#which if I stay I probably won’t be back in my home state for… awhile
xoxoavenger · 2 years
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: Steve’s parents always put up a perfect tree with white lights and silver ornaments. When Y/N sees this, she figures out the perfect plan to make sure the tree transforms into Steve’s very own colorful, homemade mess of family. 
word count: 4249
warnings: mentions of child abuse (except technically assault bc steve is 20), steve harrington’s terrible parents, completely hating on white light trees im not sorry
12 Days of Christmas
main masterlist
"You put up a Christmas tree?" Y/N questioned when she came into Steve's house. There was a large, fluffy tree in the corner of the living room, all white lights and silver ornaments, a crystal tree topper bringing the whole theme together.
It was ugly.
"My parents put it up when they came home last week. They won't be back until a couple days before Christmas, so they put it up during Thanksgiving." Steve explained, not seeming too excited about the fact that his parents were leaving him alone for most of December.
Y/N remembered when Steve's parents would only leave on weekends. When he graduated, they stopped coming to even check in, only keeping up appearances every once in awhile. It infuriated Y/N, knowing his parents were probably living separately in another state, not caring about their son who had been to literal hell.
"Where are all your other ornaments?" Y/N tried to ask casually, not wanting to seem judgmental. She walked toward the tree to inspect it, finding that there was nothing more to the tree than the bland frosted tips and the white lights.
"What do you mean?" Steve seemed confused, and Y/N frowned slightly. In her house, her parents had put her homemade ornaments and fun souvenirs all over their tree, multi-colored lights and a festive tree skirt making it feel like home.
"Didn't you make ornaments in school?" She questioned, turning to see Steve frowning.
"Well, yeah," Steve licked his lips, staring at the tree. "I mean, I'm sure those are all in my attic?" It was a question, which was enough to tell Y/N that he had no idea where the ornaments were, only that his parents didn't care to put them on the tree.
"Steve," Y/N put a hand on his shoulder running it down his bicep and bringing him close to her. "I'd put them on my tree." She smiled up at him when he looked down at her, blushing slightly.
"This isn't really my tree anyway." Steve pulled his arm away from her grasp and put it around her, looking at the tree for a few more seconds before Steve turned them both around and began walking toward the kitchen.
"Did you make us hot chocolate?" She asked, eyes lighting up when he grabbed a mug off the counter and handed it to her with a smirk. He shrugged and took a sip, watching her bring it to her lips and take a sip. Her eyes widened when she realized what Steve had actually made. "You made us spiked hot chocolate?" She whispered, even though there was no one else in the house. With everything that had happened that year, it almost made her feel like a normal.
"Of course I did." Steve smirked at her, taking another sip. Y/N did too, and although she couldn't tell what he had spiked the hot chocolate with it tasted well.
"I guess I'm staying over then," She smiled, walking to the couch and flopping down without spilling her hot chocolate. She noticed the movies on the counter that Steve had more than likely stolen from the video store; the good kind too, the Christmas movies everyone wanted to check out. He must've pulled a bunch of strings to get these.
"Okay, let's just pretend you don't have your overnight bag in your car." Steve teased, grabbing her mug and putting it next to his on the coffee table before laying on her, kissing her neck and causing her to giggle and wrap her arms around him.
"What's wrong with Steve's tree?" Dustin asked when Y/N unlocked Steve's front door with her own key. All the rest of the kids were with Steve. He had picked them up but had called Y/N from Max's trailer, knowing he wouldn't have time to pick up Dustin and take them all back to Steve's for movie night. They were getting even closer to Christmas now, all the kids only having one week left before their break.
"Um," Y/N, started, licking her lips as she stared at the boring tree. "It's just, uh," She was trying to find a nice way to describe it, even if Steve wasn't there.
"It's boring. And ugly." Dustin blurted out, walking closer to inspect it.
"No, it's just organized." Y/N decided on, but she found that she wanted to grab one of the stupid silver balls and throw it against a wall just to watch it shatter.
"Where are all the other ones?" Dustin asked, grabbing an ornament and plucking it off the tree. "These ones are stupid." Could always count on Dustin to speak the truth that was on his mind.
"Dustin," Y/N scolded, grabbing the ornament and putting it back on the tree. "Steve's parents put this up. So we can't say anything about it's short-comings, alright?" Y/N crossed her arms.
"I'm going to make him a whole new tree." Dustin commented before moving to the kitchen, seemingly done with the whole idea. It gave Y/N a great one, however, and her mind lit up.
"That's a great idea!" She said, hoping the kids wouldn't think they were too old for what she was about to suggest.
"What is?" Dustin asked, head buddies inside a cabinet as he searched for snacks.
"Why don't you get everyone to make Steve a homemade ornament!" She was getting way too excited, she knew by the way Dustin slowly pulled his head away to look at her. "He would be so happy, oh my gosh." Y/N was thinking of the way Steve would react when he received hand made presents from his favorite people.
"Right," She could tell Dustin was trying to sound like a grown-up, but from the upturned corners of his eyes she could tell he knew it was a great idea.
"Steve can't know," Y/N reminded him, and she almost laughed at the look he gave her.
"What is this, amateur hour?"
"Why isn't your tree lit up?" Y/N asked, even though she knew exactly why his tree wasn't lit up with those stupid white lights.
"I don't know. I think a bulb is out." He said, glancing to the side before going back to the movie they were watching. Y/N had given herself fifteen minutes before she asked, and now she had to be chill. This needed to seem like a coincidence.
"Oh, gosh." She muttered, settling into his side and counting to thirty in her head. "Ya know, I think I have some lights in my car." She stared at the movie as she felt Steve move around to stare at her.
"Y/N," Steve started reaching forward and pausing the movie. "Why the hell do you have tree lights in your car?" Because I unscrewed the first couple bulbs in your lights to make sure none of them worked.
"I was going take them back for my parents." She lied. She had picked them up on the way over to Steve's house. "But I'm sure they won't mind if you use them. After all, a Christmas tree without lights is just a tree."
"Okay," Steve sounded skeptical, but he still followed Y/N out to her car and carried the box of lights in.
"Oh, shoot," She muttered as she took the lights out of the box. "I guess they left some ornaments in here." She held up the couple of ornaments she had also bought from the store. One was a basketball, and the other was two penguins with cute scarves leaning into each other.
"Did they?" Now Steve was definitely onto her, but she would never tell him the truth.
"Yeah." She sighed, then held them up to his tree. "They look better on your's anyway." She smiled at him, and he just shook his head and leaned down to unplug the old, white lights.
"They're colored." Steve said, looking at the bulbs.
"Believe it or not, tree lights can be other colors." She smirked. Steve grabbed the basketball ornament, holding it up.
"I guess ornaments can be too." He smirked, looking at her in a way that made her blush, because he had to of known she had brought the obvious ornaments for him.
"This'll be fun!" Y/N said, smiling ear to ear as she turned the radio in the kitchen to the Christmas station. Steve returned the smile, grabbing a chair to be able to reach the top of the large tree.
"Here, I'll hand you the ornaments and you can put them on the couch." Steve told her, taking off a couple of the boring white and silver ones. Y/N contemplated 'accidentally' dropping them on the ground, but decided against it, incase Steve would want to redecorate the tree before his parents got home.
Part of her hoped his parents came home to see the tree all decorated by his real family and have an aneurysm.
"Careful with this." He said, taking the crystal tree topper off, gently handing it to Y/N. Her heart swelled at her thought process. Maybe Steve did have something important on his tree.
"Is it a family heirloom?" She asked, secretly hoping that at least something on the tree had sentimental value.
"What? No," Steve chuckled, and Y/N tried not to deflate as she set the topper on the coffee table, just incase. "It's just expensive, probably. I'd imagine that's real crystal." He grabbed the colored lights and plugged them in, and Y/N tried to contain her glee as they lit up. When he was done putting them around the tree, it already looked so much different.
"Here." Y/N bypassed the topper and made Steve put the penguin ornament up first. He stared at the ornament for a moment, taking it in, and then put it front and center.
Where it should be.
By the time all the other ornaments were up, the tree still looked somewhat boring but at least it was a start. Y/N couldn't wait for the day when the branches would be weighed down the homemade ornaments. She squeezed Steve's hand at the thought, smiling up at him when he squeezed back.
She was going to make this their tree.
"Are you sure you can't make it to Will's?" Dustin begged. Everyone was at Steve's to give them their presents two days before Christmas, since he wouldn't be able to go to the Byers for Christmas. They had been going back and forth between Steve opening someone's gift and then him giving them a gift. So far Steve had got Lucas a Pacers jersey, and Lucas got Steve an ornament made out of a Hawkins High jersey that Lucas definitely didn't 'lose' last year. Erica had made Steve an ornament with yarn using his favorite colors and popsicle sticks, while she had received a First Edition American Girl Doll. She couldn't even act like it was childish because she was so excited. El made Steve an ornament out of clay that had so much glitter it got everywhere when Steve picked it up, but he still smiled and thanked her as he handed her a box containing a cute beanie in her favorite color. Mike had given Steve an ornament of a ceramic radio, and he tried to act nonchalant when Steve gifted him a signed copy of his favorite book.
"If my parents don't show up, I promise I'll be there." Steve said it lightly, but Y/N heard the sadness in his voice. She hoped his parents showed up, but she also knew the bad place Steve's head would be in after his parents' visit.
"Is it bad to hope your parents don't show up?" Max asked, handing Steve her present. Steve was starting to see the pattern with all the kids' gifts, but he enjoyed all of them.
"Just a little bit." Nancy said with a small smile. Since the younger kids couldn't stay as long, the older ones were going to do a small gift exchange afterward and indulge in some alcoholic beverages and spend the night, leaving early in the morning.
"I still hope they don't show up." Max confessed as Steve took the tissue paper out of the bag and smiled at yet another ornament. This one was a cute little car that somewhat looked like Steve's, which made him laugh softly as he thought of how Max had drove his car when he had been knocked out by her brother.
"Thank you," Steve smiled, handing the ornament to Y/N, who was carefully putting them in a box for later as he handed Max her present from him.
"No," Max said as she looked at the box, already knowing what it was. "Steve," She whispered, ripping the wrapping paper and opening the box to reveal the skateboard she knew was in there. She looked up at the ceiling, trying not to cry as she caught a glimpse of the back of it, which was decorated with a bunch of arcade game characters.
"Do you like it?" Steve asked, eyes wide with hope.
"Yes, you idiot." Max said, sniffling and blinking before moving back in the group.
"Alright, last ones, come on," Y/N said, looking out the window to see Karen waiting to pick up the kids. Will smiled as he moved forward, handing Steve a small box. He opened it to see a homemade clay ornament of his bat, complete with the nails. He chuckled as he held it up, and everyone laughed with him.
"This is amazing." Steve said with a huge smile. "Thank you, Will." Y/N watched all the kids look annoyed that Will had made the best ornament, and she smiled as she leaned down to hand Steve the gift from Will.
Everyone watched as Will unwrapped his gift, which Y/N had actually found and agreed to let Steve give to Will. It was a couple of limited edition Star Wars drinking glasses, and Will smiled and thanked Steve after getting a good look.
"Alright, dumbass," Steve said, smiling down at Dustin, who was smiling.
"Let me open mine first." The younger boy said, grabbing putting his poorly wrapped box behind his back. Steve rolled his eyes and leaned down to grab Dustin's gift.
Steve had freaked out about Dustin's gift. He hadn't known what to get the boy who he saw as a brother. Y/N had to help him pick between numerous gifts, trying not to laugh as he put way too much thought into it.
Dustin ripped into his gift, a Super Mario Bros Nintendo Game & Watch. Dustin was silent as he stared at the game. Steve stared as he waited for Dustin to say something. His head was down, so they couldn't see his reaction.
"Dustin?" Y/N asked softly, leaning forward. Before she could figure out what Dustin was feeling, the boy launched himself at Steve, who let out a grunt as he was knocked back.
"Thank you," Dustin cried, and Y/N watched as Steve let out a breath of relief and wrapped his arms around him.
"Of course," Steve responded, eyes closing as he enjoyed the hug. Y/N looked at Nancy, the two almost crying at the interaction. After everyone had composed themselves, Dustin handed a small box to Steve.
"I wonder what it is?" Steve joked, smirking as he opened up an object wrapped in tissue paper. He smirked as he opened it, but the smirk was instantly dropped when he saw what the ornament was.
This one was one of the homemade dough ones in the shape of a circle, Dustin's handwriting in the middle reading 'Best Brother Ever.'
Steve looked over at Dustin and immediately was crying.
After that everyone erupted in chaos, all the kids wanting to put their ornaments on the tree as Karen honked the horn outside.
"Mine needs to be at the top!" Max yelled, pushing Dustin away.
"I'm sorry, did your's make him cry?" Dustin screamed back, pushing.
"How about neither of your's get to be at the top?" Mike said, and the other two both rolled their eyes.
"You didn't even make a homemade one!" El said, helping Will and Erica take off the boring ornaments.
"Let's all just calm down." Nancy said, watching the tree shake.
"I'm gonna go get a bag for all the paper." Steve said, kissing Y/N's temple and walking out of the room.
"Smart man." Jonathan said, rolling his eyes as he watched the kids continue fighting. Y/N shook her head as she scoffed.
"Should we do something? That tree looks a little too close to falling." Robin interjected. Y/N nodded, but just as she went to stop the kids the star on top of the tree came tumbling down. Everyone was silent as it shattered, the sound ringing out.
"Everyone stay still!" Steve ordered, however it wasn't in a harsh voice; it was the voice he used when the Upside Down monsters were getting too close. All the kids looked over to him with wide eyes, but he was just staring at the ground.
"Steve," Y/N whispered, not sure how he would react to this. The topper didn't have an emotional value, but Y/N knew that Steve's parents wouldn't be too thrilled about it.
"El, Will, Lucas, Erica, you all walk that way." Steve pointed away from the shattered remains, and the kids silently obeyed, leaving Max, Dustin, and Mike standing in the mess.
"I'm so sorry." Max whispered, and Y/N could tell her eyes were wet with tears.
"We can fix it, look, it's not even that-"
"Dustin stop!" Steve cut off the younger boy, who was now crouched as he tried to put the bigger pieces together in the silver frame. Dustin looked over, and Y/N could tell he was about to freak out. She knew Steve was trying to make sure none of the kids would get hurt. That was his number one priority.
"I didn't mean to, I promise, I just," Dustin drifted off, voice high and tight as he tried not to cry.
"Are you guys okay?" Steve asked, walking over and grabbing the large pieces and putting them in the bag he had grabbed. "You weren't cut, were you?" His words shocked the kids, who were just staring at him, petrified.
"You aren't mad?" Mike asked, breaking the ice. "You aren't gonna yell at us?"
"Are you hurt?" Steve repeated, completely ignoring Mike's questions.
"No," Max shook her head, bringing her hands up to wipe her tears.
"Okay," Steve held up the silver frame that the crystal used to be in, and as he stared at it Y/N heard the thoughts in his head.
His parents were going to kill him.
"Put your ornaments on the tree and let's grab your stuff." Y/N said to the kids, who finished their original task and grabbed their jackets, all watching Steve, who was now sitting on the floor with the remains in his hand.
"We can replace it!" Dustin said, and Y/N just gave him a tight lipped smile.
"Let's talk about this later." She told him, herding the rest of the kids out of the house and promising to update them and apologize to Steve for them.
"Are you alright?" Robin was at Steve's side, who was still blank faced.
"My parents are actually gonna kill me." Steve muttered, looking up to Y/N with wide eyes. She was with him in no time, wiping away the remaining pieces of crystal to sit with him. She wrapped her arms around him, trying to calm him somehow.
"It'll be alright." She told him, kissing his shoulder. Steve just shook his head, shrugging Y/N and Robin off as he stood, throwing the silver frame in the bag.
"Oh God," Steve said, staring at the tree, which was fully decorated in the kid's ornaments and the multicolored lights and a couple of the branches were bent, but the tree finally looked like his, not his mom's or his dad's.
Oh yeah, they were gonna kill him.
"You're sure his parents came?" Max asked, clearly feeling guilty about breaking the tree topper the day prior. Everyone was at the Byers on Christmas Eve night, the kids having a plan to stay awake until Christmas.
"He got a call from them this morning." Y/N confirmed with a sad smile. She took a bite of one of the Christmas cookies she had helped Joyce with that afternoon, after she left Steve's house. She wasn't sure what he was going to do about the tree topper, but she knew he was going out to get white lights for the tree, which made her sad.
"Have you heard from him since?" Lucas asked, and by now all the kids were listening intently.
"No." She shook her head with a frown. She hadn't tried calling him, because she didn't want his parents to pick up. They knew that her and Steve was dating her, but like most things with their son, they chose to ignore it.
"Is he okay?" Dustin asked, catching the attention of Hopper, who was very well versed in the rumors about the Harrington family.
"Yes," Y/N said with an awkward chuckle. Hopper caught her eye, and she pulled her lips in.
"Have you talked to him?" Hop asked, sitting forward in his chair.
"No, but I'm sure he's fine." Y/N lied.
"Maybe I should go check." Hopper said, standing.
"Can I come?" Y/N stood, heart racing as she realized her and Hopper were on the same page.
"What's going on?" Joyce asked, looking at Nancy for clarification, but it seemed everyone else was just as confused.
"I'm going to pick Steve up." Hopper announced, no room for arguing.
"But his parents," Robin started, and Y/N just gave her look with her eyebrows raised, because there was no need to freak the kids out.
"What's going on?" Erica asked, eyes wide with fear and confusion.
"It's fine, we're just gonna go get Steve so he can be with us." Y/N smiled. Before anyone could say anything, there was a knock at the door.
"Are you expecting anyone else?" Hopper asked Joyce, who was rushing to the door.
"No," She stepped back to let Hopper open the door, covering the opening with his body. He was silent, and Joyce and Y/N tried to look around his body.
"Who is it?" Joyce asked, finally making the cop move out of the way.
"Steve?" Y/N asked, seeing the boy standing with a large box. He had a bright red mark across his cheekbone, one that was swelling and slowly turning less bright and more purple.
"Come in, honey." Joyce put a hand on his back and pulled him inside.
"What happened?" Y/N whispered when Steve was inside, tracing a light thumb over it. He just shook his head as he moved to kiss her hand.
"Just say the word, kid." Hopper said, clapping his shoulder as a silent understanding passed between them.
"I couldn't bring anything for dinner, but I brought some stuff for the tree." Steve said as he walked into the living room with the kids. They all gathered around as he opened the box to reveal all the ornaments they had given him. "My dad tried to break them." He said quietly, and Y/N caught Hopper's eye as they realized how Steve had gotten the mark.
Steve took a beating to keep the ornaments the kids gave him.
"Well," Steve smiled at all the kids, who looked like a mix between sad and confused. "What're you doing just standing here? Put them on the tree." He nodded at the Byers' tree, and the kids all reached in to grab their ornaments, much more calm about putting them up this time.
"You brought the penguins." Y/N said, looking in the box and seeing the ornaments she had gotten him. She went to grab them when she realized that there was an extra one in there, face down. She grabbed it and flipped it around, seeing a picture of them on the ceramic circle. She felt the tears well as she stared at it, looking up at him.
"I actually had Jonathan do it before I knew what you set the kids up to." He told her, and she just smirked.
"I have no idea what you mean." But they both knew she was lying. They shared a smile and grabbed the remaining ornaments, putting them on the crowded tree. When it was done, everyone stood back to take it in. Steve put his arm around Y/N and decided this was the tree he wanted from now on - no more plain trees.
"We made you something." Dustin said, and Steve turned to see the kids all crowded around, Dustin with his arms around his back.
"It's not crystal," Max said as an apology. Steve's eyes widened as he realized what was going on.
"You guys," He started, but then Dustin was thrusting his arms out and Steve was met with a star made from cardboard. It looked pretty decent, and Steve felt his eyes water as he turned it to see the back, which all the kids had signed for him.
"You did this for me?" Steve asked softly, letting a couple tears fall.
"Will made the cardboard, but we decorated." El explained, and Steve smiled as he realized why there was glitter on one corner.
"Thank you," He whispered, letting them all crowd him and hug him.
"Put it on the tree," Joyce nodded to the tree, which didn't have a topper yet. Steve looked surprised, but still stood on the side of the couch and reached over, putting the star at the top where it belonged. He jumped down and grabbed Y/N close, and she wrapped her arms around him. She blushed as he kissed her forehead.
"Merry Christmas, Steve." She whispered as the kids began singing Deck the Halls around them.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @roxaya @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina @lostcause1 @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @freezaz123 @mads-weasley 
(if your name is crossed out it means that for some reason I could not tag you)
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love-and-books320 · 4 months
You reblog all this stuff about the Hunger Games and ATLA yet claim to be Pro-Israel. You can’t support revolution in media yet when people fight against a colonialist state irl you say they aren’t fighting properly.
Do you think indigenous Americans weren’t fighting back ‘the right way’. Native South Africans? What about the people of India and Pakistan? There is no right way to fight against a colonial state.
You can not be pro-Israel and Pro-peace. To be pro-Israel is to be pro-colonists. That is Pro-Violence. You can’t say “Those things happened awhile ago. Israel is a place now” When people are still alive from the Nakba. When they are still invading and stealing land. You are watch colonialism happen and you are on the side of the colonists.
I say this with kindness and love but maybe you should look at those stories you love so much. It’s just disappointing to see someone miss the point because this colonization seems too grey to them.
It was complicated to American Colonizers too.
And Australian
And South African
And in India.
Now that colonization happens infront of your face you claim again that it’s too complicated.
But this probably won’t change your mind. Which is disappointing because you seem very nice if not slightly blinded. I hope you stay well and you do better ❤️
hi anon!! First I wanna thank you for taking the time to reach out bc if someone’s gonna dislike me or my opinion I’d rather them talk to me about it first! This might be long but I hope at least you read it lol
First i want to say what I’ve always said about this. What Israel is doing is wrong. Personally, I believe that Israel has a right to exist because when it was created that was where most Jews were living at the time because it was their homeland and because the holocaust had driven them out of a pretty much all of Europe. Fleeing Jews were even denied access to America, that’s how horrible it was. There are also valid reasons it shouldn’t have been created that I can agree with. But it a state now. Most ppl living there were born there. If you want to get rid of the whole state you’ll either have to forcibly remove those ppl from their homes or kill them.
which, I agree, is what Israel is trying to do to Palestinians rn, which is insanely horrible and disgusting. I hate Israel’s gov so much. I’m serious. But I do think Israel has a right to have a gov(not this one, but a better one), I don’t support Israel rn but I do support Israel as a whole if that makes sense???
You mentioned the indigenous American people. And yes I agree, huge screw up on America’s part. But what would you have happen? The USA is a colonized state so would you…decolonize it?? Just kick out or kill all Americans who have been living here for generations? That shouldn’t have happened to the indigenous ppls but it shouldn’t happen to the American ppl now. It shouldn’t happen to anyone.
“from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” that means all the land will belong to Palestine. Israel is between the river and the sea. To completely eradicate Israel as a state would require killing just as many if not more Jews than Arabs are being killed rn. Your answer to a genocide should not be a genocide of the oppressors. That goes for both sides, also kinda a banger line???
my main issue is with Hamas, a terrorist group that kills ppl who wants peace, rapes women, and hides behind women and children to protect themselves. Check the UN’s statements. This is not all Palestinians and does not justify what Israel is doing. But I do hate Hamas.
also you talk a lot about colonization and Israel being a colonizer state. But it’s not like Israel was already a state, invaded Palestine and said this is ours now. That’s what colonization typically is. Instead the area was colonized by Britain(I assume no one wants to go back to that??) and Arabs were living there. Before ww1, even, Jews started to migrate there bc it was their homeland. During and after the holocaust it became the main place for Jews to go, resulting in most jews(a number far far smaller than before the holocaust) living there. So the UN made it into Arab and Jewish states. The UN. Not a country. The UN.
also the Jews were the first ppl living there. Ever. Then they were colonized by the Romans, then the Arabs, then Ottoman Empire, the Brit’s, etc. If we were to really truly decolonize the land, it would belong to the Jews.
that’s not what I believe tho. I think Israel and Palestine should share it equally in peace and I hope and pray that one day that will happen. And if you hate me or think me blindsided for that….maybe your the one who’s not pro peace.
Forgive me for spelling errors or untrue facts. I really hope there are none but I am human, and therefore can be influenced by propaganda and fake news. And sorry if that sounded mean I love you so much anon thanks for reaching out!!!!
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laomelettedufromage · 2 years
Oh boy guess who has to make decisions about their short term future soon😳
#my boss offered extending my position to as long as next spring#100% will have to talk to her about what I would be doing if I stayed before I decide but oh boy#oh boy oh boy#I’ll probably say yes tbh?? probably??#like I do consider myself more of an ecology person and this lab is more evolution based#but I seem to get along with the people in the lab and they pay me really well for a tech position#I’m going to assume I’d probably be doing a bit of lab work which for resume purposes could be really good#i have like zero practical lab experience#even though I think I’d miss field work a lot#and since I’ve never done lab work before I’m not sure how much I’ll like it but won’t know until I try??#this traveling portion of the job has been hard but not terrible#and most of the hardness has stemmed A LOT from missing friends#which if I stay I probably won’t be back in my home state for… awhile#which I was legitmately really really looking forward to visiting one of my friends at their temp job#and so I’ll be pretty sad tbh to not get to do that#but also I know that’s not something that should affect my job security making decision🤪#but I’ll definitely be sad nonetheless so🤪#and I was making plans to like visit my roommates at their new places and everything but🤷‍♀️ it is what it is#god early adulthood sucks sometimes doesn’t it#there’s also the whole ‘I don’t know if I want to stay in research or wildlife work’ thing too#like I love field work… in increments#i think full time field work is really fucking hard and exhausting#but I do legitmately enjoy it and the experiences it’s granted me#even if it’s also super repetitive and boring at times#and I’ve been told I’m scientifically minded by my friends#but I don’t see myself long time pursuing research…#and of course there’s other wildlife jobs out there that don’t completely focus on research but… it’s hard#my tentative back up plan is scientific illustration but I’m not even really sure about that😔#ugh anyways I don’t need to be thinking that far ahead yet I have time🙃 it just… ugh#by yours truly the omelette of cheese
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volleychumps · 3 years
Heyy! Can you do one where Osamu, kuroo, akaashi and Tsukishima, say something mean to their s/o and their s/o avoids them for days? When they finally get ahold of their s/o, their s/o just sorta cries because it hit their insecure spot? Fluff in the end🥺
Listen, I can’t not write this. 
Irrevocable Words. 
- the one in which they accidentally make you give them the silent treatment because of their lashing out. -
~ Osamu Miya, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, and Tsukishima Kei~ 
TW: Cursing, angst to fluff, timeskip! for Osamu, 
Osamu Miya
“Those are important files, ya know?” 
“Samu, I’m sorry. You should’ve told me you needed last month’s earnings and I would’ve looked for them before we came this morning.” The hand you tried to settle onto Osamu’s bicep was shaken off as your movements faltered. 
Your voice wobbled at the sight of your stoic fiance, an annoyed glint in his eye as he rummages through his files. Osamu felt a flare in his stomach, a lack of sleep contributing to his impatient state. The day had been a busy one, Osamu deciding that he needed this particular file for his business call tomorrow before the two of you headed home for the night. 
“I told ya not to move anything back to the place.”
“I didn’t.” You bit the inside of your cheek. “Here, just let me help-” 
“Don’t touch a goddamn thing, I’ll do it myself.” There it was. The lashing out that was bound to happen occurred with a pointed tongue as he refused to look at you, rummaging through his file cabinets. “As I do everything else.” 
He closes the cabinet sharply. “The least ya could do is try your best not to be a nuisance-” 
Osamu flinches at the slam of one of the office desk drawers, chest sinking when he sees the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. The paper he needed is thrown on the desk carelessly as you shove your jacket on, wetness slipping down your cheeks.
“And I’m not your goddamn secretary. I’m heading home first.” 
“And don’t worry, I promise I’ll manage to do this by myself somehow.” Your voice cracks bitterly, the bell by the door jingling mockingly in Osamu’s ears as you exit, the chef hanging his head with a sigh and regret tinging his chest.
He was wrong to pray this would blow over, not expecting to wake without your warmth by his side. You avoided him on the way to the restaurant, cleaning quietly while giving vague answers to his questions, shifting out of his attempts to embrace you with apologies. 
Deciding to give you space, he softly tells you to take the next few days off, unprepared for the tired look you had given him, simply nodding in response as you slipped into your side of the bed with your back turned to him.
“Where’s your pretty girlfriend?” 
“Fiance.” Osamu forces a smile at his two elderly regulars two days later, the wife’s smile widening at his correction. 
“Oho! Cherish each other while you youths still can, she really does brighten this place up, doesn’t she?” 
You do.
Osamu’s eyes feel hot as he does a messy job of cleaning up the restaurant, closing up shop early and stopping by your favorite bakery to pick up the ridiculously expensive cake he only ever buys for your birthday. 
Throwing the door open to your shared apartment hastily, you gasp at the gray-haired man’s sudden entry, dropping the spoon you were about to use to taste the dish you were making on the stove.
“Samu, y-you’re home early-” 
“What’s all this?” He tries to steady his breaths at the sight of a nicely prepared table, something you hardly ever got to share ever since the night shifts overtook your lives and caused a rift between the two of you. 
You’re silent for a second, looking away from his warm stare as you shift under his gaze. 
“...I miss you.” Dark eyes widen when you begin to hiccup over your words, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “But I didn’t wanna be a nusciance-”
“Oh god, darlin’ no.” You’re pulled tightly into his chest as you cry, whole body shaking with tremors as Osamu’s inner turmoil merely increases.
If Osamu could go back in time and punch himself he would, unknowing of the torment he caused you over the past few days, thinking you just needed space. 
“I want to marry ya Y/N, I’m so sorry.” 
“I love you so much Samu.” You sniffle into his chest, causing him to smile softly, a hand sifting through your hair to hold you tighter to him. 
“I brought cake.” 
You laugh through the onslaught of tears. 
“And I made dinner.” 
“Then what are we waitin’ for?” 
“Just hold me like this for awhile?”
“Y/N.” He kisses the top of your head, finally feeling at ease with your figure in his arms. Osamu whispers a confession he hardly shared with you, wanting those words in particular to be special as he bridged the gap between the two of you.
“I love ya so much more, don’t you go forgettin’ it.”
Kuroo Tetsurou
“I said I was sorry!” 
“Is sorry supposed to just fix everything, Tetsurou?” 
“Tetsurou? Are you seriously withholding me from my nickname privileges?” 
You cross your arms at his attempt to make you laugh, thoroughly angry with the mess your boyfriend made of things as his smile fades at your peeved stare. 
“Look, what was I supposed to do?” 
“How about not leaving my parents waiting for you at the restaurant that you invited them to for another one of your spontaneous volleyball practices?” 
“I texted you I had to cancel!” 
“That was a half hour before we were supposed to meet, Kuroo! They were so excited to meet you they got there early. God, why can’t you ever take things seriously?” 
“You’re right.” A bitter chuckle slips Kuroo’s lips as you falter at the sudden tone change, the volleyball gym seeming bigger than ever as his next sentence makes your lips tremble.
“Since I can’t ever take things seriously, then I must not need my serious girlfriend then, right?” Your eyes widen. “I can just find somebody else who won’t fucking hound me all the time.”
His cat-like eyes widen as the words slip his tongue, unintentionally coming out crueler than he intended. To make it worse, you simply stayed silent, your body physically backing down and away from him as you turned on your heel. 
“Wait, I didn’t-” 
“Do it then.” His chest just about shatters as your shoulders tremble, refusing to turn back around as your voice takes on an uncharasterically defeated tone. “I hope they make you fucking happy.” 
Kuroo runs a hand through his raven hair frustratedly at the way you rushed out of the gym, throwing a stray ball so hard at the wall before his vision becomes skewed with heat. 
He should have expected the next week to be utter hell. You left class before he could catch you by escaping to the bathroom with all your things, leaving school another way instead of the exit you always took together before he had to start club activities. 
“Kenma, what are you doing?” 
“You can’t come in here.” 
“I’m missing class for this. Let me through.” 
“She doesn’t want to see you.” Kenma shrugged, eyes on his handheld. “I told her I’d watch the door so you can’t surprise her during our breaktime.” 
“I’m her boyfriend. And you’re not her guarddog.” 
“No, I’m her friend.” Kenma’s eyes narrow at his childhood friend. “And last time I checked, you’re on the search for someone who isn’t her.” 
“So she told you.” 
“Dick move, by the way.” 
Kuroo’s calls go straight to voicemail, his emotions affecting his playing with each passing day. He leaves little notes in your shoe locker to meet him, heart sinking more and more with every time you stood him up. 
And it wasn’t until he saw you smiling again at a joke Yaku made that he truly felt like he was losing you. 
“Go home.” 
The sight wasn’t one you were expecting to see, Kuroo sitting on the steps to your house with his hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets, the dark bags under his eyes sparking worry within you. 
“It’s probably better if my parents don’t see you-” 
“I’m sorry.” His eyes seem to have lost a little of their glint, regret swimming in the tall boy’s pupils as your guard softens. “I’m so goddamn sorry I ran my mouth and said shit I didn’t even mean-” 
“And I hurt you in the process. I hurt the one thing that matters to me the most, and I’m sitting here playing the creepy ex that stalks the girl he loves-” 
“You love me?”
“Doesn’t matter, does it? You’re done with me, and I deserve it-” 
He’s cut off with the sight of tears hitting the wood in front of him, lifting his head to see tears streaking down your cheeks. On instinct, he reaches out softly, rising to his feet to cup your cheek, astonished when you curl into his touch. 
“I’m so fucking mad at you right now.” 
“Noted.” Kuroo laughs somberly, a wave of emotion hitting him as you do something you hadn’t done in days. 
You look him in the eye, tugging him closer by the sides of his jacket. 
“But I love you too, you absolute idiot.” 
Kuroo grins into the kiss you press onto his lips, heart lifting in weight as he pulls you closer. 
“Does this mean we can go back to Tetsu?” 
“I’m going back to ignoring you-” 
“No.” Kuroo’s tone turns serious as he holds you a little tighter. “I can’t do that again.” 
You smile as he presses a kiss to your temple lovingly. 
“Being away from you was complete and utter hell, sweetheart.” 
Akaashi Keiji
“Tell me how to make this right.”
“Right, Y/N.” Akaashi refused to meet your eyes as he loosens his school tie, not slowing his pace for you to catch up with as he throws the doors open to the volleyball club. The usually put-together setter had an angry glint in his eye that silenced his awaiting teammates. “Let’s just go back in time before you agreed to be his partner.”
“Hey hey, what’s going on you two?” Bokuto jogs up, his worried tone making your lips tremble even more at the sight of Akaashi’s turned back.
“I came to you as soon as he made a move! I didn’t let him-”
“There shouldn’t have been an opportunity for him to make a move in the first place.” Akaashi’s jaw clenched as you shuffle in place.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, you think I wanted him to try to kiss me?!” You fight the waver in your voice, standing your ground. “It was a project for class. I didn’t know his intentions-“
“I told you what his intentions were, but you never listen.” Akaashi turns hastily, startling you and causing you to stumble slightly backwards into Bokuto.
“Stop defending her. She never listens to me, and then comes crying to me when it turns out I’m right.” Akaashi snips at his best friend, ignoring the silent stares from his quiet teammates. “Why can’t you get it through your head, Y/N? I’m not your goddamn babysitter-“
“You’re right.” You interrupt, fingernails biting into your palms as you choke back a sob. “You’re not, you’re my boyfriend. I just wanted to respect you by coming to you with something like this, but it turns out I’m just a hinderance.”
Akaashi falters for a second, blue eyes widening a fraction at the angry heat that fills your eyes as regret begins to bubble in his stomach at his harsh words.
“Give me some space, Keiji.” You say softly, patting Bokuto’s arm to let you through as your shoulders sink in a defeated manner. “I promise I won’t come crying to you about anything else.”
Your steps echo as you walk out of the gym, Konoha breaking the silence first when the door shuts behind you.
“Hate to say it, but that was well-deserved, man.”
Akaashi closes his eyes, head falling back towards the ceiling as he tries to steady his breathing, pretending like he wasn’t scared of you slipping through his fingers. He willed himself to not allow himself to chase after you, his anger directed towards you fading as he forces himself to respect your wishes. 
It was obvious you were avoiding him. Akaashi had blinked when Bokuto had self-proclaimed that he needed you as his “study buddy” during breaks when you weren’t even in the same year as the owlish boy. It got worse when you seemed to panic when Akaashi willed you to talk to him, eyes refusing to meet his watery blue ones as you pushed him further away.
So he gave you your space, wilting with each passing day. It wasn’t until he accidentally bumped into you a week later, the setter turning hastily on his heel to walk in the opposite direction before a soft tug on the back of his school shirt wills him to stop. 
“Keiji.” Your wobbly voice makes him turn back around immediately, a soft palm already cupping your cheek gently. “I’m s-” 
“I’m sorry for being cruel.” The words are whispered against your forehead, Akaashi’s heartstrings tugging in the worst way possible. “I was angry at the situation, my love. And that sorry excuse you call a classmate. Please,” 
His grip tightens just a little more as he feels wet warmth drip into the palm that was cupping your face.
“Forgive me.” 
“I told you I wouldn’t come crying to you-” 
“I want it all, Y/N.” Akaashi pulls back slightly, voice cracking slightly as blue stares intensely into your irises. “I want all of you. Tears included.”
You swat his chest playfully as Akaashi manages a soft smile, hand threaded through your hair as he presses you against his chest.
“Do you still need space?” He murmurs, and you smile at the sound of his hearbeat picking up as he awaited your answer fearfully. 
“Nope. The exact opposite, please hold me?” 
His embrace relaxes immediately, and your heart skips a beat at the sound of his relieved sigh, his slight nod making the weight lift off your chest. 
“Good, now I can take care of your classmate-” 
“Nope, my love.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, Akaashi’s eyes swirling with devotion. 
“No one gets to try anything with you so long as you’re safe with me.” 
Tsukishima Kei 
“So I’m the bad guy again.” 
“Do you want the honest answer, Kei?” You exhaustedly run a hand through your hair as Tsukishima’s scowl deepens, his long legs easily catching up with you in stride as he tugs on your wrist as the rambunctious court gets further and further away. 
“It’s not my fault you’re insecure.” 
You flinch. “Well maybe you shouldn’t let the girls in the stands cling to you after your matches. They were all over you, Tsukki! And you didn’t seem to mind it one bit.” 
“What?” Annoyance brims the blonde’s voice as he takes another step forward, clenching his jaw when he sees the quiver in your lip, distrust filling the atmosphere between the two of you. 
“Afraid that they’re prettier or better than you’ll ever be?” 
You feel as if the wind was knocked out of your lungs, breath catching in your throat at his insinuation. His guard slackens almost immediately, clicking his tongue before turning away, too proud to apologize for the words he regretted as soon as they slipped his tongue like venom. 
“Yeah.” You laugh humorlessly, making brown eyes dart over to your expression immediately. “You’re 100% correct. I am afraid you’ll find someone better than me in all aspects. Because I love you, you absolute asshole. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
The silence that befalls the two of you in the deserted hall is broken when you flinch away when Tsukishima tries to take a step towards you. 
“I didn’t-” 
“You never mean to do anything, Kei.” You say in a hushed tone, turning your back on him in an attempt to shield the hot tears slipping down your cheeks. “But you somehow always manage to.” 
The win for Karasuno didn’t mean much to the blonde that night, hoping that this would just go away and things would be back to normal. However, it was anything but. You didn’t look his way once in class, disappearing when it was over. Your voice trembled as you had avoided his seemingly stoic eyes through his frames, simply stating that you wished for some time away from him. 
He was fine. Or at least pretending to be on the outside. In truth, he would never find better, because you were it for him, words that you would never catch slipping his mouth. So he put on a front, pretending that your absence had zero effect on him whatsoever. Pretending the brush of your body against him in the hall as you pass each other didn’t make the blonde want to cave. 
It was the smile you shot at Hinata during one of your breaks that caused him to. The first glint in your eye in awhile, and it had been caused by him of all people, prompting the tall middle blocker to tug you by the forearm into the corridor.
“I hate this.” 
You falter for a second, guard back up in a flash as your back touches the wall. “What did I do?” 
“You didn’t do anything, and it’s pissing me off.” 
“I don’t follow-” 
“I was wrong.” His forehead touches your shoulder as you stiffen before relaxing against his familiar touch. “I don’t care how many times I have to apologize. You win, okay? I’m sorry.” 
“This is a rather aggressive apology-” 
“Y/N.” Tsukishima lifts his head so it’s level with your height, unprepared for the way tears brimmed your eyes at the proximity, your guard diminishing. 
“What if you do find someone better one day, Tsukki?” Your voice cracks, inner fears trickling to the surface. “Do I need to prepare myself to lose you-?” 
You gasp as Tsukishima’s jaw ticks before kissing you intensely, his hand touching your lower back to pull you closer. 
“No. You don’t need to do something stupid like that.” His eyes were slightly glaring at you, a flush across both his cheeks. “Because there is no one better than you, okay?” 
It was your turn for heat to flood your cheeks as your eyes widen a fraction, his breath tickling your ear as you stutter. “Kei-” 
“I love you too. I said it, are you satisfied now?”  
General works: @takemetovalhalla  @faesbae  @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046   @let-me-have-my-own-name  @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite   @curiouslilbeast  @aprettyfruit   @wisepandaslimeland   @h0ngh0ngh0ng   @lmkjimin   @orangegiraffe7   @dai-tsukki-desu   @kac-chowsballs   @spikertrash   @yamaguwuchi   @lord-suneater-explosion   @holaaaf  @babyybokutoakaashi   @lexysclubhouse   @disneyloving-muggle   @kuuuuroo   @theonep1ece  @that-chick212  @mjoork
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marvelmusing · 3 years
First Impressions
Helmut Zemo x Reader x Heike Zemo
My Masterlist
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You sigh a little, eyes scanning through the crowd as you try to avoid making conversation with anyone. Being a diplomat, people often assume you have amazing social skills - whilst you are good with people, you find them tiring at times. You lean against the bar, before asking the bartender for a drink.
You hear someone call out your name softly. You turn towards the voice, finding Heike Zemo approaching you with a gentle smile gracing her angelic features. The breath gets caught in your throat for a moment, before you regain yourself.
“Baroness Zemo,” you incline your head politely. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Her own smile widens slightly.
“I just want to thank you.” You tilt your head in confusion. “For your kindness towards my country.” She elaborates. “Very few feel the need to defend Sokovia. I know my husband will appreciate your words.” You’re rather taken aback by her complement. You didn’t even know she was listening earlier, when your frustration at the arrogance of some of the other American diplomats - and their comments about smaller countries including Sokovia - had caused you to snap at them.
“It’s the very least I can do.” You tell her. You glance around the room momentarily. “Where is your husband? I didn’t see him earlier.” She nods in the direction of the balcony.
“He’s just stepped outside, I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” She adds, looking almost apologetic.
“I don’t blame him. I was planning on escaping at my first opportunity.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you.”
“Nonsense. Now I have a reason to stay.” Her cheeks flush lightly, and a rather shy smile lingers on her lips. You turn to the bartender who’s just placed your drink in front of you. You offer the drink to her, which she accepts with another smile. You order another drink for yourself.
When Helmut finally decides he’s ready to face the diplomats and world leaders, he pushes the balcony door open, and steps into the buzzing crowd. He makes his way slowly through the throngs of people, looking left and right for his wife. He’s approaching the bar when he hears her soft laughter. He glances over to see her sitting beside you, the pretty diplomat that caught his eye earlier this evening. After being brought up in such a serious world, Helmut has always adored making his wife laugh. And to see her face so lit up in amusement at whatever you’ve just said, makes him all the more intrigued by you. He moves towards Heike, slipping an arm around her and she tucks herself into his side. He presses a kiss to her temple,
“There you are, darling.” He watches you as you glance down at your drink, allowing the two of them a moment. When you look up you meet his gaze, offering him a small smile. You fiddle with the stem of your glass, looking back down at your drink. It felt smooth talking to Heike, you found it easy to charm her. But the intensity of her husband’s gaze has your diplomatic charm faltering, losing yourself in the honey brown of his eyes.
“My apologies for stealing your wife, Baron Zemo.” He chuckles softly.
“You’re forgiven.” He says with a smirk, before adding. “Please call me Helmut.”
From there, the three of you talk effortlessly amongst yourselves. You discuss all manner of things in that short time: politics, books, Sokovia, America, your lives. When another diplomat comes to talk to Helmut, and the Secretary of State pulls you away, you think you won’t see them again that night. You give Heike a small wave as you follow the Secretary, which she smiles at.
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You shiver lightly in the evening air as you hover on the sidewalk. You scroll through the contacts on your phone, trying to find someone that will be able to pick you up. You hear someone call your name and you turn to see Heike standing behind you with her husband’s jacket pulled around her. You smile at her,
“Oh, hello. What’re you doing here?”
“Helmut’s bringing the car around.” You nod. The two of you wait in comfortable silence, and it isn’t long before Helmut is pulling up beside you. He gets out of the car, and approaches you both. Heike looks back at you. “You’re freezing, here.” She takes Helmut’s jacket from her shoulders and attempts to put it around you. You step back quickly, feeling suddenly embarrassed at the thought of wearing his jacket,
“You don’t need to. I’m fine, thank you.”
“Then let us wait with you.”
“I wouldn’t if I were you. You’d be waiting awhile.” They both frown. “I’m not sure who can pick me up.” You explain.
“Let us take you home.” Helmut insists. You shake your head,
“I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”
“You’re not.” Heike tells you. She heads to the car.
“Come on,” Helmut holds his hand out towards you. You take his hand and he pulls you gently to the car. He opens the door for you and helps you in. You give him your address and he drives away, heading towards your apartment building. You talk a little more during the drive, but the exhaustion from the day is clearly creeping up on you three.
“Just here’s perfect.” You say as he parks outside your building. Once the car has stopped they both look back at you. You smile, “Thank you. It was a pleasure to meet you both.” Heike beams at you.
“The pleasure’s all ours.” Helmut insists. You feel your face warm from their attention.
“Well, goodnight.” They both call out goodnight as you open the car door and step out. You shut the door carefully before making your way to the door to your building. You glance back, noticing the car still parked. You wave towards the car, and you see Helmut lift his hand casually, whilst Heike waves back very enthusiastically which makes you smile as you push open the door. You feel slightly disappointed, that you didn’t get their numbers or something. But after all, what could happen between you? They’re both married. That and you’ll probably never see the two of them again. Or so you think.
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parkers-gal · 4 years
can you do a best!friends to lovers with a really affectionate reader and flustered peter?
requests are open (a lil slow tho)
wc: 1.3k
If Peter had a penny for every time you wanted to touch him in some remote way, he’d probably be rich. If he had a penny for every time he wanted you to touch him, well then he’d be the wealthiest man alive.
Maybe you were obvious, or maybe touch was your love language. Peter wasn’t sure why he was speaking it, though. You weren’t dating — hell, you weren’t even together. Of course, Peter had those feelings for you. Of course he longed to have you in his embrace for as long as he could bear — which, granted, was a lot. He tries not to think about it, because if he does, he knows you won’t ever leave his mind.
Not that you normally do, but still.
For the first year of college, May insisted Peter take the dormitory grant that came with his scholarship. Tony knew the expenses were difficult for May, so he offered to help out. It took awhile for her to agree, but it happened nonetheless.
It’s where the two of you normally hang out. Occasionally, the two of you are found at a picnic table near your favorite tree or the library, but most days you’re slouching in his bed with a book in front of you. He always takes the desk; he’s polite that way.
“Hey, Pete.” You’re entering his dorm without even knocking, surprising Harry who’s slipping a shirt on in the corner.
“Jesus!” Harry’s caught off guard and Peter chuckles. You laugh, kissing Peter’s cheek before situating your belongings on the bed, backpack slipping off your shoulders smoothly. Harry eyes Peter knowingly, who’s a blushing mess. He rolls his eyes at the wall crawler before bidding goodbye while closing the door on his way out.
“Can you help me with Rodrigo’s work?” The two of you have the same lecture at different times, so studying is a lot more convenient. Peter looks up from his notebook before his face melts into a soft smile, nodding with a gentle “okay.”
You’re scooting over on the small mattress. Peter carefully slides in next to you, eyes finding the examples you’re working on. You lean into his side so you don’t fall off the bed, arm going under his so your arms are linked. He tries not to blush too much, but he knows he’s failed when he feels his face heat up exponentially.
He starts discussing the first page with you, and you’re nodding along before you lean your head on his shoulder. He tries to focus — god, he tries so damn hard to focus — but you’re so close, leaning into him like he’s the only thing supporting you, the only thing keeping you up. He’s trying, but you’re right there next to him, right in his reach, right there at his touch. You’re so close he can smell your perfume, so close he can hear your heartbeat in his ears without even focusing on it.
“Y’alright?” You bring him out of his daze after you notice his words have slowed until he’s frozen, staring at you.
“Uhm- uh… y-yeah. I’m- I’m fine.” He rubs his forehead, wiping the palms of his hands on his denim-clad thigh.
You stifle a laugh. “Are you sure?” You grin slyly, noticing his rising state of flux.
“Mhm.” He merely hums in response, not trusting his words.
The sunlight that comes in through the window, hits your face cooly, and he sucks in a breath. You look like a goddess — like something from those aesthetic pinterest boards you always show him. You’re calm yet encapsulating, and he’s suffocating on you. He’s okay with that, though. It feels too good to slow it down or stop it altogether.
Peter finishes his train of thought before joining you in completing the assignments from your lecture. You’re cracking jokes along the way, laughing so hard you can’t contain yourself. Peter doesn’t bother staying on track either. You’re so close he’s practically drunk on you.
After ten minutes of goofing off, you slide down, laying your head in Peter’s lap while you inquire about nothing in relation to your lecture’s work.
“Pete,” You speak childishly, and he chuckles at your demeanor. “How long do your webs last?”
“Usually four hours. Why?”
“No reason.” You reach for his hands, playing with his lanky fingers, separating them and smoothing over the grooves and rough edges as you relax atop him. He feels his face burning up again, but concludes you’re just absentmindedly playing with his hands.
“Do you have to make it yourself all the time or does Mr. Stark do it now?”
“Both.” You grab his other hand, now, repeating what you’ve done with his right hand. “Mr. Stark makes it for my suit but I’m coming up with updates.”
You hum, intertwining your fingers with his before letting your hands rest on your chest. He hopes you won’t look up and notice how red he’s gotten. Your hands fit into his so well.
Stop that Peter. He’s trying to humble himself, calm himself down and convince himself that you’re just an affectionate person.
Then again, he’s never seen you greet anyone else with a kiss on the cheek, so he could be wrong. He doesn’t think of it too much, because after five minutes, you sit up, unlinking your hands. Peter tries not to seem too disappointed, but it’s obvious in the way he deflates.
“Cuddle?” You ask softly, almost as if the silence has tired you out. It’s barely eight-thirty, but Peter smiles in agreement anyways.
You return his smile softly, moving your supplies off the bed and laying down, hugging him tightly while you inhale his scent, breathing deeply in relief.
“How are you always so warm?”
He chuckles. “Maybe you’re always cold.” “Then you need to fix that.” You’re mumbling into his skin. “You’re the one with the warmth.” He hums and the vibrations make you giggle.
Inside, Peter’s heart is clambering against his ribcage. He prays you can’t hear it, but he’s positive you wouldn’t need a spider sense to pick up on how nervous he is.
“You- uh… are you tired?”
“Mhm.” You confirm it, eyes closing lazily.
“You could sleep over, y’know. I know you don’t have a lecture until eleven, so…” He trails off and you laugh at him.
“I can really sleep over? You don’t mind?”
His tongue clicks. “Of course I don’t mind. You know that.”
“I know.” You smile cheekily. “Nice to hear it every once ‘n awhile, though.”
He laughs and it shakes you up, his chest bouncing underneath you. You hold him tighter, arms wrapping around him. His laugh quiets as that shuts him up. “Y-yeah I… I get it.”
You laugh again at the stumble over his words. “You’re silly.”
With an eye roll, you exhale against him, arms instinctively taking home against his abdomen. With the flutter of your eyes, you fall asleep.
When you awake, Peter’s sitting at his desk doing work. It’s only just past nine o’clock, yet you realize how much you’ve slept. You rub the sleep from your eyes, a yawn slipping past your lips, alarming Peter that you’re awake.
“G’morning, sleepyhead. Sleep well?”
You grin. “Always, with you.”
He smiles and you stand up, wrinkles on your shirt flattened by your hands. “I should go so I can get ready for class.” Peter hums in acknowledgement. “I’ll be back in twenty.” You kiss his cheek before leaving him in the room.
When you’re gone, Peter exhales, his nerves settling.
“When’re you gonna ask her out?” Harry breaks the silence, emerging from under the covers. Peter jumps, surprised and startled at the sound of a new voice.
“Don’t do that, Harry.” Peter grumbles, resuming his work.
“Do what?” He smirks. Peter rolls his eyes in response. “I’m just saying, man.” He slips on some sweatpants, abandoning the covers.
“Yeah, I know.” Peter sighs, pondering his words. “Soon.”
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werenotadulting · 3 years
Routine Procedure - Finale
Author's note - Hope you enjoyed!
Part 7 - Kate
If you'd asked her, Kate wouldn't have been able to tell what exactly had gotten her interested in it.
Maybe it was the idea of the power dynamic. She had always been one of those girls labeled as 'bossy' growing up, which was a misogynistic way of saying that she wasn't afraid to speak up and speak her mind.
Or maybe it was the subversion of expectations of a traditional relationship that did it for her. The idea that she was the one in control, the one making all the decisions.
Maybe it was the fact that it was so taboo and kinky that appealed to her. It didnt really matter, whatever the reason.
Kate was into being a Mommy Domme, and Kate found nothing hotter than having a diapered little bitch boy to call her own.
The ultimate fantasy was teaching the boy to love and trust his diapers. Make him associate orgasming with wet diapers and diaper changes. Create a leaking "accident" in public so he learns that while thicker diapers might increase the risk of being noticed, they save you from the embarrassment of wet pants.
Of course, she had considered bringing up her desires to Mike, but based off of past experiences, she didn't want to chance it. Mike was just too perfect of a guy to risk blowing it like that.
She had always been the dominant one in bed, with Mike eagerly submitting to her every whim, so she knew they were sexually compatible. It had never gone past light bondage though, and Kate was starting to get an itch that handcuffs and blindfolds just wouldn't scratch.
It had come up entirely by chance, one day while she was scrolling through an obscure ABDL forum.
The post read: "Biomedical engineer here, and I think I've figured out a way to induce instant, semi-permanent incontinence."
The post was over 3 days old, and only had two comments on it. The first was from a mod, basically saying to take everyone's posts with a grain of salt. The second was from the OP, about 24 hours after the original post.
"I know it sounds like a fantasy, but I'm pretty confident it will work. I've had a career in medical devices for the last 8 years, specializing in the urology space. I don't want to get too deep into the details on here, so just PM me of you're interested."
Kate rolled her eyes.
Everyone in this community is so hooked on the 'I want to be instantly incontinent' thing, and all it ever ends up being is some silly fap content, she thought to herself.
"You know what, let's feed the troll and see what bites," she muttered.
Liv2DomU: ok spill, what's your magical method?
PrinceOfPadding: this for you, or someone else?
Liv: hypothetically, let's say it's for a boyfriend
Prince: Ahh okay. Very interesting. Well, like I said, I've worked in med device for awhile, and I've recently started my own company. I primarily work in the urology space, catheters, scopes, that kind of stuff.
Liv: hmm hate to break it to u bud, but catheters kinda already exist
Prince: oh sure, catheters exist, but my idea is to bridge the catheter world with the stent world
Liv: sounds idk...sketchy? illegal?
As she read more, Kate was beginning to think that this guy might not be as full of crap as she had initially thought. He had his own start-up, which had already launched a Foley catheter to the market. It was all above-board and legit.
Prince: so, for the aspiring incontinent-person-to-be, the ring is positioned with a catheter, and stays in place once the Foley is removed. Then overtime, probably a month at minimum, depending on the chemical makeup and customer desire, the ring breaks down and is naturally absorbed into the body. And they all sign a consent form saying they accept the risks of such a procedure.
Liv: so then once it's dissolved they are back to being being able to control their bladder?
Prince: that's the theory, yes
Liv: theory?
Prince: well, dissolvable stent technology present state takes like 18 months to break down, and the manufacturing of it is patented and kept under lock and key
Liv: so basically all you have to offer is a catheter lol
Prince: well no. I've got some good leads on dissolvable compounds, but I've got to do trials of the rings first to see if it would even work. I've promised free diapers for the first few months if people sign up, but it's been hard to get subjects
Liv: so these trial rings wouldn't dissolve?
Prince: nope
Liv: meaning my hypothetical boyfriend would be....?
Prince: permanently diaper dependent, yeah
In the end Kate was curious enough that she was willing to hear the guy out.
He'd asked for a mailing address and her phone number. The first was to send proof that his company was real, and the second was just to keep in contact should she decide to proceed.
It all made sense, at least in theory. Foley catheters were safe, provided they were inserted by a trained healthcare professional. A normal person would get a normal catheter just like everyone else. But an ABDL would be signing up for what was essentially an intentionally faulty catheter.
Assuming they knew they were willingly signing up for it.
When asked about 'accidental' ring implants, Prince had basically said, hey, people really need to learn to read the fine print.
I walked out to the mailbox. I've been expecting test results back from the scan I'd had a few weeks back. Opening up the box, I noticed a large envelope with my hospital's address on the front.
About time, I thought, grabbing the envelope and the rest of the mail.
I walked back into the house, where Kate was making herself a cup of tea.
"Anything good in the mail?" she asked, taking a sip from her mug.
I listed them aloud as I started to flip though the mail, "Looks like some junk mail, an internet bill, a brochure for some UroVention medical thing, and last but not least, my test results."
I dropped the rest of the mail on the counter and started to open up my scan results. As I was reading, Kate walked over and began sorting through the other mail.
"Oh good, they said it's benign, but they're still worried about the location. They're recommending removal, just to be on the safe side."
"Removal for something benign? That sounds odd, but whatever," Kate said, tucking something into her back pocket.
"I'm not too worried. It sounds like it should be a pretty routine procedure."
Part 8 - Mike
I sat down on the couch, my diaper squishing underneath me. Kate had taken to putting two stuffers in my diaper, even though these Tykables could already hold a lot. The warm, comforting feeling of my wet diaper started to turn me on, just like it did every time I realized how wet I was or if I was about to get a change. Not that I could do anything about it, though.
I flipped open the laptop and signed in. It would probably be a good hour before Kate got back from the store. Apparently I was being downgraded from sippy cups to bottles.
Once logged in, I noticed that the screen was still up to the site where Kate had last been. It was another diaper order, this time a case of Megamaxes. I felt my cheeks start to heat up, seeing that Kate had chosen the pink color for the whole case.
I opened up a private window, and navigated to KinkLink. My profile on here was pretty bare. It always had been, just containing my age, gender, and some basic interests. I hadn't even bothered to post a picture when I set it up. I preferred to look at other people's profiles rather than post things of my own.
I was always intrigued by people's locations and how close they were to where I lived. One such person who I came back to check the posts of daily was a mommy domme, who it happened lived in my town. Her first posts, from nearly three years ago, were what had first caught my attention.
'Every night I dream about finding my perfect diaper slut. He will wake up to me rubbing his thick, soggy padding, the little bedwetter that I turned him into.'
'Picture this: You, in a wet diaper and nothing else. Me, in my black lingerie with a strap on. Do I have any volunteers?'
'Have no doubt, if you date me, it's diapers forever. There's no "only at home" or "but my parents are coming over". Maybe I'll just find a way to make you incontinent. Then you won't have an excuse.'
And then there were the pictures. She never would show her face, but she didn't need to.. She wasn't lying about the black lingerie. It left very little to the imagination. Then the next picture, where the bra came off, and she was just in her lacy panties, her pierced nipples and tattoos on display. Maybe it was the octopus tattoo on her arm, my favorite animal, that made her stick out to me.
But there was one post that I always came back to and was entranced by. It was a picture of her holding an ABU Kiddo, right below her breasts. She wasn't wearing any clothing.
'Aww baby, did you wet the bed? I think we should probably put you in some protection.'
I stood in line at the coffee shop. It wasn't too busy for a Tuesday at 9 a.m., only two people were ahead of me. As the first person in line got her coffee and the second lady stepped up to place her order, I checked my phone. Still a half hour before I needed to be at work, I had some time to sit and enjoy my drink. I got my usual and went off to a booth in the corner.
"Excuse me, but do you happen to know what the Wi-Fi password is here?"
I looked up to see the woman who had been in front of me in line.
"Oh um, yeah it's....oh I think they just changed it. Try 'PINTO'. They always pick some sort of bean, I think they find it amusing, but it's never a coffee bean..." I trailed off.
She smiled, "Oh thank you so much, yeah I'll try that."
My mouth fell open is shock.
"I uhhh...I like your tattoo," I said. "They're my, um, favorite animal."
"Oh mine too! Isn't the octopus, like, the coolest animal?"
"D-definitely. Hey, would you like to sit with me? I'm just hanging out while I wait for work. My name is Mike by the way."
"That sounds really nice. Thank you, Mike. I'm Kate."
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kjack89 · 3 years
For the prompts for 300 fics, some kind of angst and reconciliation fic? I know that’s vague but I’m in the mood for some angst with a happy (or not!) ending, and you’re my go to for that :)
Angst with an optional happy ending? Nonny, you know me too well.
This is part 1 of what will be either multi-chaptered or just longer once I get it on AO3, so at the moment we’re just dealing with some light angst, and who doesn’t love that on a Saturday night. Hopefully the second part will be posted in a few days.
E/R, modern AU. Former relationship.
Enjolras pulled his hood even tighter over his blond curls and glanced over his shoulder before reaching up to feel for the key hidden on top of the door jamb. He was surprised, and more than a little concerned, when his fingers touched nothing but very dusty wood, and he chanced another glance over his shoulder before rapping lightly on the door.
The door opened no more than an inch. “Password,” a gruff voice barked, and Enjolras sighed.
He really should’ve known.
“Grantaire, if you don’t let me in, I will break down the door and use one of the splintered pieces of wood to kill you,” he said, as patiently and politely as he could, just in case someone was listening.
Grantaire opened the door enough to admit him, closing it after him and locking the doorknob lock and deadbolt before sliding the chain into place. “Firstly, I’d like to see you try,” he said with a grin that Enjolras did not return. “Secondly, for future reference, the password we were looking for was ‘my full glass’, with a security question of ‘what do I believe in?’.”
Enjolras tugged off his hoodie and balled it up before tossing it onto the couch, one of the few pieces of furniture in the tiny, cramped apartment. “Would you also have accepted ‘nothing’?” he asked waspishly.
“No, but I would’ve accepted ‘absolutely fucking nothing’,” Grantaire said cheerfully. “Adjectives matter.” His smile faded when he caught sight of the shiner beginning to darken around Enjolras’s left eye. “What happened?”
“Same thing that always happens,” Enjolras said.
Grantaire’s eyes narrowed. “Meaning you have other, less visible injuries that you’re not going to do anything about until it’s too late to keep them from getting worse?” he asked dryly
Enjolras rolled his eyes and dug his phone out of his pocket to send a quick text. “What are you even doing here?” he asked, purposefully ignoring Grantaire’s question.
He didn’t see the look Grantaire gave him, but he could hear it plainly enough in his voice. “It’s a safe house,” he said. “I think that’s somewhat self-explanatory.”
“No, I mean—” Enjolras did glance up then, to examine Grantaire for an impatient second before telling him, “I didn’t even see you at the protest.”
Grantaire shrugged. “I’m pretty sure we can charitably refer to that as a riot,” he said.
Enjolras rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone, which he powered off before disassembling it to remove the SIM card. “Whatever nomenclature you want to give it aside—”
“Speaking of nomenclatures,” Grantaire interrupted, “can we talk about how we’re referring to this as a safe ‘house’?” He flopped down on the couch. “This is a safe studio apartment. And I’m being generous with the term ‘studio’.”
“It’s illegal,” Enjolras informed him without looking up from his phone.
“Well no shit, this place is just plain criminal.”
Enjolras tucked his SIM card in his wallet before setting his phone down on the coffeetable. “No, I mean it was illegally built. It won’t show up on any building schematics or floorplans.”
Grantaire blinked. “Meaning…?”
“Meaning as long as you and I are in here, we don’t exist.”
Understanding flitted across Grantaire’s face. “I can see how that would have its advantages,” he murmured before glancing up at Enjolras. “Speaking of, how long do you think you and I will be staying in this lovely 250 square foot box?”
Enjolras shrugged, going to pour himself a glass of water from the tap in the corner of the apartment designated as the kitchen. “Hard to say,” he said, carrying the water over to the coffeetable and hesitating for only a moment before dropping his cellphone into it. He looked at Grantaire. “I assume you took care of any of your electronics with a GPS signal?”
“Yeah, but unlike you, seeing as how I don’t have the disposable income to just buy a new iPhone after every riot, I just left mine at home.”
“I don’t buy a new phone after every riot,” Enjolras muttered, feeling his ears burning red, and he sat down on the futon with a huff. “Only ones that ended badly and with potential criminal charges.”
“So...every riot.”
“I certainly hope you find yourself amusing enough to get through the next few days,” Enjolras said sourly. “Because we’re going to be here awhile.”
Grantaire groaned and tipped his head back to rest it against the back of the couch. “What did you do this time?” he asked, sounding resigned. “Molotov cocktail? Improvised incendiary device?” He turned his head to give Enjolras a wink. “Of course, that’s more Courfeyrac’s style than yours…”
“None of the above,” Enjolras told him, suddenly wishing he still had his phone to give him something to do with his hands. “I, uh, may have – shoved a cop.”
Grantaire’s eyes narrowed. “Shoved?” he repeated. “What does shoved mean in this context?” He didn’t wait for Enjolras’s answer. “And keep in mind that I’m not a cop or a prosecutor before you decide to obfuscate or lie.”
Enjolras shrugged again. “Maybe not, but you could also be tried as an accessory if I explain further.”
“As if I wouldn’t immediately execute my fifth amendment right against self-incrimination.”
Enjolras half-smiled. “Cute,” he said. “But you weren’t there.”
Grantaire arched an eyebrow at him. “And it’s on them to prove that,” he said coolly.
“So you’d risk a perjury rap for me?” Enjolras asked skeptically.
Something darkened in Grantaire’s expression. “I’ve risked worse for you,” he muttered, and Enjolras looked away, feeling his face color and hating himself just a little for it.
He bit back his initial response of defensiveness, of turning the tables back on Grantaire and asking him just what, exactly, he had risked over the course of what one could charitably call a relationship and more accurately call a friends with benefits arrangement – but then again, when had they ever been friends? – but something in Grantaire’s expression stopped him.
Or maybe it was just because he was stuck with his ex for the foreseeable future, and even he knew this was a bridge not worth burning right that moment.
“A cop decided to beat up a Black girl,” he said. “She couldn’t have been more than 14, and he didn’t even bother with his baton. She was on the ground and he wouldn’t stop, so I…” He trailed off and shrugged. “I stepped in.”
Grantaire let out a low whistle. “So you’re looking at aggravated battery,” he mused, looking up at the ceiling. “That’s, what, a class X felony? So you’re looking at 6 to 30, unless you can plead it down.”
Enjolras made a face. “Battery’s a stretch,” he said dismissively. “I’ll probably get slapped with aggravated assault.”
“Because the state’s attorney’s office is going to take one look at your record and decide to be generous.”
Enjolras barked a laugh and shook his head. “How do you know all this anyway?”
Grantaire shrugged. “I watch a lot of Law & Order reruns.” He gave Enjolras a critical look. “But potential criminal charges aside, are we just supposed to wait here with no link to the outside world until things blow over or something?”
It was Enjolras’s turn to shrug. “Or something.”
Grantaire sighed. “Great,” he said mournfully. “Well, thankfully, I was planning on quitting my job anyway, or I’d definitely be fired after this next round of no-call, no-shows.” He shoved himself up off the couch and slumped over to the small refrigerator humming ominously in the kitchen, and he opened the tiny freezer portion, pulling out a miniature ice cube tray. “That’s just pathetic,” he said, shaking his head.
Enjolras frowned. “Please don’t tell me you’re already making yourself a drink.”
“Hilarious,” Grantaire said. “But I already checked, and the only booze someone thought to stock this joint with is a couple bottles of bourbon, and I take my bourbon neat.” He cracked the ice cube tray into a ragged dishcloth, which he bundled up before carrying it over to Enjolras, holding it out for him. “This is for you, to try to keep that eye from getting worse,” he said, a little gruffly.
“Thanks,” Enjolras said, hesitating for only a moment before taking the dishcloth-wrapped ice and holding up to his eye, wincing at the cold. 
Grantaire looked at him carefully. “I’m guessing from the way you’re sitting, you’ve also got hit in the ribs – bruised or broken?”
“I’m sure they’re just bruised,” Enjolras assured him, but judging by the look on Grantaire’s face, he didn’t believe him.
Instead, he returned to the kitchen and refilled the ice tray, placing it back in the freezer. “So what are we gonna do now?” he asked off-handedly.
Enjolras shrugged. “Honestly? I have no idea. I’ve never exactly been someone good at relaxing.”
Grantaire snorted. “No shit, Sherlock.”
Enjolras arched an eyebrow, watching with his one good eye as Grantaire flopped down on the couch again. “You know, there was once a time when you would’ve given anything for it to be just you and me, alone, with no outside world for a few days.”
He had intended for it to be a funny, lighthearted memory, but he knew immediately by the way Grantaire sucked in a breath that it had landed as anything but that. They clearly weren’t to the point of joking about what they’d once had yet – if they’d ever get to that point. “Yeah, well,” Grantaire said, carefully avoiding Enjolras’s eyes, “that was a long time ago.”
Enjolras felt himself flush, but before he could offer some kind of apology, or explanation, Grantaire cleared his throat. “I think I’m just going to take a nap,” he said, still avoiding looking at Enjolras. “Riots really take it out of me.”
“Oh, right,” Enjolras said, hurrying to stand. “You can have the futon—”
“Nope, I got dibs on the couch.”
Enjolras frowned. “Take the futon,” he said. “I’m not going to make you sleep on the couch.”
“And I’m not going to make the person with potentially busted ribs sleep on the couch,” Grantaire shot back. “Besides, I checked out the futon before you arrived, and trust me, you’re not doing me any favors by switching.”
He said it with a sort of forced levity that told Enjolras not to push it further, so he didn’t. “If you say so,” he muttered instead, standing up and making his way over to the small pile of books stacked along one wall, hoping he could find something to keep his attention. 
By the time he returned to the futon with a novel that looked like it might do the trick – or at least make him angry enough that he’d have written a very thorough letter to the book’s publisher by the time he got out of there – Grantaire had rolled over onto his side, his back to Enjolras, ostensibly asleep.
But even though it had been a while since they had slept in the same bed, let alone the same room, Enjolras still knew Grantaire well enough to know when he was faking being asleep. And as he cracked open the book he had grabbed, he knew that Grantaire’s too-even breathing definitely indicated that he was not actually sleeping.
Which meant he preferred pretending to sleep to Enjolras’s company.
If that was any indication of how their time stuck together in the safe house was going to go, Enjolras couldn’t help but feel that they would both be very lucky if they made it out of there alive.
>>Read part 2 here>>
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harryspet · 4 years
Could you possibly write some dark Bucky Barnes ? Maybe the reader is super innocent and he takes advantage of it?
party princess | bucky barnes 
[Warnings] dark bucky barnes x innocent reader, natasha x reader (sort of), nanny reader, manipulation, affair, drunk consent (dubcon?), little editing
A/N: I’m gonna be honest and say that I basically DNF’d this one-shot after working on it for awhile. I liked the idea at first but then towards the middle my interests in it got a little iffy. anyways, I hope you can still enjoy it for what it is. I’ll def try to write more stories like this in the future! 
In which married Bucky takes advantage of the birthday party princess. 
word count: 2.5k
“Okay, let’s see, who wants to have their wish granted?”
The crowd of first graders erupted but you quickly held up your hands to shush them, “Before I can use my magic on any of my little friends, I have to make sure you’re all good little girls and boys. How many of you are kind to your friends and listen to your Mommies and Daddies?”
Hands raised and you smiled, “That’s very good, my friends. If you want to be a princess like me or a prince, then are certain things you have to do. Princess’s are polite, kind, and most important of all …” A hush fell over the crowd as they listened patiently before you suddenly exploded with giddiness, “They like to sing and dance! Will you sing a song with me, friends?”
Bucky watched from behind the glass door as you twirled around on the terrace. He sipped at his bottle of beer, noting how your eyes lit up as the group of children gather around you. They wanted to touch your ball gown and have you tap them with your fairy wand so you could grant their wishes. You seemed to be in your element and you hadn’t fallen out of character once as you pranced around in your fairy princess costume. It was a character from the latest Disney junior show that his daughter had recently fallen in love with and Natasha had the idea of hiring a party princess for her fifth birthday party. 
Both Natasha and Bucky were surprised when you volunteered to do it. You loved makeup and the idea of making their daughter’s birthday spectacular seemed like fun. Besides, you had only been nannying with the Barnes family for a couple of weeks and you wanted to make even more of a good impression. 
“I’m starting to think she actually has magic,” Natasha commented, and Bucky turned to see her placing candles on their daughter’s birthday cake, “I can barely handle our baby girl alone and yet she’s tamed fifteen of them.”
“She’s really something, isn’t she?” Bucky smirked and Natasha grinned, lighting the candles. 
“Keep it in your pants for now,” Natasha stated slyly, “C’mon Daddy, let’s sing happy birthday.”
As he opened the sliding door for Natasha, she rolled out the cake and the entire terrace erupted with singing. Bucky joined along, of course, watching as his daughter grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the cake. You sang happily, encouraging her to blow out the candles and make a wish when the song had ended. 
Natasha took a million pictures of you and, out of the corner of your eyes, you could feel Mr. Barnes’ gaze on you. You hoped that meant you were doing a good job. Keeping a smile on your face for that long was quite a lot of work. You watched as the birthday girl ran up to her father and he swung her in his arms.
You had already noticed what a beautiful family they were and how incredibly lucky they were to live in such a nice part of town. You hoped to have something like this one day and to find someone as attentive as Mr. Barnes. You were holding a little girl in your lap as she was asking if you personally knew Mulan before you heard a gagging noise.
Before you knew it, icing colored vomit was dripping down the bottom of your dress. 
Her mother came quickly, swooping the little girl from your arms, “I’m so so so sorry! She must’ve had too much cake,” You only smiled, trying to hide any disgust that you felt. 
“It’s okay,” You stood, making sure the little girl wasn’t embarrassed, “Even princess’s get tummy aches. Besides, I have lots of dresses in my castle.”
You felt a hand on the small of your back and turned to see Mr. Barnes, “The princess will be back in just a moment,” He spoke to the crowd of first graders as if to say that he’d personally help out with your accident. 
“I’m just going to return to my castle for a moment, friends” You assured the little ones with a smile, as Bucky helped you with the long train of your dress. Natasha had spent a fortune on the dress just to make sure it was realistic. He helped you inside, and as the sliding glass door closed, you let out a breath of air. 
Your smile fell a little though you didn’t want to appear completely tired in front of Mr. Barnes. One hand carrying your train and the metal one on your back, he led you towards the master bedroom. At first, you blushed but then you realized that was probably where the most room was. 
“You looked like you were having fun out there,” Bucky commented. 
“It’s nice making them smile,” You spoke earnestly and part of Bucky told him to beware. You were too pure for him to dip his fingers into yet he still wanted to taste you. 
“Do you want to take off your dress?” Bucky smiled evilly as your eyes widened and your cheeks heated with embarrassment. 
It took a minute for you to realize what he was actually asking, “W-Well, the show must go on, right? I think I can just try to wipe it with a wet washcloth and hope for the best. I don’t want to let this ruin the party.”
Bucky nodded though he added, “My daughter loves you so I doubt you could ever ruin anything.” That made you genuinely smile because you knew then that the impression you were trying so hard to make was definitely good. Natasha had even said you deserved a raise before you’d gotten thrown upon. 
Bucky led you into the bathroom before he retrieved a washcloth and ran in under the sinkwater for you. You couldn’t help but admire the luxury of it all, the tall ceilings and the chandelier that hung. You could fit the size of your entire apartment in their bathroom. 
You sat down on the tub and began to scrub at your dress, “I really appreciate you guys giving me a chance. I know I didn’t have as many qualifications as the other girls,” Bucky knew you’d be grateful for that. Your interview with them was good and Natasha liked your personality but Bucky wanted you because of your beauty and youth. 
“You’re a hard worker, Y/N,” You liked the way your name rolled off his tongue like you could hear the satisfaction in each syllable. “Natasha and I were thinking … I’m not sure she’d want me to mention it yet-”
“What were you thinking?” You looked up with curious eyes, “I mean, of course, you don’t have to tell me, sorry.”
Be patient with her, Natasha had told him. But looking down at how the heart shape neckline of your dress exposed your breasts, patience was the last thing on his mind. 
“We wanted you to stay with us, join our staff full time. Nat wants to start working more and it’s hard for both of us to keep up with things around the house.”
“Really?” You perked up, your eyes wide with excitement, “I’d love that. I’d love that so much, Mr. Barnes.”
Bucky admired the light in your eyes and knew the power he held over your life. You wanted this job desperately since it was probably the best you were going to do. You’d probably do a lot to keep it as well. 
“I’m sure Nat will be glad to hear it …. and you can call me Bucky, Y/N. Might as well drop the formalities if we’re going to be getting closer.”
Closer in proximity is what you thought he meant, “Sounds good, Bucky.”
It had been a few weeks since you’d moved into their luxurious home. It had been a complete dream especially with the huge pay raise that it had earned you. 
“Do you have a boyfriend, Y/N?” You looked up abruptly from where you were wiping down the kitchen counter. Natasha was sitting down at the island, typing away at her laptop, while she looked you over. You still had paint on your hands and on your cheek from the painting session you had with her daughter. Now the little girl was down for her night and Natasha thought it was the perfect time to get some information, “I mean, you just never mention anyone.”
“I-I don’t,” Your cheeks heated from embarrassment, “Dating isn’t really … my thing.”
“Why’s that? You’re a lovely girl, Y/N.”
Why was she saying all this? Why the sudden curiosity? Was she worried you’d bring someone around her daughter?
“I-It’s just hard. With kids, I’m confident but, with adults, not so much.”
“Bucky used to be that way,” You weren’t expecting to hear about him, “When I met him, he was very closed off. He thought dating was still like it is in the ’40s. Sure, it’s nice to settle down but everyone these days is so … open. You know what I mean?”
You tilted your head to the side, “But you and Bucky settled down?”
“Yes, we love each other and I wanted kids so it made sense. But we still like to keep things interesting. We want to make sure each of us happy.”
“How … How do you do that?”
Natasha bit down on her lip as she thought for a moment, “Let’s have a glass of wine,” She spoke, getting up from her seat.
“Oh, I don’t drink,” You rushed out nervously, “I mean, I’ve never done it before.”
She was still moving towards the wine cabinet, “There’s a first time for everything, right? C’mon have a drink with your boss.” Your boss, right. She was speaking so casually that you had almost forgotten the line between you. 
“Are you sure? What about-”
“Bucky won’t be home until late and the little one is fast asleep. We can have some girl talk, it’ll be fun. One glass won’t do any harm,” Natasha sat the two glasses on the counter before she started to pour you some red wine. 
You’d probably be good after one glass but the universe didn’t work in your favor that night. There was a second after the first glass and now you were a giggling mess. 
Natasha managed to reach into the deepest parts of your past and had you laughing at the same time. You were exactly as she had previously predicted. You had a sheltered life, you grew up disadvantaged but had religious parents. They shamed you into not doing a lot of things but Natasha manages to drill into you that “you shouldn’t be ashamed of anything you do”.
When Bucky strolled in later that night, he found you and Nat sprawled on the couch in the living room. Whatever plan Nat had was working on, it was clearly successful, “Bucky, honey, come sit with us!”
You set your glass down, realizing how comfortable you had gotten, “Don’t be shy now, Y/N,” Nat said to you as Bucky took a seat beside her, “Y/N was telling me about her love life.”
You stared at Nat in disbelief. You understood talking about this stuff with her because she was a girl but with Bucky? “It’s exciting, I hope. There are lots of people in New York.”
“A-Actually, I-”
Natasha placed a hand on Bucky’s leg, taking another sip of wine before saying, “She’s a virgin.”
Bucky looked you over with a smirk, “And I thought the fairy princess stuff was an act ... “
You weren’t sure if you should be offended so you only said, “It’s not like that. I still know things ... “
Natasha handed her glass of wine to Bucky before standing and walking to where you were sitting on the couch. She held her hands out to you and you took them hesitantly. She pulled you up so you were standing impossibly close to her, “How much do you know, honey?”
“I … “
“Don’t you want to learn some things? So you can please the man in your life?”
“You won’t be much use to your future boyfriend if you don’t know how to please him,” Bucky interjected, leaning forward. 
You hadn’t even thought of it that way …Maybe it was the wine or something because you didn’t object to their words. “I don’t think I can ... “
Natasha still held your hands as she guided you over to where Bucky was sitting, “Of course you can,” Before you knew it, she was pushing you into his lap. You felt his hands tightening on your waist and you began to panic. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Barnes-”
“It’s okay,” Natasha grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at her as his cold hand roamed over your thigh, “We’re gonna help each other out. You can’t go the rest of your life without knowing how to please a man. How I please Bucky is with girls like you, understand?”
It was so far from anything you had ever experienced that you weren’t sure if you did understand. That didn’t stop Bucky from pressing his front to you, grabbing at your breast and rubbing circles against your nipples through your top, “Let me teach you, Y/N, I promise I won’t bite” He whispered into your ear and it must’ve been the wine that makes you whisper back, “O-Okay.”
You’d be lying if you said you never thought about Bucky in that way but the thoughts had never gone far because of Natasha. 
Natasha stepped away from a small grin on her face. After Bucky got his hands on one of the innocent dolls like you, it seemed to turn him into a complete animal in bed, and Natasha loved dealing with the consequences, “Bucky’s going to be very gentle with you, honey. Just give a shout if you need anything.”
Bucky watched as his wife stepped away, knowing he liked to watch her go. He turned his head back to you, dipping his face into your neck, starting to kiss the sensitive area there. It sent fire through you, not only to your cheeks but all over your body, “What do you know about kissing, Y/N?” Again, he could tell you were only pretending as you stuttered over your response, “Then I’m your first?”
You nodded. Nat had really hit the jackpot. He was going to thank her really well later. 
Bucky’s hand stroked your bottom lips for a moment, “Just relax,” You did your best but you couldn’t help but tense as he leaned into you and pressed his lips against yours. You thought it would be a short moment but his hands roamed over your bare legs as the tip of his tongue began to pry open your mouth. 
You let him and soon you were trying to copy his movements by moving your mouth against his. When he finally did pull away, you thought you might have totally embarrassed yourself, “Was that bad?”
Bucky immediately shook his head, “You’re a natural, baby.”
i really wanted to write more but i kinda just lost inspo : / and I didn’t just want to not post it. 
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Rough Night
Bucky Barnes x (f)werewolf reader
Summary: Your life is already so weird, thankfully Bucky loves you through it all.
Warning: fluff, reader being a sass master w/ no filter
side note: couldn’t think of any cool avenger powers and then brain went werewolf so here we are
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If you had a dollar for every time you’d ended up in the woods with ripped clothes and no shoes, well, let’s just say you could probably afford a real nice two bedroom apartment in some real pleasantly fancy building with a great view and all. Too bad green doesn’t just rain down from the sky every time the full moon comes round to knock you back into another world of blurry confusion.
You won’t lie to yourself, being what you are is strange and not very common in the slightest, obviously. It’s even weirder that you weren’t bitten one night and turned just like that, oh no, all passed down through the bloodline of other strange relatives. So you’re gifted with the curse, forced to inevitably change into a furry beast every single full moon, so what you’re still a mostly pleasant individual.
Well luckily for you, being born with the gift does happen to have its perks which do come in handy. For instance, you’re incredibly strong, quick on your feet, and have heightened senses, plus the ability to shift on command. It’s not all bad, well......most of the time.
Honestly you truly thought life couldn’t get much stranger for you and your whole hidden secretive situation, until low and behold some random red head found your little hideaway in a remote mountain side village far off in the Himalayas.
Everything was completely fine and under control and then BAM, she showed up with some important documents and something called an Avengers initiative and well shit, guess some time spent with the real world couldn’t hurt. I mean come on, some more friends seemed like a nice idea and uh, somehow they knew who you were so too late to run and hide.
Also at the time, considering you lived like a recluse on the edge of the village and of course for good reason, but damn if the red head didn’t just hand you an open invitation for some real adventure. Who were you to say no?
Fortunately for you, all seemed to go in your favor and fantastically enough, they had a nice big strong cell for you on nights when the wolf was inevitably bound to come out. A fridge full of plentiful snacks, a training room to lay off some steam, and a big safe and secure room all your own. It was perfect. Only problem was, there happened to be a very attractive and very wary of you super soldier who undoubtedly caught your attention.
How could you not, he smelled divine, muscles for days, thick thighs that could make a girl swoon, and he just seemed like the best goddamn hugger alive. Okay listen, maybe you were touch starved and deprived of human affection but dammit if your little monster heart didn’t skip a beat every time he was near you.
And yes, the few months it took to get him to crack was just down right torturous. But with some coaxing from Steve and encouragement from Sam, the winter soldier at long last did talk to you. Turned out he thought you were scared of him all along, how hilariously ironic you thought when he told you that.
But as time progressed and you both opened up more and more, a blossoming relationship sprouted forth, eventually evolving and manifesting into a big beautiful flower called love. Cheesy yes, but you couldn’t have dreamed of anything better.
And seriously, he wasn’t freaked out about your whole hidden hush hush secretive gift that usually either goes in your favor or ends up causing you major legal trouble. The man himself, Bucky Barnes, thought you were a marvel to behold, so odd and fantastic that he couldn’t stay away even if he tried.
And for that you could love him forever, especially now after a full moon while you’re out in the middle of nowhere. Hoping that the team will send your hundred year old boyfriend out to find you in the brisk dark morning after a grand unrememberable adventure. Which would be very nice of course, considering you have not a damn clue what you’ve done.....or where you are.
Cracking your back, you stretch your hands up to the dawning sky as a tired yawn escapes you. It’s been a long night and you look like a wild woman with your hear a fluffy nest and your clothes ripped in various unrevealing places thankfully.
Your surroundings are simply trees and small scraggly bushes, green grass underneath your bare feet and a small stream flowing in the near distance. With a second to listen, you can hear a highway a couple miles away to the east, guess that’s a start.
Rubbing your eyes you set out in that direction for about twenty minutes before a blue and gold Mercedes comes into view from the side of a country back road, it stops when you guess the driver spotted you from the tree line. Keeping a wary eye on the fancy sports car, you keep walking towards it until a figure gets out and leans against the passengers side door all cool and casual, then on further inspection you realize the driver is Bucky.
Yes! My knight in shining armor is here!
Trudging through the grassy field in the dewy morning light, he watches your every move, eyes crinkling in amusement as you come to stand a couple feet in front of him. Undoubtedly looking a bit wild, and very tired as you fold your arms underneath each other, giving your dark haired lover a shy almost fangy smile.
“I know I look like a hot mess.” You mutter with a shrug, biting your lip as you dart your eyes to the fields behind him, slightly embarrassed of the current disheveled state you’re in.
Bucky smirks before pushing himself off the car and engulfing you into a big Bucky bear hug to your pleasant surprise, “Y/N I’m just glad you’re okay and nothing bad happened to you.” He mumbles into your shoulder as you press yourself closer to him, letting yourself have this wonderful moment to relax and feel at ease.
Slowly pulling back to look up at him, you smile, “Aww Buck you were worried about me?”
He returns the grin, leaning down to press his head flush against yours, “We all were, me more then anyone else of course...and maybe for the general civilians nearby.”
You laugh nervously, “Oh right, yeah. Well hey, I didn’t destroy anyone's car this time. I think I’ve made progress.”
He pauses for a brief moment indicating he’s not sure if he should tell you something and this does make you nervous before Bucky finally lets out a little laugh, “You ate a whole cow Y/N.”
Snorting in surprise you quickly pull your head from Bucky’s, “What? Did I? Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Yeah, uh I wish.” He admits with a casual reassuring squeeze to your arm, “We tracked you with Sam’s suit tech, yunno Red Wing, and uh....you seemed to be having fun.”
Mentally and just about physically cringing at yourself, you purse your lips together in slight embarrassment, “Shit. Was it gross?” You ask, making a face that causes him to chuckle.
“A little.” Adds Bucky with another casual shrug to make you feel less terrible.
“Is the farmer going to see everything, I mean shit they’re gonna be so pissed.” You worry, biting your lip anxiously as you break eye contact from him. “Why am I like this.”
“Uh, that’s not going to be a problem.” Inquires Bucky causing you to find his blue eyes once again.
Eying him up suspiciously you raise a brow, “And why’s that.....Bucky what did I do?”
Taking a breath he gives you a small apprehensive smile, “Y/N...you uh, kind of ate......everything.”
“I what?” I did not! No way, right?
Giving you a quick kiss on the cheek he smiles affectionately, “I’m going to be honest with you here it looked like a kid with a piece of cake who has no impulse control, and loves cake....like a lot.....Rodney almost puked.”
Rolling your eyes you fake glare at him, “Oh god who all watched my little horror show?”
“Mostly everyone.”
“It’s like a car crash Y/N, we don’t want to watch but we can’t look away. Sorry doll.” He confesses apprehensively, though honest and sincere knowing you do feel bad for what you do when out of it.
“No.” You say honestly, pausing for a moment, “It’s fine. Seriously Buck, I’m just relieved you guys keep taps on me while I’m out, god knows I can’t help what I do and where I go. It’s nice to have people making sure I don’t injure any innocent bystander.”
“Yeah I guess so huh...alright Y/N/N,” Chirps Bucky with a beaming grin as he attempts to shift the mood to a less dull one, “let’s get out of here, I mean unless you want to sniff around the place for awhile...it is a nice forest over there and all but I guess we can stay and I’ll let you...”
“Alright Barnes, can-it or maybe I’ll bite you.” You tease with a playful squeeze of his bicep before breaking out of his strong grasp.
“Depends on the context maybe I’d enjoy it.” Adds Bucky sarcastically, side eying you with a half smile as you move to open the car door.
Shaking your head in playful disapproval you lightly shove him aside, “Believe me you wouldn’t.”
The ride back to the Avengers base or headquarters or facility, who the hell knows at this point, was actually quite smooth and peaceful. Then again you fell asleep as soon as Bucky made it onto the highway, and continued to catch a much needed nap for the next hour ride home.
No one ever said you were easy alright, but let’s be real, Bucky would let you put him through anything and he’d be happy about it.
After parking and walking down the sidewalk past some early morning trainees catching a run, the two of you made it into the Avengers official HQ where all your rooms and other luxury’s are located. But of course not before walking past the facilities giant living space and huge kitchen.
Just keep looking forward, keep walking, walk faster you idiot!
“Y/N!” Shouts Sam in that stupidly peppy obnoxious early morning voice of his, no doubt gaining the attentions of Steve and Natasha who are seated at the kitchens bar talking about some mission report.
Pausing in the large doorway that’s not giving you or Bucky a whole lot of hiding space, you take a deep breath before turning to acknowledge him, “You’d think people would be sleeping considering it’s only six in the morning.”
Chuckling, Sam raises his protein shake, “Weird,” He says while giving you a knowing smirk, “we missed you during training this morning.”
Nat and Steve conceal their amusement as you simply roll your eyes, “Yeah well it was a long night.” You mutter unenthusiastically, earning the tiniest laugh from Bucky which causes you to throw him a glare. Knocking that smile right off of his handsome stubbly face.
“Well we got all these shakes here if you two love birds want one. Hate to have em go to waste.” Adds the smiling man with a nod, if he doesn’t just love seeing you looking like shit. No Sam I do not accept this invitation for you to tell me how crazy I look.
Sam means well of course, but damn he loves teasing you in front of Bucky for a fun reaction out of him. And it’s kind of working, but not on Bucky.
“It’s fine Y/N, you don’t have to have one if you don’t want to.” Calls Natasha before taking a sip from her mug. “Just ignore Sam, he’s been annoying since the gym.”
Before Sam’s even able to speak you quickly narrow your eyes at him, holding up a finger before making hasty steps across the room. Stopping right in front of him, “Give it.” You deadpan.
Brows raised in surprise he glances from a confused Bucky, then back to you again, “Listen I only made so much, Y/N this is my breakfast okay you can’t just...”
Ignoring his rushed rambling you pull out the whole glass blender full of protein shake before taking a step back as the whole room goes quiet, then never breaking eye contact you heartily drink up the whole entirety of its cold contents without missing a beat. Yeah, definitely needed that.
After you’re finished you lick your lips in satisfaction, taking a step closer towards a speechless Sam as you set the blender back in its place. Giving him a satisfied smirk before walking back over to Bucky where you tug on his jacket to follow you down the hall and away from everyone else.
Sometimes you can’t help but be a little dramatic.
Laying sprawled out on yours and Bucky’s giant mattress, you stare up at the ceiling as he folds your clean and freshly scented laundry, your mind swirling with thoughts of what duties you have to be apart of today. Blah, work.
Sighing gently you glance at Bucky to see if he heard you, not getting anything from him you sigh again with more grandeur this time. Nothing. Rolling your eyes you suck in a deep breath before practically soft yelling out your exhale like the dramatic little beast you are.
Glancing over to Bucky, you watch as he turns around to put some of your pants away in a drawer. Okay then, that’s how it’s gonna be. Quickly sitting up, you smirk a devilish grin before silently reaching over to pick up a small pillow, once in hand you don’t think twice before launching it at full speed directly headed for the back of his head.
But before your decently soft projectile can smack his precious flowing locks does a metal arm swiftly reach up to catch it mid flight. Oh, shit. Bucky’s head turns to you, brow raised at you before tucking the pillow underneath his arm, and going back to his usual domestic duties for the day.
Okay, killer of fun Mr. James Buchanan Barnes.
Frustrated from lack of a reaction out of him, you stand up on the bed like a warrior about to give a great battle cry. Eyeing his cute butt up for a moment, you smirk once again before launching a sneak attack pillow right for his head. It sails magnificently across the room before a metal hand stops it in its place. 
Well, shit.
This time he gives you a proper look, full of mischief and a new profound playfulness that sends an excited thrill throughout your entire being. As fast as one of Thor’s lightening bolts does the pillow soar in your direction, but conveniently for you he’s forgotten just how quick you can really be. This is just what you wanted.
Dodging to the left you watch in almost slow motion as the fluffy cloth just misses your face, instead opting to smack against the back wall with a loud thud. Snapping your attention back to Bucky he narrows his blue eyes at you suspiciously while you let out an admittedly scary villainous chuckle.
Let’s party my love.
He hands you a smirk right before shifting his body to the right, arm cocked back and thrust forward just as quickly, launching his second pillow attack without an ounce of mercy. You see it coming a mile away and as graceful as a dancer do you flip off the bed, landing perfectly on the carpeted floor just as the pillow smacks hard against the door. Thwack!
Slowly standing, eyeing him up like a lioness to her prey, you give him a satisfied smile, “Missed.” You tease.
Letting out a breathy laugh, Bucky takes a cautious step in your direction as he tests the waters, “Y/N what are you doing?”
“Getting your attention you ass.”
Chuckling he takes another step forward, “Was I ignoring you?” Duh, that’s why I, oh wait he’s playing you.
“Well you certainly weren’t doing anything interesting.” You sass as he steps again closer, this time about an arms length away.
The corners of his eyes crinkle in amusement, “Okay that’s fair, but was the pillow really necessary?” He asks, though his tone is still humorous.
Not falling for his alluring charm you tilt your head to the side, a knowing smile breaking out across your face as he tries to register what your true intentions are. “Yes, and so is this.” You quip before dropping to the floor for a side sweep of his legs, in an instant he’s on the ground and looking wide eyed up at you.
God he looks beautiful. No, focus.
“Y/N!” He whines breathlessly, brows furrowed as he holds himself up by his elbows, “Now you’re gonna get it!”
Taking a quick step back you snort, “Oh really now?”
And he’s fallen for the plan.
“Yes, and when I get you, you won’t be laughing anymore.” He grumbles, trying to keep himself from laughing as well.
“Alright then hot stuff try and bring me down.” You snap back playfully as he rises to his feet, “First one pinned has to run with Sam later, and we both know how much fun he is to run with.”
Bringing his arms up into a defensive position he readies himself for an attack, “Yeah, I’d rather not be his jogging buddy today. I mean it is raining outside, but I know you’d look real nice after a wet run.” Teases Bucky with a smirk.
“Touché you smartass.” His lips twitch into a grin as you ready your own stance. “Now let’s dance.”
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ammy246 · 3 years
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Gays team up and fight a guy who used to have a good cause but became a psychopath instead of the hero they aspired to be
Bonus: One of the gays also happens to have an arm replacement while the other has some kind of a a connection to the one they are fighting (Blake and Adam + Bucky and Captain America)
Here are some of the awesome lyrics from Rwby’s song Nevermore that works just as well for Sam and Bucky as Blake and Yang
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: Nevermore
Sam: Will I be afraid nor will I run away
Bucky: It’s behind me
Sam: Freedom is finally here
Bucky: You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score
Sam: You won the battle you won’t win the war
Bucky: Not now and nevermore
Sam: You talked of subjugation I answered your violent plea youth and infatuation kept be to blind to see
Bucky: You think you’re someone’s hero you’re hiding more than your eyes I challenge your weak manifesto the goal of a savior is not to be lionized!
Sam: Back when it started, I thought that justice was your goal
Bucky: Then in the darkness
Sam: You lost your mind I lost my soul
Bucky: That’s in the past and I won’t be controlled!
Sam: Nevermore
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: You’ll torture my heart and my head!
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: Nevermore
Bucky: Will I be afraid!
Sam: Nor will I run away!
Bucky: It’s behind me
Sam: Freedom is finally here!
Bucky: You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score
Sam: You won the battle you won’t win the war
Bucky: Not now and nevermore!
Bucky: You had me down, defeated a state that I can’t allow! It’s over, my fear’s retreated I’m more like an army now!
Sam: You offered hope, salvation gave me a place to be but your vision of liberation was all about you and it would never apply to me!
Bucky: I won’t stay a martyr it’s my turn to take back what you stole and this time I’m smarter!
Sam: I made a vow I’m not alone not dying now we’re protecting our own!
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: Nevermore
Sam: You’ll torture my heart and my head!
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: Nevermore
Bucky: Will I be afraid nor will I run away it’s behind me!
Sam: Freedom is finally here!
Bucky: You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score
Sam: You won the battle but you won’t win the war
Bucky: Not now and nevermore!
Sam: There’s no cause to celebrate another soul consumed by hate and spite another destroyed life
Bucky: There’s no pleasure there’s no joy it’s just a story of a boy who lost his way
Sam: Into shadows strayed he’ll see the light of day!
Sam: Nevermore
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: You’ll torture my heart and my head!
Bucky: Nevermore
Sam: Nevermore
Bucky: Will I be afraid!
Sam: Nor will I run away!
Bucky: It’s behind me
Sam: Freedom is finally here!
Bucky: You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score
Sam: You won the battle you won’t win the war!
Bucky: Not now and nevermore!
At the beginning, John Walker became Captain America and neither Sam or Bucky were happy about it, but perhaps they could’ve dealt with it if he was a better person. They were both bothered by him because he took a title they didn’t think he deserved, but Sam wasn’t ready to become Captain America, and Bucky couldn’t do anything without winding up in a prison somewhere, so he was powerless in the situation as well. Eventually, John Walker saw himself as weak which led to him seeking power from the serum and he wasn’t able to control himself when his friend died, leading to him killing someone so Sam and Bucky having to work together to take him down, and take the shield back. The two of them presented an unbreakable front during the whole fight so John Walker was overpowered in the end despite having the serum inside of him. Bucky got the title of Captain America out of the wrong hands, while Sam finally took the mantle which he was previously too afraid to even consider. However, even though they finally accomplished something they wanted to for awhile, they didn’t want John Walker to become evil, and Sam probably would’ve let him remain Captain America if he turned out to be an actually good person and John Walker’s entire reputation was destroyed because of all this, making Sam becoming Captain America this way somewhat of a tragedy instead of something really worth celebrating over.
Blake was originally Adam’s lover when they were in the revolutionary/terrorist group known as the White Fang. She eventually saw that he was losing his mind, so she left him and went to Beacon as a hopes of being able to become a huntress so she could become a better person, leading to her joining Team RWBY. The school was eventually destroyed because of some villains, grimm, and even Adam and the White Fang themselves. In the process, Yang lost an arm, and became really depressed afterwards, giving up on fighting against the evil forces entirely, and sitting around at her home, while Blake went on the run as a hopes to find a way to defeat Adam and to drive out the White Fang’s forces. Eventually, Yang recovers, leading to her reuniting with her team and Blake. Later on, Adam attacks Blake, and she stops running and faces him head-on for the first time. She almost gets killed, but Yang saves her, and the two of them take him on together, which eventually leads to them having no choice but to kill him, since he would’ve killed them without s second thought if given the chance. However, this broke Blake’s heart since she once loved Adam. She then tells Yang she will not break her promise and leave her again and so far, she has kept it to the best of her ability.
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mintvender · 4 years
Hi there! Can I request the boys' reaction to you being jealous? Maybe Y/N saw someone flirt with the boys'? 💓
Ooh yes, enjoy 🌿💚💚
BTS’s Reaction to You Getting Jealous
Warning: Slight suggestive moments, killing ( please keep in mind that this story is set in a historical setting where killing was considered to be a normal occurrence)
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Kim Taehyung
You and Taehyung were on one of your guys’ rare missions set out by the organization. Even if you are the ruler, your original roots are from the organization so you are obligated to carry a mission when needed. This mission is one of those that is set in a very luxurious brothel. The target is a wellknown business man who has a hobby of meeting up with beauties at night. To say the least, every beauty that is here tonight is more than what meets the eyes. Most would say that they are desperate for money, others would think that they are born from lust, itself; however, whatever way an individual choose to believe, it all comes down to their first night together. Once they have done the deed, those people are forever hooked with those venomous snakes.
Your guys’ organization is very hidden even in the underworld, so all members must wear a covering to prevent exposing their identity. Y/N was wearing a full on mask that represent your alias ‘ Pheonix’. Unlike you, Taehyung chosed to be more revealing and risky, wearing only a thin black veil that can easily be ripped off. Of course, with his not very strong physique, it is extremely risky for him to wear such a frail covering but you decided not to say anything as it is in his right to wear anything he wanted to. But what you are going to do is stick by his side while holding a sword for the rest of the night.
Like any other missions, this one went smoothly. You both managed to finish the guy without anyone noticing courtesy to your deathly abilities and Taehyung’s sharp mind. What didn’t go as plan was that one of the snakes managed to ripped Taehyung’s veil off, revealing his pretty face. Further more, the ‘beauty’ thought that it would be alright to flirt and woo him into her bed. Furious at how daring she was, you decided that it was finally time to end her career. Unsheathing your sword, it only took a few movements of your experienced hand for the deed to be done. Taehyung, confused at what had happened could only offer you a stunned expression. Deciding not to answer him, you sped up your pace, leaving him to run after you. Ignoring him on the way, Taehyung could only pout, trying to get you to forgive him. When he finally managed to forced an answer out of you, he found himself snuggling himself in your hold, trying to persuade you to forgive him; promising that he would not be that reckless again.
“ Y/NNNN, talk to me please? I won’t do it again. I will stick to your side the next time we’re on another mission so forgive me. Please?”
Kim Namjoon
Have you ever have an apprentice that never leaves your side the moment they saw you? Well congratulations, this is one of those scenarios. Recently, you have decided to start enlisting many potential talents for the countless open spots in the various offices. Unsurprisingly, the medicinal department was also short of staff so they were in need of receiving more apprentices. As the head of the department, Namjoon has the final say on who is allowed to enter the department. Lucky for him not for you tho, there are many unpolished gem that wants these positions. Being the wise person he is, he managed to earn the respect of many adolescents on the very first day. All of them were curious children who needed a mentor to help guide them in order to become successful. To Namjoon, there was a particular apprentice that stood out to him. She was very interested in medicine and is highly intelligent in the field so he decided to let her be his private apprentice— who stays by his side every second he is in office and maybe even more.
Anyways, with how much that little girl is staying with Namjoon, it would make sense that she would also accompany him for your monthly checkup as well. The moment you saw that girl walk through the door, you were stunned. Stunned for Namjoon breaking the organization’s rules, and stunned that the girl managed to catch Namjoon’s attention that he was willing to even set his life on the line for her. Before Namjoon could explain the reason of that girl being there, you decided that it was within your right to kick the both of them out. Now, this might be the reason listed above and could be more but for Namjoon, he interpreted your commands as a warning. That if he were to expose his identity, he will absolutely receive none of your help and will have to deal with that on his own.
Acknowledging that you were probably right, he decided to reassigned the girl to another physician after your multiple attempts of ignoring him — not wanting to get in between his problems as it’s too risky. The next time you guys’ had a monthly checkup, the girl was nowhere in sight but your silent treatment still remained firm. Knowing that it was his fault, Namjoon could only apologize and would not do it again. He then slowly walked over to the desk near your bed and began making a concoction of herbs to help calm you down. However, unlike his usual calm self, he had clumsily shattered a few bowls while at it. Y/N could only sighed before bending down and cleaning it up before going over to him to check on his wounds. How could you let your intelligent yet clumsy physician if he were to break things everytime he crawl back to you and apologize?
“ I apologized, Y/N. I was not in my right state of mind to consider the possible risks that it would bring to our organizations. I was too excited when I saw her thesis that I completely lost my rationale.”
Jung Hoseok
Because of his wretched father, Hoseok found himself having to return to his old home every couple of weeks. His father had complained to you that Hoseok was neglecting his maternal family the moment that he was wedded to you. Y/N, not wanting to create a bigger mess, managed to convince Hoseok to return to his home every once in awhile which leads us back to the current situation. Before Hoseok got wedded to Y/N, he already had a fiancé which he has bonded throughout most of his childhood. Of course, Hoseok only saw her as a friend who he has a platonic relationship with or simply a sister, but that was far from what the girl had wanted. His ex-fiancé, Miyoung was studying abroad so she was not immediately notified of him entering the harem but the minute she got informed, she was packing her belongings and heading back.
The trip started out as any other with Hoseok getting greeted the moment he enters the front yard by the matriarch along with his father and countless servants. This time however, the moment he saw Miyoung standing courteously behind his father, Hoseok wanted nothing more than to run for the carriage that had already left. You see, when Miyoung confessed her feelings to him—who did not her and got rejected; she did everything in her power to get engaged to him and that was how she became his fiancé. From that day on, Hoseok’s relationship with her only continued to sour before they were not contacting for months on end when she’s studying abroad. The matriarch—who did not agreed on him marrying Y/N, purposely set the both of them together, wanting the pair to interact together. This idea was not only reckless and unecessary as it it basically threading your position as his spouse and have him cheat on the ruler of the nation. Hoseok’s matriarch had also stupidly decided to invite you to come as well, wanting you to witness the couple’s strong bond personally.
Knowing that you could not deny her offer as they are still one of the major families, you had coincidentally entered the room at the time when Miyoung was being extra touchy. The sight, however, did not stunned you but only made you more confused. Questions began to erupt from your mouth asking about the situation while watching Hoseok desperately trying to escape Miyoung’s grip the moment he saw you. Expectedly, the matriarch’s answer is utter garbage, knowing that this is all a setup. Deciding to just stand there and wait for Hoseok to escape from Miyoung, you observed the main contirbutor’s expressions, silently judging their ability to properly. But the moment Hoseok managed to move within your arm’s length, you could feel his little suprised gasp as you pulled him into your hold before leading him out of the place not before warning to not touch what is yours. On your guys’ way home, Hoseok tried to explain what you had witnessed but instead got the silent treatment. Let’s say that it was extremely daring to touch a assassin’s possessions but a nation’s ruler as well is simply too moronically.
“ It was not what you think, your highness. We may not know each other for long but I’m incredibly loyal! That girl was my fiancé before I got wedded to you but I don’t love her! Please believe me!”
Min Yoongi
You getting jealous with Yoongi would happened on a blue moon as he is frequently seen by your side and that most people inside the palace hate his family too much to hit on him but it does still happen. Like any other day, Yoongi is with you in your office helping you with the minor tasks. Seeing how he was getting comfortable with the tasks you had given him, you decided that it was time for him to interact with some other officers in the smaller departments. Yoongi, of course was extremely nervous but wanted to make you proud so he quickly set off to his destination. The task you assigned was quite simple; getting the finished manuscripts that have been assigned yesterday. Everything seemed to go smoothly but what did not was the officers’ attitude towards Yoongi.
As they were considered to be quite young, they must have not know that the boy that is getting is one of your consorts as Yoongi usually prefers to dress in casual clothing; they decided that it was appropriate to flirt with him during office hours. With him having a more petite and delicate figure, it was extremely easy to turn him into their little doll— well or so they had thought. Sensing their hidden intentions towards him, Yoongi quickly asked for the needed documents before hurriedly making his way back. Unfortunately, before he can make his way past the entrance, a pair of hands grabbed his torso, restricting his movement. The officer began to whisper disgusting words in his hears causing Yoongi to instinctly attemp escape. Thanks to his previous training, he managed to escape their grip and ran out of the office, desperately running back to you.
Unexpedtly the officers decided to chase him, still thinking that his master is some low-rank minister that they could easily persuade. Lucky for them, Yoongi directly ran towards your courtyard but before they managed to realized where he was heading towards, they were caught by the guards that had seen the commotion. The moment that Yoongi ran into you arms, you felt your adrenaline spiked as your poor consort slightly trembles and only offered you faint whimpers as answers to your questions. Deciding that this was not meant for him, you assigned another type of tasks after he ha recovered. To say the least, those officers were never seen again the morning after that.
“ T-t-hey touched me while whispered those erotic words in my ears. I’m sorry, you majesty, I couldn’t acomplished the task when they trapped me in their hold. I began to panicked and...”
Jeon Jungkook
Aside from being a bastard’s child, Jungkook could also be described as an outstanding male from many perspectives. So of course, many girls and eunuchs would be constantly be flirty with the young guard. Many, however, is smart enough to avoid doing said activities around you but there are still some that does not have the brain to think rationally. The longer he is under your teaching, the more polite he becomes. Unfortunately, his seemingly innocent greetings was misunderstood by these brainless fellows which resulted in quite a few episodes of misunderstanding. To Jungkook, he is using the people around him as a tool to help him enhance his logical thinking to not burden you as much but it seemed like his efforts had caused quite the tensions within the harem. Many maids would began to form groups and bet on who would end up with him. The competitions began to become so popular tha it even reaches your ears!
As you became more aware of the gossips within the harem, many are targeted towards your personal bodyguard. As the days goes by, the seemingly pile of gossips about Jungkook became to get bigger until you decided that it would be best to stop his lessons altogether deeming that it was no use to him. As first, Jungkook was quite confused on how sudden you decided to cancel his lessons and ultimately blamed it on himself. Thinking that he had burdened you, Jungkook once again turned into his past self. Hiding his emotions as it does not matter how much he tries to improve on himself if his master does not think that he is worthy.
However, before he gets fully entitled to that state, you managed to come in at the right time and bring him out again. This is however, quite the process as he now want you to be proud of him. His self-esteem would not be as high as before as he had already registered in his mind that he had dissapointed you. Even though the process would take awhile, the end result would be worth it. Jungkook would be his best self yet and is continually striving to make you proud of him.
“ I know that you are dissapoin— you’re not? No, you must be lying! If you aren’t dissapointed then why did you have to stop the lessons. Was I too troublesome? I’m not? Are you sure? You must be accountable to your words and resume our lessons, then!”
Kim Seokjin
As a merchant, Seokjin is known to be skillful in negotiating terms with different customers. Most of the times, it would benefit his business but at the same time, his relationship with you would be on a thin string. As you guys continue to bond, different feelings would naturally develop and jealousy would definately not be excluded.
With the Y/N dynasty being a new dynasty, it would make sense that you have to put in much more effort to gain alliances with the surrounding countries neighbouring you. And of course, one of the princess that was sent as an ambassador had to know the talented merchant in some sort of way. You then found out that the two became friends over their love for jewelry and talking about whatever through the night and into the early mornings. Seeing how closed they were, you decided that it would be incredibly polite for you to ignore them and focus your attention on the rest of your guests and your consorts.
Usually, whenever Seokjin would offer you a flirty comment, you woul jokingly replied back with another one of sort as well but that was not what happened tonight. Your replies towards his jokes were quite distant and cold with you having your attention on someone as but him. Seokjin, who was not used to this treatment soon found out your reasons after the banquet and ultimately decided to tease you which only ended in him whining about how childish you’re being.
“ You’re jealous! Over her? HAH! You must have fallen in love with my handsome face... Why are you not saying anything? You’re ignoring such a handsome face, how could you!”
Park Jimin
Unlike Jungkook who does not care about people who perceive him, Jimin takes the extra mile to make sure that everyone see how beautiful he is. His fame within the harem immediately skyrocketed the moment he took up the title as one of the consort. It was to be expected with how frequent he flirted with the maids whenever he pass by them. Of course, he only think that it was fun to tease them as his main goal is still you after all.
Every year, the entire country would celebrate one of its most important holidays— Seollal, where it is one of the only days where festivals are around every direction you look at, and family would reunite with each other to welcome the new year. Within the palace, however, it is celebrated a little different; a full fledge banquet is arranged on the night before the new year and with Jimin leading the performance. With his skillful moves that had took years to master, everyone can agreed that it was a pleasure to look at. What did not please you was how revealing your consort’s attire was. With every move, the fabric was seemingly getting looser that you would have stop the performance already if you were not the of the highest authority in the room. What made it worse was how much eye contact he managed to make with you during his performance, and to say that you were not angry was simply outright lying.
The moment his performance had ended, you decided that Jimin had been working too hard lately and is in desperate need of relaxing. Thinking that he finally push you off the edge, Jimin happily accept your offer and left. What he had not unexpected was you taking him out on a walk when the banquet had ended. You even had the guts to act like nothing had happened hours before this resulting in him yelling at you before grumpily storming back to his courtyard, sulking in his room. Y/N could only laugh seeing his reaction before running towards his room to comfort the boy, deciding that they have teased him enough.
“ Why are you here? No, don’t you dare enter! GET OUT! Hmph, how dare you pretend like nothing happened and teased about it? Didn’t I say that you are not allowed in here? Hmph, fine, come in.”
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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viastro · 4 years
since we were eighteen | xu minghao
ミ★ synopsis: in which you break up with your boyfriend to confess to your best friend, but he brings another girl to the party.
ミ★ genre: kinda angsty, some fluff
ミ★ warnings: does alcohol count?
ミ★ word count: 1,897
ミ★ pairings: minghao x gender neutral reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! it’s been awhile since i’ve posted a oneshot. quite literally caught lackin luv! i dedicated a lot of my free time into finishing my sm!au, you were beautiful, so that i can start working on other stuff without having to worry about it. i’m also going through finals, and tomorrow is my last exam for precalculus and then i’m done! i’ll be trying to post a lot more oneshots, and i’ll definitely be trying to work on my requests again. this is a really long note uhhh am so sorry luv x. i hope you guys enjoy this one! 
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You stare at him from across the room, drunkenly admiring his lopsided smile when he laughs. He turns his head and catches your gaze, and you turn away, now looking up at the ceiling as you listen to the loud music around you. 
Mingyu’s parties are typically known to be the one that everyone on campus wants to go to. However, you can only come if you’re invited. Lucky for you, you’re best friends with the thirteen heartthrobs of Seoul University. Typically you’d be hanging out with your boyfriend right now, probably watching him play beer pong or playing one of those typical party games. 
But you’re lying alone on the couch as everyone around you dances, quite tipsy, borderline drunk. You broke up with your boyfriend of three months the weekend before. You realized you couldn’t stay with him when your heart belonged to someone else, it wouldn’t be fair to him. He was surprisingly alright with it though, even patting your head and telling you it’s okay when you started crying at the fact that you’re a horrible person for hurting him. 
“It’s okay yn, I knew.”
He even told you to go for it, assuming a while back that the guy you loved had feelings for you as well. Yet here you are. Laying on the couch by yourself, tipsy, in love, and alone with your thoughts as you stare up at the ceiling. 
“God. This is pathetic.” You mutter to yourself, watching the colorful lights dance and hearing the sound of cheers around you. A certain laugh catches your attention, and you slowly turn your head to see Minghao laughing at something the girl he brought to the party said. Now pouting, you look away from the girl when she begins to cuddle up to him. 
You close your eyes, mind fuzzy as you blindly reach for the soju bottle you placed beside the couch. You frown when you grab something that’s definitely not a soju bottle, and you open your eyes to see you holding onto Jun’s leg. He gives you a smile, patting your head when you groan and cover your face with your hands. 
“You wanna sleep in Mingyu’s room until Hao can take you home?” You shake your head no, and Jun lets out a small sigh. He nudges you with his knee until you finally look at him with a glare, and he motions for you to sit up. You groan, moving so that you’re no longer laying down on the couch. Jun sits down beside you, taking a sip of his Coke as he takes in your miserable appearance.
“I typically associate you with being a happy drunk, but you look really sad tonight.” You turn your head to look at your friend, and you let out a tired laugh. You look at the other side of the room, finding Minghao and the girl engaged in conversation. His fluffy blonde hair is parted down the middle, emphasizing the soft look in his eyes as he stares at her attentively. He’s wearing an oversized gray shirt, with ripped blue jeans that he designed himself on a whim. 
Jun follows your gaze, letting out a sad smile when he finds who you’re staring at. He lifts up his hand and covers your view, and you slowly turn to look at him. The two of you don’t exchange any words, you just rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes which allows a tear to fall and drop onto his shirt. 
“You know, he really lo-”
“Don’t. I don’t wanna hear anything.” You mumble, just trying to find solace in Jun’s familiar scent that’s now mixed with alcohol. “I just think you should talk to him.” 
Your eyes open once you hear the girl’s laugh again, and you glance over to see her basically throwing herself into Minghao’s arms as she laughs. You glare, and before you know it, you’re standing up and stumbling over. Jun’s eyes widen and he follows after you, attempting to put a stop to whatever you’re about to do, but you slap his hand away. You only pause when you’re right in front of Minghao and his date, and he looks up at you with a small smile on his face. 
“Hi yn.” 
“Yn, let’s go.” Jun mutters, reaching for your hand again and you harshly pull it out of his grasp. You stumble slightly due to your lack of balance, and Minghao immediately stands up to rest his hands on your waist to steady you. You freeze at the contact, looking up into his eyes to see him staring at you already.
“I think you’ve had enough to drink, let’s take you back home.” Minghao tells you, eyes glancing over your red cheeks and glassy eyes. He lets go of your waist, turning to the girl and telling her he has to bring you home.
“Why not just have one of your friends take them? We were having a great time.” She says and you shoot her a glare. Minghao shakes his head, “Yn matters more to me than a great time. I’ll see you around.” 
And with that, he grasps your wrist softly and takes you in the direction of the front door. The two of you pass your friends, and they break out into giggles at your obvious drunkenness. It’s when you and Minghao step out of the house and the cold night air hits your skin that you let out a whine. 
“I don’t wanna walk.”
“We just need to walk to the mailbox to get to my car and then you won’t have to walk anymore.” Minghao responds, practically dragging you now. 
“I don’t wanna.” You say once you’re closer to his car, and he chooses not to respond to you. Continuing to pull you in the direction of the mailbox. You fling your wrist out of his grip, and he turns to you with a confused expression on his face. 
“What is it?” 
“You’re annoyed that you have to bring me home right?” Minghao rolls his eyes, shaking his head ‘no’ before reaching for your hand again. You take a step back and cross your arms. 
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not. Yn, it’s cold and you’re not even wearing a jacket. Let’s go to my car, mm?” You shake your head, looking up at the stars. Minghao lets out a sigh, taking a few steps closer to you to just pick you up and you stumble away from him. 
“Listen, I know you’ve been upset about the breakup but-” He stops when he hears your chuckles, and he raises an eyebrow at you. Your chuckles slowly turn into a laugh, until they turn into tears filling your eyes. 
“I’m not upset about the breakup.” You mutter, and Minghao tilts his head to the side in confusion. You look back into his eyes, and his expression softens when he sees the tears in your eyes. 
“Then what are you upset about?” You choose to stay silent, and he bites the inside of his cheek before continuing.
“If it’s not the breakup then what is it? I know you were upset about it because you called me crying after it happened, so if you’re not sad about that then what-”
“It’s because I love you.” Minghao freezes, head turning back towards you to find you staring at him with your nose turning more red by the second.
“I’ve loved you since we were eighteen. I only dated him in an attempt to get over you, but I knew it was wrong so I ended things with him.” Minghao stares at you with an indecipherable look on his face, and you quickly try to wipe away the tears spilling from your eyes. “I was going to confess to you yesterday, but you were so excited about the date you were able to score with that girl that I couldn’t. Now I’m kinda drunk, really alone, and in a one-sided love with my best friend-” 
You’re effectively cut off with a small gasp when Minghao’s hands reach up to softly cup your face. He stares into your eyes, and warmth floods your cheeks. “Say it again.” 
You find yourself staring at the hopeful expression on his face, wondering if he’s been wanting this for as long as you have. 
“I love you.” You whisper, and Minghao lets out a small smile before his lips crash onto yours, hands resting on both sides of your face as your hand now tightly clutches his shirt. The kiss tastes of salt from your tears with a mix of the strawberry soju you were both drinking. Your heart does a somersault in your chest, finding his kisses to be addicting. 
Minghao pulls away and rests his forehead on yours, a smile breaking out onto his face when you look into his eyes. He moves back and presses a kiss to the top of your head, before bending down and throwing you over his shoulder. You let out a small squeal, laughing at your new perspective of the world.
“We’re going to the car now yn, it’s cold and you’re gonna get sick.” You smile, patting his nonexistent butt to the beat of the steps he takes. Minghao unlocks his car, gently placing you into the passenger seat and buckling your seatbelt. You nuzzle into the leather seat, closing your eyes sleepily as you’re now in the sleepy stage of being drunk. You’re half asleep when you fail to notice Minghao starting the car and pulling out of his parking spot.
“Was that kiss a dream?” You ask sleepily, and Minghao lets out a small giggle. “No it wasn’t.”
“Are dating you and I now?” 
“Dating is you and I.” You smile in your half-awake state, and he reaches over to turn up the heat in the car for you. 
“You’ve loved me back this entire time?” Minghao nods his head, grinning at you trying to keep your eyes open. 
“For as long as I can remember.” A sleepy smile forms on your face, making him coo at you. You’re about to ask another question when Minghao shushes you.
“Go to sleep yn, we can talk about everything tomorrow, okay?” You nod your head, letting sleep take over a few minutes after. Minghao turns his head to look at you once he hits a red light, and he smiles softly at how cute you look when you’re asleep. He reaches into the back and grabs his jacket, bringing it to the front and placing it over you as a make-shift blanket. 
The light turns green, and Minghao drives through the intersection. He’s still thinking of the kiss the two of you shared, and he lifts a hand up to his lips shyly. He glances over at you, and chuckles at your now open mouth. 
“Can’t believe you’ve loved me back this entire time.” Minghao whispers, reminiscing the times he thought his love for you was hopeless. He pats your head softly, before turning back towards the road. Letting day6 play softly in the background.
말로 다 할 수 없어, 이 아름다운 느낌.
can’t express it with words, this beautiful feeling.
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stratossphere · 4 years
bodyguard | a. hotchner
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summary: reader needs someone to spend the night with them while an escaped convict is stalking them, and they choose aaron hotchner, thinking he won’t even come.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, oral (m. recieving), fem! reader, dirty talk, language
a/n: this is my first fic so go easy on me lol
"Okay. This is ridiculous." You scoffed, staring at Morgan. You did not need a bodyguard. You were 25!
"Ridiculous or cautious?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You silently wondered if he got them plucked and waxed to make them look that good. At your annoyed look, he sighed. "Well, how about this? I'll let you pick who guards you."
"That's stupid." You paused for a moment, mulling it over. "Okay, let me think about it." You sighed. You were on the brink of coming up with a plan, but you needed time to think. The man you had arrested had been released, and had promised in a letter to kidnap and torture you to his best ability. Comforting.
You sat at your desk for a while, mindlessly sorting through case files JJ had dropped on your desk, trying to think of some way to get out of being babysat by someone on the team. At first you were going to pick Derek because you liked his sense of humor, but then rationalized that he would probably make you sit in a corner.
Then you thought Reid, by Morgan would probably also say no. Reid was dealing with issues of his own, and the last time he had been a bodyguard for someone, they had ended up making out in a pool. And that was not happening.
Prentiss was unavailable because of a case in another state she was working with Rossi, and you knew JJ had Henry. Suddenly, it dawned on you. Ask for Hotch, and he would 100% say no. That left Garcia, and Morgan would most likely say no to that because she was unarmed. So you made your decision.
"Morgan!" You walked back up to his desk, a proud look on your face. You may not have been the smartest profiler, but you were definitely the best at getting your way.
"What's up, sweetheart?" He asked, turning in his chair and grinning at you. "You picked me, right?" Ooh, so confident. You shook your head.
"Ooh, nicely played. No way he's going to say yes." He chuckled. "Go up and tell him."
"What? I have to tell him?" You complained, pouting. You didn't want to have to deal with his seemingly never ending temper. But alas, you marched your happy ass up to his office, and knocked on his door. He was on the phone but he motioned you in, telling whoever was on the phone he would need to call them back. He set down his phone, turning his attention to you. He looked exhausted, and if you weren't afraid of him, you would've told him he needed to go home.
"What?" He snapped impatiently, making you want to back out of that office as fast as you could. Hotch in a bad mood wasn’t exactly your favorite thing. You scoffed. Attitude much?
"Well, good evening to you, too."
"What can I do for you? I was kind of busy." He said a little softer, huffing and reaching again for his phone. You chewed on your lip. You hated asking people things. Even more so when they were apparently in a pissy mood.
"Morgan needs you to be my bodyguard for the night." You blurted, staring at your feet and then back up at him. He sighed deeply, staring at you for a second. Heck yeah, he's going to say no. You knew that look, seeing as he literally said no to you at least 5 times a day.
"Uh, okay. I'll get my stuff and take you home." He said, standing up. Your jaw dropped. No fucking way. He raised an eyebrow at your reaction to his words. Shit. Now you had to back your way out.
"What? No! You were supposed to say no!" You whined, throwing your hands in the air. Essentially throwing a fit in his office. In front of your boss. "You're obviously busy. See you later."
"I didn't ask what you wanted me to do, Agent. Get your stuff and we'll head to my car." He reprimanded, heading towards the door. "Let's go. And I don't want to hear any complaining." Well that was unexpected. You understood that he was overworked, but did he really need to yell at you?
"You're already acting like my drill sergeant and we aren't even home yet. Are you going to be this way the whole time?" You ignored his request, moping as you followed him. Morgan gave you a surprised/empathetic look as you passed by, and you pretended to throw up. He turned to look at you, clenching his jaw. You stopped as soon as his eyes met yours, straightening your posture. Force of habit, being around your straight-laced boss all the time.
"I can see you. You're right next to me." He muttered, giving you an annoyed look. You stifled a groan at his stone stature. This was going to be a long ride.
The drive home was silent, the only words spoken were "don't touch that" when you turned on the radio. He let The Beatles play, though, which you found interesting seeing as it was playing off the CD in his car already. Hotch likes Lennon. When you got home, you led him into your apartment, only after he'd cleared it for you. This was all so stupid.
"You should just go home. It's not like I'm going to die." You said as you watched him walk through the house with his shoes on. Who knew what kind of shit he had walked through in his work shoes?! Part of you was too afraid to see what his socks looked like anyways, so you let it go. You collapsed on the couch as you watched him look through stuff, that serious 'boss face' set even deeper than usual. It was exhausting, watching him frown so much. You always tried to make him laugh or smile, but to no avail. He was a stone cold bitch.
"No. You can't just be here by yourself." He said, stopping his pacing in front of you. His frown deepened (if that was even possible) at the amused look on your face, and he crossed his arms, pausing where he was standing in the kitchen. "What?"
"How do you just frown? All day? Like, I don't think I've ever seen you smile. Ever." You asked, giving him a curious look. He chuckled, shaking his head. But he didn't smile. How do you manage to laugh without smiling? Maybe he was soulless. That would make a lot of sense, honestly.
"You should go to bed."
"I'm not tired. You just want to get rid of me." You scoffed, shaking your head. He pinched his nose, sighing heavily. You were starting to seriously annoy him. Personally, you thought it was very funny.
"If I say yes, will you shut up and go to bed?" He asked dryly. You put up your hands in defense, getting up and rolling your eyes. You didn't need that kind of disrespect in your own home.
"You can't be my boss when we're in my house." You pointed out, turning on the living room light. "Hotch. Take off your shoes. Stay a while. Jesus Christ." Him pacing like that was starting to seriously stress you out.
"My job isn't to 'stay awhile.' I'm watching you, not hanging out with you." But he did kick of his shoes, and low and behold, he was wearing plain black. Boring. He could've at least done some colored diamonds. "Why are you staring at my feet."
His voice startled you, and you glanced back up at his face. He had a questioning look on his face, and he looked annoyed. But then again, he always looked annoyed.
"Sorry. I was just noticing how boring your socks are." You mumbled. He really needed to get some fashion tips from Reid and Penelope when it came to socks. He would've yelled at you if you were back at the BAU, but all he did this time was laugh.
There! A smile. A small one, but still a smile.
"Stop profiling me. All my socks are the same." He said curtly, crossing his arms. You faked a disappointed sigh, shaking your head.
"You shouldn't have said that if you didn't want me to profile. You like order." You offered, sitting back down. He looked unfazed by this, and shrugged. Just slightly.
"You already knew that, though. You've spent a lot of time in my office." He pointed out. He took off his jacket, hanging it on your barstool. Okay. Making progress. You nodded, giving him a grim look. Well, he wasn't wrong. That man spent more time reprimanding you than he did actually talking to you.
"You also like yelling." You grumbled, grinding your teeth momentarily to show that it pissed you off.
"And apparently, you like being yelled at." He said with raised eyebrows. You watched him, hiding the small smile on your face behind your palm. He wasn't so scary when he looked like that. Face relaxed.
"You don't want to be here." It was very obvious. He wouldn't sit down, and he was seconds away from starting to pace again. Plus, he kept looking through the open window. He was watching. Waiting. It was making you just as restless as him. Who knew SSA Hotchner was so squirrelly?
"I could be home with my son right now." He admitted, raising an eyebrow at you as if to say and? so what? you chose to come here in the first place.
"Then go home." You stated simply.
"No." Ugh. So stubborn. You decided to make light of his attitude.
"Well, at least I know someone enjoys my company." You joked, patting the space next to you on the couch. "You should really sit down. You can't just stand there all night." You'd think after so much walking and standing at work, he'd want to sit down and relax.
To your surprise, he did sit down, crossing his arms. This was the most calmly dressed you had ever seen him, and yet he was dressed more formal than anyone who had ever taken you on a date. Your eyes lingered on the top button of his shirt. He had unbuttoned it at some point. The way his shirt fit snugly on his arms, his hands...
"Do you know anyone who seems to linger around your apartment too long? Seems to always be there when you leave?" He was trying to divert your attention back to the case, but you didn't feel like talking about it. At least he had stopped your staring. You hoped he hadn't seen it.
"You know, the good thing about this is that you left at a normal time today." You pointed out. When he could get away with it, you weren't sure he even left his office overnight. He was there later than you and always there earlier the next morning, so you couldn't be sure. If he didn't annoy you so much, you'd worry about his wellbeing.
"I don't appreciate you judging my work schedule. What I do after you leave is not under your jurisdiction." He stated tensely, clenching his jaw. You groaned, leaning your head back dramatically. He was starting to give you a headache.
"Hotch. Loosen up. Seriously. You could eat something, watch something on TV, go to bed, get a drink, talk to me without that glare on your face-" you tsked, "-I could go on forever."
"How about you go to bed and I'll watch something? You still have work tomorrow." He said, reaching for the remote. You sighed, getting up and giving up at the same time. He also had to work tomorrow but WHATEVER.
"Fine. But if you're going to watch The Bachelor, don't tell me what happens. I'm recording it." You warned, pointing at him aggressively. He shook his head disapprovingly as you walked away and into your room. It was weird, knowing Aaron Hotchner was sitting in your living room, and you were going to bed. Very weird. But you couldn't erase the stupid smile he had caused from your face.
All jokes aside, once you were in your room (and you could hear the news in the living room, you should've guessed), the reality of the situation was starting to set in. Someone was watching you. Waiting to murder you in any way they could. Most likely torture and mutilation as he had his original victims. And yet, they hadn't had enough evidence to prosecute. You were alone now, and there was no one to distract your stalker.
You checked out the windows a couple of times, hiding behind the curtain. You couldn't tell if it was the dark or your imagination, but you saw people everywhere. Shadows in the alley outside your window, someone standing across the street, you began to feel increasingly jittery. Okay. You gave up. You were not about to be murdered in your sleep when you had your made-of-steel boss basically waiting for your call. You weren't just going to waste your resources.
"Hotch?" You called, unable to hide the quiver in your voice. You heard footsteps, and a second later he was in your doorway, looking panicked. You were already starting to regret your decision. You didn't need him in here. You didn't. You didn't.
"What? What's going on?" He asked, halting to a stop and looking around frantically. You grimaced, shaking your head.  You needed him in here.
"Nothing. Sorry. I was just going to ask you if you could look around one more time. Just to make sure." You said sheepishly, looking at him hopefully. He sighed in relief, relaxing. You had obviously worried him.
"Of course. Stay with me, just in case." He waited for you to follow him before walking out of the room. His demeanor was relaxed, and you could tell he was sure there was nothing to worry about, but he was looking anyway, which was nice. You did a full sweep of the apartment and obviously came up with nothing. You couldn't ignore the fact that you had immediately felt at ease when you had seen his face.
"Clear." He said as he closed your closet door. Part of you wanted to laugh at the obscurity of the situation you had just witnessed. Your boss checking your closet for monsters. Ridiculous. But the other part was focused out the window. Maybe you weren't hallucinating.
"Hotch." You whispered, moving to the side so you weren't in full view. When he looked your way you pointed out the window to the person who actually was standing across the street. So you weren't crazy. Hotch looked out the window from where he was standing and immediately reached for his gun, not taking it out but not taking his hand off of it. He watched for a while, then removed his hand.
"He's walking a dog." He realized, slowly closing the curtain. You sat down on the bed, pulling your knees to your chest. You sighed in relief. You were being so stupid.
"Okay. This is a lot." You mumbled, watching him glance out the window one more time. He turned back to you, a concerned (or something like that) look on his face.
"I can sit in here until you fall asleep." He said quietly, nodding to the chair next to your bed. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, the offer not one you would expect from your boss.
"Uh, yeah. That would be great, actually." You climbed under your covers as you watched him sit down and dial a number. You didn't know how you were supposed to sleep with him talking on the phone, but you went along with it and laid down.
"Hey, Garcia. I know it's late. I need you to arrange tighter security around y/n's apartment. There's only so much I can do from here." He paused for a second, listening to whatever Penelope was saying on the other end. "Thank you. And please, stop calling me that." He hung up, and then dialed another number. You stared at the ceiling as you listened to him talk endlessly with like 6 different people about six different things, and thought: who knew hotch was such a loudmouth?
"What are you, a teenage girl?" You groaned, sitting up. He looked startled, but he stopped dialing.
"Excuse me?" He must've thought you were sleeping.
"I have never met someone who spends so much time on the phone. Do you ever sleep?" You complained, turning your head to look at him. He turned off his phone and set it in his lap, giving you an annoyed look.
"I thought you were sleeping."
"It's impossible to sleep when you're talking." You weren't about to tell him that his voice was comforting. More when he wasn't using his Unit Chief voice. But you had yet to hear much of that.
"Not true. Jack falls asleep every night to Harry Potter." He objected. You rolled your eyes, pulling the covers further up towards your chin.
"I'd rather you read then talk about case files." You muttered.
"I don't have a book." He argued. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so you opened your nightstand drawer and pulled out some stupid mystery book you had never read. You didn't really have a lot of time for reading with your job.
"Profile and solve before the book ends." You suggested. "I'm sure you'll figure it out by the 3rd chapter or so. Probably the butler." For some reason, you were feeling pretty drowsy as soon as he had stopped talking, and it was getting hard to keep your eyes open. He gave you a gentle smile, opening the book and looking it over.
"Butler? It's usually the ex-boyfriend." He countered. You laughed weakly, closing your eyes and humming a small agreement.
"You can read it out loud, if you want." You mumbled. He paused for a second, and then he started reading. The book was about a dead son, and all the family were suspects. His voice has quieted down considerably, and as he turned the pages, his tone was barely audible. You fell asleep before he could get any farther than that.
You jolted out of a bad dream of someone breaking in when you opened your eyes. You were leaning on your arm, but your arm wasn't on your mattress. It was in Hotch's lap. You looked up to see that he was asleep, head leaning back with his mouth slightly open. You got up, stretching your arm seeing as it was asleep. This woke him, and he jolted into awareness. You rubbed your eyes, trying to bring the room into focus.
"Calm down." You mumbled, falling back against your pillows. You tried to calm your heartbeat, but for some reason panic had set in and wouldn't leave.
"You were thrashing in your sleep. I couldn't get you to sit still unless I held you down like that." He said, explaining the way you had woken up. You closed your eyes again, taking deep breaths. "Are you okay?"
"Not at the moment, no." You huffed. You reached out your hand, finding his and squeezing it tightly. "This is kind of scary. What does it tell you about me that I'm an FBI agent scared of an invisible man?"
"Tells me that you're sane. I would be worried if you weren't scared." He held my hand in both of his, giving me a sympathetic look. "You're not even fully awake." His skin on your skin was making you feel a certain way, even if it was just his hands.
"Can you sit with me?" You mumbled, squeezing his hand tighter. His hands on yours were calming the panic a little bit, but not enough. He chuckled.
"I'm already sitting with you. You probably won't even remember this conversation in the morning."
"No, like, in bed with me. Just sit with me. Please?" You begged. You knew he was going to say no, but it never hurt to ask. He sighed.
"Fine. But just this once." He got up and walked over to the other side of your bed, crawling in slowly. You leaned up against his side and wrapped your arms around him, his arm coming to rest on your shoulders. His cologne smelled expensive, and it was comforting. He had taken off his button up shirt at some point, and all he was wearing was the white t-shirt he had been wearing underneath it. It was soft against your fingers, and it smelled of laundry detergent. You could feel his heartbeat with your head on his chest like that.
You fell asleep like that, and part of you wondered if maybe, just maybe, you had a soft spot for Aaron Hotchner. Not long after that, you regretted the thought as he woke you for the millionth time. The man wouldn't sit still. He kept shifting around, shoulder hitting your side or a kick to the leg. Only once did he mutter a gravelly sorry and still for about ten seconds. Finally, you had had enough, and you jolted into sitting position, looking at your alarm clock. 3:28.
"What is wrong with you?" You groaned, turning to look at him, a desperate look on your face. You couldn't sleep if he was going to keep doing that, and you had had enough. You startled him considerably, and his head whipped around to look over at you. He had resorted to a lying down position, his pillow shoved under his arm and his hair tousled. He looked pretty good like that.
"I didn't know you were awake." He muttered, resting his head on his hand. You mimicked his position, quirking an eyebrow at him. You had no idea if he could even see it in the dark. He sighed uncomfortably. "Nothing is wrong with me."
"You sure? Because you've shifted in your sleep more times tonight than I think I have in my entire life." You pointed out, lying back down on your side and keeping your eyes on him. "What's bothering you?"
"Well, it's just..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. "I'm in a bed with my coworker, and then I had a nightmare-" Aw, poor baby. Wait what? Split second decisions were made.
"Come here." You said gently, opening your arms to him. He hesitated for a second before letting his head fall to your chest, sighing softly as your fingers found his hair. Yeah, you definitely had a soft spot for your boss. You did that for a while, just running your fingers through the dark strands and making it stick up all over the place. "You want me to help you relax a little bit?" It was a stretch, and there was a chance that he was going to shut down and go sit in the living room, but the haze of waking up in the middle of the night had brought you some welcomed confidence.
"You already did it! What's the harm in continuing to do it?" You pressed another kiss to his lips, inhaling the scent of his cologne. "Plus, I don't kiss and tell." His hands slipped under your shirt, his fingers coming in contact with the warm skin of your back. A low chuckle against your lips and he seemed to be okay with it.
"Oh you don't?" He complied as you started to unbutton his shirt, gasping for breath as he sucked harsh marks on your neck, his breath hot against your sensitive skin. Any bit of hesitation he had been displaying previously was gone, and now all you could see was animalistic hunger in his eyes. His skin against yours was intoxicating, and even though it wasn't physically possible, you wanted to press yourself closer to him. Your fingers found his belt buckle, blindly fumbling with the silver piece.
"You want to know a secret?" He breathed as he broke the kiss, helping you get his belt undone and sliding out of his work pants. You couldn't help but laugh, his words completely unexpected. "What's so funny?"
"A secret? My big bad boss wants to tell me a secret?" You rested your elbows on his shoulders, waiting for his answer. You were secretly curious to know what this secret of his was. He pressed another kiss to your lips before motioning to the black socks he was still wearing.
"These socks are reversible." He whispered. A small smile spread onto your face, your hand reaching down to his feet and peeling back his sock to see if he was bullshitting you. He wasn't. The socks may have been plain, boring black on the side he had chosen to wear outside, but on the inside, they had little Santas all over them. You started giggling again, pulling him back into a kiss.
"I love them, but I wanna see you naked." You sang, your hand slowly trailing its way down his stomach. He sucked in a harsh breath, quickly stopping your hand.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, tipping your chin so that your eyes looked into his. There was worry in his eyes, but at the same time, there was undeniable lust. You nodded eagerly, lips parting slightly in a way you hoped would get him all hot and bothered. He shook his head, sighing.
"I need to hear you say it."
"I want you. I need you, Hotch." You whined, opening your mouth again as his thumb dragged across your lips. He pressed his thumb into your mouth, watching you with hungry eyes.
"You can call me Aaron." He chewed on his lip as he watched you suck on his thumb, looking up at him with faux innocent eyes. Your fingers found the waistband of his boxers again, starting to pull them down slowly. This time he didn't stop you, groaning slightly as your fingers brushed his hard on and pushed his boxers off as he accommodated the movement. He had pulled his socks off after showing you, so now he was completely bare in front of you.
God, you wanted this man to rail you.
You released his finger, instead attatching your lips to his neck and kissing your way down his chest. He was heaving for breath, and you felt a small pang of pride at how worked up you had him without even touching him where you knew he wanted you to. His fingers made their way into your hair, pulling slightly. You wasted no time, and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock. He gasped audibly, pulling a little harder and bucking his lips toward your mouth. You swiped your tongue over the slit, earning a filthy moan from his lips. He pressed deeper into your mouth, and he started to thrust heavily, fucking your face. You hollowed out your cheeks, the moans coming from his lips going straight to your cunt.
"Oh, fuck. J-just like that." He groaned, his nails digging into your scalp. Who knew Aaron Hotchner was so vocal?
You bobbed your head feverishly in turn of his thrusts, groaning as he pulled at your hair. Suddenly, he pulled you off, wiping your lips with his thumb before pulling you back to his lips for a brushing kiss. He started to aggressively pull of the remainder of your clothes, throwing them haphazardly across the room. He pushed you back on the bed, slotting a knee between your legs.
"You know, there's something that I like to think about a lot." He mumbled, his hand drifting down your stomach. The way your body reacted to his touch, back arching and breath quickening, was making him so hard his cock was aching for you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, grinding against him.
"Yeah? What's that?" You asked, gasping as he started running slow, lazy circles over your clit. "God, I need you inside me, Aaron."
"I think about fucking you until you scream. Watching you come on my cock while I pound into you. Feeling your skin against mine. Wondering how you would taste." He whispered into your ear, chuckling as you reached between you to line him up with your entrance.
"You and me both, sweetheart." You bit his lip, trying to push forward to get him inside you. He put a hand on your stomach, keeping you still and at the same time stopping his movements on your clit. He raked his hands through your hair as he slowly pushed into you, pausing to let you get adjusted to his size.
"Don't call me sweetheart." He groaned, pressing his forehead to yours as you jerked your hips up towards his. His cologne had filled your senses and clouded your brain, and you knew that in the future every time you smelled it, you were going to associate it with the feeling of being stuffed with your boss's cock.
"More. Please." You whined, gripping his shoulders and grinding your hips in hope of getting some friction to soothe the unbearable arousal that was begging to be quenched. You needed him. You couldn't handle any more. He chuckled, starting to slowly move his hips, starting a teasing pace that he knew wasn't even close to being enough. You let out a sound that was a mix of a moan and a whine, loving the feeling of him buried to the hilt inside of you.
"So needy, aren't you?" He lifted one of your legs so that it was up against his chest, effectively thrusting into a different position. You cried out as he hit your g-spot, putting your hand over his where it was gripping your breast.
"Fuck! Fuck yeah, right there!" You cried, feeling your orgasm starting to build in your lower stomach. He let out a groan as his thrusts became sloppier, signaling that his climax was close behind. Your moans became more sporadic and his name fell from your lips over and over again as your high approached. "Oh god, m'gonna cum." You were breathless, and barely able to get the words out.
"Don't." He leaned onto you, pulling you so that your chests were pressed together, you in his lap and his hands on your hips pulling you down onto him. You shook your head, gripping his hair and pulling. You couldn't hold it. Every part of your body was on fire, and your walls fluttered around him as you held on with everything you had. Finally, he moaned into your neck, and you felt his cock twitch inside of you.
"Cum. Cum all over my cock." He groaned, kissing you with teeth and tongue as you both came together, the feeling of his cum inside you causing you to moan on top of the euphoria from your orgasm. You both rode out your highs before holding that position, both trying to catch your breath. He then slowly pulled out of you, eliciting a whimper from you as he brushed your sensitive clit. You laid back on your bed, so blissed out you barely felt him lie down next to you.
He pulled you against his chest, his chin resting on your head and his arm wrapped loosely around your waist. After a while, you felt his cum start to leave you, so you got up to go to the bathroom, cleaning yourself up and peeing before going back into the bedroom, admiring the sight in front of you. Aaron, spread out on the bed, sweaty and disheveled. He looked gorgeous. You just stood there for a second, locking the sight into your memory. You had no idea if you would be able to do this again. The thought hadn't even crossed your mind that he might not want to see you again after tonight. He was, in fact, just supposed to be babysitting you. Not fucking you. Maybe he was sitting there thinking about how much he regretted having sex with you.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" His voice interrupted your intrusive thoughts, bringing you back to earth. You sent him a small smile, padding back to the bed and getting in next to him, sliding back under his arm.
"You're just so handsome. I can't believe Aaron Hotchner is naked in my bed." You mused, running your forefinger over the grooves and lines on the palm of his hand. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his free hand drawing lazy circles on your lower back. The thought of someone stalking you outside your window had definitely escaped your mind, and the anxiety that had plagued you earlier about your situation was no longer a thought as you laid in Aaron's arms.
"Get used to it, sweetheart. I can't imagine being anywhere else." He purred, giving you a chaste kiss. He smelled so good. Everything about him was just so amazing. You wanted him to hold you forever. You haphazardly ran your fingers through his soft dark locks, relishing the reaction you received from him when you did so. Eventually, the both of you drifted off, holding each other like that. That was certainly not how you thought the night was going to end.
Your alarm for work the next morning woke you, and for a second you freaked out. Shit! Someone was in your bed! Then you remembered, and sighed in relief as you sat up. He opened his eyes slowly, groaning and trying to keep you from getting up.
"We have to leave in 30 minutes." You mumbled, getting up and stretching your arms over your head. You knew he was a very routine-oriented person, so you thought it would be fair to at least warn him that you woke up and hour and a half after he did. It was common knowledge that he woke up way before he needed to be at work. Everyone at work poked fun at him for it. He shot up like a bullet, his eyes wide.
"30 minutes? Are you kidding me?" He rushed out of bed, frantically fixing his sex hair in the mirror. You laughed, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his torso.
"Calm down, Agent Hotchner. I'll make sure you get to work on time. You might have to skip the shower though." In all honesty, you had set your alarm for 30 minutes later than usual after last night's endeavors so that you could enjoy him in your bed for a little while longer. He turned around and kissed you, his hands roaming over your still naked body. "Easy, lover. Keep doing that and we will definitely be late for work." You warned. He had put on his boxers at some point, and after he broke the kiss, he was digging around for his clothes. You watched him work, pulling on clothes frantically and at the same time checking texts/emails on his phone. You leisurely got dressed, barely giving the time a thought. You couldn't get yelled at by your boss for being late if your boss was late with you.
"You're something else, you know that?" He huffed, adjusting his watch on his wrist as you sat in his lap while putting on mascara. You ignored him, concentrating on not poking yourself in the eye. Since he had to get ready at your house (which included him using your toothbrush and letting you brush out his hair) he didn't have his hair gel, so his hair fell on his forehead softly, which made him look so cute. You vocalized this thought to him as you got up and led him into the kitchen to grab your shoes.
"I'm not cute." He muttered, grumbling to himself as he tied the laces on his dress shoes. You brushed your thumb over his cheek, grinning.
"Uh huh. Whatever you say." You left after that, and guess what? You weren't even late. As you rode to Quantico, you silently wondered what he did in the two hours before he had to leave for work. Crosswords? The news? Working out? Changing outfits? Well, that last one seemed improbable seeing as he wore the same thing every day, but you never know. You honestly had no idea. When you walked into the bullpen and separated from Hotch, Morgan was immediately in your face, bombarding you with questions.
"So? How was it?"
"Did he sleep there?"
"Does he snore?"
"Did anything interesting happen?"
"Did he say anything about your apartment?"
"Slow down, Morgan. Jesus. It was...interesting." You sighed, sitting down on his desk so that he would sit down in his chair and calm down a little bit. He raised a perfect eyebrow, evidently wanting more.
"Did he sleep there?"
"Well duh, Derek. Unsubs don't just decide they can't stalk at night because it's dark outside and the monsters are going to get them. He had to stay there, according to him." You explained. You were stepping on thin ice, and you were hoping he wouldn't assume what had actually happened.
"Where did he sleep?" He pried, wiggling his eyebrows and giving you a suggestive look. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance with is antics.
"In a chair." You lied. Well, technically you weren't lying, he had fell asleep in the chair next to your bed for a couple of hours. But that wasn't the full truth. And as a knowing look crossed his face, you realized with fear that he seemed to know the same thing.
"You seem to be looking everywhere but me, mama. Come on, tell me the dirty details." He dragged the word way too long, a wide smirk on his face. I glanced up at Aaron's office, only to see him leaning against the railing out of Derek's eyesight, his look mirroring Derek's. You sighed, leaning in closer and sending Aaron an annoyed look.
"This stays between us, understand?" You asked, giving him a serious look. You didn't need him gossiping about your sex life with Garcia. Of course you were going right over to her room after this, but you wanted her to hear the real story, not Derek's no doubt over-dramatized version. He nodded eagerly, leaning in with you. You explained how last night went, and as soon as you got to the part about how you had sex, he couldn't contain himself.
"Oh my god. You did what?"
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Uninviting Cataclysm(Alastor x Reader) Chapter 1
Daily routine isn't always good
(You call the old couple mom and dad) *Also sorry I didn't mention until now that you have really curly hair and your biracial(so you can decide what your skin color is)* •You were also raised up north and still kind of speak with that dialect• 
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June 6, 1915 Age: 20
  The morning sun pushing through the curtains along with the sound of dogs barking slowly woke you up. Forcing yourself up and managing to bear from the comfort of your bed and it's still warm sheets. First, tidying your bed spread neat before mom could scold you.
  Making your way to the wardrobe to gather clothes for today's venture, you grabbed a (f/c) V-neck, short flutter sleeve dress that hits mid thigh. With matching flats to best match your dress. Oncing over the choice for today you thought it was best enough. Setting them on the bed and quickly making your way out of your room and into the hallway.
 Swiftly moving down corridor to the bathroom to freshen up before breakfast. Seeing that your old mom already set a nice bath for you. Letting your gown carelessly fall off your frame and removing your undergarments. Mindlessly going into deep thought about your day.
  You usually go to the library to read or grab a book. Maybe chat with the sweet old lady and her seven year old grandson who run the place. Then, possibly taking a stroll around the fair that just open for the summer. By that time your already bringing your twin something for lunch.
  Later, you either stop by the market to pick up groceries or you help your mom take care of wealthy white kids. Their parents pay mom a great deal to care for their children. She does literally everything for them from making meals to sewing dresses or little suits. But, some clients left after my brother and I showed up I guess they didn't want their children to be near a person of color for too long. The ones that stayed seem nice enough. My personal favorite being a middle aged man, Henry Bourgeois, who always said, 'hello' and gave me small tips for caring for his daughter Sally.
  Your skin started to prune sitting in the water for too long. Stepping out of the tub and snatching a towel from the rack you started to dry off. Starting with hair and slowly making your way down to your toes.
  Wrapping the towel around your womanly frame you crept back to your bedroom and got dressed.
Once downstairs the smell of bacon and spices hit your nose and triggering your mouth to salivate. Walking into the kitchen you found your mom just about done with her last plate to place at the table with the two others. You greeted her with a warm hug and a 'Good Morning, Mom'. She smiled back and gave your cheek a quick peck. Then went to sit in your chair and wait for your plate.
"Good Mornin', sweetheart. How'd sleep?" She asked, turning back around to slide the eggs on the plate.
"Better than yesterday I can tell you that for sure. The dream I had was so realistic with the flames of hell melting my flesh. I could of sworn that my eyes busted through my soc-" You were cut off by a plate slamming down in front of. Looking up mom had a stern look to her aged face.
"Now ya need ta stop talking 'bout ya dreams like that. Really unladylike especially in public," She spoke with a slight authoritative tone. Lightly limping to her chair she spoke again, "it's just a dame should stay in her own lane. Not that I don't wancha to get a little fire on me now. Men just don't like that talk ya know."
Nodding to her response she took the answer and went on her to turn up the radio for the daily news.
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the radio show.
   Staring your favorite radio host, I Alastor, to brighten up your morning with a few songs, but let me darken your day for just a minute with such sad news. Another body was found by an egg last night floating down the bayou.
  Coppers have yet to capture this Button man. This tallies up to over twenty people in a span of two years.  Now what most of you fine folk want to listen to here we have, Mr. Artie Matthew's play the 'Weary Blues'
The piano playing filled in the silence that would have been forks hitting plates trying to pick up flimsy fried egg.
 The killings haven't been new and have been the norm for awhile. You can hear people talking about it at every street, alleyway and bar.
 The coppers haven't caught the guy yet and it puts lots of people on edge. Especially people with families.
 Nearly shoving food in my face causing mom to tell you to slow down. But, hardly listening you shove the rest of the bacon into your mouth and make your way to the sink to scrub your plate and placed it on the drying rack.
"Bye, mama. I'll be back before you know it!" You yelled from the front door way and before you could venture outside she yelled back.
"Pick up some milk and bread before ya get home, would ya?"
"I will, mama."
"Have a safe trip and the cabbage on the table for ya." She slightly limped over and gave both of your cheeks kisses.
Checking the table you hurriedly snatched the money and skipped out the door. Slamming it shut behind you.
Walking down the curvy road that leads into the city. The walk leads you through a small, little wood patch and into a small clearing that slowly shows small businesses and shops. The library is located near the school which is pretty far off from other buildings.
Reaching your destination, the library stairs are long wide, and white cemented staircase with two pillars on each side with the big doors that lead into the actually building. Pushing pass them you nearly run into a little boy, Joseph Bonnefoy.
"Oh, where are in such a rush to?" Smoothing out your dress asked in a slight taunting tone.
"Granny said I could go out for a short break. I'm getting myself a few chocolates as a snack." The words rushed out of his tiny mouth. Hardly catching his breath when he was finished.
"Well aren't you grown now, Joseph. Next thing you'll tell me your getting old enough to get your own house." Jokingly ruffling his hair, he smiled and waved off vanishing from sight once down the incline.
Sauntering into the building you noticed that Claire Bonnefoy wasn't at the front desk where she usually was. Probably in the back.
Making your way down the aisles of books you traveled around for a good five minutes passing books you didn't find interesting or they didn't have good covers. Coming across a couple of good ones you touched 'The Good Solider' reading the summary you decide to give it a try. °°It's set just before World War I and chronicles the tragedy of Edward Ashburnham, the soldier to whom the title refers, and his seemingly perfect marriage plus that of his two American friends.°°
Strolling around the aisle for a bit more you grace yourself with some dark writing. Traipsing on to some dark fiction you grabbed a fairytale book of the 'Grimm work original fairy tales'. Walking back to the front, Mrs. Claire was already their and ready for me. Smiling I greeted her and handed the books over. Smiling she rung them up and complimented the choice for this week.
" How have you been, Mrs. Claire. Not to intrude on your personal life, but is it true that the last person who died lived close to you." You questioned.
"Sadly, yes 'n I've been thinkin' of sendin' little Joseph up state with his aunt 'n uncle in Arkansas for awhile 'til this calms down." Her shaky hand clenched around the book harshly, "Or if they finally catch the bastard whose doin' all of this maybe mah little boy can stay. 'Til then mah old joints can't move like they use tah."
" Lititle Jo 's gonna feel so sad, he really likes New Orleans."
"Yes, I know dear. But, I'd sleep betta at night if he was somewhere safa." She slide the books in a paper bag and handed them over. A melancholy smile on her sweet face. "Been saving up on a train ticket for some time now. Most folk don't come by tah rent out books anymore. So, it took some time 'n hard work tah earn the money."
The killings have did put everyone at alert. Well, most people still hang out past sun fall just to watch the city come to life. Which I won't lie it is gorgeous to witness the night come to life. But, for old bims like Mrs. Claire she's dang plum tire and could use the time to calm her nerves. Maybe I should visit more once Joseph''s left.
"Thank ya, Miss. (Y/n). I'll see ya next week or so."
"The pleasure's all mine and I'll give these books back in no time."
Waving to the old bim you make your way back out the library and on tour way to your next destination.
    Making your way back to the house to fetch Issacs's lunch you had to maneuver your way through the crowd of busy people scrambling around to get out of the sweltering heat and catching up with friends.
 Your brother works at a boiler repair shop. Fixing cars and getting scraps of cabbage to make up for the bills that weren't paid. He's always been a hard working guy, he's selfless and protective. I still remember when we were kids and father used to hit him, so hard, but came to my defense whenever I was in trouble.
 Traveling down the dusty road you made it to the repair shop where two boobs stood out front. One was always silent and the other was a continuous flirt whenever you came around.
As soon as they could hear your shoes hitting pavement the flirt Clay shot up to welcome you.
"How are doing this afternoon, (y/n)." His hand went out to grab your, which you quickly pulled back, "you know that offer still stands that if you wanna get tonight."
"I would, but I'm pretty sure your wife would raise all hell." Walking past him to look further into the garage. "Where is my brother, is he not here?"
Floyd spoke up, which startled you. His voice is pretty deep and gravely for a man only four years older than yourself. Blowing the smoke from his mouth he tapped the ash upon the ground to stare at you.
"He left early to go out with his dame. Told us to tell ya not to worry too much and that he'll be back home later tonight." He stole another drag from the cigarette.
"He could at least gave me heads up before I came all the way out here. What I'm supposed to do with this now." Dangling the bag of food from side to side.
"I'll take it off ya hands for ya." Clay swooning in to steal the bag and retreat back to standing next to Floyd. "Wish my wife could cook like your ma."
  Huffing you said your good byes to them both with a very excited 'see ya' from Clay and a small wave from Floyd.
  Once far away enough you groaned louder to reduce some irritation of making this heart felt trip. Pulling on your face to stop tears from forming you sighed and kept walking to your next venture.
 The scratch mom gave you was enough for bread and milk. But, she also gave you enough to get something special from you little trip. You decided on a cup of coffee at the nearest restaurant with a beignet. It sounds so good right now and with more pep in your step you made it to the store in no time.
  The corner store was full of people that day bustling around to grab what they need and storm out. You being the small self you are you tried to cram your way in and failed miserably. You tried this process several times and came out with the same results. Someone bumped into your small frame and sent you falling backwards. Gloved hands snatched you up before you could hit the ground.
You were in a state of shock before being knocked out of your stooper by a young man who you realized pulled you off to the side. With eyes wide you tried to make conversation, but no words would come out the only thing you could look at was his face.
"T-Thanks for helping me." You tried to mustard a smile, but it came out weird.
"You look like you were in quite the pickle their, my dear." Hands still on your waist he motioned with his head down the street. "You know there's a nice restaurant around here that serves the best venison. I think you would just adore it. Could possibly calm your nerves my treat."
Mouth still dry you tried to speak, "I don't want to impose on your lunch regimen." Shaking your head and slowly moving backwards.
"Oh, but I insist my dear I did invite you didn't I." Pulling you closer by the hip, your face heated up more than normal. Now following the man who you didn't even pick up the name you two made your way around the corner and down the street.
  Stepping inside the small business you noticed only about six or eight people in here. Nicely decorated with bar stools and five booths along the wall and a bathroom across from the front entrance. But, it did smell really delicious in here maybe it won't be,  so bad to have just a bite to eat. He did say he was paying. He lead us to a small booth in the back and waited for me sit down first before taking his seat across from me.
 "Why did you bring me here I barely know you, sir?" Playing with your fingers to ease your nerves by making your fingers stretch and squeeze together.
 His eyes looked off to the side in deep thought before he shrugged. "You looked interesting, my dear." Reaching over he scratched under your chin and his smiled covered more of his face. "Smile my dear you know your never fully dressed without one."
 Making a smile fall upon your lips you smiled back. His eyes slightly narowed and his smirk stretched a bit. Suddenly, a very curvy and thick lady stood in front of our booth.
"Oh, Al are here to hear me sing again tonight. If you are your way too early, hun." She giggled.
"Oh no my dear, Mimzy. I'm here with a new friend of mine. She's going to have seasoned venison." His arm motion towards me and I froze on the spot.
Sticking your hand out for handshake, "HI, my name's (y/n). Nice to meet you."
She stared you up and down before slowly taking your hand and managing a small smile on her face. "You must be a fan, Al here, right. A lot of dumb dora fall head over heels for this man."
 I guess she read the confused look on your face and answered for you. "Alastor, the radio man of New Orleans."
"Oh, sorry I guess I didn't notice." Turning your attention to Alastor, "sorry I didn't recognize a popular figure like yourself."
"It's fine dear a lot of people don't recognize the voice with the look." I'm guessing he's talking the creole look. To be honest a lot of people don't sound like the ethnicity on the phone until you see their face. But, I can't really judge I get turned down in person more than on the phone looking for a job.
"Well I'll go tell the servers the usual for you, Al." She looked you over, again. "What will you have?"
"She'll be having the same as me, mim." Alastor strong smile had her face painted in a light pink. She straighten her posture and cleared her throat and told us it it'll come out in no time. Once she gone I asked how long they've known each other.
"Mimzy and I go way back when she was a small singer. Know she travels from time to time to spread that lovely voice of hers." You just took noticed he speaks with hands a lot more than most people. But, you seem to like that.
 Smiling back you told him that really amazing. It was you mothers goal before she stated using. He asked you about your occupation.
"Well, I really wanted to be a baker, but no plots are open, too expansive or I'm not the right skin tone for this establishment." Looking up for just a second you could have sworn the smile on his face fell and quickly went back into place.
"Isn't that just dreadful." He focused up at the ceiling for awhile and shot his head down to smirk at me, "How would like to work for me for a fair price a hour?"
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jaemincrossing · 4 years
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YUNHO // Stargazer
Genre: fluff
ATEEZ Yunho x GN! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: House Party - drugs/alcohol
My part of “15 Ways To Say I Love You” collab by @kpoppwriter. Prompt 7. “Don’t move - I’ll get it for you.”
Happy Valentine’s Day!
You stand on your toes with your arm extended fully above you, grabbing desperately for the book near the top of the bookcase. You let out a small grunt as you continue to reach for the book, your arm getting tired.
You let out an exasperated sigh as your hand drops to your side. Staring up at the book with frustration. You're about to try again when you see a hand pull it off the bookshelf.
You turn around confusedly only to be met with someone's torso. You gasp causing the torso to back away, giving you room.
"Is this what you wanted?" A deep voice asks, holding the book out in front of you. You nod, looking up to see your savior's face.
My jaw drops when my eyes land on his beautiful face. The sunlight shining through the big library windows behind him making him look ethereal. You feel butterflies in your stomach when your eyes meet his dark-brown ones.
"Wow.." You gasp out, slapping a hand over your mouth immediately after, your face heating up. You see his perfect lips curve up into a small smile just before you turn away in embarrassment. He lets out a low chuckle causing your face to flush even more. You snatch the book out of his hand and run off, unable to stay there another second.
You run to the nearest restroom, shutting the door swiftly behind you before leaning up against. You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a loud groan, slamming your face into your palms.
"Great going, Y/N!" You scold yourself, absolutely mortified. "There goes one more boy you can never talk to again."
You wallow in your frustration and embarrassment for a minute or two before walking over to the sink and staring at your beet-red face in the mirror. Wondering why you're like this.
It's not that you're completely socially inept, you're actually quite good at starting and holding a conversation with people you've only met seconds prior, but for some reason when it comes to cute boys, you become a blushing, stuttering mess, that is, if you're even able to speak. It doesn't matter how well you know the guy, if he's cute, there's no way you're able to have an actual conversation. That's why you try to avoid them as much as humanly possible, even if it means switching groups or just working alone on projects. Cute boys are kinda just one of those things that are only nice when observed from afar. Like polar bears. Cute as hell from a safe distance, but your worst nightmare up close.
You turn on the faucet and splash some water on your face to cool down. You then dry your face off and spend a few more moments calming down before exiting the restroom, peeking your head out to make sure the coast is clear. Then you hurry out of the school as fast as you can.
You stop right in front of the library doors and quickly fix your hair and clothing, all ruffled from you having to run all the way here after sleeping in and missing the bus. Once you're ready, you enter the library quietly and make your way to the tables in the middle of the giant room.
Your friend smiles and waves at you once you're there, beckoning you over to the table. You gladly walk towards them only for all that happiness to evaporate upon seeing him.
His perfect hair, his charming smile, and his dark yet warm eyes are exactly the same as the guy you saw yesterday. Even the way the sun is hitting him is the same!
It takes everything in you to not just suddenly run away. You try to not let your panic show as you sit down in the only seat available at the table, which is, unfortunately, the seat next to him.
You avoid all eye contact with him and instead look to your friend with a confused look, thinking the only people in our group was her and her boyfriend Mingi.
"Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you." She realizes upon seeing your confusion. "The TA said we need four people in our group, and since he missed class that day and he's a friend of Mingi, he's in our group now. Sorry I didn't tell you, it kinda slipped my mind. But you don't mind, right?"
You just smile and nod, not wanting to cause problems, but definitely going to tell her to ask you before making decisions like that in the future.
She smiles back at you before starting the session. You're barely able to focus, too distracted by not trying to even look at Yunho. Still too mortified from yesterday. You just play with your pencil, completely removed from the conversation.
Your head immediately turns to your name being called, and you realize the mistake you made too late.
Your eyes meet his and your breath hitches in your throat. Time seems to stop as you stare into his deep brown eyes, completely captivated by them.
"What do you think?" Yunho asks, snapping you out of your trance. You turn away, clearing your throat, and focusing your eyes on your blank notebook instead.
"Yeah. Sounds great." You say, nodding your head, not even knowing what you agreed to. You briefly look at him to see him smiling, only to look away swiftly.
"Great. Then let's do that." He says to the others who nod their heads in agreement, actually knowing what he was talking about.
The time flies slowly as you pretend you know what's going on and glance over at Yunho every once in a while. Especially appreciating when his head is down while he's writing something in his notebook, you practically drooling over his side profile and focused expression on his face. Soon, the session is over and you all gather your things to leave.
My friend stops you at the exit and pulls you aside.
"Mingi and his friends are having a party tonight, and I've noticed it's been a while since you've been to one because you're so busy studying all the time. So.. will you go to the party with me?" She asks. You think it over in your head, realizing it has been awhile since you've been to one. But if it's Mingi's party then that probably means Yunho's gonna be there.. "Pleeeaassee? I promise I won't leave without you! I'll even take you out to eat afterwards!"
"Fine! But you better not break that promise, or I'm never going to another party with you again." You say sternly, and she nods quickly, holding her pinkie out. You wrap your pinkie around hers to seal the promise and she smiles at you.
"I'll see you later then!" She waves back at you as she goes to join Mingi, who was waiting for her by the end the of the hallway.
You wave back and set off back home to get ready for the party.
You and your friend walk into the house already filled to the brim with drunk college students. You're immediately reminded of why you stopped going to parties when you spot a couple making out in the corner, and, probably a med student, chugging alcohol as if their life depends on it, as well as the unmistakable smell of weed coming from upstairs.
You could point out so much more going on at this party that you despise, but decide to just summarize it with one word. Hell.
You push through the crowd and to the alcohol table, grabbing some alcohol in a red plastic cup. You then make your way to the backyard, already feeling suffocated by all the sweaty, smelly bodies around you.
You take a seat on one of the pool chairs and watch as some of the boys play around in the pool, taking sips of the liquid in the cup.
"Shit!" You curse, your arm being knocked, causing you to spill you drink all over yourself. You stand up immediately, only to be met with someone's, very toned, bare torso.
Your eyes trail slowly up his torso and rest on his face, and of course, it's Yunho.
His hair is wet and slicked back, only a few loose strands falling over his face, and he's wearing just swim trunks. He's covered in water droplets from having just been in the pool.
"Oh- shit. Sorry." He apologizes upon seeing your angry face. You don't even say anything you just let out a sigh and sit back down on the chair. You reach out to pick up the cup but he grabs your wrist before you do. "It's my fault. I'll clean it up."
He's already squatting down and he picks it up, setting it down on the glass table next to the chair. He then looks up at me, noticing the damage he's done to your clothes.
"Wait here. I'll be right back." Yunho says, running off into the house.
While waiting for him to come back, you realize that was the first time you didn't totally freak out in front of him. Granted, you were pissed, but you weren't avoiding eye contact or a complete blushing mess.
He returns with some clothes in hand and stands in front of you.
"Here. Wear these." He says, holding the t-shirt and sweatpants out in front of you. You take it from him and cock an eyebrow at him.
"You want me to change out here?" You question. Yunho immediately gets flustered and scratches the back of his neck, wondering how that never crossed his mind.
"I- uh- n-no.." He stammers, blushing at his thoughtlessness. "Here."
He suddenly grabs your hand and pulls you up the stairs. He takes you down the hallway and to his room.
"You can change here. I'll stand watch outside." Yunho says, and you nod at him. He closes the door behind him and you quickly get changed. Once you're done, you open the door to see Yunho leaning against the wall outside, staying true to his word. He immediately perks up when seeing you and smiles at you in his clothes.
The t-shirt practically engulfed you and you had to roll up the waistband his sweatpants three times just to get them not to fall down.
"I wanna go home." You state bluntly. Yunho's face drops and he clears his throat.
"I-I can take you home if you want." He offers and you decline.
"It's just a couple blocks away. I can walk., I'll be fine."
"Then let me walk you home. It's the least I can do after spilling your drink on you." He persists. You ponder for a moment before nodding.
You stare up at the night sky, admiring all the flecks of light illuminating the otherwise dark sky.
You both decided to ditch the party and instead stargaze in your backyard. You told him about it when you noticed how visible the stars were tonight. You told him about your love for astronomy and he must be the first person to actually seem interested in what you were talking about. Usually people get annoyed after about five minutes of you talking about it, but he seemed to actually want to listen and understand what you were saying. He even asked to join you in stargazing and you happily said yes, this being the first time someone’s actually wanted to do that with you.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" You ask Yunho, who's laying beside you, staring up into the sky.
"It really is." He whispers, staring adoringly at your side profile, not once looking at the stars. The whole time, he's been focused on you. Finding you far more beautiful than any amount of stars in the sky.
You turn to look at him, surprised when you see him staring at you and not at the stars. Your eyes meet his, but this time you're able to hold his gaze.
You both stare at each other, the stars completely abandoned in favor each other’s eyes.
A single flower from the blossoming tree in your backyard lands gracefully on the side of your face. You’re about to take it off when Yunho stops you.
“Don’t move - I’ll get it for you.”
He flicks it off softly and pushes a strand of hair out of your face. Resting his hand on your cheek, caressing it softly. He slowly moves his face closer to yours and stops just a few centimeters away.
He pauses, pondering whether he should do it or not. You get impatient and make that decision for him, closing the gap between your lips.
You kiss him softly, your lips melting against his. He kisses you back just as sweetly, gently rubbing his thumb against your cheekbone. You both pull away, staring into each other’s eyes before connecting your lips again. You kiss underneath the stars, lips moving in sync. The kiss slow. Both of us taking in the dream-like moment marking the start of something new..
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