#where cordy wasn't possesed by jasmine when she had her memories back
soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
💏 - from Angel to Cordy
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
18 …as encouragement.
                  things has been weird lately, especially with the whole being a HIGHER being, coming back and having amnesia then memories being and then being haunted by a rokcy monster, ready to flinch the earth and kill everyone, VAMPIRE or not.                               the team was out there and angel was on his office, bringing up tactics of how to defeat the monster that seemed to know him. or at least, the half ass bad side of him with no soul that went grrrr and arghhh every time blood surfaced and changed his visage.  the vision entered, a sigh falling from her lips. they didn’t have time to speak, to decide PRIOR of what things could have happened and become if things didn’t get in the way.  so she decided to deal with it in a cordelia chase fashion. 
                        advancing swiftly, she placed her hands against each side of his pale face and brought their lips in a kiss. a soft kiss, a gentle kiss.  an ENCOURAGING kiss? it held for few seconds before she slowly drifted apart and looked into his eyes.  
                      ‘ you got it champ.  as you have always, it doesn’t matter if you know karate or kung fu. it mattters that you have the heart of a warrior. the kindness of one, one of the many reasons why i have fallen for you.’ 
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