#where's my Good Omens fanfic centred around Angel coins?
lothiriel84 · 5 years
Currency was based on the penny, and the smallest denomination above it was the humble groat or fourpenny piece, and the half-groat (twopence), and one of the largest was the Angel or Angel-noble, called this because of its image of the Archangel Michael stamped in the design. The first shillings, or 'testoons' were created in 1502 in the reign of Henry VII. Occasionally half-pennies or farthings (quarter of a penny) were actually struck as coins, but this was rare: the smaller denominations were usually made by cutting a full penny into halves and quarters, or by using tokens as in Pepys’s Diary.
Just a few of the coins in circulation:
Farthing = 1/4 penny Half-penny = 1/2 penny Three-farthing = 3/4 penny Groat = 4 pennies (4d) Sixpence = 6 pennies (6d) Shilling = 12 pennies (1s ) Half-crown = 30 pennnies (2s 6d) Crown = 60 pennies (5s) Angel = 120 pennies (10s) Pound = 240 pennies (20s or £1) Sovereign = 360 pence (30s or £1 10s)
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