#where 'pls sequel?!' from someone who has never left a comment before usually just leads to a resounding 'no.'
daughterofhecata · 3 months
Short note to fic readers who want an author to maybe write more of a particular story:
DO NOT come barging into the comment section with "Please write a sequel!!!", especially if that it the entirety of your comment and you have no previous rapport with the author.
DO mention a few things you liked about the fic and then maybe throw out a few ideas of what you would like to read, like "I wonder how the next morning is going to go!" or "it would be so interesting to see them negotiate the relationship going forward!" and maybe end on a note of "would love to read more in this universe!"
That way you've actually opened a creative window, shown your interest in the fic and the universe, without pressuring the author or treating them like a content machine.
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