#where’s that fire extinguisher 😆
spikedsoul · 6 months
Consider a scenario where Movie Maid is ironing or cooking, and she just happens to daydream a bit about a certain turtle dragon with a subconscious grin on her face. And she doesn’t realize until she smells smoke that she set fire to something😆 Bad enough that the fire alarm was set off and Luigi is running in with a fire extinguisher.
I continue to not answer things in a timely manner! My apologies! It will happen again.
So Hayden has encountered the dragon turtle, and she's finding herself thinking about him quite often. Perhaps a little too often, in fact; and lately, these thoughts have been accompanied by a goofy little grin that she never quite realizes is there.
For the most part, it isn't an issue. Bethicca isn't a stranger to daydreaming while working. So she doesn't try to stop it.
What she hasn't yet realized is that it's much more than simple daydreaming, and fantasizing and ironing do not mix.
Cranberry, too deep into her fantasy, doesn't realize she's sat the hot iron right down on the clothes she's ironing. She's lost even as the smoke begins to rise; no, not even wailing of the fire alarm going off snaps her out of it!
But Luigi and his fire extinguisher do.
Luigi, very concerned: what is going on with you?!
Brand name, doused in cold foam and reality: I - I must've just zoned out-!
Luigi: while ironing?!
Store brand: i-it won't happen again, I swear!
Luigi, eyeing her suspiciously: ... yeah, I think not.
Tiffania: what, um... do you mean by that...?
Luigi, already dialing Bowser as he walks away: you'll find out
Cliffany, still doused in foam: Luigi?.... Luigi! Hey! Don't just - you can't just leave me! What're you-
Luigi, very loudly into the phone: hey, Bowser! Listen, I need a favor-
Needless to say, the poor maid learned her lesson about daydreaming with a hot iron in her hand... at least someone's on his way to help clean her up.
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what would the perfect date for the OP hotties look like? And would it end in disaster if they and not s/o planned it? xD
I’ve done this before but I’ll add the ones that are new to the list and 😆
His ideal date would be to have something single at home like a candlelit dinner and all the meals were prepared by him. Just soft music in the background while him and his S/O get comfortable and enjoy their time together.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
He would organize a romantic candlelit dinner for him and his S/O. Something elegant with food that they both enjoy as well as a couple of bottles of wine.
Oven Charlotte 🍞
He would organize a cooking class with his S/O where they would prepare a meal together and then dine while enjoying the sunset and having a couple glasses of wine.
He would take his S/O for a theatre performance like Phantom of the Opera or a ballet performance like Swan Lake. He would then arrange a romantic dinner for them enjoy.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
He would take his S/O to an island that has a lot of meaning to him and he would arrange for them to have a picnic before building sandcastles and just having fun on the beach.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
He has a hard time with picking the perfect date but he decides on a museum of Technology (thanks for Killer) where they both would be interested in seeing the advancements in technology and afterwards they would go to a Polish restaurant for some cabbage rolls.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
He would take his S/O for a hiking trip where they could stay at a cabin and have a barbecue, hopefully he doesn’t set himself alight but he also brings a fire extinguisher just in case. There would a hot spring for them to enjoy together in the evenings with some wine.
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autumnmoonsurveys · 9 months
MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 2024 5:13 PM
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Rooms of the House 🏡 
🏡 Beginning Questions! 🏡
Do you currently live in a house, apartment, condo, dorm, or...?
How many houses have you lived in?
This is the twelfth. 
How many apartments have you lived in?
Technically, one. It was a small town-house style though, but owned by an apartment management company. Or five if you count the four half-doubles (regional term for “duplex” — a whole house split into two side-by-side where the inside mirrors each other.)
How many dorm rooms have you lived in?
How many condos have you lived in?
My dad owned a townhouse-style condo as a second home, but I don’t consider myself to have “lived” there. 
Have you ever been homeless?
No, thankfully. 
Have you ever been close to being homeless or worried about becoming homeless?
How many people do you live with currently?
Have you ever lived alone?
The closest I ever came to living alone was when it was just my daughter and me when she was 2½-3 years old. 
Do you prefer to live alone or with other people?
I have my own family, so…
Do you like the home you live in right now?
Are you living in your dream house?
Pretty much. 
What would your dream house look like?
Honestly, this checked all of our boxes: 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, acreage, cleared land AND usable woods, long driveway, seclusion, barn for storage, AND plenty of room in the basement for seasonal storage, my husband’s gym, and his woodworking. 🤍 Bonus: a basketball half-court, we’re close to my mom, we’re within e-bike riding distance to a lake for fishing/kayaking (only 1 mile!), and a creek also runs through our woods! 🙏 
What is your home decorating style?
Vintage, mostly. ‘70s-‘90s, specifically. 
Would you ever want to become and interior designer?
No, but I wanted that career at 9 years old. Well, a decorator rather than designer. 
Have you ever watched Trading Spaces?
Yeah, I was obsessed at 9. 😆 
Have you ever considered becoming a realtor?
I have considered it, yes. 
Does your home have a big yard?
We have about 50 acres. 20ish acres of cleared pastureland/“yard” and 30ish acres of woods.
What color was the home you grew up in?
Partially faded brick, partially beige/tan siding with orange-red decorative shutters & bay window trim. 
Have you ever lived in a house that was on a street corner?
Once, in a duplex, but our half was the side closer inward. The house I grew up in was advertised as a corner lot; it was the only house on that side of the drive. We had 3/4 of an acre, so the house was more-so in the middle. 
Do you have nice neighbors?
Who is/was the worst neighbor you've ever had?
A historical society, in the past. 
Have you ever called the cops on a neighbor?
No, but neighbors have called the cops on us thrice throughout my life. 👀 Once for camping in our own backyard, once for a fist fight with my husband’s ex when we first got together and she came to my house with a glass bottle in her hand 😳, and once for a loud argument. These were in 2009, 2015, and 2018, respectively. 
Do you have a neighbor with annoying dogs that bark a lot?
Have you ever had a neighbor that played loud music and partied all night long?
…No, we were that neighbor. 😬 That’s partially why we needed rural seclusion. We just wanna l-i-v-e. 😅 
Do you have a swimming pool?
Have you ever lived in a home with a swimming pool?
Yes, two of the twelve houses. 
How long have you lived in your current place of residence?
3 months now. 
Are you happy with where you're living right now?
Do you own a fire extinguisher? 🧯
Yes, two. 
What are the names of three of your neighbors?
Melissa, Eric, and David. 
Do you live in the city or in the country?
Do you live in a big city or small town?
In a teeny-tiny rural hamlet. 
Do you like the area in which you live?
Have you ever lived in a brick house?
Do you live on a busy street?
Negative. 😎 
🏡 Living Room 🏡
Are you in the living room right now?
No, my bedroom. 
What color are the walls in your living room?
Medium gray with a brown tone. 
How many windows are in your living room? 🪟
9, plus the door. 
How many couches are there? 🛋
One couch, one matching loveseat. 
What color is your couch? 🛋
How many chairs are there? 🪑
The matching loveseat + a cushioned oversized square stool. 
What colors are the chairs?
Matching brown + green & purple funky stool. 
Do you have art on the walls? 🖼
Do you have any of your own artwork on the walls? 🖼
Pick one piece of wall art in your living room. What does it look like?
A framed painted portrait of the historic train station in my hometown named after my family, that I am actually in. I was like five years old in the painting. 
Do you have a big mandala tapestry hanging up on your wall?
Do you have a TV?
Is the floor carpeted, and if so, what color is the carpet?
What are three big things you have in your living room?
Couch, wood-burning stove with a mantle, and long behind-the-couch table. 
How many throw pillows do you have in your living room?
What is your favorite thing in your living room?
I really love our TV stand. 🤷‍♀️ 
When was the last time you had company over?
My mom and step-dad stopped by Christmas afternoon. 
Is your home cluttered, or are you good at clearing space for living?
The latter. 
Is there a bookshelf in your living room?
Do you own a lot of books? 📚
Are there any framed photographs in your living room?
Not at the moment. 
Do you ever sleep in the living room?
🏡 Bedroom 🏡
How many windows are there in your bedroom? 🪟
Two + the door to our deck. 
What size bed do you have? 🛏
What does your bedspread or comforter look like?
Currently, a white/deep green/deep red plaid Sherpa bed blanket. 
What color are the sheets on your bed right now?
Light brown. 
How many pillows do you normally sleep with?
Do you sleep with a teddy bear? 🧸
Do you have a dresser, a closet, or both?
Do you have a walk-in closet?
I have a regular double bi-fold closet and my husband uses the walk-thru closet (leads to our bathroom). 
Do you own a lot of clothes?
What is the color scheme in your bedroom?
No specific color scheme. 
What color are the walls?
Very pale white-blue. 
What color is the carpet or rug?
Is it carpeted?
No, laminate hardwood. 
Do you have a desk in your room?
Not at the moment. 
What time do you normally wake up in the morning? ⏰
6:15 during the school week. 
Do you normally wake up to an alarm? ⏰
Do you make your bed every day? 🛏
Where do you keep your jewelry? 📿
A tray. 
Do you have a full-length mirror?
Is there art on the walls?
Do you have any posters on the wall, and if so, what are they pictures of?
Everything is framed. 
Do you have any of your own artwork on the walls? 🖼
No, but canvas art my daughter made me for Christmas.  
Is there a bookshelf?
No, but we do have tons of books in our room and closet. 
Do you keep a diary? 📔
I do. 
Is there a bulletin board?
What color is your dresser?
Cherry wood.
Is any of your furniture antique?
Vintage, but not antique. 
Do you own a vase filled with fake flowers? 💐🏺
I have a vase filled with fake boxwood balls (vase filler).
What is your favorite thing about your bedroom?
View of the woods. 
🏡 Bathroom 🏡
What color is your toilet? 🚽
White. This will be about our master bathroom en-suite. 
Do you have a cover on your toilet seat?
What does your shower curtain look like?
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Do you own a clawfoot bathtub? 🛀
Do you prefer showers or baths?
What is your favorite type of shampoo and conditioner to use?
I’m not picky. I’m currently using the extra medicated Selsun Blue with It’s a 10. 
What scent does your body wash have?
Currently, Aveeno Daily Moisturizing body wash. 
What scent does your hand soap have? 🧴
Gingerbread bakery. 
Do you have any art on the walls in your bathroom? 🖼
A framed picture of Tony Soprano smoking a cigar signed by James Gandolfini. 😂 
What is the color scheme of your bathroom?
No specific color scheme. 
Do you own a plunger? 🪠
Is there a mirror in your bathroom? 🪞
Of course. 
How many bathrooms does your home have?
Three full. 
Is your bathroom big or small?
Have you ever done the "24 Hours in the Bathroom" challenge for a YouTube video?
....and if not, would you ever want to?
Do you sing in the shower? 🚿 🎶
🏡 Kitchen 🏡
What is your favorite thing to cook? 👩‍🍳
Any one-dish meals. 
Do you have a stove?
What color is your stove?
Which stove burner do you normally use?
Front left, the big one. 
Have you ever had an accidental kitchen fire? 🔥
Only when I was four. 
...and if yes, what happened, and what did you do?
My mom fell asleep in the middle of the night dealing with my newborn twin brothers while she was boiling bottle nipples. The water evaporated and the nipples caught fire, but thankfully it was put out before the firetrucks arrived. Ironically, this past summer that house burnt down. 😭 
What color is your fridge?
What color is your kitchen sink?
Stainless steel. 
What color is the current hand towel in your kitchen?
Black with white vertical stripes. 
What was the last thing you microwaved?
Instant espresso. 😬 
When was the last time you used the toaster?
A few days ago. 
....and what was the last thing you toasted?
Chocolate chip waffles for my son. 
Do you enjoy washing the dishes?
Not especially... 
Do you have a dishwasher, or do you have to wash the dishes by hand?
We have a dishwasher, but we typically hand-wash our dishes as we go. We only need to use the dishwasher if we have a party or something. 
Do you own a Magic Bullet?
Is there a calendar on the wall in your kitchen? 📆
Just the boys’ school breakfast/lunch menu for the month. 
....and if yes, what is this month's calendar picture?
No cute pictures. 😔 But each month is a different color. January is bright blue. 
Do you have magnets on your fridge?
Yep, lots. 
Pick three of your favorite magnets on your fridge- what do they look like?
An orange fancy letter R magnet that my daughter (Ryleigh) found underneath our fridge that was left behind at our old house, plus these two:
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Do you have a little stepping stool you use in your kitchen when you have to reach stuff up high?
Yes, a retro pale yellow one. 
What color are your kitchen cupboards?
Do you own a lot of silverware? 🥄
Enough. I don’t like to own too much of anything.
Do you have a big or small kitchen?
Which do you use more: the toaster or the microwave?
Which do you use more: the microwave or the stove?
I use both about daily. 
Have you ever accidentally left the stove on for hours?
No, but back in 2016 Greg left the oven on for most of the night once with pizza in it!
...and if yes, did it start a fire?
No, thankfully. 
🏡 Dining Room 🏡
What color is your kitchen table?
We have a kitchen peninsula with four barstools, then behind it is the dining area, but we do not currently have a dining table. 
How many chairs are at your kitchen table?
How often do you eat at the table?
At the bar, regularly. 
Is there a chandelier hanging above the table?
No, a ceiling fan light. 
Is the a vase with fake flowers in the center of the table?
..or is is there something else at the center of the table, and if so, what?
On the bar area countertop I have Merry Mushrooms ceramic salt & pepper shakers with a toothpick holder, retro tin Coca-Cola straw canister with multi-colored plastic straws in it, and the napkin holder on a rust-colored charger mat, and then I also have a candle in this glass candle holder:
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What's your favorite food to eat?
Probably steak & potatoes with salad.
What's your favorite dessert?
Pumpkin pie with Cool Whip topping. 
What's your favorite drink?
PSL. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Have you ever scrapbooked at your kitchen table?
When was the last time you cooked dinner for someone?
When was the last time someone cooked dinner for you?
Sat. Dec. 23, for my mom’s Christmas party. 
🏡 Study/Den/Office 🏡
Do you have a separate room for an "office" in your home?
Do you own a desk?
The girls both have their own vanity desks. 
If so, do you do work at your desk?
Do you own a desktop computer or a laptop computer? 🖥 💻
Greg has a laptop. 
What type of computer do you own (Dell, Mac, etc.)?
Do you own a desk chair, and if so, what type of chair is it, and what does it look like? Is it a spinny desk chair?
The girls have the same shiny black industrial dining chair for the desks. 
What is your favorite book that you own?
😳 I refuse to choose!
...and what is your favorite book in general?
Do you make to-do lists? 📝
Sure do. 
Have you crossed any items off your to-do list today? ✅
Do you own a lot of paper? 📄
I suppose so. 
Do you own a printer? 🖨
Do you own a fax machine? 📠
Do you own a stapler?
How many bulletin boards do you own? 📌
Do you own a ruler? 📏
Not unless any of the kids do; we just have measuring tapes.
Do you own a calculator?
The girls do. 
Do you own a pair of scissors? ✂️
Do you more frequently write with pencils or pens? ✏️ 🖊
Pens, always. 
Do you use a planner?
Are you counting down the days to something, and if so, what? 📆
Nah, just enjoying every day. 
How many trash cans are there in your home? 🗑
Oh, man…lemme count. Inside, twelve. 
...and what colors are they?
Two cream ones in the kitchen garbage drawer, white, greige, black, clear, black mesh metal, blue Minecraft, gray crochet, two frosted clear, and stainless steel. 
Do you own a whiteboard?
Do you own a filing cabinet? 🗄
Do you own a clipboard? 📋
Greg does. 
When was the last time you used a clipboard?
No clue. 
If you own a bulletin board, what are three things you have pinned on it? 📌
Do you own a desk lamp?
No, but my daughter does. 
...and if yes, what color is it?
🏡 Hallway 🏡
Do you ever just randomly sit in the hallway?
Is there a bookshelf in the hallway?
No, but there is a funky whimsical blue wavy metal bookcase for decor on the mid-landing on the staircase. The shelves are too small for books though.
Is there a fuse box in the hallway?
...and if yes, do you have magnets on it?
We don’t have magnets on our breaker box, no.  
What are three things that you have in the hallway?
We have our blue recycling bins in the hall off the kitchen. 
Is there a smoke detector in the hallway?
Our halls are super small, I’d hardly even call them hallways, but no. They’re in each bedroom and the loft. 
Is there an overhead light in the hallway?
Just off of the kitchen and off of the living room between the laundry room & our room. 
Is your hallway carpeted, or does it have a wood floor?
Laminate wood. 
🏡 Attic 🏡
Does your home have an attic?
...and if so, have you ever been up there?
I won’t walk in it, no. 
Have you ever wondered if your house was haunted? 👻
...and were you ever afraid that it was as a kid?
Two houses were absolutely occupied as a kid. 
Have you ever seen a bat flying through your home? 🦇
Not this one, at least!
Have you ever found a mouse in your house? 🐁
Have you ever heard a critter scurrying about in the attic?
Do you own a flashlight? 🔦
...and if yes, when was the last time you used it?
Recently, looking for stuff in our deep coat closet that I use for some seasonal storage. 
Do you store things in the attic?
Are there any windows in the attic? 🪟
Are there cobwebs in your attic?
Are you afraid of attics?
🏡 Basement 🏡
Does your home have a basement?
...and if yes, when was the last time you went down there?
Two days ago to check on my husband who was down there for a long time but being oddly quiet. 😅 
Have you ever had to go to the basement when the air-raid siren went off, because there was a tornado warning? 🌪
Not here, at least. 
Do you store anything in the basement?
Are you afraid of basements?
Is your basement nice, or is it unfinished and creepy?
It’s unfinished but still nice. 
Have you ever lived in the basement?
No, but our bedroom at our previous home was down there. It was a daylight/walk-out family room. 
What's the highest floor that you've lived on?
I had a “little apartment” on the finished third floor of my dad’s house when I was younger…
Do basements creep you out?
Not necessarily. 
When was the last time you went to the basement?
Two days ago!
🏡 Nursery 🏡
Do you have a nursery in your home?
No, our youngest is 7½! But we have a blended family of four kids and they all have their own bedrooms. 
Do you know what color your nursery was when you were a baby?
Yes, white with pink floral foiled wallpaper. 
If you have a nursery in your home, what color is it, and what does it look like?
Daughters’ rooms are deeper green, son’s room is a more muted sage-like green, and step-son’s is pale gray. 
Do you have a lot of toys in the nursery?
Just our youngest’s room. 
What is the theme of the nursery, if there is one?
My step-son is the only one with a specific theme — gaming.  
🏡 Other 🏡
Are there any other rooms in your home, and if so, what do you call them?
Just a laundry room and a loft. 
How many bedrooms does your home have?
Is your home old or new?
15 years old — 2008, but main addition was built in 2011, so 12 years old. 
Do you own any musical instruments?
I have a keyboard and a guitar, and my daughter has a guitar. 
Do you have a closet in your home that you store things in?
Four of the bedrooms have two closets, the last only has one, then four other closets throughout. 
Where do you store holiday decorations?
Basement and coat closet. 
How many windows are in your home? 🪟
28 (+ 2 basement egress) & all 5 doors are window doors. 
If you live in an apartment, condo, or dorm, which story do you live on?
Do you have a balcony?
No, but two decks. 
Does your home have a porch?
It’s a deck porch. 
Do you have a big yard?
Do you own a swimming pool?
Is there a trampoline in the yard?
My husband literally just assembled it yesterday!
Is there a treehouse in the yard?
Which room of the house is your favorite?
Living room or kitchen. 
Which room of the house do you spend the most time in?
Outside. Otherwise, living room or kitchen. 
Do you own a mini handheld radio? 📻
We do have quite a few Bluetooth speakers, including retro radio ones.  
What is the oldest thing that you own?
That’s tough. I’m not sure!
What are three things you own that are made of wood?
A lot of the furniture! Dressers, TV stand, display shelf in the dining area, end tables, beds, etc. I love wood — warm & natural. 
🏡 Final Questions! 🏡
Do your windows have curtains or blinds on them?
Only in the two bathrooms that both have a window and my step-son’s room since he’s apparently all of a sudden afraid of “skin walkers”. 🙄 He’s 10, by the way. 
Do you have a good view of the moon from your window? 🪟
No. 😢 I gotta go outside. 
Are you happy with where you live right now?
Is your home cluttered, or are you good at keeping it tidy?
The latter. 
Do you enjoy cleaning?
I do. 
Do you enjoy organizing?
I do. 
Are you allergic to dust mites? 🤧
Aren’t we all?
Do you sleep better with music on or off?
Does listening to music help you study, or does it distract you?
Distracts me. 
How many box fans do you own?
One actual box fan for my step-son. One of the kids has an oscillating table fan, one has a stationary table fan, we have an oscillating floor stand fan in our bedroom along with a ceiling fan light, there’s a double window fan when needed, and we have three industrial metal floor fans when needed, like for the child without a fan. 
When was the last time you vacuumed?
Today. I vacuum daily. 
Do you like to sit on the floor?
When I play Solitaire almost every night on the living room floor. Yes, with real cards. 😆
Which room of the house are you sitting in right now?
I hope you have a homey day!
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loorain · 2 years
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Renewed Connection Pt. 2
(This is a continuation of yesterday's post)
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Afterward, Haru invited Anya over to his house to dry off. He prefaced that it's nothing spectacular, but it works for him and Colt. Anya could tell that this space is more of a bachelor pad but loved the house itself and saw so much potential in it. She actually found herself thinking about what it would be like to live here with Haru and their son.
Colt hadn't returned from school yet, so they had the space to themselves for a little bit.
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The two chatted in Haru's bedroom. Again, it's nothing special, but it was homey and cozy. Anya, who has always aspired towards fame and fortune, found herself liking this more pulled-back way of living. It feels more natural to her in a way she never thought something like this would. Anya doesn't regret her career choices, but having a balance feels better to her. Living here with Haru and Colt feels like the balance she wants. For the first time throughout the course of their relationship, Anya felt like she was where she was supposed to be, and felt Haru was the perfect person to share this with.
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Before anything could progress further, Colt returned home from school. Haru showed Anya up to the second floor, and she decided to try her hand at cooking (oh boy lol)
Anya was actually doing a really good job and successfully finished making dinner!
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And then everything went up in flames 😆
Luckily she was prepared and had the fire extinguisher ready to go.
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Anya enjoyed dinner with her boys and got to chat with Colt a bit before tucking him into bed for the night. It felt good to act like a mother for one of the first times in her life. Colt seemed to enjoy it too.
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Once Colt was asleep, the adults had time to chat once more. They reflected on the day and Anya expressed how much she actually enjoyed being here. It made them feel like a true family. After her mother's death, she always sort of felt like pieces of her was missing. Sure, her father was still alive, but he rarely came by or even called, and Armani was the best dad she could ask for, but it still wasn't enough. Finally, she felt like she had a role, something she could actually fulfill. Up until this point, she worried about if she could actually do it, but giving it a test run today proved she could. Haru was more than ecstatic to hear that. He loves her with all his heart.
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Anya ended up staying the night, though the two didn't get much sleep 😉
Haru walked her out and they hugged goodbye, looking forward to the day that this place will be Anya's home too.
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jkmooneclipsesun · 3 years
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Avengers/Red riding hood. Part 2
I am back!
Hydra wolf
-“So were where we?” (You had just gotten Nat to sell me out to the Hydra dog.) -Oh yeah! So Natasha shows the Hydra wolf the long and dangerous way, full of traps and Tony’s security systems, while she herself took the shorter and safer way through the flower beds, all while she did as the wolf said and plucked some flowers. And if she heard some screams and begging for mercy all while she continued on her way smiling? Well~ that is no one’s business but her own. (Smiles approvingly.) (looks horrified at each other before looking at the wolf😒) (😨Looks sick.) -Of course Natasha comes first to the mansion and gets let in by JARVIS at the door. “Thank you JARVIS. Is uncle Tony in his workshop? I come bearing food and we are soon to have a unwelcoming guest, so could you make some arrangements for then he comes?” -JARVIS naturally already knew about the wolf, with all the the tripped traps the alarms was blaring, so he confirmed and let Natasha go down to Tony in the workshop. And what do you know? There she found Tony half dead on his feet, upgrading on the next in line ironman armour with a cup of coffee in one hand, and a screwdriver in the other, that is carefully being used on one of the boots. Tony is actually so focused that he doesn’t even hear Natasha coming in. So of course dum-E, who has seen her thinks now is a good time to play and so he throws a tennis ball at Tony’s head to get his attention. “AW!?! Dum-E?! What have i said about throwing things at me?!” -Dum-E bips and points at Natasha who laughs at her uncle and his robot’s eccentric tendencies. “Nat! Dum-E, why didn’t you tell me Natasha was here?” -Dum-E bips in indignation and throws the ball again as if to say, that was what he did. Tony ducks this time and glares after the retreating robot. “(Irritated mumbling) So Natasha, what can i do for you today?” “It is more me who are here to help you. Steve thought you needed some help preserving your health, so i have a basket full Steve’s homemade food and his specific orders to make you take a break.” -That for Tony to laugh and go back to work. “That is very sweet Nat. But i’m okay and i have too much work to do, to take a brea-“ “You take a break willingly or i force feed you and sedate you before putting you in bed. Your choice.” -To say Tony is a smart man is a understatement, so of course he choose to take a break. Especially because JARVIS was on Nat’s side and threatened with at setting Dum-E on him, with full permission to use his fire extinguisher on Tony. Note Dum-E standing happily behind Tony with said fire extinguisher. Yearh. Tony took the right choice.😄 (😭You are evil…) (nods in agreement and thanks all the gods that it wasn’t them.) -But before they could eat JARVIS announced their guest almost was at the mansion, so they began to plan and come to an agreement about what to do. They were going to give that Hydra wolf HELL! 😆 Muahahaha! (She are laughing…) (It’s scary.) (Nods in agreement.) (😑 scaredy-cats all of you.) Continues…
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