#when i ever get around to doing normal doctor i'll go more in depth on space factory itself
virdemption · 3 months
R-Doctor headcanons !!
[Firstly prefacing that 3D's Space Factory is undeniably canon. The location's description doesn't refer to R-Doctor by name, but it's clearly shown that the character is mass produced. This post will be split into 2 categories. Collective R-Doctors and the Individual.]
R-Doctors as a collective R-Doctors aren't programmed to have emotion or thoughts of their own, only to follow orders from Doctor or whoever he whitelists.
They can transform their arms into actual hands, but they are typically the funnels/cannons for work first and foremost. The canonical arms function as both of those. They cannot transform their feet.
Their insides are extremely hollow. This is to store things they find on expeditions to bring back to the Space Factory but also contains compartments to carry their bombs and other arsenals.
All R-Doctors have their own ID with newer ones having larger numbers. (Example: R-D-839). Everyone calls the sentient individual by the name Uta.
The playable R-Doctor who I believe is an individual Uta had spent so long around living monkeys that it slowly formed a mind and thoughts of its own. It still somewhat acts on its programming but not as much as it used to.
It is not the only R-Doctor exploring earth. Many of them have visited the islands to learn about it despite the fact that the Space Factory has no brainchild behind it anymore.
Most R-Doctors don't freeze up often, as this is a fault in Uta's software specifically. It once got caught in a horrible accident which damaged its mouth area, so it wears a bandana.
It naturally leans towards hanging around Doctor ofc, but has taken a particular liking to Palette and follows her around at times. Palette is also the one who came up its name.
It is very untrusting of A-Baby but can't put its finger on why.
It is also curious about F-Gongon as he is also mechanical to some extent, but F-Gongon keeps pushing it away.
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slut-for-mothman · 3 years
Hell is For Children
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Requested: Yes|No
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid
A/N: Special thanks to @oliverbrnch for editing this chapter and making it into what is is !!! I hope you all enjoy my first CM fanfiction !!!
Summary: After 13 years of trying to forget the man he was supposed to call his father, Spencer finds his phone riddled with messages from his father trying to catch up on "old times". He's met with criticism and shame when he reveals he has no want to talk to him. Everyone seems to think his father deserves a second chance. Everyone except for him. Aaron Hotchner. Logically it made no sense, Aaron had a kid of his own, would he not sympathize with his father for wanting to have a relationship with his son? Spencer finds comfort in the older man. Everytime his phone buzzes with a notification from William Reid, Aaron is always there to comfort him and distract him from the burning hole in his back pocket.
Chapter warnings: Angst, allusions to physical abuse. descriptions of violence and gore, swearing, and I think that's it.
Chapter One
December 16th, 5:15pm
"Hey son, I haven't seen or heard from you in a while. I hope you're doing okay."
Seeing that message was enough to twist the young doctors stomach in such intricate and painful knots he thought he might become violently ill.
"A while?" Spencer muttered to himself as he reread the message over and over. "it's been thirteen years, that's more than a while-"
A second message interrupted his train of thought.
December 16th, 5:27pm
"Why don't you come over sometime? My wife would love to see you, just something to think about..."
This message made something inside him break, the world shattering as his knees failed him. He swore he felt time stop as he reread those nauseating characters.
Wife? Since when was he remarried?
'Does she even know what he did to my mom, to me?' Spencer wondered, unable to tear his eyes away from his phone.
Does she even know she left a ten-year-old alone with his mentally-ill mother? Did she know what a selfish bastard he was?
Did they have kids?
Were they really that easily replaced?
Spencers mind was spinning, his apartment floor unsteady underfoot as his vision blurred. Tears stung his eyes, threatening to slip down his cheeks if he dared to blink.
His misery was interrupted as his phone buzzed once more in his palm.
Thankfully, it wasn't from the dreaded unsaved number, just Hotch.
December 16th, 7:14pm
"We have a case."
Spencer gathered his things, wiping the tears from his eyes on the cuff of his sleeve. He'd never been more grateful to hear those four words in his entire life.
His ride on the metro felt infinitely slower than normal, much to the young doctors dismay. The extra free time gave his mind permission to run away from his as much as it pleased.
His phone vibrated again and again with more messages from the unsaved number, each one more hostile and manipulative than the next when Spencer glanced at the device.
December 16th, 7:23pm
"Will you at least give me an answer? I know I screwed up, but that was a long time ago! I have a right to get to know my son."
December 16th, 7:25pm
"Imagine how I feel, not knowing my son has 3 PhD's and having to find out from my ex-wifes nurse. You're not the only one suffering here kid, remember that."
Spencer snapped his battered phone shut in frustration.
How did he even manage to make himself out to be the victim in this?
He's the one who left me.
'I don't owe him shit, not after what he did to me', Spencer thought furiously to himself, his knuckles white where they gripped his messenger bag.
'Maybe I should give him some kind of answer, let him know where he can stick-'
By the time the sentence popped into his head, his chest aching, he had reached his stop. Although cases weren't particularly a positive thing, anything was better than thinking about the man who had abandoned him and, subsequently, essentially ruined his entire life.
As soon as he stepped off the elevator and into the bullpen, he could feel his co-workers' eyes pierce right through him. It was almost like they could sense something was off with him the moment he entered Quantico.
Of course, while they were profilers, it's not like they were mind-readers.
He fled to the break room and poured himself a generous cup of coffee. He wanted to focus on what was important, which was certainly not the unread messages from a fetid man on his cellphone.
While pouring practically the entire container of sugar into his travel mug, he felt someone's hand touch his shoulder. He flinched slightly at the unexpected touch, and he turned to see Morgan, his eyebrows scrunched together in a confused and worried look.
"Slow down, kid. Have some coffee with your sugar." He said, his voice half-joking as he, presumably, tried to ease the tension practically emitting off of Spencer.
His phone vibrated once more from somewhere in his pockets, and Spencer's face twisted in fervent discomfort.
"Earth to Pretty Boy. You good?"
Spencer realized he was getting absorbed into his thoughts again and tried to brush it off with a quick sip of the sickly-sweet caffeinated concoction in his hand and a quick nod.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." as if Spencer ever stopped thinking in the first place.
"Well, I'm here if you need anything, kid. But for right now, let's go find out about this case." Derek clapped Spencer on the shoulder again, which earned an instinctual flinch.
Instead of dwelling on that, Derek and Spencer strode towards the conference room, where everyone else had already begun piling in ad Garcia and Prentiss introduced them to their present case.
"Three men were found dead on the streets of a Nevada strip mall last night," Garcia began, pulling up the crime scene photos onto the screen.
Spencer flipped through the folder that was handed to him, scanning over the photos while distantly listening to the rather gruesome but ultimately unhelpful details Prentiss and Garcia were describing.
All three men had one of their fingers removed, yet their wedding bands were later found in their stab wounds upon closer investigation. They were all three found in close proximity to different hotels and known "lover's lanes".
The incessant vibrations and noise emitting from the dreaded device in his pocket was enough to make Spencer have a brain aneurysm.
He retrieved the phone from his pocket only to switch it off and shove it into the deep depths of his messenger bag. It wasn't necessary for a plane ride anyway.
His sudden movements earned him a few more concerned glances, but their attention was quickly diverted as Prentiss announced, "Wheels up in 30." effectively dismissing the team to get their things.
Spencer was restless the entire plane ride. It was only thirty minutes into the trip, with an hour and ten minutes left.
Normally, he'd be playing chess or even reading, but neither of those things seemed to tempt him, as all he could think of were the numerous messages probably flooding his discarded phone banished to the bottom of his messenger bag.
The last message he'd read replayed repeatedly in his mind like some awful alarm.
'Imagine how I feel...'
It made fiery anger swirl in his chest.
He could imagine how he felt. Because the pain William Reid inflicted before he finally left was enough to make Spencer understand what it was like to be sent to Hell and back, if such a place existed.
The memory of watching his own father leave his house at age 10 was enough to make him feel nauseous. His father leaving was the final stake through the young man's heart.
The physical pain, he could probably forgive him for. He would never forget, but maybe he could understand.
But leaving your young on to care for his mentally-ill mother? After all the pain he put him through, that kick while Spencer was already down was a new low.
For all Spencer cared, the man could rot. It was almost funny, thirteen years of healing down the drain with just a few text messages.
Once again, Spencer was ripped from his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, It was Hotch, with a guarded but concerned look on his face.
"You've been way too quiet; is everything alright?"
'No', Spencer thought to himself. But he couldn't admit he wasn't okay, especially not before a case. More important things needed to be tended for than his own "daddy issues".
"I'll be okay," Spencer settled for. "Just some weird stuff has been happening lately. It's nothing I can't take care of, though."
It didn't dissuade Hotch's concerned look. If anything, it intensified the worry Spencer found there.
"Is it your mother? Is she alright?" He asked, leaning forward with furrowed eyebrows.
"She's okay! I actually just called her the other night," Spencer assured him. He bit his lip and gripped his messenger bag. "It's actually, uh, my dad. He's been messaging me, and I haven't spoken to him in thirteen years."
"Are you okay? Have you messaged him back any?" Hotch asked, releasing the worried lines on his forehead.
"I haven't, yet. I figured I'd wait until the case was over. That way, there's nothing in the way." Spencer explained, shifting uncomfortably in his seat as his eyes darted around the jet cabin.
Hotch must have picked up the signal to wrap up the conversation, because he gently reminded the young man that he could talk to him whenever he needs to, or just whenever he wants to.
Spencer smiled and inclined his head slightly. "Thanks, Hotch."
"It's not a problem, Reid. Now, let's get back to work."
Spencer flicked through the gruesome photos once more, the swirling anger in his chest dwindling for the first time since his phone at first pinged with that dreaded message.
For once, Spencer was able to completely forget about the slightly outdated phone burning a hole in the bottom of his messenger bag.
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the-night-writer1 · 2 years
Life advice
Part 2)
This is a sickhowl fic, lmk ocs ship.)
Update 2:
I hate my life, I haven't answered his calls but that stomach bug may be something more serious. I'm keeping it to myself for now so no one goes on another wolf hunt if I'm just overthinking things. I'll also be following some advice you guys left me about talking to bro.
As much as I don't want to drag him into depths of my emotions. You all made a good point that Ex could get to him. I'll talking to him later after my doctor's appointment. Clear things up and make sure he doesn't let Ex walk back in to my life without my consent.
What am I going to do if it's more than a simple stomach bug? PD and Baba lose their minds and bro's mentor is already wanting to kill Ex. I'll refer to him has SW. He's somewhat creeper in all honesty. You'd expect he be more interested in my brother but he creeps on me just as much.
He snuck into my room as I was sleeping and was just sitting there when I woke up. How he got through my locked door is a feat and half. This ass climbed through my damn window!
I understand being concerned but really? My bro didn't climb through my fucking window! He left food at my door. Total break of privacy but then again when has SW been normal?
Stories for another time. I don't want them to kill Ex. I may be dying inside and still sobbing my eyes out in my sleep. (Thanks for pointing that out SW) But I am no monster. Just a burden, not a monster.
No matter how much someone may hurt me, I deserve it partly for how much I cause issues for my loved ones. They do so much for me and I'll never be able to pay them back.
Anyways my appointment is on Monday.
Update 3:
I got into a fight with bro as I am concerned about his relationship. Which I feel justified in being concerned since my own romantic relationship turned out to be fake. My brother is literally dating a guy who was trying to kill him before! A bull demon for crys sake!
I wasn't being racist I assure you, I just thought it be better to warn him that his BF could be doing the same thing Ex did to me! Using him to get to SW. He started to accuse me of being jealous that his relationship was real while mine wasn't.
So I may have slapped him. Okay I definitely slapped him. He slapped me in return and we started hitting each other before M(his bff and just my friend) and his oh so lovely boyfriend broke us apart. No one is on my side about being concerned history could repeat itself.
What was I expecting honestly? Since when am I ever considered if I'm not sick... I just stormed off after we were broken apart and I was being yelled at by bro that I am just an asshole. So yeah no feelings being shared now.
M tried to bring a little peace to the situation saying that I was still recovering from my break up but I didn't stay around for her full thing. I'm curled up on my bed only thinking of Ex again. Thinking of all the warning signs I missed.
Bro could miss them too! Gods he could miss more than I did. Still waiting on the test results from my doctor.
I miss having someone to myself... Someone on my side. However Ex was never on my side was he? I still miss him so much.
I know it's stupid but I loved him. I thought he was a sweet caring guy with a tough exterior. So am I so awful for missing him? Yeah I am. I always will be.
Always been a love sick
Update 4
Still not talking to bro, he tried to talk to me this morning. Possibly to apologize but I said my head hurts. I know I'm awful for ignoring his attempt to apologize but I just don't want to deal with it. I just don't okay? I probably am jealous you know?
PD came into my room after the fight last night after the fight. I forgot to lock my door.
He didn't say much just hugged me. Gods im a asshole.
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wann-der-lusst · 3 years
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00:00 (Zero O'clock)
by Audrey S. Bill
It was late in the evening, and she knew he'd be there because he'd dropped his cigarette in the sink... and just knowing he was there made her entire body shiver.
"Why were you late, Athena?"
As she was about to turn the doorknob, she felt his heavy hand on her shoulder. Her hands trembled and her heart pounded as if it were the first time something like this had happened.
"When will I ever get used to this?" That was her thought as she let him lead the way to his room.
She was putting on her clothes while staring at the man fast asleep next to her. Tears stream down her cheeks as she walks out of the room quietly.
After several days, she is still sore. No matter what she does, she can feel it all over her body. She couldn't eat anything and couldn't go about normal routine... And there she lay on a cold floor, helpless and alone, wishing to be seen, heard, and saved.
Two years later, she attempted to live and interact with others again. She joined a school organization and spent most of her days at school, where she met Eros. He is a year older than she is. Everything about him is beautiful, from the depths of his eyes to the gentle expressions on his face. Eros had the kind of face that makes you want to stop in your tracks. While Athena appeared to be an ordinary girl in the corridor, she wore a downcast expression on her face and eyes, as if she were trying not to draw attention to herself. Eros walks her home, buys her dinner, and speaks words that make her want to sweep on her knees. Athena was surprised because it was the first time she had felt so cared for; this is the joy and comfort she has been looking for. It is the same feeling she had as a child. She wiped away the sticky stream of tears that streamed down her face as she recalled her father's days. All of the walls she had built up over the years crumbled. She appears to be willing to let people in... yet again.
Months have passed, and she still can't believe someone has stuck by her side. She now has family-like friends, a boyfriend who adores her, and a mother who looks out for her and has promised never to abandon her again. She couldn't have asked for more. She remembers how sweetly he confessed to her, how he strummed the guitar for her while singing in front of the crowd. She had no idea what she deserved at this point.
Eros flicked her forehead when she was zoning out.
"Are you okay, Athena?" He gently touched her cheek to see if she was okay.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks for walking me home again!" She exclaimed joyfully.
"I'll never get tired of you, Athena." He gave her a warm smile.
"Indeed, it's the little things that matter the most." She reflected on herself before going to bed.
It was the fourth of the month, their special day, and they had decided to go to the mall. On the other side of the road, Athena was waving to Eros.
“Wait up,” he said with a smile and a wave. They waited for the stop sign to turn red before continuing their walk.
3... 2... 1...
As they walk towards each other, he suddenly pushes Athena, and all she sees is him... lying on the floor... covered in blood. Athena was stunned, and her entire body went numb. Her only sensation is the flow of hot tears from her eyes down her cheeks. This was far from what she had hoped for. Many people have gathered around him, calling an ambulance, and photographing him. People have also gathered around her, asking about her health. But all she can think about is how she can't move at all.
“I should be there instead of him. What exactly am I doing here? Why did he bother saving me?” So many thoughts had built up in her head. And when she heard the ambulance, she completely lost it. She has a lot to say but can't seem to find the words. It's just her eyes... closing.
“All I can see is white. Am I dead? Was it all a dream?” She thought to herself.
"Athena," she then noticed her mother's concerned expression.
"What am I doing here? Where’s Eros?" She asked.
"Don't worry, you're fine now. You're here at the hospital."
"Where's Eros?" She asked again.
She simply looked at Athena with a worried expression on her face. “What the hell is going on?” She reflected on herself once more, trying to remember everything that had happened before she passed out. Her head ached at the thought of Eros lying on the floor full of blood... She screamed and cried hysterically as her mother and nurses tried to calm her down, and she gradually weakened as sedatives were injected into her body and her eyes closed.
Five hours later, she woke up and just stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks as she remembered the incident. Now that she thinks about it, she realizes how perfect that day was. She awoke the next morning, to find her man sleeping soundly because she forgot to turn off the Skype App on her laptop while speaking with him. She made perfect eggs; she didn't burn the hotdogs. Her Research Paper also received an A+. Everything worked out perfectly for her to get to this point. Her mother just hugged her, but she couldn’t feel her. She can't feel the warmth of this embrace. She was... lonely.
The man she adored was inside the coffin. She can't look at him because the mere fact that he's there breaks her heart into a million pieces. Athena believes that everyone in the room despises her; she feels responsible for everything because she is the one beside Eros as he breathes his last.
“No one expected this to happen... but life is truly cruel to me. How did we get to this point? Why did he fall in love with someone like me? I should be the one inside that coffin, not him. He does not deserve any of this. God, why now?” She sobbed quietly as she stared at Eros’ face.
After Eros died, Athena began cutting again. She couldn't get his smiles out of her head while trying to save her. When Athena sees blood from her wrist, thighs, and other areas that aren't visible to the naked eye, her heart calms. For her, physical pain was easier to bear than the emotional pain she was going through. She couldn't fathom how people went on after Eros died. All of the memories she had buried in the past resurfaced. And as she browsed through her gallery, she noticed that it was filled with photos of Eros and her.
“You know that I rarely pray at night. But I'll do it for Eros' sake. Please make him come back to me. Just this once please...” She cried and prayed until she fell asleep.
After a few months, at her mother's request, she began seeing a psychiatrist. “It's all for the best.” That is what they continue to tell her. Athena, on the other hand, felt she was labeled as "crazy" as a result of this.
"I completely understand what you're going through right now."
"Everything is going to be fine."
"You can count on me."
These are the words she keeps hearing from the Doctor. Athena believed the doctor was simply doing her job, as she had told all of her patients the same things. She still has a sense of emptiness. The words, however, lingered in her mind, and she felt as if her heart was gradually giving in.
“Is this okay, Eros? This doesn't mean I'll forget about you...” Athena contemplated herself.
It's been a year, but it only seems like yesterday. Athena had given up hope, but she is now smiling. She attends church every Sunday, she has grown closer to her family, her friends have consoled her, and they have all contributed to Athena becoming the person she is today. She was overjoyed that God had restored her life. When Eros died, Athena's world collapsed around her, but she soon realized she wasn't to blame; his death was an accident. Her nightmares keep her awake at night, but she is relieved that the man who abused her weaknesses as a child is now in prison.
Am I seeing things? Or is this really Eros? He is dressed in a white coat and is smiling and waving at me. I felt him as I held his face to see if he was real. He doesn't say anything, all he does is stare at me with his piercing eyes. Finally, he spoke...
"Athena," he begins.
The air became cold as he said my name... it's different.
"Why didn't you help me? Why... why did I even save you in the first place?!"
For a brief moment, I was stunned. This is not what I am expecting. I can feel all of his anger, despair, and betrayal from the way he said those words and the way he looks at me now.
I was about to approach him when he took a step back, his eyes welling up.
He shook his head and moved his gaze away. Is he going to leave me again? He's becoming blurry now. No way... We should be together… Eros. No, please...
Athena screamed as she struggled to breathe. Her vision became blurry because of the tears. She had been fine for months, but it suddenly reappeared. Eros was blaming her in the dream… A single dream that has now destroyed everything she has worked for. She's blaming herself once more.
"It's entirely my fault..."
As she stood next to the bridge, she reflected on her day, which she described as "beautiful." She went to see Eros in the cemetery. Everyone was smiling and doing their best to make her feel "loved." She smiled heartily at the thought of people going to such lengths to make her happy. Her heart skipped a beat as she considered all of her loved ones, and the thought of leaving them. Athena gave everything she had, but she was also a master of disguise. Her mind is already made up that all of her misery and the monsters within her will not stop unless she makes a move, and she believes that people who get too close to her, such as Eros, will only hurt themselves.
The cool breeze caressed her skin, as if it wanted to embrace and feel her.
“Is that you, Eros? Dad?" Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered them. She simply hopes that no one will blame themselves for having to die because it was her choice. She is certain that she will be happier. She sincerely wishes for the pain to end. She's desperate to put an end to it.
She took a deep breath and looked out at the water, which was plain blue but beautiful. She looked down at her phone and smiled one last time.
“Happy Birthday, self.”
At exactly 00:00, she jumped off the bridge, allowing her body to be thrown into the deep blue sea.
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