#where Alyssa ( who's a robot ) gets broken in half and still is like ' no i love my friends I'll still help ' and heccin crawls
edenslostwallflower · 6 months
don't nobody be afraid that's this summer child ray of sunshine is excempt from angst or darker themes. there is a scene for her somewhere where she gets literally broken in half..
scene in point
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casseythebee · 5 years
Three Weeks
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Prompt: “Sorry, was that supposed to impress me?” Summary: Unnamed female has been prepping a picnic for a while and when Wanda finally gets home from her mission they get to enjoy. Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x unnamed female Words: 2.8k-ish Warning: a few swears, mention of smutty things A/N:  I have tried and failed at writing x reader so I decided to try an unnamed female? The links are to show the different outfits/accessories. 
It’s been three weeks. She has been away on this damn mission for three weeks. She has been undercover in Syria as a college student for three weeks. My Wanda has been gone for three weeks. No contact whatsoever. She even missed our anniversary.
I miss her.
So as my way of a “welcome back” I am planning a moonlight picnic, with a twist. I have set up a series of clues leading her to the pond where we met as grade school kids.
There will be six stops- not including our apartment or the pond-  each with a different clue on what the next place will be. I have spent the last three weeks planning this out and buying everything I need, now all I need to do is set it up.
[Wanda’s Point Of View]
“I’m home, love!” I call through the house.
I walk in further to our apartment looking for her. I check every room, and then frantically I check every room again this time starting to worry.
There is no trace of her or any sign of a break or struggle. I panic and pick up my phone to call the rest of the Avengers until I see a little envelope on the counter next to a bottle of champagne and a little black backpack. When I open the envelope a note falls out.
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“This is so her. Making me wait and figure stuff out before I can see her,” I say to myself.
I open the envelope again and find a receipt for a hair salon named Sonder Hair Studio.
Sadly before I can go out I have to change out of my tactical suit into more normal clothes. A pair of ripped jeans sit snugly on my hips, a flowy red tank accenting my hair, and a black leather jacket to tie the outfit together.
Looking up the address I realize the salon is only a couple streets down from our apartment building so I decided to walk.
I look around the salon drinking in the place. There are only a few customers getting their hair done, one man getting his beard trimmed, a lady getting her hair washed, and another getting her colored. There does not seem to be a bag anywhere or note anywhere in sight.
I finally give in and walk to the front desk. “Hello, do you by chance have a note or a bag for someone?”
“Ah, you must be Ms. Maximoff?” the lady asks.
“How do you know?” I know I’m technically an Avenger and semi-famous but I’m still pretty unknown enough that most people don’t recognize me, especially not my real name.
“Your girlfriend came by yesterday and explained everything. How exciting!” she says in a bubbly voice. She claps her hands together gleefully and added, “She told me to do your hair as pretty as I possibly could and give you the envelope after everything is all done.”
“Wait you are actually going to do my hair?”
“Yes! Oh, you are going to look so pretty! I have the most gorgeous hairstyle in mind for you!” she giggles.
I spend the next hour and a half getting my hair washed and styled. The entire time she goes through three assistants and refuses to let me look at myself, claiming she wants it to be a “surprise”.
Finally letting me see myself she turns the chair towards the mirror. My mouth falls open. With the way, I am angled the sun is hitting my hair just right that it looks like it is on fire. She twisted it into two small french fishtail braids that connect in the back to create a ponytail. From there she curled the ends a bit to give it that little bit more into casual into elegant.  
“This looks… it looks… a ravishing,” I admire. “Thank you so much! I love it with all my heart!”
“Well before you go here is the envelope that she would like you to have.” Hands me a pink envelope decorated with red drawn on hearts of all different shapes and sizes.
“How much do I owe you for all of this?”
She waves me off saying that the money part is all taken care of.
With one more thank you to her and her assistants I head out the door to check for the next clue.
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Okay, let's go down the poem and figure out who matches each description. “Hair as red as a cherry” obviously means red hair. Who do we know that has red hair? Well me, the twins, Natasha, her sister Megan and her daughter Alyssa. “Voice as lovely as a canary” Alyssa is known to sing gorgeously but so is Natasha. “Hands as deadly as a widow” that is clearly Natasha. “Get on her bad side and she will cause you sorrow” is definitely Natasha. “She grew up in a world of guns and sorrow” she grew up in the red room with guns and in Russia which is known for being cold.
So, Natasha, it is. Therefore to the tower.
The paper slips in next to the champagne bottle and the other envelopes in the bag. I hail down a taxi and ask the driver to take me to the tower. On the way there I contemplate where this is going to end. A fancy dinner in a fancy restaurant; back to our apartment with just the two of us; a surprise party; the tower will be the last stop; a hotel, I have no clue.
When we get there I thank the driver and pay the toll. When I get in the tower I pass the kids room and go straight to the elevators. When I get in I ask, “Jarvis, can you bring me to Natasha?”
“Sadly Mrs. Romanoff left a few hours ago. I am unaware where she is off to, but Dr. Banner may know. He was the last person she talked to.” A pause. “Would you like me to take you to him?”
“Yes please, Jarvis.” I have always been a fan of Jarvis he is very helpful and smart, always helping however is possible and he really does well on missions.  
My train of thought is broken by a ding and Jarvis exclaiming, “Dr. Banner is right in there with Mr. Stark. I will ask him to grant you access.”
I step out of the elevator and the doors close. Around me is a hallway on either side of me and Tony’s office in front. The front wall and door are all glass granting me a full view of his workplace and him waving his hand and seemingly nothing than saying something I am unable to hear.
The glass door opens on its own and Jarvis says, “Welcome Ms. Maximoff.”
I walk inside and instantly am bombarded by the smell of cologne, gasoline, and whiskey.
“Take your shoes off!” Tony yells from the corner where he is tinkering with a new suit. “And hand them to Dum-E!”
I bend down and unlace my combat boots before placing them on a tray with two pairs of expensive looking men's shoes held by a robot wearing a dunce cap.
Padding over to Tony, I ask him, “Why should I take my shoes off, Sir?”
Without looking up from his work he mumbles, “Germs.”
I look down at his feet which are missing shoes and to his hands which are sheathed in gloves.
“Where is Bruce?”
He grunts out only one word, “Bathroom.”
Reaching down to pick up a wrench I feel something flying towards me and stop it with my powers mid-air just before it hits my head. Turning I see that it is a screwdriver that was thrown by Bruce. I release my powers causing it to jangle to the floor.
“What the hell, Dr. Banner?” I shout at him.
“If you touch anything without gloves we would have to reclean every single thing in here.”
Tony’s head shoots up and he stares at Bruce wide-eyed. “No no no no no, she didn’t touch anything. I promise,” Bruce says rubbing Tony’s back until he returns to his work. “Why don’t we go out here?”
He has his hand on my back and leads me out of the room.
“He is having a breakdown. It’s best to just ride the less severe ones out,” he explains. “What do you need Wanda?”
“I was wondering if you have seen Natasha or if you know where she went?”
“Ah yes. You are doing the scavenger hunt, aren’t you?”
I shake my head.
“Well I’m not entirely sure but I think she went to your apartment.”
I blow out a long breath. “Thank you so much.”
I get in the elevator and as the doors are closing he yells, “I like your hair by the way!”
I get into another cab and it’s the same deal, I think about what the final destination could be until I get to where I am going, thank and pay the driver, and head up to my apartment.
When I get there I see the redhead sitting on the floor leaning against the door eating a Mars Bar.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I’m your next clue. But the door is locked.”
We go in and she explains that the next step is for my makeup to be done. She said that she is going to be the one doing my makeup and that she picked out the look.
Next, she sits me down in a chair and pulls out her makeup kit and starts.
It takes half of an hour and three tries on my left eye before we are done. The final product is sparkly green eyeshadow, nice (finally even) wings, heavy mascara, and pale pink lipstick.
“You look absolutely amazing!” she shrieks when she sees how it looks.
“Thank you so much!” I bellow. “Now do you have my new clue?”
She hands me the clue and says that she will get out of my gorgeous hair so I can figure out the next clue.
I open the white envelope with floral patterns and grab the note.
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Oh, I know exactly where she is talking about. When we were 16 we had our first sexual experience. I had my fun with my fingers in her. And for the rest of the night, I used my powers to pleasure her.
It was not Clayton’s house (but we did get him angry because he thought he was going to get lucky with her until he figured out she is a lesbian). It was Liz’s!
I get in yet another cab and drive across town to get to her house. I would have used my motorcycle but I didn’t want to mess up my hair with the helmet.
“Liz! Oh my god, I feel like I haven't seen you in years!” I exclaim pulling her into a tight hug.
We break away and she assures, “I want this to be fast because I want to get you to your final destination as fast as possible.” She hands me a grocery bag. “No time to explain just use my bathroom.” She shoves me inside and into her bathroom.
I open the bag and out falls a set of green and black, extremely revealing, lacey lingerie set.
I put it on and gasp at myself in the mirror. It matches the color of my makeup perfectly and makes me look sexy as fuck. My clothes slip back on over the lingerie set.
I open the next note that was also in the bag.
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This girl is such a dork!
I check back in the envelope and I find a movie theater ticket. The theater is the one not far from here, and the movie is Monsters University. Wait that came out years ago, we saw it as a date together.  Ohhhh. That 's where we had our first kiss.
I rush out the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to Liz and run the entire way to the theater. When I get there I crash through the doors and up to the ticket counter.
“Hi,” I pant. “I’m looking for… A bag,” I manage to get out in between pants.
“I’m assuming you are the scavenger hunt girl?” the ticket person says.
I shake my head and they hand me a bag. I sit down at one of the little couches lining the walls and look in the bag. Inside is another envelope, this one navy blue and covered in white and pale yellow stars, and a pair of black gladiator heels. I untie my shoes and put them in my backpack, then put the heels on hiding the straps under my jeans.
After that, I open the envelope.
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So Little Collins cafe? That is definitely what she means. Next thing I know I a sprinting out the door, hailing down a cab and am now inside of the cafe.
“Hello! How are you?” the girl at the front greats.
“I’m good, how are you?”
“Great! What can I get for you?” she asks flicking her blond hair over her shoulder.
“I am actually looking for a bag,” I disclose.
“Scavenger hunt?”
She reaches behind the counter and pulls out a dress bag. My eyes go wide and I grab the bag and sit down at a table. I open the note attached to the bag.
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I sigh and walk into the small bathroom slipping my clothes off and into the backpack.
My jaw practically hits the floor when I open the bag.
I wiggle my way into the dress, not wanting to cut it with my heels. Turning to look into the full-length mirror I admire myself in the outfits she picked out for me.
The dress shows the perfect amount of skin to be modest yet sexy. The slit running up my leg and stopping mid-thigh does a good job showing off, as does the v-neck top, it is long enough to pool around my feet leaving me in an elegant state, and the dark green matches my makeup and lingerie while offsetting my hair in a glorious clash of colors.
I shove everything into the bag and leave the bathroom trying to avoid the stares of everyone around me. My hands hike up my dress so it does not drag on the floor and I walk down the street towards the pond. It is hard to walk over cracks in these heels but it is not a far enough walk to take a cab.
The hints were not that hard to figure out, we met at the pond each on a separate school trip, we credit that day as the day each of us fell in love.
Street lights flick on all around me as the sun falls down under the horizon and the moon rises higher and high surrounded by stars.
The ground dips into a slight hill as the terrain turns from cracking concrete to uneven dirt and grass.
Not one person male or female, tall nor small can be seen, until her.
She is sitting there beautifully natural hair framing her face the way I like it, pleated satin red dress spread out around her. The sleaves that travel down to her wrists and the sweetheart neckline make her look charming and innocent.
“You found me,” she says with a light chuckle.
I gesture to the picnic she has set up around her. “Sorry, was that supposed to impress me?” I ask her.
A laugh bubbles out of her throat followed by a giggle bursting out of me. She stands up, her dress unfolding around her, and she grabs my hands pulling me towards her so I’m standing on the blanket.
“Okay, so I want to do this before I chicken out.” She takes a deep breath. “Wanda we have known each other since the fifth grade. Our first date was when we were fourteen, our first kiss was when we were fifteen, and a year later at 16 we had our first little fun time.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she looks down her face red and a bashful smile plastered on her face. “Now nineteen years old and still madly in love, I would like to know,” she bends down onto one knee and looks up at me with complete affection in her eyes and my hands clap over my mouth as a gasp escapes my throat, “will you marry me?”
She is holding a little black box adorned with red swirls, inside is a rose gold engagement ring. It has a small diamond with a few other diamonds in the form of leaves on a rose gold vine wrapping around it.
“Yes! Yes, my god yes!” I gush and she slips it onto my right ring finger. I pull her into my arms and her face to mine pressing my lips against hers in a passionate kiss.
When I pull away from the kiss, we sit down on the blanket and she says, “Now tell me about your day.”
Edited by my girl @justluciferr
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