#when will i be able to have someone's wrist in my lap while we're both doing our own thing but i can feel their pulse. when.
scattered-winter · 7 months
feeling someone else's pulse might fix me to be perfectly fucking honest
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emocka · 2 years
The tattoo
Warning mention of attempted suicide, reader has a semi colon tattoo gn reader
Main note: if you ever have these thought please call you suicide hot line and do not read this.
Note: I've been thinking about the semi colon recently and this came to mind
The butterfly landed on: aether, xiao, kazuha, albedo, scaramouche, and Yae miko
He knew about the semi colon. He had one himself. But imagine to his surprise that someone yourself , so bubbly kind and caring has one.
Then he learned your story. Before your relationship with him you were forced into an arranged marriage. It was a deadly one. The guy was abusive. The marriage was so bad you attempted to take your life. And yet your parents refused to let you divorce.
'I managed to get the divorce granted after I tried three more times.' You said looking down at your wrist.
'Do you know why you stopped your attempts?' He asked taking a hold of your hand.
'I ran into you. Believe it or not it was you.' You smiled at him 'I remembered our time as high school sweethearts.'
Aether chuckled pulling your hand close. He kissed it.
'I'm glad your around still.' He smiled. 'I know it been rough but we're here now.'
You nodded.
'Good. Cuddles?'
Like aether xiao had one as well. He suspected you had one as well. The daily therapy was obvious.
You wore a tank top one day. On your wrists sat a butterfly with a name. The body of the butterfly was a semi colon.
He pulled you down in his lap asking about it.
You explained the meaning of it. The semi colon showed you battling with your thoughts while the butterfly showed rebirth. The name was your grandparents name.
He hugged you tightly. You returned the gesture running your hands through his hair.
'Can I ask why you stopped?' He asked quietly.
'Three. My grandparent said they rain hell down on everyone if I decided to follow through. Two. That black jackass over in the cat tree acting smug. One' you kissed his head.
He looked at you then the cat. He gave a small smile.
'Yea those are great reasons' He pushed you off his lap.
'Hug?' He asked.
You gave him one of the warmest hugs possible.
Kazuha had one but it was on his back. You knew he got it after your brother his best friend tomo died. You got one to.
For a completely different reason. You struggled with depression all your life. When tomo died it sent you into a deeper spiral. It sent you over the edge.
Tomo was your protector from anyone and everything.
Luckily kazuha was able to get you help when he found you.
He spotted the tattoo on your pinky finger. He gave a small smile. Taking your hand he kissed it.
'Y/N. You've been strong going through all this hell.' He started. 'I know it's been difficult since Tomo passed.'
You looked at him tears threatening to spill. He sat on the bed patting the spot next to him. You sat down next to him. He pulled you close.
'We'll both get through this together.' He said. 'I promise'
His was behind his ear. Your was on your leg. You had a little ankle braclet tattoo on your ankle the semi colon 'hanging' from it.
He was there to witness everything. The previous relationship, your parents, and your job.
He was the one who rushed you to the hospital years ago.
He sighed looking at your ankle one last time. He got up as you walked passed him. Following you He quickly grabbed you throwing you over his shoulder.
You shrugged and let it happen.
'Were going to bed.' He said gently dumping you on the bed.
You smiled and waited for him to crawl in. When he did you planted yourself on top of him. Pulling the blanket over you hummed a tune. Soon you both fell asleep. Scaramouche unconsciously wrapping his arms around you tightly.
He didn't have one. He has heard of it. When he met you he spotted it. It was placed behind your eat with a feather below it.
When asked what happened you explained. You were a victim. It was difficult to talk about but with albedo it was actually easy to spill.
He held you hand.
'Your very brave to fight through all that. It's time you got a break.'
You nodded.
He smiled at you before holding his out to you.
Yae miko
She heard about them. Didn't think about the impact it had until she met you.
You were suffering from severe depression. With the many attempts you finally got the help you needed.
Your was located on your forearm. The semicolon was on the back of a nine tail kitsune.
She tapped your shoulder opening her arms for a hug. You returned the gesture.
Later that night while you slept a pink fox showed up at your window. Sneaking in she curled up against you. Keeping you warm safe from harm.
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apoptoses · 1 year
Hi hello 🥹
First of all, I am so sorry for your recent loss. Sending so much love and hugs and kisses your way, I hope you're taking care of yourself ❤️
New medical kink fic rocked my entire world and I absolutely loved the "choose your own adventure" approach you took, like we're on an Armand/Daniel episode of Black Mirror (I bet they'd be into that) and we get to choose what happens next and all the options are a little messed up but also sweet asf 😭
Ngl I felt compelled to read both endings because of course I did 😌and while I loved the explicit version and imo the fic would hold up just as well if that were the actual ending, the x-rated one has my whole heart. It just makes perfect sense in-universe yk, when you consider how much blood Daniel was allowed to drink and how his mortal body would've reacted to it. It made me feel light headed and giddy and a little uneasy all at once and it was SUCH a fantastic exploraton of their dynamic. Mfs have no boundaries, just an all-consuming desire to know everything about each other. It's desperate on both their ends and I loved how you had Daniel come to that realization at one point when he sees Armand's pupils blown wide and *knows* he's just as crazy about him as he is for Armand. Armand called Daniel a morbid romantic but lbr it's BOTH of them, Armand's just as guilty of it.
“Breathe, Daniel,” Armand murmurs. Professional as any actual doctor, he pats Daniel’s knee. And then, unprofessionally, he continues, “it’s smaller than my cock and you’ve had that in your throat plenty of times. Surely this won’t be enough to bother you.” lmfaoo Armand being an unbearable brat even in doctor mode feels so stupidly in character, like he would find a way 💀
"When Armand drops the image of the inside of his hole, cranked open by the shining chrome speculum, straight into his mind his hand flies up to grip Armand’s wrist in an attempt to ground himself. If he doesn’t get it together he’ll choke or, even worse, moan." I'm speechless lmao you mad(wo)man. Armand truly lucked tf out when he met Daniel and found his freak soulmate. Literally no one else would meet him there and be like "so that's how the inside of my hole looks? god that's so hot".
"He gets to flick his tongue into his vein and lap at the blood within him, to lick into a place so unnatural he can’t imagine anyone else has done this with Armand. Daniel must be the first to press his tongue into this void he’s created in search of more blood" DANIEL TONGUEFUCKING THE WOUND I'M-- 🥵🥵🥵
I would DEFINITELY read about whatever they got up to when they got back home (was it kinky aftercare? tell me it was kinky aftercare 🥹)
Also!!! "Daniel forgets about hiding his half-hard cock and reaches out to hook his fingers in Armand’s belt loops" awwwe loved this reference sfm! Still drives me insane to think it's canon tbh.
anyways this is IT, you're IT as usual xoxo DA ❤️❤️❤️
Dungeon anon you always know the right time to drop a message on someone ♥
The choose your own adventure format was entirely thanks to hekateinhell and monstersinthecosmos and I'm so glad it worked!! Because I have a couple friends with emetophobia and I still wanted them to be able to read it, but also wanted to indulge my sicko needs to make Daniel get blood sick lmao
But I agree that the x-rated version makes more sense for them, that this is a gradual erosion of boundaries and falling into this crevasse wherein Armand won't be satisfied until he sees all of Daniel. And Daniel learns he wants to be seen. Plus the exploration of how much blood can a mortal handle, how much would be too much and give this awful wine spins/pot sick experience? Because if just a few drops made Amadeo see psychedelic shit then a can of coke worth would have to be fucking awful and Armand would know it.
And I am SO excited you were into Daniel going all in on the wound. I was nervous about that because I haven't read a lot of erotic gore in this fandom but man, he's a freak just like Armand, if there was a proper gash he would go to town on it. The blood would drop his inhibitions and I think Armand would go fucking insane inside over it.
When they got home? Daniel absolutely tried to lick the sweatshirt but it was dried, they were both aware it was an action done for the visuals only and what good visuals they were.
(Armand has him lick his own jeans clean too for good measure which is so much worse even though he's done that a hundred times by now)
And from there it's aftercare elevated to an uncomfortably intimate level. I mean Armand sitting him down and brushing his teeth for him, playing dentist and scraping his tongue, making Daniel hold the mouthwash in until it burns. And then oh dear, mortals need nourishment after intense experiences and there's only orange juice in the fridge, guess Daniel will have to be a good boy and tolerate the toothpaste and citrus combo and be taken care of.
(by the time all this is done he's turned on from the excessive praise/violation/giving over of control and happily gets some aftercare that involves Armand's hands on him without the jeans in the way)
I love the belt loop holding too. Anne was a real one for including that detail in canon ♥
ps: Danny Molloy and Amadeo are my entire WORLD now, I haven't written fic in three days because they're too perfect and fun to cuddle, send help lmao
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I have spent much of the past thirty years walking behind my wife. I alway ask her to slow down, she often tells me to hurry up. When two people it's generally considered polite for the faster walker to slow down to match the pace of the slower walker.
In the rare occasions when I am the faster walker, which never happens on a walk with Lynn, I slow down to match the pace of my slower walking partner. This allows both of us to walk comfortably together without one person feeling rushed or the other feeling like they can't keep up.
Last week, my wife and I were walking with her brother Mark and his wife Darlene. The women, of course were at least ten yards ahead of us, chatting away while Mark and I actually stopped a couple of times to smell the magnolias that we were passing.
We're not alone in this conundrum, Mark and I.
If the slower walker is able to increase their speed and keep up with the faster walker, then they may choose to do so as well. Ultimately, the goal is to find a pace that both walkers are comfortable with, which may involve some compromise on both sides.
Holding hands can be a lovely compromise as well as creating a sense of togetherness and connection. If one person is walking significantly slower than the other, holding hands may actually make it more difficult for the faster walker to slow down and adjust their pace to match the slower walker. In this case, it's still best for the faster walker to slow down to match the pace of the slower walker, even if they are holding hands.
At least according to my side of the argument.
Ultimately, holding hands while walking with someone can be a personal preference and can add a sense of intimacy and closeness to the experience, but it may not have a significant impact on the pace at which the two people are walking.
And then there's the problem of choosing how to hold hands. There are several methods to choose from;
Interlocking Fingers: This is a classic and intimate way of holding hands where both individuals interlock their fingers with each other. This allows for a tighter grip and a greater sense of connection.
Overlapping Fingers: In this style, one person's fingers are placed on top of the other person's fingers. This is a less intimate style than interlocking fingers, but it still provides a sense of connection between the two people.
Pinky Hold: This is a more casual way of holding hands where both individuals hook their pinky fingers together. It's often used between friends or young couples.
Hand-in-Hand: This is a simple way of holding hands where both individuals place their palms against each other and grip their hands. This allows for a comfortable and natural grip.
Wrist Hold: In this style, one person holds the other person's wrist while walking. This can be a more protective and comforting way of holding hands.
Arm-in-Arm: This is not exactly holding hands, but it's still a way to connect while walking. In this style, the two individuals link their arms together at the elbow, which allows them to walk side by side in a more formal and elegant way.
Lynn prefers over lapping fingers while I prefer interlocking fingers. We fumble around a little bit before we settle on hand in hand which rends to feel a little awkward for both of us.
Next thing I know
Lynn's ten feet ahead of me.
She is walking briskly and swiftly with a purposeful stride.
Meanwhile ten feet behind I am far more leisurely with my saunter. Lynn calls my walk a slaunter. To her it's a saunter but it's sloppy rather than leisurely.
I also consider my walk to be an amble, gentle and relaxed. Over the years, my amble has slowed to a bit of a shuffle. Lynn describes the combination as a shamble.
I have a combo name for Lynn's walk as well. It's kind of a lightfooted rapid clomp that makes me feel as if she's angry or frustrated however that clomp is always regulated by the ever purposeful stride so I call the whole combination a stromp.
As previously mentioned, if a slow walk may be described as taking the time to smell the flowers then an equivalent description of a fast walk might be "racing against the clock" or "rushing to get somewhere." A fast walk is often associated with a sense of urgency or purpose, such as when someone is running late or trying to meet a deadline.
Since I've retired, I've noticed a significant decrease in my sense of urgency particularly after surviving cancer. I often wonder, "what's the hurry" and the term 'deadline' has taken on an entirely different meaning.
Sometimes my bladder reminds me of exactly what the hurry is. At that point, I find another walking speed even faster than Lynn's and more purposeful.
To avoid that kind of purposeful urgency, I have to plan the timing and elevation of my walks so that I can slaunter my way through them without lumbering, plodding, trudging or peewalking.
It's a beautiful April afternoon here in North Carolina. Lynn is gardening. I'm doing this. When we both finish, perhaps we'll go for a walk.
I'm done right now so I've go about an hour to prepare, physically and emotionally.
Another equivalent description of a fast walk might be "moving at a brisk pace" or "with a sense of determination," as these phrases capture the idea of moving quickly and with intent. However, unlike the slow walk that allows for a leisurely appreciation of the surroundings, a fast walk may not leave much time for taking in the scenery or enjoying the moment.
Stride: A purposeful and confident walk, often with long and forceful steps.
March: A forceful and rhythmic walk, often associated with protest or demonstration.
Stalk: A slow and deliberate walk with an intense and menacing quality.
Clomp: A loud and heavy walk, often associated with someone who is angry or frustrated.
Storm: A fast and furious walk, often with a sense of purpose or urgency.
when two people walk together should the slower walker speed up or the faster walker slow down When two people are walking together, it's generally considered polite for the faster walker to slow down to match the pace of the slower walker. This allows both individuals to walk comfortably together without one person feeling rushed or the other feeling like they can't keep up.
However, if the slower walker is able to increase their speed and keep up with the faster walker, then they may choose to do so as well. Ultimately, the goal is to find a pace that both walkers are comfortable with, which may involve some compromise on both sides.
[email protected] does holding hands help the situation Holding hands while walking with someone can be a nice gesture and may help to create a feeling of togetherness and connection between the two individuals. However, it may not necessarily affect the pace at which they are walking.
If one person is walking significantly slower than the other, holding hands may actually make it more difficult for the faster walker to slow down and adjust their pace to match the slower walker. In this case, it's still best for the faster walker to slow down to match the pace of the slower walker, even if they are holding hands.
Ultimately, holding hands while walking with someone can be a personal preference and can add a sense of intimacy and closeness to the experience, but it may not have a significant impact on the pace at which the two people are walking.
[email protected] what are the different ways that a couple hold hands while walking There are several ways that couples can hold hands while walking, including:
Interlocking Fingers: This is a classic and intimate way of holding hands where both individuals interlock their fingers with each other. This allows for a tighter grip and a greater sense of connection.
Overlapping Fingers: In this style, one person's fingers are placed on top of the other person's fingers. This is a less intimate style than interlocking fingers, but it still provides a sense of connection between the two people.
Pinky Hold: This is a more casual way of holding hands where both individuals hook their pinky fingers together. It's often used between friends or young couples.
Hand-in-Hand: This is a simple way of holding hands where both individuals place their palms against each other and grip their hands. This allows for a comfortable and natural grip.
Wrist Hold: In this style, one person holds the other person's wrist while walking. This can be a more protective and comforting way of holding hands.
Arm-in-Arm: This is not exactly holding hands, but it's still a way to connect while walking. In this style, the two individuals link their arms together at the elbow, which allows them to walk side by side in a more formal and elegant way.
Overall, there are many different ways that couples can hold hands while walking, and each style can convey a different level of intimacy or connection between the two individuals.
[email protected] what words might be used to describe a fast walk Here are some words that could be used to describe a fast walk:
Brisk: An energetic and quick walk.
Swift: A quick and smooth walk.
Nimble: A light and quick walk, often associated with agility.
Stride: A confident and purposeful walk.
Hustle: A quick and purposeful walk, often associated with getting somewhere quickly.
March: A purposeful and steady walk, often associated with military or ceremonial contexts.
Power walk: A fast-paced walk with exaggerated arm movements.
Stroll: Not a fast walk, but often used to describe a leisurely walk, in contrast to a fast walk.
Overall, the words used to describe a fast walk will depend on the context and the intended tone. Some of the above words might also be used to describe running or jogging, depending on the speed and intensity of the activity.
[email protected] what are some words to desribe a slow walk Here are some words that could be used to describe a slow walk:
Leisurely: A relaxed and unhurried walk.
Saunter: A slow and casual walk, often with a meandering or wandering quality.
Amble: A gentle and relaxed walk, often associated with a pleasant stroll in nature.
Mosey: A slow and easy walk, often associated with a lack of urgency or purpose.
Shuffle: A slow and shuffling walk, often associated with age or weariness.
Lumber: A slow and heavy walk, often associated with someone carrying a heavy load.
Plod: A slow and steady walk, often associated with a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
Trudge: A slow and heavy walk, often associated with someone moving through difficult terrain or conditions.
Overall, the words used to describe a slow walk will depend on the context and the intended tone. Some of the above words might also be used to describe a person who is dragging their feet or moving reluctantly.
[email protected] what are some words to describe an angry walk Here are some words that could be used to describe an angry walk:
Stomp: A heavy and forceful walk with exaggerated footfalls.
Stride: A purposeful and confident walk, often with long and forceful steps.
March: A forceful and rhythmic walk, often associated with protest or demonstration.
Stalk: A slow and deliberate walk with an intense and menacing quality.
Clomp: A loud and heavy walk, often associated with someone who is angry or frustrated.
Storm: A fast and furious walk, often with a sense of purpose or urgency.
Pound: A forceful and relentless walk, often with a sense of determination or anger.
Stalk off: A walk away from a situation or person, often with a sense of frustration or anger.
Overall, the words used to describe an angry walk will depend on the context and the intended tone. These words may also be used to describe a person who is frustrated, annoyed, or upset.
[email protected] if a slow walk may be described as taking the time to smell the flowers what would be the equivalent description of a fast walk If a slow walk may be described as taking the time to smell the flowers, then an equivalent description of a fast walk might be "racing against the clock" or "rushing to get somewhere." A fast walk is often associated with a sense of urgency or purpose, such as when someone is running late or trying to meet a deadline.
Another equivalent description of a fast walk might be "moving at a brisk pace" or "with a sense of determination," as these phrases capture the idea of moving quickly and with intent. However, unlike the slow walk that allows for a leisurely appreciation of the surroundings, a fast walk may not leave much time for taking in the scenery or enjoying the moment.
[email protected] do we tend to slow our walk as we age Yes, studies have shown that people tend to slow down their walking speed as they age. This is a natural part of the aging process and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including changes in muscle strength, joint flexibility, and overall health.
According to research, the average walking speed for healthy adults in their 20s and 30s is around 3.5 miles per hour, but this speed tends to decrease gradually with age. By the time people reach their 70s, their average walking speed may be closer to 2.5 miles per hour.
However, it's important to note that there is a lot of individual variability in walking speed, and some people may maintain a faster walking speed into old age, while others may experience a more significant decline. In any case, staying active and maintaining good health can help to slow down the natural decline in walking speed that tends to occur with age.
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 12:
ℓєє мαяк
23 days of NCT masterlist.
taglist: @notbeforelong @mrcarbonatedmilk @unknown5tar @whathamelon @ajhdr @curieouscapt @silent-potato @gjheaaa
warnings: baby daddy mark, hidden pregnancy (?, tooth rotting.
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“Dude, isn't that y/n?” Mark’s old friend, John, pointed at you.
Yeah, that was most definitely his ex. You were holding a small girl between your arms, helping her reach for a box of lucky charms. You looked just as beautiful as three years ago, even more, he daresay.
“Go talk to her.” His friend elbowed him. “I’ll go get the meat, maybe you can invite her to our barbecue.”
“We haven't seen each other in a while, don't you think it'll be a little too weird?”
“Go for it, I know you're still hung up on her.”
“I heard your last girl complaining about how you called y/n’s name while having sex with her, it was hilarious, to be honest.” Mark punched him in the arm, earning a small groan from the tall man. “But seriously, though, you broke up with her to focus on your career. Now that you have a stable job, what's stopping you from getting her back?”
“I don't know, man...”
“Give it a try, I'll be with the butcher if you need me.” He winked at the Canadian boy, making his way to another aisle.
Mark took a deep breath before his feet finally started moving. You were placing the small girl in the shopping cart’s seat, tickling her tummy while at it.
“Y/n?” Your eyes almost came out of their caves as you heard his voice.
“Mark...” You stared at him with wide eyes, looking back and forth between the little girl and him. “I thought you’d moved back to Canada.”
“I came back a year ago.” He fiddled uncomfortably with the rings adorning his fingers. “I really wanted to contact you, but since things between us were a little complicated when I left...” By complicated he meant breaking your heart and leaving a day after ending things between you.
“It’s really okay, Mark. No hard feelings.” You smiled sweetly at him, your pretty eyes turning into half moons.
“And who’s this little one? Your niece?” He caressed the top of the girl’s head, who wasn’t even aware of his presence, too focused on getting rid of the wrapping around the chocolate you’d just bought her.
“Mommy, I need help!” Mark froze.
“Oh, sure sweetie.” You tone completely changed when addressing her. “Mark, this is my daughter, EunHee. Say hi, baby.”
“Hi, Mark.” She extended her hand as you tore the wrapping of the chocolate bar open. His surprised expression turned into a big smile, covering her small hand with his significantly bigger one. “Look, mom. His cheeks are just like mine!” She poked Mark’s cheekbones.
You could almost feel a drop of sweat rolling down your forehead.
“Wait, you're right.” The Canadian man pointed out as your daughter smiled at him. “That's crazy.” Thank God Mark was so naive. “So where’s the father of this little bean?”
‘Right in front of me.’ You thought.
“She doesn't...”
“Oh, sorry. It must've been hard raising her on your own.” He reassuringly placed a hand on your arm. “How old is she?”
“Uhm, s-she’s-”
“I’m this old.” EunHee interrupted, showing her three small fingers.
You hoped Mark’s brain capacity wouldn't be enough to connect the dots. But you had to admit, it was pretty obvious.
“Wow, you're so big.” It was heart-warming watching your daughter interact with her father for the first time, even if they didn't know the truth about each other. “So, we're having a barbecue at my place today. There’s always room for someone else, and you can bring EunHee if you’d like. My address is still the same.”
“I’ll think about it.” You handed the chocolate bar back to your daughter, who didn’t even take a second to eat up the whole thing.
“Alright, I guess I’ll see you then, maybe.”
“Mark’s hitting on a mom!” Yuta mocked him, causing the whole garden to erupt into laughter.
“And what’s wrong with that? She isn’t married.”
“Mark, you literally just met with her again after three years, slow down.” Jaehyun interceded, eyes stuck to his phone.
“Guys, stop messing with Mark. He's always loved y/n, so let him be.” Johnny spoke from the grill, turning around a steak. “Besides, I saw the little girl. She looks a lot like Mark, so I bet no one would be able to tell they're not actually related.”
“How old did you say she was?”
“Okay, don’t be mad at me, but did you ever have sex with her without protection?”
“What are you trying to say, Haechan?” Taeil asked bitterly.
“Just think about it, guys. It makes sense.” While his friends discussed the possibility of him being a dad, Mark’s head was rather busy trying to remember every little detail from the last time he was intimate with you.
But as much as he tried, he couldn't remember having worn a condom. And as far as he knew, you weren't on the pill.
The doorbell cut his string of thoughts, snapping him back into reality.
“I’ll get the door.” He didn't expect you to be behind it, holding your -and possibly his- daughter’s hand tightly. “Oh, hey.”
He seemed uncomfortable, had you made a mistake in accepting his offer?
“Hi, I couldn't find someone to look after this little monster. I hope your friends won't mind.”
“Not at all, they love kids.” He stared intensely at your daughter, finally noticing those similarities Johnny mentioned before. “Come in.”
He guided you all the way to the backyard, everyone greeting you with a big hug.
“Nice to see you again, y/n.” Johnny murmured, patting your back.
“She’s like a little doll!” Jaehyun squeaked excitedly, sitting your daughter on his lap. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“I’m EunHee.” He cooed at her high-pitched voice tone. “Your dimples are pretty.”
“Thank you.”
The boys seemed completely comfortable with your daughter, fighting with Jaehyun, who wouldn't let go of her.
“Can I have a word with you?” Mark came from behind you, making you jolt at his sudden presence.
He walked you to the kitchen, away from the noisy men outside. He anxiously twisted his hands, trying to find the correct words to demand for the truth.
“What’s wrong?” You asked worriedly, taking a step closer to him.
“Is EunHee mine?” Well, you were definitely not expecting that. You thought that after meeting him at the supermarket, your secret was safe. Apparently, it wasn’t. “By the look on your face, I’m guessing she is.”
He groaned in frustration, rubbing his face with the palms of his hands.
“I’m sorry for keeping it a secret all this years. I won’t force you to step in and take responsibility for her, we can just leave and pretend this never-”
“What are you even talking about? Why wouldn’t I want to take care of my own daughter?” The frown on his face deepened. “Did you know you were pregnant when we broke up?”
Should you tell him the truth?
“I...” He looked at you expectantly.
Of course you should tell him the truth, he deserves it.
“Yes.” His heart dropped, guilt filling every inch of his body. “I didn’t want to hold you back. It would’ve been unfair for me to use that as an excuse to stop you from leaving.”
“So you’re saying I missed three years of my daughter’s childhood because you didn’t want to be selfish?” With every word his voice grew louder, shouting by the end of the sentence and catching the other guests' attention.
“Mark, we should talk about this another day, when we’re alone.” You tried leaving, but his hand clutched your wrist tightly.
“No.” You could admire tears sparkling in his eyes. “I don't want to miss another second of her.”
“Mommy?” Just then, EunHee walked into the kitchen, holding Yuta’s hand. “I heard screaming, are you okay?” Mark nodded at his friend, as if signaling him he could leave.
“Yes, I’m alright, sweetie.” You swung her up in your arms, coming closer to Mark who had the sudden urge to hold his baby. “Are you sure about this? There’s no backing out.” You mouthed, feeling a pinch of relief as he nodded. “Baby, I’d like you to meet someone very special.”
“This is Mark...” She looked at you with her small eyebrows furrowed, she’d already met Mark. “Your dad.”
Mark honestly felt like crying, your daughter smiling excitedly as she urged you to put her down, letting her father hold her close to his chest.
“Mommy said you were lost.” He felt so warm inside.
“I promise not to get lost again, alright?” His lips pressed a kiss into her forehead, already enamored by the cheerful giggles erupting from EunHee.
You observed them with regret. If you'd told Mark you were pregnant before he left, perhaps he wouldn't be on the verge of tears right now, perhaps your daughter wouldn't have had to deal with her classmates’ non-stopping questions about her father.
“Y/n?” Mark called out for you. “C-can we have a family hug?” He moved his hand invitingly, making space for you to join.
You walked into his arms, every negative feeling vanishing as Mark embraced you, both of you trying not to sob.
“What do you want to do now?” He let go of you, using both of his arms to embrace EunHee.
“Make up for the lost time.”
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bontenten · 3 years
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Pairing: Daishou x f!reader
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings/Tags: smut, exhibitionism, voyeurism, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, light degredation, aftercare, established relationship
Thank you so much @/bakatenshii and @/thirstyforthem2dmen for beta-reading. This is a repost from my main after it went fully sfw. Originally for the hqhq (now Anilysium) hard at work collab.
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Pen scrawls and keyboard taps sound throughout the conference room as your boss goes over current client projects. Daishou is sitting across the table and you notice he's wearing the tie you gave him for his birthday last year. Looks good, you think to yourself. It's not just the tie, it's his entire outfit, and him.
Daishou notices your lingering stare and makes eye contact, granting you a cheeky grin and a head tilt. Pompous bastard. In response, you send back an expression of mock disgust before turning your attention back to your laptop.
For any newcomer at the firm, it might seem like the office is split down the middle into either your camp or Daishou's, with opinions and jabs on completely opposite ends of the spectrum. Why else is there so much spite being tossed around between the two of you, if not due to a deeply entrenched layer of grievances?
It might leave the newbie confused as to why Daishou affectionately calls you his "most significant problem". Or why you preface notes to him with, "to whom this may piss off, my royal pain-in-the-ass".
Then there comes a revelation to the newbie that you and Daishou are not mortal enemies, but rather the most wretchedly in-love couple in this skyrise building. It's a bad decision to cross either you or Daishou for any matter. Not only are the both of you perfectly vindictive, crossing one means submitting an application to be on the blacklist of the other. There's no doubt, in your humblest opinion, that Daishou, even if he'll never outright admit it, absolutely worships the dirt under your heels. And when you are in remotely a good mood, fine, you don't mind his coffee breath either.
It's heartwarming, that in this tower of cold, hard stainless steel and immaculate glass panels, there's love floating around the disinfected air of money, money, and more money. When it counts, you can be sure that Daishou will stand on the same side of the fence as you.
While the meeting goes on and you multitask with the spreadsheet open on your screen, you think you hear your name being tossed around. To your knowledge, everything is lined up already and unless there is some sort of overnight emergency, there's absolutely nothing left on your plate to take care of.
At the same time, there is also the off-chance that someone decides to drag you into hell with them and include you in a project. Now, who could possibly have the audacity to put you into the wringer with them?
"Daishou! Excellent, I'll leave this to you," the boss exclaims. "This pitchbook needs to be done by tomorrow. It's high urgency and the client just sent the numbers in."
A sinking feeling begins to churn in your stomach. You pause your frenzy across the keyboard and pay attention to the meeting to hear the rest of what Daishou has to say.
"If I may," Daishou curtly asks with a smile that's a tad too wide, "I'd like to work with Y/N on this. As you know, we work best together. It'll be done before the meeting tomorrow."
You can feel everyone's eyes turn to you in the meeting room, begging you to please say yes to the man holding titles such as your boyfriend, co-worker, and also 'royal pain-in-the-ass'. You force a smile and match Daishou's client-ready, saccharine expression. "Of course, we'll have it done tonight."
Suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire meeting room relaxes by ten notches. Bastards, all of you.
"Our firm's best duo!" the boss praises, "We'll leave it to you two then. Meeting adjourned."
It's the two words everyone has been waiting for. The moment the syllable falls, the conference room is filled with the sounds of shifting seats and scuffling feet eager to leave work for the day. With a huff, you shut your laptop and see Daishou coming around the conference table with his laptop and files tucked under his arm. He adjusts and tugs on his tie.
"Guess it's you and me again tonight," Daishou comments.
"And here I wanted to leave work early for once."
"Hey, just a special date night. It's called 'overtime', sounds pretty sexy don't you think?"
You snort and walk past him, going towards the direction of the elevator. Daishou eyes your figure strutting down the hall. The lines of your ironed shirt and the pencil skirt that hugs your figure perfectly match the echoing clack of your heels striking shiny tiles.
Even if you don't remember, Daishou's impeccable memory absolutely remembers how the last time you paired that shirt and that skirt together, it was an overtime situation very much similar to tonight. And the cock that's starting to grow hard in his slacks certainly remembers a lot more. He can feel it twitching just trying to conjure up the sensation of your gummy walls milking him in the breakroom a month ago.
"You coming or what?"
Daishou sees you holding the elevator door open and waiting for him. Daishou won't ever admit to this, maybe to you in privacy, but Daishou will rather be dead than admit to anyone else how lucky he feels to have someone as incredible as you in his life.
He takes a few quick steps and enters the elevator.
"How sweet," he coos. "I knew you wouldn't just leave me hanging and working in this dismal place all alone."
"Shut-up, Suguru," you snap, but you lean your head against his shoulder anyway. It's been such a long day already, and the night is only going to be longer.
"Stay the night at my place later? I'll order your favorite."
"Let's get this project over with first."
"I caught you staring at me during the meeting."
"Huh, is that so."
"Practically stripped me naked with your eyes. Ooh, I felt tingles all over."
You lift your head from his shoulder. "You're so full of yourself Suguru," you remark before tugging on his tie to pull his face closer to yours. "If anything, I think you're the one getting hard at work."
Daishou leans in even closer. A hand encircles your wrist and his thumb brushes your inner-wrist across the bump of the vein. Your pulse is throbbing against his fingertips. You feel your adrenaline and anticipation rushing through your body as your heart pounds harder and faster.
"Then do something to help poor lil' me out?"
"At your place later, we—"
"But I want you so badly right now," Daishou breathes out, body tight against you so you can feel his straining desires through the layers of fabric. "I want—
The elevator opens up to the floor the two of you work at. The co-workers waiting for the lift can only see two pristine and exemplary office workers without any semblance of dishevelment walk out. Daishou even says a polite "see you tomorrow" to them.
"If only the elevator stopped working," you joke after taking a deep breath to swallow the fire building in your core. "Sly snake, no one here in the office knows your true colors."
Sometimes, you wonder just how Daishou can switch his persona so quickly. Or maybe he just likes the precarious edge of being horny at work.
"Love you too dear," he sneers.
A couple workers are still at their desks scrambling for their deadlines. You and Daishou take a seat at your work stations and begin to chip away at the urgent, overtime project. Every now and then, you'll say good-night to the other remaining co-workers finally able to go home. It doesn't take long before the halls are completely vacated and empty except for the two of you still slaving away in front of the bright monitors for hours into the night.
"Where are you going?" you ask Daishou who is returning to his seat after disappearing down the hall again. "This is the third time in the last hour. Are you shitting in the toilets or dumping all the work on me?"
Daishou comes by your desk and leans on the back of your chair. "Just making some phone calls. Want to go home now? It's getting late."
"Uh...work's not done yet."
"It's fine, let's have dinner first, we can just work remotely at my place. The bulk is done anyway."
You glance at the clock and ponder Daishou's offer. It doesn't hurt to leave a little early and continue the work later in a more comfortable setting. "Okay, let me pack."
After cleaning up the workstation and packing everything the two of you will need, you and Daishou are back in the hallway waiting for the descending elevator.
Daishou takes the heavy tote bag from your shoulders. “I’ll hold onto this,” he explains.
“Why so nice today, Suguru? First luring me over with food, the compliments, and suggestions to leave early…” You trace a finger along the line of his spine and observe, pleased with the nervous grin spreading on his face. “Someone’s losing patience, hm?”
Daishou gives you an ingratiating smile. “Princess, as fancy as our work is, we still work in client-services. What can I say, I live to serve and please.”
The elevator arrives and the two of you enter the space.
"How long do you think we still need?" you ask Daishou.
"Must we talk about work, right now?"
"You're just horny, Suguru."
"Oh, so it's 'just' me, is that what it is?"
You shrug and admit, "Nah, I was wondering why you didn't suggest anything earlier when the office was empty."
"Baby, if you wanted me that bad, you should've just climbed on my lap."
You laugh at Daishou's retort and prepare a comeback. "I think—"
A loud screech sounds through the elevator and the lights flicker briefly before a jolt causes you to stumble. Your hand automatically flies to the handrail. Daishou also wraps an arm around you tightly to steady your balance.
"Is the..."
"Seems like we're stuck," Daishou comments.
You rapidly press the service bell button, but it's no use. "No one's picking up, it's like the signal got cut. Should've just taken the stairs!"
The cell signal is also terribly weak in the elevator space. There's nothing else to do but wait and see how things play out.
Daishou laughs dryly and smooths his hair back. "We work on the 18th floor, since when do we take the stairs?"
"There's that one evacuation drill..." you reply weakly.
Daishou raises an eyebrow, giving you a look that says, really now?
"You're right, we're doomed. Last moments and—"
"With the love of your life, isn't that pleasant a way to go?" Daishou tightens his arms around you. "Don't worry, it's all going to be okay."
You reciprocate and respond to his hug, while your brain searches for a solution. "I once saw on the internet that if the elevator drops, you have to time your jump right before the elevator hits the ground floor. Otherwise—"
"Shhh," Daishou shushes you quietly with a quick kiss. He rocks you from side to side and reassures you again that everything is okay.
"Trust me, it'll be okay. Let's just have a little fun while we're waiting," he suggests one hand already tracing up your thigh. "Maybe it'll relax all those nerves you've been holding onto."
Daishou wants to laugh. Whose nerves exactly? Do you have any idea how he’s been counting the minutes and seconds for this moment while you innocently worked on the project like the good, model worker that you are?
It took everything in him to somehow put down a few excel formulas and not shove the monitors onto the floor to fuck you senseless across the worktables. Not to mention, the pleasure of having those witty remarks that spurt out from that little mouth of yours replaced with incomprehensible whines and begs for your precious Suguru to fill you to the brim. And now that you also admit to thinking along the same lines earlier, Daishou knows the dirty little thoughts clouding into your mind already.
Some slut that you are, acting proper and put-together at work, basking in the praise from co-workers and the boss; they just don’t know how ten minutes after those morning touchpoint meetings, you are bouncing on Daishou’s cock in a hidden corner while the financial markets open for the day. It’s an art, really, the number of quicks you two manage to fit into the crevices of a busy office schedule. But that’s why Daishou is one of the best employees of the firm. Daishou Suguru works quickly. He works efficiently.
The patterns Daishou's fingers trace tickle and send shivers up the skin. His low voice and hot breath across your ear elicits a soft gasp as you press your thighs together in the tight, figure-hugging skirt, seeking some hidden relief for the needy throb inside. The scrap of fabric down there is barely able to soak up the wetness beginning to pool. You are pressed up against him for comfort and security, your breasts plush against his chest. Each inhale and exhale you take is a test of patience.
"T-there's a camera," you remind him through shaky breaths, eyes flickering to the black mechanism in the corner. This is your final thread.
Daishou eyes the camera that is staring expectantly at the tryst about to happen in the cramped space with a wicked grin. Like that has ever bothered you, but if you want to play coy, he’ll humor you. He pinches the soft flesh on your thighs. "But we both know you're an attention whore. Always wanting to be the center of attention?"
You bite your lip to stop a whimper and look away, unwilling to admit that Daishou is completely right. You're already squirming in anticipation and delight. How cute, Daishou savors before deftly undoing the first two buttons of your crisp blouse. He has all of your clothes memorized, and how to take them off in the least amount of steps. At this point, it's completely second nature, and even if it isn't, the particular outfit you are wearing today has a special pedestal in Daishou's memory of interests. He pulls the tucked fabric apart to expose your delicate neckline and the soft curves of your breasts in the bra.
Oh, this one? What a coincidence then. He buries his face into the crook of your neck and deeply inhales the scent of your lingering fragrance. His hot breath and tantalizing lips drag across your collarbone, brushing your sensitive skin.
"So fucking sexy. Let's put on a show shall we?"
The thread snaps.
You harshly tug on the Daishou’s tie and capture his lips with yours. Daishou presses his body even closer, resting a forearm right above your head to cage you against the elevator wall. You wrap your arms around his neck, threading your fingers through his hair, as you meld into the searing kiss. The zipper of your skirt is tugged and the fabric is pushed up to your waist. His hand snakes up your thigh and a thumb hooks the side of your panties, pulling the soaked scrap down.
"Step," he instructs, pulling your panties down all the way and guiding your heeled feet out. "Don't want them dropping on the floor," he says, tucking the bunched fabric into his shirt pocket.
"Touch me, please," you beg, pulling Daishou back to you. You grab his hand and lead him to between your legs, grinding yourself against his thick fingers for some relief.
“No need to rush, the elevator isn't getting fixed anytime soon," he coos, "We're not going to get distracted this time."
Daishou spreads your lips apart and rubs along your sensitive bud, coating his digits with your slick. "Fuck, you're so wet already," he marvels before slipping a finger in and then another.
Daishou pumps his fingers in and out of your sopping pussy, occasionally dragging over to circle your clit. "That's it, isn't it?" he groans, feeling your walls clench around his fingers when he finds the spot that has you falling apart into streams of whines and mewls.
Daishou withdraws his fingers and brings the glistening digits up for you to see. "How much are you enjoying this? Wanting to be fucked in an elevator, watched by who knows who behind that camera."
You whimper and watch Daishou take the coated fingers in his mouth, licking off every drop of you. "You taste so good," he breathes, before pulling you into a kiss and letting you have a taste of your own arousal.
You break out of the kiss and turn around, resting your hands on the handrail. "S-Suguru, want you in me," you beg. You bend over just enough for your Daishou to see how much more wet you've gotten from tasting yourself on him. Your glistening hole is dripping and desperately clenching around nothing.
"Patience, princess." Daishou quickly unbuckles his belt and lets the cock pressing against his tight slacks spring free. He prepares to give himself a few more strokes but you reach behind and slap his hand away, replacing the hand on his cock with your own.
"Fuck," he groans, bucking his hips into your hands. "Always the impatient one."
The building anticipation is making your knees weak and head dizzy already. You keep both hands on the handrails for support and squirm over trying to better line yourself for that thickness you need to fill your hole.
"Shit, stop teasing me!"
The emergency intercom you pressed when the elevator first malfunctioned finally lights up. The line connects after a moment of static and radio noise and temporarily shocks a thread of rationality into your thoughts.
"Hello? Hello? Are we connected now, finally? Hello? Can you hear me?" the voice urges from the other end.
"Ah-" you gasp out, feeling Daishou fingers draw out slow circles on your clit. You press your lips tightly together to muffle a moan.
"Ma'am? Ma'am, can you hear me?"
Daishou leans next to your ear. "Answer them, sweetheart." The tip of his cock teases the entrance of your pussy, running along the wet lips. "Do well and I'll give it to you."
You manage, with difficulty, squeak out, "Y-yes!"
"Good girl."
Your legs buckle slightly when you feel Daishou's thick cock being pushed into you, finally giving you the gratification you have been craving during Daishou's ministrations.
"Oh, careful now, don't want you falling over," Daishou's grip on your hips tightens and he groans at how warm, wet and tight you are around him. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good," he mutters under his breath.
The speaker buzzes again. "Great, finally connected. Ma'am are you doing okay still?"
"Yes!" you cry out as Daishou gives a firm and deep thrust; a wave of pleasure shoots through you.
"Don't panic, our team is already coming—" The line disconnects as abruptly.
Daishou revels at how your soft walls hug and clench around him. By all means, he didn't expect the interruption happening at all. It seems like you are not the only impatient person, he wonders, before flashing a nasty look at the camera in the corner and flipping said object off.
"Come on, princess,” he encourages and pats the side of your ass lightly. “Let me hear how pretty you sound."
"Sugu—" you gasp out, feeling the tip of his cock rocking into you. "R-right there right, ah—"
"Yea, you like that?" Daishou groans, pushing into you again feeling your walls clamp around him so tightly. So perfectly. It's addicting and all he can do is thrust in and out, over and over again. Each time seeking out the sounds of your pretty moans when you are completely filled and stuffed with him.
Lewd squelches and the slaps of skin meeting flesh fill the elevator space, along with Daishou’s grunts and your pants. Your hips meet each of Daishou’s thrusts in perfect rhythm, taking his entire length until the base. You can feel each stroke dragging along your walls, the size and length of his cock pushing against your tightness and prodding your cervix.
Neither of you can bother with any other distractions now that bliss is just teetering on the edge. Daishou pulls out and turns you around so you face him. He then scoops you up from under your ass with your legs spread over his forearms and hoists you up against the elevator wall. You feel the stinging cold from the cylindrical edge of the handrail as a dubious support against your heated skin.
"Suguru!" you squeal out, "I'll fall! I'll—"
"I got you, don't worry," Daishou reassures, "You're okay, I won't let you fall."
Once he feels your arm wrapped tightly around his shoulders, Daishou slides into you again with a loud squelch.
"We're right outside now! Won't be long before we get you two out." A loud voice calls out from beyond the shut elevator doors.
"Smile for the camera, princess," Daishou encourages before picking up the pace, chasing the high that's just around the corner. His thrusts become faster and rougher, hitting your sweet spot deep inside you over and over again making your mind spin. The countless reflected images of Daishou's unrelenting pursuit and speed, and the expression of your fucked out face collide together in a blurry, infinite kaleidoscope.
“Gonna cum! Gonna-”
All thoughts leave your mind with each ragged breath as you near your own edge. You can only cling onto Daishou tightly, nails digging into his shoulder and back. You don't hear the sounds of mechanical whirring outside the elevator. Whatever it is that the people are shouting outside does not matter. The bright lights don't make any sense to you anymore. You don't even remember what Daishou Suguru looks like.
The blank stare from the camera is the last thing you see before you squeeze your eyes shut, face tucked in the crook of Daishou’s neck, and body feeling like putty in his arms. All that's left is the euphoria sparking through and broken syllabylic babbles you struggle to utter out.
With a few final thrusts, Daishou grunts and pulls you completely flush against his hips, finally spilling himself into you. Release after a long day never feels this sweet, Daishou muses as he holds your languid body close. Each deep breath you take only pushes your soft breast against his chest, and Daishou can feel your spasming walls still hugging him. He peppers a few kisses on your sweat covered brow. So good, so fucking good.
The voices and mechanical whirs outside interrupt Daishou’s moment.
That’s right, we’re still in this damn elevator. Daishou carefully pulls out his softened and twitching cock and lowers your wobbly form down from your make-shift seat. He takes a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the drool from your face then lightly dab away the trail of mixed fluids seeping out of your puffy cunt. The overly saturated handkerchief does a poor job soaking away the mess the two of you made.
Daishou reaches for the crumpled panties he shoved into the shirt pocket, but decides against letting you wear it. In your current state, your legs are like a newborn deer, barely able to support you let alone try to maneuver into underwear.
"Once we get back to my place, I'll draw us a bath.”
The increasingly loud mechanical clamor and sounds of the elevator workers pull you out of your daze for a moment too. You try to fumble around and haphazardly button your shirt, but the buttons miss their proper buttonhole by one. You pout and look at Daishou who just buckled his belt and tucked in the edges of his crumpled shirt. He looks ready for a client meeting already, if not for the obvious smell of sex clinging into him.
Daishou chuckles at your state and helps you slip into his long coat. He kisses your brow again in apology. "Sorry baby, just bear with it for a moment."
"Yes, yes. I'll order your favorite too, like I promised."
You nod, pleased with his answer.
The doors of the elevator open, to the relief of the elevator workers outside. They were in the process of getting ready to pry the doors open, but it seems like the elevator is back to normal already.
"Sir, Ma'am, we apologize for our tardiness."
Daishou waves a hand. "Not at all, it was fine. My girlfriend," he nods to your hidden form in the coat, "a bit frazzled, that's all."
Daishou's coat is like a bathrobe and hides absolutely everything. Turn up the collar, hide your face in Daishou's neck, and no one can see the mess that you are still underneath the thick layer. If they don't look, they won't know about the cum that's already dripping out and trailing down the curves of your legs into your scuffed heels.
"Is she okay? If there are any problems, we can direct you to-"
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. Thanks for helping fix the elevator." Not that there was anything wrong with it to begin with.
"We'll be inspecting all the elevators in the building as well. We assure you this will never happen again."
The musty smell of sweat and sex is all that lingers in the elevator, but it'll dissipate soon enough. Maybe there are tiny puddles of your juices on the tiles but the 5 A.M. cleaning workers will wipe it all away. By tomorrow, the elevator and rest of the building will be just the way it always is again. The stainless steel is cold, and the glass panels are pristine. In the early hours of the morning, leather shoes and heels will be strutting around on the marbled floors. Phone calls. Printers. Clients. Meetings. And more overtime.
Daishou smirks to himself, supporting just about your entire weight. His phone rings in his coat pocket. He reaches for the device and answers the call. Those bastards.
"Heh, glad you enjoyed the show you fucker. And tell Kenma, 'that was a dick move he pulled back there.'"
He listens to the response from the other line.
"Yea sure, thanks for hacking the system...uh huh, tell him to cum in your dirty sock-rag then...yea whatever, go eat shit."
Daishou ends the call and shoves the phone into his pocket.
"Su-gu-ru..." you mumble.
"Yes princess?"
Daishou presses a light kiss to your forehead. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart."
Even all fucked out, you still manage to not forget about corporate responsibilities, some overachieving show-off you are. After getting you cleaned up and warm, he'll finish up any remaining work. Daishou Suguru works quickly. He works efficiently.
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139 notes · View notes
skzvibes · 3 years
It's not like you're in love
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pairing: bang chan x reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: intense make out, mentions of nudity, mentions of sex (not explicit smut tho)
word count: 4,6K
a/n: sorry if you find mistakes or typos, English is not my first language so this won't be perfect <3
You met him because you started working on JYP as a staff.
You were almost always working with Stray Kids, so you got close to them and, after a few weeks, you were already friends.
But with Chan was different than with the rest of the members
You have always looked at each other in a different way
And even if you said that you were just best friends, even the members knew that you were just avoiding your feelings
"Are you still here? I need you in my studio." That was the text Chan had just sent you. Yes, you were still in the JYP building where you worked, and even if you were about to leave to go home, you immediately headed to his studio. You adored those moments when you two were alone because he wanted your opinion about his new song or maybe just some company while he was working. You had a special friendship with him even if you had not known each other for that long, and you did not expect that at all when you started working in JYP as a staff member.
When you got there, you knocked at the door, and you heard him saying that it was open. You smiled right when you entered the room. It was kind of cold and dark. The only light was from the computer screen, which let you see his silhouette. You got closer to him and sat in the chair next to his, knowing that he was probably finishing something and he would look at you in a few seconds. And that is what happened. He typed something, and then he took off his headphones to look at you. He smiled and hugged you quickly before handing you the headphones.
"Thank you for coming. Did I stop you from going home?" He asked, looking worried.
"Yes, but you know I don't mind," you smiled and put on the headphones. Chan smiled and played the track he wanted you to listen to. You had the same conversation every day he asked you to go to his studio, but he still felt guilty.
Chan observed you while you listened to the song. The first time he asked for your opinion, you were so serious while listening to the song that he thought you didn't like it, but now he knows that it's just because you want to listen to it carefully so you can say something more than "I like it", and, to him, it's the cutest thing ever.
When it finished, you took off the headphones and stayed quiet for a few seconds before talking.
"I think it's good, but... Don't be mad, but it sounds kinda similar to the last one." You said, and looked up to him, hoping that he wasn't angry at you. You knew he wanted your sincere opinion, but sometimes it scared you that he could get angry or hurt. But he sighed and nodded, resting his back on the chair backrest.
"That's what I thought," he said, staring at his computer. You felt bad for not being able to help him out.
"Maybe you could ask Jisung or Changbin for help. They're way better than me at producing songs, and I'm sure they can give you a better opinion." He looked at you as you continued. "Honestly, I don't know why you ask for my opinion." You laughed, making him laugh too.
"I don't know, it helps to have different points of view, you know?" He said, and you thought that was all but he continued. "And I like spending time with you, so it's kind of an excuse." He added smiling and observed how your cheeks turned pink.
"Me too." You said softly, and after that, you both stayed quiet, the only sound in the room was the buzzing of his laptop, and your eyes locked.
And then he leaned in, slowly. As he got closer, you could smell his cologne, and your heart started to beat faster, not knowing what his next move would be. And when all you could see was him, you stopped feeling your body, you couldn't hear the buzzing of the laptop, and the room didn't feel cold anymore, but warm.
And he kissed you.
His plump lips brushed yours softly and carefully, making you close your eyes. He tasted like mint. At first, your noses touched but then he tilted his head so he would be able to kiss you more confortably. But as he did that, he noticed what he was doing and stopped the kiss. You opened your eyes and took a deep breath. Your eyes connected.
"I'm sorry, are you sure you-" He started, and you answered by kissing him more. You placed your hands on his shoulders and made him rest his back on the chair again, at the same time that you stood up to sit on his lap. You started running your fingers through his hair, and he held the back of your neck to keep you close with one hand while he placed the other one on your thigh.
Your heart was about to explode, and you felt dizzy as you tried to process what was happening. But you just couldn't. All you could feel and think about was him. At one certain moment, his lips were around your bottom lip, and he bit it, taking you by surprise and making you let out a little moan. Then, you two needed to breathe, so you pulled away.
"We can stop if you-" He started again, and you rolled your eyes, placing your hand against his mouth.
"Can you please stop acting as if I don't want this as much as you do?" You whispered, and you felt his smile grow against your hand. Then you placed it in his shoulder again and leaned closer to him. "Because I do." His pupils dilated, and he connected your lips. His hands started rubbing your back and went further down to the end of your t-shirt.
"Take it off." You mumbled softly against his lips, knowing that it would lead to much more that night.
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Two weeks later...
"Chan, we should get dressed." You whispered against his chest. It's not that you wanted to do it, but you were in his studio and it wasn't exactly private.
"Five minutes more, I promise." He said, and he kept drawing figures with his fingers in your naked back. You nodded and closed your eyes. You've never felt so relaxed and at peace in your whole life.
It had been two weeks since you and Chan started... whatever it was. And it was great, but you hadn't even talked about it, and you didn't know how to bring it up. Because you appreciated him so much and you didn't know how to tell him that you had fallen in love with him without ruining your friendship. Maybe, if you had noticed that you were in love with him earlier, you wouldn't have started this "friends with benefits" thing. But now you just couldn't help it. You liked him so much that you didn't want to lose what you had.
After a few minutes, you got up from his lap, making him groan.
"It's been like two minutes, not five." He whined. You let out a little laugh and hurried in getting dressed because it was cold without him hugging you.
"Chan, someone could show up here at any moment, and I don't want any of the boys to find out about us like that." He sighed but, knowing that you were right, he stood up too and started putting his clothes on. "Are you going to the dorms now?" You asked him.
"No, I think I'm gonna stay for a while. I got a bit distracted by you the last hour." He joked.
"And you dare to say that it's my fault. I will not come the next day you text me." You teased him. He smirked and got closer to hug you.
"We'll see." You locked eyes for a few seconds. You wanted to say it. I love you.
But you didn't.
"Goodnight, don't leave too late. You need to sleep too, superhero." You kissed his cheek and turned around to leave, but he held your wrist.
"What kind of goodnight kiss is that?" You laughed and pecked his lips. When you pulled away, he smiled at you. "That's better."
"You're unbelievable." You walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Chan."
"Night Y/n" he answered, and you closed the door.
When you got home, you took your clothes off and put on your pajamas. After that, you went to the bathroom to remove your makeup, and you saw yourself in the mirror. You were smiling widely, and you hadn't even noticed it. Of course, it was because of Chan. The last two weeks had probably been the best weeks of your life. And you wanted more of that. You wanted to know if he felt the same way you did when you were together. That's why you decided to talk with Chan the next day.
"Come on, you can do it." You encouraged yourself. You had been in front of the practice room's door for about ten minutes. You could hear them practicing inside. It's not that hard, just open it.
And you did it, making everyone in the room look at you. Chan smiled instantly, and the others were surprised but happy to see you too.
"Hey Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jisung asked you, and he got closer to you to hug you. Jisung was one of your best friends, even though you haven't been able to spend a lot of time together lately.
"Hi, everyone. I wanted to talk with you, Chan. If you can." You said, looking at him. He nodded and indicated the rest to practice the choreography while he talked to you. You walked to a corner where they wouldn't hear you, and he looked at you, waiting for you to talk.
This wasn't a good idea.
"Well, umm..." You looked down and started playing with your fingers as you got more nervous every second. "You know we've been... spending time together..." He chuckled at your way to call it but he let you continue. You took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes. "What are we, Chan?" You asked, and his smile faded away as soon as you did it.
No, this definitely wasn't a good idea.
"Why are you asking me that?" He asked, frowning. He looked so confused, and you didn't know how to explain it. You started looking around, avoiding looking at him, wishing you never started that conversation.
"I... I just thought... I don't know, we're not friends but- " You tried to speak, but he interrupted you.
"We aren't?" he asked, and you panicked since he misunderstood you.
"That's not what I meant. I mean... We are friends, but we aren't just friends?" You tried to explain, but you didn't even know what you were saying.
"I swear I don't understand what-" He started, and you decided to go straight to the point.
"God, I like you, ok?" You let out, and his eyes widened. "I like you. And not just as a friend." You finished, and he sighed. He looked at the boys making sure they weren't listening, and then he looked at you again.
"Y/n, I don't know if you misunderstood but... I do like spending time with you but that's it..." You felt how your eyes watered, but you held back your tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you... God." He stopped talking and massaged his temples. "What I mean is... We aren't dating" And you hoped that was all he had to say so you could leave, but it wasn't. "And we won't. We can't have another type of relationship." He added, and you felt as if someone had just stabbed you in your heart. You waited a few seconds to answer because you were afraid that your voice would crack.
"No, I understand. It's fine." You finally said, but when he tried to reach out to you and hold your arm, you took a step back. He looked worried. "Umm... I have to leave now." You said, walking backward. You just wanted to get out of there.
"Y/n..." He tried to stop you from leaving but at that point, the boys were looking at you, confused.
"No, really, you never said you..." You stopped there, you couldn't talk with the boys listening, but you knew he had understood you. "It's okay. We're still friends." He nodded slowly, but he wasn't sure that you meant it.
"Then... We're fine?" he asked you again before you left.
"Yes, sure." You reassured him, and then you walked out of the room as fast as you could, leaving the boys, especially Chan, so confused. He tried to continue practicing, but he just couldn't stop thinking about your watery eyes. He couldn't take your sad expression out of his head. He tried to explain it to you without hurting you. But you said everything was fine, right? Maybe you just needed some time to think. Everything will be the same tomorrow. He said to himself.
Too bad he was wrong.
The next day he didn't see you for the whole day, and since he didn't want you to feel pressured, he didn't text you when he used to do it. But the same happened two days later. The third one he tried to text you, but you left him on read. The fourth one, you replied to his message saying that you had some stuff to do and you couldn't meet him. He started to feel worried. And he missed you a lot. Not only having sex with you but everything. Chan missed spending the evenings with you in his studio, listening to his new songs or recommending music to each other, or talking about weird and deep stuff he couldn't talk about with anyone else.
After one week, he thought that was enough. If you said everything was fine, why were you ignoring him? So he got out of his studio, where he usually spent the whole day, and started walking around. Of course, he had a million things to do, but he couldn't help it anymore. He needed to see you and ask you what was happening.
After about ten minutes of walking around, he spotted you talking with another staff member. As he got closer, he could see the bags under your eyes, as if you hadn't been sleeping well. What had happened to you?
You noticed him when he was a few meters away from you. You knew you would have to face him at some point, but you weren't ready yet. He said that you couldn't have another type of relationship, so what was the point? You couldn't act as if nothing was happening and keep meeting him in his studio. Because if you were already hurt, who knows how would you feel after a month. Or three. Or a year. You couldn't deal with that, and you needed to tell him, but you didn't know how yet. That's why you had been avoiding him. But you should have known he wouldn't let you do it for so long.
"Y/n, can we talk real quick?" Chan said, and Lena, the staff member you were talking with, left thinking that Chan needed something related to work. Shit, don't leave me alone. You thought, but of course, your friend couldn't have an idea of what was happening. When she left, you nodded slightly, and you two walked into one of those "focus rooms" that everyone could use. They were soundproof, so Chan knew you could talk freely in there. He let you in first and, when he was inside too, he closed the door. Then, he turned around to look at you.
"Do you need anything?" you asked, trying to act as if nothing happened. Chan sighed, knowing what you were doing.
"Yes, I need you to buy me an americano, and I think Jisung wanted cheesecake." He said sarcastically, crossing his arms. You tilted your head and sighed.
"Fine, what do you want?" You asked. You tried to act rough, but if he had held your hand, he would have noticed you were trembling.
“What do I- Did I miss something?” He asked, slightly annoyed. He couldn’t understand your behavior. “You’ve been ignoring me for a whole week, I thought you said we were fine,” Chan observed you, trying to figure out what was happening.
“It’s not that I’m ignoring you…” You started, and he raised an eyebrow. “I needed to think, I thought you would understand that I can’t just act as if nothing happened.” You replied. Chan shook his head.
“Then you shouldn’t have said we were fine. You should have talked to me.” He complained and raised his voice without noticing it, but you did. That annoyed you. Why was he mad?
“Sure, after you told me we can’t have another type of relationship. What a great moment to talk with you, Chan.” You said, loudly. You didn’t know at what point that conversation turned into an argument, but you wanted to end it. “Chan, you only want sex. I don’t want to have that type of relationship with you anymore, and, as you said, we can’t have another one. So I don’t think there’s anything to talk about anyway.” You said and shrugged. Chan looked at you as if you were saying nonsense.
Well, for him, it was. He only wanted sex? Absolutely no. Could he be only your friend after everything that happened between you two? Also no. Could he date you? No, it was forbidden. Did he want to? He didn’t know.
“I’m trying to be professional. I work here. I’m a staff member and you’re an artist. That’s it.” You finished the conversation and tried to open the door, but he stopped you by holding your arm.
“That’s it? What about everything that has happened between us?” Chan asked. He couldn’t believe you wanted to go back to the time you weren’t even friends.
“I don’t know, Chan. Find another girl. You’ll forget me soon. It’s not like you’re in love, right?” You smiled slightly, and he looked down without saying anything. Why couldn’t you understand he couldn’t love you? He would risk every single thing he has been fighting for during all his life. He just didn’t know what to say, so he stayed quiet.
And you interpreted it as a no.
“That’s what I thought.” You said, lastly. You moved your arm, and he let it go. He observed how you got out of the room and walked away without looking back.
Of course, he didn’t know it was because you didn’t want him to see you cry.
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One week later
"C'mon Y/n..." Jisung complained. He wanted you to hang out with the boys at the dorms, but you didn't want to. Because of obvious reasons. "I know Chan and you aren't on good terms. I don't know what happened between you two..." If you knew... You thought. "... but we're still friends. I don't want to lose you because of this. And maybe you can talk with him too, I know he doesn't want to lose you either. You two are like soulmates." He said, and you sighed. You knew he wouldn't leave you alone until you agreed. But you weren't ready yet. And, talking with him? He said what he wanted, and you didn't want to do it, so that was it. You didn't need to talk.
Jisung noticed that you didn't want to talk with Chan by your facial expressions.
"And if you don't want to, it's not a problem. Lately, he's been in his room the whole day if he's not in the studio. I don't think he goes out." You were still doubtful. But you missed the boys a lot.
"Fine, I'll go." You said, and he clapped, showing you his heart-shaped smile, and hugged you.
"Cool, see you tonight." You nodded, and he walked away since he had practice with the boys.
After all, he was right. You couldn't just stop talking and hanging out with them because of what happened between you and Chan. That's why, that night, you were at the dorms when they told you. Hyunjin opened the door and smiled at you.
"Hi, Y/n! I'm so happy you decided to come." He hugged you quickly and let you in.
"Well, Jisung said there would be pizza." He laughed and, after closing the door, he led you to the living room.
"Y/n! Changbin-hyung wanted to start eating without you." Jeongin said, pointing at him. You laughed when Changbin raised his arms, trying to look innocent. You were so happy to see them that you almost forgot that Chan was just a few meters away, in his room.
Even if he had his headphones, he heard your laugh. Of course, the boys warned him that you were coming over, and even asked him to have dinner with them, but he excused himself, saying that he had a lot of work to do. He wasn't hungry anyway. He never was since you two stopped every type of contact. He did have work to do, but he couldn't do it anyway. He hadn't composed anything in that week either, and it was driving him crazy. One of the main reasons why he wasn't dating you was that he didn't want to get distracted from his work, but his world seemed to be upsidedown since you distracted him, even more, when you weren't with him.
In the living room, you all were having an interesting conversation about if birds had ears or not (Felix's thoughts sometimes amused you) when Seungmin talked.
"Should we bring Chan-hyung some food? He must be starving." He said. Minho nodded.
"I haven't seen him eat today," Minho added, and your eyes widened.
"For the whole day?" You asked, worried.
"It's not that weird. When he has a good idea, he stays in his room or the studio for days. We always bring him food, but he's been rejecting it lately. I don't know how he isn't hungry." Minho explained, and you looked at Jisung.
"You didn't tell me that." You said. It didn't seem that serious when he told you.
"I didn't? Sorry, I thought I did, But yes, he's been acting weird lately." He stated. Then, all of them started to talk about another topic, but you remained thinking. You weren't sure if he was like that because, as they said, he was working on something good... Or because of you. You didn't want to think like that, but you couldn't help feeling guilty, even if you didn't know if it was your fault.
That's why, a few minutes later, you took a plate and put in it one slice of pizza. Then you stood up, and everyone looked at you.
"Where are you going?" Jisung asked, even if he knew what you were about to do. Of course, he would have brought food to his hyung, but he hoped that you would do it. He wanted you two to talk.
"I'm gonna bring Chan some food... It's worrying me that he hasn't eaten today." You said and walked away toward his bedroom.
When you got there, you opened the door and saw him with his headphones on, the room completely dark except for the computer. Of course, it reminded you of the evenings you spent in his studio.
Since he hadn't noticed you, you walked toward him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around expecting to see one of the boys, but he almost choked when he saw you there. He immediately took off his headphones, but he couldn't say anything. He just observed you, there, in his room.
"Umm... The boys told me you haven't been eating well so... I brought you dinner." You said, placing the plate on his desk. You waited for a few seconds, but he didn't say anything, and it was getting awkward, so you decided to go back to the living room.
It's not that he hadn't anything to say. He had so much to say that he couldn't even verbalize it. He was shocked to see you there, after one week of not having any contact. He couldn't help to stare at you and ask himself what he had done. You were probably one of the best things that ever happened to him and he didn't want to lose you.
And when he realized that, you were already about to open the door of his room to leave.
"Y/n" He called you, making you stop and turn around to look at him. Again, he didn't know what to say. He just didn't want you to leave again.
He stood up and took a few steps until he was right in front of you. He cupped your face with his hands and placed his lips on yours. It was so sudden, but as soon as you felt him kissing you, you kissed him back. At that moment, you felt like your senses were waking up. You didn't smell his habitual cologne, but you did notice the vanilla from his shampoo. And he tasted like mint again. His thumb started caressing your cheek, sending shivers down your spine. And after a few seconds, you felt your cheeks wet. He was crying. You stopped the kiss and opened your eyes to look at him. He opened his eyes too when you placed your hands on his cheeks to wipe away the tears.
"I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry." You ignored what he was saying since you were more worried about why he was crying.
"Are you okay, Chan?" You asked him. And he sighed before letting it all out.
"No." He confessed. "I can't sleep. I'm never hungry. I can't write lyrics. I can't compose anything good. Everything I do is think about you even more than before, and it's driving me crazy. I don't know what to do, Y/n." And he locked eyes with you, almost begging you for a solution.
"Chan... Do you love me?" You asked, risking it all. But afraid of being hurt again.
"I told you, I can't..." He started looking around, avoiding your eyes. You interrupted him.
"That's not what I asked." You said, and he stayed quiet. You decided to risk it all one more time. The last time. "I love you, Chan." You confessed, and he broke down in tears and pulled you into a hug, buried his face in your neck. "I love you too." He muttered against your neck. Then you held his face and wiped his tears again. You knew that the tears were just the proof of how much stress he had been going through.
"Then everything is fine. We can go slow and see what happens. I dont need you to take care of me or give me attention all the time, Chan. I know that music is your passion and that you need time for that. I'm okay with it. I understand it."
He just nodded and placed the softest kiss on your lips. "Thank you for not giving up on me."
Then, you told him to lie down on his bed. You knew how tired he was because of not sleeping. You took off his shoes and yours as well and lay down next to him. He hugged you and kissed your forehead. "God, I missed you so much." He muttered against your hair.
"I missed you too," you replied, and you two fell asleep, feeling safe and happy, knowing that the other would be there in the morning.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
You go into little space
Bang Chan
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* Protective caretaker mode has been activated, no matter what the situation is. *
° Chan came home from work, throwing his keys onto the kitchen counter. Soon noticing a cute crayon note stuck to the fridge with a magnet, 'Hi daddy! I hope work was good. I am in the room drawing, come join me!'
* Chan knew about little space, and understood that it was a way of you calming down from any stress. He was always willing to take care of you, and never got annoyed or weirded out like some people did. *
° Chan walked into the bedroom, noticing cute little stick fairies stuck all over the walls. Your tongue stuck out as you focused on coloring in one of the fairies dresses. Too focused to notice your care taker admiring you from afar.
"Hey princess/prince charming, did you draw these?"
° You nodded shyly, looking at the floor worried that he would be upset at the new decorations. But you relaxed when he cupped your face, pecking the top of your head softly.
"They look amazing y/n, which one is your favorite?"
° You pointed to the glittery blue fairy with large pigtails, unsticking it from the wall to hand it to him.
"That's mine too! I love the glitter, that was a nice touch."
Lee Know
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* Is already whipped for you, but becomes even more soft when you go into little space*
° You were in the middle of shopping, when he noticed you shift into a more clingy and innocent faze. Minho looked at you with softened eyes, asking if you were alright. "Can we visit that store, please daddy?"
*Once Minho found out that you would sometimes go into little space, he researched everything about it to make sure he knew what to do. Constantly praising you for not being bratty or a bad girl/boy. *
° Minho guided you to the pajama store, wrapping his hand around your wrist gently. You skipped towards the sleeping masks, passing him a panda one and grabbing a cute glittery cat one for yourself.
"Does daddy look like this mask? Or do I look more like yours?"
° You tugged at the panda one, jumping up and down on the floor. Giggling excitedly when he would poke his face out from the mask, sometimes sticking his tongue out at you and making derp faces.
"Can we please get them? I really like this one~" You begged, pouting slightly.
° Minho loved seeing your bright smile, so he took it a step further and let you pick out one more. Chuckling when you clapped in joy.
"Let's go to the cash, and then we can go get some donuts. How does that sound munchkin?"
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* Changbin adored when you went into little space, always playing around with you. *
° You knew that Changbin was coming home in a couple minutes, and you decided to hide from him wanting to see if he could find you. Grabbing a flashlight, so you wouldn't be scared of the dark while in the closet.
*Changbin was really curious about little space, and let you explain everything to him. The next day, buying you a whole bunch of stuffies and glittery stickers. Letting you put one on his laptop, not planning on removing it anytime soon. *
° He walked in, noticing the empty bowl of ice cream with sprinkles left over. Changbin clued in that you were probably in little space, and played along with your hide & seek prank. Even though he could hear your small giggles from the closet.
"I wonder where my cutie pie went? Is she/he in the kitchen?"
° You jumped out of the closet with a cute rawr, making him "scream" in "fear". Placing a hand over his heart dramatically, he repeatedly praised you for being so "intimidating".
"I practiced my rawring all day, I wanted to surprise you daddy."
° He adored when you got all giddy after getting a reaction out of him, only encouraging him to be more dramatic each time. Sometimes even falling to the floor when you jump out of an obvious hiding spot.
"Get ready for supper cutie pie, I bought you your favorite pizza."
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* Loves when you go into little space, Becuase you both play around and he gets extra cuddles*
° You just woke up from a nap and wanted some attention, and you just so happened to jump into little space when you woke up. So you secretly grabbed one of your tiaras and planned on secretly placing it on Hyunjin.
*Hyunjin didn't know what little space was at first, so he let you guide him through all of the facts and duties of being a caretaker. He enjoyed when you became clingy, and used your light baby voice when asking for stuff. *
° Hyunjin immediately got into the character of a prince, assuming you were in little space. Voicing some of the barbies you brought out, and kissing a soft frog stuffed animal so it could turn back into a human.
"As prince of Amercanodale, I declare that Ken shall be released from jail."
° You soon grabbed different doll clothes, asking Hyunjin which one your dolls should wear. Asking for help with braiding the doll's hair, which he happily did along with some of his own hair.
"Can I bedazzle your hair? I have cute clips to use in it!"
° Hyunjin always allowed you to play with his hair, whether you be in little space of not. Loving that feeling of you stroking through his locks, and looking at him with only admiration and love.
"Use as many clips as you want beautiful, you can even use that hair chalk if you want."
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* Accidently found out about you going into little space, when he found your sticker stash*
° Jisung noticed your small pout throughout the day, noticing that you ran out of stickers and were in little space. He wanted to cheer you up so he took you onto a trip to the nearest dollar store, letting you pick out some stickers.
* Jisung knew about the basic things of Little Space, but never really looked into it until he found out that you used it as a stress relieving mechanism. He won't tell the members unless you are comfortable with it*
° You specifically picked out a pack of animal stickers that included some squirrels, sticking one on his cheek once he bought them for you. Pointing out that he reminds you of the sticker that you stuck on him.
"I look like the squirrel?... As long as you like squirrels than it's okay. *Chuckles*"
° You kissed the sticker on his cheek, and soon went on a rant about how much you love squirrels. Mentioning their fluffy tails, and cute cheeks that hold so much food. Not realizing how long you were ranting.
"Do you like Squirrels? Or are you more of a chipmunk lover?"
° Jisung thought wisely about which option would offend you the least, soon going with the most neutral answer. Explaining that he likes both and finds them just as cute as you do, loving the way your eyes sparkled in joy.
"Even though they are both cute, nothing can compare to my little squish y/n."
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* The cutest and cuddliest caretaker ever, loves when you become his own personal backpack and pillow*
° You were both heading home from dinner with the boys, and by the last ten minutes he noticed you switch into little space. Getting hints by your constant clingy hugs, and never letting go of his hand.
* You told him about your shifts little space when you were serious enough in the relationship. Letting all of the anxiety you had leave your body, when he simply nodded and sent you a soft reassuring smile. *
° Felix tucked you under the soft sheets of your shared bed, brushing away any stray hairs from your face. Letting you choose a bedtime story to read to you, rubbing a soft circle across your stomach as he read aloud.
"The prince left a soft kiss upon aurora's lips, watching as her lovely eyes fluttered open."
° Felix constantly glanced at your increasingly tired state, thanks to mixture of his deep soothing voice and soft delicate hands. His hand trained up to your cheek, pressing his thumb against the corner of your lips.
"Before I go to sleep, can I have a goodnight kiss? Pleeeaassee~"
° Felix giggled at your dramatic begging, but caved into your needy yet calm cuteness. Placing small playful pecks all over your face, before landing his last one across your smile gently. Staying on your lips for a couple seconds longer than the rest.
"Goodnight sleeping beauty, wake me if you need anything. Even if it's just cuddles."
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* Spoils you when you are in little space, just because you are too cute to say no too. *
° Hyunjin won a bet against Seungmin, so he had to go out and buy a toy for Kkami. You tagged along because you wanted to spend time with Seungmin and see some cute kittens. But you shifted into little space while looking at the kittens and babying them.
* Seungmin clued into small habits and hints you showed while going into little space, such as changing your voice, pouting, & being 10× more hyper than usual. Soon bringing emergency toys, just in case. *
° Seungmin asked an employee if you were able to hold one of the kittens, soon getting an answer when he unlocked the cage that the small kitten slept in. You held it close to you, making small baby noises during it.
"I wonder if Hyunjin would get mad if we came home with a kitten instead of a toy."
° You heard his sentence, but you were too focused on making the kitten purr louder for affection. Soon exclaiming in joy when it cuddled into your hand, making Seungmin comb his fingers through the soft fur.
"I think it likes me! Or maybe it just wants food... Either way I'm getting cuddles~"
° Seungmin saw the kitten a while back when he went shopping with Hyunjin for dog food, and knew that it needed someone who would love it unconditionally. So he ended up driving home with and furry lump asleep on his lap.
"We're home and brought something extra special, I hope Kkami doesn't mind cat fur."
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*The only time he will let you call him oppa or daddy, understanding it's part of Little space*
° You were terrified of the loud storm that was happening outside, so you rushed to your boyfriend's dorm to try and calm down. Bringing a couple extra presents while in your child like splurge of ideas.
*Jeongin enjoyed playing with you, loving the innocent gaze you gave everytime he used a big word. Sometimes he would shift into little space with you without realizing, but he secretly enjoyed the feeling *
° Jeongin turned on a couple flashlights while strapping on the adorable hat you brought, asking if your wanted any drinks or snacks. Holding your hand while walking to the kitchen for some chips and soda.
" You don't have to be scared of anything, oppa is right here and won't let anything happen."
° You nodded still a bit cautious thanks to the booming thunder outside, but that only led to him holding onto you closer while walking back to the room. Shooing your irrational scary thoughts away.
"You're the best oppa ever Innie, thanks for the yummy snacks and cuddles."
° He played music off of his phone to try and distract you from the loud storm outside, feeding you chips and giving a cute bendy straw for your drink. Chuckling silently when you fell asleep with crumbs all over you.
"You such a cute little sunshine y/n, have a good rest cutie."
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with Marcus Álvarez.
Request: What about Marcus tryna set one of the Mayans up with reader, but she likes Marcus so she says no but doesn't give a reason, then eventually she admits she only has eyes for him??
BY @chibsytelford
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 2.3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on Google.
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“I think you are his type, Coco”. Marcus says, making the crew break into laughs.
“Nah, Padrino, we're just friends”.
“You're the only one which she goes around, hermano”. Angel adds clicking his tongue, before having a sip from his drink. “(Y/N) has been working here for the last year, and we don't know if she's ever had a single boyfriend”.
“Maybe sh—”.
“Believe me, she's not”. Bishop shakes his head laughing, stopping as soon as you come into the clubhouse.
“What's that funny?” You say, noticing the silent installed between all the Mayans.
“We think that… Coco and you should have a formal… date”. Marcus says, having a drag from his cig.
Licking your lips while you take off your bag to place it over the bar, you turn at him somewhat frowned. Rubbing your eyes with two fingers and a snort stuck on your throat, you cross both arms on your chest. You're a little tired of having to hear bullshit like that, plus, that they don't understand that between men and women could exist a healthy friendship.
“He's just my friend”.
“I said so, mami”.
“Look, we just say it for your good, mija, don't be angry”.
“For my good, stop talking 'bout shit you don't know, trying to push me into every fucking man that comes by that door. Because, surprise! Maybe I'm already in love with someone else, since the day I met him, but he's so, so, so fucking dumb that he hasn't noticed it yet”. Their mouths drop to the floor with widened eyes. “I could fucking wear a poster saying it and, even then, he wouldn't notice”.
Now, you're pissed off by Marcus' attitude. You were fine with the idea of not being the kind of girl he wants by her side. Maybe too young, maybe too curious, maybe too energetic. But seeing him trying to push you into another man gets you out of your calm. Frowning at them and making sure they're not going to say anything else, you just nod before crossing the hallway to your room, so you can change your clothes to start working at the scrapping.
Once that you're ready you step out from the dorm, tying your hair on a high pony-tail and keeping your rings inside a pocket. When you're back in the bar, you find some of Vicki's girls already there, hanging with the guys. But who gets your attention is that bitch that is always around Marcus, trying to catch the opportunity, now sitting on his lap and laughing at his shit.
“Look at you, Padrino, you're the one who never loses time”. You say with a bitter and sarcastic tone of voice, confusing him as you were waiting for.
Leading your steps towards the main office, greeting Chuckie with a gentle hug, you begin your work. It's too hot outside and having to do an inventory of the new cars that came during the last month, you decided to wear your black cap on your way to the last rows of scrap. You can't avoid thinking once and again about what happened some minutes ago, trying to not imagine that maybe it's not the first time the crew has that conversation. Marcus looked so participative that it's starting to hurt you somehow. Shaking your head, you start to write down the license plates and car models, in addition to the color.
Placing the notebook under your arm, you have a sip from the bottle of water, resting your back against a car in the shade. Bowing your head down, closing your eyes for a second, you hear a throat being cleared close to you. His scent is so unmistakable that you don't need to look at him to know who is.
“How can I help you, Padrino?” You ask, raising your opened eyes towards him.
“We didn't want to bother you, mija”.
“If this is an apology… Cool, I don't need'et”. You just reply pursing your lips.
“We were kidding”.
“It didn't seem like”. You're trying to keep calm, standing up to continue with your task, so you can go back to the office.
“I assumed it's one of us”. Stopping dead your steps, you turn around with a raised eyebrow.
“Déjalo, ¿sí? No voy a platicar contigo de ello”. (Forget it, okay? I'm not going to talk with you about it).
“Así que se trata de mí”. (So it's about me). He can't help but chuckle, placing his hands tangled under his abdomen.
Narrowing your eyes with your heart about to dead, you give him your back sighing, writing down the numbers from a red Mustang almost destroyed.
“Maybe I noticed something, but I thought it was just an illusion. So I didn't care”. With that confession, Marcus gets your attention. “When you know I'm coming, you use that perfume that smells like heaven”.
“I use it everyday”.
“No, you don't”. He laughs somewhat loud, feeling your cheeks burning. “Because when you don't know that I'm coming, you don't use it. And when you walk around me, I notice it. And that really fucks me up, because I love that smell”.
“Mere coincidence”.
“C'mon, reina. You can't lie to me”. He's walking closer in the meantime that he speaks, stopping him with a corner of your notebook pressing his chest.
“I have work to do, Padrino”. You just say, not knowing why the hell you don't jump into him. “As soon as I finish, as soon as I can leave”.
“Good, but you didn't say ‘no’”.
“'Bout what?”
“About that it's me who you are in love with”.
“Work. To. Do. Padrino”. You repeat, pointing his chest this time.
“Don't worry. I am going to be waiting for you at the office, until you finish your ‘work to do’”.
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You have been praying all the prayers you know, going upstairs, to not find Marcus there. Talking about your feelings is something you're not used to, and less with someone like him, who looks like he's about to shoot you or something like that. Opening the door, you can sigh alleviated when you notice that it's empty, just like the bathroom. Taking off the cap and rubbing your forehead with the back of your left hand, you leave the notebook over the desk.
The scream behind you makes you, literally, jump. You turn at him, throwing your cap straight to El Padrino. But you get a little self-absorbed hearing his laugh, a childish one. That laugh is so natural that bristles your skin and gives you some chills.
“Pinche cabrón…” (Fucking asshole). You mumble, frowning.
“Did you finish, or not?”
“You're so fucking annoying…”
“C'mon… You like to have my attention, don't you?”
“Jeez, stop”. You almost sob covering your face with both hands.
“Not until you accept to have a date with me”. He says chuckling yet, grabbing your wrists looking for your eyes. “You, me, my bike, the road, some mexican food… I think it's a good plan”.
“Okay…�� You just say wrinkling your nose ashamed, without being able to believe that it is really happening.
“You don't sound excited, reina”.
“I'm trying to not die because of my nerves”.
“Good, work on that! I will pick you up tonight, if you are still alive, of course”.
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No, you weren't expecting him to take you to a restaurant. He doesn't look like that kind of man, and you're more basic than that. And he finds out that you preferred that date, than another, when he sees the happy look installed on your face carrying a box full of different tacos. Sitting on a picnic table, you open it, to place it between both over the wood. You're really hungry and that food smells so good, that you can't wait to have a small piece from one of them under his eyes and a funny smile on his lips.
“Why didn't you tell me anything?” Marcus asks you, offering you a beer and having a sip from his.
“You always have… that shitty face scaring the shit outta me”. You smirk, trying to not laugh while finally grabbing a taco with a napkin under it, to not stain your clothes if something falls from it.
“I do—”. He can't help but chuckle without finishing talking, shaking his head.
“Oh, look at me, ‘El Padrino’!”. You tease him with a high-pitched voice, having a bite from your food. He laughs again and you're falling a little more every time he does it.
“I have an imagen to maintain”. Looking at him with both eyebrows raised, chewing your food with your mouth closed, the man bites his taco pretending that he doesn't enjoy that facet of rude man.
“For sure, macho alfa”. You chuckle spreading some lime over the taco in your hand. “So, why didn't you? Why didn't you… tell me anything?”
“The age? The distance? The risk?” Marcus asks leaning slightly over the table, without taking off his eyes from you. “I thought I was going crazy, until I noticed that thing you do with your perfume”.
“I don—”.
“Don't try to lie to me again, reina”.
“Maybe I did something”. You finally recognize, pursing your lips a little ashamed.
“Más sabe el diablo por viejo, que por diablo”. (This old dog knows all the tricks). He laughs nodding, seeing you licking your bottom lip after catching you.
“So… now what?” Having a sip from your beer, you ask with feigned innocence.
“I have to come back tomorrow to Oaktown, but I think I will be here next Monday”.
Nodding and grabbing another taco, giving it a bite in silence, you place your gaze on it. Knowing that you're having a good dinner but that he's going to leave again, makes you feel a little insecure about the fact that he could think about it being separated from you, and take the decision that it's better if you're not related. All these time falling in love more every day, for nothing. You also know that in Oakland still living his ex-wife and that's an added problem, because they have a good relationship. And you don't want it to change, but, what if after this night he sees that it's better to come back with her?
All these paranoias are oppressing your chest, keeping in mind that anything of these things wouldn't have to happen. That it's only inside your head. His hand getting tangled with your free, brings you back to reality, drawing a fleeting smile on your lips because of his unexpected caresses on the back of it with his thumb.
“I will be more time here, so I will see you often”. He just says, being somewhat aware of what's happening inside you.
“That sounds… good”. You recognize then, hoping that it's really true.
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On your way back home, your arms are surrounding tightly his waist, as if you didn't want him to leave. And actually, you don't want to. More afraid of not coming back to you, that getting hurt for a dispute with someone. Your cheek is resting against his back, closing your eyes and focusing your senses on the buzz the engine produces, and on his scent, totally enraptured. But very much to your regret, the road comes to an end, reaching your destination. Parking the bike on the sidewalk in front of your house, you jump out from his bike, taking off the helmet a little cheerlessly. Leaving a soft sigh escaping from your lips, you purse them turning at your home for a second, while he gets up from the motorcycle.
“I live there…” You say, looking for an excuse to extend the evening.
“Yes, I know”. He chuckles taking off his helmet too, and placing both over the seat, watching him brushing his messed hair with three fingers.
“What time are you leaving?”
“In five hours, I think. We have like nine hours of road ahead”.
“Shit… and I'm here distracting you”. You whisper, rubbing your forehead. “Go to sleep, I wouldn't like to hear that you had an accident because you were tired”.
“I'm used to”. He just says, before placing both hands on your neck, leaning forward to kiss you.
And you know you're about to die, running out of air tangling your fingers in the folds of his jacket. His lips are moving so slow that it's a pleasant torture for you, tasting them as if you had all the time in the world to do it. You couldn't get tired of kissing him. Not now that you finally are doing it. His tongue settles itself among your lips, finding yours, as you push him closer with a soft plaintive moan drowning into his mouth. You really love Marcus, and now you're more scared than never. Pulling himself away from you, but leaving one last kiss in your cheek, you can't help but hug him. Sinking your nose into his neck, the mexican gently caresses your hair.
“I promise I will be back on Monday. And the first thing I will do it's come to see you and make it up to you, for being so far”.
“I hope so”. You mutter. “If I have waited for a year, I can wait for some more days… But come back, please”.
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hwauas · 4 years
🕊️: "the lost prince", 1
park seonghwa | 박성화 - 2,016 words
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laying in the grass of the schoolyard, closed eyes, you were listening to the birds chirping as the sun was warming up your skin. there was a breeze, but it was perfect for you. perfect to relax.
suddenly, you felt a shadow over your face. you first groaned, and opened your eyes. you saw Seonghwa. he had a little smile on his face.
“can the cloud move? i'm looking for sun and heat at the moment.” you said teasingly.
Seonghwa only laughed and sat besides you.
you weren't in a relationship. yet.
you knew perfectly his feelings for you. and you had feelings for him. you never told him since you wanted this moment to be perfect. and you knew perfectly how you wanted it to be.
“did you think about what i asked you?” Seonghwa said. without any hesitation, he slid a hand through your hair and started massaging your scalp.
“hm.. let me think.. what did you ask lately..” you playfully answered, knowing you were playing with his patience.
“y/nnn! please! i'd like to know, it's tomorrow..” he pouted.
you were only able to giggle at his childish behaviour. you could tell how pouty he was by his hand which stopped doing its magic on your scalp.
“fine, fine.. yes, i thought about this, Hwa. and i'll be your.. your what again?” as you looked up to look at him, you smile as you saw both his eyes sparkling with happiness and boredom over his face.
“say it. i wanna hear you saying it.” he said with a kind of dominance in his voice.
“i'll be your prom date.” you softly smiled to him right after. “you better dress like the prince of my dreams.”
“i will princess/prince.” he started massaging your scalp again, smiling like a fool because of how happy he was. you finally accepted to be his prom date.
Seonghwa wasn't that popular. he was kinda known to be discreet and very kind. yet he wasn't shy. it was just his temperament to be discreet.
you both met thanks to a friend. she thought you both would get along well — and she wasn't wrong since you never left each other and even built strong feelings.
he was the perfect one for you: funny, intelligent, caring, romantic and very attentive. stunning to your eyes and charismatic were plus you weren't complaining about.
you almost fell asleep on the grass, enjoying the moment. you didn't care anymore about the time, even though your break was almost over. you just wanted to stay here, for the rest of the day.
“sleeping beauty, wake up. it's time to go.~” Seonghwa whispered as he stopped what he was doing in your hair.
“two minutes more daddy..” you whined, and even rested your head in his laps. you didn't notice his cheeks slowly reddening. should he move and wake you up? should he stay like that? he didn't know, and the emotional state you put him in didn't help at all. you giggled when you felt he was trying to move but didn't know how to do. “did i make you flustered, Hwa?”
when you finally straightened up, he was looking away. his cheeks were still red.
“n-no.. it's just that.. how you called me..” he cleared his throat.
“i made you flustered, i knew it!” you stood up and grabbed your stuffs. “are you driving me home after school?”
Seonghwa only nodded, still embarrassed about what happened.
with a bright smile, you waved goodbye at him and left for your classes.
the only things you could think about were the situation that happened earlier, how you made Seonghwa flustered and tomorrow's night. you planned this night since he asked you two weeks ago to be his prom date. everything was clear in your mind, everything was prepared.
the hours flew by quickly: spacing out sometimes and focusing on the lessons the rest of the time made it go faster for you.
as always, when you went out of the classroom, Seonghwa was standing here, like a real model. he was waiting for you. he looked away with red cheeks as your eyes met his.
you teased him almost immediately: “awww, he is still shy.”. you grabbed his arm, mentioning him you were ready to leave.
“you never stop, don't you..?” he led you to his car, and opened the door for you to sit on the passenger seat.
“never.” you said as you got in the car, and buckled up.
Seonghwa rolled his eyes, and closed the door to come on the driver's seat.
the beginning of the drive was quite, but it wasn't tense.
you decided to break the silence few minutes after you left.
“when are you going to pick me up tomorrow?” you asked as you played with you own fingers.
“at 6. and don't dare to ask for 5 minutes more, babygirl/babyboy. if you're not ready at 6, i leave without you.”
you gasped at you heard him calling that. you weren't prepared for this. it was unexpected.
you blushed, and bit on your inner cheek as if it would help you blushing less.
“did i make you flustered, y/n?” he answered, with a smirk.
you rolled your eyes, and looked through your window.
“i made you flustered, i knew it!” he said with a bright smile. it was enough for your heart to skip a beat.
“okay okay. we're evens. i'll be ready for 6 then.” you said, but still didn't look at me.
after minutes more, you were home. as you were gathering your things, Seonghwa undid his seat belt and get out of the car. he came to your side and helped you.
you wanted to leave quite rapidly since you were still shy about this name Seonghwa called you with. but he wrapped his hand around your wrist.
“already leaving? you need to take a train or what?” he pulled you close against his chest.
you blushed when you realised you were against his chest. you softly rested your hands on his abdomen, and looked up to him. this situation, as cliché as it can be, was making your heart skip few beats.
“so.. i'm gonna pick you up here tomorrow at 6. i can't wait to see how beautiful you'll be..” he whispered, as if he was afraid to break the moment.
nothing seemed to exist around you. it was him for you, and you for him. that's all.
as he slowly came closer to your face, as your lips were almost touching his, you heard your mom opening the front door to great you both.
“Seonghwa! y/n! how was your day? do you wanna eat something? aren't you hungry or thirsty after a whole day at school?” she said as she came closer to you.
you pulled away from Seonghwa's hold, blushing and a little bit embarrassed. “oh hum.. i-i don't know.. Seonghwa..?” you looked up at him to know if he wanted to eat something.
“i'm fine, i'm not hungry. thank you miss Choi.” he bowed as he respectfully refused the offer. “see you tomorrow, y/n.” he smiled to you. you could tell this smile held something more than only politeness. but you couldn't tell what exactly.
you stayed here to look at Seonghwa driving away. once the car wasn't visible anymore, you got in your home with your mom.
“Seonghwa is a very nice boy. i like him a lot.” you mother said as she went back into the kitchen.
you sighed, and went upstairs to your room.
you had started your homeworks, but couldn't think of anything else than what happened earlier. would Seonghwa have kiss you if your mom hadn't come?
you couldn't think straight. you were playing again and again this scene, that feeling of his face close to yours, his soft breath on your lips, your heart beating fast.
and until you went to bed, you couldn't think about anything else than this scene.
the day after passed by quickly. you spent it getting ready for the prom. the dress/the suit, the hairstyle, the makeup.. you were ready, and it was almost 6. you grabbed the last things, and went downstairs. your mom was here, waiting for you.
“y/n.. you're stunning..” she was looking at you with pride in her eyes. “my baby is growing up so fast..”
you hugged her tightly, a little smile spreading over your lips. you let her go of only when you heard someone knocking at your door.
“i think it's your partner.” your mom said as she went to the door to open it.
Seonghwa immediately bowed to your mom. when he saw you right after, he stopped moving. he was in awe of you. “y/n.. you're..”
you giggled and approached him to take his arm, ready to move. “stunning? and so you are.”
your mom was looking at you both with a little smile on her face. she couldn't think of something else but you both being perfect for each other, and adorable together.
“y/n will be home before midnight.” Seonghwa said to your mom.
she nodded with a smirk. “as long as she/he is with you.. i know she/he is safe. it's okay.”
you blushed, as you thought of a deeper meaning. yet, you didn't say anything.
you both then left after bidding goodbye to your mom.
Seonghwa, as always, was gallant and caring. he helped you getting in the car, he helped getting out once you arrived. he made sure you were good all the time.
as you were enjoying the night together, a slow dance started to play. Seonghwa shyly asked you to do this dance, and of course, you accepted.
this moment was yours. his hands on your waist, yours on his shoulders, eyes in the eyes. nothing could break this moment.
“i'm so proud and happy i have the most beautiful human by my side tonight, as my partner.” he said, with this bright smile of him.
you blushed and lowered your head to hide the state he put you in. “i- Hwa, please..” you made him giggle at your cute behaviour. right after, he kissed the top of your head  as if he wanted to say sorry. “can we.. go together somewhere after? somewhere we'll be alone for a moment. i have something to tell you..” you asked, still shy after what happened. to be sure he won't make you look at him, you rested your head against his chest. it was a soft hug during this slow dance.
Seonghwa only nodded as he kept leading you.
when the song stopped, you pulled away from this hug and only grabbed one of his hands softly. you led him out of the building to go and walk around it.
you first stayed quiet, starring at the starry night.
“you always have been quiet and calm while starring at the sky.”
you smiled at his comment. he knew you too well.
“what is this about? i'm listening, y/n.” he softly said.
you tightened your hand around his. before saying anything, you took a deep breath. your heart was racing. you couldn't remember of anything you prepared.
“i.. i had a little speech planned. but now i'm about to give it to you.. i forgot everything.” you bit your lower lip.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. “tell me as simple as you can, with your words.”
you nodded and took an another deep breath before starting saying what you had to say. “you told me about your feelings already and.. i wanted.. to tell you that i built strong feelings for you too.” still very shy, you kept your head lowered.
Seonghwa turned you over to face him. he had shining eyes, it looked like they were holding the whole universe. “then.. if i ask you out..?”
you nodded with a little smile.
he kissed your forehead, this kind of kiss that shows both protection and love.
“Choi y/n.. will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?”
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Stolen Heart (4)
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three 
@ninibears-erigom​ @baekwell--tart​ @mint-yooxgi​ @kimjongdaely​ @yeoldontknow​ @suhoerections​ @fairyyeols​
Warning: Mentions of drugs and guns and smut
Word Count: 1.5k
Baekhyun was so confusing to you. He told you to stay away but saved you time and time again. You knew he probably meant it the last time he told you to back off. He was probably tired of you just happening to end up being the damsel in distress but you couldn't help it. You wanted to see him, he was so mysterious and angry. Honestly you were incredibly turned on by his secretive nature and the bad boy vibes he so eloquently pulled off. 
That night you stood outside O'douls in your skinny jeans that you paired with a white tank top to keep it simple. Your stomach was flipping upside down in knots as you tried to convince yourself to go ahead and pull that bar door open. The one right there with the giant O on it, the door that would lead you to see the man who claimed he didn't care about you but his actions definitely proved otherwise. 
Taking one more deep breath, you pulled open the door to O'douls, a bar frequented by gangs, bikers, drug dealers, etc. They were the type of people your mom warned you about, the kind of people you didn't want to hang around, somewhere a girl like you should never be, yet here you were with your hand clutched to the handle of the door, slowly pulling it open. 
The bar was smaller than you thought it would be, and you had expected it to be packed with people but it was quiet, with only a few people who weren't happy with your intrusion. You stood inside the bar, looking at the back of a man you knew was Baekhyun and just in front of him, from what you could see was a table with drugs laid out across it, guns surrounding the drugs and three terrifying men sitting across from Baekhyun. 
"Well, who do we have here?" One man growled, looking you up and down. 
Baekhyun slowly turned around, looking you directly in the eyes. You could see the sudden change of emotion when he realized it was you, anger, and then terror before back to anger. 
"Get the fuck out. We're busy." Baekhyun snaps. You wanted to leave. At this moment, you would have listened to him, but unfortunately for you, your legs had decided they weren't going to work at the moment. Your stomach dropped, knots taking over, along with a lump in your throat. 
"Go!" Baekhyun growls, but still your body is made of jello at the moment you weren't going anywhere. 
"Now now, Byun. Let's let this pretty little thing come sit on my lap. Maybe she wants to come do a little line with me?" One man says, winking at you. 
You sure did not. 
"C'mere." Another man demands but you don't move. 
"Jinyoung. Leave it alone." Baekhyun snaps. 
"Shut the fuck up, Byun. C'mere bitch." Jinyoung demands again. 
"I won't tell you again, Jinyoung." Baekhyun snaps. "Leave it the fuck alone." He snaps, backing up slightly and putting his hand around your wrist and pulling you behind him. 
"And I won't tell you again, Byun. Shut the fuck up and lemme have my fun. Or is this bitch yours? She looks like she wants to come over here, so c'mon princess, come see daddy." Jinyoung purred. 
"I don't want anything to do with you." You blurt out by accident. You had been thinking it and then Baekhyun put his hand on your wrist and it felt nice, then your mouth began to speak without permission. Shit. 
"What'd you say bitch?" Jinyoung snaps, standing up from the table in a rage. 
"You wanna keep our good standing, good drugs and guns? You'll leave her the fuck alone, and let her go with no issues, Jinyoung. Or do you want a repeat of the last time you tried to fuck with us? You're not quite as strong since you lost Jackson." Baekhyun says. 
"Is that a threat?" Jinyoung asks with a smile. 
"Nah man, it's a fucking promise." Baekhyun spits. 
Jinyoung's smile fades away as he motions for the other two men to stand up and follow him out. "Our usual order of coke, meth, crystal and pills." Jinyoung says to Baekhyun before looking at you. "I'll be seeing you soon, princess." He finishes, sliding his gun into the waist of his jeans and walking out of the bar. 
Once Jinyoung and his men leave, you feel as though you can finally breathe. Baekhyun turns around to face you, his face angry and stone cold. 
"You just don't listen do you?" He snaps, walking slowly towards you. You walk backwards, terrified of how he was, and how mad he seemed to be at the moment. 
"I just.." you stuttered. 
"What? You just what?" He asked, backing you into a wall. 
Baekhyun leans in close, you can feel his hot breath on your ear as he slams his hand against the wall next to your head. "I've told you time and time again to not come around. Why can't you listen?" He growls. 
"Because.. I want to see you." You confess. 
"I've told you to stay away from me. I'm a dangerous man." He says. "I'll tell you one more time. Stay far away. Now get out." He snaps, walking away from you. 
"I don't want to stay away." You admit, walking towards him. "I can't stop thinking about you." 
You hear a small rumble from inside him as his back faces you. "I'm not good for you." He snaps. 
"You don't get to decide what's good for me and what's not. I decided that, and I have yet to see where you aren't." You say, even though you know he's right. The drugs, the guns, sketchy people are all good enough reasons, but not for you. 
Baekhyun swiftly turns around, looking you in the eyes. "Trust me when I say I will just end up ruining you." 
"I don't care." You whisper. 
Baekhyun reaches out, wrapping his large hand around the back of your neck, pulling your body into his before he harshly presses his lips to yours while pushing you against the wall. He hands reach for yours, lifting them both up and pinning them over your head while his tongue slides into your mouth deepening the kiss. 
He keeps both your hands pinned against the wall with one hand while his other one roam's your body, sending shivers down your spine. Baekhyun breaks the kiss, placing small kisses on your neck and chest. He releases your arms, gripping the neck of your shirt before tearing it in half, exposing your perky breasts. 
You knew today was a good day to go without a bra. 
Baekhyjn reaches down, cupping your breast, placing a nipple in his mouth, harshly sucking on the hard bud. 
"Mhm." You moan. 
"We need to make this fast." He growls, turning you around. "Pull down your pants." He demands. 
You quickly undo your pants, pulling them down enough that you're able to spread your legs and bend over. Baekhyun groans from behind you, undoing his own pants and letting his hard cock spring free, pre cum seeping from the tip of his cock.
"Shit." He groans, lining himself up with you before pushing his cock inside your tight pussy. 
Baekhyun reaches around, grabbing your throat, and pulling you back flush against him while he squeezes your neck and brutally fucks you. 
"I knew your pussy would feel so fucking good." He grunts, pumping himself into you. His hand leaves your throat, trailing down your body and in between your legs before rubbing your clit. Baekhyun relishes in the sound of your moans, and you telling him to fuck you faster. 
Fuck he loves it. 
He continues to fuck you, rubbing your clit roughly. Judging by the sound of your moans you were going to cum soon. 
"Oh god." You cry out. 
"Cum." He demands.
With those words, you cum immediately, soaking his cock with your wetness. 
"Fuck." He grunts, his thrusts becoming faster but sloppier. 
"I'm gunns cum." He yells, pulling his cock out of you and bending you over with one hand, becoming using his other one to rub his cock and cum all over your back. 
Baekhyun catches his breath before pulling up his pants and finding a cloth to wipe you down with. 
Once the two of you were dressed and settled, and you had a sweater on over your ripped shirt, Baekhyjn began to talk. 
"Look.." he says, being cut off by someone outside yelling. 
"Princess? Are you still in here?" You hear the voice of Jinyoung before the first door is pulled open. 
"Shit." Baekhyun whispers. He grabs a gun, tucking it in the waist of his jeans before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the back of the building. 
"I know you're here. You never left." You hear in the front of the bar while you and Baekhyun slip through the back. 
Nothing ever works out the way it should. 
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head)- Rafe Cameron
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(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)
Summary: Based on Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu and Beabadoobe
Word count: 3,181
Warnings: (Lung) Cancer, hospitalization, cursing, sadness, mentions of death, death.
I sobbed writing this I'm not gonna lie
Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed. I'll make a cup of coffee for your head, I'll get you up and going out of bed.
Rafe Cameron sat there in the doctor's office, his eyes glazed over and his jaw slacked as the doctor stared at him with a pitied look. Six words repeated in his mind, 'you have stage four lung cancer'. He was only 22, how did this happen so soon? 
He rubbed his hands over his face vigorously, cracking his knuckles after he stopped. "How long do I have?" "Some people don't survive more than 12 months, and if you're lucky, the latest I've seen is 5 years but that's with every single treatment."  He flared his nostrils as he held back his tears, he wanted to be around one person and one person only; you. 
Rafe showed up at your door after his appointment, a bouquet of rose's in his hand and a card in the other. You grinned at his kind gesture, your heart swelling with joy. He thought he would have to plaster a smile on his face, but the moment he saw you, a genuine smile appeared on his face. For the slightest moment, he forgot that he was dying.
You two spent the night together, cuddling and watching movies. Rafe held you close to him, his fingers skimming every part of your body, wanting to relish the feeling of you under his fingers. He checked the time and realized it was 3 in the morning and he was still awake. 
You shifted in your spot before turning your body to face his, your hand reaching up and combing his blonde locks out of his face. "Don't stay awake for too long baby, you need rest." You mumbled, half asleep. "I know, I know. I just have a bad headache." He lied. Truth is, he wanted to stay awake and just admire how you looked next to him, curled up in his chest, allowing him to see your natural beauty.
"I'll make you a cup of coffee in the morning and I have plenty of ibuprofen to share." You grinned, pressing a delicate kiss to his neck. "Goodnight, my love." He whispered as he kissed your forehead in return, watching you fall back into your sleep.
I don't wanna fall asleep, I don't wanna pass away. I've been thinking of our future 'cause I'll never see those days.
Rafe rubbed his eyes with his hands as he yawned, today was his third day without sleeping. He told you that he just kept waking up in the middle of the night but eventually he did go back to sleep. You believed him, offering any help to find resolutions but he politely denied them.
Truth was, everytime he fell asleep he had dreams about your future with him. The most recent one he had was of you two, married with two children. You two had moved out of the Outer Banks, wanting a new start. In this dream, he survived the cancer so he wanted a fresh start. Away from the toxic memories he had from that town.
It pained him every time he had a thought about your future, at least what he wanted your future with him to be. He wanted to make you so happy, he wanted to be the reason you woke up every morning and vice versa. You were his everything, and it killed him to know that soon it would come to an end.
I don't know why this has happened but I probably deserve it. I tried to do my best but you know that I'm not perfect.
You sat down on the couch, legs criss crossed as Rafe paced back and forth in front of you. He was mumbling to himself as you sat there confused, trying to calm down the nerves you knew he had. You didn't know what was going on which only worried you.
"Rafe, baby just sit next to me and talk to me." He sat down next to you, his elbows resting on his knees, terrified to look you in the eyes. You scooted closer to him and grabbed one of his hands, "breathe." Was all you said before he closed his eyes, deeply inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds before turning and looking at you.
You could finally see how scared he was, he looked like he hadn't slept, his eyes were pink and watery, the bags under his eyes were a light purple. You turned your body to face him, "Rafe, what's wrong?" He turned to you, mirroring the way you were sitting. "I have stage four lung cancer." 
His words felt like you fell face first in cement from a fifty foot drop. "W-what?" You stuttered, your voice just above a whisper. He nodded his head as he watched your eyes release tears. Your mouth fell open but you quickly covered it with your hand. You tried to speak but the only sound you could make was a gasping sound, like a fish out of water.
"I have maybe 12 months to live." Your mouth was dry, your heart felt like it was somehow racing and stopping at the same time. Your world felt like it fell out of space and shattered. You wanted to know how long he knew, but it didn't matter. Moral of the story was that you wanted him to live a good life for as long as he lived, and that's what you were gonna do. 
You didn't say anything, you simply crawled to him and straddled his lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he held your waist, allowing you two to cry into each other’s necks. He held you like if he were to let go, you would disappear forever.
“I got you Rafe, I got you." Your hand reached up and entangled itself in his hair, gently massaging it. "Why did this have to happen? Right when I was finally feeling happy." He screamed into your neck. 
"I don't hunny. I don't know." You whispered.
I've been praying for forgiveness, you've been praying for my health. When I leave this Earth, hoping you'll find someone else.
Rafe turned his head to look at you, making sure you were fast asleep before he slowly got out of bed. Replacing his body with a pillow, he snuck out of the room and outside of your house.
He made his way to the backyard and sat down on the grass, laying back as he looked up at the stars. He took a deep breath before speaking out loud. "Hi, uh- God. I don't know how this works, I don't know how to pray or even if you're up there, but if you are I need you to hear what I have to say."
A star above him shined brighter for a split second before disappearing behind a cloud. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for the disrespectful and disgusting teenager I was. I'm sorry for all the horrible things I did to my body. I'm sorry for the crimes I committed and never got caught. I admit to everything I have done wrong, I understand why you're taking it out on me. But please, leave Y/N out of this. She is the light of my life, the reason I was able to find happiness. Please don't take my actions out on her, make her fall out of love with me or something. Just...just something to ease her pain. Please."
Rafe was out at the grocery store, leaving you plenty of time to head over to the neighborhood church. You walked out of your car with sunglasses on so people couldn't see your red and watery eyes. You excused yourself as you shimmied through a small group of people.
You walked into the chapel and sat down in one of the pews. You removed your sunglasses before looking up at the front of the room. You let out a puff of air before speaking out loud. "Hi, God. I really don't know what I'm doing or why I'm even trying to talk to you. But I just, I'm so desperate and I just need your help. Please, please help Rafe. Help him at least live longer than a year, he wasn't the best person when he was a teenager, you know that. But he's changed into a whole new person, he knows how he was before and he hates it now. Please help him recover through this, help him pull through because I need him here. He was the one I was supposed to marry, the one who would be the father of my children, the one to help give me my happy ending. Please."
When I leave this Earth hoping you'll find someone else, 'cause yeah, we're still young there's so much we haven't done.
You shook your head at Rafe's words as you wiped your tears away with your hands. "No, there's no way." You cried out. He grabbed both your wrists and made you look at him. "Y/N, you have to listen to me. I don't want you to grieve or mourn, I want you to keep going. Find a new love, I don't want you to be alone. You need to find a new love, start a new story with them. Please baby, I beg you." 
You squeezed your eyes closed, your throat felt like it was slowly shutting. Your heart felt like it had been stabbed after hearing his words. You knew he had a point, you knew you couldn't mourn over him the rest of your life, but just hearing it so soon pained you more than you could ever imagine. 
Getting married, start a family, watch your husband with his son. I wish it could be me but I won't make it off this bed.
Another night where Rafe couldn't sleep, this being his 6th one in a row. He looked at you while you slept and admired the way the moonlight entered the window. The way the light cascaded down your face, highlighting some of your facial features. 
He slept maybe an hour, however he had a dream that woke him up. He dreamed that you got married to another man, watching as he took care of your son. He felt his heart pang with pain knowing that would be the harsh reality they would soon have to face. 
It felt like his body was there, he knew he was there, but it felt like his soul was floating out of him as he watched you be happy with a random stranger. He watched as you scooped your son up in your arms, spinning around as he let out cheerful giggles.
Rafe watched your husband who looked just as happy as you did. He hated that you were happy with someone else, but he knew you would be in good hands with your husband. He just had to pray that you'll meet someone who loves you just as much as he did.
I hope I go to heaven so I see you once again. My life was kinda short but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it's all ending.
Rafe had spent the next few months trying to make up for some of the shitty things he did in his teen years. He's been donating to the pour, volunteering at local shelters and soup kitchens, randomly picking garbage up from the highway. He was trying to do anything and everything to make sure he could go to heaven.
He had no clue if heaven or hell were real, but if they do exist he would do anything he could to make sure he got into heaven. After he dies, he knew that was his one chance to see you again. He knew one day he would wake up on the other side and you would be there, running to him to give him the hug both of you had been desperately craving.
I'm happy that you're here with me, I'm sorry if I tear up. When me and you were younger, you would always make me cheer up.
You softly knocked on the hospital room door, walking through the doorway with a tray of cafeteria food. "Hey baby, I brought you a sandwich and blue jello." He smiled at you, "my favorite." He subtly laughed before coughing harshly. You rushed over to his side and placed the tray down, grabbing one of the napkins to wipe away the small drops of blood that escaped his mouth.
"I got you baby, it's okay." You mumbled, passing him a glass of water as his coughing died down. You sat down in the seat next to him, watching him poke his sandwich before taking a small bite out of it. He sighed before dropping the sandwich back onto the plate, his eyes already crying. He sniffled as he covered his face with his hands, ashamed to be in the spot he was in right now.
You reached forward and grabbed onto his hand, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb as he tightened his grip. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. You shook your head trying to fight back your tears. "Don't apologize baby, I'm right here." "And I'm so fucking happy you are." 
You held his hand, looking down at his fingers as you played with them. "Remember back in 8th grade when I got into a really bad argument with my dad after he married Rose? I was so angry and upset, and I ran right to your house. But you were right there to help me, you cheered me up in a matter of seconds of me being with you. That was one of the first times I truly knew how happy you made me." He recalled the memory, thinking about it like it was yesterday.
Taking goofy videos while walking through the park. You would jump into my arms every time you heard a bark.
You pulled up your snapchat and pressed record. You and Rafe decided to go to the local park to just go on the playground equipment. There was nobody around, even if there was when you were with him you felt like you two were the only ones there.
You recorded the video as Rafe pushed you on the swing set, you turned the camera to face you, zooming in on the large smile on his face. You pumped your legs up, accidentally kicking him in the stomach. The video got the whole thing and his reaction. You jumped off the swing and turned around to see him hunched over and groaning. 
"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" You quickly apologized, trying to help him stand up straight. He laughed loudly, his bright smile never left his face. "That was so fucking funny!" You joined him in laughing, enjoying the moment. He held you closely by the waist as you held his elbows. "God, I am so in love with you." He muttered before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
"Okay shut up that was one time and it was a dare!" You defended yourself, jokingly pushing his shoulder. He brought up the story about how you ran down the block fully naked one night in senior year. Your laugh stopped the moment you heard a loud bark echoing in the distance. 
Your hand quickly reached down to grab his as your head turned in different directions to see where the sound came from. Rafe stopped walking and stood in front of you. "Hey, hey it's okay. It was just a dog." You nodded your head before letting out a shaky breath.
His free hand reached up and held the side of your face, "I got you Y/N. I won't let anything hurt you."
Cuddle in your sheets, sing me sound asleep. And sneak out through your kitchen at exactly 1:03. 
You hushed Rafe as he whispered to you. Rafe had been your boyfriend for the last 2 months, however you hadn't told your parents about him yet which meant sneaking around if you wanted to be with him. You figured out a way to sneak him into your house without your parents knowing.
He tiptoed into your room before flinging himself onto your bed. He wasted no time in wrapping himself in your sheets, his arms wide open waiting for you to join him. You laid down next to him, watching as he looked at you with puppy eyes and his bottom lip pouting. "Which song tonight?" He thought for a minute, "Fix You by Coldplay." 
You shifted in your spot so Rafe could rest his head on your chest, your hand reached yo to play with his hair. "When you try your best but you don't succeed…" you quietly sang to him. You continued until you heard his soft snores escape his lips. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to fall asleep with him.
You were woken up by the feeling of his lips against yours, mumbling 'wake up' against them. "I'm awake." You muttered, rubbing your eyes. "I gotta head home."  You nodded before flinging the sheets off of your body. You held his hand in yours before quietly opening your bedroom door. You led him down the halls and to your garage door. 
He spun you around so you could face him, his hands finding your waist as you roped your arms around his neck. "See you tomorrow?" He questioned, "absolutely." You leaned forwards and kissed him softly, your lips hovering over his for a second. 
"Goodnight handsome."
Soon you'll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me.
It's been 12 months, Rafe was admitted into the hospital at the beginning of month 11. It happened when Rafe broke into a coughing spit that ended up with him spitting up splatters of blood. You weren't ready when that happened, you knew that that was the beginning of his end and that terrified you.
"Y/N?" He whispered, you sat up from your seat and stood next to him. "Yeah baby?" "Can you kiss me?" Your heart clenched at how soft his voice was. "It would be my honor." You grinned as he let out a weak laugh. Leaning down you cupped the side of his face and passionately kissed him. 
You pulled away from him, not even knowing about the tears that rolled down your face. "My eyelids feel heavy." He admitted, knowing this might be his last day. You held the side of his face, watching as his eyes slowly fell shut and his heart monitor slowed down. "No no, Rafe look at me. Keep your eyes open." You begged.
"I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N, forever and always." He whispered before his eyes fell shut. The room went silent except for the sound of the monitor flat lining, fear running through your veins. "Doctor!"
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awafflenamedhaji · 4 years
This is my first time making some x reader here in tumblr so please bare with my grammar and some mistakes😣😣
Yamaguchi x !fem!reader
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You, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are friends since kids and have been together till now
You and Tsukishima are cousins but you both have different personality (at this point I don't even know where he got his salty personality from)
You live in the same roof as Tsukishima since your family's house is far
You and Yams have a thing for each other but too afraid to confess to one another
Tsukishima always drops hints (like all the time) that you both like each other but just plain stupid to realiz,e he's the bridge of your relationship
"Tsukki!! Why'd you order me crispy fries?! I like them soggy you know!" Yamaguchi yells while pouting at Tsukishima who is grinning widely while staring at me
"Yams you can have mine! It's a bit crispy but there are some soggy ones!" I slid my fries onto his front and took the fries that Tsukishima bought
"Ha! It must be nice to have y/n's soggy fries huh?" Tsukishima then had a smug smile plastered on his face "Maybe she made them soggy on purpose—" I threw a wet wipe on Kei's face that smudged his glasses "WHAT THE— WHY'D YOU THROW THAT AT ME?!" Now it's my turn to have a smug smile on my face
"There was oil on your mouth and I was just helping you out cousin, you don't like oil on your mouth don'tcha?"
"Hey hey! Quit it you two, people are staring!" Yamaguchi whispered and looked at the both of us
"Ugh, I'm just gonna leave, have fun on your date" What the fuck is his problem
"D-date?! Tsukki what do you mean—" Yamaguchi hurriedly tried to catch up with Kei
"And y'all just gonna leave me here with your leftovers?"
"Hey Kei?? Ya hear me? Hello???" I poked his side and to my surprise, he's ticklish there
"Oh my oh my! Kei's very ticklish on his sides huh??" I smirked while trying to tickle him
"Stop it will you?! Or I'll tell Tadashi that you like him!" W-what??! NO HE CAN'T KNOW
"NO NO NO I'M SORRY FOR DISTURBING I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS!" I bowed to him and waited for his response
But to my dismay as I look up he has this smile that I can tell that he is planning on something
"Then you'll do anything I say? Is that a deal or not?" He took off his headphones and waited for my response
"W-well it depends on... what you are planning" I looked away at him and started fidgeting my hands
"You'll have to confess, well maybe not really confess but make him answer if he is interested into dating you"
"How would I know? You two are like beans in a pod that you can't even separate" He was satisfied with my reaction so he went back to what he was doing
I swear for the love of Asajesus I want to kick this tall stick's ass and send him to the fucking sun
"Ugh I'd rather get buried than say to Yams that I like him" I played with the pen that was just lying on the desk the whole time
"Suit yourself, don't blame me if you get that problem wrong, I offered you a good deal yet you refused" THIS GUY—
The next day my homework got returned to me and of course... I need to redo it
"Kei..." I tapped his shoulder
"Hm? You failed? Sucks to be you" He smirked and went back to dozing off to his “wonderland”
"Ughh just hear me out!! I accept your deal!" His eyes opened
"Then go ahead, there's an hour for you to go and confess"
"Take it or leave it, I'll be waiting" Ughh after that I ran to the cafeteria to find a grayish-green haired boy with freckles plastered on his face
"HAHAHAHAHA! Don't tell me that.. you spitted your orange juice on her blouse? Poor her she gotta wash that hard to take the stain off!" He laughed while talking to Hinata and Kageyama at the corner
"We'll I was surprised so I accidentally spat the juice at her!"
"Yams!" I called out and they immediately turned their heads at my direction
"Oh hey y/n! What's up? Is there a problem?" I huffed "I just need to excuse you for something urgent, umm you don't have to wait for Yams here bye!"
I held his wrist and dashed out of the cafeteria and of course we went to our usual spot where me Kei and Yams always go to
"Umm... so Yams uhh.. you see uhh I've been meaning to... ask you something" What the heck why can't I just talk like a normal person
"Yeah? What is it? I hope it's not hard to answer though hahaha!"
"Uhmm...." I fidgeted "A-are you... by any chance uhmm.... interested in you know.... in getting into a relationship" He looked at me in confusion and thought about what I asked
He blushed "N-no.. not really.." He's saying no but his face does..
"O-oh really? Hahaha! Uhmm is there someone you like? Like, like romantically?" He nodded in response and looked away
"Yeah... She has been for a long time had make my heart skip a beat"
"H-ha! Now I've got a chance to pass that freaking homework! Let's go? Kei might be waiting at the classroom" I stood up with a gloomy face, not even sparing a glance at Yamaguchi
"Ooh.. okay.... why did you ask though?" He got curious and of course I'm dumb and told him
"N-nothing... It was just a dare Kei made me do.. Just forget about it!"
Dead silence. Yes we're not talking to each other until I asked him
"Have y.. you asked the girl out?"
"Why not? I mean I know she'll like you too! I mean who wouldn't want a fluffball like you?"
Who wouldn't like an amazing guy like you?
I looked at him and he was as red as a tomato, and it's so freaking adorable
"U-uuuh~ Can w-we drop the topic?"
I guess he doesn't like talking about someone he likes to me
(Istfg they're so dumb, but Yams is cute)
We have reached our classroom with silence, I've got no chance huh?
The day just went like how it used to, me listening to the teachers, taking notes and everything except when it's time to go back home
"Kei I'm going home early, don't ask why" He looked at me with a not so concerned look
"Uhh okay? Want me to tell Yamaguchi?"
"Nah, he's not interested about that anyway, oh and don't forget about the deal, Imma head out"
I heard the door closed and so I took my notebook and pen and set it to his table
The door opens and he squinted at the sight
"What are you doing in here? Get out"
He rolled his eyes and settled in beside me
"The fuck? Where'd you get these answers from? Are you nuts?" HOW RUDE
"Not my fault his teaching was hard to understand" I scoffed
"Well if you're not dumb you'd get the answers right, anyone can solve this y/n"
"Ugh fine fine just teach me already!"
"Later, I need to wait for him" Him?? Is he expecting someone?
"Gomen Tsukki! I was adoring the cat outside so I got in late!" He opened the door panting, he still hasn't noticed me
"Uhm.. I-I'll just watch how to solve it, I'm going back to my room" I packed up my things and was about to stand
"I thought you wanted me to teach you? Since I'm teaching you two the same thing I called him here" He smirked
But I want to avoid him.. for the mean time
"Nevermind that, I'll just ask you something else, later Yamaguchi" I left Kei's room and went straight to bed
Ughh I can't face him like this, I'm just gonna take a nap and do my assignment later
"Uhmm.. Y/n I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way, I hope we can still be friends though..." I teared up
"Y-yeah it's alright, I'm not really expecting you to reciprocate my feelings so it's okay!"
No it's not okay, not okay..
I love you but you don't love me..
"LWHWIAKKAGSI" I woke up to see Yamaguchi's face close to mine
"OH MY FUCKI— OWW!" I bumped my forehead in his
"AH! I'M SORRY Y/N! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! I WAS JUST GOING TO WAKE YOU UP!! GOMEN!!" I massaged my forehead "N-no it's okay! I was just s-surprised that you're here..."
"Tsukki said I should wake you up.. I'm really sorry! Ahh look at your head" He quickly touched my forehead and my heart starts to beat faster
"It has a bump! I'M REALLY SORRY!!!! I'M GETTING YOU SOME ICE!" He's leaving... this is your chance to confess or else you won't be able to get things off of your chest
"W-wait.." I held his shirt and started to get red
"What is it? Does it hurt? Fuck I'm sorry!" He took his hand off of my head
"N-no.. it's.. uhh.. ilikeyou..... so.." I mumbled "What? I can't hear you" Oh god this is embarrassing
"I like you Yams— I mean.. *sigh* You don't have to say anything, I'll just get the ice.. You can go back to Kei.." I said it... though this will be a one sided— "I l-like you too... y/n.. I like you a lot... I m-mean like lot, a lot more than anyth—" I hugged him
I don't want him to see my face, I'm so flustered that I just hugged him without hesitating
"Finally! These dumb dorks" Kei looked at us with satisfaction
"Y-you! You planned this huh?" I stood up and started to hit Kei's arm
"Ow! Well at least you won't have to sulk in this dark room of yours!"
"What do you mean dark?? This is called style you uncultured salt!"
"Hey hey don't start bickering, I'm going to teach her Tsukki so do you mind if you know.. you could-"
"Go back to your room and start listening to your weird music!" I pushed him to his room and went back to my “dark room” he said
"C'mere, I'll teach you the easy way" He sat down on the floor and started to scribble on my notebook
I wiggled my way to his lap and leaned on Yams
"H-hey! It's hard to teach if y-you're leaning on me!" I chuckled "You'll get used to it! Now teach me!"
so yeah the ending is crap (○゚ε゚○)
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
Chapter three: I will always keep you safe
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Amora found herself wide awake on Friday morning she couldn't sleep, she briefly thought about her date with the man she'd met in Maria's café on Tuesday, she had to admit the thought of going out with him tonight made her feel a little queezy and a little unnerved, the only reason she had said yes was because her best friend Carol had been going on and on about how Amora needed to put herself out their more and date some guys, Amora remembered how Carol joked one time and said "you never know you might meet Mr right", but if Amora was being completely honest with herself she was also disappointed about how Christopher hadn't asked her on a date, she would much rather go out with him than the guy from the café, she then allowed her thoughts to wander to Christopher and how she'd grown so fond of their interactions in the mornings, she now knew how he liked his coffee, that the intimidating man who was always with him was called zabdiel, that he and Chris had been best friends basically their whole lives along with their three other best friends and how he was not actually that intimidating once you got to know him, rather he was more like a gigantic teddy bear, but zabdiel told her never to tell anyone else that because he had a reputation to up hold, which Amora remembered made her laugh in the moment.
Amora was just peacefully laying on her back facing up at the ceiling when suddenly she heard loud rapid knocking on her front door, she got out of bed and padded across the floor wondering who the hell it could be at this time in the morning.
Amora opened the door to two men with caramel like skin, both had black hair but one of them also had a beard and a pair of black sun glasses on, Amora gave them a questioning look, she had no idea who they were and thought to herself they must have the wrong apartment. The man without the sun glasses spoke first "are you Amora" he asked her, Amora wanted to know how the hell he knew her name and where she lived, she cautiously nodded her head yes. The man with the sun glasses on then stepped forward and forcefully grabbed Amora's wrist and said "you need to come with us", she panicked, where they trying to kidnap her, she tried to yank her wrist back "I'm not going anywhere with you" her voice raising and becoming more panicked, when suddenly in walked through her door zabdiel, "zabdiel" Amora yelled with relief as she ran to hug him, he carefully tucked her in his arms, she gazed up at him as she pointed a finger back at the other two men "their trying to kidnap me" she frantically told him, zabdiel looked up from her face and the gentle look he had been looking at Amora with vanished and was replaced by the mean glare she knew all to well, "what does she mean you tried to kidnap her" he asked coldly, the guy who had previously grabbed Amora stood forward and said "we told her she had to come with us" "thats it" zabdiel snapped, he was loosing his patience, the two men stood back with their heads hung low. Zabdiel turned to Amora "I'm sorry about these two idiots they appear to have left their manor's at home" zabdiel said staring at them with a look that could have killed them, he then turned to Amora and his gentle gaze was back "Christopher sent me to get you, he needs to talk to you" Amora looked at zabdiel with an apologetic look on her face and said "I'm sorry zabdi, but I've work, can it not wait till later", the two men behind her raising their heads with shocked looks on their faces at the mention of the nickname, as they both knew very well he hated that nickname and they were even more surprised when zabdiel didnt give out to her for it, "No it can't wait, Amora please its important" he said it so softly she almost mistook it for a whisper, she nervously bit her lip and pondered the idea, Amora strolled over to her nightstand to pick up her phone, she dialed her work number and told them she was sick and she wouldn't be in today, zabdiel smiled at her, grateful that he had managed to persuade her, "why don't you get dressed we'll wait outside the door for you.
Amora stepped outside her apartment door and zabdiel was right there just like he told her he would be, to tell the truth the other two men made her uneasy and she didnt really want to be left alone with them. Amora sat next to zabdiel in the car, the whole time her eyes never left her lap, she felt intimidated under the other two men's gaze.
Finally the car pulled up to a house that appeared to be more like a mansion. Amora stepped out of the car and zabdiel led her into the house, the other two men walked ahead of them into what she presumed to be the living room. As soon as Amora stepped foot into the living room her eyes wandered around the room, she first noticed Christopher, which made her feel a little more at ease, she didnt know why but she just felt safe around him, she noticed another man he was short with beautiful dark skin that was covered in tattoos and he had blonde hair, he didnt look as intimidating as the two who'd shown up at her door with zabdiel, there was also a girl, who Amora noticed had beautiful caramel coloured skin, short black hair and her arms were also covered in colourful tattoos, she sat on the sofa with a bored expression on her face. Amora's eyes flickered back to Christopher, he walked closer to her and looked at zabdiel "was everything alright" he asked while his gaze flickered between zabdiel and her, zabdiel looked over at the two men they'd arrived with and then back to Chris "Joel and Erick scared the shit out of her, but apart from that yeah everything is fine", Amora thought to herself so thats their names, Christopher sharply turned his head towards them with a mean and cold stare on his face, the two men instantly hung their heads low knowing they were in for it later. Christopher turned to Amora and with a soft look in his eyes he said to her "we need to talk, I have to tell you some important things", the girl on the sofa snickered under her breath but Christopher still heard her and he was not remotely impressed. Christopher stuck his hand out for Amora to grab onto, she quickly looked up at zabdiel as if asking if she should go with him, zabdiel gently nodded his head yes, Amora softly placed her hand in Chris' as he was leading her off she heard the man with the sun glasses say "$5 says she runs for the hills when he tells her", she then heard zabdiel smack him over the back of the head and say "Cállate pendejo".
*Amora's POV*
As I sat on a leather chair in what appeared to be Christopher's office, I nervously played with the hem of my sun dress waiting on him to talk. He looked nervous, like he didnt know how to start or if he even wanted to. Christopher looked up with a solemn look on his face and I suddenly knew that whatever Chris was about to say was serious. "Amora I have to tell you something important, but you have to promise to stay calmb and not freak out ok?" I nodded my head yes, he took a deep breath and with a stone cold expression he said "Amora I'm in a gang", I laughed "yeah right, and I'm secretly related to the queen of England", "Amora I'm not joking I'm the leader of a very well known gang", he then went on to explain how the rest of the guys outside are also apart of his gang, his most important members, but he then also went on to explain how he had many enemies but his main rival was an american gang and that the man who I was supposed to go out with tonight was apart of that gang and he was really trying to kidnap me and he then explained how I'd have to go away with him at least until he could eliminate the threat against my life. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and like I was gonna pass out, Christopher quickly noticed how pale I'd gotten all of a sudden "Amora why don't you lay down on the sofa, I know this is a lot of information to process" he helped me to the sofa in the corner of his office, I layed down "I can't believe this someone's trying to kill me" I gasped out, Chris looked me in the eyes "I will always protect you Amora, I'll never let anything happen to you" was the last thing I heard before passing out.
*Narrator's POV*
Amora woke up to the faint sound of talking in the distance, she sat up, the office was now empty, the door left slightly ajar. She tip toed out of the office so as to not draw any attention to herself, she peeked around the corner of the living room to see Christopher telling everyone to start packing as they would be leaving early tomorrow morning, Christopher caught Amora out of the corner of his eye, he instantly turned his attention to her "you're awake, are you ok bonita?" he rushed to her side to check her like a worried mother, Amora shyly smiled at his concern, "we're leaving, where are we going?", Christopher gave her a sorrowful look "yes we have to leave to keep you safe cariño". The girl Amora recognized from earlier scoffed "this is bullshit" Chris snapped his head in her direction so sharply Amora thought he'd break his neck "Cállate Natalie" Amora had never heard Chris sound so mean, "oh come on Chris this is fucking bullshit and you know it, we're all just supposed to pack up and move to protect little miss princess there huh, tell me why we shouldn't just give that little bitch to jonah right now, better her dead than us", Christopher was seething with anger and Amora felt the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, she turned and ran back to Christopher's office where she had previously been, as she closed the door she could hear Chris screaming at Natalie, before now Amora would have never been able to picture Chris so angry, then again she'd only known him a week, but she couldn't believe it, her Chris who was so gentle and sweet with her was actually a well known gang leader, this sounded like something straight out of a book. Amora sat on the sofa crying, she didnt want to die, she heard a gentle knock on the door and Chris poked his head in, he quickly scanned her face and seen the tears streaming down her pink cheeks, her eyes were puffy and looked sore from her rubbing them, he quickly sat down and cradled Amora on his lap, running his fingers through her hair while he rubbed her back with his other hand, making soothing shushing noises "Amora don't listen to her, she's just a bitter, selfish bitch and besides didnt I tell you I'd always protect you and I'd never let anything happen to you" he softly spoke looking into her tear filled eyes, Amora wiped her eyes one last time, sniffling as she nodded her head yes, "well I always keep my promises cariño".
Later that night Amora found herself struggling to fall asleep in the big dark room Christopher had previously shown her to after her little break down, she felt restless and a little scared she was in a strange house. Amora sighed she couldn't take it anymore, she yanked the sheets off her body her bare legs cold as she was only wearing one of Christopher's t shirts as a nightdress, she tip toed out of her room and down to the door at the end of the hallway, she gently opened the door, it squeaking in the process, Christopher lay asleep in the bed his mouth wide open with soft snores leaving his perfect lips, Amora had to stop herself from giggling at how cute he looked, she carefully tip toed across the floor but one of the floor boards creaked Christopher being startled sat upright on the bed his eyes quickly focused on Amora standing in front of him wearing his t shirt, her curls messy and a tired look on her face, concern flashed across his face "Lo que está mal cariño" he watched as she shifted from one foot to the other with a shy look on her face "I couldn't sleep and I was wondering if I could stay in here with you" she timidly replied while figiting with the hem of his t shirt she was wearing, a sleepy smile made its way onto Chris' face "Por supuesto que puedes bebé" he softly whispered while pulling the blanket back for her, she climbed into the bed, Christopher pulled the covers over them and then enveloped her in his embrace "¿Es este bebé bien", she nodded her head against his chest inhaling his scent. Amora drifted off to sleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.
Hey guys this is chapter three of The Gang Leader I hope you liked it😊
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jonathananubian · 4 years
Phase: Ponds & Mace [SWs Fic]
Part 2
Waking to the bright lights of the medical bay aboard the Endurance Ponds winced. There was a small chuckle above him and the light dimmed, revealing the Corps' chief medic. "Alright there, vod?" Waving the man away he slowly sat up, feeling weak as a newly decanted cadet. Closing his eyes he focused on himself and felt a faint ripple in the force around him. Memories flooded into his mind and he let out a small gasp. Turbo reached for him, concerned, and Ponds held onto the medic's hand as if he were a drowning man.
"Turbo, where's the General?" Ponds asked in Mando'a. Turbo's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before his expression softened and he smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, vod, the General was sent back to his quarters after a quick dip in bacta. You've been out for three days." Turbo said, also slipping into Mando'a. Ponds' alarm grew. He knew he'd pushed himself trying to save Mace but he didn't think he'd pushed himself that hard. It must have been the force exhaustion Haat'buir warned them all about. "What has you so spooked vod? The General wouldn't tell us what happened down there." Ponds felt a familiar pang of warmth in his chest and bit the inside of his cheek to keep the feeling in check. "The General was trapped under a collapsed building. The whole thing came down n our heads. He pushed me out of the way with the force to save me." Turbo winced in sympathy, knowing exactly how that must have felt for his commander. Not everyone knew about which brothers were force sensitive, or what their abilities were. Only the highest ranked vode who knew how to keep that information out of enemy hands and the chief medics of each battalion knew exactly who was force sensitive. It was just safer that way. Turbo knew every vod that was force sensitive and what their powers were. So he could easily put two and two together and figure out exactly what Ponds must have been feeling watching tons of rubble fall on the man he wanted so dearly to protect. If Mace hadn't chosen to throw him out of the way Ponds would have been perfectly fine. His ability would have saved him. "I dove in after him." Turbo's eyes went wide and Ponds' shoulders fell slightly. He knew it was a risk and yet he couldn't just leave Mace to suffocate or worse. "Vod... does he... does he know? Did he see you?" The further slump of Ponds' shoulders and the way his head fell forward in defeat was enough of an answer for the chief medic. "Fuck, vod, what are we going to do?" Ponds heaved a sigh before sitting up straight, jaw clenched in resignation. "We call the Rid'alor." Turbo blinked at him for a moment before frowning at his suggestion. "I know you lot want to believe your buire can fix anything but this is the head of the jetiise we're  talking about here." Ponds gave Turbo a dry look, shaking his head. "I meant he could get me transferred. Maybe fake my death and have the medics produce some false autopsy results. We could play my force sensitivity ogg as some sort of weird fluke." Turbo's mouth snapped shut with a click. "You don't want to be transferred, vod. You... you love working with the General." Ponds didn't respond, though his face did color slightly and he swallowed bitterly. "You can't even lie to the General on a good day. How are you going to fake your own death? Knowing that he would be grieving for you would tear you apart." He was right, force dammit. Ponds was terrible at lying to Mace. The idea of faking his own death and leaving both the General and his men made something sickly pool in the pit of his stomach. These were his men and his General. He didn't want to just leave them. "I'd hate it. But I will do what I must to protect my vode." Turbo squeezed his shoulder in sympathy and understanding. They all did what they had to in order to keep one another safe. "I'll see if I can get someone to-" Something at the edge of his senses brushed against his mind and he turned to the door just as it opened. Turbo froze, mouth still open, as Mace stepped inside. His dark eyes were searching and Ponds felt his mouth turn dry as his hands began to tremble faintly with nerves. "Turbo, I'd like a word with Ponds for a moment." The man said, never looking away from his commander. "Alone, if you would." It wasn't quite an order, but it wasn't a request either. After a year at war they had come to understand Mace's subtle moods. Turbo gave him a look and he shook his head minutely. There was no reason to deny the request. The chief medic hesitated a moment before standing up from the chair next to him. At the door he gave Ponds one last concerned look before the door closed behind him. Mace stood near the doorway quietly, not stepping further into the room, and Ponds didn't dare look at him. After a long silence that seemed to last forever he felt, as well as heard, Mace quietly cross the floor and settle in the chair Turbo had left vacant. The man let out a slow breath before carefully reaching out with the force. Ponds flinched slightly as the cool shadowed calm that was Mace's presence in the force gently brushed against his shields. Knowing that there was no way Mace had missed his use of the force earlier he lowered his shields and let the man in. "Oh." Came the almost breathless word from the Master of the Order as he, for the first time, felt the true depth of Ponds' presence in the force. He wasn't quite sure what the man would be able to sense of him. Ever since they were small his brothers had a hard time describing how he felt in the force. He was elusive, fleeting, and hazy. Fading in and out of existence- like a mirage. Tentatively Mace lay a hand on Ponds' wrist, as if trying to make sure whether or not he was actually there. Ponds moved his arm and carefully caught Mace's hand in his own, giving it a tight squeeze to show that he was there. That he was real and not some phantom. Then, with barely a thought, he pulled his hand through Mace's, watching his face for any kind of reaction. "What the kark?" Ponds can't help it. The blatant confusion on the man's face makes him crack up a little. "I don't know how to explain it, and neither does anyone else either. It's just what the force blessed me with at birth." Looking into Mace's dark eyes he could see a wealth of understanding there that he wasn't quite sure what to do with. He pulled his hands into his lap. "You asked me how I was able to get to you while you were trapped." He swallowed. "This. This is how. Solid matter means nothing to me. If I need to get into a room no door can stop me, except anything made with force repelling materials." He'd used it a few times when his men or civilians were captured and needed to be rescued swiftly. There was an added bonus where going through electronics had a tendency to short them out. It was all too easy to override door locks by just shoving his hand into the wall and pulling it back out again. Mace placed a hand on top of his and Ponds can't help but look back at him. Their gazes locked together and Mace's hand tightens on his. "I swear to you, Ponds, that I will tell no one about this." Ponds' chest feels warm and his throat is tight. "You risked your secret to save my life." There was something fierce in his eyes, determined and strong. "Besides, I would never willingly betray your trust." Ponds wants to believe him so, so, badly. Mace must be able to see his indecision, either on his face or in the force. The man leans closer to him, his voice a gentle murmur, smooth and soft like always when the two of them are alone. "Ponds, please." There is a slight waver in his voice that makes the commander's heart thump heavily against his ribs. "I don't want to lose you." Had he overheard them speaking? Did the man know Mando'a? After a year at war with his troops he suspected that Mace had learned more of their language than he let on. The admission that he didn't want to lose Ponds made the force feel warm and comforting around them, almost approving. A blush creeps over his face, coloring his cheeks and ears. Bashfully he looks down at his lap. Turning his hand over he tentatively laces their fingers together, feeling a little too overwhelmed to look Mace in the eyes. "I don't want to leave you either Mace." His General, no, his jedi lets out a ragged breath. "I know the code you hold yourself to, both as a warrior and a jedi. I don't want to distract you from your path or cause you pain but..." But. It was such a small word. Yet it was filled with so much promise, and so much danger. Being one of the few force sensitive clones meant he had a duty to his brothers, to protect them. If it came down to it he would kill himself rather than let anyone find his brothers. That didn't even touch on the idea of light or dark sides of the force and what might happen if either he or Mace fell. As if sensing where his thoughts were heading Mace tightened his grip. "The Code is not absolute. There is a difference between love and attachment." Ponds' heartbeat was loud in the silent room, beating against his rib cage. Trying to push away the well of feelings that had sprung up within him he felt Mace's calm touch against his mind and shuddered. With both of their force presences intertwined like this there was no way the man could not feel everything Ponds was feeling. "Ponds." Using that soft tone of voice on him just wasn't fair.  Neither was the steady kindness and determination threading through him and shoring him up, filling him with strength. "Will you show me the difference?" His voice sounded so far away to his own ears but it was clear he had been heard by the surprised warmth that flooded through him. Finally looking up he sees the small smile on a normally stern face. "I promise. We'll walk this path together." Leaning forward Mace presses their foreheads together and Ponds' closes his eyes. It is the first time he's felt so sure of himself since leaving Kamino. "Ner jetii." Ponds whispers quietly, reverently. Mace laughs joyfully and the force sings with happiness. This is a side story to a bigger project. If you’re interested it can be found here; https://archiveofourown.org/series/1608202 Tagging, since you seemed really interested. @lyumia0202
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coconutshvings · 5 years
ATZ Reaction:Giving him a Promise Ring {Hyung Line}
∵ Group || Ateez
∵ Genre || Fluff
∵ Warnings || Some are shorter than others
- I'm Semi Back My lovelies ♡ ! This just came to me ~ WR:Le
Plot// After a period of time you decided to express your love to him in a way that spoke more than a thousand words of love, it was the perfect gift being the period of time you'd been together with one another, something you felt was to seal the promises you've made through out your long love. It was an item not to be given lightly or carelessly nor would you, for he was the surest thing to come unexpectedly into your life, someone you weren't willing to even consider of slight thought of letting go of. The better half that you didn't even know could fit you.
You waited til you were able to have his attention, his time for you, to give him this beautifully sentimental Gift and his reaction? Quite priceless . You sat practically binded by hip on the couch as he was oddly fascinated by your hair, "The texture feels different." You tried not to let his cuteness get to you, you wanted this to be as serious yet romantic as possible all while being in a comfortable setting .
You slowly reached up sliding your hand from his elbow to his wrist slightly gripping it to bring it down to his lap. He noticed this action with his eyes mirroring yours as they stayed in contact you could tell he was now very curious- and a bit nervous. You looked to his wrist that rested in your hand gently letting go of it and gliding your own hand so that it rested on the back of his before gently turning it to see his palm face up.
You used your other hand to caress his fingers, smiling at them, they'd brought you so much happiness in the purest of ways, when they intertwined with yours, when they helped you wash your hair or anything , so much they had done and you thought you could pay this back at least. You didn't feel obligated but you just wanted to. You brought his hands wistfully up to your lips placing a rich, soft , kiss to his middle and ring finger.
He hummed delighted yet shy because of the affection, "Y/n," he called in a gentle voice you laid his hand in your lap as you looked into his eyes "is there anything on your mind?" Your eyes searched his to see if there was any sign of him being wisked off onto another subject any time soon but all you could see was that he was fully sighted on you. "Yes," you admitted doing your very best to not indicate any nervousness that you felt because there was a chance that he may reject this gift you wanted to him to have but if you knew him like you thought you did, those chances were very slim to none.
"I want to give you something, a token to say I love you, one that you can take with you everywhere." His eyes lit up with Joy and curiosity which was more than a good sign, you reached over to the coffee table going into the antique Marble box and pulling out an even smaller box but velvet exterior covered it. His eyes followed your hands and this time around you couldn't read his expression through his orbs. More nervousness clouded your stomach but he'd already seen the box and to maniacally snatch it back would be an even bigger fail. It was time to go in.
His eyes were trained on the medium sized box positioned in the palm of your hand, surely he'd seen boxes shaped like that before whether on TV or in real life but the question was, what were you doing with one. Not that he'd be upset with whatever you gave him that was inside, he just didn't know you felt so strongly or had a hunch that you did but wanted to wait til you voiced it.
His eyes darted to yours careful and soft at the same time, You opened the box without breaking eye contact with him, he'd seen something shine though he was looking at you. He then focused on the box, "It's a promise Ring." You announced. He slightly jumped not knowing which way to react positively, should he jump or Scream?
"A promise ring, " he repeated your words looking at you with his famous pearly white smile melting away all your worry.
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"Joong, " you called to him , "A promise ring," he whispered happily. "I love it. May I put it on?" He enthusiastically asked you nodded just as excited before you grasped the gift between your fingers with your other hand before putting the box down with the one that held it in your palm. You gently rested his palm on yours as he straightened his finger in order for you to put the band on. Once on he looked at it like a rare beautiful artifact. "I promise you'll have one soon as well, I'll cherish this fully. I love you." He raved before gently pulling you into a hug.
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His mouth was agap widely , "That- You want- Hey, I thought you were proposing." He stumbled slightly feeling a bit sad that you weren't actually getting engaged in this moment. You stifflled many giggles before patting his cheek softly then leaning in for a small kiss that still made your heart to cartwheels because it was with him. "Much later when things have calmed down for you but for now, let this ring seal our love, deal?" You bargained he looked at the ring in the box then back to you, "You've definitely got a deal." He sassily lifted his hand and wiggled his ring finger playfully allowing you to take it from the box and put it on his finger.
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Like a kid on Christmas day opening the best gift you could give him possible, his heart sped up more beats than he could count, "Baby, you're amazing, but I can't take this, I didn't get you one or a gift at all." His tone slightly dropped you Shook your head grabbing his hand after taking the ring from it's box and placing it on his Finger.
"You excepting this will do enough as a gift for me, so, may I put it on your finger." He was hesitant not because he didn't want it but because he really wish he had gotten you something and you could see it, "Hey," you said resting a hand on his shoulder causing him to look into your eyes and see his wounded inner puppy
"you didn't know I was getting this for you. I don't expect much in return anyway but for all our promises to each other to be sealed with this for now until we're ready for something bigger, so wear it?" Your eyes were hopeful and he could Deny you no further. "Of course I'll wear it, baby." You smiled sliding it onto his finger, both of you admiring how it looked, he couldn't stop thanking you and telling you he loved you or admired you.
Y'all probably think I'm Yunho biased after reading this one, the answer is; not at all.
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He was reacting better that you'd expected, you thought he'd be a nervous wreck but he actually looked as if you'd given the world rarest drone that only had few left in the world, a prize winning reaction. You could see that he was trying to form words but was barren. He looked to you with shining eyes like the brighest were in them, "I don't know what to say." His voice indicated that he was memorized by your gift, "Say you love it then put it on?" You questioned sheepishly.
A grin took over his lips as he looked back to the ring you now held in your fingers. He removed himself from the couch placing his knees beneath him as cushion so he sat infront of you on the floor , he placed his hands softly against your knees slightly rubbing them looking up at you while you looked down to him.
"I love you, and I promise to wear this ring everyday from now on." You were somehow starting to become nervous and bashful so you decided to crack a little joke to calm yourself, "Now I get a taste of how you'll be when one of us proposes to the other." You slightly chuckled. Yeosang's curious as turned into delight at your humor, he knew he made you nervous.
He took the ring delicately from your grasp and placed it on his finger looking at it before looking back to you. "Well yes," he began but before he finished he lifted himself to kiss your nose before settling back into his seated position "but I'll be the one proposing and it'll be an even bigger one." He stated smiling softly.
I am Yeosang Biased, confirmed
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