#where savathun says 'gift for my favourite sister.' he omitted 'favourite' when reading. BARKBARKBARK
thefirstknife · 2 years
In the euphoria of all new lore this season, I forgot to mention something in regards to Xivu Arath and was reminded by Byf's video (cool video btw, very chilling and explains just how fucked we are by Xivu being involved).
It doesn't help that Ishtar still doesn't have the lore tabs linkable so I am relying on my screenshots, but it's something I noticed immediately as I read them because I've talked about it before: Xivu's association with a "terrace." My addition to this post from back in March about this.
Basically, whenever Xivu is mentioned and specifically her possible place of residence (perhaps her throne world), there are a few things that always pop up: a terrace, emerald, blades.
Byf also caught this and mentioned the most prominent examples from Season of the Lost, but there were mentions before. The first one to mention it was Osiris in Immolant, but lore youtubers are allergic to Immolant I think, so:
Osiris peers into the Hive protrusion. Metallic flecks shimmer, and he sees a long and empty road. Meandering. He wishes to plant a great banner over it, so that all may see. A beacon, alight with Phoenix flame. Looming in the nascent flamelight hangs the terrace of blades. The terrace dominates the road; its precipice at his throat.
This is really important as far as mentions go, not only for being the first, but also because this is what Osiris sees when he peers into the cryptolith for the first time. It's very likely that he just sees directly into Xivu's domain and this she uses this to stimulate him to tithe her by going to war.
And another mention is in Hunt, which is then repeated in Lost (and is the one that Byf focuses on). I listed all of them in the post I linked so I won't do the full quotes again. Here is the most important bit, first from Hunt:
grand terrace of onyx Swords, hilted in emerald flame and overlooking darkened systems A lone figure stood on the terrace aside two empty thrones.
And from Lost:
grand terrace of onyx swords and emerald flame reigning over a red harbor. A lone figure stood on the terrace aside two empty thrones.
And now, in Seraph, we got more. From Disparity pulse rifle:
From their hulls spew runes of black fire that meet between the ships and ignite into the projection of a bladed terrace, casting House Salvation's new home in shadow.
And Tripwire Canary bow:
My queen... Wizards conjure the Black Terrace. Xivu Arath's voice bends the Plane.
The fact that "Black Terrace" is capitalised is really cool since this is no longer just a description, but a title or official name for something related to Xivu, possibly a place she resides in.
I want to see this so badly. It's such an ominous description of a place we can hardly imagine and I am looking forward to Xivu appearing and for us to see this. It's such a cool motif that has been repeated for over 2 years consistently, like they're making sure it gets drilled into our minds for Xivu's inevitable appearance.
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