#which doesn't invalidate all the horrors she inflicted before but it does make her more human (numen? whatever you get it)
maranull · 7 months
I know we don’t get the birth order of the Carian trio in game, but something just screams Ranni was the youngest to me. Considering it seems like Ranni was chosen young.
Then there’s the other implications.
Ranni is the ONLY one that’s an Empyrean and Marika allegedly knew of the night of black knives before it happened if you read the info on the Black Knife Assassin armor “the assassins that carried out the Night of Black Knives were all women, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself.”
Makes you wonder if Marika leaving and then popping out two more kids either asexually or by fucking her other half was to spare Ranni from going through what she did, the cruelty inflicted by the two fingers and one of the reasons she left was a long con against the two fingers.
But of course the other outergods made shit hell for both of the twins leaving Ranni potentially the only heir.
Greater Will be cruel.
Mmm, I think Marika lost control of the Black Knives to the Greater Will some time before they attacked Godwyn. I can't believe that she knew about what was going to happen and she didn't break every single Knife in half.
I think Marika was pulled away from Rennala directly by the Greater Will, I guess cause it didn't like the whole "fornicating with non-believers". Mal and Miq were probably created/birthed to relieve Ranni thought, but miss Marika forgot she has feelings now and ended up caring for them.
Then she made Meli as a tool to burn the Erdtree and oh my god, would you believe that she cared for her as well??? How could that happen?? Surely after 8 other kids, she wouldn't care for the 9th, right??? :P
Marika is really not able to cope with the fact that she began caring about her kids at some point after sending the Omen twins away.
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