#when he closes his eyes you can see how long they are
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Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 46: My Girl
Summary: The aftermath of your heat brings about a new dynamic in your pack.
Pairings: Poly 141 x reader
Word Count: 8,382 words
Warnings: NSFW, smut, 18+, p in v sex, handjobs, heat cycles, mating cycles, heat sex, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, a/b/o, injuries, blood, slight medical stuff, slight angst, emotions, language
A/N: Yeah, prepare yourselves for this one
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There’s a distinct metallic tang in the air as he’s pulled from the light sleep he’d drifted off into. Exhaustion is pulling at the recesses of his brain, trying to drag him back into the sweet arms of sleep, yet something is keeping him frozen there in the place between rest and wakefulness.
He knows that smell.
His brain feels foggy as he forces his eyes open. He feels almost drunk, his vision blurry, movements slow and brain fighting through the fog to awareness. He shifts his body, but something keeps him from moving too far.
Right. His knot. He’s still stuck inside you.
One arm is tucked under your neck, cradling your head against his bicep. He raises the other, rubbing his face. Clarity begins to return, but he can feel the haze lingering like fog on the horizon. Soon his knot will deflate and his rut will sweep in and take over again and he’ll lose all awareness.
How many days has it been? How much time has passed? How much time is left? He’s desperate to know, but there’s no telling. He gave his phone to Johnny, and you don’t have one. His mouth feels dry, his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth. He leans over, shifting your body as he reaches for the bottle on the nightstand.
The metallic scent gets stronger as his nose presses against the pillow and he pauses there, hand extended.
He knows that smell.
His eyes flutter open, his body pushing itself up before he can stop it. His arm jerks from beneath you, elbow pressing into the mattress to hold himself up as he stares down in horror.
There’s blood staining the white pillowcase.
Fear and panic bubble up inside of him as he stares at the red stains on the fabric. His hand is shaking as it slides around the side of your neck, fingers pressing below your jaw. Your pulse flutters against his fingers, slow and even. Your chest is rising and falling with your breath. You’re fast asleep, not even responding to his sudden movement. Sweat is beading his brow as he shifts his hips, tugging at the knot. You let out a whine, pushing your body back to try and follow him.
He keeps his fingers there, pushed up against your pulse. He waits for it to fade, waits for it to stop, but it keeps pumping steadily against his fingers. Your body is still hot pressed up against him, feverish and coated with sweat, not cold like your corpse would be.
It’s not that bad, he tries to reason with himself. It’s really not that much blood. Not in comparison to what he was expecting. You’re still alive, still breathing. You don’t even seem to have noticed.
He doesn’t want to stare at it anymore. He doesn’t want to see it.
He wraps his arms around you, keeping you pinned close to his chest as he rolls, taking you with him as he faces away from the blood stain. He takes a deep breath, staring at the blood stuck to your skin. It’s dried, an old wound. His stomach twists as he stares at the source, the violent indents torn into your shoulder where his teeth had made their mark.
He doesn’t remember doing it. He’s not sure when he did it. A while ago, he thinks, judging by the lack of fresh blood.
Just how long has it been?
He reaches for the bottle on the nightstand, half drunk and warm but he doesn’t care as he chugs it. He should rouse you, get you to eat and drink something, but he can’t bring himself to pull you out of your slumber yet. You need it. It must be getting close to the end. You’re less responsive, less energetic. You’re burning out. He can tell just by looking at you.
His cock hurts where it sits knotted inside of you. He knows that pain will fade shortly, when his knot finally deflates and another blast of your sickeningly sweet scent floods his brain. You’ll whine and keen, grinding down on him desperately. He’ll lose himself in that scent and fuck you again, ignoring the aches in his body as he gives you exactly what you need. Anything to get you to the end of this hard road where eventually the scent will fade and the neediness will die off and it’ll be back to normal life, like it never happened.
Jesus, how does Price do this?
There’s a release of pressure as his knot starts to deflate, his cock finally going soft inside of you. You let out a quiet whine as he shakes your shoulder, wanting to get some liquid into you before things ramp back up.
“C’mon.” He grunts, easing you onto your back. His cock slips out of your pussy, your body shuddering at the loss.
Hazy eyes stare up at him as he eases you up with his arm. Blood has dried across your chest, streaked by beads of sweat. He lifts the bottle to your lips and you drink, dribbles pouring down either side of your mouth but neither of you care. Just more fluids added to the already damp bed.
A bath is going to be a good idea, he thinks.
He tosses the empty bottle onto the floor and it clacks against another with a hollow sound. He shifts over you, pressing your body into the mattress as your scent starts to sweeten. Your hips lift, pushing against his as he settles his weight over you for a moment. He can feel the hot puffs of your breath against his scraggly face. A week without shaving and he’s already getting scruffy. Your poor thighs must be raw by this point.
A quiet buzzing begins in the back of his head as he breathes you in, pressing his forehead against yours. He lays there for a moment, his cock twitching where it’s trapped against your hip. You’re slick again, legs bending upwards to push against his thigh.
“Easy, girl.” He grunts, wincing as his cock gets caught between his hip bone and yours. “I’ve got ya.”
You’re slick and ready for him as he guides his half hard cock back into you. You let out a sigh of relief, arms lifting to wrap around him. You pull him down with surprising strength. He’s let you lead more times than he should admit, letting you take charge and take what you need from him. You’re fully prepared to do that again, prepared to get what you want whether he participates or not.
He won’t be that cruel. Not this late in the game.
He slowly starts rocking his hips, his cock stiffening inside of your warm, fluttering walls. Slick dribbles out around his cock, sliding down your ass and onto the perpetually wet sheets. The texture might have once driven him insane, but now he doesn’t care. He has bigger things to worry about right now, as his hips begin to move, rocking slowly back and forth as you cling to him.

“I think it’s over.” Johnny says, standing in the doorway.
The harsh scent of sweat, sex, and pheromones is wafting out the door behind him. He’s left it open, standing in the maw of darkness on the other side.
“How’s her temperature?” Dr. Keller asks.
“She’s cold.” Johnny says.
Dr. Keller shares a look with Kyle, both of them rising. “Help him while I get the bath going.” She says, heading for the downstairs bathroom.
Kyle slips into the room, turning on the light. Simon’s got his arms around you so tight he can see the muscles bulging. For a terrifying moment he’s worried he might have suffocated you, but he can see the twitch of your eyelids against the bright light. You let out a quiet whine, Simon shifting behind you.
He approaches the bed slowly, blinking through the haze of humid air and scents in the room. His hand touches your leg, feeling the cool skin beneath his hand. They’d let you sit longer than he might have had you been with Price, unsure whether it was the end or not. It’s been eight days since your symptoms started. They had thought it was the end a couple times, but Johnny came back out declaring a fever still, and shortly after it had started again.
Dr. Keller had assured them time and time again a week was only an average estimate. Some heats lasted longer, some shorter. It depended on a lot of things.
Kyle had just been busy eyeing the dwindling supplies while the hours continued to pass.
They babysat in shifts, taking turns sleeping every few hours. Kyle hadn’t been able to rest much, even though now he had the chance to. His brain was still on high alert, ready to jump in at a moment’s notice. He’s exhausted and he didn’t even participate this time.
His hand trails up the cool skin of your thigh, gently parting them to check. No knot, but Simon is still half inside of you. He lowers your thigh gently before taking another step, his hand touching Simon’s arm gently.
“Simon, mate, come on. It’s over.”
Simon lets out a grunt, squeezing his arms around you until you let out a quiet squeak before he loosens them.
“Let’s get you in a bath. You’ll feel better.”
Simon mumbles sleepily, but lets Kyle slowly ease him away from you. Johnny takes his other side as they get the alpha on his feet.
“I got ‘im.” Johnny grunts, taking Simon’s weight as he leads the half out of it alpha out of the room and across to the bathroom.
Kyle focuses his attention on you. You’ve started shivering from the loss of Simon’s warmth, your body curling up in on itself. “I know.” Kyle says quietly. “We’ll get you in that bath shortly.”
He drapes a clean blanket over you, wanting to keep you warm while he waits for Simon to get settled. He brushes damp strands of hair from your face. It’s come almost completely out of the braid, and he can imagine Simon sinking his fingers into the soft strands, pinning you down onto the mattress. He’d worried for a while that Simon might not have that instinct to make sure you could breathe, that he wouldn’t know to check to make sure he wasn’t suffocating you.
“He’s settled!” Johnny calls from the living room and Kyle slips his arms under you.
You let out a whine of protest at the sudden movement as Kyle lifts you into his arms. He shushes you gently, letting the blanket drop to the floor before carrying you over to the bathroom. It’s steamy in the small space, Johnny hovering in the doorway as Kyle gently eases you into the water with Simon. It rises precariously high, but he tries not to think about that as he lets you drop back against Simon’s chest.
“You sit in here with them, I’ll change the sheets and get the bed ready.” Kyle says to Johnny before leaving the warm bathroom.
The sheets.
He tries not to think about it as he grabs a bin bag from the kitchen. The sheets were new, bought specifically for this in case they needed to be thrown out after. He’s glad they got a new set as he stares down at the damp white fabric. He tries not to look too hard, tries not to stare at the stain up near the pillows. He’s glad they got more of those too.
He swallows the lump in his throat as he strips the fitted sheet, stuffing it in the bag immediately with the plastic protector. He doesn’t bother removing the pillow case, instead shoving the entire pillow in the bag before pulling the drawstring closed. The sooner he can get it out of sight, the sooner he can forget about it.
He makes the bed with clean sheets, putting the comforter back on in preparation to keep you warm. He adds new pillows and a few of your stuffed animals for comfort, arranging them in a way he thinks you might be satisfied with.
Maybe it will drive you to finally nest.

Johnny sits on the closed toilet lid, staring at the water just kissing the lip of the tub. Simon’s knees are bent, forced up by the small size of the tub. He doesn’t offer any complaint, doesn’t offer much at all except the quiet rumbling in his chest. His nose is buried in your hair, his breathing slow and even as he sits there in the warm water.
Despite the steam in the air, you’re shivering.
He swears he can almost hear your teeth chattering as you sit there in the nearly too warm water. It’s normal, Kyle had told him. Just your body responding to the sudden change in temperature.
He tries not to stare too long, especially at your shoulder. There’s still blood streaked on your skin. He should grab a rag and wash it off, but he’s scared to ruin the quiet moment between you and Simon.
It’s the quietest the house has been in eight days.
“Simon?” Johnny whispers, shifting in his seat.
The alpha grunts, cracking his eyes open.
“Ye want a drink or somethin’?” Johnny is starting to feel a bit restless. “Or a rag tae wash yerself with?”
Simon grunts again, finally lifting his face from the top of your head. “Rag would be nice.” He mumbles.
Johnny nods, quickly searching through the cupboards before finding a stack of wash cloths. He grabs two just in case, passing one to Simon. He watches his alpha dip it into the water, getting it wet before he starts to run it over your skin. You’re still shaking, trembling like a leaf in the wind.
He traces the path of Simon’s hand as it gently smooths over your skin in an attempt to clean some of the grime off. You’ll need a proper bath once you’ve settled, a process that will take a couple days at least. He remembers crawling into your nest with you after your last heat with Price, holding you while you slept. He’d needed rest himself after keeping Simon pacified for a week. He remembers the ache in his body after that and can only imagine how Simon is feeling right now.
Johnny nearly jumps out of his skin as you let out a yelp, water splashing over the edge of the tub as your body jolts. Simon’s hand is on your shoulder, holding the rag against the raw skin. He imagines you might have jumped right out of the tub had it not been for Simon’s arm around you. He’s whispering quietly to you as your lip begins to tremble, a quiet sob leaving your lips. It tugs at Johnny’s heart as he watches you, big, fat tears starting to leak out from beneath your lashes.
Kyle had warned him about that too.
Simon takes the other rag from him, wiping your face and hair before maneuvering you so he can wipe himself down quickly. Johnny sticks his fingers into the water, feeling the temperature.
“Gettin’ cold.” He murmurs, debating pulling the plug and refilling it.
“Everything okay?” Kyle appears in the doorway, likely having heard your yelp.
“Wiped down the wound.” Johnny says, glancing up at his fellow beta. “Water’s gettin’ cold.”
“Then we should get them back in bed. It’s ready for them.” Kyle says, grabbing one of the towels from the counter. “Get Simon up and I’ll help dry him off.”
Johnny pulls the plug in the tub before slipping his arms under Simon’s as the alpha struggles to get his feet under him. Your body slumps forward and he’s glad Kyle is there as he quickly shifts to keep you upright in the water. The tears are still sliding down your cheeks, quiet sniffling sobs wracking your body almost as badly as the shivers.
Kyle helps Simon dry before leading him from the room, taking him back to yours. Johnny eases you up out of the tub, quickly wrapping a towel around you to keep you from the cold.
“Easy, kitten.” He shushes you at your whine in protest as he quickly dries you off before lifting you out of the tub.
He heads back across the living room to your room, the overhead light still on. He can’t imagine what it’s like for an alpha doing this alone. How many omegas don’t get the treatment they deserve because of their alpha being alone? How many don’t get it because of their alpha?
He tries not to think too hard about it.
Simon is resting against the headboard when he enters the room, legs spread and ready for you to be deposited back into his arms. He’s still naked, something Johnny is proud of. How far Simon has come in just a couple of weeks. From barely showing any skin, much less his face, to walking around naked. Not that Simon really seems to care much right now. He can only imagine how much pain Simon must be in and just how exhausted he has to be. He looks ready to sleep for the rest of the night.
Johnny eases you onto the bed, setting you between his legs. He pulls the towel from around you, Kyle there ready to tuck the covers up over you as soon as he gets the damp fabric away. Your face is still wet with tears as Kyle steps away, Simon’s arms wrapping around you again. You relax limply against the alpha, pain and exhaustion wearing on you as well.
“It’s hard to watch.” He says, his heartstrings tugging as he stares at the two of you.
“It’s just a natural response.” Kyle says, reaching up to wipe a tear sliding down your cheek. “They’re both tired and being dragged through the sudden change in chemicals in their brains.”
“Knock, knock.” Christine says, leaning into the doorway. “Got them settled?”
“Yeah.” Kyle says, adding another blanket to the pile on top of you to try and regulate your temperature again.
She stands there for a few moments, waiting as Simon turns to glance at her. She doesn’t move, waiting for a reaction from him before taking a step into the room.
She approaches the bed slowly, Simon watching her cautiously but he offers no protest to her getting closer. Johnny can only imagine what’s going on in his head right now. “I just want to check a couple of things.” She says, setting the first aid kit down on the end of the bed.
Simon’s eyes are still on her as she takes a couple steps closer, moving slowly.
“Hi, honey.” She says softly, addressing you as she pulls out the thermometer. “Just want to take your temperature, make sure everything is back to normal.” She presses the thermometer against your forehead. It beeps a few seconds later, Simon’s arms tightening around you for a moment before they relax. “Normal. That’s good.” She says, setting the thermometer down before sliding the first aid kit closer. “I need to look at your shoulder.”
Neither of you move as she stands there for a moment, testing the waters before lifting her hand towards you. Simon doesn’t move, his eyes focused on her hand as it touches you, gently easing your head to the side and the covers down lower.
“You did take a chunk out.” She says, brushing your hair to the side to look at the wound. “I need to clean it.”
She pulls away from you to open the first aid kit, grabbing the antiseptic and some gauze. She pours some of it on the fabric before turning to you again.
Things happen fast, but to Johnny they seem to take a lifetime. Dr. Keller presses the gauze against your shoulder and you let out a yelp similar to the one you let out in the bath. Your body jerks, trying to move away but you’re too stuck under the blankets to move much. Johnny instinctively shifts forward, Kyle moving too before either of them realize it, converging on the bed.
Simon lets out a growl, baring his teeth as his hand darts out faster than they can see to grip Dr. Keller’s wrist so tight Johnny can see his knuckles go white. She holds out her other hand, staying the two betas as she keeps her gaze locked on Simon’s.
“I’m not trying to hurt her.” She says softly, holding eye contact with the protective alpha. “I have to get this wound clean, otherwise it’s going to get infected.”
There’s a tense moment of silence in the room, none of them even breathing as they wait. Simon could easily break Dr. Keller’s wrist. He’s strong enough, in a good enough position to do it. The doctor is fearless as she stares at him, facing him head on in a way that almost reminds Johnny of you. He and Kyle are frozen, halfway to the bed to intervene if they have to.
The tension eases as Simon slowly releases Christine’s wrist. His arm tucks itself back around you, holding you tightly against him, the growl rumbling in his chest quieting. Slowly Dr. Keller moves again, pressing the gauze against your shoulder. Simon holds you still as she cleans the wound, all of them trying to ignore your whines and whimpers of pain.
Dr. Keller dresses the wound before grabbing the first aid kit. “Get some rest.” She says. “You need it.”
Johnny and Kyle pass one last look at the pair in the bed before following her from the room. Kyle turns off the lights, leaving the door ajar just in case.
“That was fucking close.” Johnny lets out a deep breath.
“Territorial alphas aren’t new to me.” Dr. Keller says with a shrug. “He’s just doing what his instincts are telling him and protecting his omega. He’s still sensitive to them and will be for a while.” She lets out a huffing laugh. “I’m surprised he let me close at all.”
“John didn’t react that way.” Kyle says.
“Simon’s never been through a heat before. This is entirely new territory for him. His alpha isn’t sure how to respond right now, especially to someone outside the pack.” Dr. Keller explains.
“Yer hardly an outsider now.” Johnny says.
“Honorary, perhaps, but in the literal sense I’m an outsider.” She says. “We’ll have to be careful for a while around him. No doubt he’s going through it just as much as she is.”
“Thank ye,” Johnny says, grateful for the doctor over the last week. She’s been keeping them sane. “For everythin’. Fer caring.”
“Of course.” Christine smiles softly at him. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care.”

The beta turns his head, squinting slightly at Simon in the dim light of the room. He’d left the overhead light off to avoid waking either of you. It’s cloudy out and the curtains are drawn, leaving nothing but dim, grey light to see by.
“Hey.” He grins down at Simon, the alpha blinking up at him blearily. “Welcome back.”
Simon grunts, adjusting his body where he lays on his side. You’re bundled against his chest, quiet snores breaking the quiet in the room.
“Can I get ye anythin’?” He asks, stepping closer to the bed. He’d been replacing the bottle of water with a cold one.
“A pint and a cigarette.” Simon grumbles.
Johnny grins. “I can get ye a beer out of the fridge, but you’ll have tae wait on the smoke.”
Simon grumbles something as he presses his cheek against the top of your head. He unburies his hand from the blankets, reaching out for Johnny. It’s warm as Johnny takes it, letting his fingers brush Simon’s rough palm.
“You’re a good lad, Johnny.” Simon says softly, squeezing the beta’s hand. “Wouldn’t have made it far without ya.”
“You’re a good alpha.” Johnny says, a small smile tugging at his lips.
Simon hums, stilling as you shift against him. He tugs gently on Johnny’s hand, trying to pull him onto the bed.
“Alrigh’, alrigh’,” Johnny says, kicking off his slippers before lifting the sheets.
It’s warm under the blankets and for a moment Johnny wishes he would have ditched the sweatpants too. He saddles up close behind you, feeling the warmth of your body radiating against his chest. You’re still naked, and so is Simon as he brushes his hand against Simon’s hip.
“Pretty boy.” Simon hums, wrapping his arm around Johnny and pulling him closer. “Such a good beta f’me and my girl.”
Johnny’s brain starts to buzz happily at his alpha’s praise, his beta nearly preening inside his head. He did a good job, he took good care of his alpha and his omega. You’re both alive and well and breathing.
You let out a quiet hum as Johnny presses up against your back, sandwiching you between him and Simon. It feels right, having you there between them. Things have shifted now that Simon has claimed you as well. He wonders if Kyle felt this way after John claimed you. There’s a deeper intensity to your bond, or perhaps that was because of your heat. He was given the opportunity to assist during such a vulnerable, intimate time and bear witness to something so beautiful and primal.
Perhaps it’s both.
“You’re thinking too much.” Simon grumbles, running a hand over Johnny’s head before it wraps around you both, pulling you both impossibly close.
Johnny snuggles down into the blankets, letting his eyes drift closed for a moment.

You’re sweating.
It’s hot where you are, trapped between two bodies under a mountain of blankets. For a moment you thought you were having an unusual moment of clarity during your heat, but you remember that’s over. It’s been over for almost a day. It’s dark in the room, only the warm glow of the nightlight keeping the darkness at bay.
You push back against the body behind you but it’s solid, draped in place against your back. You need to get out, free yourself from the suffocating heat.
You manage to get yourself seated upright between Simon and Johnny, shoving the blankets down towards the end of the bed.
“What’re ye doing?” Johnny mumbles sleepily.
“’S too hot.” You murmur, wincing as you shift. There’s a steady ache between your thighs and you feel raw and sore.
“Go back to sleep.” Simon grunts, grabbing the blankets before pulling them up again, rolling so his back is to you.
You wipe the sweat from your forehead, grimacing at the grimy feel of your skin.
“Ye doin’ okay?” Johnny asks, pushing himself up to sit.
“Will you help me shower?” You ask quietly, trying not to disturb Simon again. You doubt he’d be so nice a second time. He has to be as tired as you are, but you’re too aware of how gross you feel to think about going back to sleep yet.
“’Course, kitten.” He says, sliding off the bed to stand. He’s in sweatpants, and you don’t know how he isn’t dying of heatstroke. “C’mere.” he holds his arms out and you shuffle over, hiding the pain from the jolting movements.
He slips his arms under you before lifting you easily, carrying you to the en-suite.
He sits you down on the toilet seat as he starts the shower. Your body aches, deep in your muscles and joints. You probably should bathe so you can sit, but the idea of pressure anywhere near the place between your thighs has you wincing at the thought.
Johnny holds his hand under the stream until he’s satisfied with the temperature, turning back to you. You stare up at him, his hair starting to get shaggy again. His mohawk has gotten longer, the hair starting to droop and stick to his forehead.
“Will you help me?” You ask, blinking up at him.
He blinks back before a grin forms on his face. “Sure thing, kitten.”
He seems all to eager to drop his sweatpants and strip off his shirt, revealing soft muscle underneath. He’s lost some of the definition. They all have after being away from the harsh requirements of the military for months now. You wonder how long it will take to get it back, how hard they’ll have to work to get themselves back into the state they were when you met them for the first time. Hardened soldiers dedicated to the machine that is the military.
You know they’re never going to give it up. You’ve surrendered to that fact.
Johnny helps you to your feet, letting you move slowly on shaky legs towards the shower. You definitely should have gone for a bath but you’re determined as you step under the warm spray.
It’s like heaven, gliding over your skin, relaxing tense muscles. Johnny closes the door as he steps in next to you, his hands sliding to your hips to help hold you up as you bask in the water flowing over you. You stand there for a few moments, already feeling better just having water washing away the grime of a week being covered repeatedly in body fluids.
It’s gross, when you think about it. You try not to think too much.
Johnny’s hands leave your hips as he grabs your soap, squirting some onto his hand before starting to lather it over your skin. You lean back against him, letting him wash you. His hands rub over your stomach and up under your breasts. They’re sore, your nipples raw. Whether that’s from friction or Simon you’re unsure. Maybe both.
Johnny is gentle as he washes you, gentler than you might have been doing it yourself, but you’re touched nonetheless. He peppers soft kisses against your shoulders and the top of your head as he works shampoo through your hair. You hum quietly as he massages your scalp, even that sore after Simon’s rough handling.
He took good care of you, though. You can hardly complain about a few aches and pains.
A lot of aches and pains.
You press back against Johnny, feeling something poking you in the ass and you roll your eyes. “Can’t help it, can you?” You ask.
“Yer so fuckin’ beautiful.” Johnny murmurs, wrapping his arms around you. “Ye have no idea what it was like seein’ ye like that.”
Cock drunk and completely ignorant of the world? “I can only imagine.” You say. “Did you…”
“No.” He says, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. “Didnae have time, worryin’ about ye. ‘Bout killed me.”
You smirk. “I bet.”
While the idea of sticking anything inside of your body is less than pleasant, you know you can at least do something for him. He deserves it after taking such good care of you and Simon, after all.
You turn in his arms, sliding your hand down your stomach. He stares down at you as you wrap your hand around his cock, squeezing gently. He’s hard and almost throbbing in your hand. You can only imagine the torture he had to endure, listening to you and Simon fuck for a week straight. You’re surprised he didn’t join.
You stare up into his eyes as you begin to move your hand, stroking his cock. His eyes are so blue, almost hypnotic as you find yourself getting lost in his gaze. You wrap an arm around his waist, leaning against him to hold yourself up as you jerk him off, twisting your hand across the sensitive length. His arm wraps around your back, his hand coming to rest on your hip. He squeezes gently and you ignore the ache from his fingers pressing into the sore skin. No doubt you have bruises there from Simon’s hands.
Johnny moans quietly, his face pressing into your hair as you continue to stroke his cock. His chest is heaving with his breath, his other hand rising to rest against the shower wall. His muscles flex and relax, his entire body trembling. You can only imagine how sensitive he is after a week of having to listen to you fuck his alpha.
“You gonna cum?” You ask, staring up at him as you quicken your pace, squeezing your hand gently around him. “You gonna cum for me?”
He lets out almost a whine as his hips buck into your hand. “Fuck, yes!” He moans, his cock twitching in your hand.
You drag your thumb across his tip, teasing the rim of his cock before you start stroking his length again, moving your hand as fast as you can. He presses his face into the top of your head, his body shuddering as he spurts his cum all over your hand. You continue to stroke him, working him through his orgasm.
“Fucking christ.” He breathes, wrapping both of his arms around you. You’re grateful for it as your legs ache from standing for so long. “So fucking good to me.” He kisses the top of your head. “We don’t deserve you, ye know that?”
You pull back to stare up at him, the water starting to go cold. There’s such love and conviction in his gaze it almost knocks the breath from your lungs. You think over his words, the admission coming out of seemingly nowhere, brought on in a moment of passion.
“It’s true.” Johnny says, turning off the water, his arm still wrapped around you. “Ye deserve better than us.”
“Where is this coming from?” You ask as he helps you out of the shower, drying you off gently with a towel. Your legs are starting to shake from exhaustion and you’re ready to crawl back into bed with Simon.
“Just been thinkin’ about it recently.” He says, wrapping the towel around you. “What with John runnin’ off and thinkin’ about what’s gonnae happen next.”
You swallow nervously as he carries you back to the bed. “What do you think is going to happen next?” You say as he runs the towel over your hair to try and squeeze as much water out as possible.
He’s silent for a few moments, the nerves continuing to twist in your stomach. You’d be lying if you said you haven’t been thinking about it as well. The eight days of your heat was a relief from having to worry about anything other than getting fucked and bred.
“I don’t know.” He answers after a moment, fiddling with the towel in his hands.
His answer doesn’t offer you any comfort.

Simon has a dark look on his face as you hold his gaze in the mirror.
“It’s gonna be a nasty scar.” He grumbles, his eyes dropping to your shoulder. The wound has started to scab over, some bits of it already turning white and scarring. It’s rough and ragged compared to the clean, even bite on the other side. It’s a perfect mirror of your two alphas, you think. Simon rough and ragged around the edges while John is firm and steady.
“I don’t know, I kind of like it.” You say, running your fingers over the sore skin before rubbing more Vaseline over it to keep it moist. “It’s your mark.” He winces, turning away from the mirror. “You’re regretting it.” You say, turning around to watch him as he leaves the bathroom.
“No, it’s just...it was a stir of the moment move.” He says, dropping himself to sit on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. “Would have liked to discuss it more before doin’ it.”
“Well I don’t regret it.” You say, approaching him. “I like that you did it. I like the idea of being claimed by you.”
He snorts, focused on the floor instead of you. It’s strange, seeing him become so vulnerable in front of you. There was a time he would have never let you so close, and now he’s sitting in front of you without a mask, both literally and metaphorically.
You wrap your fingers around his wrists, lifting his hands to your face as you come to stand between his knees. “You shouldn’t regret it.” You say softly, his dark eyes finally turning up to your face. “I would have asked you to do it eventually. You just saved me from having to broach an awkward conversation.”
“It wouldn’t have been awkward.” He mumbles.
“It so would have been.” You grin. “You would have made it weird.”
“Little shit.” He breathes, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close.
You hold his left hand in the air, trailing your fingers over his tattoos. You pause when you spot something that you’ve never seen before. You sit yourself down on his knee, studying the new mark. “Simon...what is this?” You ask, trailing your fingers around the oval shaped tattoo. “Is it...a bite mark?”
“Yours.” He says simply, shrugging when you turn to look at him.
“When did I bite you?” You ask.
“Right before I scruffed you.” He explains. “Sunk your teeth right in. I’ve got tattoos for the others, thought it was a perfect addition.”
“You tattooed my bite mark on your skin?” You blink, turning your gaze back to the tattoo. “Out of all the things you could have tattooed, you chose my bite mark?”
“It’s a reminder that I’m not as destructive as I like to think.” He says. “That maybe I can do some good for my pack.”
You blink back tears as you stare up into those chocolate brown eyes. “That’s so sweet.”
“It’s also a reminder of just how feisty you are, you little shit.” He says, squeezing his arms tight around you and flopping back on the bed.
You giggle as you’re pulled with him, winding up laying on his chest. You smile as you stare down at him, trailing your fingers over his handsome face. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly thank you for what you did.”
“You lived. That’s thanks enough.” He says, brushing his fingers over your face.
You lean down, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Someone’s feeling sappy this morning.”
He rolls his eyes, flipping you over so he’s hovering over you. “Someone else is feeling annoying today.”
“I only do it cause I love you.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He smirks. “You love me?”
“Course I do.” You say, pulling him down for another kiss.
“Good.” He murmurs against your lips before pulling away, pushing himself up to stand.
He stares down at you as you lay there, running your tongue across your lips to savor every last bit of his taste on your skin.
“Bloody fucking hell.” He groans, adjusting his pants.
You smirk, pushing yourself up to sit, staring at the bulge starting to form at the front of his jeans. You flick your gaze up to his eyes, staring at him from under your lashes. You’re still nowhere near ready for a good fuck after your heat, still sore and bruised. You doubt he’d be ready either. He has to be sore too after popping a knot constantly over the course of eight days.
Yet you can feel the bulge of his hardening cock as you push yourself up to stand, your chest pressed against his. You stand there for a long moment, staring up at him before a small smirk forms on your face. “It’s time for breakfast.”
You slip past him, heading for the door.
“You little shit.”

Five days have passed since your heat when you hear the crunching of gravel under tires outside. You glance up from your book, Simon looking up from his. Your omega shifts in the back of your mind, responding to his alpha as he’s suddenly on high alert. He marks his place in the book, your eyes following him as he pushes himself up to stand, moving towards the small window facing the front of the cottage.
You watch nervously as he glances out the window, his shoulders tense, body on high alert. Kyle has risen from his seat at the table, picking up on the alpha’s sudden shift in mood. Both of you watch him, his scent intensifying for a moment before his shoulders drop, his body relaxing.
He moves to the door, you and Kyle sharing a look as he pulls it open. “You could have told us you were coming.”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
You’re on your feet at the sound of the voice, moving around the back of the couch. You pause there, waiting with bated breath as the figure appears in the doorway, patting Simon’s arm.
“It’s good to see you again.”
“Been a couple weeks.” Simon says.
“Only a couple.” John says as he steps past Simon into the house.
Tears gather in your eyes as you stare at him, his gaze immediately landing on you. Both of you just stand there, John waiting for you to move while you decide what you want to do. Part of you wants to walk up and smack him, berate him for leaving you like that. Another part of you wants to stomp away angrily and lock yourself in your room to punish him.
You take a few steps forward, approaching your alpha slowly. He doesn’t move, standing still as you come right up to him. His gaze holds yours as you stand there for a moment before throwing your arms around him. He grunts slightly as you collide with him, squeezing your arms around him as tightly as you can. His arms wrap around you, holding you just as tightly against him.
“I missed you.” You whisper, a few stray tears leaking out of your eyes.
“I know.” He says quietly, pressing his nose into the top of your head. “I missed you too.”
His scent washes over you, the fresh scent of petrichor, the deep earthy forest. Your omega purrs happily, the sound rumbling through your chest as you hold him close. He doesn’t let you go either, keeping his arms around you tight. He breathes in your scent, his warm breath fanning over the top of your head. You don’t care that you’re still a bit sore and bruised, you don’t care that you want to scream at him and tell him off for leaving you for so long. You don’t care about much except for the fact he’s here. He’s back.
You never want him to leave again.
Slowly you unravel yourself from him, his hands rising to cup your face. His thumbs are rough as they wipe away your tears, cupping your face gently. You sniffle as you stare up into his blue eyes, a small smile forming on your lips. He’s back. He’s here with you again. The relief flushes out the anger. You’ll get mad at him later. Right now you just want to bury yourself in him and never let go.
He smiles down at you, running a hand over your hair. “Did they take good care of you?” He asks.
You nod. “Really good care.”
His eyes flutter to your shoulder, and suddenly a new set of nerves has started twisting in your stomach. You hadn’t even thought about the fact that Simon marked you. What is he going to think? Will he get territorial? Will he be upset? Will he blame you for letting it happen? What if he kicks Simon out of the pack for claiming his omega as well?
His fingers brush over the quickly healing wound, only a few scabs still lingering from where Simon’s teeth dug in deep. “I see Simon took good care of you too.”
You swallow nervously, nodding. “He did.”
John stares down at the mark for a tense moment before a smile forms on his face. “Good.”
A bit of tension leaves your shoulders at his seeming relief that you were well taken care of. He doesn’t seem angry or upset or even disappointed that Simon marked you as well.
He steps back away from you and you feel a body appear behind you. You turn your head, staring up at Kyle but his eyes are on John. You step out from between them, watching them carefully. Kyle must share some of the same feelings as you. Relief, anger, disappointment. For a moment you think he might be the one to tell John off, throw a punch, but instead his hands cup John’s face and he leans forward to kiss him.
You watch with wide eyes as Kyle kisses John, dragging his body as close as he can. He’s had to miss John as much as you have, if not more. You regret not spending more time with him, discussing your missing alpha, taking comfort in each other. Then again, it’s been a long couple of weeks.
Kyle pulls away from John, still holding his face in his hands. “Don’t ever do that again.”
John smiles softly at his beta. “I don’t plan on it.”
They both turn to look at you, John holding an arm out to you. You step forward into their embrace, both of them wrapping their arms around you, pulling you in close. You breathe in the mixed scents, a tension you didn’t know you were carrying starting to relax in the back of your mind. Your omega purrs happily, the sound rumbling through your chest as well.

Simon stares up at your ceiling, tracing the lines of the shadows cast by your nightlight. He can’t sleep, his mind reeling. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous at John’s return. A lot happened while he was gone, and he hadn’t even considered what John’s reaction would be when he discovered the mark on your other shoulder. Anger, disappointment? He expected the worst, but he hadn’t expected such an...almost relieved reaction.
The door handle turns, Simon’s body tensing. He’s alert, staring at the void of darkness opening up as the door pushes open. You shift against his chest, sensing the change in him even in your sleep. He holds his breath, listening, waiting for any indication of who is creeping in, in the middle of the night.
The tension eases, oxygen filling his lungs as John appears in the doorway, slipping in before closing it again.
“Thought you’d be asleep.” He rumbles quietly.
“Can’t.” Simon whispers.
John hums, moving over to the side of the bed. He reaches over, running a hand over your hair. “It’ll never cease to amaze me how easily omegas sleep.”
“Pretty sure she’d sleep through a bomb if she were tired enough.” Simon says.
John chuckles quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Thank you for taking care of her.”
Simon nods, his thumb brushing your arm. “You asked me to.”
“But you still did it.” John says, staring at his fellow alpha with a pointed look. “You could have said no.”
Simon shrugs. “Figured it was time.” He leans his chin on top of your head. “After all we’ve been through.”
John hums again, trailing his fingers across your back. “Didn’t expect you to claim her too.”
“Didn’t plan on that.” He says honestly. “Was a heat of the moment thing.”
“I’m not mad.” John says. “I’m glad you did it. That was always the plan. If something would have happened to me…”
“But it didn’t.” Simon interrupts him.
“And it won’t.” John says, toeing off his shoes before shifting on the bed to lay behind you.
“He’s really gone?” Simon asks after a moment of silence.
“You saw the pictures.” John says. “It’s what he deserved.”
Simon hums quietly, shifting onto his side. You stir against his chest before settling again, a quiet snore leaving your lips. “Where do we go from here?”
“That’s a worry for tomorrow.” John says. “It’s too late for those kinds of thoughts.” He reaches over, running his fingers across Simon’s cheek. “Get some rest.”
“Easier said than done.” Simon says, fighting a yawn.
John smiles softly. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Simon’s eyes flutter closed, his grip around you starting to relax as the comforting energy of his fellow alpha eases away the thoughts in his head until only silence remains.

You’re sitting on the couch again when the sound of gravel crunching under tires reaches your ears again. You look up from your book, sharing a look with Johnny whose gaze has been drawn up from his sketch pad. He’s not expecting this either, apparently. He’s immediately on edge, his body tensing as he sits up straighter, dropping the sketch pad on the coffee table.
Both of you turn to look at John as he comes down the stairs, looking far too relaxed for the situation. Someone unknown has arrived to place that’s supposed to be secure. Shepherd is dead, you know that. You trust John’s word, but there was still the threat of those with orders lingering in the shadows, those who the news hasn’t reached yet.
“They’re early.” John says, moving towards you. “Come on, I have a surprise for you.”
You stare at his hand as he holds it out to you. You hate surprises. He knows that, yet he continues to spring them on you. You hesitate but take his hand, letting him pull you up off the couch and to the door. He opens it, letting in a blast of cold air. You’re not dressed to be outside.
You step out onto the porch, staring at the car that’s pulled up. The doors open and you recognize Kate getting out of the driver’s side. It’s an unexpected sight. You haven’t seen her since you killed Phil.
The passenger side door opens and your gaze is drawn there. Another woman climbs out of the car, the back door opening and a man steps out. You stare at them for a moment, your breath leaving your lungs as the woman turns around. You almost don’t recognize her. It’s been a few years, far too many years.
Tears blur your vision, morphing her into nothing but a blurry figure but you know. Deep down you know.
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first time

Pairing: Lee Byung Hun x virgin!reader
Summary: After a failed attempt to take the step into intimacy with your beloved boyfriend, you finally feel confident enough to give yourself to him. He couldn’t long for anything more than making you feel desired and showing you how amazing making love can be.
Warnings: Smut 18+, MDNI, age gap (early-20s/50s), virginity loss, oral (fem receiving)
Word count: 3.9 k
a/n: I wish I had more time during the week to finish my drafts (work and adult life sucks) :( so this is one of them. I tried to make it kinda fluff, but I’m not sure if I succeeded.
From the beginning, sincerity was the foundation of your relationship with Byung Hun. Despite the significant age difference, the chemistry between you made everything flow wonderfully during the six months you had been together. You loved being able to talk to him about anything, sharing your doubts and concerns, and feeling how his maturity and experience always had the perfect answer for everything. But, although you never hid anything from each other, there was one topic that, up until that point, had never been addressed.
It wasn't a lack of desire. You felt it in the way he looked at you when he thought you didn’t notice, in the way his hands lingered a little longer on your skin, in how his kisses, at certain moments, became more demanding. And, of course, you weren’t oblivious to how attractive he was—his presence, his gaze, the tone of his voice—he was every woman’s dream.
The breaking point came one night after you attended an event as his guest. When it ended, he suggested going to his apartment, and there, with a few glasses of wine in your system, you both let yourselves be carried away by the rhythm of your lips meeting. His jacket ended up on the floor as he positioned himself over you, supporting his weight on his knees and his left arm beside your head. Without breaking the kiss, he deepened it, making it more intense. Your hands, tangled in his hair, gave him gentle squeezes as his free hand slid down your thigh, caressing your skin before slipping under your dress. He smiled against your lips as his fingertips brushed against your warm, damp center, confident that you were ready for him.
And suddenly, you broke the kiss—and the moment. The instant you felt him move your underwear aside and attempt to slide a finger inside you, you snapped out of the trance immediately. As a reflex, you tried to close your legs and pushed his shoulders with a startled gasp.
"Is something wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice as he gave you the space you seemed to need. He was worried he had done something wrong.
You curled your legs against your chest, resting your arms on your knees. Your face burned with embarrassment. You didn’t know how to explain it, and all you wanted was for the ground to swallow you whole.
Since you had started dating, you had thought about this topic many times. You had never had sex before, and it wasn’t something that had particularly interested you. Not until you started your relationship. You knew he was experienced and that, at some point, he would expect to take that step with you, as any couple would.
In your limited romantic experience, you had never gone beyond kissing and a few touches with an ex. Most of your friends had already done it, and from listening to their stories—almost always disastrous—you couldn’t help but feel a certain aversion to the idea of being naked, exposed, and vulnerable in front of someone else.
Even if that person was your beloved boyfriend, someone who loved you devotedly and would never hurt you, you simply needed more time to feel safe.
"I-I’m sorry..." was all you could say before rebellious tears welled up in your eyes.
Byung Hun, still trying to understand the situation, shifted on the couch and focused his attention on you. Feeling a pang in his chest at seeing you so vulnerable, he lifted a hand to gently stroke your face and wipe away your tears.
"Baby, you don’t have to apologize for anything," he said softly, searching for clues in your gaze.
The lump in your throat grew bigger. You felt like a fool for not being able to do something so “normal” and for not even being able to explain it without breaking down in tears.
"I-I’ve never..." You bit your lip, searching for the right words. "I’ve never done it... and I don’t want you to think I don’t want to, but I need more time..."
Covering your face with your hands, you rested your forehead on your knees. You couldn’t bear to look at him.
Byung Hun raised his eyebrows, surprised, and then he understood everything. He felt bad for assuming you already had experience.
"Sweetheart, I’m the one who should be apologizing," he said tenderly, taking your arms and pulling you into his embrace. "Come here."
With gentle movements, he slid one hand along your back and the other under your thighs, effortlessly guiding you onto his lap. Wrapping his strong arms around your waist, he pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You curled up against his chest, feeling his warmth envelop you completely.
"I should have been more mindful of this. You don’t have to feel bad."
For a moment, the thought that he might love you a little less for not giving in scared you, but his warm embrace and words of understanding dispelled that fear.
"Doesn’t it bother you to wait a little longer?" you asked in a trembling voice. "I... I don’t want you to get tired of me..."
He let out a soft chuckle before placing another kiss on your head, lingering there for a few seconds as he inhaled the sweet scent of your hair.
"Sweetheart, I’m completely in love with you," he said seriously. "I want it to be special for you when it feels right."
That night, you fell asleep in his arms, letting his warmth surround you.
After that, the topic was never brought up again. You both continued with your routine, but the thought lingered more persistently in your mind.
You started analyzing your body in the mirror after showering, wondering if he would like you enough, if you were attractive enough when fully exposed. The thoughts forming in your head told you no—not when he had been with stunning models and actresses you could never compare to—and that only discouraged you more.
You searched for information online, though it wasn’t the most reliable source, but you didn’t have the confidence to ask a friend about your doubts. Most advice said that to avoid discomfort, your partner should prepare you well and that you should know your own body. You wondered what they meant by "knowing yourself better." It wasn’t as if you had never masturbated before, but it wasn’t something habitual for you. And now, when you tried following the advice, you only ended up frustrated—rather than letting the sensation flow, you just felt stressed.
Byung Hun, for his part, made sure not to make you uncomfortable again. His touches were completely innocent: his hugs purely comforting, accompanied by kisses on your cheek, forehead, and soft pecks on your lips.
You started sleeping over at his place more often, which allowed you to spend more time together. Even if your schedules didn’t always align during the day, you could always see each other for breakfast, lunch, and, without fail, at night to rest.
That Sunday night, as had become routine, you two picked—or rather, you picked—a movie to watch before bed.
"Are you paying attention?" you asked, turning your head to look at your boyfriend.
He smiled before placing a soft kiss on your temple.
"It’s Twilight, baby. I don’t think I need one hundred percent of my focus to understand it," he teased, earning a light slap from you on his shoulder.
You laughed, adjusting yourself slightly before returning your attention to the movie, which was nearing its end. Both of you were curled up in bed, the sheets covering half of your bodies. He was dressed in pajama pants and a white T-shirt, while you wore a silk top with thin straps and matching shorts—ones he had gifted you. Your head rested on his left arm while his other arm wrapped around you, holding you close.
His fingers began to trace barely-there caresses on the exposed skin of your abdomen. At first, it seemed like an unconscious gesture, but you noticed. The sensation became hypnotic, completely capturing your attention. Suddenly, you became more aware of the heat of his body against yours, of his masculine scent enveloping you—intoxicating and consuming.
Almost without thinking, you pressed yourself closer to him. The movement made his touch stop, leaving you with a subtle sense of emptiness. Your gaze slides sideways toward his face. He seems focused on the end of the movie. The dim light from the TV casts shadows over his features. His hair was longer now—at your request—and you loved how a few strands fell over his forehead. His glasses, always present, gave him an intellectual air you adored. His strong jawline and well-defined nose were the perfect combination, and when he ran his tongue over his lips to moisten them, the simple gesture sparked something inside you that you hadn’t felt before.
Without thinking too much, you placed your hand on his chest in a casual attempt to get his attention. His eyes lowered until they met yours, and a smile formed on his lips.
"Everything okay, princess?" he asked curiously.
You didn’t say anything. You simply leaned in and brushed your lips against his in a soft kiss. Your hand moved up to his cheek, and he responded immediately, returning the gesture with the same tenderness.
He leaned slightly over you, shifting his weight carefully as his lips moved over yours with patience, exploring you without rush. His glasses slipped slightly down the bridge of his nose, and noticing your breath fogging them up, he took them off with a smile before setting them on the nightstand. You took the opportunity to grab the remote and pause the movie just as the credits started rolling. The dim light from the screen was the only thing illuminating you both.
His attention returned to you. He leaned in, his lips barely inches from yours. Your hand found his cheek again, caressing him in a silent invitation.
“We're feeling affectionate tonight, huh?” His tone was playful.
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Yes, you were fully aware of your need for contact that night, but you didn’t need him to make it so obvious.
“Shut up…” you whispered, giving him a light smack on the cheek, which made him laugh.
“Sorry,” he murmured before kissing you again.
This time, his lips moved slower, deeper, making you want more. Your tongue barely grazed his upper lip, and the gesture didn’t go unnoticed by him. He felt the warmth spread inside him. He understood your silent permission, and without hesitation, let his tongue explore the kiss with more intensity. A muffled moan escaped your lips as he invaded your mouth, the touch of your tongues sending electric currents through your body.
His hand settled on your waist before naturally sliding over your skin. You felt it slip under your pajama top, and a shiver ran through you as his palm cupped your breast, squeezing it gently. A gasp left your lips when his thumb brushed over your nipple, hardening it.
The pleasure took you by surprise, making you break the kiss as you tried to catch your breath. He stopped immediately, his eyes searching for approval in your flustered expression.
"Sorry, I got carried away…" he admitted, his voice deeper, huskier than usual. He withdrew his hand gently, bringing it to your cheek, caressing you tenderly.
But frustration filled you. You didn’t want him to stop. Yes, there was a flicker of fear in the back of your mind, but at that moment, your body craved his touch more than anything.
“Byung Hun…” his name slipped from your lips in a whisper, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.
You took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, and guided it back to your chest. “I want you to continue.”
Your voice was a little firmer now, and he searched your face for any sign of hesitation. “Baby, you know we’ll only go as far as you want, right?”
You nodded, and he sighed in relief. He didn’t want you to feel any pressure.
“I love you,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again.
This time, when his hand slipped under your pajama, it moved with confidence. His thumb traced slow circles over your nipple, and your muffled moans were swallowed by his mouth.
And you felt it. His hardness against you, even through the fabric, his hips unconsciously pushing against your center, sending a wave of pleasure through you. You knew that if you wanted to stop, now was the time. But your body responded instinctively—your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer.
“Baby, I need you to help me with this…” he murmured against your lips, grasping the hem of your pajama.
You hesitated for a second, and with a slow breath, you sat up and pulled the garment over your head, but as you lay back down, your arms instinctively crossed over your chest. Byung Hun remained on his knees, watching you with desire.
“I think we should be in the same conditions,” you muttered, noticing that he was still dressed.
“Well, that seems fair,” he replied with a nod before pulling his shirt over his head and letting it drop to the bedroom floor.
Your eyes roamed over his bare chest, down his torso, following the faint veins disappearing beneath the waistband of his pants. His body still held its athletic definition, and you were completely captivated by the sight.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll be the embarrassed one,” he teased.
Your gaze returned to his face, finding him with an amused expression. He loved seeing you like this—expectant, eager. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about being the first man to have you. He wanted to show you how good making love could feel and ensure you never forgot your first time.
He placed his hands on your thighs, caressing them softly before leaning down to press a kiss on the inside of each. Then, propping himself up on his forearms on either side of your abdomen, he began trailing small kisses along your skin.
His hands reached the waistband of your silk shorts, slowly sliding them down as his kisses followed the path. He left a lingering one at the top edge of your underwear.
“No… you don’t have to…” your voice trembled slightly with nervousness, stopping him.
He looked up at you and pressed a final kiss to your stomach. “Baby, if you want this to be easier, you have to let me prepare you.”
You wondered how he could speak so naturally while you could barely nod. But you trusted him.
“Okay…” you whispered. And you mentally thanked yourself for always keeping that area bare for comfort.
He placed another kiss just below your navel before sitting up and, with both hands, slid your shorts and panties down together. You lifted your hips slightly and then your legs to help him remove them completely.
When he tossed the garment aside and looked at you again, he swallowed hard.
The sight before him was sublime—you were naked and completely exposed to him. Your arms instinctively tried to cover your chest, your legs remained pressed together, and your skin burned with a blush he wasn’t sure was from heat or embarrassment. He didn’t know if paradise existed, but he had an angel right in front of him.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
He reached out, parting your legs and settling between them. A stifled moan escaped your throat as you felt his heavy breath against your most sensitive area. His grip on your thighs was firm, his eyes gleaming with hunger as he took in the glistening evidence of your arousal.
You bit your lower lip, trying to hold back a moan—but it was useless. The moment his tongue traced a slow, deliberate path along your center, working its way up to your clit, a shudder ran through your body. He groaned softly against you, savoring your taste like a drug that left him craving more. His tongue moved with precision, teasing and exploring, while your breathless moans filled the room.
When he flicked the tip of his tongue over your clit, your hands, which had been clutching the sheets, shot up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer, urging him on. He responded eagerly, his mouth devouring you as if you were the most exquisite thing he had ever tasted. He sucked on your most sensitive spot, making you arch against him, and when you tugged at his hair in desperation, he only groaned in approval, the vibrations making your whole body tremble.
Lowering his mouth, he let his tongue glide down to your entrance while his fingers gathered your wetness. A shiver coursed through you as he pressed them gently against you.
“Fuck… you taste so damn sweet,” he murmured against your core before slowly easing two of his long, thick fingers inside you.
Your body tensed at the new sensation, but he kept you distracted, his tongue never ceasing its movements. His fingers moved with a slow, deliberate rhythm, sliding in and out, curling slightly to brush against a spot inside you that made your thighs tremble. He spread his fingers just enough to stretch you, coaxing your body to open up for him.
The pleasure built quickly, a tight coil forming in your stomach. His free hand rested on your lower abdomen, feeling the way your body quivered beneath his touch. Your hips instinctively began to move in time with him, chasing the mounting pleasure. His mouth latched onto your clit once more, alternating between sucking and flicking his tongue with fervor. His fingers quickened their pace, thrusting deeper, and then—
A sharp, blissful tremor surged through you as the wave of pleasure crashed over you, pulling you under.
“B-Byung Hun,” you moaned, his name escaping your lips as he licked and kissed you through the aftershocks of your release. Your chest rose and fell in rapid breaths, your body still tingling in the aftermath.
“My sweet princess,” he murmured, his voice filled with quiet adoration. You slowly opened your eyes, finding him hovering above you, his face mere inches from yours. Your gaze drifted to his lips—swollen and glistening from his efforts.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice gentle.
You swallowed, still trying to steady your breathing. “Y-yeah… that was incredible,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Satisfaction flashed across his features, pride evident in the way he smirked. “Give me a second,” he murmured before pulling away and standing up.
Your legs still trembled as you watched him cross the room, his broad back a perfect view. He rummaged through a drawer in the closet before turning back toward you, a small silver packet in his hand. Your eyes widened slightly. He had condoms here?
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said with a sheepish chuckle. “At some point, we were going to do this, so I had to be prepared.”
There was nothing hesitant in the way he carried himself. He was calm, confident, utterly sure of what was about to happen. Standing beside the bed, his gaze roamed your body as he reached for the waistband of his pants. Without another word, he let them drop to the floor.
Your breath hitched.
Even through the fabric of his boxers, you could see how hard he was. The sight sent a new rush of heat through you.
Climbing back onto the bed, he knelt between your legs. With deliberate slowness, he slid his boxers down, freeing his length. Your stomach clenched at the sheer size of him. This was definitely going to hurt.
Tearing open the silver packet, he rolled the condom down his length with practiced ease. You couldn't take your eyes off him.
Noticing your gaze, he let out a small laugh and cleared his throat to get your attention. He winked at you, amusement and desire shining in his eyes.
“We’ll take it slow,” he assured, his voice raspy. “But if you want me to stop at any point, just say the word.”
You nodded. “I trust you.”
A slow, reassuring smile tugged at his lips before he shifted closer. One hand slid between your thighs, fingers gliding along your oversensitive folds, while the other guided himself to your entrance. He brushed against you, coating himself in your arousal before pushing in—just the tip at first.
A sharp, stinging sensation made you gasp, your fingers digging into his arms. He immediately leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss to your neck, his lips soft and soothing against your skin.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he murmured, his voice thick with restraint. “Taking me so well.”
He pushed in deeper, inch by inch, letting you adjust. You sucked in a deep breath, trying to relax, feeling every stretch of him as he buried himself to the hilt.
A low, guttural groan left his lips. “Fuck… you feel so, so good.”
The tremor in his voice sent a jolt straight to your core, making your walls tighten around him. His arms trembled slightly from holding back, from trying not to lose himself in the overwhelming heat of you.
You swore you had never heard anyone sound so damn sexy in your life.
“Please… keep going,” you whispered.
You gasped as your body gradually adjusted to his intrusion, the discomfort melting away into something deeper, more intoxicating.
He started with slow, careful movements, rocking his hips in a steady rhythm. His lips found yours, swallowing your soft moans as your hands clung to the back of his neck. Little by little, the lingering pain faded, replaced by waves of pleasure that built with each thrust.
A particularly sharp moan tore from your lips when he hit a precise spot inside you, making your vision blur with white-hot pleasure. You needed more.
“Go… go faster,” you pleaded, your voice trembling.
Byung Hun didn’t hesitate. Almost instantly, he picked up the pace, his movements becoming more urgent, more demanding. The room filled with the sounds of skin meeting skin, of breathless moans and the sheer bliss of being completely filled for the first time.
Your walls tightened around him, the pressure almost unbearable. He knew you were close—so was he. He wouldn’t last much longer.
“Cum for me, baby,” he murmured against your ear, his voice thick with desire, before trailing wet kisses down your neck. That was all the stimulation you needed, his name slipping from your lips in a breathy moan
“You’ve done so fucking good,” he panted. With one last ragged breath and a few uneven thrusts, he spilled into the condom, his body trembling against yours.
His breathing was still uneven as he carefully pulled out, disposing of the used condom before collapsing beside you. Without a word, he wrapped you in his arms, your overheated bodies molding together in a lazy, intimate embrace.
With a slow, deliberate movement, he shifted onto his back, pulling you onto his chest. The tension in your body slowly unraveled, replaced by a warmth that settled deep in your bones.
Still floating on the lingering high of pleasure, you felt your eyelids grow heavy, your breathing slowing as sleep crept in.
“I love you,” he murmured, his voice laced with adoration as his fingers traced lazy patterns down the curve of your back.
A sleepy smile ghosted your lips as you nuzzled closer. “I love you too,” you whispered against his skin, before surrendering to the pull of sleep.
#lee byung hun x reader#hwang in ho x reader#frontman x reader#lee byung hun x you#hwang in ho#lee byung hun#lee byung hun imagine#in ho x reader#squid game#lee byunghun#squid game season 2#squid game smut#squid game fanfic#Reminder that English is not my first language#so I apologize for any writing mistakes.
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(Feral!reader x poly 141 omegaverse: in which reader is craving. Omegaverse Masterlist)
You were being stupid, but you truthfully couldn’t stop it.
Your attention would stray toward the small, sugary treats that some soldiers kept hidden in their pockets, the faint, sweet scent clinging to their uniforms. You tried not to, but sometimes, the craving was overwhelming. The ache in your stomach wasn’t the kind that just begged to be fed. It was different- something deeper, more primal.
It was sweetness you craved.
You’d forgotten the taste of it. The sensation of sugar melting on your tongue, the softness of a cake or the crisp bite of chocolate. It felt like a distant memory now, one you couldn’t touch. The sweetness had been denied to you for so long that the hunger for it felt like a longing in your chest, hollow and painful.
You caught sight of Kyle rummaging through a drawer in the kitchen, and for a moment, you let your attention wander, desperate for any small comfort. He came back to the table, pulling a small bag of candy from his pocket, the crinkling of the wrapper clear even from where you sat.
You felt your throat tighten.
It wasn’t that you were envious of him or the others (even if you were)- it was the sweets. You could almost taste them in the air, a fantasy of sugar and rich flavors. It was stupid. Ridiculous. You shouldn’t be thinking about something so trivial when you had bigger problems. But still, the craving gnawed at you, relentless and insistent.
From across the room, John noticed you, his gaze softening. It wasn’t hard for him to see the way you were staring longingly at the candy in Kyle’s hand, the faint hunger in your expression.
“Can’t have any sweets, love?” His voice was low, but his words were clear. He knew exactly what was going through your mind, and he still asked the question even if he had memorized your file and already knew the answer.
You shook your head slowly, your eyes flickering away from the small bundle of sweets in Kyle’z hand. You couldn’t even ask for it. Not when you had the muzzle on; you didn’t want to speak when it made words difficult. There was a heavy pressure behind your jaw, the way it pushed against your skin whenever you tried to talk or move your mouth, and it wasn’t just uncomfortable- it was suffocating, but not enough to quell any hunger or cravings like these.
“I know you can’t say it, love,” Kyle muttered softly, watching the way you flinched as you tried to shift the muzzle just to lessen its pressure. “But I know. We see it. We know how much you want it.”
There was a moment of quiet as Kyle looked at you with something akin to sorrow in his eyes, before the tension broke.
“Maybe next time, yeah?” His voice softened, his tone almost apologetic as he slowly put the candy back into his pocket. “I’ll make sure we get somethin’ good for you when we can, I swear.”
But you couldn’t help the way your chest ached at the thought. Next time.
Next time never came soon enough.
Tonight, however, Simon would.
You had finished your mission debriefing and were sent to eat, as always, after everyone had already eaten. Not in the company of the mess hall, of course, where the sight of you could ruin the appetite of normal humans. Just your plate of food and your restraints in a room, a sliver of quiet, and the occasional sound of the pack’s voices in the distance.
Kyle still remembered the longing in your eyes that day- couldn’t stop thinking about it, truthfully- and so he’d specifically gave some to Simon, the one who was going to be your watcher today.
Simon didn’t mind. He always kept his distance, but there was something in the way you kept looking at the sweets that tugged at him and every instinct that bit and nagged at him to provide for pack you. The way you were so quiet, so still in the room, your mouth closed tightly behind the muzzle, your eyes scanning everything but what was in front of you.
When you entered the small room, Simon followed behind, silently closing the door. It wasn’t much- this small, private space. Just a few moments where the muzzle could be taken off, where you could eat in peace, and he would ensure you stayed safe, even if it meant watching you in silence.
Simon didn’t make you speak. He never pushed. You were allowed to eat. He respected that silence you needed, the space you had to claim just for yourself. He undid the locks carefully, fingers deft, touch unhurried as he released the straps of the muzzle. It wasn’t the first time you’d been unrestrained for your meal, but the weight of the muzzle lifted from your jaw was always a small relief.
“… Take your time.” Ghost said as he stepped back, watching you with the same distant calm he always wore.
You settled into your seat, eyes shifting to the plate in front of you. The food wasn’t anything special- not like the sweetness you yearned for. Nonetheless you ate it, lost in thought. But your gaze kept flickering, just slightly, to the corner where candy wrappers and treats had been left behind by someone too careless- someone who might’ve been too lazy to find a trashcan and just threw it here. Disgusting pig.
Simon noticed. Of course, he did. He’d seen how your posture had changed. The way your fingers trembled just a bit when you looked at the sweets. The way your lips parted slightly, like you were aching for something. He saw the longing, the hunger for something that wasn’t allowed.
But he couldn’t give you everything. Not yet.
Not without consequences.
Still, he wasn’t blind to the need in your eyes. When you finished, with him ignoring the other tug at the fact you drank the water bottle greedily and made sure not to waste a single drop, you came to stand in front of him patiently so he could lock the muzzle back on.
When you weren’t paying attention, he slipped a small piece of candy between his fingers. It was smooth, sweet, the kind of candy that melted slowly on your tongue, leaving a trail of sugary comfort. He did it so quickly, so carefully, that for a moment you didn’t realize what had happened.
You took it without thinking, the candy dissolving in your mouth as your eyes widened. It was like a flood of sweetness hit you all at once- a brief, soft relief that washed away the constant ache of hunger.
It was heaven.
Your body went still as the candy melted, and for the briefest moment, you closed your eyes, savoring the sweetness. There was none of that constant chaos that haunted you, no pains, no fears. You didn’t have to say anything. You didn’t have to ask for it. He had seen you, had noticed, and he had done it anyway.
“Better, yeah?” Ghost’s voice was a low grumble now as he studied you, the faintest glint of something satisfied in his eyes. He saw the small, contented sigh that left you, the way your shoulders relaxed, and for the first time in days, maybe even weeks, you felt a small sense of peace.
You nodded, unable to express your gratitude, but Simon understood. He knew what that look in your eyes meant. He didn’t have to ask.
The moment was fleeting, though. It had to be. All too quickly, Simon secured the muzzle back in place, tightening the straps and ensuring it was locked properly once again. The small, sweet relief was gone as quickly as it had arrived, replaced by the pressure and discomfort of the muzzle.
But you still remembered the taste, the sweetness that lingered on your tongue. The small, quiet mercy he had given you in the form of something you couldn’t have.
Simon stepped back, watching you with a mixture of understanding and silent regret. He couldn’t give you more- not now, at least. But the pack saw you, saw the small moments like this. And while they couldn’t offer much, they would find ways to make you feel cared for in the smallest of ways.
But for now, it was enough. It had to be.
#noona.posts#noona.writes#cod x reader#cod x you#cod#tf 141 x reader#tf 141 x you#tf 141#cod imagines#poly!141 x you#poly!141 x reader#poly!141#poly 141 x you#poly 141#poly 141 x reader#cod omegaverse#ghost x you#ghost x reader#soap x you#soap x reader#gaz x you#gaz x reader#john price x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#simon ghost riley x you#johnny soap mctavish x reader#kyle gaz garrick x you#kyle gaz garrick x reader#johnny soap mactavish x reader#johnny soap mctavish x you
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The vampire is sick to his stomach as he saw the wagyu steak. The vampire push the raw steak away from his chest. He looks at the person who made this.
“Pandora, I am Hindu. I can’t eat beef because it is taboo in my religion,” said Denki. “Plus it is not cooked. Are you trying to get me sick so I can take a sick leave, just so I can continue in helping you?” He continued, then he sigh. “That is diabolical and typical of you.”
Pandora looks at him, shocked that she refused to eat. She would have been angry if it not for his explanation. Maybe she should have cook the steak and let the kitchen be on fire hehehehe. Ever since his colleague went missing, Denki spends his days finding them and figuring out the identity of the culprit. So far it is not Hamilton Slade (and thanks goodness they escape death by the hands of vampire mutant. And it turns out he was resurrected and under control by a demon! Man Townsville is getting really…. Strange!).
“You have not been eating anything!” Said Pandora. She press his arm hard and Denki winced. “See! I can feel your bone. I can snaps you like a twig. How were you able to active on your hero work?”
Denki felt conflicted when she said that. Pandora just wanted to use his brain to have him do a private investigation. But his arm?!
“Hey! I need my arms intact, to perform your investigation and my search for Professor McKnight.” Denki protested, then Denki let out a sigh, then got up from his chair to show Pandora his conspiracy board. Pandora see all the photos, news clippings of the vampire attacks, news about Tormenta’s hero days, and informations on the fairy courts and witch covens are all aligned on the bulletin board, covering in a spiderweb of red strings.
“You’re right, Pandora…. Someone has it against people I am close to.” He said.
Pandora see a photo of a tall girl with black hair. She stares at the photo. A tall slightly curvy girl. She had dark cinnamon brown skin, big green eyes, and long straight black hair that went down to her lower legs. She also saw a photo of a young boy was sitting next to her. He was brown-skinned and had greenish brown eyes. “Are these your siblings?” Pandora asked. Denki looks at Pandora, since she is new to Townsville. “You’re correct, that is my little sister, Ashanti and our thambi, Reyansh. Ashanti is one of the protectors of Townsville,” He explained. “She’s is a heroine investigating on this mission on the gruesome murders. Therefore, She and my other cousin, Auggie and their team to not bury their nose that doesn’t belong. This led vampires to attacked P.O.I.N.T. Prep, and one of them turned me into one, to pose as a message to my little sister. That mastermind was after me, Nergella, Reyansh and his friend, Saturn because she started to be more involve.” He concluded.
Pandora looks at his board, digesting all this information, taking a deep breath in and out. This is actually make sense. Better than how the vampire descendant of an ancient powerful mutant, whose served Dracula, returned from the death.
Pandora grabs his face and squeezing and rubbing his cheeks. “I knew this brain could be useful. Now all you have to do is get the nutrients you deserve.”
Denki squirted his eyes and remains stoic. He is not eating that raw wagyu steak. Pandora see the expression on Denki’s face, and he let him go. “Ok ya big baby, what meats can you actually eat? Pork?”
Denki shook his head. Pandora just groaned, learning that he can’t eat pork. She could really use a drink right now. She stares at his refrigerator.
“The meats I always eat are chickens, muttons, and elks. Once or twice a week. Muttons once a year or on special occasions.….” He explained then see Pandora is not focusing on him anymore, and instead his refrigerator. He saw the refrigerator left open. She takes the blood bag to take a a short sip, but then stops for a moment, and then proceeds to continue drinking it.”
Instead of asking her to stop, he decides to tell her of his diet.
“I drank blood given to me by Mr. Morale, which the blood came from his wife. I can drinks human blood, though I preferred animal blood, but my auntie says it is better safe than sorry. Do you thinks inhuman-vampire should drink blood of either an inhuman or an inhuman-witch? Or just human blood?”
His eyes shifted to Pandora drinking the blood pack and stopped. Pandora searched up “Miles Morale’s Wife” on Google from her cellphone. Pandora’s jaw dropped. She drank the blood of the superheroine, Ms. Marvel, a mutant/inhuman hybrid. The drops of her blood stained on her cellphone.
“Pandora?” He asked, looking at her with concerns written on her face. Pandora is now internally screaming right now, unable to respond. He see Pandora grinning from ear to ear. At least she is happy to try out his blood supply. He shuts the door of the refrigerator. People always come to him for when they needed something, or people wanted him to do what they wanted to do. But he can’t do the latter. He is nothing but a lapdog.
Meanwhile back at the Deol Residence, Ashanti’s eyes are glued to the letter she received in the mail, written in blood, her hands are shaken. Ashanti looked at the photos on her desk….. Photos of her elder brother hanging out with some vampires at an alternative rock concert and at a private yacht. Her face is pale, and then turn red. Ashanti crumbled up the piece of paper and ripped it into shreds, and punch her desk hard out of rage, cracks are forming. She is angry at her two brothers and aunt for keeping this a secret from her and her dad. Angry at herself that someone unleashed a swarm of feral vampires to attack P.O.I.N.T. Prep is all because she is investigating the mission, by her auntie and the vice-principal’s direct order, putting her siblings and cousin in danger. Ashanti gritting her teeth thinking about she could have done better. Then she anger turns to sorrows as tears begin to form in her eyes. Ashanti slumped down to her chair.
Auggie Babcock-Pines (mentioned), Tormenta McKnight (mentioned), and Pandora belong to @animeclub78
Ashanti Deol/Ashanti Sharma, Saturn (mentioned), and Reyansh Deol/Reyansh Sharma belong to @cooltmoney95
Nergella Utonium-Pines (mentioned) and Denki A. Deol belong to me
“Ummm… what are you doing?” Asked the vampire calmly, as you desperately push the piece of raw steak against his chest. “Is… is that wagyu?”
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I fear I have gone soft, here is JJK husbands x Reader play fighting.
Satoru is, without a doubt, the most playful of husbands. Mischief practically sparkles in his bright blue eyes as he corners you, wiggling his fingers ominously before lunging. Whether you like it or not, you will be tickled. Just loves watching you scramble away, curling into a tiny, desperate ball, laughing breathlessly as you plead for mercy. But mercy isn’t in his vocabulary. Instead, he grins down at you, bright eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh? What’s this?” he coos, tilting his head dramatically. “A little snack-sized human? Guess I better show you what happens when a curse eats you.” Before you can protest, he’s on you - playfully nipping at your shoulders, your neck, even your cheeks. His teeth graze your skin between bouts of harsh tickling (he's not gentle with it, you will be bruised by morning), his warm hands squeezing your sides until you're a giggling, half-crying mess. He only stops when you're gasping for air, sprawled across the floor, cheeks flushed, and eyes watery. And even then, he kisses your forehead sweetly, whispering, “You’re too cute when you’re helpless.”
Suguru is different - rougher, slower, and far more smug. He doesn’t just play-fight with you; he toys with you. A playful smirk tugs at his lips as he effortlessly traps you, long fingers curling around your wrist as he twists your arm behind your back - gently, but with enough force to remind you that struggling is pointless. Leaning in close, his breath warm against your ear. “Shhh, baby. Just let it happen,” he whispers a slight chuckle leaving his lips. You wince as you try to pull away. “See? If you keep squirming, it’s only going to hurt more.” The way he restrains you feels almost too easy, and it doesn’t help that his chest is pressed flush against your back, his warmth seeping into you. Then you feel it - the unmistakable hardness against you. He knows you notice, and that only makes his smirk grow. “Aw, feeling shy now?” he taunts, pressing just a little closer. Play fighting with Suguru is always a dangerous game, because he knows exactly how to turn it into something else.
Nanami doesn’t engage in nonsense - at least, that’s what he wants you to believe. But if you’re feeling particularly brave and decide to poke the bear, he’ll indulge you. Just once. He lets out a deep, exasperated sigh, adjusting his tie as he watches you with mild amusement. And then, in a single swift motion, he grabs you, effortlessly tossing you onto the bed as if you weigh nothing. His large hands pin you down just long enough for you to realize - oh, he’s strong. There’s no smug teasing, no taunting - just the confidence of a man. He stares down at you with a small smirk, shaking his head. “Are you done?” he asks, voice calm, but there’s a hint at something playful in his tone. And when you huff in defiance, his lips twitch just slightly. “Good. Because I have work to do.” And yet, as he pulls away, there’s a fleeting touch - a warm palm grazing your hip, a small brush of his fingers along your cheek - that betrays just how much he enjoys indulging you.
Sukuna? Yeah, let’s not. The moment you so much as think about play fighting with him, he’s already watching you like a predator sizing up its prey. Lips curling into a sharp, nearly playful grin as he cracks his knuckles, tilting his head. “You sure about that, little one?” he muses, eyes gleaming at the challenge. If you try to land a playful shove, he’s immediately countering - grabbing your wrist so fast you barely register the movement before you’re flipped onto your back, pinned beneath his weight. His claws press lightly into your skin, enough to remind you exactly who you’re dealing with. “Tch. You’re too weak,” scoffing, though there’s something almost affectionate in the way he smirks down at you, another glint of amusement in his crimson gaze. He likes to watch you struggle, likes to see you realize there’s no winning against him. And if you pout? If you grumble that he’s being unfair? He only laughs - a deep, rich sound that vibrates through your chest as you squirm - before leaning down, lips ghosting over your ear. “Cry all you want, brat. You started this.”
#RAHHH I love them#jujutsu kaisen#gojo satoru#geto suguru#nanami kento#ryoumen sukuna#gojo x reader#geto x reader#nanami x reader#sukuna x reader#fluff#jjk husbands x reader
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Retirement | [A.H]
Pairing: Retired!Aaron Hotchner x Fem!reader | WC: 1.1k | CW: Nothing but cuteness
A/N: Don't worry, Hotch is not an old man he's like late 50's early 60's in this based on Jack being in college ;)
The porch was bathed in the golden light from the afternoon sun, casting long shadows across the wooden planks. The gentle creak of the rocking chair kept rhythm with the distant hum of cicadas, a sound that had become so familiar it felt like part of the air itself.
A soft breeze carried the scent of summer—freshly cut grass, the lingering sweetness of honeysuckle climbing the trellis, and the faint, smoky remnants of the firewood stacked near the house.
You leaned against Hotch’s chest, his arms loosely draped around your waist, fingers idly tracing patterns on your bare legs. The warmth of him seeped into you. You let out a content sigh, snuggling further into his chest.
It had been six months since he left the BAU. Six months of long walks through the countryside, of mornings spent in bed with no reason to rush, of rediscovering a man who had spent years sacrificing himself for the safety of others.
At first, the transition had been difficult. Aaron had been hesitant, unsure of who he was outside of the job, as though his identity had been stitched together by the cases, the late nights, the endless chase of justice.
He had been restless, waking up at odd hours as though his body still expected the call of duty. Some nights, you had found him on the porch, staring into the darkness, lost in thought. And other's you had found him sitting in the kitchen, his phone open on either JJ or Emily's contact in his phone, debating whether he should check in and see how everything was going without him.
But in this almost sanctuary you had built together, he had begun to unravel—layer by layer, breath by breath. The sharp edges of stress had softened, the lines around his mouth no longer weighed down by exhaustion. He still carried the past with him, no doubt he'd always have it with him, but it no longer defined him.
Your legs stretched over his lap, the warmth of his hands resting against your skin. His thumb brushed absentmindedly over your knee, and you smiled, closing your eyes as the wind tousled your hair.
“You’re quiet,” he murmured, his voice low and rough, edged with that lingering gravel that had always made your stomach flip.
You hummed in response. “Just thinking.”
You tilted your head back, meeting his eyes. The sunlight hit them just right, turning the brown into something lighter, warmer. “How much I love you.”
His lips twitched, a ghost of a smile appearing as he squeezed your thigh. “You always get sentimental when we sit out here.”
“Can you blame me?” you teased, running your fingers through the graying strands at his temple. “Look at this. It’s peaceful. I never thought we’d have something like this.”
He exhaled, long and slow. “Neither did I.”
There was something about the way he said it, the weight behind the words, that made your chest tighten. You reached for his hand, lacing your fingers together. “Are you happy, Aaron?”
His thumb brushed over your knuckles, his gaze soft but intent. “More than I ever thought possible.”
You kissed his shoulder, letting the moment stretch, settling into the quiet contentment that came so easily now.
You tilted your head slightly against him, voice soft as you asked, "How's Jack?"
Aaron exhaled, a small, fond smile pulling at his lips as he continued tracing patterns against your skin. "I talked to him yesterday," he said, his voice warm with pride. "He sounds happy. Settling into college well, making friends. He even mentioned joining an intramural soccer team."
Your smile widened at that. "That’s wonderful. He always did love playing." You recalled the games Aaron had invited you to when Jack was only a young boy
Hotch nodded, the tension he once carried about Jack leaving for college no longer evident in his expression. "He said his classes are challenging but interesting. And he likes his professors."
You ran your fingers gently along his arm, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat under your cheek. "He’s thriving, then. Just like you wanted."
Aaron let out a quiet chuckle. "Just like we wanted. He’s got a good head on his shoulders. I think Haley would be proud."
You squeezed his hand, understanding the weight of his words. "She would be. You’ve raised a good man, Aaron."
His thumb brushed over your knuckles, silent gratitude passing between you. You let the moment settle between you, filled with warmth and love.
A rustling sound caught your attention, and when you glanced to the side, a small smile pulled at your lips. “Aaron,” you whispered, nudging him lightly. “Look.”
He followed your gaze, and there, across the wooden railing of the porch, a handful of ladybugs had gathered, their tiny, spotted bodies crawling along the grain of the wood. One took flight, landing on your outstretched hand.
Hotch chuckled. “Looks like you’re a favorite today.”
You watched the little insect as it wandered across your palm. “You know, my grandmother used to say ladybugs were good luck.”
“Did she?” He tilted his head, watching as another landed near his wrist. “Mmhm.” You met his eyes, a teasing glint in yours. “I think it’s a sign.” He arched a brow. “Of what?”
“That this—” you gestured around you, at the house, the land, the life you had built together— “was always meant to be.”
His expression softened. He brought your joined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss against your fingers. “I don’t need a sign to know that.”
A comfortable silence settled between you, the only sounds the distant chirping of birds, the whisper of leaves rustling in the breeze, and the steady rise and fall of Aaron’s breath. He had a way of making the world feel smaller, simpler—of making you feel like the only thing that mattered.
“Jack texted earlier by the way,” he murmured after a moment, remembering something he had forgotten to tell you when you asked about him. “Said he wants to come up next weekend.”
Your heart warmed at the mention of a visit. “That sounds perfect. Maybe we can take him fishing.”
Hotch’s lips quirked. “You still think you can out-fish me?”
You grinned. “Oh, I don’t think—I know.”
He chuckled, the deep sound reverberating through his chest. “We’ll see about that.”
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, painting the horizon in hues of orange and pink, you leaned back against him, letting the moment settle deep into your bones.
The world felt softer here, free of the chaos and darkness that had once consumed so much of your lives.
#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner scenario#aaron hotchner oneshot#aaron hotchner one-shot#aaron hotchner one shot#aaron hotchner fanfiction#aaron hotchner fanfic#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner blurb#aaron hotchner drabble#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotchner x reader fanfiction#aaron hotchner au#retired!hotch#criminal minds#hotch#criminal minds x reader#hotch thoughts#hotchner#x reader#hotch x you#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner criminal minds#aaron hotchner x y/n#aaron hotchner x female reader
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Simon Riley is a stubborn bastard
Always has been
Likely always will be
His parents told him so
His teachers told him so
His commanding officers told him so
Whether it’s how he prefers to take his teas or how he listens to no one but himself, there is no doubt that Simon Riley is a stubborn bastard, if not the most stubborn person he knows, with a long list of references to confirm it
That is, until he meets his match
Until he meets you
A firecracker housed in the body of a woman nearly an entire foot shorter than him, you were reaching new heights of strong headedness that would have left any other man reeling, but he wasn’t any man
Your unshakable determination and his relentless tenacity landed the two of you in more spitting matches over the next few months than a boys locker room, often ending up chest to chest and toe to toe as two unmovable forces collided
You clearly had no qualms about the differences in stature as you never failed to step up to the man who soon was finding any reason to pick fights with you, if it meant you ended up close enough for him to smell the adrenaline radiating off of you, to see the smaller details in your irises as they flamed with untamed passion
Like they say, it takes two to tango, but eventually someone’s toes are bound to get stepped on
It takes over half an hour after the debrief for you to convince the behemoth of a man to grow a pair, roll up his shirt and let you see his injury already, the both of you practically fuming but the time you get your hands on his pale flesh, pointedly choosing to ignore his slowly dwindling protests as you clean and dress his wound
As stubborn of a bastard as he is, as the minutes tick by and you remain in his orbit, he can’t help how his gaze softens the longer your soft fingers are poking and prodding at touch starved skin no one else has even seen in years, can’t help how his breath catches as he watches his favourite spitfire take care of him with a gentleness he never knew she possessed before
He’s thankful for the mask hiding his reddened cheeks every time you lock eyes with him, your gaze checking in on him in a way your words would never dare to
He’s almost starting to wonder if he’s been too harsh with you, if he should be more lenient, but then you go and open your mouth and say-
“You like me.”
“Fat fuckin’ chance.” He’s grumbling all too quickly, eyes now looking anywhere but at you or your hands on his abdomen that are so close to inching towards his-
“You definitely like me.”
“There a fuckin’ gas leak in ‘ere? Lucky I even bloody tolerate y-”
“Okay.” You cut him off, snapping your first aid kit shut and coming to stand, forcing him to meet your gaze head on. “I’ll just go get Johnny then. He can help you finish up wit-”
“Sit down.” He manages to grind out through clenched teeth, hands reaching out to pull you back in your seat, if not a little closer than you were before
“Thought so.”
Two of, if not the two most stubborn people they’ve ever met, the rest of the 141 are already placing bets as to when the wedding will be, Soap willing to put a 20 down betting that you’re both too bullheaded to be the first to say I love you until you’re at the altar
#simon ghost riley#simon riley#simon riley x reader#simon ghost x reader#ghost x reader#cod fanfic#call of duty fanfic#call of duty#call of duty fic#readwritealldayallnight#simon ghost riley x reader#simon fluff#cod simon ghost riley#ghost x you#ghost fanfic#call of duty ghost
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The skeletons wordlessly point around the room as if the reasoning should be obvious. Obviously he had been put in the summoning circle.
Danny puts a hand over his mouth and closes his eyes in contemplation for a moment. He takes in a long deep breath and looks at the skeletons. “And.. no one thought to.. I don’t know.. alert me to the fact that there is a whole living person in the offerings room..?”
All the skeleton’s just shrug and go back to pampering the now stunned and speechless Robin who is staring up at Danny from where he’s seated on the floor. “You’re a lot younger than I thought you’d be. Honestly that’s a relief. I was worried I was being offered as a bride to the ghost king that was going to be like.. old and gross..”
“You were offered as what?! You’re fourteen?!” Danny stares at the teenager no older than himself and crouches down. “What do you mean as a bride for me? Why would they even assume I wanted a child bride…?”
Robin, now removing his mask because, fuck it why not if he’s stuck there might as well, shrugs as he looks back up at Danny now showing him that he is in fact Tim Drake. “Don’t know.. don’t really care. I would however like to get home. My.. adopted father and his other adopted adult child are probably looking for me and considering that the last time a Robin went missing he was murdered.. they are probably losing their minds..”
“Right right.. uh.. well.. I have to ask Clockwork about how to send you back.. because the Infinite Realms sort of identifies you as.. my property now.. and the fact that you are technically dead..” Danny looks like he’s ready to hurl from the thought but he straightens up.
Tim looks up at him with wide eyes and blinks a few times. “I’m dead..?” He pat his own chest and looked at himself all over.
“Only technically.. you were given as an offering.. the only way to send a living being to the Infinite Realms is to kill them.. or half kill them.” Danny thinks for a moment. “Honestly when we get you back. You may only have a half life.. you may be a Halfa now..” He shrugs and starts leaving the room. “Come on. I’m not going to force you to stay locked in here. Though.. m aybe put your mask back on. Some of the residents of the Infinite Realms still like to keep your identities a secret for themselves..”
Tim stands and places his mask back on his face trying ti ignore the reeling in his head from finding out he had apparently died. “So. You already knew who I was..?”
Danny with a dejected look and tears welling up in his eyes. “No.. I was one of the residents that enjoyed keeping your identity a secret. But it’s okay.. you just proved my theory so…”
Tim nods. “Right.. sorry about that..”
They make their way to Clockwork and find out it will take a while to send Tim back home. In the meantime Danny and Tim spend a lot of time together getting to know each other. Danny brings Tim a change of clothes when he comes back from school one day.
By the time they manage to navigate the stupid rules of the Infinite Realms two months later Tim is on the verge of his fifteenth birthday and has realized feelings are starting to bloom in his chest when he sees Danny. They agree to stay in contact and when Tim is dropped off on the day of his fifteenth birthday he leans over and kisses Danny’s cheek before running off to find Bruce and Dick who, as he predicted had in fact lost their minds.
It takes a lot of explaining to get them to calm down and understand that he A.) didn’t run away and get murdered. B.) didn’t die at all. Which Tim knows is a lie but he doesn’t want Bruce and Dick to freak out about him dying. And C.) is very much alive despite the blood loss of cult members trying to sacrifice him to what is essentially a god.
(Idk if op wanted this to turn into ship but I’ve been reading a lot of DannyxTim fics lately and that’s where my brain went. Lol.)
Bonus. When Jason comes back as Red Hood Tim can tell because Jason has a similar aura to Danny. Danny comes to visit and when he sees Jason he tells Tim that Jason has corrupted ectoplasm and he’s not sure how but his core is shattered. Danny and Tim set out to help Jason and they manage to clean his ectoplasm before Jason can bring his who reveal and revenge plan to fruition.
Once his ectoplasm is clean and Danny got his core into mostly one piece Jason all but loses interest in his big dramatic revenge plot so Tim brings him to the manor one day and Bruce freaks out.
Danny and Tim explain to Bruce what was up and that now that his ectoplasm is clean and his core is mostly whole now would be the best time to talk to Jason about all the things Jason is angry about.
(Side note I really like the idea that Danny helps Jason right after the first time he meets him and it freaks Jason out because, why the hell is the replacement and his boyfriend randomly finding him and why is the replacement’s boyfriend shoving his hands in his chest. It sort of freaks him out. But it helps the Pit rage so he honestly lets it happen.)
DPxDC Prompt #17
There is a room Danny's Keep he set up shortly after defeating Pariah Dark. It became necessary when the broader magical community realized Pariah had be defeated and therefore a new King took his throne. Danny found himself briefly bombarded with waves of attempted summonings.
Which, the summonings themselves, wouldn't have been so bad. Turns out people can't just drag the King of Ghosts to themselves on a whim. Danny has to actively accept a summoning to get pulled to it. And if he just decides "No," the pull and whispers go away. No problem there.
No, the problem is the offerings. And sacrifices. The things that people put in the circle as payment for even attempting to summon him. Like having to put a quarter in the payphone just to listen to it ring and ring and ring as the person on the other end of the call doesn't pick up. Since the summoning magic regarded these things as belonging to Danny even if he rejected the summons, they usually ended up just materializing in front of him if he didn't go to them.
Which, okay. It was funny that time he got to end a fight with Vlad very fast when a whole gold bar materialized and dropped on his head. And the food was nice sometimes when it was late and everywhere was closed and his parents had left samples in the fridge to contaminate everything into animation again. But the goat head dropping from the ceiling onto his desk during on of Lancer's English tests was not appreciated. Even if it did get the test rescheduled and the whole school shut down for a few days to investigate the "potentially satanic activity."
So, yeah, it was a bit of a problem. Fortunately, it was a problem with a relatively simple solution. Danny set up an inbox. With a bit of help from Tucker and Pandora, and a couple tips from Clockwork; all summoning offerings and sacrifices would now go straight to the dedicated room in the Keep.
And! As a special touch, the summoners would also get a chipper, automated voice saying, "The Ghost King you are trying to summon has more important things to do than answer you right now. Please leave a message in the circle with your name, date, location, contact information, and reason for summoning. The Ghost King will get back to you at his earliest convenience." Sam's stupid fancy girl gala voice had been perfect for that little message.
It was the perfect solution. Danny no longer had to deal with randomly materializing offerings putting his secret identity at risk. Pariah's skeletons, who had been antsy for something to do now that they were no longer bent under the thumb of a cruel tyrant, were instructed to take care of all the offerings; making sure everything was always cleaned up and put away. And all Danny had to do was stop by periodically to check in and "Officially respond" -ie, write a fuck off note- to the summoning messages (Clockwork's insistence).
A perfect solution. Up until Danny checked in one day to find the skellies pampering a whole ass boy. No. Not just any boy. Danny recognizes that costume.
"Why is Robin here?"
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electro archon!scaramouche x fem!reader. smut. bondage. fingering. cunnilingus. electro vision play. squirting. degradation. dirty talk. harsh!dom!scara pussy drunk scara.
i just wanted to write about scara talking super dirty and degrading for awhile. also, part 2 of yandere!bully scara coming this weekend.
scaramouche eats you out any time, day or night whenever the mood strikes him. even if the doors and windows are open, he doesn't care who hears. he dearly hopes the entire tenshukaku hears how good he is tongue fucking you.
scaramouche has plans.
his cock throbs seeing how helpless you look above him, your delicate wrists tied together above your head, firmly secured to the headboard. you couldn't get away from him. he wants to see you squirm until you cream on his tongue.
"you'd better not so much as hold anything back from me," scaramouche's tongue flicks against your throbbing clit, lapping between your creamy folds. "if you do, you don't get to cum," a favorite threat he likes to use, "understand, slut?"
your moans ring out loud and clear. "please, my lord, let me touch you," you plead between sweet moans, rocking your hips to grind your clit on his tongue. you long to tangle your fingers in his hair, and press his mouth onto your pussy.
"such impatient insolence. your archon has asked you a question," he growls, concentrating electro onto his tongue. he drug it over your clit, glaring up at you. "answer me, whore."
a shiver curls up your spine hearing his demanding tone. your legs shake as your clit throbs underneath his tongue. "yes, my lord!" you cry out, your walls squeezing around nothing as electro hums on your clit, "i understand!"
more precum beads onto the head of his cock. he groans into your pussy as it throbs. "fuck, i am so hard," he licks long, slow stripes up and down your cunt, lapping his tongue on your drooling hole. "when i am finished with you, you'll wrap those pretty lips around my cock, and swallow my cum like a good little slut."
he concentrates more electro onto his tongue, swirling it up inside you. your back arches off his bed, electro swirling and zapping along your sensitive walls. just when you thought you processed the current wave of pleasure he is inflicting on you, another one overwhelms you. he moans tasting your pussy clench harder on his tongue at his degradation.
a whimper is tinged into your louder moans. you writhe on his bed, desperately grinding your pussy on his mouth. your wrists strain in the ribbons restraining them. "i'll swallow like a good girl, i promise!" you cry out as tears well into your eyes.
"yes, you fucking will," he sweeps his tongue back up to your clit. he scoops it into his mouth to suck on, swirling electro around and around your abused clit as he pushes two fingers inside you. "you'll take my cock on your hands and knees, arching that back prettily into my cock while i fuck you from behind."
he imbues electro into his fingers, scissoring your walls apart. he massages electro into your sweet spot. "you'll beg for your archon to breed you like an obedient whore."
pleasure nearly shatters your body as he bullies electro against your sweet spot. "my lord, my god, please give me the privilege of cumming inside me! i need you to fill me!" your orgasm is so close he can taste it. "cum..inside.. please..." you whimper, sobbing in pleasure.
scaramouche laughs as you shake from the sheer desperation to cum. he reveals seeing the embarrassed flush on your cheeks, and smirks. he knows this look well. his cock aches harder knowing what was about to happen.
he increases the pace of his fingers. "listen to how pathetic you sound," he moans, grasping your hip tighter, holding your pussy against his mouth, "so fucked dumb on my tongue that you can't put a single sentence together," his tongue is ravenous on your clit as his fingers squelch in and out of your cunt.
one final zap against your clit as he sucks is all it takes to break your body down. your orgasm frays and snaps apart. cumming hard, you tremble as you squirt. "look at this precious slut shake," he laps at your release like a starved dog.
oh yes, scaramouche has plans. in your fucked out state, you don't even know that he is planning to announce to all of inazuma that he is going to marry you in a few days.
#genshin impact#genshin smut#fem!reader#genshin imagines#scaramouche#scaramouche smut#archon scara#scaramouche x reader#scaramouche x y/n#scaramouche x you
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hellloooo can u please do idol!coups x reader for sleep deprivation on cheol’s part with reader taking care of him xx
helloooo anonie, sure i can, thank you for requesting! 💜
prompt: sleep deprivation
you try not to hover. you try not to act like mother hen in fear of being annoying. you try but it's so god damn hard when seungcheol looks like a dead man standing. your boyfriend has always been a hard worker, that's one of the qualities you admire about him, but his work ethic is also your biggest worry. seungcheol is present but just barely - you are sure that he didn't hear majority of the things you said with his mind being very, very far from here, buried in new dance routines or lyrics that had to be finished. it's amazing to see how work energizes seungcheol and gives him purpose, but it's horrible to watch him crumble under pressure. slowly you reach out for his hand, giving it a light squeeze: 'cheollie, baby. you're with me?'
seungcheol blinks at your touch and it takes him few moments to sit up straighter on the seat and send you a fake smile. 'yeah, baby, sorry, i'm here. what did you say?'
god, you can't believe this man wanted to pick you up after your work. seungcheol can't be trusted with a car now, not when he can barely focus. 'i asked if yuo're sure that we should go out tonight. you look really tired, cheol.'
he stubbornly shakes his head. 'no-no, i'm good. i'm so caught up at work that we haven't seen each other much lately.'
you kind of want to strangle and kiss him at the same time. he is so good for trying to make time for you amidst his hectic workload but he is so bad for not taking care of himself properly - you sigh loudly. 'when did you sleep last time?' you ask straight to the point. thank god for traffic at this hour, so you can fully turn to your boyfriend without paying attention to the road. 'you look like a zombie, baby.' seungcheol purses his lips and you instantly understand what's the problem. 'cheollie... you can't fall asleep?'
seungcheol sags in the passenger seat, looking embarrassed and done with himself. 'yeah,' he admits quietly. 'i- it's so fucking stupid. i don't know, i'm trying everything but it's just not working.' he sighs and rubs his eyes tiredly. 'i don't think i actually slept properly in the last 4-5 days.'
this admission breaks your heart. seungcheol is running on fumes and yet despite it all, he still is here, with you, because he doesn't want you to feel neglected. without thinking you enter new address to the gps, knowing full well what can help him this time. 'instead of the restaurant, let's have a picnic,' you announce in an overly enthusiastic tone.
'at eight pm?' seungcheol asks, confused. 'i mean if that's what you want then i don't mind but-'
'that's exactly what i want.' you squeeze his hand, sending him a small smile. 'no worries, baby. we are very close.'
it doesn't happen often, but it did happen before. sleep deprivation is, unfortunately, a part of seungcheol's life as an idol and you learned hard way how to deal with it. familiar scenes of home or studio don't calm him mind down, but fresh air and water always help. you park the close as close you can to the river and roll down all windows, letting cool evening breeze in. 'alrighty,' you turn to him with a gentle smile and snatch small blanket from the backseat. 'you take this and get comfortable. i'll order us some food.'
seungcheol grabs the blanket, frowning. 'what is happening?'
'we are having a picnic in the car,' you explain, opening food delivery app. 'and you are sleeping until the food arrives, getting much needed rest.' seungcheol opens his mouth to protest and you cut him off: 'this is a date. this is our date that i want to have.'
the thing is, you don't really care about specifics of date as long as seungcheol is close. he doesn't look convinced at first, but when you start talking about your date with a quiet music on the background, he relaxes. it doesn't take him long to fall asleep - adjusted seat, warm blanket, fresh air and your hand in his do their magic. you watch quietly as his breathing slows; in sleep seungcheol doesn't look as tired. still holding his hand you adjust your own seat and lower the radio volume. seungcheol going out of his way to be with you makes you want to do the same; and if date is about you letting him finally sleep and guarding his sleep then you're not complaining, not at all.
a/n: writing this made me so soft :') pls give cheollie all the hugs and sleep he deserves!! - nini
request your own here
my other seventeen work is here
#seventeen imagine#seventeen fluff#seventeen x reader#choi seungcheol#scoups#seventeen scoups#seventeen seungcheol#seventeen scenario#svt scoups#seungcheol x reader#scoups x reader#seventeen scoups x reader#seventeen scoups imagine#choi seungcheol x reader#choi seungcheol imagine#svt x reader#seventeen reaction#seventeen seungcheol x reader#seventeen prompt
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Caught You Staring ꩜ .ᐟ - The Love And DeepSpace Men
pairings in order: xavier x reader, zayne x reader, rafayel x reader, sylus x reader, caleb x reader requested: by anonnie ☕︎ summary: you get distracted from how handsome your boyfriend looks genre: fluff fluff + silly a/n: hihi lovelies ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ this was requested a while back and i finally finished this ! i hope you enjoy reading (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ and thank you for beta reading this @ilovemitsuya MWAH (∩˃o˂∩)♡ any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
you both were at the cafe, grabbing a quick bite while trying to finish the last Wanderer report before you both head back to the building. but honestly, how could you focus on paperwork when he was sitting across from you like that?
his light brown hair looked so soft, you wanted to run your finger through them. and his lips? they were slightly pursed, like he was in deep thought and they would always be so soft whenever you pressed your lips on them. they were just naturally perfect.
and those eyes. his blue eyes. they were like the ocean and every time he blinked, his long lashes fluttered so slowly and softly. you swore you could feel your heart skip a beat every time you were around him, it was ridiculous. but when are you ever normal about your man?
it didn’t take long for him to catch you staring but you were too busy admiring him to notice that those same beautiful blue ocean eyes were staring right back at you. for a good couple of minutes, you both stared at each other until it finally clicked.
your cheeks flushed as you blinked rapidly as if you were trying to reboot your brain. you stammered out an apology as you avoided his gaze, “sorry. i..i-”
“i win,” he says softly.
you blinked, confused. “..what?”
“staring contest,” he explains innocently, “i guess it’s unfair you had a head start so..let’s have a new round.”
most of the time, you two just did your own thing as you two spent time together. he’d occupy himself with a book or flip through patient reports, preparing for his next operation that would be in a couple of days. you did your own tasks but you couldn’t focus on anything he looked like that.
you looked up from whatever you were doing, only to get completely distracted by the way his glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, perfectly perched. the way he would occasionally adjust them with those long, slender fingers of his was somehow mesmerizing. you definitely weren’t staring but your eyes just seemed to be glued to him.
the way he was so focused on his work, so intent and serious, was just attractive. his jawline was so sharp, they could cut you and leave marks. the way his brows furrowed in concentration and you couldn’t help but admire how those soft lashes fluttered every time he blinked. and those hazel green eyes of his-
you didn’t realize it, but you had been staring for a while. so long, in fact he could feel your eyes burning through him as he did his own tasks. “i have a feeling you’re more interested in what i’m doing or perhaps do you need something?” he spoke without looking up.
your cheeks instantly flush. were you staring that long? “sorry i just got distracted..” you mumble as you scramble back to what you were originally doing.
the corners of his lips quirked, closing his book with a soft thud. “i see..” he murmured, adjusting his glasses. “then perhaps you can enlighten me on what was so distracting?”
thomas had insisted that rafayel should finish his last canvas for the upcoming exhibition and naturally he would procrastinate for as long as he could but with thomas’s relentless nagging, he finally got to work. he begged- insisted that you stay with him for inspiration and support and who were you to turn down that request?
for the past couple of hours rafayel had been silently focused on his canvas, stroking the brush across the surface. meanwhile you stayed out of his way, letting him work in peace. but well, you couldn’t help but look up every now and then.
he looked good in his white button up shirt, casually unbuttoned to reveal the little mole on his left pec and how his sleeves rolled up just enough to give you a peek of his veins. and those nebula eyes of his were so easy to get lost into.
he seemed to notice this of course but he didn’t bother to say anything though. instead, he lets you stare as long as you want, clearly trying not to let the smirk creep up on his lips. but as minutes passed he couldn’t resist anymore. “if you’re gonna stare cutie, take a picture.”
you blinked rapidly, snapping out of his trance as you scrambled back to what you were doing. your cheeks heated up as you quickly stammered out a quick apology. “sorry i was just..i just wanted to see what you painted so far..” you knew you were lying and he knew too.
raf, clearly enjoying this, taps the brush innocently against his chin. “yeah? don’t liars get set on fire or something? should i light you on fire or..” he teases, giving you a playful grin.
you rolled your eyes, playfully huffing before walking around him, stepping closer to the canvas. “wait no-!” the teasing tone gone immediately as his hands flail to cover the canvas away from you. but it was already too late, your eyes landing on the canvas to find it..exactly as the same as before. no progress.
“raf..” you said flatly. “were you not painting at all?”
he gave an exaggerated hmph, crossing his arms as he turned away. “i can’t focus when you’re staring at me like i’m some kind of bait!”
you two sat beside each other in comfortable silence. he was cleaning one of his vintage guns while you were pretending to focus on your own task. it wasn’t easy when he was sitting right there, your gaze wandering over to him.
there was no denying your lover was handsome. his gaze was often found intimidating but not to you. his crimson were practically hypnotic to you, like you could lose yourself in them forever and still feel safe. you let your eyes trace his features, his soft hair, nearly swept back and how his lips curve, making it impossible not to imagine how they’d feel against yours right now.
before you knew it, you were completely lost in thought about him, your thoughts melting away as you admired every detail about him. you probably should have been more discreet about it when his voice broke through your daydream.
“if you’re that curious about what i’m doing, feel free to ask. i’m not the one to keep secrets from you.”
you blinked, snapping out of your trance to find him glancing at you with a raised brow. your cheeks flushed once you realize you’d been caught.
“i- um,” you stammered, fidgeting in your seat as you pretended to busy yourself back into what you were doing to avoid the embarrassment.
he chuckles as he watches you. “cat got your tongue?” he teases, closing the gun’s case with a soft click. “there. now i’m all yours sweetie.”

you two were sitting beside each other, working through training reports like old times. but this time it was different, maybe for you. this time you worked on training reports as an official couple. every time you tried to focus, your attention kept wandering back to him.
his dark brown hair looked so soft, you had to resist the urge to reach out and run your fingers through them. his hand rests thoughtfully on his chin and you couldn’t help but notice how his fingers skillfully flip his pen between them.
then there were his lips. a little curved and how much you love how that curve would widen into a full bright smile whenever he was around you. and his eyes, always full with so much longing for you as much as you did for him. you couldn’t help. you continued to stare at him, lost in the moment until his voice broke through your daydreams, pulling you back into reality.
“are you trying to telepathically tell me you need something pipsqueak?” he teases, his lips curling into a smile as he ruffles your hair gently. he rests his chin back on his hand, the way he looks at you was making your heart flutter all over again.
your face flushed. “i-um,” you stammered, shaking your head as you quickly averted your gaze, trying to focus back on the training report in front of you.
“you know,” his hand slides the report away from you. “if you’re tired, you can always lean on me. or maybe we can just take a break? how about that?” you glance back at him, the words getting caught in your throat as he smiles warmly at you, making the entire world pause just for a moment.
#xavier x reader#xavier x you#xavier x y/n#zayne x reader#zayne x you#zayne x y/n#rafayel x reader#rafayel x you#rafayel x y/n#sylus x reader#sylus x you#sylus x y/n#caleb x reader#caleb x you#caleb x y/n#xavier love and deepspace#zayne love and deepspace#rafayel love and deepspace#sylus love and deepspace#caleb love and deepspace#xavier lads#zayne lads#rafayel lads#sylus lads#caleb lads#love and deepspace#love and deepspace x reader#love and deep space x reader#love and deep space#lads scenarios
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୨୧ lando Norris x fem!reader
୨୧ summary: lando knows how to push your limits.
୨୧ warnings: jealousy, tension, kinda (small kinda) sub!lando, switch!reader, public sexual activity. edited but probably some missed errors
୨୧ a/n; I haven’t written anything in so long, so I’m sorry if this is shit. I’m trying to get back into writing
Lando knew you were possessive about certain things that were yours, and him, well he was the prime example of that. And he fucking loved that.
He knew the correct way to get under your skin and push those buttons. He knew the correct way to use your possessiveness to get you act crazy enough to get exactly what he wanted from you.
Attention and focus on him
He grabbed the closest girl that was near him and pulled her into him. He touched every inch of her, but kept his hands at a safe distance from where she clearly wanted him the most. He kept his gaze on you from across the bar. A stupid smirk laid on his lips as he saw just how red you’d gotten even from the quite distance you both shared.
He moved his hands down her back, touching her hot and sweaty skins. He cringed at the feel, but continued to play the game. She turned around and placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him in closer, so close he could smell the strong scent of alcohol and cigarettes.
“Wanna get out of here” her voice was practically a moan as she tried to lean forward and bite his neck. He pushed her away once he saw you stand up straight from the bar. He chuckled and walked away from the dance floor, making a beeline to you.
“What’s wrong love?. you look a bit flushed” he placed the back of his hand against your forehead feeling just how warm you’d gotten. “You’re very warm, you feeling sick” he teasingly asked, ordering a drink from the bar.
“I hate you” you muttered under your breath, body relaxing after seeing the girl who was still waiting for him to return to her, walk away after she saw him return to you.
“She wanted to fuck you, you know right’’ you took the shot he’d ordered and drank it.
“Of course i knew, wanted to see you break into pieces before you got to where you are now’’
You rolled your eyes at him. “Oh, honey. You’re in huge trouble” he sucked in a deep breath. his face turning more redder than it was before. You ran your fingers up and down his leg, chuckling when you saw his chest start heaving fast.
“You know I hate when you do shit like this lando” you nibbled on his ear, hand disappearing underneath his white dress shirt he wore. He shuddered as he felt your hand trail down his abs.
“Oh, Fuck, I’m sorry” he groaned. His hand grabbing onto your back, pulling you more into him. “Can we leave now” he begged, pants becoming so uncomfortablely tight he wanted them off him.
You laughed and pulled away from him, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Nope, you’re gonna feel my suffering honey.’’ You left him at the bar by himself, walking into the crowd of people and grabbed the nearest guy. You turned around and backed into him, dancing to the beat. You let him rub his dirty and disgusting hands all over your body.
Lando felt his heart beat speed up with anticipation and desperation. You continued dancing with the unknown, swinging your hips everywhere and even unbuttoned his shirt so you could feel his abs.
You danced for what felt like forever, until you felt a hand pulling you away from the crowd in a rush.
“we’re leaving’’ you smiled behind his back as he led you outside. His voice was heavy and breathy.
“What’s wrong, did something happen that you didn’t like’’ you jokingly pouted at him, “poor you”
He looked around before he pushed you into the dark alley. Before anything could fall from your lips, he pushed you up against the wall. Lips crashing onto yours roughly.
He pushed your dress up your thigh as he wrapped your leg around his waist. He broke the kiss to place kisses down your jaw to your neck. You moaned throwing your head back against the brick wall as you felt his teeth sink into your neck.
“m’ so sorry” his hand disappeared underneath your dress. Fingertips messing with the black panties you wore. “Do you forgive me, love”
“Debating on whether I should- fuck” you felt him push aside your panties, “what you pulled tonight” he rubbed light circles on your clit.
“Will never happen again, I’m sorry” he spoke against your lips. Biting onto them, causing you to whine in pain. “will you do that again” you laughed, firmly grabbing onto his hair while pushing him down to his knees.
“Baby, of course not. But you bought this onto yourself, now-“ you threw your leg over his shoulder, and tugged up your dress even more as he could settle between your legs.
“You will make it up to me, right” you softly ceased his face.
“Yes ma’am”
#lando norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#lando norris imagine#lando norris smut#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 x you#f1 smut#lando norris fanfic#lando norris one shot#ln4 x reader#ln4 imagine#ln4 smut#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 smut#formula 1 x you
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I love your Littlest Wayne series! I was just wondering, can Connor still hear mouse when she is in the shadows? Like, how would he react if she suddenly used her powers and he couldn't hear her anymore?
Ohhhh I LOVE THIS PROMPT. Let's explore that!
More Conner x Gender Neutral!Reader coming up~
Littlest Wayne: Signs of Life
Masterlist is Here!
Conner uses your heartbeat to lull himself to sleep. Its steady cadence is an anchor point for him when he's overwhelmed, or when he misses you, or when he wants to know where you are. Its calm, consistent thumping is always in the back of his mind, even when he isn't consciously listening for it.
So when he cracks his eyes open out of a dead sleep, groggy and confused, it takes him entirely too long to realize that he woke up because can't hear you anymore.
He's at Wayne Manor in seconds, uncaring of the alarms he's tripping in his haste to get to you, and hovering anxiously in the air when he finds your bedroom unoccupied. When Hal blearily stumbles in and asks him why he's in his youngest's room in the middle of the night again, and to please stop doing that because it's very inappropriate, Conner grips his shoulders too tight and blurts out the first coherent thought in his mind.
"I can't hear them!"
Hal rubs the sleep from his eyes, unphased. "Kid, I don't know what —"
"I can't hear their heartbeat."
The alertness is there now. Hal pushes his hands away and goes to the bed, pulling the covers back.
"The sheets are cold. Stay here, I'm getting Bruce."
Conner zips out of the room and pulls Bruce from his bed, then sets him back on the floor before Hal can even finish turning towards the door.
"Help me find them!" He snaps in a panic. Bruce blinks heavily, but it doesn't take him long to realize there's an emergency.
"When did you stop hearing them?" Bruce asks, glancing around your room. The only sign of disturbance is the window Conner came through, which was closed prior to his arrival. Bruce starts examining the space around your bed, wondering if you simply slipped into your pocket dimension or if something actually happened, and Hal leaves to go grab his ring so he can scan the area.
"Eight minutes ago. I woke up because I couldn't hear their heartbeat anymore, Bruce. I've never not been able to hear them before, I can't see them or detect their heat signature —"
"Superboy," Bruce says firmly, "deep breaths. It's extremely likely that they're still alive, but you can't help track them down if you're panicking."
Conner takes deep breaths. A little too deep. When he exhales the wind almost pushes Bruce over. He glares at Conner, who grimaces and flies back through the window to breathe outside instead.
"Where are you..." He whispers, frowning. He wraps his arms around his waist in a facsimile of a hug and closes his eyes, trying to center himself.
It'll be fine. Bruce and Hal don't seem to be frightened (they aren't a good base to compare to anyway, being seasoned vigilantes trained not to panic in stressful situations) and they aren't making any attempts to reach out to other League members for backup. It'll be fine. You're alive somewhere, Conner just can't hear you or see you or smell you or sense you or —
Deep breaths, he reminds himself. Focus. Just breathe and keep looking. They're fine. They're safe. They're....on the moon.
No fucking way.
Conner opens his eyes, incredulous. He listens for your heartbeat again, expanding his hearing outside of Earth.
There it is. The steady thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump he's grown to love is on the dark side of the goddamn moon. Like metal to a magnet, he follows the sound of you up, and up, and up, until he breaches the atmosphere and enters space. Then flies even further still, until his socked feet touch down onto the rocky surface.
"You scared the shit out of me," he snaps, when what he meant to say was "I'm so relieved you're okay."
A lumpy patch of darkness, darker than the rest of the ground, wobbles a little and inches forward until it's tickling Conner's toes. You move like you're unused to the terrain. It only makes him angrier.
"...a w a k e...w h y..."
"It's your fault," he says, hands shaking so bad he clenches them into fists. "I woke up with this huge sense of dread. Something was wrong, every bone in my body knew it. And I realized I couldn't hear your heart anymore."
He presses his fists to his eyes, applying pressure until bursts of color dance behind closed lids. They're burning, and not from the threat of head vision.
"I thought you were — I couldn't find —" he shakes his head and gasps your name. He feels that same tickling sensation on his feet again, more insistent. He steps away from your shadow. "Do you know how terrifying that was? To wake up and not find a single sign of life!? It's the middle of the night, and you're out here just — just on the moon!! On THE moon, the one in outer space!! When did you even find out you could travel off-planet!?"
"...y e s t e r d a y...p r a c t i c i n g..."
"Leave a note next time!" Conner says. He wants to throw something. Wants to kick the moon apart. Wants to drag you from the darkness and never let you out of his arms. "Leave a text! Tell someone something before you do this again!!"
"...i p r o m i s e...s o r r y C o n n e r..."
This time, when your darkness reaches for him, Conner allows himself to be pulled under and into your tight embrace. He floats in absolute darkness with you, soothing himself with your heartbeat.
When you return to your room, Bruce and Hal find you and Conner in each other's arms and sleeping away.
#littlest wayne au#conner kent x reader#kon el x reader#kon el#hal jordan#bruce wayne#batlantern#tfw your partner casually slips into a little pocket dimension and you can't track their pulse 24/7 anymore
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pick your poison, babe (i'm poison either way) ⛐ 𝐋𝐍𝟒
♫ and i'll tell you one thing, honey: i can tell when somebody still wants me. come clean.
ꔮ starring: lando norris x dj!reader. ꔮ word count: 2.8k. ꔮ includes: fluff, romance. profanity, mention of alcohol consumption. unspecified monza race win, feelings realization/denial, lando has a crush. title from taylor swift's imgonnagetyouback. ꔮ commentary box: feels apt to dedicate my first post on this blog to the person who introduced me to F1, @norrisradio. papaya forever, baby. this feels like something that could be part of a bigger story, but for now! enjoy a down bad lando. <3 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
The Monza podium still feels like a fever dream. The kind of night he should be spending at an over-the-top afterparty, champagne showers and all, with people yelling his name like he hadn’t just spent two hours driving for his life.
Instead of basking in the glow of P3 with the rest of the grid, Lando finds himself tugging the brim of a McLaren cap lower over his eyes, slipping past the bouncer of an underground rave.
He mumbles something unintelligible when the bouncer glances at him for a beat too long, and the guy doesn’t press. Maybe he doesn't care, or maybe he just thinks Lando’s another kid trying too hard to look mysterious. Either way, Lando is grateful.
Lando hurries down the narrow hallway, his trainers squeaking against the concrete floor as the bass rattles through the venue like a pulse.He tells himself he’s here for the music. That he’s been desperate for a proper night out, a way to blow off steam without the whole world watching.
But the truth is, he knows exactly who’s playing tonight. He’d seen the lineup on Instagram— your name sandwiched between two other local DJs— and something in him short-circuited.
You’ve met a couple of times, exchanged a handful of words over mixing decks at a mutual friend’s house party in Monaco. He picked up DJ-ing as a hobby a few years back, a way to kill time between races.
He had become painfully aware of how much of an amateur he was the moment you’d started playing. You made it look effortless.
He’d been hooked since.
Not in a crush way, obviously.
That would be ridiculous.
Lando shoves his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and follows the glow of LED lights deeper into the venue. The air smells like sweat and cheap liquor, the crowd a chaotic mess of limbs and blurry faces. People bump into him, and Lando mutters apologies swallowed up by the music.
He clocks you at the DJ booth almost immediately.
It’s embarrassing how quickly he finds you. How his eyes cut through the sea of bodies like they’ve been trained on you this whole time.
You’re lit up in shades of red and blue, fingers dancing across the soundboard with a kind of swagger that makes Lando want to rip his cap off and run straight back to the paddock.
He tells himself he won’t get too close. That he’ll hang back, maybe grab a drink and nod along like he’s just here for the vibe. But then you glance up from the decks, and your gaze flickers through the crowd like you can sense him there.
Lando panics, jerking to the side and bumping into someone holding a full cup of beer. “Mate,” the guy groans, shaking liquid off his arm, but Lando doesn’t even register it.
His pulse is hammering, a bead of sweat rolling down the back of his neck. Must be the heat, he thinks to himself.
He’s not nervous.
He’s not.
Lando leans against a graffiti-splattered wall, heart in his throat as the bass thrums through his chest. He’ll stay for a bit. Maybe until your set ends. Maybe until you step off the stage, and he can casually, accidentally cross paths with you.
Just to say ‘hi’.
Nothing else.
The beat thrums through the floor, reverberating up Lando's spine like the aftershock of a race. Bodies move in synchronized chaos under the strobing lights, but he only sees you.
You, perched behind the DJ booth, fingers deftly turning dials and sliding faders. Your hair is damp with sweat, the glint of neon catching on your skin. You look like you belong here— like the music isn't just something you play, but something you breathe.
Lando tells himself he’s just appreciating the artistry, the technical skill.
It has nothing to do with the way his chest tightens every time you flash a grin at the crowd.
His feet start moving before his brain can catch up. He snakes through the crowd, heart hammering harder than it did on the podium. He angles himself perfectly— or so he convinces himself— lingering just by the side of the stage.
When you descend, your set concluded, your shoulder brushes his chest. Lando executes the most intentional accidental bump in history.
“Oh, shit— sorry!”
He barely registers your words. The second your eyes meet his, he knows he’s completely screwed.
Recognition blooms on your face like a firework. When you smile at him, it feels like the entire world tilts.
“Lando Norris?” you laugh, incredulous. “What are you doing here?”
He tugs his cap lower, hoping it might shield him from how devastatingly charming you are. “Just thought I’d check out the music scene,” he lies, his voice failing to land anywhere near casual.
You cock your head, suspicious but amused. “And you just so happened to end up at my set?”
Lando swallows, throat tight. “Just my luck,” he says, the words brittle on his tongue.
You laugh, the sound bright and sharp despite the dozens of other noises warring for his attention. The music hums through Lando’s body like a second heartbeat, but it dulls to a murmur the longer he stands next to you.
He’s keenly aware of every movement you make. The way you tuck loose strands of hair behind your ear, the lingering adrenaline in your smile, the subtle shift of your weight as you rock on your heels.
“You here with anyone?” you ask, voice still pitched a little louder from your set. “Want anything? A drink?”
Lando shakes his head so quickly he almost gives himself whiplash. “No, I’m good. Thanks, though.” He licks his lips, nerves writhing in his chest like live wires. And because he’s a masochist, he asks, “Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Here with anyone.”
You tilt your head, brows lifting. For a second, Lando thinks he’s made a mistake, that you’re about to brush him off, but then you shake your head with an easy grin.
“Nope,” you say. “Just me.”
The knot in Lando’s stomach loosens, and the relief is instant— almost shameful in how palpable it is. He feels a little steadier now, a little more like himself. The familiar tinge of confidence edges its way back into his voice.
“Well,” he starts, just on the right side of teasing, “I hope I’m not keeping you from anything.”
Your gaze lingers on him, contemplating. Lando swears his pulse stutters.
After a beat, you shrug. “Nowhere better to be.”
A small, smug smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, but he bites it back. “Guess that makes two of us,” he says, just loud enough for you to hear.
The bass thumps back to life, rippling through the crowd like a living thing, and you tilt your head at Lando, eyes glinting with mischief.
“Do pretty little drivers like you even know how to rave?” you ask, voice raised over the music.
Lando scoffs, the sound drowned out by the beat. He lifts his chin, his usual cocky edge peeking through. “Do pretty little DJs like you know how to drive?”
You laugh; Lando thinks he could live off the sound. Before he knows it, you’re tugging him back into the crowd, bodies pressing in on either side as the music surges. The neon lights flicker across your skin, and Lando, without really meaning to (or maybe meaning to a little too much), lets the crowd shift him closer to you. Shoulder brushing shoulder, arm to arm, fingertips grazing as you both move to the rhythm.
It’s a flimsy excuse to touch you, and he’s pathetically grateful for it.
You notice the way his eyes flicker to the occasional flash of a camera, the way he subtly angles his face down to keep the shadow of his cap in place. You lean in, close enough that your lips nearly graze the shell of his ear. Instinctively, he tilts his head down so you can reach him without straining too much.
“Tell me, Norris,” you tease, your voice a low hum that curls through his chest, “are you still racing?”
“What?” he sputters out with a laugh.
“Answer the question,” you insist, unable to hold back your own laughs. “Are you racing away from something? Racing towards something?”
Lando knows the answer. That doesn’t make things any easier. And so he does what he does best— play it off, be incorrigible. “Pardon?” he asks, feigning the hardness of hearing. “You have to speak up!”
You roll your eyes, the expression making you look a lot cuter than Lando cares to admit. “Nevermind,” you holler, pulling away.
The pang of loss he feels is incomparable to his relief. For the next hour or so, that’s how he dodges your more invasive queries.
“Why are you really here, Norris?” you ask at one point, voice raised to cut through the noise.
Lando cups a hand around his ear and squints at you like he’s struggling to understand. “Sorry, what did you say?”
You shake your head but try again. “Why are you here?”
“Did you just ask if I’ve got hair in my ear?!”
You smack his shoulder, but he only grins wider, reveling in the way your touch lingers just a little longer than necessary. “You’re impossible,” you huff, but your smile softens the words.
A beat passes, and then you add, quieter, “I’m glad you’re here.”
Lando’s chest tightens. For a second, he forgets how to breathe. He recovers fast, though, leaning closer until his forehead nearly bumps yours. “Yeah,” he says, voice low but clear despite the music. “That’s what I thought you said.”
Your eyes narrow in suspicion, catching him out. “So you can hear me!”
He laughs, and laughs, and laughs, feeling very much like he won for a second time that night.
The night wears on. Lando could keep going, really, but then your hand grazes his wrist. A fleeting touch before you beckon him with a tilt of your head. Lando follows without a word, the warmth of your fingers lingering on his skin like a brand.
He keeps his head down, tugging his cap lower as you weave through the venue. He glances around often, wary eyes flitting to clusters of people, to the occasional glint of a camera lens reflecting the strobes.
“I promise you’re not going to have dating rumors come tomorrow,” you say, catching his unease. Your voice is low, teasing, but there’s a sincerity beneath it that makes his chest ache.
“Promise?” he asks, trying to match your tone, but his voice wavers.
You smile, throwing a casual look over your shoulder. “Swear on it.”
Lando doesn’t know how you manage to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the venue, weaving through bodies and shadowy hallways with practiced ease. You take him through a side door and up a flight of stairs, the clatter of your footsteps echoing in the narrow space.
At the top, you push open another door. Suddenly, you’re outside. The rooftop stretches out before you, bathed in the glow of the distant city lights. The air is crisp, carrying the faint scent of night-blooming flowers and lingering smoke. From up here, the music is a distant hum, the chaos below reduced to a quiet murmur.
You walk over to the edge, resting your elbows on the ledge. “Better?” you ask, looking at him out of the corner of your eye.
Lando exhales all the tension in his body before settling next to you. “Yeah,” he says, voice rough. “Better.”
The view is breathtaking. Monza sprawls out beneath you, a patchwork of golden lights against the darkened landscape. Lando watches you tip your head back to look at the sky, the faint sheen of sweat on your skin catching the glow from the streetlights.
You’re radiant.
It’s not fair.
“Is this your usual post-set ritual?” he asks, leaning his forearms on the ledge.
“Kinda,” you answer vaguely. “Helps me clear my head.”
Lando hums in agreement, though his head feels anything but clear. His heart is still pounding— not from the dancing, not from the adrenaline of sneaking around, but from being this close to you.
You half-turn to face him, your shoulder brushing against his. “So,” you start, playful but quiet. “Are you finally going to tell me why you’re really here?”
“Ah.” Lando laughs at your attempt to double down. “So that’s what this is. A trap.”
You arch a brow. “I mean, it’s a fair question. Podium finisher skips team dinner to go rave in Monza?”
Lando squints at you, a slow grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Wait,” he starts slowly, “you knew I podiumed?”
“Everyone knows,” you deflect, looking back out over the city lights.
He inches closer, eyes gleaming. “You checked.”
You don’t even hesitate, barreling on where Lando might’ve sidetracked. “Of course I did,” you say. “I wanted to know if you’d win.”
Lando blinks, caught completely off guard. The rush of exhilaration that barrels through him is almost disorienting. “You were rooting for me?”
“You act like that’s weird.” You glance at him again, the corner of your mouth twitching upward. “I may not know much about racing, but I know enough to hope you’d end up on top.”
Lando’s throat bobs with a hard swallow. He doesn’t know what to do with that, doesn’t know how to process the fact that you— the person who makes him feel like he’s spinning out even when he’s on solid ground— had been watching, keeping tabs.
He clears his throat, feigning nonchalance. “I guess I had to come celebrate with my number one fan, then.”
You snort. “I never said I was your number one fan.”
He clutches his chest like you’ve physically wounded him. “Ouch. Brutal.”
You laugh, the sound echoing into the night, and Lando fears it’s becoming his new favorite noise. Much better than the squeal of tires, the roar of crowds, the electronic dance music that’d been spun downstairs.
“So?” you prompt, turning to face him fully. “Why are you here, Mr. P3?”
He tilts his head, mouth curling up in a sly smile. “What was that?”
Your eyes narrow. “Don’t start.”
“Couldn’t hear you,” he quips, cupping a hand to his ear. “Something about my heart?”
You push off the railing. “I swear, Norris—”
"Okay, okay!" He laughs, hands raised in surrender.
The second your expression softens, though, he falters.
The truth sticks to the roof of his mouth like honey, too sweet and too heavy to spit out. He glances down, scuffing the toe of his sneaker against the concrete. “I just… wanted to unwind. Long weekend. And…”
Fuck it. Lando swallows. Scratches the back of his neck. “Maybe I wanted to see you play.”
The words slip out like he’s admitting a felony. He doesn’t dare look at you, afraid of what he might find in your face. Amusement, pity, or worse— understanding. Because you’re smart enough to figure it out, figure him out. Because you probably already know what he’s danced around this entire evening.
He risks a glance, and his heart stutters.
You’re smiling.
Not in a way that mocks or patronizes, but something softer. Something that knots him up inside.
“Maybe?” you echo, tilting your head.
Lando exhales, rubbing a hand over his face like he can physically scrub the embarrassment away. He takes a careful step closer, shrugging like the confession doesn’t carry the weight of the world.
“Okay, probably,” he relents. “But, like, only a little.”
You hum, pretending to think it over, and Lando swears his heart is trying to punch a hole through his chest.
“I can live with that,” you say after a moment.
It’s not much. It’s not a denial, not an acceptance, but it’s not like Lando is asking for anything, either.
He could, he realizes. Ask what you have planned after this, ask if you’d like to chase each other through Monza’s streets like one of those old romantic comedies his mum would make him sit through.
Instead, he only manages a soft, almost breathless, “Yeah?”
The hope in his tone is a dangerous, treacherous thing. It’s almost as damning as the way he shifts just a little bit closer to you, the two of you leaning back against the railing.
Lando isn’t going to kiss you tonight. He knows that much.
Not tonight, but maybe—
“Yeah.” Your voice sounds just like his. Tender, hopeful. A whisper of I don’t mind seeing you, a promise of next time. Wherever and whenever that might be.
Your shoulders press against each other.
Neither of you pull away. ⛐
#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagines#lando norris x you#lando norris fanfic#lando norris fluff#f1 x reader#f1 imagines#f1 fluff#⛐ kae prix#⛐ ln4#me when i use yet another taylor swift lyric for something... fork found in kitchen!!!#i will nail the f1 tagging system someday. today will nawt be that day
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Don't play wit' me

Summary: Dealer Eren AU, Eren doesn't play when it comes to you, and you loved how you had him wrapped around your finger. So when you don't get your way one day, no one can blame you for being a tad bit bratty. ۶ৎ Eren x black fem reader ۶ৎ
Context: Drug use, use of the word nigga, tongue piercing, tattoo's, alcohol use, bratty reader, rough sex, oral (m&f), chocking, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys x), pole dancing, degrading, use of word daddy, ma, mama, public sex (?)
Word count — 5.7k
You couldn't help the small smile that tugged on your brown-stained lips as you watched your man put a gun to some bum ass nigga's head for calling you out of your name.
Everyone who knew Eren knew you. He was the biggest dealer around, not only for his top product but for the fact that he had such great referrals. Eren didn't like strangers until they were vetted by him, Levi, and Connie, so it was strange that Jean had recommended someone to him, but it was even stranger that he let it slide without any background check.
Maybe it was because he was in a good mood after you took his dick in your mouth ten minutes earlier.
You often went along with Eren to his drops and to the trap, so it wasn't strange to see you prancing around. As you were friendly with his boss and the rest of his friends, Eren had no problem bringing you.
But there was a little hiccup. Jean.
Eren never really considered him a friend—God knows why—but he did sell to him, so when Jean brought a guest with him to the trap, all hell broke loose when said nigga called you the trap whore and asked when he could have a turn with you.
The room went silent. Eren’s head snapped toward the guy so fast, before anyone could even process what happened, he had the barrel of his Glock pressed right between the dude’s brows, his jaw tight, emerald eyes glinting with a rage that was barely contained.
"Say that shit again," Eren’s voice was eerily calm, too calm.
Jean took a step back, hands raised. "Eren, chill, bro—"
"Nah, fuck that." Eren cocked the gun, pressing it harder into the guy’s forehead. "You think you can just walk up in here, talk on my girl, and walk out breathing?"
The guy stammered, sweat beading along his hairline. "I-I ain't mean it like that, man—"
"Oh, you ain’t mean it like that?" Eren mocked, tilting his head. "So what the fuck did you mean?"
The whole room held its breath. Even Levi, usually unbothered by anything, shifted slightly in his seat, arms crossed as he watched the scene unfold. Connie, sitting a few feet away, shook his head with a low chuckle.
He continued to stammer, his tough-guy act completely squashed under Eren’s glare. You sighed, arms crossed, tapping your nails against your thigh as you watched the scene unfold. This wasn’t new. Eren never let disrespect slide, especially when it came to you.
Levi finally spoke up, voice dry. "Eren, we got business to handle. Ain't no point wasting a bullet on some dumbass who won't live long in this game anyway."
Eren didn’t move immediately, his trigger finger twitching slightly. You could tell he was debating it. You wouldn’t stop him if he pulled it—you knew how he was.
Still, you sighed dramatically, shifting in your seat. “Renny,” your voice was soft, lilting, deliberately sweet.
Eren’s shoulders dropped slightly at the sound of your voice. He let out a short breath through his nose before taking a slow step back, lowering the piece.
"Get the fuck out," Eren muttered, voice still deadly.
The guy didn’t need to be told twice. He stumbled back, practically tripping over himself as he bolted out the door. Jean lingered for a second, giving you and Eren an unreadable look before following after him.
Eren turned to you, jaw still tight, but his eyes softened just a little. "You good?"
You smirked, reaching up to brush a thumb across his jaw. "Of course. My man handled it."
He let out a small, satisfied hum, pulling you in close, fingers curling around your waist. "Damn right I did."
You leaned in, voice a low whisper. "Still owe me for leaving me hanging earlier."
Eren chuckled, pressing a slow kiss against your lips before murmuring against them, "I’ll make it up to you, baby. In every way you want."
That's how it was. Eren didn't play when it came to you. You want a fresh set? He'd give you more than enough money. You want a new coach bag? He gives you his black card and tells you to go nuts. You want some dick? He'll stop what he's doing and has you crying on his cock before you can think.
So yeah, three years with the man has made you endlessly spoiled—you always got your way.
Your brows were furrowed as you looked down at the text that lit your screen. You were confused, very confused.
'Have to rain check on our date ma, gotta deal with some shit'
You blinked, your fingers hovering over the keyboard—you were a little confused, not knowing how to respond to something you weren't used to.
You pressed the ringer next to his name before you could think. You could hear it ring for a while, anger starting to bubble in your chest, thinking he wasn't going to answer your call.
"Ma, I cant talk—“
You cut him off before he could finish. "What do you mean you have to reschedule?"
You could hear music and shouting in the background but you didn't care, "I got shit to deal with, I'll take you out tomorrow--“
"Eren, no," you snapped, your body shifting in your shared oversized bathtub, your nails tapping against the sides, "I don’t wanna go out tomorrow. I gotta help Mikasa with some shit so I want to go out today, like you promised."
He sighed on the other end. "Ma, don’t start—"
"Don’t start what? Getting upset that my man is ditching me? After I just had a bath with all those essential oils that you like? Had my hair done, nails fresh, bought a tight ass dress that you said would make my ass like fat? And for what? A damn rain check?"
You heard him exhale sharply. "You know I don’t wanna do this, baby, but shit came up. Business. You know how it is."
"Nah, what I know is that I always come first." Your tone was laced with attitude, lips pouting even though he couldn’t see it.
He was quiet for a second, and you could picture him rubbing his temple, jaw clenched. You didn’t care. Eren never told you no. He always made time. So the fact that he was choosing not to right now? Unacceptable.
"Nope," you interrupted, shifting again as the bubbles rose, your fingers pulling a fresh blunt off your bath table, voice turning syrupy sweet but still full of attitude. "I get it. You got 'shit to deal with.’ So I’ma go find something else to do too.
"Byeeee." You hung up the phone, kissing your teeth, you watched as he tried to call you again, knowing he hated it when you cut him off.
You continued to ignore him as you sent Historia and Sasah a text asking if they were still going to the club. The two quickly hit you back with a yes and said they'd swing by to get you in 40 minutes.
You were glad your makeup and hair were already done, you set your bath knowing you liked the dewy look it gave your freshly beat face.
You sighed as you took a drag from the freshly lit blunt that sat between your fingers, letting the smooth smoke curl around your lips before exhaling.
The sound of your phone buzzing again caught your attention, your eyes darting down to the last text you knew Eren would send you for the night.
'Don't play with me'
You felt the hum of the weed running through you as a small smirk pulled on your lips. You opened the message, letting him know you had read it before locking your phone.
By the time you stepped out of the bath, the weed had settled into your bloodstream, leaving you warm and buzzing. The bathroom mirror was fogged up, but you could still see the outline of your figure as you slipped into a dangerously low-cut silver dress that showed off your spine tattoo, the fabric hugging your curves like it was made for you.
Biting your lip, you took a quick selfie, your fingers placed gently on your neck, purposely showing off your ring finger that had his name tatted across. Hearing the honk of a car, you licked your lips as you quickly made a post to Instagram, tagging your man before you grabbed your clutch and waltzed out the front door.
C'mre daddy.
The club was already packed when you walked in with Historia and Sasha, neon lights bouncing off your skin, the bass of the music thrumming deep in your chest as you made your way through the crowd.
You were playing with fire; you saw the look of recognition in the bouncer's eyes as he noticed you. You could see the hesitation in him, but with a raised brow, he let you through. You knew Eren would know where you were the minute you stepped into his club.
Yes, his club.
Annie and Ymir were already in the VIP section, waiting, drinks in hand. Annie, ever the minimalist, had on a fitted two-piece, gold jewelry catching the light as she raised her glass in greeting. Ymir, sprawled lazily on one of the couches, smirked at her blonde girlfriend, squeals leaving her lips as she practically pounced on the short-haired brunette.
“About time,” Ymir teased. “Figured Eren had you locked up somewhere.”
You rolled your eyes, plopping down beside her. “Boy’s acting up tonight. Fucking cancelled on me so here I am--"
"You mean he told you no, so now you're in his club, knowing he probably already knows you're here?"
You smirked, your tongue running along your teeth, the cool metal of your piercing clinking with your pearly whites. Your fingers ran against the rim of the shot glass before downing the tequila.
"Exactly, so let me go shake my ass."
Eren continued to faze out the stupid argument between Connie and Armin as he lazily rolled a blunt between his fingers. He wasn’t paying them much attention; his focus was on his phone, eyes scanning through messages from his men.
At first, he thought he had read it wrong.
Then another text came through.
And another.
"Yo, your girl just walked into the club."
Eren’s brows furrowed.
Nah. No way.
There was no way that you were acting out all because he had to reschedule. Actually, scratch that, that is exactly what you were doing, and he knew he should have seen it coming.
His jaw clenched, his fingers flexing around his phone as more messages popped up.
"She came with Historia and Sasha." "VIP spotted her with Annie and Ymir."
Eren’s grip on his blunt tightened. He was already annoyed as it was—you had hung up on him earlier, ignored his text and calls, and now? You were out, in his fucking club, acting like he wasn’t going to find out?
Armin must’ve noticed the sudden shift in his demeanor because he leaned in. "Something wrong?"
Eren didn’t respond right away, instead unlocking his phone and scrolling through Instagram. He had a feeling—one that was confirmed the moment he saw your post.
"C’mere, daddy."
That picture. That fucking picture.
Your smooth, dark skin glowing under the dim light of your shared bedroom, the silver dress clinging to your curves like it was made for you, the way you placed your fingers just right to show off the tattoo of his name across your ring finger.
Eren’s nostrils flared. His tongue ran across his teeth, that little muscle in his jaw ticking.
Oh, you were real bold tonight, huh?
Armin, still waiting for an answer, gave Eren a skeptical look. "Eren? What is it?"
Eren exhaled sharply, his voice rough. "She’s at the club."
Armin rubbed his temple. "Shit. Annie told me the girls were going out, but she never mentioned—" He trailed off, eyes darting to Eren’s phone. His brows lifted as he took in the post. "Oh."
Eren didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. He picked up his keys, and the two followed right behind him.
Connie was grinning like a cat got milk in the back, windows rolled down as he continued to smoke. The speakers blaring with some rap song Armin put on but Eren couldn't care about those two, he was thinking how he was gonna spank your ass raw for acting like a spoiled brat.
He pulled up to the club not that long after; it was no surprise, given how fast he was speeding. Connie dapped the bouncer, but Eren was already pushing through bodies as he entered the club. The atmosphere was thick—sweaty bodies grinding to the heavy bass, flashing neon lights casting everything in deep shades of red and purple.
His eyes scanned the VIP section, his gaze falling on Ymir and Annie. He was getting ready to barge over to them, but he felt it. He felt you.
The green hue of his eyes scanned the crowd until it landed on the cheering crowd, whistling, roaring men, their greedy hands throwing cash towards the stage.
His body went rigid.
He was going to kill you.
Eren’s breath stilled in his chest as his gaze locked onto you, his entire world narrowing down to the sight before him.
You moved with a kind of confidence that made his stomach twist, muscles flexing as you spun around the pole, the silver dress clinging to your curves like a second skin. The fabric barely covered your ass as you dipped low, teasing, taunting, daring.
Eren’s jaw ticked, his hands curling into fists at his sides.
The brunettes jaw clenched, his hands balling into fists at his sides. He could hear Connie mutter a "Goddamn" under his breath, and even Armin, usually the most composed of the three, shifted uncomfortably.
Eren moved slowly, ignoring the two who probably ran off to find their perspective women as he continued to watch you. He wasn't a bitch, but if you could describe what he was feeling it was fucking love, love and hate.
His stomach was a wreck as you worked that pole like you owned it. Eren never forgot how much he loved you even when you pissed him off like today and watching your perfect self make other men hard was how he loved you the most.
He watched as your dark skin gleamed under the dim lights, muscles flexing and moving with every precise motion. You twisted, arching your back just right as your hands traced down your body. Your hips rolled, slow and seductive, before you spun again, gripping the pole with ease, confidence dripping from every movement.
Your eyes—half-lidded, sultry—flicked up, scanning the crowd.
His lips pulled, your gazes locked. His arms crossed as he continued to watch you, noticing the slight hesitation in your movement but you didn't stop.
Eren inhaled sharply through his nose, his patience hanging by a fucking thread.
The music was pounding, the crowd cheering, money leaving the hands that reached toward you, but Eren didn’t hear or see any of it.
All he saw was you.
The way you dropped down, ass nearly touching the floor before rising back up, body winding like you were made of liquid.
The way your fingers ran down the length of the pole before wrapping around it again, your tongue swiping along your lips, that teasing little expression still in place.
You watched as he started pushing through the crowd, having had enough of your game, so you thought, why not double down.
Your leg curled around the pole, the cheers loud, your ass facing the crowd as you began to give the crowd a little twerk. The roar of the men around you—the way their hands stretched toward you like they had a fucking chance—
The hem of your dress flapping against your ass was what set him over the edge— well it could have been a number of things but before you knew it you had been dragged off the stage.
The boos of the crowd was drowned out as Eren's tatted hand held a firm grip, almost brusing grip on your wrist as he pulled you towards his back office.
You stumbled slightly as he dragged you through the club, your heels clicking against the floor, but he didn’t let up, didn’t speak, didn’t fucking look at you.
You bit your lip, hiding the smug little grin threatening to form. Oh, he was mad.
But you weren’t stupid. You could feel the heat rolling off him, the tension in his muscles, the way his fingers flexed against your skin.
The moment he kicked open the door to his office and yanked you inside, Eren slammed the door shut, pushing you up against it before you could get a word out. His hands braced on either side of your head, his chest rising and falling in deep, heavy breaths.
You tilted your chin up, refusing to break eye contact, that bratty little smirk still playing on your lips. "Something wrong, daddy?"
His nostrils flared. "Don’t fucking start with me."
"Start what?" You batted your lashes innocently, running your hands up his chest, feeling how his muscles tense under your touch.
A soft moan left your lips, his tattooed ring-clad hand had wrapped around your throat, you continued to stare up at him, watching the muscles in his jaw tighten, your pussy clenched around nothing as you noticed how dark his eyes got—how angry he was.
"You wanna act up just cause I told you no? I spoil you too god damn much." His voice was low, dark, dripping with restrained hunger.
A whine left your lips, his thumb rubbing against your lips"You always give me what I want, Renny." Your eyes never left his as your lips wrapped softly around the tip of his thumb.
You could barley make out the 'fuck' that he muttered under his breath, eyes hooded, watching the way your soft lips moved. Eren’s jaw clenched so tight you thought it might shatter. His thumb pressed down against your tongue, the cool feel of your piercing rubbed against the ridges on his thumb. He watched the way your soft lips wrapped around it, the way your warm mouth sucked just enough to send all the blood in his body rushing straight to his dick.
His grip on your throat tightened, forcing your head back against the door as he leaned in, his breath hot against your lips.
"I do always give you what you want, don’t I? Treat you like a fucking queen." His voice was low and rough. "That why you think you can get away with this shit?"
Your lashes fluttered, your hands smoothing up his chest, nails grazing over the tattoos on his arm. Your birthday in Roman numerals.
"You don’t tell me no," you whispered, your lips brushing against his thumb as you spoke. "So I don’t know why you thought you could start today."
Eren exhaled sharply, his hand leaving your throat only to grab your chin, tilting your head further back. His eyes burned into yours, that sharp emerald gaze swimming with a hunger that had your thighs pressing together.
"You know what your problem is, ma?" His fingers slid down, his knuckles grazing your pulse. "You think you run this shit. Think you can act up, go out, put on a little fucking show—"
His voice dropped lower, more dangerous.
"—and I won’t remind you exactly who you belong to."
Your breath hitched, pussy throbbing at the way he was looking at you, at the way he was speaking to you.
"You should," you whispered, lips barely brushing against his. "Remind me, I mean."
Eren growled.
His hands were on you in an instant, gripping your waist, spinning you around so your front pressed against the cold surface of his desk. His fingers curled around the back of your neck, pressing you down slightly, just enough to make you shiver.
"You wanna be a fucking brat?" he muttered, his other hand dragging your dress up your thighs, exposing more and more of your soft, glistening skin. "Act up just to get my attention?"
You smirked against the desk, arching your back slightly. "Worked, didn’t it?"
Eren smacked your ass, hard.
A gasp ripped from your throat, your fingers curling against the desk as your skin burned from the contact.
"Yeah," he murmured, smoothing a palm over the spot he just hit before landing another sharp slap, making you whimper. "Worked real fucking good."
His lips brushed against your ear, his breath warm, sending chills down your spine.
"You just love making me mad, huh, baby?" His fingers dipped between your thighs, sliding against the damp lace of your panties, pressing right against the spot that had you trembling.
You couldn’t fucking speak, not when his fingers were right there, not when he was teasing you like this, his voice deep and smug, knowing exactly what he was doing to you.
"You’re soaked," he hummed, slipping a single finger under the fabric, gliding it through your wetness. "You got yourself this fucking wet dancing for other men?"
You turned your head slightly, your cheek pressed against the desk as you stared up at him, lips parting slightly.
"Nah," you whispered, breathless, needy, bratty. "I got wet thinking about you dragging me back here and fucking me like you should’ve after our date."
Eren’s grip on your neck tightened.
His fingers pressed deeper against your soaked panties, teasing the sensitive bud just enough to make you whimper. "You fucking piss me off," he murmured, voice dark, low.
You turned your head, lips curling into a smirk "You piss me off too Ren," you purred, shifting your hips just enough to grind against his fingers. "But I guess that's why you love me."
Eren inhaled sharply through his nose.
Your panties were ripped off before you could even process it, the lace tearing in his grip before being tossed somewhere across the room. His palm smacked against your bare ass, a sharp sting blossoming where he hit, your thighs twitching at the sensation.
"I spoil you too much."
You hummed, a teasing little sound, looking back at him with half-lidded eyes. "You do."
Eren’s jaw ticked. "Yeah? And this is how you thank me?"
You gave him a little shrug, hips shifting, rubbing your slick folds against the hard outline of his dick through his jeans. "Only want your attention Renny."
Eren grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back just enough to expose your throat, his lips hovering over your ear.
"You had it the second you walked on that stage," he murmured, voice like gravel.
Eren wasted no more time. His belt clinked, the sound making your thighs clench together in anticipation, your breath stalling as you felt the heat of him pressing against you. His free hand gripped your hip, keeping you in place as he slid his cock between your slick folds.
Your lips parted, a soft whimper slipping out as he coated himself in your wetness, dragging his length up and down your folds, teasing your clit just enough to make you squirm.
"Eren," you whined, pushing your hips back, desperate for more, for him.
He exhaled sharply, his fingers digging into your skin. "Fucking slut, just wanted to be drunk on my cock huh?"
You nodded, moaning softly as he pressed the thick head of his cock right against your entrance, so close, but still not enough.
"Say it," he demanded, his grip tightening, his lips brushing against your ear.
You whimpered, your body trembling with need. "I want to be drunk on you."
He groaned, the sound went staright to your cunt, with one rough thrust, he buried himself inside you, stretching you open, filling you up all at once. A choked gasp tore from your throat, fingers scrambling against the surface of the desk, nails digging into the wood.
"Fuck—Eren!" Your voice broke on the last syllable, your walls clenching around him, trying to adjust to the sudden fullness.
His fingers tightened in your hair, keeping your head tilted back, his other hand spreading over your stomach, holding you still.
"You feel that, ma?" he murmured against your ear, voice dark, laced with raw need. "This dick ain’t for nobody else.And you got the nerve to be up there, showing off?"
A moan spilled from your lips as he dragged out of you slowly, the thick length of him pressing against your walls in all the right ways, before he slammed back in, hard enough to make the desk beneath you shake.
"Answer me," he demanded, his palm cracking against your ass, leaving behind a sting that only made the heat between your legs burn hotter.
You whined, gripping the edge of the desk, your body trembling as he set a brutal pace, thrusting into you with deep, punishing strokes that left you breathless.
"I—" You tried to speak, but another thrust had you moaning instead.
Eren clicked his tongue, his grip on your hip tightening, his thumb pressing into the dip of your spine. "Nah, use your words, baby. You had all that attitude before—where is it now?"
Your nails dragged against the desk, your thighs shaking, toes curling in your heels. "Y-you’re right," you finally managed, voice shaky, wrecked. "I was acting up."
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, but there was no humor in it—just heat. "Damn right you were."
His fingers slid lower, dipping between your thighs, finding your clit and rubbing slow, deliberate circles, a sharp contrast to the way he was fucking you into the desk.
Your entire body jerked, a whimper tumbling from your lips as your walls clenched around him.
Eren groaned, his hips stuttering for just a second before he picked up the pace, hitting that spot inside you that made your vision blur.
"You know I’d give you whatever you want," he murmured, his lips grazing your jaw, his breath hot against your skin.
You barely processed his words—too lost in the feeling of him, the way he stretched you, filled you, owned every inch of you like he had something to prove.
"Tell me you’re mine," he growled, his hand tightening around your throat, his cock throbbing inside you.
Your lips parted, a desperate little whimper escaping as your body arched against him, surrendering completely. "I’m yours, daddy—fuck, I’m yours."
Eren groaned, his hips slamming into you harder, rougher, deeper.
"Yeah," he muttered, voice strained, wrecked. "You fucking are."
His grip on your throat tightened, his fingers pressing into the sides just enough to make your head swim, your breath hitch. He was so fucking deep, splitting you open on his cock, your walls fluttering around him as he pounded into you, using your body just how he wanted.
"Look at you," he gritted, his voice dark, condescending, dripping with heat. His hand tugged your head back, forcing your spine into a deep arch, your chest pressing against the cool wood of his desk. "Acting all high and mighty earlier, bratty as fuck— now you can’t even talk. Can’t even think, huh?"
You whimpered, your fingers curling into fists, your thighs trembling as he fucked you hard, each stroke knocking the air from your lungs, pushing you closer to that sweet, devastating edge.
Eren chuckled, low and taunting. "Nah, don’t get quiet now, ma. You wanted my attention, didn’t you? Thought you could act like a fucking slut in front of all those men and not deal with me?"
A sharp slap to your ass had you gasping, your pussy clenching around him in response.
Eren groaned, his hips faltering for just a second before he snapped back into rhythm, his grip on your throat loosened just enough for his fingers to slide up, gripping your jaw, forcing your head up.
"Look at yourself," he ordered, tilting your chin towards the dark glass of the office window, the faint reflection of your fucked-out expression staring back at you.
Your lips were swollen, glossy, parted. Your mascara was smudged, your hair a mess. Your eyes—half-lidded, hazy, desperate.
Eren grinned. "Such a fucking mess." His hand slipped between your legs again, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing tight, brutal circles. "You like being fucked like this, huh? Like being put in your place?"
You sobbed out a moan, your entire body trembling.
Eren's grip tightened on your jaw, his fingers pressing into your cheeks, forcing your mouth open as he spat onto your tongue.
"Swallow it," he ordered.
And you did. Without hesitation.
Eren groaned, his hips stuttering, his cock twitching inside you. "That’s my fucking girl."
Your walls clamped down around him, your orgasm hitting you hard, sudden, unforgiving. Your body shook, your moans breaking as your climax crashed over you, pleasure swallowing you whole.
Your breathing became staggered, your vision trying to focus as you came down from your high but Eren had other ideas. Your back, ass now hanging off the edge of the desk, Eren spread your legs wide, his head immediately dipping between your thighs.
A broken moan tore from your throat as his tongue found your clit, pressing against you as he licked slow, teasing circles.
Your body arched, legs trembling, hands scrambling for purchase.
"Eren—fuck, oh my God," you gasped, your hips rolling against his mouth, but he only pinned you down harder.
"Be good," he murmured against you, his fingers digging into your thighs, keeping you still. "Take it."
And you did. You took it all— the messy, open-mouthed kisses he pressed against your folds, the way his tongue dipped inside you, teasing, curling, before returning to your clit, flicking against it just right.
It was too much. Your body shook, your mind blanked, your breath caught.
"Fuck, Eren, I—"
You came hard, your thighs squeezing around his head as he groaned against you, licking you through it.
But he didn’t give you time to recover. The second your high began to fade, he was already pressing you into the desk, pushing your legs up until they were practically touching your chest. Putting you in a delicious matting press,
A choked moan left your lips as he slid back inside you, stretching you all over again.
His hips snapped against yours roughly, the sound of skin slapping, your wetness, his growls and your cries filling the room.
"Look at you," he taunted, his lips curling. "Fucking ruined. Just. For. Me."
You could barely breathe, let alone talk back. Your fingers dug into his arms, your body jolting with each punishing thrust.
"You gonna stop acting out?" His hand wrapped around your throat again,
"Yes," you sobbed, the lewd sounds of your pussy and moans filled the room, you knew you had made a mess of the desk, knowing if you managed to get a peak you would see your cream all over his cock.
Eren’s tattooed fingers slipped between your bodies, his thumb rubbing slow, lazy circles over your clit, making you jolt, making you wail.
"E--rennnn." A desperate, breathless cry tore from your lips, your nails raking down his sweat-slick back as the pleasure coiled tight and hot in your belly.
"Yeah, that’s it. Take it."
He angled his hips just right, hitting that spot that had you trembling, shaking, gasping his name like a prayer.
"You gonna come again, sweetheart? Gonna make a mess all over my dick?"
You nodded frantically, helpless, wrecked.
"Please—Eren, fuck—please, I—"
"Do it," he ordered, his thumb pressing down harder, rubbing faster. "Come for me, baby"
You shattered, pleasure crashing over you like a fucking tidal wave, your body clenching, spasming, locking up as the orgasm ripped through you.
Eren cursed, his head dropping against your throat, his own breathing ragged, uneven.
"Fuck—good girl," he murmured against your sweat-damp skin, kissing, biting, licking.
You were soaked, trembling, overstimulated, but Eren kept going. His pace never slowed, never faltered. His cock was still thick, still heavy, still throbbing.
And he wanted more.
His fingers dug into your hips, lifting you, pulling you impossibly closer, forcing your bodies flush together as he fucked you through it, dragging out every last aftershock, every last whimper.
"One more," he murmured, almost soothing, almost sweet. "Just one more, baby."
You whimpered, nails dragging down his back as his pace grew. Your legs trembled from how deep he was, how good he was hitting that spot over and over again, like he was trying to imprint himself inside you.
"Fuck, Eren—I can’t—"
"Yes, the fuck you can," he snarled, his grip tightening on your thighs, forcing them higher, pressing you deeper into the desk.
The change in angle had you screaming, arching, gasping his name.
"That’s it," he groaned, sweat dripping down his temple. "Take it. Take every inch of this dick like the good fucking girl I know you are."
Your body seized up, pleasure snapping through you like a live wire. Your nails dug into his shoulders, your breath caught in your throat as your orgasm ripped through you, violent and all-consuming.
Eren felt it instantly. The way your walls fluttered and clenched around him, your body gripping him like a vice, refusing to let go.
His pace turned sloppy, erratic, desperate, his breathing ragged as he fucked you through your high, chasing his own.
Your name tumbled past his lips, over and over, reverent and raw, his forehead pressing against yours as he lost himself, buried deep.
"Fuck—" Eren gritted his teeth, his hands gripping your hips tight, bruising, before he slammed into you one last time, burying himself deep, his cock pulsing, twitching, spilling inside you.
The silence between you two was calming, your bodies still pressed together, you moaned softly as you felt him shift in you, he pressed a lazy kiss to your jaw.
Your hands trailed up his arms, fingertips ghosting over the ink covering his skin. You smirked, voice breathless, smug.
"I basically got what I wanted."
Eren could feel his eye twitch, you did his head in but you loved you nonetheless. Huffing a laugh, he bit down on your neck causing you to giggle.
"Too damn spoiled."
𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘮𝘦, 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴, 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 ©
#black female smut#black fem reader#fanfic#eren x black reader#anime#eren x reader#eren yeager#eren smut#eren jaeger#plug eren x black reader#eren x black fem!reader#eren x black y/n
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──── in between loving and longing
缘分。 sim jaeyun x f!r .. ╱ 15OO+ o — angst fluff。 cau ! tion profanity jealousy toxicity guilt tripping jake is a douche non-est rs orbit
sinossi. jake didn’t think stringing you along would have consequences— until he sees you with someone else. he told himself it wouldn’t matter, that your attention wasn’t something he needed to begin with. so why is he chasing after you now? so desperate to pull you back, losing you was never part of the plan, but he needed you back into his orbit.
jake’s jaw tightens, his fingers curling around the glass in his hand.
he doesn’t know what it is — why it bothers him so much — but watching you stand there, laughing with him, sends something sharp and bitter through his chest. it’s like an itch just beneath his skin, something he can’t reach, can’t soothe.
it’s not like you’re his.
he was the one stringing you along, keeping you at arm’s length, refusing to let things get too serious. but god, seeing you smile at someone else like that? like he’s the only one in the room? it makes his stomach twist in a way he doesn’t want to analyze.
he hates it— no, he despises it. despises the way that guy stands too close, how effortlessly he pulls your laughter from you, laughs that should only be his to hear. he wants to walk over, wrap an arm around your waist, and remind you exactly where you belong. wants to watch the light in that guy’s eyes flicker out as he realizes he never stood a chance.
he wants to scare that guy away, make sure he never even thinks about you again. wants to back you against a wall, kiss you until your mind goes blank. until he’s the only name you can remember, the only one you want to remember.
but all he can do is stand there, jaw clenched, watching from a distance. jake’s grip tightens around his drink, knuckles turning white before he forces himself to take a slow sip, the bitterness of the alcohol nowhere near as suffocating as the simmering hatred clawing at his ribs.
jay says something, some meaningless conversation jake barely registers. he nods along absently, eyes still locked on you. it’s only when jay goes quiet that the words finally break through.
“ah,” jay hums, tilting his head towards you. “your girl found a new guy?”
jake finally looks away, exhaling sharply, “don’t know what you’re talking about”
jay lets out a laugh, shaking his head, “come on, man. we all know this ‘she’s just a friend’ bullshit is a lie” he leans in, voice dropping just enough to twist the knife, “you’re fucking in love with her.”
jake’s jaw clenches, a muscle ticking as he fights to keep his expression neutral, “i’m not.”
he’s not.
“right,” jay drawls, unconvinced. then he shrugs, taking a slow sip of his own drink, watching, “so him doing that to her doesn’t bother you, huh?”
jake barely hears the words before his head snaps back to you. and then he sees it.
sees him.
that guy. his hand creeping lower, fingers inching dangerously close to your ass.
that finally ticked him off.
the glass in his hand slams onto the bar, the sound sharp, final. his body moves before his mind can catch up, legs carrying him across the room, hands flexing unconsciously in the pocket of his jacket.
in a few strides, jake’s hand lands on the guy’s shoulder. not hard, not rough. just firm enough to make a point. almost friendly. almost.
the guy turns, brows furrowing slightly, confused by the sudden contact.
“hey,” jake says smoothly, voice light, almost casual. “nice to meet you. name’s jake.”
your head snaps up at the sound of his voice, but he doesn’t look at you, doesn’t acknowledge you. his attention is locked on the guy in front of him, his grip tightening just enough to make the other man shift uncomfortably.
the guy blinks, clearly caught off guard, “oh, it’s-”
jake doesn’t let him finish.
“never seen you before,” he cuts in, tilting his head slightly, “how’d you get in? this party’s invite-only” his tone is different now, still smooth, but sharper. each word laced with something edged. “did you sneak in?”
the guy’s expression twists, offense flashing across his face, “what? no, i didn’t—”
jake hums, unconvinced, and then — before the guy can even process it — his hand leaves his shoulder and finds your waist, fingers curling around you, possessive, unyielding.
“well, if you were invited, you would’ve already known this is my girlfriend.” his voice drops lower, a rough undertone creeping into it. his jaw clenches, his fingers press into your side as his eyes lock onto the guy’s, “and i don’t like people putting their hands on what’s mine.”
the guy exhales sharply, stepping back instinctively, his gaze flicking between you and jake.
jake doesn’t move, doesn’t blink. he just watches, silent... daring him to make the wrong move.
the guy swallows hard, hands lifting in surrender, “i’m so sorry. i didn’t know- i should just- i’m going now,” his voice stumbles over itself, his feet following soon after as he disappears into the crowd without a second glance.
and just like that, he’s gone.
your hands are on jake in an instant, pushing him away, and only then does he finally look at you.
you’re pouting.
he wants to kiss it away. grab your face, press his lips to yours until you forget why you’re mad. but he knows better. knows that spark in your eyes, the way your breath comes just a little sharper, the way your arms cross tightly over your chest.
you look adorable when you’re mad.
and hot.
you always look hot.
“what the hell was that?” your voice is sharp, cutting through the pulsing music around you.
jake shrugs, mouth set in a tight line, “he was about to borderline assault you.”
“i’m not talking about that, jake.”
his eyebrows draw together, “then what?”
you scoff, looking away. is he seriously that dumb?
“i told you last week i wanted to distance myself from you. what part of that don’t you understand?”
jake pressed his lips in a tight line, irritation creeping into his features, “it’s not like i followed you here.”
“i’m not saying you did,” you snap. “i’m saying, why can’t you let me talk to other guys?”
his jaw locks, “because.”
your brows lift, “because what?”
a muscle in his jaw ticks, “because all those guys are terrible.”
a dry, humorless laugh leaves your lips, “oh, and you’re not?”
jake stiffens, but before he can even attempt to answer, you press on.
“i mean, let’s think about it,” you say, voice dropping into something mocking, “you did make out with my enemy in front of the entire school— but, oh, you said sorry, so i guess now we’re even, right?”
your words land like a punch, sharp and unforgiving.
jake exhales slowly through his nose, his fingers fidgeting at his sides. he doesn’t have a comeback for that.
not one that would fix anything.
not one that would make you stay.
“that’s what i thought.” your voice is sharp. but underneath it, below all the anger, there’s something emotional, something that longs for all his actions to be untrue.
jake doesn’t say a word, just stares. his silence feels heavier than anything he could’ve said.
and it pisses you off.
“you know what?” you let out a breathless laugh, “just go date her. i don’t fucking care anymore. clearly, you value her over our—” you pause, the word thick in your throat before you spit it out like it disgusts you. “our nothing.”
jake flinches.
the same word he threw at you a week ago. the same word that took everything you ever were to him and reduced it to dust. nothing.
you take a step back, maybe to ground yourself, maybe to put some distance between you.
“now, if you’ll excuse me, i’m gonna go find that guy again, because at least he’s nice. and at least he doesn’t” you pause, glaring at jake, “at least he doesn’t make me feel like this.”
jake suddenly moves forward, desperate, like his body acts before his mind can catch up, "don't go."
it’s barely above a whisper, maybe you imagined it.
you wish you did.
you act like you did.
but you hesitate.
and jake catches it. the way your breath catches, the way your fingers curl into your palms like you’re trying to hold yourself together.
that one word, the way his voice breaks on it, makes something inside you stutter.
“i” his hands twitch at his sides, like he wants to reach for you but knows he shouldn’t, “i’m so sorry. i didn’t know what came over me when she kissed me, and i haven’t slept since, and knowing you hate me and it’s fucking killing me, i don’t know what to do—”
his voice cracks again, and your chest tightens.
“you have every right to hate me,” he whispers, “but please. please don’t leave me.”
you squeeze your eyes shut.
you shouldn’t turn around, you should just walk away, you should make him feel every ounce of pain you’ve felt for the past week.
but you do turn around.
and you wish you didn’t.
because hell.
jake looks wrecked. his eyes are red, tears slipping down his face, jaw clenched like he’s physically trying to stop himself from breaking down completely.
you hate him.
you told yourself you despise and loathe him.
so why are your hands reaching for him?
jake’s breath stutters when your fingers brush against his skin, cupping his face, your thumbs swiping away his tears. his eyes flutter shut, like he’s afraid that if he moves, you’ll pull away.
and maybe it was because of how cold his skin is compared to yours, or the tears that keep falling, you know that you don’t want to let go.
𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗶 : this is one of my experimental pieces so i hope it will be given as much love as the others 💌 this is for anna because she really liked it !
taglist form + daily clicks.
#🫧 ── 𝒇𝐢𝐜𝐬 && 𝒘𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 ⟡#enhypen x reader#enhypen fluff#enhypen angst#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#enha x reader#enha angst#enha scenarios#enha imagines#enha fluff#sim jake x you#sim jaeyun x reader#sim jaeyun fluff#sim jake x reader#jake x you#jake x reader#sim jaeyun x you#lee heeseung x reader#lee heeseung x you#park sunghoon x reader#park jay x reader#kim sunoo x reader#yang jungwon x reader#yang jungwon x you#nishimura riki x you#nishimura riki x reader#niki x reader#jake enhypen x reader#park sunghoon x you
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