#which also begs the question: what form would richard have taken in hawai'i
sodafrog13 · 1 year
something about richard never making himself seen to beard in hawai'i, at least not on our end. but they've met before. i think i'd like to see more of their dynamic
because beard isn't unnerved by richard in the table sequence, not like everyone else is. if anything, all he does is... acknowledge him. like an old friend, almost. and what a breath of fresh air that must have been? after having been challenged or insulted by near everyone else he talked to in that room and having been mistaken for someone he's not by the only other person who didn't.
literally all beard wanted was to go home. all he wanted was to go home and never have to shoot someone ever again after having done it god knows how many times over god knows how many months. if they've met before and think positively of each other, i can't imagine richard not offering what little sympathies he can give, what little words of comfort you can offer a man who knows there is the very real chance that if he is finally sent home, it'll be in a body bag
just. beard and richard (and jacket) in both '85 and early '86, i'd love to do more with that
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