#where's the alternate universe where top just said he got an instagram notification or something and asked mew about ray that night
forcebookish · 1 year
As always I love your dedication to the Top Tanin cause! I love him so much, people clearly just don’t want a layered character but that’s their loss… I was thinking to myself, what would’ve happened if Top and Mew did actually sleep together that first night? I have a feeling that Top still would’ve been hanging around him all week like he did. He just seemed very enamoured with him even from when Mew bumped into him. Would love to know your thoughts :)
awww, anon, thank you for loving top 🙏💓
enamored really is the word for it, look at him:
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(he even says "so cute," actually.)
and i totally think top would have continued liking mew if they slept together that night! they probably wouldn't have had their heart-to-heart over ice cream, but they still would have cuddled🥹 they could have still gone on their book date too. unlike what fandom thinks of him, top is very caring. i agree that he still would have hung out with and helped out mew that week. he wanted to be everyone's friend, and especially mew's. it's not like he could have disappeared from mew's life: they're working on the same project, and for months.
plus, by top's own admission,
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that means that most of, if not all, his previous relationships (short-lived they may have been) started with sex on the first date/meeting.
i don't think top would get bored of mew, especially once he actually got to know him. and come on, we all know how mew looked and sounded that night🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 are we really gonna pretend like top wouldn't want seconds? thirds?? fourths????
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mew wouldn't suddenly stop being cute and interesting - just because top didn't wanna fuck boston again (i know i'm harping, but based on "i can do it as you like this time," it sounds like top didn't really like it!) doesn't mean he wouldn't still be interested in mew. especially if mew got "so into" him after, it doesn't look like it would have bothered him:
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perhaps top wouldn't have done the whole show of getting up in front of everyone and asking mew to be his boyfriend, but more low-key like on a study date or something - or mew could have asked him out even. it doesn't seem like top is really into friends with benefits/fuck buddies and really only stuck to hook-ups and boyfriends.
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we know that everything boston says in this scene is projection:
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especially since, yeah, someone like top dates lol boston says so himself🙄 and it's apparently one of the few times he tells the truth🙄
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and based on the fact that top asked mew out in the first place, he doesn't have a problem with dating friends. if mew asked him out, i can't see him not saying yes.
and even then, it's possible mew still wouldn't have wanted to jump back into bed again and slow down their relationship, they probably just would have been/stayed boyfriends earlier on.
there are some heart-to-hearts that wouldn't have played out the same without the ice cream scene or top having to sleep on the couch, but i think they would have learned the same things about each other eventually. if mew slowed the relationship down, top could still learn that mew's afraid to fall really hard for him. top still could have admitted that he couldn't sleep without mew; mew could have rolled his eyes thinking it was a line, but top would still tell him why.
while not having sex was a key part in the tension of their romance, it wasn't why they fell in love. top is caring and thoughtful, mew is playful and flirtatious - they're both competitive and intuitive. they click. they have the kind of chemistry mew is looking for. they just... like each other. i think they would have fallen in love regardless, their relationship just would have progressed differently. probably wouldn't have been as interesting to watch😅 but they'd be happy😅 (unfortunately, mew would still have the same shitty friends😒 but we don't have to think about that...)
good question, anon! 💞
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