#whenever an F1 bro asks me my favorite driver I say Nando because there is a good chance he's also their favorite
Ok so I'm a very new F1 fan - started watching this year; I used to sit and watch races together with my father and brother in the 2007-2012 period just to spend time with them, not because I was interested, but I still retained some information from back then - and now I started out as, and still am a Charles fan.
And considering just how popular he is and all of the jokes about "Ask her about her favourite driver, bet she'll say Charles Leclerc" I thought the main reason people supported him was for the hype.
But to see a blog run by someone, who has so much knowledge of F1, the car structure, the history of the sport, someone who has watched for so long...and that blog is about Charles Leclerc of all drivers? That fills me with such joy and relief. Because I know for myself, that I'm not a fan of him for his looks or popularity, but sometimes I feel a little insecure about supporting him since I lack experience and knowledge in the field of watching F1, considering how new I am to it, so I can't always really defend my reasoning behind being his fan ("I just think he's good" doesn't really hold up that well as an argument)
So it's really nice to see someone so immersed in sport be openly supportive of him, since you have such a huge pick of drivers to make your blog about and curate your space with - current and past generation(s), legends of the sport. And yet it's about Charles.
That to me is basically like getting approval by an older sibling for a good pick/ good move made in a game. Like maybe my choice to like and root for him isn't as stupid as everyone makes it out to be. Maybe he isn't just popular.
So sorry for the ramble, but I just wanted to say thank you for your patience in explaining concepts to the community and for being unapologetically yourself on this app. Your blog is very enjoyable!
Omg thank you this is truly the sweetest thing <3
I could write essays(and I might) about sexism in this sport. But I want to say that you don't need a "valid" reason for a driver to be your favorite. They can be your favorite because you just think they are neat. And it's also not a bad thing if you do find them attractive or that's what first got your attention. People gatekeep to create this idea that you need a reason that they deem "worthy" when you don't. It's a sport you like, enjoy it however you want to have fun.
If you want to say Fernando is your favorite because you think his sunglasses are cool then more power to you.
And you don't need to understand all the history and car stuff to be a good fan.
People like to gatekeep and create this idea that you need to know certain things or you have to like a driver for X reason, but if you like him for X reason then you aren't a real fan. It's frustrating.
Popular isn't always a bad thing either.
I'm a Ferrari fan, I support the driver who is skilled who is bringing glory to my red team. Charles has been doing that consistently since he joined and that is why he has my support. I have been impressed with his skill on track every single year of his career. I like quality driving, I like quality driving in RED, and Charles does both of those things.
Charles is a skilled driver, and you should feel happy supporting him and watching him drive because it's truly amazing to watch.
I am very glad you have joined us in our support of Charles and his career at Ferrari, it's an exciting time for him and for the team! I hope you are having fun!
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