#where as the kobayashi's revel in being scorned women since their ire is rich from tragedy
usagimen · 1 year
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(h.c. // meta):
        It should go without say, despite being the antithesis to the Zen’in Clan, the Kobayashi lineage should not be idolized. The rigidity to conform can break someone’s spirit easily in half, it is a family that demands to move in unison so their lives are not trampled, Sayuri equates it to a gaping maw one plunges into. Though they have nobility, they also refuse to acknowledge the higher four houses playing neutral territory but this their past of remaining those in the middle && swearing to none. There is an inherited sadness many carry, it is often felt within the very soil despite the brilliance of such a dreamlike sanctum.
       Mourning is a constant, for those who are lost && the inability to live as one desires, shedding the old to become a new. Where many fear being cursed, plenty seem to relish in it, they hold no secrets for the lives that were taken for coin or meddling in political affairs for whoever paid them handsomely. Briefly, it’s been stated many of the women are cursed or come from lineage of female yokai, Sayuri herself being a descendant of Hone-Onna while the current matriarch is the last of Nure-Onna’s lineage. They are often spoken about in hushed whispers, though this also proves to play into their charm as performers or artisans giving many that of a temptress who lulls all to follow.
          Secrecy is everything as if they were ever found out, Clan Kobayashi attests they would be gone, nothing but a name etched in jushiki history. It is the only way they can protect what they hold dear which isn’t to say they do not love one another. In fact, it’s a fierce sentiment among them, none will be excluded, even the weakest has a place within their walls. It’s common to find many gossiping, busy in daily practices, or rushing to entertain clientele, this has been a constant for what seems centuries. One thing that is enigmatic is the role of a son, the firm belief is that no matter what, they shall always be led by a reigning matriarch. Daughters often inherit the role of the mother, an artisan who will become adored or fill into a position of strong social influence. Sons help that world continue on, in one particular case, Sayuri’s father - Minato, found success through kimono making.
     He is well renowned for his excellency in textiles, thus shedding some insight into how males fill in the gap. Marriage is welcomed, though usually it is political or when one retires from life of public performances. This also might be why Sayuri is hesitant to vocalize normal desires, she is strictly held by the binds of her bloodline, out of loyalty && love. Everyone understands this challenge, there is a common knowledge that the tragedy they all speak is what keeps them together; it is a language only they can utter. Hence their families mantra, all that is beauty is deceptive. She is the rarity who ran thus found her freedom && became starved, unable to allow for it to be stolen, they do not scorn her whatsoever instead embrace this - even envy.   
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