#when i lived around the corner from a 4 square you couldnt PAY me to get dressed to go there tho
gothwizardmagic · 3 months
apparently buying groceries in your pjs is a kiwi thing???? what???? i thought this was a universal norm
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return-Part 7
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Disclaimer: Hey ya’ll sorry about the delay😅 I've been sick the past week and the original part 7 was complete shit. So I decided to re do it😬 Please dont kill me 😂 Anyway as always sucky ass writing and bad grammar and spelling. Part is full of angst (sorry for the inconvenience😂😬) Here’s part 7...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 part 8 part 9 Part 10
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @laketaj24 @peaceisadirtyword @camatsuru @calum-hoodwinked-me @cutegyrl927 @youbloodymadgenius @wuxiesalt @readsalot73 @cindy-exo @amy8220 @affection-rabbit @mel0nch0ly @queenofallthyfandoms @limbo-limbo-limbo @ragnarssonsbitch @supernaturalvikingwhore @ifihadwings128 @jenny-the-lover @paintballkid711 @funmadnessandbadassvikings 
-Sorry if I forgot anyone, list is getting long😍💕 As always thanks for the overwhelming support guys❤️ Love y’all❤️
Arthur POV
In a matter of seconds I caught (y/n) in my arms. I felt horrible about this whole situation. I knew that she never wanted to be in an arranged marriage...she wanted to fall in love. This is why this whole situation killed me. I was the reason my best friend wouldn’t be happy and I couldn't live with that, but I had too. My country and my father needed me, this marriage would secure an alliance with both Frankia and Kattegat, but she would be caught in a situation she wouldn't want and that kills me inside. Holding her close I look towards her father and uncle as to ask for permission to take her to one of their rooms here. “Here, take her to mine... It’s where she's been staying for the past couple of months...” says the dark haired one that was sitting with her earlier. He’s been eyeing me since I walked through the doors and I have a feeling we won't be the best of friends. Not paying much attention to the eery feeling I’m getting, I balance (y/n) in my arms and follow the young prince. Reaching the doors to the room, I make my way inside after him. Walking towards the bed I place her down and then turn towards him. I find him staring at me with what seems like rage and jealousy in his eyes. Why would he be jealous? It’s his sister, he should be glad that she's at least engaged to someone she knows and not some strange old man... 
“Could you perhaps see if one of the thralls could get me a bucket of water and a clean cloth? I want to make sure she's okay and doesn't get a fever.” Without any expression on his face he slams the door on his way out. Turning towards her on the bed, I catch a small strand of her (y/h/c) hair and tuck it away behind her ears. “Im so sorry that you have to go through this... I wish there was another way...” It wasn't until I felt her hands caress my cheeks that I knew she was awake and alright.“Arthur, it is not your fault. Someone has been out to get me since I stepped foot back in Kattegat, if anything you’re my salvation.” The tears in my eyes fell down my cheeks like a waterfall. I embraced her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Whether it was to calm myself or her I could not tell by now. All I knew was that I would do anything to protect her, even if that meant laying down my life for her.
Your POV
My mind still had not processed and grabbed onto the dire state of this situation. Arthur was to be my husband. A younger version of myself could probably not contain her happiness, but now... Now I feel lost and indecisive. On one hand Arthur is the most magnificent person in this world. He’s my best friend and we know each other to our very cores. In the other however is Ivar. The one person besides Arthur that I can really be myself around. However, that what intrigues me about him is his mysterious and eery vibe. Arthur is my comfort and safe space, but Ivar is the unknown. And Im intrigued by the fact that I still haven't figured him out. He truly challenges me and that excites me in every way possible...
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“Im sorry, to interrupt you love birds, but if the damsel in distress is finally alright father would like us all to meet in the town square.” Ivar’s voice booms throughout the once quiet bedroom. At the sound of his voice I quickly let go of our embrace and turn towards Ivar with shock in my eyes. Ivar only looked at me for 3 seconds with no emotion in his eyes and left the room. It felt like my heart shattered in that instant. I had hurt him, unintentionally. But, I still hurt him. 
All I could do was stare at the spot where he once stood. Unbeknownst to me, Arthur saw our whole interaction. “It’s him isn't it?” He asked me while looking out towards the window. “Huh?” “He's the one you're in love with right?” At his words I couldn't come up with an excuse. I couldn't deny it, I wouldn't deny it. Not to Arthur, he knew everything about me. And I knew everything about him and the love he always held for me. “He’s your brother (y/n), it will never work. Let alone it is a sin against God.” He voiced to me. “I know... But I cannot get rid of this feeling. Ive tried to let him go, believe me I tried. But, every time that I get close to leaving him behind, he pulls be right back in and I don’t want to leave anymore. I love him...” Tears fell down my cheeks by this moment. I didn't have anyone that I could tell these things to, since Mira was killed. She was usually the one I would be all sappy around, but I couldnt hold it in anymore. Arthur sighed and kneeled in front of me. “Although I may not approve of your choice and wish that it had been me that would receive that kind of love from you once again. I understand and will support you no matter what. Even if that means losing the love of my life.” Arthur places his soft tender lips on my forehead. And with that he grasps my hand in his and we walk towards the door. Neither one of us acknowledging the fact that he just admitted that he was in love with me.
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Bjorn POV
I couldn’t believe it. That piece of scum had destroyed by family once again. Why was it that Aslaug had it out for my sister so much? Staring out towards what once was a place filled with happy memories, I cannot help but let myself breakdown. The tears that Ive held back for years poured out of my eyes. The rejection, the disappointment and the overbearing feeling that I could not protect my sisters once again took over me. “Why! Why is it that you make me suffer this way! Have I not done enough for you! Have I not conquered lands in your name and murdered millions with my sword to earn a place in Valhalla! And for what? For you to come and take my family from me once again!” My sobs couldn't be heard by anyone. But it felt good to finally let out all this anger and sadness that I had been struggling with throughout most of my life. From the cliff I could see a perfect view of Kattegat. Especially the square, where our family and the people of Kattegat were now gathered. My father would announce the marriage of my sister to Arthur. He was a good man, but he wasn't the one for her. She loved Ivar and it was evident. I knew my sister more than anyone on this earth and I knew 100% that they loved each other. What impeded them form being together however was the fact that they were siblings. But in truth they weren't and that was something that I had to tell them...
As I approach the square I can hear the voice of my father. Booming, and making its way through the square. Out the corner of my eye I could see Torvi making her way towards me. We were playing happy family in front of everyone, but earlier in the week I had asked her for a divorce. I could not be with someone who would hurt my family deliberately, no matter what. “Hey, your father has been looking for you everywhere they're about to announce your sister’s engagement.” She says excitedly. “I know” with that short reply I shake her hands off of my arm and make my way towards my family. (Y/n) is standing beside Arthur sneaking glances over to where Ivar stands, beside Aslaug. I can tell that he is doing his best to ignore her, but you can see the pain in his eyes as well. Aslaug looks as triumphant as ever. A huge smile graces her lips and at that my blood begins to boil. “Bjorn! Over here!” (y/n) calls me over a huge smile on her lips when she sees me walking over. At that I feel myself calm down, my sisters are the only people that could ever achieve to bring me down from the edge. Not even my mother could do so and that is why we have such a special bond and why this hurts me so much. I know that its for her own protection, but the thought of losing (y/n) again is something unfathomable to me. Something that I wish was not a reality, but has sadly become one. “Bjorn, thank you for being here. It truly means a lot to me to be able to depend and count on you. Now more than ever. I hope that the ties between England, Frankia and Kattegat may now be stronger and unwavering.” Arthur says whilst shaking my hand. I respect him, he's a good man that I know will take care of (y/n) and for that I did not oppose this union. “Thank you, as do I Arthur. All I can hope for is that you make my sister happy. And that she will have everything she deserves and desires. Free from persecution from those we call family...” I murmur the last part just so that she can hear what Im implying.
Your POV
Could it be? Were Bjorn’s assumptions true? Could Aslaug truly be the one behind all of this? My father’s announcement of my engagement went by as quick as the breeze. I couldn’t even tell if he had finished or not till I hear the cheering of our people. The wedding was to be held later on in the week, I tried my best to put on a fake smile so that no one knew how I was truly feeling inside. But in truth I was devastated, the fact that I would not only marry someone I wasn't in love with, but the fact I had to flee from my home again was killing me inside. And the mother of the man I loved could have very well been behind it all...
As the people begin to celebrate I murmur to Arthur that I will retire early to my bedchambers. He only nods and gives me a sad smile seemed with a kiss on my forehead. I quickly rush to my room and shut the door behind me. Throwing myself on the bed I scream and let all of my frustration out onto the pillows that hold mine and Ivar’s heads at night. Hugging them close trying to imprint that scent into my memory as hard as I can. I did not notice the dark hooded figure that was behind me and that was my mistake. “(Y/n) Lothbrok... Long time no see” My whole body is drained of its (s/t) colour and that is when I turn around facing the man that haunted my dreams since I was a small child. 
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Ivar’s POV
I can't believe that the one person that I have grown to love is now being ripped away from me. This must be a sick joke that Odin is playing with me. It cannot be that when I have become so close to finding true happiness that it is ripped away from me so easily. No! I will not stand for this! Making my way away from the so called “celebrations” I begin to walk towards our room. Before I could prance in and let (y/n) know that we would be running away tonight. My mouth is covered and I am too pulled into another room. Ready to kill whoever has pulled me I begin to reach for my knife. “I swear to Odin, if you try and stab me I will kill you Ivar...” Bjorn says before letting go of me. Before I could scream at him however, Bjorn continues. “Do not scream or talk until I get this out please. And this information that I am about to share with you is very sensitive and is known by only a few members of our family so hush. You understand puppy?” Nodding at him in disbelief, I motion for him to continue. It is then that he proceeds to tell me about how he had met (y/n) and the day that she was born. “That’s all nice Bjorn, but what do I care about the day of our sister’s birth?” I say a bot irritated at the fact that I could've been half way gone by now with (y/n) if he had not pulled me in here. 
“You're gonna care when I tell you that I will no longer stand in your way, or be against you both being together. I see the way you look at each other and its the same way that my parents looked at each other before your mother got in the way.” I roll my eyes at his last remark. “Ivar, I beg you to take (y/n) away as far away from here as possible. Especially away from your mother. She's the one behind all the killings and she is willing to do anything to get (y/n) not only away from here and our family. But if possible out of this world.” Anger rises in me and I begin to shake. “Why is it that my mother is always the one to get shit on. She’s a beautiful woman that would not hurt anyone or anything. The fact that you have gone touch lengths to try and make some story up about she wants (y/n) dead is absurd. But I will entertain your stupid idea, just because I’m curious Bjorn. Now, tell me why is it that my mother wishes to kill our sister?” 
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“Because Ivar, (y/n) isn't our sister. She's the priest’s daughter. Our father’s best friend that your mother ordered Floki to kill... Which is why he’s been gone so long. It was a plot to kill the only proof that Vikings and Christians could co-exist. They wanted to make sure that no one would know about the Christian-Viking child and they would do anything to protect that.” After hearing Bjorn out, I knew that there was some truth to what he was saying. My mother and Floki hated the Christian God and would do anything to erase him from the minds of our people. I made my way out the room where Bjorn and I were and made my way to mine. Turning the doorknob I find that the room is locked and rustling and screaming could be heard on the other side. Panicked set in and I tried hurling myself on the door multiple times in order to break it down, but it would budge. 
The real panic set in when the rustling and screaming stopped. For then I knew that I was too late...
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