#when real life's getting more like fiction; dash commentary
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thegreymoon · 11 months ago
I am really not the target demographic for Red, White and Royal Blue and honestly, the entire premise sounds dumb af from where I'm sitting, but all the gifs that crossed my dash looked hilarious and that main actor is beyond gorgeous, so I am going to give it a shot tonight. My expectations are so low, that unless this movie gets a shovel and starts digging, there is no chance it cannot exceed them. I am so ready to eat my words, just give me some pretty people, mindless fluff and basic comedy and I will be happy, I swear!
You guys, I'm going to be honest here, I don't think I have it in me to sit through this 😭😭
LOL, only a younger brother 🤣🤣 They did not have the guts to go all in and make him the heir to the throne.
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Also, lol @ "Prince of England's hearts" but even more so at "whom all the world adores" 🤣🤣 I cannot. I am absolutely not the target demographic for this and I don't think I have it in me to just go along with this, fictional British royal family or not. Who speaks like this? Who even believes it?
Anyway. Abolish the monarchy, Guillotine them all. Long live the glorious revolution!
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Well, at least he looks equally disgusted.
If we can't off the royal family, how about we just off this news announcer? Because I am getting so much second-hand embarrassment.
LMAO, OK, he gets ONE point 🤣🤣
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OK, fine, two points, because he is stupid beautiful and the reason I sat down to watch this in the first place 😤
Yassss, girlfriend has great taste!
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I'm two minutes in and so far, she's my favourite. I would totally watch a two-hour movie of her touring London and giving commentary on the yumminess of various guys she encounters.
LMAO, is he going to get hammered and smash the obscene 75-thousand-pound cake? 🤣🤣
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Because why else would they mention that price point and also show the cake in all its humongous 8-tier glory 🤣🤣
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Here for the diplomatic incident, ngl, I would totally read the shit out of that in the tabloids the next day 🤣🤣
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Okay, I am laughing 🤣🤣
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I saw it coming from a mile away, but goddamn, it DELIVERED! 🤣🤣
I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣
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Watching this was such a good decision 🤣🤣
LOL, if this was a real-life event, I would spend a week gleefully reblogging it on Tumblr, no lie 🤣🤣
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Also, it is a 9-TIER CAKE, not 8 🤣🤣 The more, the messier!
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Also, OMG! Uma Thurman! 😍 It's been a hundred years since I watched her in anything!
"Sunshine of my heart" 🤣🤣
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This movie is hilarious 🤣🤣
Wait, Sarah Shahi??
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I loved her in Life! I also watched Fairly Legal for her and thought she was stunning in The L Word! I'm forever bitter we never got to see that Nancy Drew adaptation with her in the main role 😕
The thing that is the most difficult for me to suspend my disbelief for is the idea that these two overly privileged young men involved in their countries' respective politics are actually nice people.
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I keep chanting to myself, "You are not here for realism! You are not here for realism! YOU ARE NOT HERE FOR REALISM!"
To varying levels of success 😕
Romantic comedies are so not my genre. And I am so not here for ex-boyfriends or whatever this guy is.
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I need Alex and Henry to get back together ASAP and start smashing cakes again because I'm starting to get bored.
These are gutter-level jokes.
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Seriously, they couldn't get more creative?
They have the most basic taste in literature ever. It doesn't even feel authentic, more like what a nineteen-year-old girl thinks good taste in literature should look like.
I feel like I am extremely uncharitable towards this movie (the cake thing was funny tho) but it is very hard to take their bland flirting, pedestrian romance and pathetic humour seriously when you're coming into this from 2ha 😕 The standards that have been set are on another planet compared to what we are being given here.
Please 😭
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And smash another cake, otherwise I don't know how I'm going to make it through another hour-and-a-half of this 😭😭
The things I will watch for pretty people 😭
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He truly is stupid beautiful and makes this thing infinitely more watchable every time he's on screen.
I'm with Henry on this one, this party is like something straight out of my worst nightmares and crushing on the tall, hot guy seems like the only tolerable thing in this whole hellscape.
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Aww, baby, he is not having a good time.
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He wants to kiss him for New Year's too!
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Well. That escalated 🤣🤣
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And some women! 👀
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She's my favourite character in this thing, lol, followed closely by Sarah Shahi and Uma Thurman. And then Prince Henry 😅
This guy stands no chance to the level that it's embarrassing he still keeps trying.
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I almost feel sorry for him, but I kinda have the feeling that he's going to be the one to out Alex and Henry, so my sympathy is very shallow. Just know when you've lost, my man, and MOVE ON.
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gerudospiriit · 1 year ago
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[Alright, I warned you guys. Here's that juicy PSA I promised you all. It's going to cover an array of different topics that I feel need addressing and general clearing up. At least in regards to how I view things and operate here on this blog. I also hope this doesn't scare my new followers away alkjsf.]
First things first and maybe doesn't need to be said but, in case some people haven't noticed, I am pretty opinionated, and I will share my opinions here if I feel like it. However, I will never spout any negative opinions about any singular person here on this blog. I have never done it and I will never do it, explicitly or implicitly. That's not how I operate. I do my best to only give opinions and critique of general topics like overall trends in the rpc, general headcanons or fanon that are fairly widespread in the community/fandom I don't necessarily care for, and fictional characters I'm not a fan of. While I can't tell you how to take my posts, I can assure you that nothing I post here is ever, ever meant to offend or be an attack on any one person (or really be an attack at all). This goes for IC, dash commentary posts as well. I'll get to those more in a minute though.
If you don't like this kind of thing, that's perfectly fine. If you're not comfortable interacting with me because of that, it's absolutely fine. But what ISN'T fine in my book is if you take my words and posts and twist them into things they aren't or try to demonize me for nothing remotely harmful. Again, I can't control how you take my posts, but I know that I don't post anything that's inherently problematic. A hot take or unpopular opinion here and there, but again, it's nothing that's outright attacking any one person or vague blogging or being generally toxic at all. As I said, I don't attack people with my posts, but I'm not going to walk on eggshells when sharing my thoughts because some people might take them personally. I will always be careful about this and sensitive material in general. All I can say is that my posts are never meant to be personal attacks, and if you really feel one is, tell me! I would rather be able to explain myself or my mindset than end up with people thinking I'm being toxic when I'm absolutely not. That or just unfollow me. Block me. Whatever you need to do. I'm a firm believer in tailoring your own experience so if that's what you need to do, then there are no hard feelings.
Now to get into the real nitty gritty of this post: a few reminders/how I generally view certain aspects that get tossed around a little too generously in the RPC. Keep in mind all of these have their own nuances, but in general, the stuff I'm going to say is usually true.
💥Mun=/=Muse and vice versa. It shocks me that I need to talk about this in 2023 but I guess it bears repeating. My opinions are not my muse's opinions, nor are her words, opinions, and actions mine. What I say about a topic or character or anything aren't necessarily what Nabooru thinks, and what Nabooru says or thinks about a character isn't necessarily how I feel about them.
Additionally, I will not take anything said IC or OOC about Nabooru personally, and no one else should take anything negative said about their muses as a personal attack. I understand we love our muses, but it's absolutely paramount to not take one character or mun (within reason) saying something we don't like about our characters as a sleight to ourselves as real people. Just like in real life, some muses won't like our muses. Some muns might not like our (canon) characters in general. But if we, the muns, constantly take offense to our muses being disliked in any way, we're all just going to be miserable. Obviously there will always be caveats to this--like someone specifically targeting YOUR iteration of your muse or your OC--because sometimes, people are just being assholes. But in most cases, it's not that deep.
💥 Dash Commentary/Not All Muses Are Nice On a related note, in character dash commentary is just that: the character making commentary about things happening on the dash. Once again, even if the commentary is one muse being shady about another, it's very, very likely not a personal attack on YOU the MUN, and it's best to remember once again that muse does not equal the mun. Dash commentary is meant to simply allow characters to comment on the events of the dash and potentially strike up interactions. It should not be taken personal by the muns.
It's good to also remember that not all muses are nice. Some are flat out evil and cruel. Not all of them will like your muse. That's what makes roleplay fun and interesting. Muns should not be demonized and penalized because they play a muse that isn't always the easiest to get along with. My advice to you is that, if you don't want interactions that aren't all sunshine in rainbows, don't follow blogs with muses that are rougher around the edges.
Also, I would make it clear in your rules that you're not open for any kind of confrontational of confrontational adjacent threads. If it's not for you, it's totally okay! We're all here to have fun. But it's better to be honest about it up front than to have someone's muse come to yours with beef.
💥 "Vague Blogging" Accusations of harmful "vague blogging" has honestly become a pet peeve of mine. I've seen it thrown around willy nilly and it's really just insane to me. In my experience and what I've observed with other people, on occasion, the term "vague blogging" gets tossed around any time someone is offended by another person's post, even if it is a general opinion about something general someone saw--that might not have even been the offended person's post!- and wanted to comment on. While I understand there is absolutely times where people ARE being toxic and are "vague blogging" specific people to be passive aggressive, more often than not, I've seen people call a simple opinion post that doesn't jive with theirs "vague blogging." I've seen someone saying they disagree with a take called "vague blogging." If we let simple internet commentary and disagreement get labeled as "vague blogging," we might as well say that everything on the internet, especially social media sites, is just all "vague blogging" other people. That voicing your opinion about something on the internet is just "vague blogging" the person who you disagree with. And I think most of us have been online long enough to understand how ludicrous that is.
In truth, most "vague blogging" that gets called out is basically just internet dialogue, and we need to be more mindful about calling innocent opinions, whether it seems based on something you said or not, "vague blogging," especially in a negative sense, when it's harmless. People should be able to express their opinions and disagree with other people if they want to without being accused of vague blogging and demonized. In fact, we should probably get rid of the term vague blogging altogether because it's too vague (heh) and broad and invites this kind of paranoia that isn't helpful to anyone. If someone is being mean or toxic, that should just be what it is. We don't need a technical term for it.
And I get it. Someone expressing their disagreement moments after you can feel like a personal attack (and sometimes, it might be). But I think that's the crux here: a "vague blog" has to be an actual attack on the PERSON making the comment over attacking the TOPIC itself (a good thing to remember in general tbh). Which, with how internet lingo is can be difficult to pick out; being Generally Mean in a Joking Way is just kind of normal. So I get why it can be easy to jump to an accusation of someone being an ass, but we need to either do better about picking it out and not calling every post disagreeing with us "vague blogging" OR start getting better about communicating with people when we DO think it has happened (and not on anon, either).
A few examples from how I understand vague blogging:💢OP: *makes a post about how much they love Ze.lda in B.reath of the W.ild and her growth in the memories*Not "Vague Blogging": I'm not a fan of how Ze.lda was portrayed in B.reath of the W.ild. I know a lot of people like her, but this iteration just wasn't it for me. "Vague Blogging"/ Potentially Problematic: Only childish morons like Ze.lda in B.reath of the W.ild. She needed to grow up and so do you. 💢OP: *posts about how they can't stand Gan.ondorf and wishes Nin.tendo would just let him die and make another prominent villain already*Not "Vague Blogging": Gano.ndorf is a great character with a lot of subtle complexities that make him a more nuanced villain than many fans and even the writers these days give him credit for. "Vague Blogging"/ Potentially Problematic: If you want Gan.ondorf to never return to another Zelda game, you're just too stupid to see and understand how brilliant his character is.
To me, language is everything when it comes to problematic vague blogging. There really is a difference in being an ass to someone and about their post and simply expressing your opinion about it. As I said, it's hard to really pinpoint actual vague blogging versus someone just maybe passionately giving their opinion/using the internet's habit of being insulting in a joking way, but I guess I would say the best rule of thumb is what I said earlier: are they attacking you, the person, or the opinion/take/what have you? And if that's unclear and you're truly hurt by the post, talk to the person. Ask them what they meant and let them know that it felt like an attack on you as a person. Or just unfollow, block, etc. and move on.
If we want to keep labeling vague blogging as something that's ALWAYS negative and harmful, then we need to only call the stuff that's negative and harmful vague blogging. Not every opinion that doesn't jive with ours should be demonized.
💥 Which brings me to my final point: tailor your own experience. If you don't like how someone runs their blog for any reason, you're not obligated to stick around. While we should all try not to be dicks to each other, it's ultimately your responsibility to ensure you're not being exposed to content or people you don't want to be. And it should be no skin off anyone's nose if that's what someone ultimately decides. At the end of the day, we're all just here to have fun. If something someone is saying or doing makes you uncomfortable, you're not obligated to stick around. Unfollow, block, blacklist, and whatever else you need to do and move on. It's really that simple.
💥 Bonus: a person sharing their feelings is NOT manipulation probably 99% of the time. As with all of these, this isn't always the tried and true case because people suck sometimes. But people sharing how they feel about something or how something someone did to them made them feel should not be automatically branded as manipulation. Listen to each other and take into account EVERYONE'S concerns or feelings. I'm not saying every person coming into your IMs has a legitimate grievance with something you said. As I've alluded to, there is always a chance someone will take something you said differently than you intended it. Give them the space to express their concerns. And if you're on the other side, give the other person a chance to explain their meaning, apologize if needed, and come to a mutual understanding no matter how that looks. Don't lecture each other. Don't call each other names or demonize each other. Just...communicate. Like normal humans. Which I know is hard for all of us gremlins here but the lack of communication on this website is what makes it such a hellsite. We would rather jump to the worst case scenarios and slander someone across the community for what was maybe an innocent mistake or a moment of emotional weakness (we all have em) rather than just having a conversation to try and figure it out and understand each other. It's something I think we need to all work on to change.
And I think that's about all I wanted to bring attention to. At the end of the day, this is all just a dumb hellsite that we're all trying to have a semblance of fun on playing pretend. But it's also The Internet and you're going to find things and people you're not a fan of. People are going to say things we don't like. But, as much as I hate to put it this way, I think we collectively in some cases to use a bit more common sense and grow a bit of a thicker skin so we can better understand what is and isn't a personal attack and the like. If we do that, I think we'll all have a generally better time here and on the interwebs in general.
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azzandra · 5 days ago
Aw, man, can't believe it's been two years since I wrote that.
When I reblogged and added my little commentary, I actually hadn't anticipated my comment to be reblogged by more than a couple of mutuals or be seen outside of my followers. I was just sharing a term that popped up in my head as a joke.
If I knew this glib comment I dashed off one morning without much thought was going to breach containment and take on a life of its own, I probably would have added a few disclaimers.
Since then, I've seen some people miss the point about what I was talking about in a few huge ways, so I'll clarify now a few points:
I have nothing against the cockroach wife dude.
I don't know if that story is true or not (there are some weird people out in the world, so I won't dismiss it out of hand, but like. come on) and I sincerely do not care that his spankbank was exclusively taken up by a cockroach woman. The part of his tale that we should take as a parable is where he solely and without being forced by anyone else hinged his entire sexuality around an imaginary construct that then made him incapable of being attracted to real human women. Remember, his story starts with him complaining that he can't get it up with his human girlfriend without picturing her as a huge cockroach. He did that. Nobody forced him to develop this condition. This is a lesson for the rest of us.
people going 'I think they're both pretty!' like that's the centrist silver bullet to this phenomenon.
Listen, yeah. I agree. Both versions are meant to be attractive, just to wildly different demographics. You know who doesn't agree? The guys I'm talking about.
The dudes I am referencing do NOT think both characters are attractive to different people. They think the original is attractive to NOBODY, and everyone else in the world is just PRETENDING that the first one is attractive in any way, and they're convinced everyone else also objectively knows the original art is ugly but there's a conspiracy to subject poor defenseless heterosexual men to pictures of butt-ugly women in order to brainwash them or something.
The guys afflicted with Cockroach Wife Syndrome are on some gamerbro qanon shit where their perception of reality is slanted to a comical degree, but they think their experiences are objective and unbiased, and they're making it everyone else's problem.
people smugly going 'OP has an anime girl in their icon' like that's some sort of gotcha
Yeah, man, I'm not opposed to anime girls. I'm not even opposed to hentai, or blender porn, or masturbation. I think everyone deserves to masturbate if they want to, and the way the world is going, we all probably deserve to masturbate a lot more (porn addiction isn't a real thing, my dudes). I accept that some people are going to jerk it to stuff that I don't find attractive, and maybe consider repulsive, and that's just going to be a fact of life from here unto eternity. We all need to come to terms to that.
But the Cockroach Wife Syndrome sufferers do NOT want to accept it. They want the entire world to have only one porn preference that aligns neatly to their own, and also they want all fictional depictions of women everywhere to adhere precisely to their porn preference.
And like, why would we do what these guys say? Now, me, personally, each time I see one of their yassified sexy edits of an already pretty female character, it always looks like the tackiest shit to me, like they're a toddler who got into mommy's make-up. I want to start a GoFundMe to send them to beautician school. I don't care how much they screech about it, they cannot convince me their aesthetic tastes are something to emulate, so I coined this term for them just so I had a name for their obnoxious behavior.
All that being said, in the time since I wrote this post, I discovered it gained some traction outside of tumblr. "Cockroach Wife Syndrome" was added to Urban Dictionary. There are people slinging around the term on twitter. I personally got jumpscared by running into it in the wild on reddit, which was how I found out people are actually using it. Honestly, I am not that hyped about this being my legacy (and I am so sorry to the OP of this post that I got them stuck with seeing every reply or tag someone ever makes about the cockroach wife guy, like I'm some malevolent storytime cuckoo who dropped disturbing internet tales in their nest). But ultimately, I think this one is actually on the thousands of people who reblogged it and considered that I described a phenomenon that they also observed.
Y'all stay safe out there, and remember to vary your masturbation material once in a while.
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i wish i could see this picture for the first time again
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alexalessandro · 9 months ago
I want to thank you for being a point of reason and positivity in the D20 fandom. Before the back half of FHJY I had a few blogs (including yours) that I checked in on for meta/art/speculation, but I had to stop visiting most of them due to how toxic they've gotten towards the REAL people behind D20 for "not telling the story right" or claiming that the grown up, real life Intrepid Heroes are actually hateful/toxic/etc towards teenagers. Like...it just got absolutely exhausting. This is the do-bits-smites-and-crits show. If you don't feel comfortable watching something that combines violence and high schoolers...then don't watch it??? But don't act like the creatives behind it are real world criminals because of it.
And the Kipperlily stans (which, I love her your honor! She's fascinating!) screaming that we should have gotten more of her and aren't her choices understandable and fascinating BUT ALSO screaming that she had no choice and was manipulated into everything she's ever done wrong by Porter like...she's a Complicated Woman, and shouldn't that be okay?
Or my current favorite, the cries that if only Jawbone hadn't failed her by being incompetent or failing to stop another teacher at the school from learning about her issues. Jawbone's fictional, so he doesn't need me to defend him, but...blimey. I don't even fully know where I'm going with that one. Maybe that they insist on bringing in real world logic to woobify KLCK ("she's just an angry teen!" "she's been groomed!") but Jawbone can't possibly be a mostly effective, compassionate dude who's trying to serve and protect and guide 500+ teens who can't/won't be forced to accept said guidance?
Thanks for all your insightful commentary and for being a hub for some truly great D20 fan content and sorry for ranting in your inbox. I don't know anyone IRL to rant to and I've truly been going insane observing some of the fandom's takes this season.
Aww thank you! I honestly dodged most toxic posts and bs like bullets so I'm happy that i helped clear out your dash
yeah i get being parasocial buy guys when you're seriously foaming at the mouth at real people take a step back breathe an touch some grass because it's really not that deep
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wherevermyway · 4 years ago
why can’t we drink forever? (1/2) // minsung // 18+
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one: i will only complicate you series navigation: [desktop] [mobile]
⚠ POTENTIAL TW: READ WITH CAUTION! ⚠ pairing: lee minho x han jisung rating: explicit! 18+ warnings/tags: creator chose not to use archive warnings, explicit sexual content past character death, alcohol abuse/alcoholism, depression, edgy cynical depressed jisung, ambiguous/open ending. word count: 5,883 also on AO3
originally posted: 20 january 2021
After being arrested for driving under the influence, Jisung learns that money can buy his way out of jail time, but it can’t buy his way out of his feelings.
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disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! any reference to persons in this work of fiction are purely coincidental. the characters referenced from Stray Kids are  interpretations loosely based on their personalities in the group and do  not represent the real people behind the personas. if this, or any of  the content included in the warnings above make you uncomfortable,  please stop reading now.
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“I don’t know how things got this way, Sungie, baby. I’m worried about you.”
A sarcastic huff leaves the lips of the young man seated in the passenger seat of a sleek, new all-white Audi. He kicks his feet up on the dash, earning a frown from the middle-aged woman driving the vehicle. The young blonde stares out the window as he fumbles around his hoodie pocket. Out comes a white pack of Marlboro Gold cigarettes and an engraved silver lighter.
“You and me both, ma,” he tuts as he pops a white cigarette up from the pack into his mouth, flicking the dial of his lighter as he takes in a deep breath. He jams a finger down on the window button, the crisp winter air blowing the grey cloud around, the acrid scent of burnt tobacco filling the car. “Guess if we knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be in the car now, huh?”
“Maybe you’d have gotten into a better university,” his mother sighs as she shakes her head.
A devious smirk curls up on the young man’s mouth as he brings the cigarette up to his lips again, taking a long drag. He knows better than to verbally respond with a cynical quip.
Maybe I’d be fuckin’ dead.
Alcoholics Anonymous sounded like a cult following: a twelve-step programme where all of its members had to follow a strict code, be mentored by a sponsor, and thank some bullshit deity to be given a new chance every day. “Every day is a new chance,” the cult leader would say at the beginning of every meeting. “May God grant us the serenity…”
“I’m Jisung, and the courts told me I’m an alcoholic, so I guess I’m an alcoholic,” the artificial blonde shrugged his shoulders, the ghost of burnt coffee still dancing on his tongue as he spoke.
The mindless cult drones spouted off a casual “hi, Jisung,” in monotonous, unenthusiastic unity as the young man sat down.
“How did you get here?” The meeting’s leader was relentless in prodding the young man. “You’re not obligated to tell us, of course,” which was a boldfaced lie, “but acknowledging your problems might help your recovery.”
Jisung brought the styrofoam cup full of lukewarm, acrid coffee to his lips and took a long sip. He winced at the taste and pursed his lips as he made eye contact with the leader. “I was abducted by aliens, man, now I’m here. Shit was crazy.”
The leader frowned, ready to interrupt Jisung.
“Nah,” the young man kicked his feet out from under the metal fold-up chair, flipping his hood over his head with his free hand. “I got drunk, went out to get more booze, then hit a tree on the way back and the cops pulled me over since my headlight was out. The internet wasn’t lying when they said all cops are fuckin’ bastards.” His quip earned a laugh from a few younger members, whereas several of the older people shook their heads in frustration.
“Please,” the leader sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “let’s refrain from political commentary. Thank you for your,” there’s a pause as the leader clears his throat, “for your candor, Jisung. Now that we’ve introduced all of our new attendees, why don’t we move along with the next step in the meeting?”
The meeting was pointless, all of the same shit that Jisung had read about in the fliers that were handed to him with his sentencing. He had to endure twelve months of this, but it wasn’t like he was doing much else with his life, anyways. Jisung poured the last of the disgusting coffee from the cardboard takeaway box into his cup, then tossed the box into the large rubbish bin at the end of the table. One last cup of free shitty coffee before he left; it would pair nicely with the cigarette he so desperately craved.
“Hey!” A bright voice came up behind him and Jisung rolled his eyes at the way optimism dripped from the trill. He slowly turned around, taking a sip of the cold coffee in his cup. A young man with neon pink hair, probably the same age as Jisung, smiled widely as he stuck his hand out. “I’m Felix, nice to see someone here that’s about my age.”
Jisung gingerly accepted the hand and shook it twice before quickly sticking his hand back into his pocket. “Charmed. How long are you stuck here for?”
“Oh!” Felix shook his head, smile still wide on his face as he pensively looked down to his shoes. “I’m not here for… well, I’m a psychology major.”
Of course he was.
Felix tucked his hands into his jacket pockets and tapped his foot twice as he continued to smile at Jisung. “I’m also new here and was hoping I could make friends.”
Jisung shook his head, reaching into his hoodie pocket for his pack of cigarettes and familiar silver lighter. “I’m not a good influence. Don’t think I’d make good friends with someone so… nice.” He meandered a white cigarette out of the packet with a single hand, then tucked it behind his ear, lighter still tucked into his palm. “No offence, dude.”
The smile finally fell from the pink-haired man, who quickly pulled his hands from his pockets, “wait, wait!”
Jisung cocked an eyebrow at the man, biting his tongue as he felt the clawing at the back of his head, his synapses screaming a plea for him to get a hit of more nicotine.
“I don’t wanna sound desperate,” Felix ran his bottom lip under his teeth as he looked around nervously, “I just really wanna talk with someone that’s so different than me. I’ll even buy you dinner or something from the diner down the street.”
As insulting as the words ‘so different than me’ came off to Jisung, desperation was a bad look for anyone. “You got a car?” Felix nodded twice, biting his lip as he stared at Jisung. “Lead the way, psycho student Felix.”
Felix’s eyes went wide and his bright smile came back, beaming brighter than before. “It’s psychology, not psycho.”
The blonde rolled his eyes as he plucked the cigarette from behind his ear and tucked it in between his teeth. “I know what I said.”
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The food at the diner was mediocre at best: rubbery scrambled eggs and burgers made from frozen patties that were likely a concoction of rejected organ meat slurry and textured vegetable protein. It was cheap, but it was always good. Rich in comfort, lacking in quality: the antithesis to Jisung’s life.
Jisung hadn’t been here in two years, not since his friend turned on-again, off-again boyfriend Changbin left for university, halfway across the country. This was the place they’d come to at three in the morning after hitting up a house party, where they would drunkenly curl up with each other and swap kisses that tasted like stale beer and watery coffee.
This was the place where Changbin broke up with Jisung for the final time, Changbin citing that they wouldn’t be able to stay in contact much anymore. However, he hadn’t told Jisung that he was sleeping with someone that graduated a couple years prior and was conveniently attending the same university as him.
That night tasted like vodka and strawberry soda, the latter of which Jisung never let grace his tastebuds again.
The blonde scowled down at his orange juice, watching the ring light above their table shimmer and ripple in the liquid. He hadn’t heard from Changbin in two years, and he was as bitter about it as the black, burnt edges of the hashbrowns that stuck to his plate.
“You okay?” Felix poked his fries with a fork, bringing one to his lips as he scanned Jisung’s expression.
“Are any of us okay, psycho student?”
Felix furrowed his brows and set his fork down against his plate, chewing on the crinkled french fry a bit before he swallowed. He folded his hands together and rested his chin against the interlaced fingers. “No, like,” he shrugged, eyes shifting around a bit, “I mean it. You seem kinda distant.”
Jisung rolled his eyes up to meet Felix’s and he cocked his eyebrow. He was starting to regret tagging along with this kid he barely knew, feeling like this was less of a potential friendship and more like a therapy session. “You don’t know me, man.”
“No, but I know people.”
“You’re a sophomore psychology student, dude. You don’t know shit.”
The pink-haired man sighed, back thudding against the plasticky booth. “I guess you’re right about that. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to know, though.”
“Your funeral, then.” Jisung followed suit, leaning up against the booth with a bit more tact, swinging his arm around the wood frame. “I had my first sip of alcohol when I was thirteen. Got bored when my parents fucked off to Italy on some shitty trip without me.”
Felix tilted his head up like a dog, suddenly alive with renewed interest.
“They’re only parents in blood and title.” Jisung looked down at the table, scratching inanely at a chip in the pale green linoleum. “I was raised by nannies and tutors until I was fifteen. Most parents would probably panic when they leave the house, coming back to an empty liquor cabinet. My parents? Nah, they just restocked it and told me not to drink too much at once.”
“That’s,” Felix’s voice trailed off as he looked away, milling over the new information.
“It’s fucked,” Jisung finished the sentence, then brought the plastic cup of orange juice to his mouth and took a long sip. He set the cup back down and pulled up the sleeve covering his left arm, presenting the flesh over the table. Felix visibly recoiled as he eyed dozens of scarred lines littered across the skin, some marks still relatively fresh. “Their response to this? ‘We’ll get you into therapy and you won’t do this again.’ It was always the best money could buy, but their money didn’t do shit to my brain.” He shuffled the cloth over his arm again, ignoring the look of pity Felix offered him.
“If money could buy them a better son, they would’ve traded me out, like upgrading a car on a lease.”
Felix stumbled over his words a bit as Jisung rifled through his pockets, pulling out his phone and his wallet. “You still wanna make friends with someone like me?”
It took a moment, but Felix tentatively nodded his head. “Doesn’t sound like you have many friends to begin with,” he nervously sputtered out.
Jisung cocked his head to the side and licked his teeth as he smiled. “I don’t do friends. But life’s full of surprises. Anyway, gimme your phone so we can swap contact info.”
They exchanged phone numbers and Jisung dropped a couple of bills on the table. “Don’t worry about it,” he said as soon as Felix opened his mouth to protest, “you’re a university student and I’ve got my shitty parents’ cash to burn.”
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“I’ll see you next week?” Felix questioned as Jisung stepped out of his shoddy 2003 Toyota Camry.
Jisung nodded once, tipping his index and middle fingers off of his forehead. “You got it. Thanks for the ride, mate.” He slammed the door with a fake smile that faded as soon as he turned around. Sure, Felix was the antithesis of everything Jisung was, but he could prove to be a source of entertainment over the next year.
Despite being cynical and vehemently anti-religion, Jisung always said a quiet prayer to himself as he opened the door, hoping his parents weren’t home when he arrived. Today, it seemed like luck was on his side: his mother’s keys weren’t on the key rack, and his father had yet to return from some bullshit ‘business trip’ off in China. Perhaps it was Morocco or Norway; they all blurred together in a haze of indifference. All Jisung was sure of was the fact that his father had probably taken one of his mistresses away to some foreign country he was pretending to secure a business deal in.
“Everyone’s favourite fuck-up is home!” Jisung shouted in the empty vestibule, his voice echoing against the cold walls. He didn’t expect a response, so when he was greeted with a comfortable silence, he smiled to himself. He kicked his shoes off and unceremoniously tossed them into the corner by the key rack.
His heavy, heel-first footsteps echoed as he made his way towards the kitchen, pulling a bottle of wine out of a glass display cooler as he padded towards the main refrigerator. He pulled out a box of takeaway Indian curry from the night prior, setting both the box and the bottle on the marble kitchen island, shuffling his feet towards a drawer. He retrieved a fork and a wine key, tossing them onto the countertop as he pulled out his phone, pack of cigarettes, and his lighter.
Jisung opened the bottle of wine as he sat down on a stool next to the counter, tossing the cork towards the rubbish bin, shrugging as he missed. That was a problem for later, and he didn’t feel like dealing with it now. Completely ignoring the takeaway carton, Jisung grabbed the wine bottle, then took a long guzzle directly from it. He winced a bit as the flavour of fermented floral grapes perfumed his mouth with a sharp, sickly rotten scent. The bottle clattered loudly against the marble, the echoing reminding Jisung of just how alone he was in such a large house.
“Fuck it,” he muttered, bringing his phone up in front of his face, scrolling through one of his playlists until he found the right song. With a few taps, some Drake came through the kitchen speakers. Jisung turned up the volume to near max, his head subconsciously moving to the beat of “In My Feelings”. He took a cigarette from the pack on the table and lit it, the tip turning from paper and plant to a red, ashy ember as he inhaled.
Was he allowed to smoke in the house? Of course not.
Did Jisung give a shit? Absolutely not.
A text message popped up as Jisung aimlessly scrolled through his various notifications. He opened it, barely scanning through the entire message from his mother until his eyes stopped on a blue phone number. His eyes narrowed, poring over the entire message. “A coworker of mine offered to be a sponsor for you: Lee Minho. He’s a few years older than you, but he’s nice. Here’s his number, please reach out to him.”
Jisung sarcastically scoffed, locking his phone as he placed it back on the countertop, swapping it for the bottle of wine. He took a drag off of his cigarette, then took another long swig from the bottle. “We admit we’re powerless to alcohol,” he mutters the first step under his breath as he slams the bottle down on the counter.
“Maybe I don’t fucking care.”
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Jisung woke up on the couch to the sound of heels clacking against the hardwood floor just before eight in the morning, his fingers jostling an empty bottle of scotch on the floor as he brought his hands to his face.
“Get cleaned up, please.” His mother’s voice was accompanied by bright spotlights suddenly shining directly on his face. “I’ve invited Minho over to meet with you.”
“I didn’t ask you to.” Jisung’s voice was low and gravelly, groaning as he sat upright. The world spun, his body carried by the false inertia his mind had created.
His mother trotted off to the kitchen, shouting over her shoulder. “I know you didn’t. I did it because I care about you, Sungie.”
The blonde rubbed his clammy hands against his face again, attempting to wipe the sleepiness from his eyes. He grabbed his phone off of the floor, then wobbled his way upright, the living room spinning around him in a familiar sense of uneasiness.
“You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself,” he muttered under his breath.
Somehow, Jisung managed to make his way upstairs to his room, stripping an article of clothing off with each lazy step from his bedroom door towards his personal washroom. By the time he got to the glass enclosure of the shower, he was totally stripped bare. Jisung distantly stared at his reflection in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, a gaunt and ashy doppelganger staring back at him with a pained, empty look on his face.
Instead of stepping into the shower, Jisung approached the mirror, subconsciously bringing his hands to touch his flushed face. His cheekbones were more prominent now than they were earlier in the year, dark circles painted in broad strokes under his eyes. His gaze trailed down the scars he had inflicted on his arms and on his thighs, reminders of the failed attempts to take his own life that he was now forced to carry with him, wearing each line and mark as a badge of shame.
A warm tear rolled down his face as it contorted into an expression of terror and hurt, before he took his fist and crashed it into the mirror in front of him, a spiderweb of the impact left behind in the cracked glass as he pulled his bloodied knuckles away. Some glass shattered to the floor, some still wedged in the gaps between his fingers, and Jisung stared at the crack that split his reflection into several fragments.
How he was still alive was beyond him.
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“Mrs. Han, please,” a lilted, unfamiliar laugh travelled up the staircase as Jisung slowly made his way down towards the first floor. He squinted at the noise that caused his head to throb, realizing that someone unknown speaking to his mother, likely the Minho she had mentioned earlier. With each step he took towards the drawing room, the voice got louder, each staccatoed laugh more pronounced.
“Jisung, come sit,” his mother said, replacing the genuine smile on her face with a fake, ‘Vaseline-on-the-teeth’ smile. She motioned towards the empty space on the couch, opposite from the young brunette that turned around.
Jisung met his eyes and it suddenly felt like his surroundings cracked and shattered around him, like the mirror upstairs. Rich brown eyes glistened behind the black and gold browline glasses that rested against the bridge of his nose. Rose-tinted lips curled upwards in a shy smile, revealing large, rabbit-like front teeth that rested softly against his bottom lip.
“Hi,” the stranger said with a gentle wave, “I’m Minho. Resident biochemist at the pharmaceutical company your mother works for.”
As Jisung made his way over to the open spot on the couch, he squinted, refusing to break eye contact with the strange invader. It felt like he was a wild animal on display, about to be poked and prodded by zookeeper staff or by scientists in some sort of underground, off-the-books laboratory. It would fit, after all, since the man was some sort of scientist.
“I’ll let you be,” Jisung’s mother says, rising to her feet. “Maybe you should tell Minho about your little misstep last night, hmm?”
Jisung rolled his tongue over his bottom lip and shook his head sarcastically. “Go enjoy your overfilled glass of wine at nine-fucking-thirty, ma. I’ll be here spilling my guts to a stranger that gives more of a shit about me than you.” Minho winced and his expression fell from cheerful to shocked.
The men stared at each other, Jisung’s gaze layered with arrogance, and Minho’s heavy with awkward discomfort. “So,” the younger man kicked his feet up onto the coffee table, pulling a pack of cigarettes and his trusted lighter from his sweatshirt pocket, hoping to wrap up the conversation as soon as possible. “I know you work with my mother, you’re an alcoholic, and your name’s Minho.” As quickly as Jisung could take in a breath, the cigarette between his teeth was lit, and he was glaring at the intruder through the grey haze that came between them. Their eyes met again, Jisung growing more and more wary by the second. “Why should I pick you as my sponsor, when I feel like you’re just gonna snitch to my mother?”
Minho’s jaw looked like it was clenched too tight, his bottom eyelids squinted upwards as he studied the younger man in front of him. They watched each other, eyeing each micromovement the other’s face made. About halfway through Jisung’s cigarette, Minho finally broke the uncomfortable eye contact, and took a deep breath. “I’m not asking for you to trust me, or to spill your life story,” he shifted, sitting upright, “but for you to see me as a mentor when things get hard and you want to dampen your feelings with alcohol. I’ve been there, Jisung.”
Indignation washed over the younger man’s face, quickly replaced by a familiar wave of arrogance. Jisung shook his head, ashing his cigarette directly onto the floor. “Doubt it,” he tutted, licking his teeth as he nodded his head, staring at the ring on Minho’s finger. He smirked to himself, then turned his head away and up towards the ceiling. “Looks like you’ve got someone that loves you. I don’t know what that feels like; never have, never will.”
The elder chewed on his bottom lip, clenching his fist as his eyes subconsciously scanned the ring on his finger. “Had.”
“What?” Jisung turned his head back towards Minho with a look of disgust on his face, ashes falling from his cigarette.
The brunette sighed, leaning further into the couch, nervously running his thumb over his balled up fingers. “He’s the reason I turned to drinking, to fill the void he left in my heart when he died.”
For the first time in ages, Jisung felt a slight pang of regret twinge in his abdomen.
Minho swallowed hard, almost as if he were holding back his emotions. “We were married for five years, together since high school. You’d think I would’ve known the signs, but Chan was so good at hiding things, hiding his pain from everyone.”
The ember in Jisung’s cigarette died out as he found himself enraptured in Minho’s story.
Chan was Minho’s high school sweetheart. They started dating their sophomore year of high school, both attended the same university, and they got married when they were twenty. To Minho, Chan was everything. They supported each other, making the other man stronger and gave them a reason to go on.
Minho had no idea that Chan was severely depressed, holding his true feelings to his heart. Not long after Minho’s twenty-fifth birthday, Chan disappeared, only leaving a journal behind. It had started off with an apology, that if Minho found his journal, that it was too late to save him and that Chan had simply given up. On nearly every page, Chan reiterated that it wasn’t Minho’s fault, that Chan was just too far gone beyond repair, that Minho had given him a new lease on life, but it wasn’t enough.
Exactly three weeks after Chan had gone missing, police were on the doorstep of their shared home.
“Dental records,” Minho whispered, his eyes distant and glazed over as he lost himself in the memory. “That’s how they knew it was Chan. I don’t remember much after that, but I thought that I could find the answer to why Chan took his own life at the bottom of a bottle.”
Jisung’s grip on the arm of the couch was so tight, his knuckles had turned white and they were starting to ache.
“Several bottles,” Minho continued, “several bottles and several near-death experiences waking up in the hospital later, and I still hadn’t figured out the answer. I figured that maybe I’d see him again if I drank enough. Now,” he folded his arms, tucking his chin into his chest, “I’ve accepted that I’ll never know the answer to that question, that I need to live on for him. If there’s an afterlife, maybe I’ll get to ask him myself. Until then, though,” Minho rolled his teary eyes up to meet Jisung’s uncomfortable gaze, “I just want to atone for not doing enough before. I want to help others that are hurting, you know?”
They continued to stare at each other for what felt like hours, until Jisung finally shook his head. His voice cracked as he tried to speak. “Sorry,” his apology was shockingly sincere, “I guess I spoke before I thought.”
Minho awkwardly smirked, dismissively waving his hand in between them. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanted you to know that I’ve been at rock bottom and that there’s a way up and out, as long as you’re willing to put in the effort.”
Maybe Jisung was willing to give Minho a try.
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At first, Jisung agreed to meet with Minho once a week after the mandatory AA meeting he attended. It took seven visits spanning seven weeks before Jisung eventually opened up about the neglect he faced from both of his parents, the emptiness he felt from being raised by nannies, feeling like money was more important than his own life.
Ten weeks in, they started hanging out on the weekends. Their relationship shifted from mentorship to friendship, and it was somewhat a relief that Jisung finally had someone he could trust enough to call his friend.
Week fourteen was when things started to shift further. Jisung hadn’t consumed alcohol in eight weeks, and things were clearing up, slowly but surely. He had been meeting with Felix more and more, too — maybe they weren’t quite friends yet, but Jisung was at least trying.
Things were looking up for the first time in Jisung’s life.
At week sixteen, Jisung stayed over at Minho’s apartment, convincing him that he needed to watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The blonde had vehemently pressed that it was, quite possibly, one of the best series of all time, animated or otherwise. After some gentle pressure, Minho finally caved, and they sat on his couch, diving into the show and into some mediocre takeaways.
They had gotten through the first three episodes and Minho finally relented that, yes, it was a good show and that, yes, Jisung was right.
“I knew you’d like it, dude,” Jisung snickered, playfully poking at Minho’s chest. The corner of his lips tugged upward into a crooked smile, and he wore Minho’s seal of approval as some sort of badge of honour.
The brunette turned away, softly smiling into his shoulder as a rush of crimson started to tint his face. “You’ve got me trying all sorts of new things, Ji,” Minho rubbed the back of his neck for a moment before he flashed his teeth at the younger man. “So much for me being the mentor here, huh?”
Jisung sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth at the nickname, trying to ignore the warmth blossoming up his face. He tried to stumble out some sort of response, but he caught himself getting lost in the way that the overhead lights shimmered in Minho’s eyes, highlighting the soft amber and warm bursts of hazelnut that erupted around his pupils. His expression started to falter, and he felt a familiar rush of excitement bloom in his chest, causing his nerves to come to life all around his body.
He remembered that this was how it felt right before he shared his first drunken kiss with Changbin, but something about this felt different. Perhaps it was the fact that Jisung was completely sober, but he desperately wanted Minho to kiss him, to want him back. However, Jisung wasn’t sure if it would have been a good idea, pondering over if Minho was really ready to start a new relationship, especially with someone he was supposed to be mentoring.
“Something on your mind?” Minho’s voice was soft as it gently guided Jisung back to the moment. “You’re kinda spacing out on me.”
“No, no,” Jisung stumbled around the words he wasn’t sure he could say, suddenly distracted by the television in the background. “I guess I was just thinking about the show.”
Minho’s head tilted to the side, concurrently lifting his brow in confusion. “You guess?”
Jisung waved his hand in between them and readjusted his posture so he was further away from Minho. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve seen it so many times, but it’s one of those shows that you watch and you see something new each time and—”
Warm fingers were suddenly on the side of Jisung’s face, pulling him back into Minho’s space. “You’re a terrible liar.” The voice was soft, yet assertive; low, but so loud. Jisung’s eyes went wide as Minho’s apartment blurred around him, his vision suddenly taken over by the sight of the brunette’s face right up next to his. In front of him.
Before Jisung could process what was happening, he was subconsciously pressing his lips into Minho’s, trying to remember exactly how kissing worked. It was years since the last time he had any practice, but it all came back to him as Minho helped guide Jisung’s face with his hands.
Minho’s tongue was soft, warm, and damp as it gently pressed up against Jisung’s lips, wordlessly pleading for entrance. Without letting his mind mill over the fine details and concerns he possibly had, Jisung parted his lips. Timidly, he rolled his tongue around Minho’s, his hands quivering as his fingers scrambled for purchase in Minho’s hair.
Unlike anyone Jisung had kissed before, this felt right, even if there were some uncomfortable grinding of teeth and awkward nose bumping. Within a reasonable amount of time, they slowly became experts at training the way the other wanted to be kissed. As if Minho could read Jisung’s mind, he would interrupt his soft kisses with gentle nips and grazes at Jisung’s bottom lip.
“Please,” Jisung’s voice cracked as Minho pulled his teeth down his bottom lip, “my neck, I…”
Minho swiftly moved his lips from Jisung’s, peppering tiny pecks against his jawline to his ear, stopping to take the blonde’s earlobe into his mouth with his tongue, grazing the tender flesh between his teeth. Jisung’s back involuntarily arched as the grooves of Minho’s teeth pulled at his sensitive skin, the sensation causing his nerves to come to life with an electrical jolt from head to toe.
The brunette chuckled, his warm breath brushing up against the tiny hairs on Jisung’s ear. He said nothing, simply moving down to press a few soft kisses to the skin just below the younger man’s earlobe. Minho’s lips were soft, gentle, only to be quickly replaced by a sudden, harsh bite into the tender flesh.
A yelp, accompanied by uncontrollable twitching, came from Jisung, who was simultaneously melting into Minho, but also pulling away. The elder���s fingers dug into the blonde’s waist, keeping him in the same position, not allowing him to escape. Jisung’s yelp had faded into a whimper, which evolved into a moan as Minho sucked the flesh between his teeth, quickly repeating the process several times in various spots along Jisung’s neck.
The moans were increasing in volume and breathiness, Jisung subconsciously, frantically rutting his pelvis into the couch. Minho must have caught on to this, letting go of Jisung’s waist to ease him down onto the couch. He pressed his lips to Jisung’s again, dancing his fingertips down to the waistband of the younger man, who was completely blissed out.
“Can I help you with this?” Minho’s voice was somehow both soft yet assertive as his palm pressed against Jisung's clothed erection.
Words eluded Jisung, verbal language suddenly turning into complex algebraic equations that didn’t translate from his head to his tongue. Instead, he groaned in affirmation as he hopelessly rolled his hips upward, finding himself pitiful that he was so desperately craving for Minho to just keep fucking touching him.
Things started to blur in a haze of wanton desire. Minho’s hand gently stroked Jisung’s cock, paying special attention to the way that his fingers and palm brushed against the head. Involuntary twitches took over Jisung as he whimpered and mewled, his shoulder blades grinding into the couch. Minho continued to nibble and bite at Jisung’s neck, occasionally whispering words of assurance and praise into his ear.
“You’re doing so well,” as he slowly dragged his hand from the base of Jisung’s cock up to his head.
“I can’t imagine how incredible you would feel around me,” as he gently thumbed the slit, rubbing precum around the sensitive head and causing Jisung to bite the back of his hand as he failed to stifle a cracked moan.
Jisung’s breaths turned erratic and he was nearly convulsing as his body started to twitch. Minho shifted his weight to his knees, slowing his strokes just enough so that he could awkwardly shift one leg off of the couch to position his head in a way he could take Jisung into his mouth.
“What are you—” Jisung started to question, until he found himself losing control of his body as Minho rolled his tongue around his cock. “Fuck, Minho!” He clamped his eyes shut, arching his back upward, hitting the back of Minho’s throat as he convulsed, his orgasm suddenly completely taking over him. “Minho,” he whined and unclenched his fists; “Minho,” he panted and opened his eyes; “Minho.” With one last breath, he was back to reality.
This had to have been the closest thing to heaven that Jisung thought he would ever experience.
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Jisung had stayed over at Minho’s that night, too tired to function like a normal human. They slept on the couch together, necks crooned in uncomfortable positions all night long, bodies stiff from the unnatural firmness that Minho’s couch held. The next morning, they chose not to discuss the night prior, but they did exchange some soft kisses, until Jisung protested, mentioning that their morning breath was distracting him from actually enjoying the kiss.
Their weekends continued on like this: spending time watching a couple of episodes of their chosen programme until they got distracted and lost within each other. Nothing progressed further than handjobs, the occasional blowjob, and the one time that they rolled around naked, making out for so long and so intensely that the way they pressed their bodies together caused Jisung to come without any additional stimulation — and, hey, they liked it.
The budding relationship between them was confusing. During the week, Minho acted like the appropriate, wise mentor, with Jisung as his eager pupil. When the weekend came around, however, all bets were off. In everything but title, they were boyfriends for all intents and purposes. Every time Jisung tried to bring it up, Minho would shut down, saying that he wasn’t ready to really think seriously about it yet.
So, Jisung didn’t press. He was sure that their intimate interactions were causing conflicting emotions to arise within Minho, emotions he probably had been ignoring since Chan’s death, trying to shove them down as time went on. Even though he wanted to navigate the full spectrum of sexual experiences with Minho, Jisung remained silent until Minho was ready.
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Not sure If I already reblogged this once, but I have this exact topic on the brain and I was trying to find a specific post but found this instead and I wanted to add what I have been thinking about.
Also this great post by @vegasandhishedgehog
In specific regarding this part of OP's Post:
it's almost like the show was leading us to ignore or explain them away, just like many of the characters do before they're forced to confront homophobia in episode 12.
Here me out. This show was intented to be popular among younger viewers and it was (post by @kongthapatom)
I think what this show was doing was playing with the use of the bubble. Like OP outlined above all of the little details the show was putting there from the start were explained away, and you the viewer were intentionally led away from it.
Much like Tinn's Mom leading concern is what if this hurts my kid, a lot of parents and adults think that shielding kids away from the bad things will keep them safe.
But it doesn't. Even while unspoken, the tension is there from the start. Like OP said, Tinn can't speak about his crush with his parents (for more then just his crush is guy, but it is a factor), He has reasons to worried about what having a crush on a guy means (Asking "are you ok with that" like OP says).
I will also add (and this could me not remembering the show right so correct me if I am wrong) the music video being a bl is also explained in universe as a way to stand from the crowd and bls are really popular nowdays, almost like a justification. This could be a mini commentary how queer people are drawn to queer media and also on the commoddification of bls (which is both a good thing = more queer media and a bad thing = companies are making money off queer people).
When the bubble does pop and homophobia is introduced in this show it is after the biggest foreshadowing the show does with the movie. With the thing they are shooting and Tiw and Gun conversation about how we have to wait for dinosaur to die.
And it also feels like all of this works in universe. As much the adults wanted Tinn and Gun and the others to stay safe and in the bubble the world doesn't work like that. The characters bubble bursts at the same time as it does for the audience. Allowing the audience to experience homophobia in a safe fictional enviroment, much like you would do with horror and other traumatic things in media.
And then the show says it's wrong, the teacher gets kicked out, Tinn and Gun don't break up because it's better that way, Tinn Mom comes to Tinn rescue and she reaffirms her love for him and stands by him.
The bubble bursts but it's not at all like falling into nothing but it's like flying gently down onto a pillow.
It is 100% intentional.
I have been thinking about this because of three recent shows that were in what I would like to call an almost bubble.
These two posts by @bengiyo (x) and @twig-tea (x) go a bit on more in depth into the problem with what I am calling almost bubble specifically after the latest entry My Love Mix Up Th episode.
The shows I mean are these:
We Are The Series - In the bubble but hints at deeper things and motivations and intentionally never breaks the escapism by not going there (Side Note: this one is the most intentional of the bunch, in the sense that it conciously decided to avoid bursting the bubble to keep up the escapism and it's why it worked for some people)
23.5 - In the bubble but, has one character have internilized homophbia and then basically ends up telling that she shouldn't have worried about it.
My Love Mix Th - Which is doing something similar to 23.5 according to what I saw on the dash (full disclosure not watching this one)
In Conclusion My School President was intentionally giving the illusion of a bubble show to create a safe place for the audience to expirience real life homophobia and issues (teacher being homophobic, can't kiss in public for fear of outing, your friends are safe but you don't know what the rest of the school will do etc..) and then make it better. It was creating a bubble just to gently bursting it on purpose.
Which is what these other shows either weren't interest in doing or just didn't know how to do (I'm not sure what to call the 23.5 and MLMU TH ones: mistakes, intentional cruelty? Were they saying something? I rather just call them mistakes for now).
rewatching my school president with the knowledge that homophobia does in fact exist within the universe of the series is such a crazy experience because it adds an extra layer of meaning and interpretation to so many lines and moments that we often either overlooked or explained away during the first watch-through.
first off: the music club's rule about not having lovers as a kind-of-sort-of metaphor for society not being accepting of LGBTQ+ couples (i.e., main obstacle in tinn and gun's relationship)
the fact that tiwson knows about tinn's massive crush on gun before the beginning of the series (meaning tinn trusted tiw enough to tell him)
gun's stunned silence when tinn admits he's hitting on him during the pool scene and the kind of scared look on gun's face when he gets flustered after looking into tinn's eyes in episode 3
tinn pointedly asking gun "are you okay with that?" after he indirectly confesses his feelings by the pool in episode 5/6
gun saying "you can't control something like this, can you?" after tinn's previously mentioned confession of feelings at the beginning of episode 6
gun's anxiety about what it means to accept that tinn likes him and he likes tinn back (e.g., "has it ever occurred to you that there are things you want to ask, but you're too afraid to?")
the look of trepidation on sound's face after filming the medal kiss scene with win in episode 6 and realizing he has Feelings
everyone in chinzhilla being on board with filming a bl version of the 'just being friendly' music video (because they're all gay or allies lmao)
tinn interpreting gun's mention of the dating rule after his implied love confession as rejection + gun clarifying that "it doesn't mean he feels bad about it" in episode 6 (music club dating ban as a metaphor for homophobia again)
tinn and gun having to hide the fact that they are seeing each other while at the aquarium with yo and nook, who can openly date (ostensibly because of the music club dating ban, which oddly enough doesn't prevent yo from pursuing nook - there's that music club dating ban metaphor again)
gun repeatedly voicing his concern that it would be easier for tinn if he decided to hit on someone else (e.g., a girl)
tinn's out-of-control gay fantasies as a possible coping mechanism for the fact that he can't be open about his feelings with his family or anyone at school (besides tiw and gun)
yak telling sound he has to accept "what he's really into" in order to write a good love song (and sound clearly glancing at win afterwards)
gun telling tinn "be patient. when i win hot wave, everything will get better. at least with our friends" when they hide from tinn's mom outside of tinn's house at the beginning of episode 10 (music club dating ban metaphor again + hints at concern that tinn's mom may not accept their relationship)
tinn feeling comfortable enough with gun's mom to tell her about his crush on gun while keeping it a secret from his own mom
tinn's mom not knowing tinn could sing as an allusion for how she doesn't know about other aspects of tinn's true self (i.e., his sexuality) either
gun telling tinn that after hot wave, "whatever shitty rules there are" can't stop them (foreshadowing the hostile reaction they get to their relationship in episode 12)
there's probably more but these are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. many of these comments/moments could make sense in the context of a universe without homophobia (i.e., due to general shyness/anxiety about relationships, the music club's dating ban, etc.), but it's neat to interpret them through the lens of heteronormativity/homophobia too.
it's interesting to me that we as a fandom didn't really pick up on the fact that there was homophobia in the universe of the series as it was airing despite all these "signs." it's almost like the show was leading us to ignore or explain them away, just like many of the characters do before they're forced to confront homophobia in episode 12.
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runningdownthatroad · 3 years ago
I just have to get this off my chest after seeing some very disturbing posts about 9/11 floating around on my dash as well as some truly crude commentary. A lot probably won't agree with my sentiments but I feel like this needs to be said.
I've seen a lot of things on Tumblr in the past that maybe I consider to be in poor taste or don't agree with but I usually just scroll past, sometimes block for curating sake, but today is the first time I truly was shell-shocked. To see the memes and blasé jokes people are making about this day are just absolutely horrific and appalling.
I get that a lot of people on this site now may not remember what happened that day and only learned second hand through school or media or other people telling them. I get that a lot occurred after this that wasn't right which we definitely should be learning from. I also get that there is a lot of anti-American and anti-white sentiments going around currently, especially on this site.
But here's the thing:
Not only Americans died that day. Not only white people died that day. That's the thing about terrorists and what these hijackers did: they don't care about your skin color, your culture, your religious preference, your sexual orientation, your gender orientation, your age, your economic status, your personality, whether you support them or not, your political persuasion, your job, or any of it. Everyone is fair game to them. For crying out loud, look at what the Afghani people are currently going through and how the Taliban are treating their own country's people, women especially. If you think this is bad (which it truly is), have you seen how things went under their rule before 9/11 even happened? Do you know their terrifyingly violent and brutal history? Women had acid thrown in their faces if they didn't wear a full hijab. People were mutilated or executed if they didn't fall in line with the law of the Taliban. And this doesn't even begin to go into Al-Qaeda or Isis. But I'm not here to talk about that or delve into that topic too much.
My point in mentioning all of this is that white Americans weren't the only ones that were killed that day. People of all faiths, of all colors, of different countries, died that day, too. And the unity that is consistently discussed every 9/11 anniversary is in regards to us being aware of that fact, us mourning all of their losses together, and the collective desire to come together and help once the planes hit and after the towers collapsed.
So when people say "why am I supposed to cry over white Americans getting killed that day" think about that. Not only white Americans died that day. And regardless of their color, their nationality, their culture, their religion, etc. anyone dying is always sad. Whether it be a jetliner being used as a weapon that crashed into their floor or someone dying of cancer or someone being killed in a mudslide or someone dying in a car accident -- it is always sad. And empathy should always be shown in response, even if it doesn't impact you personally. Let's not forget these people have loved ones that got left behind, that are still here.
So when people say "if something knocks into a cow and knocks it over, I'm not expected to care, but if something knocks into a building and knocks it over, suddenly I'm supposed to care?" think about that. People aren't grieving two large pieces of steel architecture. People aren't saying "always remember those two towers". The WTC Towers were a symbol (yes, for American wealth, I get it) but became so much more of a multi-faceted powerful symbol after 9/11. The towers represent a way of life before 9/11 happened, but more importantly they represent the people lost that day, who were in the towers when they collapsed. For all of the first responders who were stuck on those floors still trying to help evacuate people to safety when the buildings finally gave. The two footprints and two blue lights aren't a symbol of American wealth or a naivete and simpler way of life pre-9/11 - they are a symbol of memorialization for that day. The Freedom Tower was erected to show that despite the loss of that day, we stood united (even if there seems to be more and more division these days). It's a message to the world that yes, destruction and death happened that day in NYC, but so did rebuilding and life carrying on. It's a symbol of strength, resilience, and unity - something that was everywhere you looked days after this event occurred. The two towers (aka NYC) may have gotten knocked down but the city got back up. They weren't kept down - that's the point of the Freedom Tower.
When people say "I don't understand, what is it that I shouldn't be forgetting since I can't remember it anyway" here is what we all should be remembering despite our age or our connection (or lack thereof) with this event:
2,997 innocent civilians died that day. Among them were 343 firefighters, 37 police officers, 23 Port Authority police officers, 8 EMS workers, and 4 other first responders. Also among them were 246 people on the four planes that crashed.
The passengers of United Flight 93 made a choice to fight back against the hijackers and saved lives that day by sacrificing their own.
Many children lost parents. Many parents lost children. Many brothers lost sisters, and many sisters lost brothers. Many spouses lost their significant others. Many lost friends, family, and loved ones.
For those who want a better connection to this day who didn't experience it and/or don't remember it, and for those others who are seriously lacking in empathy: yes, it was a highly publicized event due to the hundreds of cameras (including media outlets) watching that day, but if the horrific images aren't enough to garner some of your empathy, then there are plenty of other resources at your disposal. Documentaries like 9/11 by James Hanlon and the Naudet brothers, 102 Minutes That Changed America (which shows you not only all of the first-hand eyewitness accounts that day but also lets you hear 911 calls, radio transmissions between firefighters, and people's reactions to the event and each other who were there), 9/11 Firefighters (on Discovery Plus) and even more recently, 9/11: The Turning Point (on Netflix) which provides a 360 degree view of the events that led up to 9/11, 9/11 itself, and what came after, displaying all different viewpoints. You can read the 9/11 Commission Report or there are several books and memoirs out there like Wake-Up Call by Kristen Breitweiser, or even historical accounts in books, newspaper articles, and online. But most importantly, listen to people's stories. The ones who were there, the ones who saw it happen, the ones who ran in to help, the ones who lost loved ones. That is the most important part and the most powerful. On Hulu, ABC News ran segments of 9/11 Twenty Years Later, "Women Of Resilience" being especially powerful. It's hard not to feel a human connection to these stories or any kind of empathy.
For those who are making these jokes and memes, if you like shows like 9-1-1 and Chicago Fire, etc, imagine those first responder characters rushing into those buildings to save lives and losing theirs in the process. If you don't remember 9/11 or feel any connection or empathy, imagine hundreds of Bucks or Eddies or Bobbys or Hens or Chimneys dying that day as they worked to save so many. Sorry to be so blunt because I love those characters too, but do you get a little bit of the connection now? Do you feel any empathy? I'm not trying to equate real life heroes and sheroes with fictional characters of course, but if it helps you to understand a little better in some way, well...I'm throwing it out there.
I myself lived in the Tri-State area at the time of the attacks. I remember seeing the second plane seconds before it crashed into the second building. I remember the devastation I felt watching the first tower collapse knowing that a loved one was most likely inside and how hard I cried thinking he was dead. (thankfully, he had been late to work that day and he got out of the area before the towers came down) I remember the relief and gratefulness we all felt hearing from him to assure us that he was alive when he finally was able to get to a phone, stating he was covered in dust and ash from the buildings. I remember the panic and fear we all felt, thinking the world was ending and we were all going to die, that this was it, this was World War III, after it was confirmed that the Pentagon had also been hit and there was also a downed plane in Pennsylvania. I remember the grief another loved one suffered because she lost her entire floor (she had been out sick that day) and every single one of her co-workers. I remember the race to pick up children from school and get them home as soon as possible. I remember the rage that coursed through us seeing the footage of some people in certain countries celebrating the attacks in the streets, enjoying the deaths of so many Americans, a couple of these countries who lost citizens themselves in these attacks. I remember the camping out in front of the televisions night after night for a week straight afterwards, watching the news 24/7, worrying that there might be more attacks. I remember the feeling of sheer terror anytime a plane was heard overhead or seen appearing low enough in the sky that you could practically make out which airline it was for months afterwards. I remember seeing the lights the first time they were lit from our home. I remember feeling pure fear not only for what happened that day but also what came afterwards (not yet understanding that these weren't practitioners of Islam that did this but radical extremists who had literally hijacked the religion). I remember seeing the devastation at Ground Zero through a tear in the fabric over a fence as we walked through the city months afterwards. I remember not wanting to fly for years. I remember the anger I felt that our government had failed us due to political bs between agencies and countless others (which we found out especially when the 9/11 Commission Report came out) and that because of this horrific and absurd failure, thousands of innocent people had died. I remember seeing the crushed ladder truck, and the toy of the little girl who was on one of the planes at the 9/11 Memorial Museum and all of the pictures in that room that just floored me. (I also remember being pissed off that many were treating it as a selfie op where they were allowed to take pictures, completely missing the point of the museum's existence) But most of all, I remember feeling that life would never be the same for any of us ever again, and that the feeling of safety we had naively enjoyed on September 10, 2001 would never return.
But I also remember the compassion and unity we saw rising in the country after those attacks. I remember the gratitude for all of our first responders, those we lost that day and those who were still with us, actively working to recover those lost and to clear Ground Zero. I remember the feeling of collectiveness, that we all shared grief and showed support to one another in those days afterwards. I remember the fallen heroes and sheroes who ran into those buildings, who were off duty but raced from wherever they were that day to come and help. I remember The Man In the Red Bandana aka Welles Crowther (and many like him who worked to save others) who has become another important symbol of that day. I remember hearing all of the stories of people helping one another before and after the towers collapsed. I remember the good that this day represents. That while we may have seen some of the worst of humanity that day in the form of violence, death, weaponized airplanes, and devastation, we also saw the very best of humanity in the form of our first responders and people helping one another.
Look, did Islamophobia happen? Yes. Was it right? No, absolutely not. As I stated above, I myself feared the idea of the religion until I was educated by a friend of mine about the difference between the religion and extremism. This form of hijacking ideology can be seen in examples like the Westboro Baptist Church or even Hitler. Terrorists do not represent the true spirit of Islam no matter what the former tries to force people to believe. Just as the WBC is not the true spirit of Christianity, and so on and so forth. But even during the time I had feared the religion before gaining understanding and clarity, I never confronted or mistreated any practicing Muslim or Arab-American. Ever. I never posted hate or spewed vitriol against them. Just like with the current pandemic, I still cannot believe there are people out there attack Asian-Americans as if this whole thing is their fault. That's still mind boggling to me and it is absolutely 100% WRONG. It should not be happening. Same with Islamophobia. And it breaks my heart to read that many Arab-Americans and practicing Muslims still worry when this anniversary comes around that they may be attacked. It might not mean much, but I just want to say I am truly sorry for that and you have my full support. Always.
Did we go to war and was it just? Yes we did go to war. Was it just? Afghanistan? I need more information in order to have a fully-formed opinion but there are plenty who say yes and plenty who say no. Plenty who say we made things better over there (before we exited and the Taliban advanced) and plenty who say we didn't and only made it worse. I truly cannot say which assertion is correct and I think it would be narrow-minded and completely moronic (and possibly arrogant and presumptuous?) of me to speak on a subject I know so little about, one way or the other. Iraq? No, I don't think it was just and I honestly wish we could go back and do things differently.
But coming back to 9/11 and what this day means for so many, the people who died, the people who rushed headfirst into danger, the people who lost their loved ones. We saw incredible bravery, selflessness, and compassion for your fellow human that day despite what happened. We saw the strength within ourselves despite the fear and anger. We saw resilience. That is what the anniversary is meant to be a reminder of. The sacrifices, the loss, the courage, and the strength. Black, White, Gay, Straight, Christian, Muslim, Man, Woman, Young, Old -- it didn't matter. We all came together.
So regardless of whether it's the cool thing to do right now on this site (or elsewhere) to hate on America or 9/11 or white Americans or the anniversary itself on the very anniversary of these attacks, I ask that you please consider when posting these hurtful (and frankly harmful) words of hatred and vitriol such as referenced above that there are people out there who lost their loved ones on 9/11, that yes some of them may be on this very site and going through the 9/11 tag, and that some of them may have even lost a loved one in either war and are again on this site reading your words. Regardless of what you think or feel, please consider them and tag appropriately if you're going to post. Please consider that some of these people are currently losing their loved ones due to 9/11-related illnesses because of the cleanup at Ground Zero. Please consider that there are children who lost a parent or loved one, or who were orphaned that day (yes, they exist, we had some in our school district) who are also on this site reading your words. Basically, please just consider and be considerate. Please stop spreading hatred on a day that happened due to hatred; please stop perpetuating that cycle.
Like Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
TLDR: Love and light, my friends. Love and light. ✌️❤️
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alkaysani-archived · 4 years ago
a more in depth public declaration of love 
i’ve been wanting to do this for a while this has been sitting in the drafts
anyway, this is appropriate for my 300th post. as you know i primarily write fan fiction, so all the gif edits you see here, bar the ones i’ve marked, are all from other talented artists from fandom. talented artists that i’ve been blessed enough to get to know and talk to, so i just want to take a moment to shout them out in my own way. and my own way is sappy go away don’t judge me
basically, these are some of my ‘geez’ tag folks. the * link to their work in their blog
@calebcovington - *
oh rai. not only are they amazingly gifted in their edits and gifs, they are also an amazing human. rai was the first person i ever had the guts to interact with in the TOG fandom, and actually was my first ever interaction in a discord server. because of how sweet and kind they were to me, i stayed in that server, and in the TOG fandom. it’s also because of her I got into JATP. most of all, i admire their tenacity in ensuring safe spaces for fans of colour, and i have fate in our future because of people like her. these spaces are just as important as those in real life and rai never shies away from ensuring that everyone pocs have a place to call their own in fandom. so i thank you for that. also, when i think rai, i think of nile (freeman) even if she’s most only in JATP now, and that can only mean good things. 
@kingyusuf - *
dearest kit. again another amazingly gifted human. she keeps telling me that she’s still learning but have you SEEN the talent? there’s just so much to talk about and never enough time. her friendship that she has offered me is like no other. she has inspired me in so many ways, whether she believes it or not, but she is my muse. because when she prompts me, the words just flow. genovia au? her prompt. my yusuf artist joe author au? her prompt. the fic i going to post next? her prompt. there’s a pattern and it cannot be escaped. kit just inspires. her work inspires. i love everything she makes and if you haven’t seen it, please do so now. that, partnered with her kindness and enthusiasm and just constant presence and friendship and love? i am so thankful.
@spookyyusuf (marwankensari) - *
my lyra. probably the sweetest human to exist? possibly? but that’s not what this is about yet. look at her talent, just LOOK. she’s so amazing! i just adore it. the concepts of her gifs and the amount of work she dedicates to it! it’s just. she shares her resources and knowledge to others without hesitation, and is always there to help you, whether if you need an opinion or just...a friend. she is just the best, and i am thankful for her. i can and have talked to her about so many things that both fuels us, in both good ways and in bad, and i know i can trust her honest opinion. she’s generous with her time and words and resources and it’s just...how could i have gotten so lucky? truly a blessing of a human. 
@ngoveronicas - *
you’ve probably seen me reblog her and go ‘ana is right and she should know it’, because honestly, yeah. ana is and she should know. if you love TOG and luca marinelli and you’re not following her, there’s something wrong with your algorithm, because she should be on your dash, now. i adore her not only for her edits and gifs but just *chefs kiss* commentary on anything really. she can talk about how much she hates bananas and i’d slam the reblog button so hard to the next universe i’m not kidding. i mostly talk to her in asks because i just can’t help myself, but every time it’s the best interaction. she is amazingly sweet and talented. everyone deserves to see her work. 
anyways, check them out. super talented humans with big hearts, big minds and obviously amazing tastes. you’re just gonna be all the better for it when you’re done. 
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embidoesocrp · 5 years ago
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em) 
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.) 
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship – for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up versions of fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old.
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things—so long as it applies to the 14+)—while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+). 
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Godmodding Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma – you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks — you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts — being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads — Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me. HOWEVER, please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity! 
 Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/allowed/restricted.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary — you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works. 
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
By default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually be dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there shouldn’t be any problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer) 
Please note, however, that if I feel the thread isn’t really going anywhere, no longer following a sort of plot, and/or isn’t keeping my interest, I eventually assume that it’s drop-able and will drop it myself.
Universal Tags for Inbox Memes & Themed Starters
For IC
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #askmarp memes || #askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #inbox memes || #inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #starter memes || #starter response
Drabble Memes --- #drabble memes || #drabble response
For OOC aka the Mun 
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #mun inbox memes || #mun inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #mun starter memes || #mun starter response
For NSFW Content
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #nsfw askmarp memes || #nsfw askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #nsfw inbox memes || #nsfw inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #nsfw starter memes || #nsfw starter response
For a Faster Inbox Response – include corresponding rp/ask meme post! 
 ex: [Name of Meme Here!:] ♡ - symbol description here!
If even after reading the standards you still aren’t certain how RPing with me is like, you can also refer to these universal tags:
#rp guidelines - guidelines I follow as an RPer
#chill rp blog is chill - worrisome topics I’m okay with as an RPer
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read the whole thing?
Feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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sussexcraze · 6 years ago
Better than Roast Chicken [Harry and Meghan One Shot]
So…. I gave in and decided to write about Meghan spilling the baby news to Harry. I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not to make this because it is weird to retell real-life events of real life people, but all the ideas have been bugging me and I wrote this one shot because my fluffy and sappy heart can’t take it we all love a royal baby. I totally understand if you don’t like reading works like these; feel free to scroll past this! But if you’re up for it, I’ve put it under the cut!
Even before entering the Royal Family, Meghan always prided herself in her ability to ground her emotions and to stay calm in a spectrum of situations. Whether it was her grueling acting days or her trusty yoga routine to thank for this, Meghan knew that a clear head and a calm and collected mindset have aided her in treading through anything thrown at her with such grace.
Up until moments ago, however, the ever composed and unperturbed Meg was now a complete and utter mess.  
It took her three pregnancy tests - and a solid 10 minutes just staring into nowhere - before it sunk in that she was pregnant. There’s a baby in my tummy,she thought. I’m going to be a mother. Harry’s going to be a father.
As she laid on their bed, Meghan’s thoughts were everywhere. Harry was out on a meeting for their Oceania tour, so she was home alone. Without her husband to listen to her litany of commentaries, Meghan was in shambles trying to sort the wave of thoughts that were bombarding her. Her mind flew straight to the tour - she knew the news of her pregnancy would affect it drastically. It’s been planned for months, Meg, she tried to convince herself. They’ve probably forecasted all possible situations and have prepared a dozen of backup plans.
“Have they been so forward thinking as to expect a pregnancy, though?” Meghan muttered to herself. As ecstatic as she was about her little bean, she would be sorely disappointed if she was advised to forego the big tour.  
Her worry lines went even deeper at the dilemma of who to break the news to first. She was itching to tell her mom, who has been nagging her and Harry to give her a grandchild from the moment they were signing the registers in St. George’s Chapel. But then again, shouldn’t Her Majesty be informed first?
And then there was Harry. Oh, dear Harry. Meghan’s features softened at the thought of Harry finding out that he was going to be a father. He’s been itching to become one even before they met, and Meghan was giddy at the thought that she would be bringing forth to the world that dream that he has been holding onto for so long.
Meghan grinned to herself as she started thinking of how she would break the news. He’s a sucker for surprises, Meghan thought to herself. He’ll love a little bib that says ‘daddy’s little angel’ or something. Or maybe I could give him a card that says from Meg and little bean -  
“You better be feeling a lot better because that meeting was long as hell and I had to go through with it all by myself.”  
Meghan was so engrossed with her thoughts that she didn’t notice Harry arriving. She stood up and strode to Harry in one go, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “You’re here already? How’d the meeting go?”
Harry sighed loudly, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Too long for my liking, as always. And more than half of it was all about press arrangements and media-related concerns for the tour, which we both know is the least exciting part of any meeting.” Harry pulled her closer. “And you, how are you feeling? Still tired?”
“Oh, about that…” Meghan nearly forgot that the reason Harry attended the meeting alone was because she was feeling unusually tired for the whole day, and he insisted that she forego it. “I’m feeling a lot better, actually,” she replied. “The afternoon off was well appreciated.”
Harry smirked. “And have you done anything productive during this afternoon off? And by productive, I mean cookies for your husband? Or samosas?”
Meghan couldn’t resist a laugh. “Sorry love, neither. But… I think I’ve got something… better?”
“Finally!” Harry stretched his arms dramatically and cheered like a five-year-old. “We haven’t had roast chicken for so long… please tell me it’s roast chicken.”
That’s it, Meghan thought as she let out a big grin. All the surprise plans are going out the window.
Meghan shook her head slowly as she smiled to the floor. “Strike two, Henry. Something else is in the oven.”
Frankly, Meghan wasn’t surprised when her food-driven and dork of a husband ran straight to their kitchen instead of her arms. Good heavens, was this man not fed during his 34 years of existence?
“Meg, I love you to death, but you never joke about food with a man who is starving after a three-hour meeting!” Harry nearly screamed as he shut the oven door. “What could possibly be better than roast -”
Harry’s words came to a halt as he turned to Meghan, who was standing a few feet before him - with her hands on her belly.
“Not that oven, you dork,” Meghan paused, then chuckled to herself. “Why did I marry you again?”
Meghan could almost see the gears in Harry’s head move like clockwork, and suddenly, his eyes widen ever so slightly, his mouth agape. Meghan watched him with intensity as his eyes moved from her face, down to her stomach, and back to her face again. Harry was… his expression was indescribable; all that Meghan knew was that it was the exact reaction he had the moment she said yes during that night last November.
Harry dashed to Meghan in mere seconds and engulfed her in a big hug. “Meg, I’m going to be a fa- are you really- ” Harry’s eyes widen, immediately taking a step back to put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry I - was that too tight?” Harry whispered, his eyes filled with concern.
Meghan laughed heartily at her husband’s reaction. “I’m okay, Harry.” She took his hands from her shoulders and placed them gently on her stomach. “We’re okay.”
Of course, Harry lost it then and there. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he stroked Meghan’s belly. Ever the heart-on-his-sleeve man that he was, Harry was not afraid to show what he was feeling; from his eyes, his grin, and down to the slight tremor of his hands on her stomach, his euphoria was palpable. “I- I’m going to be a father, Meg,” Harry whispered as he put his forehead against his wife’s. “We’re going to have a little bean.”
Meghan’s jaw was aching from smiling, but it didn’t bother her one bit. She took the time to wipe her husband’s tear-stained cheeks. “That’s right, daddy.”
Harry chuckled slightly, grabbing her hand from his face to kiss her knuckle. “Mhmmm, it’ll take some getting used to to hear someone else calling me daddy, am I right-”
“Harry!” Meghan barked as she hastily covered his mouth. “You are- no dirty talk of any kind!”
Harry feigned being hurt. “Who said it was dirty talk? And really, it’s going to take some getting used to, considering how often you call me -”
“Aaaaand, zip,” Meghan retorted. She turned her back to him and headed for their bathroom. “If you’re done with your tantrum, Henry, you can come and check the pregnancy tests if you’d like.”
Harry beamed with what he heard and immediately beelined for their bathroom. As Meghan handed him the tests, Harry looked at them with fascination, his grin practically plastered on his face. “I still can’t believe it, Meg. We’ve been waiting for this, and it’s finally here.”
Meghan sighed as she hugged him from behind and placed her chin over his shoulder. “You and I both. I love you, Harry.”
Harry’s features softened. He turned ever so slightly, and cupping her little chin with his fingers, he gave his wife a kiss. “I love you too, mummy,” he replied after.
Meghan pulled away and gave him a quizzical look. “You mean, mommy?”
Harry sighed and smirked at Meghan. “Oh dear, we didn’t think this though, did we? Our poor child’s going to have the most confusing and mixed up English vocabulary for life.” Harry reached out for her stomach to touch it gently, then faced her wife with a sly grin. “Right, mummy?”
Meghan rolled her eyes at her husband. “Well, since you’re not pushing a whole human being in six months time, maybe you can give this one to mommy?”
Harry laughed in response. “No doubt about that, mum- mommy!”
Hours and about a hundred tummy kisses later, Harry and Meghan were in bed, with Meghan snuggled tightly into Harry’s arms. It was always how they slept, except this time, his hand was splayed over her stomach.
Just as she was off to dreamland, Harry stirred and nudged Meghan slightly. “Meg, you awake?”
Meghan sighed. “I am now.” She turned to him and gave him a half-asleep look. “What is it?”
Harry stifled a laugh at how she looked. “Before I forget, I wanted to tell you that for the record,” Harry sat up and kissed her stomach one more time. “…this is way better then roast chicken.”
My writing’s a little rusty, so sorry if it’s kind of all over the place. But I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll continue writing more since I kinda feel bad about making fictional stuff on real people, but I truly adore Harry and Meghan so I might just end up writing from time to time lol would love to hear from you guys!
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alj4890 · 6 years ago
Testing for Love ~ Fluffy Friday
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A Choices: The Royal Romance Fan Fiction
Taken from my The Other Friend series.
Fluffy Friday Masterlist
Testing for Love
"Wait a minute, Maxwell!"
Liam jogged over to his friend. "She's found another one."
"No! Why? Why would she do that? Haven't we suffered enough?"
"Apparently not. Thankfully, I passed. Rashad and Drake did too. You, uh...well...good luck." Liam clapped him on the shoulder and returned to his wife.
All four couples were snowed in at Applewood Manor. To help fight the boredom, Amanda had found many online compatibility tests. Riley and Hana had been thrilled, while Olivia enjoyed hearing Drake's running commentary. Liam and Rashad had breezed through, proving they were their wives perfect match.
Maxwell on the other hand struggled. He hated taking tests with a passion. Did his wife doubt they were meant to be or would last or kiss or whatever the current test promised to reveal? They were already married and (before these tests came into view) happily so. A test created by a Dr. Iam Love could not truly measure his feelings properly.
With shoulders slumped, he opened the door to his bedroom. If one were to see what was in that room, they would not understand his fear. The dark haired lady, he considered the love of his life without some torturous multiple choice monstrosity telling him otherwise, was reclining on the bed pillows with her laptop balanced on her lap.
Her demeanor was warm when she looked at him. Such deceit. She was a siren with her inviting smile and affectionate greeting, causing him to enter in. He knew it was only a matter of mere moments before he was dashed upon the rocks of doubt by waves of ridiculous test questions.
"I was wondering where you were." Amanda reached her hand out and grabbed his. With a few tugs, she managed to get him next to her. "I found another test. Ready to give it a try?"
"But we have already proved we are compatible. We're married! What are you planning to do if it shows we shouldn't be together?" Maxwell buried his face into the pillow, thinking that freezing in the snow might be preferable to this.
"It's just for fun! Plus everyone else did it and they all passed. If you fail, I will restrain myself from leaving you for the first man that passes." Amanda teased. "You got this. Now, first question." She clicked on the screen. "Here we go. What would your significant other consider as the perfect date?"
She paused while he groaned in the pillow. She read out the answers and fought her laughter as he went through the possibilities. "You hate outdoors, so no walk or picnic. You love movies, but you also love spontaneous weekend vacations. I HATE THESE THINGS!" He pushed off the bed and paced as he thought of an answer.
After a couple of minutes, Amanda asked if he had an answer. He ran his hands over his face and said the movie date. He watched her face for any indication of it being the right answer. She pursed her lips and clicked on movies. "Okay. Next quest--"
"Wait! No. Go back and pick vacation!"
"I can't go back. Next question." "Which would your love consider to be the most romantic gesture?" He flopped backwards on the bed as he listened and debated on each answer.
"Well? What do you think?" She asked.
"I'll tell you what I think. I think whoever made these tests is bound and determined to break up perfectly happy couples! These questions prove nothing of my feelings for you!" He glared at the ceiling, thinking of the injustice of having to participate in these asinine quizzes. Why were there so many of these unholy things on the internet?
"It's too late." He muttered.
"Huh? What's too late?" Amanda glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "It's not even seven o'clock yet."
"Not the time." He ground out. "It is too late for you to even suspect that we might be incompatible! We're married! We've been married for seven years and have two children! If this does not in any way convince you that I am your perfect match, then I don't know what to tell you."
He grabbed her laptop and tossed it onto a padded chair. Before she could question his actions he hopped back on the bed and pulled her into his arms. He rolled on top of her and stared into her eyes. "I'm going to prove to you why I am your perfect match."
She started laughing. "Maxwell, I already know that. These were just to have a laugh--"
"Number one: Your favorite color is blue. You hate the color pink and only put the girls in their pink outfits when there is a chance they could be ruined. You love the color red, especially in flower form. Tulips are your favorite to receive except in the winter when you only want poinsettias."
Amanda closed her mouth as he held up his hand.
"Number two: You love Mystery Science Theater 3000 above all other shows. Your favorite seasons have either Joel or Mike, with the first Crow and second Tom. You can't decide who your favorite host is, though Mike reminded you of me. So, you developed a crush on him when we were younger."
She gasped. "How did you know--"
"Perfect match!" He growled.
"Number three: You make fun of romantic dramas and have a hard time not laughing when one of the love interest dies. Though many might think it is heartless, I know you have gone off alone to cry at the thought of my death. You only laugh at the overly dramatic sceranios, but your heart breaks at real life."
Her eyes teared up. "How did you--"
"Perfect match! I am your perfect match. I can't pick those answers they give because they don't match you. I know you. You are the love of my life. I am yours. And for my sake, please! Don't make me take another test! EVER!"
Amanda wrapped her arms around him. "I promise. No more compatibility tests. I never doubted our love, though hearing all that may have made me love you even more." She said as she pressed her lips to his. "I thought they would make us laugh at the absurdity. But if it makes you reveal stuff like this..." She tried to reach for the computer.
"NO!" He held her down and tickled her until she promised to stop. He kissed her and settled next to her with a contented sigh.
Later that night, they joined everyone downstairs after dinner. Amanda had her phone out, scrolling through some quizzes that had popped up. "Oh! We have to try this?"
Maxwell froze. "You promised." He whispered.
She smiled at him. "Don't worry, it isn't a love test."
He relaxed again next to her, letting his hand play with her hair.
"It's a 'How Great of a Parent Are You?' quiz."
Tagging those who wanted extra fluff 😉@brightpinkpeppercorn @riseandshinelittleblossom-deact @zaffrenotes  @fullbeaumonty  @speedyoperarascalparty  @bobasheebaby  @tmarie82   @littleblossom-18 @cocomaxley  @ehkw1989  @hopefulmoonobject @leelee10898  @itsstillnotwhatyouthink   @littlecrookedheart @mrswalkerwrites @debramcg1106 @krsnlove @littleblossom357 @ritachacha @lodberg
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transmettaton-blog · 8 years ago
tag dump 2
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embidoesbnharp · 6 years ago
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em)
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.)
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship -- for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old. 
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things---so long as it applies to the 14+)---while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+).
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread
Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma -- you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks --- you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts --- being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads --- Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me, but please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity!
Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/restricted/allowed.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary --- you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works.
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there will be no problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m pretty asocial, so more often than not I tend to forget about replying to IMs especially if there’s no need for it (like an end to the conversation topic). but, don’t worry, it’s not you! you aren’t annoying me! it’s just me being an asocial moron. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) you are in the safe zone, friend!
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read up to this point for the RP standards/rules? Then feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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nellie-elizabeth · 6 years ago
Doctor Who: Resolution (2019 New Years Special)
Yeah okay, that was a lot of fun!
I'm not upset on principle that we didn't get a Christmas Special. That's totally fine. But I will admit, there's a lot less you can do with New Year's Day. It just doesn't have as many iconic elements. Ultimately, the time of the year didn't really influence the plot in any major way. There was some dialogue peppered in throughout, but it didn't really match the fun Christmas spirit that some of the past specials have managed to capture. It's a small point, but one I thought I'd mention.
I love seeing the Daleks return, I really do, but I do have to admit that I chuckled when the classic Dalek design finally appeared. The Dalek had been legitimately threatening as a squid thing, but I wasn't feeling properly scared of it in the big dramatic scene where it first appears in its traditional form. They really amped up the music and clearly wanted to make that a big moment, and I thought it fell a tiny bit flat.
So much! This was a fun episode that kept me gripped from beginning to end.
First of all, I love that this team of friends has clearly become a well oiled machine. We hear talk of many of their adventures that happen off-camera, and it allows their friendship to escalate in a natural way. The Doctor takes them around to many different New Year's Eve celebrations so they can pick their favorites, which is just an adorable thing to do. It reminded me of one of my favorite things about Doctor Who as a whole. The Doctor has incredible power at her fingertips, but generally chooses to use it to help people where she can, and to bring joy to people and have fun, just because. It's so different from most over-powered people we see in fiction, who have some grand plan at the end of all their shenanigans, whether that plan be benevolent or evil.
I really liked the adorable archaeology couple. We didn't need to spend a lot of time with them to understand how much they cared for one another, and I thought it was really well done. The final shot of the episode shows the two of them holding hands, united through adversity and through mutual crushes and New Years Eve kisses, as the TARDIS zooms off with the Doctor and her best friends. It was a wonderful way to add a dash of romance into the story. (Other than the romance between the Doctor and Yaz, I mean. Anybody else feeling that?)
The real humanity of this episode came from Ryan's story with his dad. Once again, Graham and Ryan are the best at making me feel the feelings. Aaron, Ryan's absentee father, shows up to try and make amends. Ryan is really resistant to this, for good reason. Aaron and Graham then have a good talk, and at the end of the episode, Ryan saves Aaron's life and the two share a hug. Just typing it out like that doesn't convey the emotional resonance of this story. I think my favorite moment was when Graham got a box of Grace's stuff out for Aaron to look through. It was Aaron's stuff, that his mother had kept for him. Graham could have condemned Aaron and piled on yet another lecture, but instead he just talks about Grace, and asks Aaron why he didn't come to her funeral. Not for Grace, not for Ryan, but for himself. It was a beautiful moment of catharsis and you can really sense the healing begin.
Jodie Whittaker hasn't had a lot of really meaty emotional material in her first series, if you think about it. The stakes have only been personal for her insofar as she wants to protect her new friends, and keep people safe in general. I don't mind this, although I have noted it in earlier reviews, waiting for that moment when I would feel like this person was the same Doctor I've followed through so many adventures in the past. Through all of my own slight doubts, though, Whittaker has given a masterful performance. And here, finally, we see her come face to face with the oldest and baddest foe the Doctor will ever have. I loved all of the work Whittaker was doing here, particularly when her companions try to join her and she says that facing the Dalek is personal, and something she needs to do alone. We also get the ultimate bad-ass moment when the Dalek scans her, realizes she's the Doctor, and immediately freaks out and tries to exterminate her on the spot. The Doctor is a lover, not a fighter, but it is of course awesome when she gets to be kind of a bad-ass too.
Another overarching theme of Doctor Who is that people are always better when they work together. The Doctor will always want to keep her friends safe, sure, but she doesn't do things by herself just because. She asks for help when she needs it. I loved the nod to UNIT in this episode. The Doctor tries to contact them for assistance, but she gets roadblocked. Apparently the UK has had a falling out with her international partners. Hmmm... sounds like a not-so-subtle Brexit commentary. If the Doctor is all about coming together and uniting to do the right thing, then it's no wonder that something like Brexit would prove to be an irritating obstacle for her and her mission.
While Yaz got the short end of the storytelling stick once again, I like the material that's filling in the gaps in her screen-time. While Graham and Ryan have their family drama going on in several of this series' episodes, Yaz's place seems to have fallen in right beside the Doctor. She's always supporting her, always the first person the Doctor turns to when discussing a plan or while having a mild freak-out. I love how their relationship is developing, as the Doctor seems to answer to Yaz in a really fun way, and Yaz's loyalty is extremely apparent.
I mentioned that the moment when the Dalek was revealed was a little cheesy. But I did like so much of what was done here with this classic Doctor Who villain. We see that this particular Dalek was split into three pieces and buried on separate corners of the Earth by the ancient Britons who fought it. But now it's back. Apparently this Dalek was an early scout, coming to Earth centuries before. It has the power, in its squid form sans machinery, to latch on to people and take them as hosts. This is a fairly standard sci-fi idea for an alien of this design, but the fact that it's a Dalek makes it all the more creepy. We've seen what these Daleks are capable of achieving, so one getting loose in Sheffield feels like a legitimate threat. I was also genuinely scared for the life of the girl who was being possessed, and then later for Aaron's life, although luckily they were both able to fight back enough to be safe.
And that's that! Looks like our next series won't be out until 2020, so it will be some time before we get more of Whittaker's Doctor. I thoroughly enjoyed this series. I hope that by laying a solid groundwork, future series with this Doctor and these companions can get a little bit more adventurous. I can't wait!
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cameoamalthea · 7 years ago
there is ABSOLUTELY a “wrong way to process trauma” and that is by retraumatizing yourself “to cope” and being a pedophile :/
Hi there Anon,
This will be a long response and part of it is under a read more. My theme is not very reader friendly (sorry - need to fix that) so I suggest reading on your dash if you have the extension for that or copy/pasting into a document. Sorry again.
I assume you’re referencing this post. I’m not sure what drama has gone in the thread from that post, because no one reblogged any commentary meant for me from me, but based on your ask I’m assuming some folks misunderstood me. Allow me to clarify.  
The point of the post is to respond to @shipwhateveryouwant ‘s post about lack of empathy by pointing out that empathy is hard, especially if you’re dealing with triggers.
I was talking to her.
The “There’s no wrong way to react trauma” refers to getting upset other things that trigger you and coming to the conclusion ‘this is gross’ ‘this is triggering’ ‘this is wrong’
It’s OK to feel that way.
It’s OK to feel anyway that you feel, because your emotions are 100% valid.
However, as my post recommended, it’s important to fact check.
A bit of background, in case you just came here because of that post and aren’t stalking my blog.  I’m a survivor of abuse, including CSA, and that left me with scars, both physical and mental.  I’m in group therapy DBT, individual therapy which includes EMDR, couple’s therapy (sometimes when two people who have PTSD are in a relationship it can be hard, since we both have to cope with the effect of our partner’s abuse on the other), and I did a year of physical therapy (pelvic floor).
I blog about my recovery, and things I learn because A) Being open about being in therapy (while making me a bit vulnerable) says ‘therapy is nothing to be ashamed of’ and neither is being a survivor, I’m not pretending it never happened AND B) So people who might not have heard about these treatment options of think nothing can help, can see what worked for someone else and know what happened (literally, it took me years to find a treatment plan that worked, and I really thought I was permanently damaged mentally and physically, so it was a big deal when I found out there were things that could help me).
So in my post I used an example of one my big triggers, drugs and the drug trade (I really really have major issues here). However, when I got out of emotion mind and checked the facts, I realized fans of breaking bad weren’t hurting anyone and weren’t trying to hurt me.
I was trying to explain to OP why empathy is such hard work, especially when you’re caught up in you’re emotions. When you’re angry, or hurt or scared.
I’m not angry that people enjoy a TV show that I don’t like…
I’m angry (tw discussion of addiction, child abuse, csa)
 that I was born with drugs in my system. I’m angry that my mother continued to use on and off while raising me. I’m angry she fell into heavy drug use and endangered my life. I’m angry I was raped as a kid. I’m angry my own mother threatened to sell me to self traffickers and tried to get me be sexually active at like 13/14 with boys my age she’d leave alone with me (whether I wanted them there or not) because she thought it would make me more willing to turn tricks for her because she needed money (she was supposed to sell drugs for the cartel, but she felt you had to sell drugs Mary Kay style using herself as the free demo, she owed them a lot of money).
 I’m angry that I lost my mother, that the person I love disappeared inside the addiction and she became a really awful person when was high. She wasn’t great when she was mostly sober, she always had untreated mental illness and she was always abusive/inappropriate verging on incest, but she’s still my mother and she was all I had and I loved her. I was a child, you love your mommy, and I’m angry that I didn’t have a mother I didn’t have to be afraid of and I 100% blame the drug use because addiction is a fucked up thing.
So I got angry when I saw artists I liked posting Breaking Bad fanart AUs and candy meth picks, because it felt like they were treating something very not funny (drugs and drug addiction, along with the pain I’ve had as a result) as a joke.
However, how I felt doesn’t dictate facts.
I had to step back, check the facts, and realize people liking Breaking Bad weren’t trying to hurt me (or actually hurting me. What other people watch on TV doesn’t effect me).
 They weren’t trying to make fun of my experiences or make light of a serious issue. I also knew from my academic research on the topic of whether media influences norm that it really doesn’t… (I did a pre-law minor focused on social justice, and Freshmen Year I set out to prove porn hurt women and caused rape, and quickly found that evidence didn’t support my thesis, video games don’t cause violence, porn doesn’t cause sexual violence – and no I don’t still have the paper, unless I manage to find it on an old hard drive and most of my sources are outdated by now, I’d have to re-research – but I’m actually not here to argue the point).
So I believed, based on evidence and my own research, that media is worthy of critique but doesn’t influence behavior directly. This is my own belief, and I don’t want to argue it. But despite that, despite the fact I didn’t think fiction causes crime, I HATED BREAKING BAD. I felt like it was romanticizing Drugs and making people not take something serious seriously…
Because I wasn’t thinking about it rationally.
I was thinking about it based on my emotions. How I felt.
In DBT we learn that to think of your mind like a Venn Diagram. Rational Mind is one circle, Emotional Mind is in the other circle, and in between is Wise Mind.
Wise Mind is acknowledging your emotions/how something makes you feel but also being able to bring in rational mind, to fact check, which means asking does how I feel fit the facts and remembering that feeling something doesn’t make it true.
If you’re just in rational mind, you can be cold and ignore other people’s feelings, which can make them feel invalidated and make you less effective in dealing with your own feelings (don’t ignore them) and others.
If you’re just in emotional mind, you’re not thinking clearly. You might break down and cry or lash out and hurt someone. You can’t really address the thing that’s upsetting you because you’re not in a place where you can even think clearly about it without getting upset.
If pure rational mind is behind the wheel you’re not a good driver, if pure emotion mind is behind the wheel you’re not ok to drive.
It’s not easy to find wise mind. Mindfulness is the most practiced skill in DBT  (it’s a year long class and six months of it just repeating Mindfulness and the other six months are bringing in those skills to apply to other issues…Wise Mind is from the unit on Emotional Regulation…I’ve been in DBT for nearly four years, repeating the class, honing the skills – it’s not easy).
But we should try, for ourselves and others.
I hope OP takes from my post some understanding of where you’re coming from anon and that it’s really hard to be empathetic when something makes you angry, let alone when you’re triggered.
That it’s important to validate.
Rational Mind says ‘people are taking fiction way to seriously. It’s just a TV show, there’s no reason to be upset’
Wise Mind is realizing that feelings aren’t rational and they really are hurting. Even if they don’t lay out their feelings clearly like I did with ‘why Breaking Bad upsets me’ it’s enough to see that someone is upset. If someone is upset, it’s serious to them, validate that.
“I’m sorry that you were hurt. I understand that this reminds you of your trauma. I will tag anything you need. No one should pressure you to deal with triggers you aren’t ready to deal with and I want to make it possible for you avoid things. You seem really upset right now, though, so I don’t think we should fight about anything. We’re not in a place where we can. be calm and get anything out of it. You seem really caught up in a lot of negative emotions. Why don’t you take a break. Go get some ice cream or color or get your mind off things for bit? If you don’t think you’ll ever be ‘not upset’, then I’ll go ahead and block you since my content is bothering you. Have a nice day.”
I hope that you anon, if you bother to read all the way here, takes away from this post that it’s ok to be angry, but realize that feelings aren’t fact and being upset doesn’t justify hurting others.
And attacking people based on what they read or what TV shows they like is hurting others.
Calling anyone a pedophile is hurtful. (that’s a very serious accusation Anon, and not one your should use lightly. Don’t go crying wolf about child predators, it makes people less likely to take real accusations seriously - like if someone calls someone else a pedophile does that mean they’re a sexual predator and a child molester or does that mean they like a TV show I don’t like or read stories that I find upsetting). Again, your feelings are valid Anon, but someone liking a TV show you don’t like doesn’t make them a danger to anyone. Hurting real children makes them a danger to children. We shouldn’t water down terms. We need to take threats to people seriously.
Calling CSA survivors pedophiles, comparing survivors to their abusers or implying they are to blame for their abuse past or future is hurtful.
I like Game of Thrones. I think Jon and Danny are a good match, both as people and politically. I don’t see anything wrong with the relationship, she’s biologically his aunt but they have no relationship.
I like Ouran High School Host Club, and my favorite characters are the twins. Sometimes you can like a messed up story because it’s messed up. It’s just a story.
I ship Catwoman and Batman, and think they’re cute together in Gotham. I like that backstory. I also think Mike and Eleven are cute together. 
I like reading and writing fanfic about teenage video game characters that I’ve liked since I was a teenager. I relate to a video game character and take something positive from his story and his relationship with his best friend even though the relationship in game is unhealthy.
This isn’t ‘re-traumatizing’ myself and it’s not ‘being a pedophile’. 
I have a degree in creative writing and I look at books as works of art and craft, not moral guides. I look at characters as tools, not people.
That’s not ‘being a pedophile’ that’s being someone with an English Degree (I miss just being able to identify as an English major, saying I have a degree sounds so pretentious to me). That’s being a writer. 
I admit that I like relationships between predator and prey, between people and monsters. That’s not ‘re-traumatizing myself’ either.
Abuse, in my experience, has been when someone you love, someone you’re supposed to be able to trust and feel safe with instead hurts you and makes you unsafe. It’s a betrayal of trust. It makes you question if you’re lovable or worthy of love because someone who was supposed to care for you hurt you.
I like stories about monsters. You’re not supposed to be able to trust a monster. The monster makes you feel afraid. It’s going to hurt you. It’s nature is to hurt you. I like stories where instead of killing you the monster falls in love with you and changes, becomes loving and trustworthy and keeps you safe. It’s a fantasy of being so special, or mattering so much, of being so love able that that you can tame dragons. 
It’s about the inverse of abuse. A power fantasy. Exploring fear and helplessness within a safe controlled fantasy.
That’s not ‘re-traumatizing’ myself. I promise, I’m fine anon. I’m not hurting myself and I have a support network. Thank you for your concern, though, but please remember you’re not responsible for anyone else.
It’s scary, but you don’t control the world or others. If you’re afraid someone is doing something that hurts them, sometimes you have to accept you can’t change that. (And that’s hard, I know, my mother is a drug addict). Sometimes you have to distance yourself. If people are doing things that upset you, block them and that content, take a step back. 
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