#when garou's out here with enough anon asks to interact with the whole bnha cast at this rate ahaha
the-nysh · 3 years
So you’ve said it’s kinda funny that Hori-sensei finished an awakening and war arc before Murata did, and at the same time in Shonen Jump(and you’re correct, that shits hilarious) but it got me thinking,
What would Garou and Shigaraki think of each other. Like, they have some similarities, both being young men who were once very sweet kids who have seemingly abandoned that to change a broken society by force(also a lot of superficial similarities too, white hair, muscular bodies that their mangakas increasingly thirst over, a bit of a childish attitude at first) Like,, they could potentially relate to each other(identity crisis go brrr) but they’re just as likely to hate each other’s guts.
Idk I just like thinking about two deeply traumatized young men interacting and the shenanigans that would ensue
Oh man, seeing Hori cover his own arc about that (literally 'awakened' Shiggy as a Symbol of Fear, indiscriminate as a natural disaster with all the heroes converging to stop him) gave me such a hilarious sense of deja vu for the many coincidences. x'D Murata has since taken his sweet steady time to draw ONE's version, while he & ONE have also presented Garou quite differently than Hori's done Shiggy however (mainly with Garou ironically as a dark antihero rather than an angel of death & destruction played straight - with also yes, the many biblical references abound in both stories~)
But aughh!! An actual meeting of their characters would be quite difficult... Mainly cause young Shiggy(Tenko) I could definitely see them finding a connection over some common ground (for ex: neglected with no one on their side, disillusioned with society's 'fake' justice and complacency for the marginalized, deemed/labeled a 'monster' by others, etc.) The mutual tragedies of sweet, empathetic traumatized kids for sure. :')) And in Shiggy's case, he actually did dream to become a hero just like his grandma!!! aaaa ;A;
But in contrast....adult (current) Shiggy has practically gone full Tetsuo (Akira) mode with his power/hate/destruction, after having been groomed & manipulated (towards becoming a vessel/puppet) by the big bad (AfO) for so long, who deliberately weaponized his severe trauma & hatred for his own gain. D: (Ack;; Shiggy's truly been one of AfO's worst victims...who's given him such a fucked up dual consciousness + split identity crisis to boot.) That...it's become an actual plot point struggle to reach out and save his lingering, trapped, victimized original Tenko persona within. :')) Like, already this has become a full-on challenge for Deku to solve, including the discussions over where he draws the line, including whether or not he tries saving a person who at this point may not even want to be saved. D: So while Deku & Garou also share some character similarities, it'd probably be just as hard for Garou to successfully communicate thru to the current Shiggy too. :')
An attempt could probably end in disaster, but without AfO's influence marring the conversation however, then maybe Garou could see where Shiggy's coming from, but he'd probably strongly disagree with Shiggy's method of directing his hatred towards mass destruction/murder...aka tearing society down to scratch (leaving the ashen leftovers from the literal ground up) Because Garou's explicitly not here to cause destruction or kill people like that; he's (as he dreams) to become a symbol to indirectly reform -ie 'straighten out' in his words- a behavioral problem, as he's so witnessed needs fixing or humanity's doomed~ So I could definitely see them arguing or bickering over who has the stronger convictions for approaching their goals (especially when lul, for so long both had been driven by strong feelings without a very clear/concise vision or understanding of their end goals yet. :'D)
So overall I could see at least young (baby) Shiggy/Tenko, or middle-manga Shiggy interacting with Garou in some way, but if it's current manga Shiggy/AfO then...hooboy;; it'd probably be just as tough (if not harder) for Garou to constructively communicate with him as Deku. :'D
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