom to choose for herself what she wants to do.
Noelle has always been a follower and was never really independent in making choices for her life until she entered the bulls (even then it's like she's not used to making her own choices, so she usually looks at what the bulls do for guidance). There's also that bonus cliché of anemo characters having someone close to them dying, which in Noelle's case it'd be Acier.
This guy is a dendro user, definitely. At first I thought his passion for magic would give him a pyro vision, but then I realized that his passion is for knowledge. To know the inner workings of the elements and magical technology, and he regularly goes out of his way and avoids his duties just to learn more about as much diverse magic types as he can.
Dendro Visions are characterized by people who seek out knowledge/wisdom, which I think fits Julius perfectly.
To be honest, it was difficult for me to decide what vision Mereo would have, and in the end I settled for either an electro vision or an anemo vision. All I knew is that it definitely wasn't pyro— and no, it's not because her magic is already fire.
"but Mereo is passionate about getting stronger." And she is! It's one of the main reasons she left clover in the first place. But the thing is, while she does enjoy getting stronger and fighting strong opponents, it is not her sole passion. She left Vermillion Palace because she was a free soul and did not want to be restricted by the duty of being the eldest, or the duty of being a royal in general. The rules set in place in clover also restricting her from growing in the way she wants to. She found following the rules to be too stuffy and was a very free spirit who preferred to take a journey by herself and discover what she could. Mereoleona is not someone that likes being tied down to one place and wants the freedom of going wherever life takes her. By leaving the duties of being captain to her brother and leaving clover, she had in a sense achieved what she sees as freedom, and I think that rewards her an anemo vision.
But I think that electro would suit her as well. Electro visions are characterized by someone being set apart/ notably different from the norm (ex; razor, who was raised by wolves, keqing, who doesn't believe in the existence/divinity of gods, beidou, who defeated a sea beast w/o a vision, etc.) Which is why I thought Asta to be electro at first. Mereoleona would suit an electro vision, I think, because her desire and thirst for strong opponents just ultimately transcends that of a normal humans. After getting her grimoire she essentially became a hermit that lived in the wild, and so the way her personality shaped and how she is as a whole is so wildly different from how people usually are, from how nobles usually are.
So yeah those are my takes and boy did I have fun writing all that. :DD
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unboundtravels · 8 months
𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲
send  🎲  and i’ll place our muses into this generator and post the resulting muse combinations and a few ideas on how to make it work!
I'm not gonna lie to you, Charlie— I got a lot of really good matchups. I'll confess I did keep it limited to Star Rail and Genshin, but I included all your primary & secondary muses. I did include your secret menu as we did start writing together via an experiment with Dottore, but I balanced it out my including the muses from my request-only page. In total, that gave us an even split of twenty from your list and eighteen from mine. I even included my experimental Doctor's, just for fun (Though none of those pairings made the list, sadly). Here's what I see working. A lot of Time War pairings here because of my current hyperfixations, but I tried to give a lot of options.
  Dottore [Master!Verse] * The Scarf Doctor [Time War]
How could I resist? I mean, truly? How could I? It was at the top of the fucking list. The way we crafted this verse together really made me feel like your interpretation of The Master and the take you brought to just my crackpot verse idea got me so hooked that it pretty much cemented that your Dottore was Scarf's Master, through and through. I believe The Doctor & The Master have a yin & yang vibe, where each incarnation of The Doctor has their version of The Master (Pertwee/Delgado, Simm/Tennant, Gomez/Capaldi) and it really felt like we'd hit that kind of right cord with Dottore/Scarf. So the idea of these two running into each other again when Scarf is at his lowest? Oh, the drama would be palpable. Even though it's labeled as his time war verse, I still would probably set this pre-time war, and show an encounter that happened just before it. Maybe an adaptation of Eight & MacQueen meeting in Dark Eyes, during a mission for The Timelords— both of them on the opposite ends. Or, during a run-of-the-mill scheme for The Master, in which The Doctor reunites with his old foe. I'm limiting myself to one pairing with The Dottore Master, though. However, out of all of the options on here? This spoke the HIGHEST. A more somber and more focused Scarf going toe-to-toe with the incarnation of The Master that I really think tests him? Exquisite. Palpable. The Flavors are melting on my mouth.
ELIO * The War Doctor
I mean truly. Truly. This is just a match up I think the both of us know in our hearts— that it would just go absolutely insane. Could Elio read the future of the Time War? Does he prepare his hunters for it? Do they factor into it? Whether or not we want to reference the Stellaron Hunters from my verse or from your canon, it can go either way. While I don't know what would prompt them to meet (or clash) I can see The War Doctor and Elio having some tense moments. If Elio knows the future, would he taunt The Doctor with that? If he can only see one of two possible destinies (Mutally Assured Destruction or the destruction of the entire universe) would he prompt The Doctor toward one or the other? Did he foresee that War would push the button and fundementally shake the foundations of the universe? Did that factor into his plan with Nanook and The Trailblazer? Did he need to engineer his own survival of the war? Lots of questions, tons of possible directions. All of them intense and dramatic, for sure.
Jing Yuan * Rassilon [Final Days]
The Multiverse is for sure wild. That's all I'll say. We've experimented with a lot more wilder concepts. I was listening to Gallifrey Time War 2 earlier today, and within the first fifteen minutes, Rassilon declared anyone who did not declare themselves allies of Gallifrey enemies. Those planets who were declared enemies were subject to invasion and the establishment of military bases, essentially altering Gallifreyan tradition into a more imperial practice. The Luofu and The Timelords coming head to head would be an extremely tense face off, especially with a late stage Rassilon who isn't taking any prisoners and isn't making any negotiations. What a ride this could be.
Freminet * The First Doctor
Who lost they fuckin' GRAMMA???? cRAZY THREAD. This was just on here because I thought it would be extremely funny. The First Doctor and Freminet meet and through circumstances that align them, they start workig together. As a grandmother and a parental figure, she acts instinctively like just Mom the entire thread and there's a natural forming parental relationship that forms across the short thread. It's just a sweet little antics-driven thread that is full of laughs and heartfelt moments.
Dan Heng * The War Master
 For this thread we just entirely imply that Lunaetis/Hina is The Trailblazer for both our muses. The reason I mention that is because The Master absolutely fucks with Dan Heng the whole time just because Dan Heng is friends with The Trailblazer. During a routine Astral Express mission, Dan Heng comes across The Master's Time War incarnation. He's up to his nefarious schemes and because The War Master is just a Jacobi-exuding charismatic jack-the-ripper pyschopath, he just absolutely torments Dan Heng the entire thread. Maybe passively, like getting him into situations that overwhelm him and doing nothing to help at all. It starts that way, but then descends into utter maddess. Dan Heng makes it out alive, but The War Master is out there... and things are only going to get worse for the rest of the universe.
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crownshattered · 11 months
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|| I'll make a google doc of this (along with her genshin verse) AFTER Wednesday, but here's some notes about her twst verse~)
Loosely twisted off of Vanessa (Ursula) from The Little Mermaid... Loosely because, while my thoughts about her do stem from a general idea of Vanessa, she doesn't actually have anything to do with Azul nor his storyline. Regardless, Aria is based off of Vanessa if you completely separate her from Ursula, so if she was her own individual character without any mention of Ursula.
Let's start off with some details about the ocean and merfolk... Sirens are completely outlawed. In my merfolk info post, I mentioned that being a siren is both a lifestyle and a subclass of the species. Now that humans and merfolk are on close terms, the royal family of the Coral Sea banned merfolk from partaking in devouring humans. That doesn't actually stop them from doing it, however. Aria's family are sirens, and so is she. She grew up luring in humans and eating them. However, she will NOT be eating anyone in her twst verse. Idk yet why she was invited to NRC, but she knows she would never get away with eating humans. So she has a carnivorous diet, just not human meat. Humans wouldn't know she's a siren without her telling them, but other merfolk (and humans who study merfolk) may know that her shark-like teeth (and the fact that she isn't a shark or eel mermaid) is a sign that she's a siren.
ANYWAY back to her character in general XDD I'm taking the 'man stealer' thing and running with it XDD Aria doesn't eat people anymore, but she's still a serial romance. She's super attractive and hella alluring, even without any use of magic. And, of course, mermaid.
I may change her signature spell in the future to make it actually fit Vanessa more, but for now, I'm going with something more Aria. Her signature spell allows her to steal some of the magic reserves of someone when she kisses them. She doesn't take their spells or anything like that, but literally drains them of their magic a bit and gives herself that magic.
To add onto this, idk if I want this to be an all merfolk thing or just a siren thing, but the soundwaves of her singing can allow her to sense magic around her. So basically, whenever she sings she can feel how much magic a person who hears it has. That's how she determines who she will 'hunt'.
She is very self-serving. All she cares about is herself. You can try to romance her, but she'll just be using you.
She's probably in Pomefiore, but I'm thinking about her working at the Mostro Lounge as a singer (which suits her interests XDD). Still a mermaid. Probably a 3rd year. Can't think of anything else to mention XDD
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