#when the creep saw her grab Mulder's arm I expected him to write something about a romance between mulder and scully in a creepy
scullaaaaaay · 5 months
"Agent Scully is already in love"
"She's trying to get his attention but doesn't know it"
*pretends to be shocked* but also who pointed the gun to chris carter's head that he boldly decided to announce like this
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atths--twice · 4 years
And for the last chapter in the sixth month. I really loved writing this one. All the pregnancy chapters actually, they are just so much fun. Hope you all enjoy them too. 
The Sixth Month 2c/6
Chapter Three
Journey Continuation 
Mulder and Scully discover forgotten and hidden treasures in the boxes from Mrs. Scully’s.
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Mulder stopped and picked up Chinese food on the way home. After the time he had spent at Mrs. Scully’s, he wanted to have dinner ready for Scully when she arrived, and he would not be able to cook something in time.
He brought the food in and set it in the refrigerator. He opened the windows and felt the afternoon wind blow through the house, while he changed out of his jeans and boots, hanging his jeans on a chair in their bedroom. He put on some basketball shorts and sneakers, took off his button up short-sleeved shirt, leaving just the T-shirt beneath. He came downstairs and stood in the doorway in his cooler clothes, letting the wind breeze past him, as he took a deep breath.
He went in the kitchen, grabbed a beer out of the fridge and sat on the porch, thinking about the day. It had been a draining one to say the least. God, he was becoming more emotional as he aged. Soon he would be the old man in the wheelchair crying, as Scully pushed him with her wheelchair, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. He laughed softly at the thought.
He took a long drink of his beer and closed his eyes. He would finish this one, then start bringing the boxes inside. Just this one…
He woke to the sound of a car door slamming. It was getting darker, but still light enough to see Scully getting her things out of the backseat, then shutting the door. He still had his beer in his hand, but it had spilled onto the porch. Thankfully, he did not drop the bottle. He would have to hose off the porch later or the ants and bees would be having a heyday. Fucking bees. Those bastards were not welcome at this house, he did not care if their population was dwindling.
He heard her footfall on the stairs and he looked up at her. She had a knowing smile on her face as she set her bag down. She leaned against the railing and clasped her hands together on top of her belly.
“Did you fall asleep on the porch again?” she asked with amusement in her voice.
“I seem to have done so, yeah,” he said, his voice rough with sleep. “I spilled my beer a little, but didn’t drop the bottle.”
“And you call me the “lady of leisure”? Oh, my dear madam,” she said with dancing eyes.
He looked at her in mock shock, bringing his hand to his chest, and she laughed.
“You better be sure you hose that spilled beer down later. There will be ants having a great time in all that sweetness. Or bees, Mulder.” She raised her eyebrows and shook her head.
“Fucking bees." They both said at the same time and then grinned.
He stood up and walked over to her. She smiled as he set his beer on the railing, then stood in front of her, his hands on her hips. She put her hands on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. She looked into his eyes, finding them a little puffy.
“Oh Mulder,” she said bringing her hands to his face. “Was going to my mom’s too much? I should have waited until I could go with you, I know you don’t really like being there. I figured grabbing the boxes would be fast. Were you.. was it too much?”
He took her hands from his face and kissed her palms. “It was okay, Scully. It was good, in fact. Yes, I had a cry, but that’s nothing new for me while at your mom’s place. I started that tradition a long time ago." He smiled as he brushed her hair back from her face with both hands, as the wind blew, trying to thwart his plans. “It just.. it hit me seeing those boxes. It’s us, Scully. Those boxes are us. Our life. Before things went to shit. Your mom kept them for us. “Dana and Fox.” Our lives, frozen in time, inside of five cardboard boxes. A gift from your mother I never would have expected, but appreciate so very much.”
She had tears on her face as she held onto his forearms, and he held her face. She missed her mom so much. Wanted nothing more than to find her in her house when she randomly stopped by on her way home from work. To hear her laughing at some outrageous joke Mulder had told. To eat the cake her mother had made for her every year on her birthday. The Chocolate Chocolate cake that required a full glass of milk readily available when eaten. So many little things would creep in and cause her to emotionally stumble when she had felt just fine a second beforehand.
She leaned forward and put her head on his chest and he pulled her in, as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He rubbed her back as the breeze blew again. He pulled back from her and held her shoulders.
“How about this? You go change into something cooler, I’ll get the food ready, and after we’re done, we’ll see what’s inside those boxes. I picked up some Chinese food on the way home. It’s ready and waiting in the fridge. You want it cold or warmed up?”
She sniffed. “Cold sounds good. It’s hot out and God knows we’ve eaten enough cold Chinese food in our day. Thank you. I think I’ll take a quick shower, then head back down. So take your time with the food.” She kissed him and walked past him into the house, grabbing her bag on the way
He watched her go with a smile, so happy they had made it back to this place.
He walked off the porch and grabbed the hose from the hook. He turned the water on and walked back onto the porch to spray down the beer. No ants or bees would find it now. The fuckers.
He put the hose back and shut off the water, walking onto the porch and grabbing what was left of his bottle of beer. He walked into the house and started getting out the food and setting it all on the table. He put out plates, glasses, forks, and chopsticks. He took out a pitcher of cold water, sliced a lemon, added the slices to the water, then placed it on the table.
He heard the creak of the floorboards as Scully walked around upstairs. He stopped his preparations, stood at the sink, and listened. That sound brought back so many memories of her coming home from the hospital in the past and going upstairs to do exactly what she was now, while he got their meal ready. Their old life that he took for granted. He shook his head. Never again.
Never again would he want to go back to the quiet of his life without her in it. The time when he could hear his own thoughts without interruption. Those thoughts were sad, lonely, and not worth revisiting-ever. He would do whatever it took to never again be alone with his thoughts the way he had been. Alone in a house that was meant for two. Alone in a bed that felt cold and huge without her warm soft body to hold onto. No. Never again.
He heard her on the stairs and turned around as she walked into the living room. She had put on her pajamas. Actually, it was one of his shirts. She had taken to wearing them more as her stomach had expanded, and he loved seeing her in his clothes. The first time she ever did, as partners who now saw each other naked, was years ago in a hotel room in California. The day before that fucking movie premiere.
He had come back from getting ice from the machine down the hall for the drinks they were going to share. She had been sitting on the bed in his Knicks T-shirt, looking innocent as could be. He had stopped, bucket in hand, and stared at her. She smiled at him and stretched, drawing his attention to her chest, as though he was not already staring right at it. He had set the bucket down and the drinks were forgotten, the ice a bucket of water in the morning.
This was not his Knicks shirt however, that one had seen its day long ago. But this one, the one she wore when he spouted his monster theories in yet another hotel room, had been a favorite of hers from before. That she had kept it and then wore it on that case, was a sign to him. She still wanted him close to her, they just needed to get back to them.
The shirt was tighter now and he smiled when he could see her belly button through it. It did not fit her like a nightgown anymore, so she was wearing a pair of soft little shorts that he loved. They felt good when he stroked her legs against his skin as he held her.
Her hair was still damp and her face was free of makeup. She was so beautiful. She looked like she did on their first case, young and fresh faced. His heart sped up as she got closer. Yeah, she still had some scoot in her boot.
“Mmm, Mulder. This all looks great. Thank you for picking this up. I’m starving.” She sat down and grabbed a box of food.
Mulder stood there, staring at her. She looked up at him, still standing there and she frowned. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“Nothing,” he said, grabbing a chair and sitting down.
She watched him for a second and then resumed filing her plate. They ate in relative silence, each enjoying the food. Mulder poured them both some water and she smiled her appreciation at the lemon slices. Eating the dinner cold was a good idea; keeping them cool as the warm wind blew through the house.
After they had eaten their fill, Mulder cleared the table, and Scully boxed up the leftovers. He washed up and she dried. When everything had been cleaned, Scully went to use the bathroom and he went out to the car to start bringing in the boxes. He had them stacked three high, about to go for the fourth, when she walked into the room.
She walked up to the boxes and ran her hand across their names, the same as he had. When she looked up at him, she had tears in her eyes. She shook her head, and took a steadying breath. He came up to her and kissed her temple before heading back outside.
Once all of the boxes were inside, they stood on either side of the first box, ready to dive into the memories of their past. Both nervous but excited about what they would discover.
For an hour they laughed and cried over the things they found. Pictures and knickknacks Scully had in her apartment. Mulder found his Buddha head he had kept by his fish tank and he immediately set it out on the desk. Scully found a photo of her and her mom she had forgotten about and she cried as she lovingly touched her mother’s face.
There were papers Scully had in drawers, books from both of their apartments, and Mulder’s family photo album he had been looking at when Scully came to tell him she was being transferred. He sat down on the couch to look at it as Scully opened the next box after a glance at him.
“Oh my god, Mulder. Do you remember this?” she asked with laughter in her voice.
“Hmm?” he asked absentmindedly, as he looked at his photo album. He glanced up quickly and then stared at the object she held. He put his album down haphazardly and walked over to her.
“You still have this? Your mom saved it?” He took the panda from her and immediately remembered the night he had picked it out at the arcade.
He had seen it and wanted to get her something cute and “relationshipy.” He had already been so in love with her, he would have declared his love for her every day after she made the first step that first night, if he knew it would not have sent her running... and if he was not such a fucking coward.
To see this panda after so many years, he felt rejuvenated. This was a prize handed to him as it was that night. Now, oh it meant so much more as the symbolism of what he could still feel inside, was not lost on him.
“I can’t believe she packed this up. I don’t even know where it was at the apartment. Aww. It will be perfect for the baby, don’t you think? Her first stuffed animal?” She took the panda back and looked at it. “It really is cute. You made a good decision, Mulder.”
He took the panda back and nodded. He rolled his fingers around and felt the place where the items were. His heart swelled and he felt tears in his eyes, again. God, what the fuck was going on with him today?
Scully took the panda back again while he was distracted and she laughed. “It will be perfect Mulder. We just need to wash it first.” She stepped back and set it on the kitchen table with some of the other items they had spread out on top of it.
“Wash it? No Scully, you can’t wash it," he said as he side stepped her and grabbed it again.
“Mulder, it’s been in a box for eighteen years, in a closet or something before that, and a dirty arcade before that. It needs to be washed." She attempted to take it from him, but he stepped around her. “Mulder. What are you doing?”
He walked to a drawer and found what he was looking for, one of his sharp pocket knives. He sat down and she sat opposite side him as he slit open the back of the panda with the knife.
“What are you doing?!” she shouted as she stood up, shocked at his actions. “I said I wanted it for the baby! Why would you cut it open like that, Mulder? I don’t understand.. what is that?”
He had reached inside until he found the tissue covered item he had slipped inside so long ago. He held it in his hand and smiled at the memory of that day. The way his heart had pounded, hurrying to finish before she came knocking. The cheesy comments he knew she would offer up if she knew what he had done and the fact that he did not care if she thought it was cheesy. He loved her and when he had the stones to finally tell her, he would.
He chucked. The stones to tell her. Well, no time like the present.
“The night in California when we walked on the beach, you told me the story about the woman on your street with all the kids. The one responsible for your potty mouth." He looked up at her with a smile. She looked confused, but she moved some things aside and sat opposite him again, her hands clasped on the table.
“I remember, yeah," she said, staring at the covered item he held in his hands.
“Well, as we stood there, I looked down and saw something." He looked down at the item in his fingers, then back up to her. “It was a sign, Scully. I bent down and picked it up, honestly terrified I would miss it and you would see what I was doing. But I was quick and I was able to pick it up and you didn’t notice. I slipped it in my pocket and planned to give it to you later. Then we found that arcade and I saw this panda and I thought of another plan.” He stopped and held the item in his palm and closed his hand. He leaned forward and stared at her.
She was staring at him intently. She had no recollection of him picking anything but the panda up, let alone hiding it the way he had. Her curiosity was driving her crazy.
“I want you to understand something. Scully. We had just started our new journey together. The sex was amazing, and it still is, but it was still.. new." He smiled and she smiled back, remembering those younger days, and the wild times they enjoyed.
“I.. I think I knew I was in love with you, if I’m honest, almost from our first meeting.” She scoffed and he continued. “No, I’m serious. I had read your thesis and I was intrigued and aroused by your intellect. Then, there you were, young and so beautiful. But your brain, Scully, that’s what I got to know first. It’s what I still love most about you. Your intellect is incredibly arousing for me. I know you know that about me.” He grinned at her and she smiled back. Yeah, she knew.
“But I felt love for you even more after you had come back from your abduction. Scully, I was a shell of myself when you were gone. When we were separated at work, I was lost. But actually being without you.. I was empty. Your mother saw it. Saw how I behaved. I needed you. Not my partner, you.” He stopped, looking down and taking a breath.
“I should have told you then. I should have told you many times, but I was a coward. I.. what if you left? What if you didn’t feel the same? I was used to being unloved and cast aside. But, if it had been by you, I wouldn’t have survived." He reached across the table and took her hand. She squeezed his hand and wiped at her tears with her other.
“So I kept my mouth shut. I made jokes and teased you, feeling you out. But once we crossed that line, made that decision, it bubbled to the surface and I had to constantly push it down. What a stupid thing to do. To not tell someone you love them." He looked in her eyes. “I love you, Scully. I have for most of my life.”
“I love you too, Mulder. And I have for most of mine." She was crying harder now, wiping tears off her face. “So, what do you have in your hand?” She asked, taking a deep breath.
He smiled and let go of her hand and began to unwrap the tissue. “I found these on the beach and I wanted to give them to you. I anticipated the cheesy remarks you would give and so I wanted to wait awhile. Let it get a little further. But then other cases got in the way. Then I was gone." He had the tissue open now, but still held them so she could not see it. “The last time I saw this panda was the day we moved my stuff to your place, the day before I left. My heart raced and I grabbed it. I could feel these in there and I almost brought it to you and told you about it. But then William cried and I heard you crying too. I put it back in the closet. It needed to wait. I had to take care of my family.”
She put her face in her hands and cried. She remembered that day so vividly. He had come into the room as she was sobbing and held them both. They had all cried together, him murmuring that it would be okay and it was not forever. He needed to keep them safe and by leaving, he was doing what was right for them. He needed them safe; they were his world.
She looked back at him and waited. He had tears in his eyes as he placed his hands in front of her, his fists closed, as if asking her to pick one. She looked down and then back up at him. He turned his hands over and opened them and she looked down again.
In the palm of each hand was a rough-hewn heart shaped rock. One was white and one was black. The white rock was smaller, almost clear. The black one was bigger and darker. She gasped out a cry and looked back at him.
“It was a sign,” he said quietly. “It was right by my feet. They were touching, as if they had traveled together to that very spot. Their final journey they would take together. Fate had brought them there, I could feel it.” She took them from his hands and looked at them.
They were imperfectly perfect hearts. The rough edges bumped across her fingers as she felt them. The smoothness of the faces, from tumbling through the waves. There were small holes in each rock, where other rocks or water had pushed against them. Yet they were still whole. Still intact. The pressure had not pushed through.
“Imagine the journey they took to get to where they were,” he continued in the same low tone as he watched her examining the rocks. “The waves crashing and rolling them. The stormy days, the other rocks that rolled with them. The battle they fought to reach the shore. Safe ground where they knew they would finally meet and be able to rest. Maybe they had journeyed alone at times, but they always were searching for the other. Always trying to get back to each other. The light and the dark working together to be together.” He felt tears in his eyes again. This day was really intent on kicking his ass.
She took shuddering breaths as she tried to calm down. Mulder was always a good storyteller, but this one was one of the best. The symbolism of two rocks he had found almost twenty years ago was not lost on her. Two hearts, battered and bruised, had made the journey. They may have been separated at times, but they followed their path to find the other.
“Scully,” he said quietly again. She looked at him and gave him a watery smile. “The light and the dark. I don’t care if you think it’s cheesy or corny, but you are the light in my life. I know I've said it before, but it needs to be repeated here and now: you are the goodness and the happiness to my darkness. I don’t expect you to be the one to keep my darkness away, that is my job and I will not follow that darkness again. Never again." He took her hand again. “But I want you to know that everything good that has ever happened in my adult life, is because of you. You are the light that stands guard. The darkness may think it has gained a foothold, but your light remains constant. A warning that it can go ahead and try, but the light will win the battle every time.” She was crying again as she nodded and gripped his hand tightly.
“The yin and yang,” she sobbed out.
He smiled, remembering the story she told him about the black and white of the panda, and why she had thought he had chosen it as his prize. God, it had so closely resembled the reason behind what he did with the heart shaped rocks, it was spooky. He grinned wider and chuckled. Of course it was spooky, why would he expect anything different?
“I want to put these up in the babies room. The two hearts that found each other to be the first story she hears. The light and darkness working together to balance out the world. To hear that though battered and scarred, these hearts are still beautiful. They may have been knocked down and felt like giving up, but they tried and tried again. Persistence and love brought them together. They will never be apart or hidden away again.” She kept her eyes locked on his the whole time she was speaking. He nodded as tears slipped down his cheeks.
“Jesus, Scully,” he sobbed and laughed as he pulled his hand away to wipe his face. “As if this day wasn’t kicking my ass enough.” She smiled and started to get up, to put the rocks in a safe place.
“Wait,” he said, reaching into the tissue again and taking something else out. “I saved this too. I.. here,” he said, sliding it over to her.
She set the rocks next to her and took what he was offering her. It was an arcade ticket. She picked it up and looked at him with a questioning look.
“Turn it over,” he said with a small smile.
She did as told and saw his handwriting. In block letters and black ink he had written: “You are my prize.” She covered her mouth and tears filled her eyes again.
“This is super cheesy,” she said with a smile. “And I love it, I love it so much. And I love you. So very much.”
He stood up and walked over to her, helping her up and bringing her to the couch. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck, put her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes.
They sat there for awhile, feeling the night breeze blowing around them. His watched beeped, signaling how late it was getting. He suggested they finish with the boxes tomorrow and head up to bed, and she murmured her agreement.
They put the rocks and ticket in a baggie, closed up the house, and headed upstairs, where Mulder set the rocks down on their dresser. They conducted their nighttime rituals, then started getting the bed ready. Mulder set one of the decorative pillows on a chair and noticed something sticking out of his jeans pocket- his drawing from Raina. He smiled as he took it out, his little potato person. He set the picture on the dresser with the rocks and a thought came into his head.
Scully was already in bed as he slipped off his shirt and his shorts. In his boxers, he got in bed behind her. He pulled her to him and laid his hand on her belly as he did every night. She sighed as she laid her hand over his, locking their fingers together.
“I had a thought, Scully,” he murmured in her ear. She shivered, and squeezed his hand. “The two hearts had another journey to take, the beach wasn’t the last stop." He nuzzled her neck and breathed in her scent. Her soap and her.
“What do you mean?” she whispered to him, pulling his hand up further, just under her breasts.
“Hmmm.. the two hearts…they created two hearts,” he said as he kissed her ear.
She gasped and pulled him tighter to her.
“We’ll put those rocks up in the baby's room, Scully. I’ll get something to display them. She should know where and how her love roots started. Almost twenty years since that night, Scully. But, love doesn't follow a crazy rule like time. It floats around waiting to be discovered. Tossed upon the waves, biding its time, waiting for the journey to continue." His voice was a whisper as he held her in his arms. Held them both safe and sound.
She turned over slowly, as it was becoming harder to move her growing body too quickly. She cuddled into him as close as she could and he put his hand on her hip, pulling her closer, those soft shorts rubbing against his leg. She breathed deep and began drifting off to sleep.
“Thank you, Mulder. Thank you for your heart and the the creation of two more hearts from it,” she whispered before she fell asleep.
He kissed her head and stayed awake thinking. She was his prize. Her heart was his trophy, her love and trust in him. The two children they created were his prize as well. A boy and boy or girl, created in love and with love.
The first time, the love created was tested, scared, pushed to the limits, tainted by horrors of the past. This time though, this time it was strong, unafraid, and not going anywhere. There were no horrors anymore, they could live peacefully.
Their two hearts could endure anything.
And maybe, just maybe, the one heart out there, still going it alone, still unsure as he searched for his answers, would hear the call of the others and find his way back.
Follow the waves until they led him safely to shore...
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Galaxy Girl
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Fox Mulder x Reader
Words: 2980
Summary: The Mulder family celebrates the eighth birthday of their daughter, Grace. 
Notes: Not much of a summary, but I hope you guys really enjoy this one. I wanted to write some fluff for Fox, but I also had to throw in some sad moments concerning the other kids at their daughter's school. Again, hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! (P.S., I named their daughter after Grace from Return to Me.)
You woke up to feel the emptiness in your arms and panic sent through you. 
“Fox.” You whispered, nudging your husband’s arm to wake him up. When he didn’t stir, you spoke louder. “Fox.” 
“Hmmm,” He groaned, his eyes slowly opening. When he saw the fear in your eyes, he was wide awake. 
“Where is she?” You asked, searching every corner of the tent. A snapping twig outside caught both of your attention. Fox cautiously moved the flap of the tent to the side, stepping out when it seemed safe. The rising sun cast his shadow onto the tent, along with the small mass creeping out of the bushes. 
“No… please!” He exclaimed as the shape leaped onto him. Hearing him scream, you bolted out of the tent. Fox was lying in the grass, attempting to defend himself as the little creature tickled him. You sighed with relief and couldn’t help but laugh. “Save me! Save me!” Fox begged through his uncontrollable laughter, the masked fiend on top of him pinching and poking his sides. You lifted the beast off of him, removing the ugly monster mask to reveal your giggling daughter beneath. 
“Rawr!” Grace growled, pretending that her fingers were claws. You set her down and leaned so that only she would hear you.
“Tag team?” You suggested, bringing a giant grin to her face. You both slowly turned back to Fox, who had just gotten up. 
“What?” He asked innocently. You and Grace exchanged a mischievous smile. 
You both charged him, tackling him back into the grass in a whirlwind of tickling and pinching. 
“This isn’t fair!” Fox shouted through a chorus of laughter. Powering through your very brutal attack, Fox grabbed you and rolled over, turning the battle on you. Seeing that her team was losing, Grace quickly joined her father’s side. 
“Traitor!” You exclaimed, hardly able to breathe from laughing so hard. After a few minutes of tickling torment, the three of you lay in the grass out of breath but all with grins on your faces. Grace was in between the two of you, holding hands with each of you. You turned to her and smiled. “Happy birthday Gracie.”
You went inside and made breakfast- blueberry pancakes and bacon, Grace’s favorite. Fox and Grace sat at the table, drawing pictures of the tent outside. Grace’s had a small flying saucer hovering over it. 
It was her idea to camp out in the backyard, using a low hanging branch to hang the tent and bringing out the couch cushions to sleep on. Since it was her day, you let her decide everything- within reasonable limits. No trips to the moon would be arranged, but you would try to make it as special as possible. 
“So who did you invite to the party?” Fox asked, putting Grace’s drawing up on the fridge. Grace shook her head. 
“I didn’t invite anybody. I want to spend the day with you guys.” She was smiling, but her finger tapped her side. She did that every time you asked who had taken your best shoes and she told you it was the little green men. “That’s my perfect birthday.” You could just see Fox’s heart melt, kneeling down to envelope her in a hug. 
“That’s my Galaxy Girl.” He beamed. You felt a twinge in your heart, knowing the true reason why there wouldn’t be any party. 
Grace wasn’t the most popular girl in her third-grade class. You had spoken to the teacher a few times and she told you that Grace was being teased by the other kids. They called her names like Alien Girl and Space Geek. You didn’t remember eight-year-olds being so mean. 
“I hope there’s room for one more at this party.” A voice said from around the corner. 
“Auntie Dana!” Grace squealed, practically tackling Dana and her bags of presents. 
“Hey Scully.” Fox greeted happily. Clearing the table and putting in the sink- without rinsing them off, as usual.
"Can I open them now?" Grace begged. Dana shrugged. 
"Ask your mom." Grace looked up at you and pouted her lips, her green-blue eyes wide and pleading. Those same eyes gave you a wink, but now it was Fox trying to persuade you. You sighed. 
"You can open one." Dana handed her the smaller of the two bags and Grace tossed the tissue paper aside. Inside was a box of those little plastic stars that stuck to the ceiling and glowed in the dark. 
"I love them!" Gracie exclaimed, capturing Dana in another hug. Fox reached for something on the counter, but whatever he wanted wasn't there.  
"Where are my sunflower seeds?" He asked. Grace shrugged and a cascade of shells fell out of her jacket pockets. A guilty grin spread across her face and shook took off up the stairs. "Gracie Samantha Mulder get back here!" Fox chased after her and you and Dana laughed.
"She's just like him" She chuckled. You leaned against the counter.
"Sometimes I worry she's too much like him." 
"What do you mean?" 
"I love Fox." You sighed. "But he isn't exactly the most popular agent in the bureau."
"The other kids don't like her," Dana concluded grimly. To her, Grace was one of the sweetest little girls she'd ever met, but she could see why her interest in extraterrestrials and UFOs might not be well accepted amongst the other children. 
“According to her teacher, she doesn’t have any friends, the other kids pick on her, and all she does at recess is sit alone reading tabloid magazines.” You opened one of the drawers and took out a pile of invitations. “Her teacher found these in her desk.”
Scrawled across almost all of them were crudely drawn flying saucers with the words “Space Freak” and “Alien Girl” in big letters. Dana shook her head, her heart breaking for that little girl. 
“She told Fox that she didn’t invite anyone. She doesn’t want us to know that this is all happening.” You ran your fingers through your hair. “I don’t know, maybe she thinks that she can just handle it on her own.” Dana gave you a small smirk. 
“She gets that from you.” You laughed, knowing she was right. “Have you talked to Mulder about it?” You shook your head. 
“I can’t…” You looked at the picture on the fridge and smiled. It was taken when Grace was born. The night you brought her home, you found Fox fast asleep on the couch with Grace sleeping on his chest. “You know how he is. He would feel like this is his fault. Grace is his world. Besides, those 8-year-olds wouldn’t know what hit them.” 
“I’m about to call some parents myself,” Dana added, only slightly kidding. 
You put the vandalized invitations back in the drawer and the two of you went out to the back porch. Unbeknownst to you, after reclaiming his sunflower seeds from his thieving daughter, Fox had come back to the kitchen to ask you about the plans for the day. He came out from the doorway, having heard the exchange between you and Scully. He opened the drawer where you had hidden the invitations and felt his heart drop. One had the image of a figure he presumed was supposed to be Grace, but the bully had added antenna and pointed teeth under the words “E.T… Go Home!” 
He couldn’t believe it. Gracie told him everything. Why hadn’t she told him about being bullied by the other kids? Not only was Grace keeping secrets, but you knew about the whole situation and kept it from him. He put the papers back in the drawer, running a hand down his face. 
“Why didn’t she tell me?” He muttered to himself. The last time you hid something from him was when you were being threatened by a secret society to stay away from him. But that was years ago before you were married. 
“Daddy, can we go to the park now?” Gracie asked from behind him, making him jump. He pushed back all of his confusion and hurt and just smiled. 
“Of course,” He leaned over to be at her level. “We can do whatever you want. It’s your birthday, sweetie.” Her smile broadened and he couldn’t help but wonder what she was really feeling. 
“You’re the swamp monster!” She shrieked, sprinting out the door towards the nearby park. He tried to push everything he’d heard to the back of his mind and chased after her, making monster sounds that would probably concern the neighbors. 
The table was oddly tense while Grace blew out her candles. Fox was glancing at you while he crunched his sunflower seeds. While Gracie had a big grin on her face, you could tell there was another emotion hiding underneath. Dana, wanting to defuse the situation before anything happened, suggested for Grace to open her presents. 
You gathered in the living room and sat next to your husband, putting your hand on his knee. 
“Everything okay?” You asked, feeling a twinge of guilt. Once you figured everything out, you would tell him. He shrugged and put on a smile that you could tell was fake. 
“Yeah, of course.” The first present Grace picked was the second one Dana had brought. This one was in a rather big box that Grace tore open quickly. Her excited squeal told you exactly what was inside. 
“It’s a microscope!” Grace bear-hugged Dana and your jaw dropped.
“Dana, when you said you had a big surprise, I wasn’t expecting this.” Microscopes were expensive, even ones made for kids. 
“So you knew about this too?” Fox muttered angrily. 
“Too?” You turned to him with a confused expression. 
“Are you okay, dad?” Grace asked. 
“Nothing honey. Why doesn’t Aunt Dana show you how to use your new gift?” He explained, motioning for you to follow him into the kitchen. You and Dana exchanged a look before you followed him. 
“Fox, what’s going on?” You asked. He leaned against the fridge, crossing his arms. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that Grace is being bullied?” You stepped back, about to ask what he was talking about. "I heard you talking to Scully." He pulled the invitations out of the drawer.
"I didn't…" You sighed, running your fingers through your hair. "I didn't want you to worry. I knew how much her keeping this from you would hurt and I wanted to try and figure out how to handle it before I told you- which I promise I was going to."
"Jesus, Y/N, they're calling her 'Alien Girl'." He lowered his voice to keep from shouting. "That's my fault."
"You don't honestly believe that, do you?" You could see where his frustration with you was coming from. He wasn't angry. It was guilt. 
“If I hadn’t always been so… me with her maybe she would be like the other kids. Maybe she’d be popular and liked, like you.” 
“You think I’m a freak.” A small voice whimpered. You both turned around, a horrified look spreading across your husband’s face.
“Gracie, no, of course not.” He stammered. Everything was just spinning out of his control. 
“You both think that.” She said accusingly, turning her glare on you. “Just like the kids at school.” Her big blue-green eyes welled up with tears and she ran off, disappearing up the stairs to her room. 
“Grace!” Fox shouted after her, taking a step to follow. You grabbed his arm. 
“Give her a while… she’ll be okay.” You said sadly. He looked like he desperately wanted to say something, but instead, he stormed off to his office to think in the dark. You groaned, laying your head against the cool countertop. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Dana walk into the doorway.
“I’ll get the wine.” 
You lightly tapped on the door and opened it slowly. Dana had gone home and wished you luck. There was a single lamp on, besides the chair that faced the window. You made your way around the desk and knelt down. 
“Fox?” You began quietly. He had a pile of drawings on his lap that he’d been looking through for the past hour. Each depicted some alien or monster being fought off by a caped hero known only as ‘Galaxy Girl.’ 
“I never wanted her to change…” He said, turning to another picture. In this one, Galaxy Girl was accompanied by two others with the words Mommy and Daddy underneath each. “I just didn’t realize how much my obsessions were rubbing off on her.” 
“Our obsessions.” You corrected, putting your hands on top of his. “I’m just as much a part of this as you are.” You took the drawings and set them on his desk. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He put a hand on your cheek. 
“I’m sorry I stormed off.” He moved off his chair so he was sitting on the floor beside you. “Do you remember what I said to you the night we brought her home?” You paused, thinking back eight years. “I said that you were my moon and stars.” 
“And that I’d given you a galaxy.” You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him. “She’s going to be okay.” He took a deep breath.
“I know.” He shifted, a devious grin spreading on his lips. “You know… I’m sure that if I went to her school and told all those kids they were under investigation for grand larceny, they would leave Gracie alone.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You looked up at him with a mischievous look of your own. “Say they’re parents are committing tax fraud.” You both laughed and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You didn’t get very many intimate moments with your husband, but this one was perfect. 
You and Fox went upstairs and made your way to Grace’s room. More drawings were scattered across her floor, along with different toys and art projects. 
“Gracie?” Fox called out. There was a dim glow coming from under her closet door, so you knocked gently. 
“Leave me alone.” 
Fox sighed and turned the knob. Grace was curled up in the corner of her closet, hiding under a blanket. 
“Permission to enter?” He asked. She threw the blanket down, revealing a scowl and a tear-streaked face. 
“Permission denied.” 
“Come on, Gracie.” He begged. She shook her head and threw the blanket over herself again. 
You blew out a long, dramatic breath. “I guess we’ll just have to open your present all by ourselves out here.” You shook the box lightly. Grace slowly peaked out again. “We’ll be out here… opening your present.” You closed the door and Fox gave you a look. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Just wait.” You whispered sitting down on her bed. After a few seconds, the closet door creaked open. This time, she covered her face using a piece of tape and a sheet of paper. “Grace, why do you keep hiding your face?” 
“Because I’m a freak.” 
“Grace, you know that’s not true.” Fox scolded. “Now can I please see my beautiful daughter’s face?” She nodded and he lifted the paper off, lightly taking off the tape. “Grace, what I was saying before, I just meant I wished the other kids didn’t make fun of you.” 
“Everybody has bullies, Grace.” You put a comforting hand on her shoulder as she sat between you. “Even me and your dad.” 
Fox nodded. “Oh yeah. You know what everyone at work used to call me?” She shook her head. “Spooky Mulder. They thought I was weird because I’m interested in the unexplained. Because I want to find the truth.” 
“And when I was in high school, there was a group of girls who would spread rumors about me.” You figured telling her that those rumors falsely accused you of sleeping with the whole soccer team was probably for a different time. “We just had to learn how to face them.”
“But you’ll have us supporting you the whole time,” Fox added. Grace sniffed and wiped her face with her sleeve. “We love you more than anything in the world, Gracie.”  A smile spread across her face, making your heart leap. 
“Can I open my present now?” 
You and Fox chuckled as you handed her the box. She ripped the wrapping paper, looking down at the image on the box. Without hesitating, she tore open the box and pulled out the telescope. 
“Happy birthday sweetie.” You beamed. She pulled you and Fox into a big hug. “This was the best birthday ever.” The hug tightened. “I love you guys.” 
Grace had just fallen asleep in the tent after you spent the rest of the night using her new telescope to look at the stars. You and Fox were sitting on the lawn, eating leftover pieces of cake. 
“So what did you mean about those girls in high school?” Fox asked suddenly. “I thought you were always Miss-Loved-And-Adored-By-All.” You scoffed. 
“Yes well, according to those girls I was ‘adored’ by basically every male athlete in school.” Fox whistled. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” You shrugged. “Besides, I never really liked jocks.” He moved closer to you. 
“Oh really?” 
You nodded, leaning in. “I’m more into the nerdy type. You know, the ones with offices in the basement surrounded by file cabinets full of conspiracies and unexplained phenomena.” “Are you making fun of me?” He wondered in mock offense. 
“Not at all.” He draped an arm around your waist and pulled you into a kiss. 
And that’s how the day ended. Grace was a year older and the three of you were closer than ever. You knew that it wouldn’t last forever. But for this night, all there was, was your perfect family, lying under the moon
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gaycrouton · 5 years
could you maybe write something where scully actually believes mulder is dead in gethsemane???? extra points for crying
Hello!! Thank you so much for this prompt! I don’t get sent a ton of angst, but tbh it’s one of my top favorite genres to read and write. I hope I did it justice! Also, I will not lie, I think I subconciously remember an older fic with this type of premise, but I think they end up fucking. It was amazing and great and I tried to find it so I wasn’t subconciously regurgitating it, but alas, I cannot find it.
Also, tw for implied suicide (but he’s fine)
“He said that the men behind this hoax, behind these lies, gave me this disease to make you believe.”
It was probably the worst thing she could have said to him. If she’d learned anything in this journey with him, it was that the truth he was always searching for always managed to appear where they least expected. That, and the truth was always far more cruel than anything they could have anticipated.
When he stormed out of the lab, every instinct in her body told her to follow him; the part of her still recovering from this shocking news crudely reminding her that following him was exactly what put a tumor in her head. She’d never known each step she took behind him was just a glorified death march. 
She squeezed her eyes shut and wiped her hand tiredly across her face. She didn’t believe that, not even for one moment. But she knew Mulder did. Scully didn’t have a single doubt that Mulder had always been chastising himself every moment of their partnership. That hurt more than anything the men in power had done to her. If Mulder regretted the work they’d done together, then this all would have been for nothing. 
She sighed and made her way to her own car. Part of her considered trying to follow him, he was probably going down his usual path of self-doubt and angst, but ultimately she decided to take the long way home so she could calm herself down.
An hour and a half later, she arrived to her apartment with a plan to call Mulder in the morning. “Scully,” she sighed tiredly into her phone, using her free hand to fumble for her keys.
“Is this Miss Dana Scully?” an unfamiliar female voice said over the line.
Scully’d had enough of cryptic messages from anonymous sources and, probably a little too curtly, stated, “Yes. Who is this?”
“This is Danielle Morten, I’m the building manager for your friend Fox Mulder,” she wearily replied, sounding stressed.
She had no idea where this was going and she felt her brow furrow as she stopped fiddling with the door after unlocking it. “Is everything all right?” she asked.
“Um, no, I’m afraid not,” she rushed, setting fear in the pit of Scully’s stomach. “I-I’m so sorry to tell you this, you were just his emergency contact-”
“He said that the men behind this hoax, behind these lies, gave me this disease to make you believe.”
An overwhelming sense of dread filled her entire body. What did he do? “What’s wrong?” Scully demanded.
“His neighbor called and said she heard a gunshot-” Scully felt a ringing sound in her ears as her legs grew weak. “-when I went to check, no one answered the door, so I had to use my key-” I should have fucking followed him. “I’m so sorry.” Scully felt ice creep into her veins and nothing made sense. 
She pushed open the door and all but fell inside. “W-was he there?” she asked not caring that her keys fell out of her shaking hand as she pushed the door shut with her weight. Had the woman already said? Maybe it was an accident and he shot the floor? Why was she saying sorry?
“ I called an ambulance, but it was too late,” the woman choked, clearly distressed.
Scully heard her bag fall to the floor and the door slam shut more than she recognized doing it. “A-are you positive it was him?” she asked, her voice quivering despite her best attempts to reign it in. She didn’t want to seem irrational when everything this woman told her was surely some sort of misunderstanding. Maybe there’d been a fight at his place. Maybe the woman was just confused.
But their lives had been so stressful the past few months. With every new development escalating to him walking out of that warehouse, he’d seemed so defeated and lost.
“I knew something was wrong when I saw him in the hallway, he looked like he’d been crying and I could tell he was off,” she explained.
Mulder’d been crying. Because of what she told him.
Finding her voice, Scully repeated, “Off?”
“I told him he might need to leave next week because of fumigation and he said it didn’t matter. I-I just thought he was tired. I didn’t understand what he meant,” the woman rambled, trying to put it all together in her mind.
It didn’t matter? Why would he say that? Surely he couldn’t have been implying-
“Are you certain it’s Mulder,” she reiterated, hoping for some clue that would lead to this all being a big misunderstanding. She was trying to ignore all the warning signs she’d been blind to. This had been affecting him so much and she’d just blamed it on his obsession.
“The body looked like him,” the woman said, sniffling a little bit. 
Her legs were shaking too badly for her to support herself and she ended up sliding down the frame onto her knees facing the door. “The body?” she breathlessly repeated.
Hanging? Bleeding? In the bathtub? On the floor?
“T-there was no-that’s all there was,” she woman sobbed. 
Scully felt her blood run cold at the implication. Not that, god, please not that. She thought back to that face, the same one she’d spent hours sitting across, the face of the man she admired and trusted.
Trusted to be by her side no matter what.
“Can you call me to tell me where they take him?” Scully whispered, not trusting herself to speak at full volume without breaking.
She thinks she heard the woman say yes, but the phone clattered out of her hands and deafeningly hit the floor at the same time as she gasped for breath.
He killed himself?
She didn’t believe it, but then again, this was a man who’d just learned his most sacred mission was being used against him to make him look like a fool. The one friend he had was dying and he blamed himself.
She knew how he felt.
She should have followed him. She felt hot tears streak down her face as she looked absently at where the door met the floor. She knew how he got about things like this…but she never would have thought…
In a sudden bolt of panic, she went to stand up to go to him, but her legs were shaky and she ended up crashing back onto the hardwood floor with her tailbone, a pain registered in the back of mind but she paid it no attention.
He wouldn’t just leave her like that.
“He said that the men behind this hoax, behind these lies, gave me this disease to make you believe.”
She felt another gasp rip through her lungs like she’d never taken a breath before and a choked sob came out on the exhale. Scully drew her knees to her face and wrapped her arms around her legs in an upright sitting fetal position. Another strangled cry left her mouth as her grief consumed her.
She’d been with him just over an hour ago. He’d been fine, he’d been healthy, and now he was dead. Wetness started to seep into the pant fabric on her knee where her face rested and she simultaneously felt her body start to tremble.
She should have followed him. She should have followed him. She should have followed him. She should havefollowedhim. Sheshouldhavefollowedhim. She-
She felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder and she let out a small scream that came out like a sob as she lurched away, only resulting in falling onto her hands and knees. She turned around so that she was on her butt and was face to face with… Mulder?
“Scully?” he questioned softly, his hands up in peace as he kneeled in front of her, a look of pure concern adorning his face.
She didn’t understand. It was too much information thrown at her at once and she didn’t know how to process any of the last five minutes, hell, any of the last day. “M-Mulder?” she said weakly, her voice trembling on every syllable. She felt like a kid right now. Her knees hurt from falling, her lip was quivering, and she felt tears well hot and mortifying in her eyes before spilling down her cheeks.
“Hey, hey,” he rushed soothingly, moving to sit down in front of her while reaching for her hands just to have some contact. “What happened? Did someone hurt you?” he asked, his eyes roaming every inch of her body for some indication of why she was sobbing in her entryway. 
“Y-your landlady called. She t-told me you were d-dead,” Scully explained, her teeth chattering as she shook. Somewhere in her brain she recognized she was experiencing symptoms of shock, but all she could focus on was the fact he was here with her.
“It’s a misunderstanding, and that’s actually why I’m here. There’s a dead man in my apartment right now,” he explained, rubbing his thumb over the backs of her hands in an attempt to help calm her down. “Scully, I’m fine.” 
She hadn’t even thought about why he was here, only relieved that he was. He must’ve been hiding somewhere in the apartment and came out when he heard her sobs.
“She told me you were dead,” she repeated in a sob, clutching his hand like he’d disappear again if she let him go.
In a sudden impulse to comfort herself, she launched herself forward onto her knees. It wasn’t a graceful move, so she ended up tipping forward, but Mulder caught her with one hand on a bicep and the other on her opposite forearm. “Woah, Scully-” he started, only to be interrupted by her grabbing his arms with a vice grip.
She felt the warmth from under the cotton of his shirt as she touched him and her eyes focused on the spots her hands roamed. She went from his arms to his chest to his neck to his face, committing the feel of him to memory. She saw he was staring at her with a look of curiosity and she lowered her hands to his shoulders. “I thought you killed yourself,” she rushed on an exhale before choking out a sob and bowing her head in front of him.
Scully thinks he might have said something but she threw herself into his arms, wrapping her own tightly around his neck as she sobbed against him. “I’m sorry.”
She felt his arms wrap around her back, underneath her coat, pulling her closer to him as he rubbed soothing circles onto her shirt. “Shh, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
She pulled back slightly, so that they were still in each other’s arms, but face to face. “Yes, I do. I-I shouldn’t have been so hard on you today. I don’t blame you for any-thing, I hope you know that. I don’t regret my ti-me with you even for a moment, and I don’t want yo-u to think I do,” she rushed, choking on her words from her speed.
Mulder brought up a hand to the side of her head, brushing her hair back as he stroked her scalp. “Breath, Scully. You’re working yourself up,” he said, not commenting on her confession.
She sniffled and breathed for a moment before whispering in a quivering voice, “I thought you killed yourself because you blamed yourself for what happened to me.”
There was a guilt in his eye that let her know that, despite him being in front of her right now, her thinking wasn’t wrong. “It’s not your fault, Mulder. They do what they do because they are evil. You’ve been fighting them since the beginning, it’s not your fault,” she repeated, moving her hands to cup his face, idly feeling his five o’clock shadow. 
Mulder raised himself up to his full height, while still being on his knees, and placed a kiss to her forehead, then to one cheek, and then the other, before leaning back to look her in the eye. She felt that her face was still red from crying, but she was finally calming down. 
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, easing away and standing up, wiping the tear tracks from her face and trying to fix her makeup with the pads of her fingers.
“Don’t be, I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Mulder replied with a slight tone of disbelief in his voice, like he didn’t expect she’d have this reaction to that news.
She let out a humorless chuckle and sniffled again, taking off her coat and hanging it up to give herself something to do. “Well, think about me next time you think of doing something reckless or insane.”
She turned and caught him standing in front of her, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. A favorite nervous tendency of his. “Well I have a feeling you’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you then.”
She invited him to her dining room as he explained what he’d gone through since they parted ways and what he thought they needed to do. It was reckless. It was insane. But she’d do anything she could if it meant keeping him safe.
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gaycrouton · 5 years
Pleeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 May we get a continuation of Bumpy Ride?
Ask and you shall recieve! If you missed it the first time around, here’s a link! Part I
Mulder hadn’t been this worked up in a vehicle since he was in high school. He knew with the utmost certainty that he was going to embarrass himself and was already silently writing an apology novel to Scully in his head. He was affected by her on a normal day basis, catching a whiff of her perfume or getting a glimpse of her upper thigh when she crossed her legs. This was too much, overwhelming in the most literal sense of the word.
He’d been so self-absorbed in containing his own response that he wasn’t fully registering hers until…
…she…oh my god.
There was no doubt in his mind what was happening on his lap right now, every quiver and tremble sent a message loud and clear.
Scully was having an orgasm from the stimulation of sitting on him.
This didn’t feel real. There was no way this could even be possible. Yet, he could feel it and he could see the way she was trying to hide her face and the way she was clutching onto her legs, as if she could will it away with a white knuckle grip.
“Holy shit,” he whispered, drawing her back onto him. Then she went rigid in a completely different sense. The shaking had subsided, but he could practically feel the fear creep into her body.
He was just about to ask if she was alright when her trembling hands reached out and unbuckled them, sliding off his lap and out of the van without another word. “She okay?” Frohike asked while they watched her run into the warehouse.
“Uh, yeah. I’m sure she just had to go to the restroom,” he lied, trying to catch a glimpse of her retreating form.
“This is the first time I ever thought Scully was similar to Julius Caesar,” Langley remarked off hand.
“Why do you say that?” Frohike asked.
“Because I’m pretty sure she just spent this car ride getting stabbed in the back repeatedly,” Langley laughed pointing at Mulder’s still painful erection.
The front row laughed while Mulder tried to hunch over and hide himself, and Byers just shook his head. “Hey, the fact she didn’t have to sit in a puddle blows my mind,” Frohike teased.
“Okay, okay, okay. Cheap shots,” Mulder defended. He was pretty sure Langley had another lame joke coming when they heard Scully calling from a few meters away.
“Hey! There’s a body in here!” she yelled, pointing behind her.
Wow. That was just so, painstakingly and irritatingly, them. Something monumental happens in their relationship and they’re cock blocked by an actual dead body.
Aside from Scully taking a long look at the front of his pants, which seemed to be calming down at a painfully slow rate, she seemed completely comfortable in pretending like that never happened.
She wouldn’t look him in the eye, and she was clearly avoiding him.
Every single time he started to make his way over to her, she’d all the sudden need to talk to a policeman or help the medical examiner look at the body or just generally replace herself on the other side of the room.
He was distracted from his mission to get a moment alone with her when he had to answer a few questions about why they were there to being with and who the three squirrly guys were. By the time he was done, he looked around and couldn’t find her.
“Has anyone seen Agent Scully?” he called out.
He received a few shaking head before someone said, “She rode back to Georgetown with another officer.”
Of course she did.
He couldn’t blame her. If he’d have come on her, like he was just a minute away from doing in the van, he’d probably have never been able to face her again. But this was Scully - the same Scully who prided herself on professionalism. He couldn’t even imagine the horror she felt at the fact she was brought to orgasm on his lap.
On the ride back, he came to the decision that if she wanted to pretend it never happened then he’d respect her wishes. That night, however, as he laid on his couch in his apartment, his thoughts kept going back to her; how she felt when she was that close to him, how she felt when she was trembling, how much he’d give his arm to have it happen again. He just felt guilty knowing that everytime he thought back fondly, she was no doubt thinking back with abject horror.
He had to go talk to her. He couldn’t just let her suffer and beat herself up. Those were the thoughts that permeated his mind as he slipped on his pants and grabbed his shoes. He just had to-
*knock* *knock* *knock*
-answer the door right now. He dropped his shoes on the ground and raced to the front door, swinging it open and revealing a haggard Dana Scully.
“Hi,” he greeted breathlessly.
“Mulder, I just came to apologize for earlier,” she rushed, barely waiting for the word to leave his mouth.
He gaped for something to say before stepping back and opening the door more, inviting her in, which thankfully she accepted. “W-what are you apologizing for?” he asked, shutting the door and leading them to the couch.
She plopped down on the couch before she narrowed her eyes at him and he felt her analyzing him in that way he usually found hot, but right now intimidated the holy hell out of him. “W-why do you think I’m sorry?” she asked slowly.
Mulder realized she was taking this as a possible out, that if he didn’t know what happened that she could truly bury it into oblivion. Part of him considered giving her this out and just pretending that he hadn’t felt her rock his world earlier. But, he was a man who lived for the truth.
“Oh, um. Are you talking about when you had an-”
He didn’t have a chance to finish he sentence before she hid her face in her hands. “Oh my god. This is so embarrassing. I shouldn’t have come-here, that is. Oh my god.”
“No, no, no, Scully,” he murmured, taking a step towards her.
“What did you feel?” she asked, lowering her hands and revealing her glassy eyes.
“W-what did I feel?” he stammered. She nodded as a response and he gulped nervously. “I just felt you um-tremble. I swear that’s it.”
Her face was red, but she was actually looking at him now, small steps. “I was just over stimulated,” she stated plainly in defence of an accusation he’d never said. “It was my body’s physiological response to-”
“Scully, trust me. You felt my body reacting to the same thing,” he offered. She didn’t respond and he started to feel self-conscious. “I mean…you felt it. Right?”
She let out a little half-chuckle and affirmed, “Yes, Mulder. I felt it.”
“I understand why you might be embarrassed. I am too-”
“But you didn’t come Mulder,” she interrupted. “You were able to hold it in! I came all over you like a horny teenager!”
He felt his soft cock stiffen at her words and it was just an attestment to what he was about to say. “Scully, I’ve had plenty of practice over the last couple years. Trust me, it wasn’t easy,” he laughed.
He saw her ears perk up before he could even register his mistake. “Last couple years?” she repeated softly.
Fuck. If he hadn’t said that, she would have just guessed he meant in his youth. He exhaled nervously and ran his hand over his neck anxiously. “Well,” another nervous laugh, “you know,” he stated lamely.
She wasn’t letting up and fixed him with an intense stare. “No, I don’t.”
This was it. Scully was going to leave him. There was no getting out of this, so he may as well be honest and hope her moment of accidental perversion will be forgotten amid his entire life of it. “Scully, you’re a very beautiful woman,” he stated as if that was answer enough.
She blushed, but both her eyebrows raised in that way that asked ‘and’ without her mouth even having to open. “Sometimes, I just react to you.”
“React to me?” Apparently Scully’s newest method of interrogation was simply repeating your own words back to you and making you feel like you’re speaking a foreign language and need to try again.
“I’m very attracted to you, Scully,” he admitted, watching her mouth part in surprise as she digested his words. “Not just physically, but, god,” he exhaled, rubbing his hands over his face. “Everything about you. I never planned on telling you this because I don’t want you to think for a second it’s your weird male co-worker lusting after you, which, maybe in part it is, but it’s more than that. Ugh,” he was rambling and admitting too much and she was just sitting there in shock, surely about to storm off and leave any given second.
“I have a feeling I’ve already put my foot far enough in my mouth, but if we’re being honest and if it’ll make you feel better about what happened earlier, here it is: I have gotten more erections from you over the years that I wouldn’t even be able to count. I couldn’t even count how many times I’ve gotten them this month.” He hoped she was so distracted that she didn’t realize it was only the sixth. “You don’t even have to be doing anything. I could just get so much as a whiff of your perfume and get hard. So yeah, I’ve had plenty of experience trying to reign myself in.”
Her entire face was red and he knew he was embarrassing her, but for some reason he couldn’t stop himself. “If you had been on top of me any longer, I promise you would have left with a wet spot on your back. It wasn’t just a sensory overload - it was a you overload.”
“I lied,” she whispered, biting her lip between her teeth and staring at him, surprisingly still on the couch and not halfway out of his apartment as expected.
“Lied about what?” He knew what a real female orgasm felt like and that was definitely it.
“It wasn’t just physiological,” she murmured, making his heart stop.
“What?” he asked slowly, not wanting to jump to conclusions out of hope.
“I…react to you similarly,” she admitted, quietly, fingering a frayed edge of his couch.
He felt a ringing in his ears, like all the blood had rushed to both the heads of his body and he felt dizzy. Surely she didn’t just admit what it sounded like. “W-what?”
“Mulder,” she whined in irritation.
“I’m sorry. I’m just-shocked,” he shrugged. He turned Scully on? He felt his crotch stirring at the mere thought of her thinking of him in that way.
“How?” she asked. “You’re a very attractive man, and we’re very close. It would only make sense that, um, we would be drawn to each other in that way,” she elaborated.
“I turn you on?” Mulder balked.
“Yes, Mulder. God. Do I have to spell it out for you? Yes. You arouse me. I came in the car because of you, not because of the situation,” she proclaimed, her face matching her hair.
And that was it. With those words his erection had turned from moderate to full-blown. It was painstakingly obvious and was tenting his pants painfully. He leaned in a bit in the hopes that it would slightly conceal it from him. “I feel like I’m dreaming,” he admitted shyly, laughing breathily.
She smiled at him sweetly before letting her gaze cast downwards. He gasped when she put her hand on his shoulder and pushed him to lean against the back of the couch, letting his erection strain painfully for her to see in its full glory. “So,” she started, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. “That’s because of me?” she asked softly.
“Always,” he affirmed.
She looked at it unabashedly and then licked her lips, making his cock twitch noticeably, much to her apparent pleasure. He noticed her fidgeting a bit before she murmured something. “What was that?” he asked.
“Can I touch it?” she whispered, her eyes focusing on his to gauge his reaction.
She probably saw shock mixed with fervent desire. He wasn’t sure if he was alive or if she shot him earlier and he entered an alternate timeline, but, to be honest, he didn’t care. This was without a doubt one of the best moments of his life - just following “I’m Dana Scully. I’ve been assigned to work with you”, “the cancer’s in remission”, and “no, it didn’t.” His mouth felt incredibly dry, and he didn’t want to say anything that might fuck this up, so he just nodded.
He felt his breath hitch as she scooted closer to him, close enough that her knee was touching his leg. While she focused on the front of his pants, he focused on her face. He watched the way her eyelashes flitted against her cheeks and how her lip was raw from her teeth’s attention. She was beautiful, and the only thing that tore his gaze away from her was his eyes closing involuntarily when he felt her hand, ever so lightly graze across his lap.
He forced his eyes open and looked down to see her hand nervously resting on his upper thigh. Almost as if she was waiting for him to look, she slowly inched towards the bulge, extending her index finger out so she could slowly trace the outline of his penis inch by inch.
“Fuck,” he whispered with a shuddered breath, resisting the urge to buck up into her hand.
She licked her lips and extended her hand, palming him gently as she watched his face contort into pure ecstacy. “Oh my god.”
She kept doing that for what felt like an eternity, but was probably only two minutes, slowly stroking him with her thumb as her hand rubbed up and down his shaft. He was pulled back to reality by the sound of his pants unbuttoning as her fingers clasped his zipper. “M-may I?”
Another nod, followed by a gasp as she pivoted her body so that she was on her knees on the floor in between his legs, resting her elbows on his thighs. He couldn’t believe his eyes and if it wasn’t for his intense desire to see what she did next, he probably could have come from the sight alone. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear again before grabbing his belt and undoing it, using her full strength to whip it off and throw it to the side. The she resumed her position and went back to the zipper she’d grabbed before, only this time dragging it down slowly, the sound like a scream in the otherwise silent apartment.
She leaned a bit closer, close enough for her breasts to touch his thighs and he felt like he could faint from anticipation. She looked up at him and he hoped to god he didn’t look half as desperate as he felt in this moment. Luckily, whatever she saw must’ve been encouraging, because her dainty fingers hooked under the opening of his boxers and brought his erection out into the open air, right in front of her face.
She took him firmly in her hand, gauging how her fingers barely met around his girth as she rotated her wrist. She seemed fixated on how his foreskin shifted with each upward stroke and partially covered his head until it was tugged away by a down stroke. She continued playing with him like this until he was so erect, the foreskin was too taut to move.
Focusing on something new, she let her thumb collect some of the precum that had gathered at his tip and spread it around before bringing her fingers back to her lips and licking them clean. “Fuck, Scully,” he whimpered. That was, without a doubt, one of the hottest things he’d ever witnessed.
Her hand returned without pause, but she lifted herself higher on her knees, no longer sitting on her thighs just observing. She looked at him with dilated eyes as if to ask for permission again, then, without a doubt having received permission, she lowered her head, stuck her tongue out, and licked him from root to tip. He gasped and resisted the urge to let his head fall back. He had to see this.
Scully let her tongue circle around his tip before plunging his cock into her mouth without hesitation. He moaned loudly and his hips twitched. He felt her hum against him and he realized she was laughing at his eagerness. He didn’t know what she was doing, but fuck it felt good. The flat of her tongue was moving against him with every bob of her head as her hand cradled his scrotum.
This was Scully. Scully’s lips were wrapped around him right now. He was throat deep in his gorgeous, brilliant partner. He wanted to cry from happiness. She must’ve felt the telltale signs of his balls tightening, because she let her head up with an audible “pop” as she used her fingers to squeeze the base of his shaft, stopping his orgasm immediately.
Her face was flushed, her lips swollen, and her eyes watery from giving the world’s best blowjob. She looked gorgeous. Instinctively, he grabbed her face and pulled her towards him as he leaned in, crashing their lips together in a passionate frenzy. He could taste himself on her as his tongue darted out to lap as her lip. He realized the ridiculousness of the fact she’d blown him before they’d even had their first, proper kiss, but they never did anything conventionally so why start now.
Her breathing was ragged against his cheek as he wrapped his arms around her and pushed her closer to him, mashing her breasts against his chest as he kneaded her ass. “Mmpph, Mulder,” she moaned into his mouth, breaking the kiss.
“Scully, you feel so good,” he groaned, nuzzling her cheek.
“Wait, let me take off my clothes,” she panted. Immediately he let go, not wanting to stop her from that specific task and quickly worked on discarding his own crumpled attire.
“Oh my god,” he groaned as her perky breasts bounced on her chest from the force of her whipping her bra off over her head instead of taking the time to unclasp it. She was just as excited as him.
He was naked in time to watch as she slid her underwear down her legs, leaving her completely nude in front of him. His eyes must’ve been bulging out of his head because she giggled sweetly. “Scully, you’re breathtaking.”
“You’re pretty beautiful yourself,” she murmured, hiking one leg over each of his thighs, making his heart start beating erratically.
“Wait, Scully. Did you want me to reciprocate before-?” he asked. Each answer was honestly a win win for him, he just wanted to make sure she was comfortable.
“Thank you, Mulder, but-” she took his hand from her hip and guided it to the apex of her thighs, parting her auburn-covered folds and letting him feel her velvety, smooth warmth.
She was absolutely fucking soaking wet.
“Do you feel that Mulder? That’s what I’ve been trying to hide. You do that to me so often. I’m tired of waiting,” she whispered.
He moved his hand, swirling around her hardened clit which made her whole body twitch in response as she sucked in a breath between clenched teeth. “Please,” she cried out.
Not wanting to torture either of them any longer, he lined up his head with her opening and watched as she sank down on top of him. They stayed like that for a moment and just stared at each other. “Wow,” she whispered, laughing lightly.
“You feel incredible,” he moaned, rocking slightly despite his attempts to sit still.
“Fuck,” she groaned, rocking her hips in response and encouraging him to buck back into her.
Her skin was lit by the dim glow of his shitty lamp, but god she looked like heaven and felt even better. She kept a steady pace on top of him as he leaned forward and captured a pert nipple in his mouth, making her squirm and pick up the pace. “Oh, Mulder,” she whimpered. Hearing his name said in that intonation in her voice was like audible sex.
He felt something shift by the side of his face and he turned to see it was her hand reaching down to - fuck.
She was touching herself. While riding him.
He watched in rapture as her middle and ring finger curved to circle her clit in purposeful strokes, making an erratic pattern of speed and pressure. He looked back to her face and watched as her brow furrowed in pleasure, her mouth open as she took staggered breaths. “H-harder,” she stammered.
Her wish was his command, so he wrapped his arms around her and effortlessly moved them so she was on her back as he picked up the pace from his position on top of her. He lowered himself a little bit so that with every thrust, her hand became trapped between his pubic bone and hers, grinding her fingers even harder against herself. “Yes,” she whispered, her eyes almost fluttering shut from the sensations, but she managed to keep them open. She wanted to see this as much as he did.
“Scully,” he praised, simply overcome with the pleasure of being inside her after years of dreaming about it. In response, she hiked her legs up so that her calves were resting against his sides, letting him plunge even deeper. “Fuck,” he groaned.
He picked up the pace and she gasped loudly, her brow furrowing once more as he felt her hand pick up the pace in between them. “That’s it, Mulder. Right there please don’t stop please don’tstop pleasedon’tstop” she demanded.
As if he could. He kept up, stroke for stroke, angling his hips to hit the spot that made her twitch against him. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he growled, noticing how her dainty gold chain was intermingling with drops of sweat gathering at the hollow of her throat.
“OhmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodMULDER,” she cried as her entire body trembled and quaked, much like it had earlier. Except this time he allowed himself to follow suit, crying her name as he buried himself inside her and let go, expanding and releasing in a white hot blaze.
He kept rocking against her, pushing her hips into the couch cushion as they rode out their orgasms. As her shaking subsided into small twitches, he littered her face with kisses and words of affirmation. Eventually, she regained her senses and started smiling lethargically, puckering her lips against his skin in response to every sentiment.
“Hey Scully,” he prompted in a whisper.
“I hope you never feel the need to apologize for coming again,” he teased
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