#when in jk's own words he doesn't have a gf so technically you shouldn't
mimikoolover · 10 months
also: talking about jikook being close isn't shipping
no one's celebrating their enlistment, we are happy they won't be alone
i'm tired of all this discourse and jikookers being called the same as taekookers when every jikooker I personally follow never cross a line
it is literally ridiculous to be comparing jikookers to the people who are currently having a mental breakdown online, send death threats to jimin, call jikook every negative thing under the sun, come up with delusional things which DID NOT happen
if people want to think jimin and jungkook are dating when we have no confirmation (or obvious evidence like taennie) that they are in a relationship with someone then I beg to understand how that's homophobic. if anything it's homophobic to claim there is no way they could be dating when if any het pairing ever act sus everyone automatically accepts they're dating.
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