#when every other free shooter in the market is doing very similar things
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catshavefeelings · 1 year ago
I hate the overwatch tag on tumblr. I just wanna look at women. Am I asking too much
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pumthewaterbug · 5 years ago
hey i copied this from r/bad_cop_no_donut, i’m planning on using it later so i’ll put it here
Fuck the entire US justice system.
What does it mean when people say that all cops are bastards (ACAB)?
If it were an individual thing, you'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but it isn't; it's an institutional thing. the job itself is a bastard, therefore by carrying out the job, they are bastards. To take it to an extreme: there were no good members of the gestapo because there was no way to carry out the directives of the gestapo and to be a good person. it is the same with the american police state. Police do not exist to protect and serve, according to the US supreme court itself, but to dominate, control, and terrorize in order to maintain the interests of state and capital.
I also imagine most members of the gestapo also thought they were serving their country and doing good.
Who are the good cops then? The ones who either quit or are fired for refusing to do the job.
While the following list focuses on the US as a model police state, ALL cops in ALL countries are derivative from very similar violent traditions of modern policing, rooted in old totalitarian regimes, genocides, and slavery, if not the mere maintenance of authoritarian power structures through terrorism.
police shoot people twice as often as previously thought. Keep in mind that this was self-reported, so we have no way of knowing if these numbers speak to the actual number of shootings in the US. Many of these people are completely unarmed. Police kill far, far more people than terrorists in the US and have killed over a hundred people more than mass shooters did in 2019 that we are aware of. Mass shooters are easily tracked. Police killings are not. 1 2
They also shoot one dog every hour, every day. At the absolute least.
Once you're in jail, be prepared to sit there for weeks -or months or years. It's so bad that people constantly plead guilty just so they can get out. It's so bad and so common, in fact, that over a third of all exonerations come after an individual has pleaded guilty. So much for the right to a speedy trial, huh?
And getting arrested is easy - tens of thousands of people yearly, in fact, thanks to lowest bidder garbage that police departments use in order to test for illicit substances. Field drug tests are about as reliable as lie detector tests or horoscopes. They just don't work. They just don't.
Think you're safe if you just follow directions? Yeah, no. And if they don't just outright kill you, they could make their instructions so arcane and hard to follow that they'll kill you for not following them, and they'll usually get away with it. He got away with it, by the way. Surprise!
They'll prosecute you for even knowing about crimes cops have committed.
cops across the nation constantly engage in violent, hateful rhetoric on facebook, illustrating the curation of a culture of violence. luckily for us, it was tracked and collated
Being a taxi driver is literally more dangerous than being a cop.
cops are more of a danger to themselves than anyone else is to them
they've admitted to stealing as much -or recently more- than burglars through "asset forfeiture," and the rate of their thefts has been climbing yearly. Keep in mind, these numbers only articulate what's been reported. It's probable that they've stolen far more than just this.
police are literally allowed to rape people on the job in 35 states, as they have the power to determine whether or not you consented to sex with them while in their custody.
up to 50% of the people police murder are disabled
the police are being trained to kill as if they're an occupying army and we're an insurgency. this is an inevitability, as the military-industrial complex needs to keep expanding into new markets.
Eugenics was still alive and well in the prison-industrial complex up until very recently, and could very well be continuing for all we know, as it was forcibly sterilizing inmates as late as 2010. I honestly don't see a reason to believe it's stopped.
The US surveillance state is massive (and while this post primarily focuses on the US, other countries are just as bad), though much of our surveillance is privatized. This doesn't stop the police from partnering with private companies, however. This will only get worse as time goes on. Also, we can't forget about the Patriot Act and [Snowden's PRISM leaks.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program)
the police, as an institution, are so completely steeped in violence, that up to 40% of them commit acts of domestic violence and other forms of domestic abuse. Most citizens are not even allowed to own firearms if found guilty of domestic violence, and these guys are expected to handle military-grade equipment.
you can't even really defend yourself from a cop, and if a cop murders you for no reason, he's almost certainly going to get away with it
Police exist to control and terrorize us, not serve and protect us. That's only their function if you happen to be rich and powerful.
the police as they are now haven't even existed for 200 years as an institution, and the modern police force was founded to control crowds and catch slaves, not to "serve and protect" -- unless you mean serving and protecting what people call "the 1%." They have a long history of controlling the working class by intimidating, harassing, assaulting, and even murdering strikers during labor disputes. This isn't a bug; it's a feature.
The justice system also loves to intimidate and outright assassinate civil rights leaders.
The police do not serve justice. The police serve the ruling classes, whether or not they themselves are aware of it. They make our communities far more dangerous places to live, but there are alternatives to the modern police state. There is a better way.
Further Reading:
(all links are to free versions of the texts found online - many curated from this source)
white nationalists court and infiltrate a significant number of Sheriff's departments nationwide
Kropotkin and a quick history of policing
Center for Research on Criminal Justice. (1975). The Iron fist and the velvet glove: An analysis of the U.S. police. San Francisco: Center for Research on Criminal Justice.
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. (2013). Let Your Motto Be Resistance: A Handbook on Organizing New Afrikan and Oppressed Communities for Self-Defense.
Rose City Copwatch. (2008). Alternatives to Police.
Williams, Kristian. (2011). “The other side of the COIN: counterinsurgency and community policing.” Interface 3(1).
Williams, Kristian. (2004). Our Enemies in Blue: Police and power in America. New York: Soft Skull Press.
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zombiescantfly · 6 years ago
Words About Games: Unreal Tournament (Epic Megagames, 1999)
In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep-space miners, the New Earth Government legalized no-holds-barred fighting.
291 years earlier, I heard that for the first time.  Unreal Tournament begins with a narrated flythrough explaining two very simple things:  there is a Tournament, and you are going to win it.  After the lonely melancholy of Unreal, that's a pretty abrupt pivot.  Why, after getting through most of the 90s with platformers, pinball, and fighting games, did Epic Megagames barrel in headfirst to the multiplayer arena shooter market, a playground run exclusively by industry already-giant id Software?
Because they wanted to.
As I mentioned in the Unreal essay, that game's multiplayer was a fun shell filled with horrible, horrible problems.  Epic set to fixing it, but realized that beyond some quick and dirty surface-level patches, there wasn't a lot they could do within the same scope.  So they broke away from a simple expansion pack and landed on creating a full separate release by the name of Unreal Tournament.
Unreal Tournament, UT99 from now on, was released on November 23, 1999, to an almost absurd level of praise.  Quake 3 Arena, id’s latest offering in the Quake franchise and first multiplayer-only title, would come out just over a week later on December 2, pitching the two games into a deathmatch of their own which still rages to this day almost 20 years later.
Let's talk about Quake a bit.  Shooters, up until around the time the first Quake came out and probably still after that, were commonly referred to as ‘Doom clones’ because, well, many were.  Any unambitious dev could buy an engine license, whip up some sprites on a lunchbreak, and ship a game.  There's a parallel to be drawn between that era and the current ongoing avalanche of Unity and Unreal asset flips, but you can turn to others for opinions on all that.
Quake was, famously, id Software’s followup to Doom 2, and an early frontrunner of fully-3d shooters.  It was so popular and noteworthy that it even caused the term Doom Clone to fall away in favor of Quake Clone.  Quake expanded the popularity of online play, and saw the creation of the some of the first AI bots made exclusively for deathmatch.  Quake 2 came along not too far after and pulled in even more interest.  If you remember from my Unreal essay, that was when it grabbed my own interest, and I became a frequent over-the-shoulder spectator of many a Quake 2 deathmatch.
But then, UT99.  When I first played Unreal Tournament, I was blown away.  By the bots.  Meaning that they killed me a lot.  I was very bad at it.  I didn't even strafe back then, just ran forward and turned with the mouse.  But I learned.
UT99 is actually quite an accommodating game.  Bots have 9 skill levels ranging from drooling idiot to a fittingly-named godlike, and I remember bumping them up a level at a time over the years.  UT’s bots were one of its largest selling points back then, and the cornerstone of the Tournament part of its name.
The titular Tournament in Unreal Tournament is a series of botmatches of increasing difficulty over the game’s five primary gamemodes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination, and Assault.  A final series of three 1v1 matches caps off the Tournament, the third of which pits you against the Big Bad Reigning Champ, a robot named Xan Kriegor.  
There were a handful of firsts in that short bit, so let's take a look.
As stated, Quake 2 was the de facto king of online shooters at the time.  But Quake 2, for all its fame, only had three gamemodes available: deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag.  Unreal had dabbled with alternative styles of deathmatch and team deathmatch, but all of them were, more or less, the same gamemode, save one.  In a unique take on King of the Hill, the first player to score a kill got a permanent damage boost until they were killed, at which point that buff was transferred to their killer.  Killing the King awarded more points, matches were first to X points, you get the idea.  RtNP added Cloak Match, a take on this KotH concept where instead of a damage boost, players fought for permanent partial invisibility and infinite jump boots.
Unreal Tournament was a little more ambitious than just reflavoring deathmatch, however.  Domination used its own unique rotation of maps centered around controlling three points.  Your team scores one point per every couple of seconds, per point held.  Touching a point is enough to flip control of it to your side, and the result is a fun, frantic match with enough additional focus to guide it away from just another deathmatch.  Map control becomes something more than just controlling various weapon spawns, and demands you keep your attention between the three points.  Random respawns instead of near your team’s current territory and the instant capture of points meant the game never ground down to just being spawncamped, and helped reduce the prevalence of one-sided victories.  Domination was great, the extra effort put in to creating its own category of maps was great, and games today still use the gamemode.  That said, Destiny 2 really needs to make capture instant and not have you sit around for 5 seconds in a tiny room, like come on.
Domination may have been new for the time, and DM, TDM, and CTF made their own waves that I'll get into later, but Assault is what really caught people's attention.  Assault was an attack and defense mode where one team was tasked with completing a series of varied objectives, while the defenders tried to stop them.  The most similar thing we get in games now is pushing a cart down a predetermined path in TF2 or Overwatch.  Payload gamemodes in those games are similar in the sense that one team must progress down a path to get to a specific location, and I suppose it might come across as a streamlining of the idea, but Assault is just more interesting.  
UT99 shipped with seven Assault maps, and each one presented a different scenario.  Assault was not just replacing the objective on an existing map, the same as Domination had its own maps.  Each one had a little story it presented, from the attempted hijacking of a supersonic train, assaulting an ancient fortress on an alien planet, sabotaging an underwater research facility, stealing a Navy battleship, escaping a medieval castle, destroying an experimental battle tank, and even a recreation of the D-Day landing.  Assault maps varied in how linear they were, with maps like Guardia, HiSpeed, and Overlord being fairly straightforward, to the more open-ended OceanFloor and Rook.  It was, by design, an asymmetrical experience, but that design went so far as to change in-level as the attackers pushed further and further in.  On HiSpeed, for example, the attackers start in a helicopter hovering over the rear of the train, and drop down largely uncontested.  There's a full car where they can grab weapons and powerups, and then they reach where the defenders have spawned.  
As objectives are met and various places in the map are reached by the attackers, spawn points start to change.  On the same map, attackers spawn with a serviceable loadout of shock rifles and pulse guns (we'll get to the weapons later), both good options for the mixed-distance encounter they'll be facing as they move towards the next car.  The defenders, however, spawn with access to flak cannons and rippers, which in the close quarters of the car’s interior are absolutely brutal.  Once the attackers push far enough in to it, though, that car becomes their spawn point and the defenders are moved further back, thus giving the attackers access to those weapons for the next part of the map.  
The same sort of design echoes throughout all seven Assault maps, and it creates a varied and frantic experience that was new at the time and still hasn't really been copied.  The feeling of actually taking part in an event in the game’s world added so much to even the relatively sparse setting, and it remains a great example of an excellent piece of very quiet but highly effective worldbuilding.
The other gamemodes were again, team and free-for-all deathmatch, and as standard as that was at the time, UT99 made some weighty impressions on the genre.  At the time of Quake 2’s release, it was common practice to just repurpose singleplayer campaign levels as the multiplayer maps.  Quake 2 would get its own suite of maps designed explicitly for multiplayer later in its life, and Unreal shipped with 14 multiplayer-only maps, with a further 9 added later as free updates.  UT99 shipped with multiple dozens of maps, each one presenting a different take on design and execution.  You have a standard collection of flat-ish arenas, some truly impressive vertical design, maps with stage hazards, big maps, small maps, maps with areas of low gravity, and maps with secret passages leading to hidden weapon spawns.  A handful of Unreal’s maps were even remade for UT99, and two in particular became series mainstays - Deck 16 and Curse.  Both are still thought of as iconic maps, and for very good reason.  They're well-balanced and play to the strengths of the game they're in while also, going back to Unreal’s bit here, feeling like they're a real space.
Because while UT99 may be a multiplayer-only fragfest with no real story, it has lore.  
The opening narration is just a small bit of fluff, but it sets up a whole lot that the various designers had a ton of fun expanding on.  Official weapon descriptions in the manual talk about the (in-game) real-world applications of each, and even set some up as not even being explicitly for combat.  The Translocator, a personal teleporter by way of launching tiny disks, is a repurposed tool given to miners to help escape cave-ins.  The GES Biorifle is a vacuum cleaner for toxic sludge instead of dust.  The Impact Hammer is a jackhammer but sideways.  The in-universe justification for those few weapons doesn't mean anything to the gameplay, but given that the Tournament was set up by Liandri Mining Corporation, it adds a bit of fun sense-making to the whole thing.
Maps, too, are part of that lore package.  Each map throughout the Tournament ladder has a short description, and it's almost always about what this particular arena’s place in the world is.  Most boil down to “this is a site built for the Tournament” or “Liandri bought this and made it a Tournament arena,” but it's about the tiny details hidden in the lines.  Deck 16 is a toxic sludge refinery, but it's also a single deck of the spaceship Gaetano, rented out to Liandri whenever it's in drydock.  Curse is an ancient temple that was an archaeological site until Liandri bought it after funding ran out.  Arcane Temple is a Nali worship site on Na Pali left abandoned after the Skaarj invaded.  Oblivion is a Liandri passenger ship that tricks Tournament entrants by being their first arena.  Hyperblast, the final stage of the Tournament, is Xan Kriegor’s personal spaceship made specifically to be an arena.  
The whole thing paints the Liandri Mining Corporation as this quirky half-malicious corporate giant, as big and influential as any sci-fi megacorp but out of an innocent love for their decidedly not-innocent game.  It's a world where humanity spent seven days on the brink of destruction at the hands of the Skaarj, where the Corporation Wars tore entire planets apart, and where despite that everyone can get over it, crack some beers, and watch people blow each other away on live television, kept safe by technology that respawns them within seconds.
Character backgrounds, too, drop hints in their two to three sentence lengths.  The bots you fight against or with all have tiny snippets of who they are, making reference to revolts, arrests, rebellions, other worlds, secret government experiments, and revenge.  
The important thing to take away from this is that all of this was put in but none of it had to be.  It doesn't affect the game and it's not even immediately noticeable unless you let every map and character description load before entering a Tournament match.  Just going to map select for a practice session/instant action game doesn't show the same descriptions, so you have to go through the singleplayer ladder.  It's work put in that shows a genuine and earnest excitement for the world the devs had created, and I still get a smile thinking about it.  Unreal Tournament is such a weird celebration of every gritty science fiction trope, but turns them all on their heads to create a world for this game that feels exactly as expansive as it isn't.  Because Unreal Tournament doesn't have anything to do with the lore it hides in all these corners, it's just a multiplayer shooter with no story beyond “kill better than the other guys.”  And boy do they ever make that part feel great.
For better or worse, Wolfenstein 3D cemented FPS weapon progression.  Ever since and with only a few minor alterations here and there, the loadout progression is melee weapon, bad pistol, automatic weapon, shotgun (though those sometimes switch position), a better version of one or both of those, some kind of explosive option, sniper rifle (that was a later addition), and then a superweapon of some kind.  From Doom to Quake to our old nemesis Half-Life to our slightly newer nemesis Halo to Call of Duty, you get those weapons in roughly that order.
So let's talk about Unreal again for a second.  I didn't mention that game's weapons because I wanted to bring the whole discussion in at once, but it does require me to go back in time a year and talk about where the series landed on its own weapons.  The first thing to know about Unreal is that it was not immune to the Holy Progression of Gun, but it did make some incredibly noticeable changes.  Unreal saw a videogame gun, famous for being a thing you can left click on men with, and asked “what if you could also right click on men?”
I'm moving a rough sort of progression, so be aware that this is only the general order you get these guns in.  In Unreal, the first weapon you pick up is the Dispersion Pistol, a projectile-firing semi-auto gun that doesn't do a whole lot of damage.  One fun thing about it is that its projectiles cast a real-time light on the environment so you can use it as a way to peek into dark areas before going in them with your vulnerable body.  But another thing about the Dispersion Pistol is its alt fire, where you hold down the right mouse button to charge up a shot which then acts essentially as a rocket launcher shot - it deals better damage, it deals splash damage, and it can gib enemies.  In-universe, the Dispersion Pistol is a Skaarj weapon, and you can also find hidden upgrades for it that boost the damage of both firemodes at the cost of taking more ammo per shot.  Luckily, as your holdout weapon, the Dispersion Pistol recharges its ammo passively.  
The second weapon you get is the automag, a basic hitscan pistol.  Primary fire shoots a fairly accurate shot, alt fire has you hold the gun sideways to increase the fire rate at the cost of accuracy.  It's dumb and I love it to this day.
Third up, the Tarydium Stinger, a projectile-based minigun with an alt fire that acts as a projectile shotgun.  Here's where the lines start to get a bit blurred, but we're not totally out of the usual progression just yet.  
After the Stinger you get the ASMD Shock Rifle, a famously curious gun that, as its primary fire, shoots a hitscan beam, and shoots a fast-moving projectile orb as its alt fire, trading perfect precision and speed for a little bit of splash damage.  The thing about it is that if you shoot the orb with the beam you get a giant explosion that does an absolute ton of damage.
Moving from that piece of sweet hardware brings us to the GES Biorifle, a rapid-fire goop-throwing mine layer with a charged shot as its alt fire.  
Then, the Eightball Launcher, a rocket launcher that has not two but four firemodes.  Click primary fire to shoot a rocket, fast moving and with splash damage.  Hold primary fire to charge up to six rockets that fire in a spread pattern, or click alt fire while charging to shoot them in a spiral formation.  Also, you can get a mild lock-on effect by holding your mouse cursor over an enemy for about half a second.  Alt fire is the same as primary but with grenades - click alt fire once to lob one, hold to charge up to six.  The grenades bounce around for a set period of time, and also blow up on contact with an enemy.  
Then possibly the series’ most famous weapon, the Flak Cannon.  Primary fire is a projectile-based shotgun that fires individual shards that bounce around the environment for a bit, allowing you to fire around corners or even up at the ceiling to bank a shot over cover.  Alt fire is another grenade launcher, though this one fires its shells at a shallower angle, a higher velocity, has a smaller up-front splash radius, and still creates little bits of flak that bounce around for a short time.  This gun is my and many other people’s favorite gun in videogames.
The Razorjack is a strange gun that fires disks that bounce around the environment at scarily high velocities, and even have the ability to decapitate enemies if you hit their head, a useful feature in the Skaarj-infested levels where you first find it.  Alt fire is a tricky system that lets you influence the path the disk takes, though its high velocity, bad turning radius, and small size makes “influence” a more appropriate word than “guide.”
Next is the Rifle, a high-powered hitscan primary fire with an alt fire that zooms in.  Headshotting enemies decapitates them but other than that it's just a sniper rifle, let's move on.
Finally, Unreal has the Minigun, a hitscan bullet-spewing beast that shows up near the end of the game, leaving you with just barely too little time to get to use it as much as you want and also to realize that hey, it's just a minigun.  Primary fire shoots with a short spool-up time, alt fire shoots faster but less accurately.  Unfortunately this does not make you hold the Minigun sideways like the Automag.
So that was Unreal’s loadout, and it made some big waves at the time.  Physics-based projectiles?  Well sure, Quake had the bouncy grenade launcher, but the Flak Cannon and Razorjack made being aware of and using the environment second nature to players.  The ASMD’s ability to produce a BFG shot on demand if you could combo properly was amazing.  And the upgradeable nature of the Dispersion pistol made what was usually a loadout slot reserved for being sad about having to use a legitimate late-game complement to your arsenal.
So it stands to reason that Unreal Tournament barely changed it.
UT99’s arsenal did change a little bit, but not too drastically.  Most changes were to damage or fire rate, and every weapon got a new model.  Some weapons were slightly renamed, like the Automag becoming the Enforcer or the ASMD receiving its full title of ASMD Shock Rifle, the Eightball Launcher was just called the Rocket Launcher, the Rifle became the Sniper Rifle, and the Razorjack was renamed the Ripper.
The next level of changes was tweaking some alt fires.  The biggest change here was the new Ripper losing its guided blade in favor of an alt fire that shot an explosive disk.  Unlike the primary fire, it didn't bounce, and while it had only about half the splash radius of the Rocket Launcher proper, its fire rate and projectile speed were both much faster.  Other than that, the only change to another gun was the Sniper Rifle getting a thematically appropriate overlay when you zoomed in, instead of Unreal’s Rifle not displaying anything.  Additionally, because it seems to fit here more than the next bit, if you manage to find another Enforcer lying on the ground, you can pick it up and dual wield.  It's pretty rad.
Larger changes came in the removal of both the Stinger and the Dispersion Pistol, and the addition of the Impact Hammer, Pulse Gun, and the series’ first superweapon, the Redeemer.
I'm personally a bit conflicted about trading the Stinger out for the Minigun.  On one hand, UT99’s Minigun is a great piece of visual design - massive, chunky, and bold, with the added flair of seeing your arm holding onto a forward grip to really sell the vibe of that one scene in Predator.  On the other hand, there's something to be said about a projectile weapon over a hitscan one, especially since so many high-powered hitscan weapons exist in the game already.  But at the same time, UT99 does have an answer to the automatic projectile weapon, the Pulse Gun.
The Pulse Gun should be instantly familiar to anyone with a passing understanding of id Software’s early titles.  Primary fire is just the Pulse Rifle from Doom, and alt fire is the Thunderbolt from Quake.  But put together, married in this suitcase-sized brick of green polygons?  A thing of beauty.  
Let me at least address the Impact Hammer before moving on: it's a melee weapon you can charge up.  It'll kill someone pretty good if you charge it up and manage to make contact.  It has a pretty fun and inspired visual design but ultimately the only reason it's there is because you can run out of ammo with the Enforcer you spawn with.  The end.
Alright, the Redeemer.  The Redeemer is a man-portal nuclear warhead launcher, kind of like the Fat Man from Fallout 3 except way, way cooler.  Primary fire launches a relatively slow-moving projectile that, on contact with anything, explodes in a shockwave that does enough damage to instantly gib anyone without 199 health and a Shield Belt powerup.  It goes through walls, too.  It's a very good superweapon.  Making it better is its alt fire, where you take personal control of the missile as it travels, allowing you to guide it around the map with a surprising degree of maneuverability.  The BFG may have a classic flair, but the Redeemer took the idea of a superweapon to a whole other level.
So how did all of these weapons actually play together?  How did an arsenal designed for and balanced around a singleplayer game with fixed enemy spawns translate to a multiplayer arena?  Quite well, in fact.  Epic didn't design the game in a vacuum, and as Quake 2 was the reigning champ at the time, they didn't have to look far to see what worked and what could be changed for the better.
UT99 plays fast, hard, and unrelenting.  People load into a map and immediately start running around picking up weapons and letting the lead fly.  Now, it's time for my bias to show a bit.  I only ever watched Quake 2 multiplayer, but I have in fact played Quake 3 and Quake Live, as well as a handful of hours of Quake Champions which I know isn't really comparable but it uses the same weapons so I'm still mentioning it.  UT is my series, I have a preference for it, and this next bit is all my own opinion and observation.
Quake only has three weapons.  
Quake is a game where movement is fast, projectiles are fast, and time to kill is fast.  It's a fast game.  But it's so fast that only three weapons end up mattering - the rocket launcher, railgun, and thunderbolt.  They're the three highest-damage weapons in the game and they make up pretty much the entirety of its arsenal.  Quake matches inevitably all play out as taking potshots at each other with rockets as everyone strafejumps around like crazy, switching to the railgun if someone manages to be in the open for more than half a second, and swapping to the thunderbolt if you manage to get close enough that another character model takes up more than a handful of pixels on your screen.  
Quake is a very fast and chaotic game, and I'm not saying that this kind of play isn't skillful, it's just so fast that actual duels never really happen, and people just kind of end up taking damage from one end of the map when they're on the other.  Quake’s other weapons just may as well not exist, because if you find yourself using your starting shotgun, the nailgun, or any other weapon you want to be close for, you're likely doing so in range of someone's Thunderbolt and that's not a race you're going to win.
It's a difficult point to make, so let me move back to UT and why I prefer it.  UT is a small but noticeable bit slower than Quake in a way that I feel greatly benefits it.  Overall, it comes down to bringing the action in a little closer, really making the fights seem more personal, and really giving players more of a chance to dance around each other rather than hopping around the level on their own accord until they find each other by chance.  Projectiles are both slightly slower and much more visible than in Quake, so trying to slam a rocket into someone's face from three hundred meters isn't really going to happen.  So, from further away, you'll want to use a hitscan weapon, but since your target will be smaller they'll be harder to hit.  Unless you want to zoom in with the Sniper Rifle, but then you lose a bit of awareness of your immediate surroundings.  Close up, the Flak Cannon is king, but its range is short enough to matter.  The Pulse Gun’s alt fire is just the Thunderbolt, and it'll tear someone apart pretty handily, to say nothing of putting the Minigun into overdrive with its own alt fire.  Even flipping your Enforcer sideways will get bullets into someone quickly, and with fancy enough footwork you can save yourself from a gruesome fate with the starting gun.  Or, if you're trying to keep someone away, quickly laying down a gooey minefield with the Biorifle works just as well as filling a hallway with a dozen bouncing Ripper blades.
Every gun in UT99 can kill someone, and not just in theory.  The game balances each of its weapons almost perfectly, and nothing ever feels totally useless or has an obvious better version (I am not counting the Impact Hammer or Enforcer in this statement).  Jumping over or dodging away from rockets to close with the Pulse Gun’s alt fire is just as reasonable as forcing someone to switch away from their Flak Cannon by retreating backwards as your Biorifle makes it impossible for them to safely advance.  Lobbing a Flak alt fire over that minefield is alway an option though, so be ready to get out of the way, and maybe pull out your Shock Rifle to push them backwards.  A fully stocked Minigun can keep an approach locked off, but a quick sniper bullet right to the face will put an end to it.  
Alright, admittedly the Biorifle is historically a bit ignored, and the Ripper didn't even show up in subsequent games, but both still had a purpose.  I, personally, am a staunch defender of the Biorifle’s utility as an area denial tool, and the ability to charge its alt fire will instantly kill someone no matter their health and shield level, if you can hit them.  It's certainly better in team gamemodes like Assault or CTF, though.  But just shooting at people with the weapons does not an arena shooter make.  For there to be the proper levels of frantic action, movement needs to have a strong focus.  
As in Quake, you'll want to get familiar with your spacebar.  Strafe jumping isn't a thing as far as constantly upping your own speed, but it sure does make you harder to hit, and getting decent at dodging rockets always helps.  Double tap a movement key to do a quick dodge in that direction, useful not just for avoiding projectiles but for snaking down corridors.  On an elevator?  Jump just before it reaches the top to get a massive boost and go flying.  The Impact Hammer isn't ideal as a weapon, but a quick blast downward makes a decent stand-in for a rocket jump, if at the cost of significantly more self-damage.  Capping it all off is the Translocator, the aforementioned teleporting-disk-thrower.  Primary fire to shoot a disk in a pretty generous arc, alt fire to teleport to it.  Disks emit light and can be destroyed, if you teleport while carrying a flag you drop it, and yes, you do fall faster than the disk travels upward.  Truth be told, I usually play with the Translocator turned off, but that's mainly because the bots, as good as they are at the rest of the game, are less than stellar at putting those disks where they want, often leading to a cluster of them bouncing their shot off a wall just inches under the ledge they want up to, and not taking any action until they get it.  I think it has to do with the accuracy modifiers based on bot skill level, but I'm not sure.
The bots are great in every other respect, though.  Sure, they'll never actually replace a human player, but they're more than good enough for a few hundred hours of offline play.  All the tricks the Skaarj demonstrated in Unreal are on display again, and tuned up to use every weapon.  Bots jump and dodge, retreat if they're low on health, make decisions about what weapon to use based on their proximity to you as well as their own inventories, switch between firemodes when it makes sense, and plenty else.  Upping the bot difficulty doesn't just make them do more damage or give them more health (it doesn't even do that in the first place), it makes them smarter.  Or ‘smarter’ if you really care - it changes their reaction times and how accurate they are, how aggressively they'll act, and even how good they are at using the weapons beyond just aiming.  A low-level bot might not get close enough to hit you with the Pulse Gun’s alt fire, or will use a Rocket Launcher in close quarters with all the risks of splash damage and self-death that entails.  Higher difficulty bots will bank Flak shots off walls and bounce grenades around corners, lay fields of Biorifle goop, or be deadly-accurate with a sniper rifle from above.  
The bots are what really put UT99 firmly on the ‘classic’ shelf, because its contemporaries just didn't offer the same thing.  Again, Quake 2 had bots, but they served the purpose of being moving targets and not much else.  Driving UT’s bots was a dead-simple, if tedious to implement, system.  If you'll indulge me, I'm gonna pull back the hood and reveal the not-at-all-secret ways Unreal Tournament made all of its bots so good at playing each map.
All over a map, there are invisible waypoints hand-placed by the designer.  The goal is to make a rough trail of waypoints to each part of the map.  Bots see each waypoint and have the ability to travel in a wide radius around each.  Weapons, ammo, health, armor, and special powerups all act as special waypoints that a bot will see and travel to if they don't already have what that pickup is.  Players and other bots are considered waypoints as well, and when all that comes together, a bot will very intuitively move around the level.  Placing a waypoint higher in the air will make a bot jump to reach it, so having them move over obstacles is simple.  Like I said,  it only requires a loose sort of web across the level, as the world geometry itself is also something a bot sees.  Going around a corner or a box in the middle of a room is no issue provided the waypoints are good enough.
So now that you know how the sausage is made, what does that mean for the game?  Well, quite a lot.  Bot support is built into every single one of the maps UT99 shipped with, which is no small feat considering the base game came with 53 maps across four gamemodes (deathmatch and team deathmatch use the same maps), with a further 30 maps added for every gamemode but Assault over the course of four free downloadable bonus packs.
Every single one of those is playable, to this day, offline with a complement of bots just as ready to rock as they were almost twenty years ago.  And that's not event counting the thousands of user-made maps still available for download, but we'll talk about modding in a bit.  Because right now, it's time to talk about another excellent thing present on each map - the music.
Returning from Unreal are indisputable gods of music Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos, who trade the previous game's subdued alien score for a soundtrack full of some of the boppin’est, crunchiest, hypest EDM tracks of the late 90s.  (Can you tell I don't know anything about music?)
Run, GoDown, and Organic provide the upbeat bleeps and bloops to murder by; Save Me, Razorback, and Superfist let you rock out with your shock (rifle) out; while Forgone Destruction, Skyward Fire, and The Course chill things out a bit so you can focus on getting sick headshots.  The quality of the music in Unreal Tournament is impossible to overstate, just as it was in Unreal.  Brandon and van den Bos are unrelentingly good at their jobs, and the mishmash of styles all grinds together across UT99’s broad palette of maps like butter full of shrapnel.  It's good, is what I'm saying.  The music's really good.  Listen to it.  Please.  
Stage music is something I personally miss from shooters, if you'll indulge another tangent.  I love hearing the gameworld as interpreted by the composers, it adds so much to the whole package, and we just don't really get it anymore.  The rise of the modern military shooter in 2007 with the runaway success of Call of Duty 4 kind of slammed the door on stage music with a tactical-lite focus on identifying footsteps and directional fire, but even Halo’s deathmatches were filled with a blank silence.  Or Halo 2, I suppose, since Halo 1 didn't have online play, except for the PC version, which did.  No stage music though, that's the main takeaway.  
UT99 had a truly odd mix of contemporaries, from the last days of Quake 2 and the imminent release of Quake 3 a week after UT itself came out, to Half-Life creating a mod scene in its multiplayer, to Halo a year or so later.  The turn of the century would bring with it the generally-accepted death of the arena shooter, but they all went out kicking, and the few hundred people still populating UT99 servers to this day are a testament to its tight, clean design and no-frills focus on gameplay.
Unless, of course, they're playing a mod.
Truth be told, I never actually played much UT99 online.  I was very bad, you see, and when I got better my horrible social anxiety had progressed to the point where the idea of even playing a game with faceless strangers was terrifying.  I was 8.  But anyway, modding!  You may have, in your travels as someone who presumably plays videogames - an assumption I'm making because you're reading this - heard of the Unreal Engine.  In a hidden bit of Trivia, Unreal was the first game on the Unreal Engine, and Unreal Tournament also used it.  Wild!
Along with the game itself, both releases also shipped with the Unreal Editor, or UnrealEd.  UnrealEd is the exact development tool the fine folks at Epic Megagames used to make those games, and they just casually handed them to the players.  The result echoes throughout the game industry to this day, and while Epic was hardly the only developer supporting mods, they were the first to do so on that kind of level.  As a result, there are thousands if not tens of thousands of user-made maps scattered around the web, along with new gamemodes, fan-made expansions for Unreal, new character models, weapons, and mutators.
Ah, mutators.  
Mutators can be thought of as ‘mini-mods,’ if you want.  There's a list of them you can select before each game that all change, or mutate (see?), the gameplay a bit.  Superjump, low gravity, replacing each weapon spawn on a map with another, big head mode, stuff like that.  Mutators are a fun addition that can mix up a usual match, but don't bring with them the sweeping changes of a full mod or total conversion.  They were a way to illustrate how flexible the development options were, and a nifty thing for players to have available to them.  
So, Unreal Tournament had lots of ways to keep the game fresh, either built-in or crafted by other players.  Turn a small map into Explosion Hell with the Rocket Arena mutator, or download a player-made weapon pack filled with weird goodies.  Wondering how Quake’s iconic maps play in UT?  Somebody's made them.  Hell, someone's even made a bunch of UT2004 maps for UT99, complete with de-made character and weapon models.  A lasting legacy of creativity is what UT99 brought above all else, and the fact that so much of what it did can remain as the primary example of how to do something right says more than I can about its impact on videogames as a whole.  
Unreal Tournament is a fast, brutal game balancing all of its various systems on the edge of a spinning razor blade, and it does so with a mastery that I feel was not seen among its peers of the time.  From the weapons, the movement, the maps, and the gamemodes, Unreal Tournament presents you the player with so many options, but it never feels like a generic crowd-pleasing paste has been slathered over everything.  The game's core is simple and well defined, and everything else builds on that.  It has a certain tightly-realized identity that I feel is missing from a lot of games that try to have the same sort of arcady arena vibe - Halo was probably its closest rival as far as small genre shifts go, and looking at Destiny 2 as the latest version of that is a weird mix of procedurally generated weapons, hero abilities, flat maps, and very few projectile weapons.  Skill has been taken out of some areas and added to others, but the design feels looser, less actualized.  Call of Duty is fast, but still has that small desire to be somewhat tactical, so there are recoil patterns and weapon attachments, the rich-get-richer killstreaks, and a progression system that murders any attempt at balancing their arsenal.  Quake Live, from what I understand, has a healthy enough playerbase, but my preference has already been stated.  Quake Champions tries to marry its classic gameplay with that of Overwatch, and the reactions have been mixed.  Team Fortress 2 has been bogged down with more and more weapons that blur the lines between classes, and the official map rotation - already small on launch - has barely been added to in twelve years.  
This isn't a “games are different now and that's bad” sort of thing, my point is just that UT99 had a much cleaner mission statement, if you will, than what we get now.  The industry's gotten bigger, and budgets followed.  Expectations of sales rose, leading developers to want to bring in as many players as they could.  Games can't really be niche anymore.
Or maybe that was true five years ago, but now the indie scene’s getting huge, and you can find a revival of your favorite genre just about anywhere.  Most aren't super well polished, but isn't that what made games like Unreal, Quake, and Half-Life into what we remember?  They all had more ambition than was perhaps warranted, and each made their huge impacts despite a healthy amount of blemishes.  Endless polish makes for a good player experience, but maybe not as much of a memorable one.  
Unreal Tournament all but made me into an FPS fan, and I think it's great that we all have so many types to choose from now.  Public tastes have shifted and evolutions of the genre happened.  I've enjoyed my fair share of Calls of Duty and Battlefields, I plugged hundreds of hours into TF2 throughout highschool, I've ridden the Overwatch hype train, and I love poking holes in walls and getting sneaky kills in Rainbow Six: Siege.  But Unreal Tournament is my oldest bastion, and one I return to every now and then when the whim takes me.  It occupies my top slot, though admittedly in an endless 1v1 with Unreal Tournament 2004.
But there was another Unreal Tournament between the two, one that came and went with mild fanfare while paving the way for what I feel is, hands down, the best game ever crafted by human hands.  Check back at the end of the month for a short look at the odd little Unreal Tournament 2003.
14 notes · View notes
gallery0022 · 4 years ago
Cleveland Locavore
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - Update 
Cleveland Locavore Domain Name, free to a good home...
Monday, February 17, 2014
Urban Organics / SweetPeet
Hello All,
I found this lively thread that Maurice started in November, 2010.
I have fond memories of meaningful conversations with all of you about sustainability and local food from local farmers.
Since November, 2010 I made several changes in my life, as I am sure many of us have. Annette and I sold Morgan Farm Stay, my relationship with Urban Organics was paused.
Although both were tremendous success stories on many levels, the good fight is often made more challenging by a different form of sustainability, economic sustainability. It was Robert Kennedy Jr. who made it clear to me, at an annual EcoWatch event, environmental and economic sustainability MUST go hand in hand.
My whole life has been about selling a service, photography. Of course I have certainly had my challenges continuing to keep this profession "sustainable" due to the changes in the industry. If you don't believe me just ask Karl Skalak, or George Remmington.
The past three years I have focussed on getting my Photography house in order.
Just last week, Mark Bishop, the founder of Urban Organics, contacted me to see if I could help him again with his social networking and PR needs.
Well I have to say, I can't help myself, I am happy to be back, I never really left of course...
I am proud of what I have done for Urban Organics, writing and designing the web site...
Urban Organics hopes to sell more of its flagship product, Sweet Peet, in bulk and bags. There are many newcomers to the organic mulch market, but nothing beats Sweet Peet! Sweet Peet is a great way to charge up any community garden, school garden, corporate garden, rooftop garden etc...
I am hoping to write a few stories based on testimonials from happy customers, which there are many. If anyone can help me with media contact information, at Cleveland Magazine, Edible Cleveland, or similar local media contacts, I would appreciate it.
Also please put me on your E-Blast lists, I want to know what you are up to!
All The Best,
Dan Morgan
10:54 am est
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Cleveland Plain Dealer Article Published...
Dan Morgan on Vermicomposting
5:09 pm edt
Friday, May 10, 2013
Vermicomposting Story For The Plain Dealer
Hi Judy,   (Judy Stringer -PD's rental section of the Sunday paper)
Vermicomposting is a great way to create a soil amendment that is 10 times better for the garden than traditional back yard composting without red wiggler worms. A backyard compost pile that has to be turned regularly, while a vermicomposting bin, a "worm farm" does not. The worms do all the hard work.
Why best for renters?
Clean, compact, self contained and what is the best advantage for renters, LOW MAINTENANCE. The bin can be left undisturbed for weeks at a time, or can be "fed" every day. General maintenance can vary widely if you just follow a few simple rules, very important rules.
The right worms are the key! Red wigglers or the formal name Eisenia Fetida, are a very specific type of worm needed. The worms are expensive, and widely available for sale on the internet. The best way to start a worm farm, is look for a local sustainable gardening blog community,   https://www.facebook.com/localfoodcleveland   is a good one on Facebook.  Ask around, and you will find someone who wants to share their worms, and you will suddenly have someone to help you get started as well. Vermicomposters LOVE to share ideas and even recipes.
The simplest way to make your worm farm is to find 2 identical plastic bins. drill holes in the bottom of one of them, the one that will go inside the other. The holes are for drainage when the soil gets too moist. Proper drainage and soil moisture is CRITICAL for the whole process to work without becoming a horrible experience. The other most important factor to make a renter's worm farm a clean success, DO NOT PUT FRUIT SCRAPS in the bin. Most vermicomposting web sites will encourage all organic material including fruit and veggies but believe me, not a good idea!
Two things that will ruin the experience,
1) Soil that is kept too moist,resulting in a stinky bin!  These anaerobic conditions can also kill the worms (by drowning)
2) Fruit will attract / breed fruit flies, something nobody wants in their apartment (especially a landlord)
The finished product, after separating the worms from it, can be added to indoor plants or outdoor gardens. The best thing to too with the final product is to make a "teabag" from an old t shirt and bunch the t-shirt around a garden hose to make compost tea, right into a watering can. This tea can be sprinkled right on top of gardens, acting as both a fertilizer and insecticide, NATURALLY. There is no reason to use synthetic fertilizers or insecticides in any garden, or lawn for that matter.
Got unsightly weeds in your garden? PULL THEM.
My wife Annette and I are apartment renters in Lakewood (the Carlyle) and we have an Adopt A Spot garden at the entrance to Lakewood Park, part of Keep Lakewood Beautiful's Adopt A Spot program, with over 40 volunteer maintained gardens on publicly owned property around Lakewood.
Let me know anything else you need.
10:41 am edt
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Morgan Farm Stay Sale...???
Hello Friends, and Family,
Here is an update of our day to day efforts to sell our farm to some, while continuing to make it a "once in a lifetime" vacation experience for others.
Since early May we have had some great guests this season. Sophie Brun came to the United States from France a few years ago. She and her family settled into a posh northern suburb of Detroit, Royal Oak. Spotting our vacation rental property listing on HomeAway.com, she was reminded of the farm stays she visited in Europe.
Sophie and her family had a great Easter dinner at our farm, feasting on Buckeye Chicken eggs, Berkshire grass fed ham, and cookies baked in a wood burning stove across the street by Edna, our Amish neighbor.
In late May we had guests staying at the farm who made reservations over a year ago. They have a daughter who is graduated from Oberlin College and wanted a very special family get together at this important time.
The rest of the summer has been mostly filled in with various guests, as usual. July, which always fully books, had grandparents coming from Germany to meet a new grandchild at the farm.
On a regular basis we have had a varied crew of family, friends and neighbors working together to clean up the gardens and plant some new flowers, veggies and herbs. The grass, well it kept on growing, and growing, and growing.
We have several educational components in place form the past few years. The Blue Orchard Mason Bee Box has almost half it's holes housing eggs ready to burst out and begin the process joining an army of beneficial mason bees, pollinating nearby flower, veggie and herb gardens. Amy Roskilly, with the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District, hooked us up last year with a rain garden kit, containing several types of beautiful plants that thrive in a wet spot while filtering storm water runoff before reaching the stream nearby.
Our composting, both vermicomposting and traditional "back yard" composting operations are thriving and our rain barrels are very useful in areas our garden hose does not reach, particularly our companion garden, way out away from the main house. This year the companion garden will contain a few new plants. Comfrey is a great new addition, if I can manage to keep it from taking over the entire garden. Also this year I am cutting back on the heirloom tomatoes and adding some nice herbs.
In May we had a great deal of interest from a few interested buyers, one young man from California wants to take over the entire business, turnkey, keeping our furnishings, decor, web site and photos to promote. The only problem is, he is having some trouble getting financing. Sure the rates are great right now but banks are hesitant to lend. At the end of June we took our first nice vacation since moving back to Ohio in 2005. We of course worried about the Farm Stay rentals we had booked, but friends and family again came to our rescue.
On our second day in Europe, in Montpellier France, we got word from our realtor Teresa. She had an interested buyer making an offer. We spent a few hours on the iPad countering and the sale price was agreed on. After several anxious weeks awaiting financing approval for our buyers, it looks like the end of an era.
We have a closing date scheduled for this upcoming week. Our fingers are still crossed, because ya never know...
This has indeed been a great journey for Annette and I.
Au revoir for now, Thanks for all of your help and support over the past 7 years!
Dan and Annette Morgan
Dan Morgan
Straight Shooter
10:22 pm edt
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Here is an update of our day to day efforts to sell our farm to some, while continuing to make it a "once in a lifetime" vacation experience for others.
We have had a great deal of interest from a few interested buyers, one young man from California wants to take over the entire business, turnkey, keeping our furnishings, decor, web site and photos to promote. The only problem is, he is having some trouble getting financing. Sure the rates are great right now but banks are hesitant to lend.
And so we keep on going, and going and going, while the grass keeps growing and growing and growing! This has indeed been a great journey for Annette and I. This summer we have made arrangements to visit the south France region and Spain, a nice little rest from all the political rhetoric and bickering here in the states.
Au revoir for now!
Dan and Annette Morgan
8:07 am edt
Thursday, April 26, 2012
2012 Season at Morgan Farm Stay
Check out our revamped web page with more about the farm, area attractions and recent stories "In The News"
Click Here, www.MorganFarmStay.com
3:11 pm edt
Sunday, February 27, 2011
 Thank You Chris Hodgson -Dim and Den Sum for your support  Now booking 2011spring summer fall season!
Our Farm Stay...
Find Your Perfect Farm Vacation at www.FarmStayUS.com
11:05 pm est
Saturday, November 20, 2010
New Logo
Been a long time since I posted here. Now that the holidays and winter are coming I have decided to get back on my Cleveland Locavore horse. Check out the logo.
I am designing a great reusable bag that will help get this brand rolling. Cleveland local food advicates in many product and service areas are welcome to participate in this unique program. Come and have a seat at the table!
7:40 am est
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Local Farm Superstars
E4S held a great event Last Night
Click Here
Eight NEO Farmers told thier stories, pretty great. Common thread...Hard work that NEEDS to be supported by more and more of us at summer and winter farmers markets and CSAs
Hello, I have found myself increasingly interested by how our food is produced since 2005. Annette, my wife, and I retuned to Ohio from NY and bought a farm in Ashland County. It did not take long to notice the backwards attitudes of most of today's farmers, urban planners, educators and politicians. During the Nixon administration, Earl Butz, Ray Crock and others had a seemingly harmless, goal in mind, produce and distribute the most amount of food for the least amount of money.
It has taken us a complete generation to figure out that this model just does not work, for so many reasons. The broken farming system effects everyone in profound ways, all connected. From healthcare to the economy, the way we produce and distribute food must change, and change dramaticly, NOW. Small scale farmers and farmers markets are the tip of the melting iceburg that will save the planet!
From Wikipedia...
The locavore movement is a movement in the United States and elsewhere that spawned as interest in sustainability and eco-consciousness become more prevalent.[1] Those who are interested in eating food that is locally produced, not moved long distances to market, are called "locavores." The word "locavore" was the word of the year for 2007 in the Oxford American Dictionary.[2] This word was the creation of Jessica Prentice of the San Francisco Bay Area at the time of World Environment Day, 2005.[3] It is rendered "localvore" by some, depending on regional differences, usually.[4][5] The food may be grown in home gardens or grown by local commercial groups interested in keeping the environment as clean as possible and selling food close to where it is grown. Some people consider food grown within a 100-mile radius of their location local, while others have other definitions. In general the local food is thought by those in the movement to taste better than food that is shipped long distances.[1]
Farmers' markets play a role in efforts to eat what is local.[6] Preserving food for those seasons when it is not available fresh from a local source is one approach some locavores include in their strategies. Living in a mild climate can make eating locally grown products very different from living where the winter is severe or where no rain falls during certain parts of the year.[7] Those in the movement generally seek to keep use of fossil fuels to a minimum, thereby releasing less carbon dioxide into the air and preventing greater global warming. Keeping energy use down and using food grown in heated greenhouses locally would be in conflict with each other, so there are decisions to be made by those seeking to follow this lifestyle. Many approaches can be developed, and they vary by locale.[8] Such foods as spices, chocolate, or coffee pose a challenge for some, so there are a variety of ways of adhering to the locavore ethic.[9]
Join me in promoting this just cause, starting right here in Northeast Ohio!, where we have already been recognized internationally for our efforts! Click here for Sustain Lane ranking
 Dan  Morgan, Cleveland Locavore [email protected]
0 notes
aircoil50 · 4 years ago
Guidelines on How to Take the Perfect Photographs with the Android Smart phone
If perhaps you are working with any of the top of the line Android mobile phones, like the Galaxy S9 or Google Pixel 3, well then one of the recommended photo cameras available is currently inside your pocket or purse. You are prepared to start capturing all those friends and family images at special events that will go on endlessly. But whatever the expertise of the sophisticated smartphone, merely pointing and taking shots at the backdrop is not the best way to capture long lasting experiences. The same concepts apply to cell phones digital photography as they do studio photography: a little staging will go quite a distance. Have a beat before hitting the shutter key and employ one or more of the following tips to help to make your phone-snapped pics look their best. You’ve been told this before, however it requires repeating because it makes an mind-blowing impact: make sure the camera continues to be when you’re shooting a photograph. I can’t let you know how many times I have snapped and strolled to stay with an organization or something of the type, only to be dismayed down the road by fuzzy final results. Your Android cellphone may be fast at setting up the camera app (double-press the energy button of all to instantly fire it up), but it can’t constitute the photo if you aren’t quiet while taking it. It’s typically smart to get into the tradition of looking into what you just snapped before moving forward. You would not really need a tripod in this day and age to take a still photo, though it really allows elicit the most desirable outcomes. There are also smart phone surveillance camera mounts for common-sized tripods if you’re currently tricked out in camcorder gear. Alternately, unique items are impressive for capturing group photographs. Angling the phone against a wall or an object can be another technique of the trade in cases where you’re in a hole. Android Cellphone's Recommended Photography Programs Android application programs are in fact impressive enough to take care of processing raw photography files generated by DSLRs, so most of them may surely deal with editing a picture taken by a smart phone. Free software like Snapseed, Polarr Photo Editing, and Lightroom will charm to tinkerers and those who are the “friends and family photographer.” For individuals who like the appearance of filtered pictures, applications like VSCO offer over 100 kinds of millennial-colored flair, as well as a Color Story, which has some of the best filters for delivering to an Instagram market. Both apps are absolve to use, though they offer in-app buys to unlock a few of the popular aesthetics. If you’d rather not pay very much to create your photos looked aged, KujiCam is shamelessly fun to make use of, as well as your digital photographs will look like these were used another decade. In the event that you do screw up a snapshot and the moment in time has elapsed, use an application like TouchRetouch to move in and remove an out-of-place fingertip in the top side. Don’t ignore the touch-ups specs your phone does natively. Google Photos comes pre-installed on almost every recent Android unit and will be offering quick editing tools, including a handful of colored picture filters, a crop choice, and the ability to alter common components just like the color hue and exposure. (Google Photos offers automatic backup for your photos and movies, so make sure to take benefit of that, however you lose all of your cherished stories next time your cell phone drowns in a children's pool.) Samsung and LG’s particular gallery applications likewise have light editing and enhancing choices along the same lines. In the event you are being cheeky, you might even like some of the digital “stickers” bundled on Samsung’s Galaxy and Note cellphones. I prefer just a little sexy light. A dozen candle lights and some dimmed light bulbs will be the perfect way to signal to your friends that the house is certainly a warm one. This sort of lighting is usually undesirable for photographs, nevertheless, and even though your mobile phone’s manufacturer assured you among the best low-light photos, wonderful parties are not the place to test out this statement. Don’t be scared to incorporate a small amount of lighting in cases where the mood demands it. You don’t have to get anything extra; simply remove the top on a nearby lamp fixture or other equivalent and place it in front of your subjects, beside you if you’re the shooter. Additionally, avoid overhead lamps and lights. Just as much as recessed light looks great in person, it’s not good on photo camera. (There is a justification why actresses wear sunglasses each time they are inside, where there is often above the head light.) This same lightning tip helps diffuse these sorts of lighting situations and will make everybody in the picture look warm and alive. Your mobile phone’s flash can perform the very same thing in a pinch, though stay away from it as most of your light source, as it could make your get-together appear washed out. Alternately, you can use a friend’s mobile phone flashlight as a directional light beam of kind by pointing it at the position you want people’s faces to end up being lit. It can donate to some actually professional lighting effects. Do you believe you're among the lucky ones to have the Pixel 3’s Night time Sight enhancement? Be sure you’re applying it when the conditions needs it, like inside museums or poorly-lit historic buildings. This capability is coming soon to outdated Pixel cellphones and is available in the standard Android camera application, from the same display screen where you can transition between panorama setting and the like. On Samsung and LG smart phones, a similar functionality is hidden in the Professional or Manual settings. In this case, you’ll want to do a little of tweaking to the camera configurations to get the kind of picture you want. You don’t have to be a camera professional to access this, as most companies give live previews so that you can observe what the result can look like after a bit of adjusting. For ideal outcomes, leave everything on Auto except for the shutter speed, that is where you will see the actual difference in how much light camera can take in. And of course, don’t forget to lean it up against something while the shutter is open or you will finish up with a fuzzy photo. Face setting is among those defacto standard capabilities that now comes offered with every flagship mobile phone. It is like panoramic mode, except that you are required to use it often since it gives photos a little of a high-tech appearance. You don’t need to utilize it to take photos of people, either. This works just as well for pets, plants, or any other curious object. My favorite thing to accomplish with Portrait mode, whether I’m having a selfie or snapping a photo with friends I have not seen in more than 10 years, is to use it next to a simplified backdrop. A bare wall is wonderful for headshots, while a patterned wall structure adds a bit of flair. I really like the imitation “studio appearance” of the sorts of images, and you could get creative utilizing the lamp-light technique in a room. If carried out right, the result of your Portrait mode could appear as preened and polished as if taken on college picture day, plus they can also be photographs deserving enough to put onto a pack of holiday greeting cards in the next year. simplemente haga clic en el sitio web hasta que viene Finally and in fact the most plain and simple bit of advice on the list here, don’t forget to clean your camera lens prior to capturing a shot. The android is totally able at this time in the process to capture a high-resolution picture of the persons you care for, but it will not mean much if the lens is smudged up with finger grease and several other assorted dust. Even if you possess a case on with a camera covering, wipe that section clean on the inside and out to make sure that your photographs stay fantastic. If your smart phone is your only camera, you should always keep either a microfiber towel or a pack of camera lens-cleaning wipes. Buy them in large amounts and place them everywhere: in every single container you use and every single car you ride in. Photos are only just worth a million words if they are crystal-clear, and assuming you paid out in excess of this good deal on a brand new phone, then it needs to develop photo frame-worthy portraits.
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khalidbqix194 · 5 years ago
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How many people are playing PUBG as well as PUBG mobile?
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That means that you can't run these games on low-end mobile phones. PUBG Mobile and also Fortnite is a massive let down for every person holding a 1GB RAM Smart Device. Not just RAM, but the game additionally requires qualified processor also. Although the video game has been maximized well, still it needs a qualified smart device to run.
Fortnite included its very own twist to the formula with an unique art design, clear visuals, and also a building system that permits you to produce obstacles, towers, defenses, etc. on the fly in the center of a firefight. All the huge streamers on Twitch nowadays are streaming one battle royale video game or the other, which is a huge factor for the enormous influx of new players, primary youngsters between the age of 8 to 14. Peak Legends from EA is the latest youngster on the block, as well as it is going to be ported for mobile quickly. All fight royale video games are complimentary to play, as well as make their cash via in-game cosmetics, similar to MOBAs.
The randomly created world indicates whenever you rebound it will be a various experience as well as will take you hours of gameplay to uncover all the map's keys. If skateboarding is your jam, or you desire it was, Flip Skater makes it simple to shred on a halfpipe. As you advance as well as gain coins, you'll have the ability to select from a few different skaters, boards as well as numerous different locations, from Miami Coastline to Lake Baikal. You'll likewise unlock new tricks such as tail grabs as well as technique airs which you can turn on with on display buttons. While it's not a complex video game, Flip Skater is ideal for those times you want to get in, play some games as well as get out.
Square Enix video games.
Problem video games focus on understandable, yet tough to grasp technicians as well as need you to utilize logic and rapid thinking in order to beat the game. They are very easy on your fingers, so unlike shooters and racing games, all you require to do in puzzle video games is tap or swipe every now and then. Easy in, very easy out, that is the nature of collectible card games. You pay for costs decks and also quicker unlocks, but that is an option that you can choose not to take and merely grind your way to the top till you get a master rate deck.
This video game is a newer initiative from the exact same people, Ironhide Game Studio, and takes much of the exact same wonderful action right into the future. As opposed to knights and archers, you'll be playing with advanced soldiers and also snipers. Fight aliens as well as mechas as you plan the most effective way to defeat the degree at hand. Yet what's trendy regarding this variation, is there is even more focus on special personalities-- private heroes with unique capacities you can bring along for the fight with your other units.
One Of The Most Popular Mobile Games Right Now.
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So, for example, you can play as one hero, then touch a switch on display to choose one more individual in your party to make my review here use of that persons special skills. This all occurs in genuine time, so changing to the appropriate gamers for the task available becomes part of the fun. In addition to that, the military-style survival motif has actually been done so well by PUBG itself that players are eagerly anticipating something fresh as well as brand-new. Fortnite just recently did a mega refresh after the Period 10 ended, feasting on the old map right into a blackhole as well as bringing a totally brand-new map with fresh new attributes.
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Likewise, Peak Legends likewise keeps updating its material to keep the game appropriate. Even PUBG MOBILE opts for even more frequent updates to hold on to its leading placement.
Nintendo games.
The studio's most current game is Summer Catchers, a side-scroller with some platformer components. The games run the gamut from totally free to complimentary to play as well as premium. GRID Autosport released in 2019 and immediately became one of the most effective auto racing games for Android. The Undercurrent General Practitioner and Asphalt franchises are likewise quite excellent, but GRID Autosport strikes nearly all of the check marks. It's a costs game without in-app purchases or marketing.
It's also suitable with the Apple Watch, where you can get notifications when Taylor is ready to speak. The Rayman games throughout the years have all been an eye-popping explosion of beautiful shades-- and really fun-to-play game titles in their very own right.
All mobile Games.
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What is the best free mobile game?
No, Fortnite is not dying but it is not going great either. Epic Games is fighting to keep the player base. Things will get more intense if CoD will release a free-to-play Battle Royale game in the future.
It was a surprise hit of early 2019 as well as a very easy shoo-in for a checklist such as this. If you trade in your phone and also require to backup your information, we do suggest preparing in breakthrough. Diablo Immortal from Activision Snowstorm got a lot of reaction from fans during its statement in 2014, however you can wager there is a huge market available for an activity RPG mobile game from Blizzard. The Chinese are mosting likely to like it, as well as it will make Snowstorm tons of money.
To be clear, this game is a little like those clicking video games where there's no restriction to exactly how high you can go, and there's not much skill involved. It's additionally ad-supported as well as you'll require to pay $3 to do away with them.
Which mobile game earns the most money?
The recent data from Steam, the platform via which PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds (PUBG) is available for PCs, shows that the popular battle royale game has been losing the number of active players by a vast margin. EA is even considering bringing the game to mobile platforms by 2021.
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ninnetta153gaming · 5 years ago
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Thinking about Moving To Computer Gaming?
Enthusiast Gaming is a media and technology business building the largest neighborhood of genuine gamers. Travel into a virtual world with a VR headset , exactly where all of your senses will be treated to a barrage of stimulus from many sources. With the Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality Method , you'd have to prepare your self for far more intense gameplays, more immersive action, and a totally new and exhilarating gaming present practical experience as the package currently comes with 6 VR games that will retain your heart pumping via your chest. The Oculus Touch controllers are ingeniously created for optimum and unparalleled interaction with the different components in the virtual globe. You will have to have to meet particular program requirements on your laptop, though. This also makes a excellent gift for nerds in your life.
As you can see, gaming studios need to have to discover their own way to function consumer service into the gaming practical experience. It indicates fully understanding their players, and that means realizing how to communicate player help in the most ideal style. Rovio, Nexon, and Riot are all great examples, but even when delivering optimal player assistance isn't so clear, studios can do suitable by their audience by staying fast with their customer service. The sooner the player gets the assistance they need, https://www.erishe.site/ the more quickly they can get back into the game.
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Why we like it: The video gaming podcast typically focuses on indie titles, considering that that is what the hosts are personally interested in, but at times they also bring a wider variety of games to the table for discussion. Idle Thumbs is a thoughtful podcast that puts a bit a lot more emphasis on style and criticism when analyzing the games. If Idle Thumbs” clicks with you, you can also check out the podcast Three Moves Ahead” about war and strategy games, it was produced by the exact same guys.
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And finally, in order to hold your audience closer to you, do not overlook to add a speak to kind and subscription type to your gaming web site. Operating a gaming blog let your readers comment on your publications. Under no circumstances miss a likelihood to reply to the comments of your readers. This will show that you care about the time that folks spent to look by way of your information.
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The gaming labor marketplace is evolving like numerous industries impacted by the development of technology. Jobs for game developer could be declining, but jobs in other gaming-connected fields are growing. This is reflective of the changing nature of video games and the gaming industry. The definition of video game and video game creator is entirely diverse. And the labor market place reflects this.
Like gaming? With the assist of a screen capture device (or a video camera) you can pass on your knowledge on a certain game (or level) and entertain individuals at the exact same time. Video games as a spectator sport is a somewhat new phenomenon, but immensely well-liked. Take Twitch, where millions of gamers collect every month. Some gamers have even turn out to be celebrities as a result.
Gaming consists of distinct genres and systems, and it is important to know what sort of gaming internet site you would want to be. Gaming sites consist of on-line magazines that focus on gaming-associated articles, gaming portals, online retail and distribution, and gaming blogs. Gamers are certain with what content material they want to access, which suggests that defining what your web-site is would guarantee you get the correct audience.
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The tactile satisfaction of the mechanical keyboards is generally missing in membrane keyboards. It mimics the feel of writing on an old college typewriter, like in the previous. Now, this doesn't imply that the modern day mechanical keyboards are missing features. They are packed with the issues that the buyer wants for every day use and even in most instances for gaming as effectively.
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And this is where cloud gaming has fallen down historically. In the previous, bandwidth just wasn't higher enough to deliver responsive gameplay - but now, we're starting to see internet speeds that make cloud gaming a viable choice. 5G broadband is seen as a important enabler, with a relatively high quantity of users now in a position to take full advantage of remotely hosted gaming services. That said, it really is critical to note that high-speed online is far from widespread even in created markets like the US, exactly where poor connectivity and bandwidth caps are nevertheless concerns for many users.
If you're in the marketplace for less costly or a lot more reasonably priced games, make certain that you verify the Hot Deals section of the website. Green Man Gaming includes a hyperlink to that page on all its pages. You can appear at the Deal of the Day or at current specials that let you save up to 75% off the MSRP on well known games. The Hot Bargains section also involves some VIP specials chosen by best games from around the globe.
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Online games are excellent because they offer numerous content for anyone to take pleasure from. If you require help determining which video games are suited to you and your family, then please read on, there are many limitations on a few of this information, as games have got a score system in position to decide which games are right for what grows older..
Don't take the term of the slight on whether or not a game title is suitable on their behalf. When a game is ranked M for older, there is generally a valid reason for doing it. Research your options on the warm new activity your child is pleading for. Ensure it is one thing you would like them playing before you decide to put money into it.
Make every one of your photos really matter should you be playing a shooter. Numerous beginner players have the fault of just squeezing that allowing and set off out spherical after rounded. In the near future you'll be unfilled with nothing to demonstrate for this. Rather wait for a specific process and picture persistence all round. You'll be recognized.
When purchasing a game for your pc, make sure you have the technical specs to operate it. Specifically, in case the video game is completely new, as well as your computer is aged, you may well be disappointed until you check out initial. Consider the Processor pace and Memory, specifically, to figure out if your video game performs.
Ease and comfort is vital. Practically nothing hampers a marathon game playing period quicker than the usual confined palm. The few added dollars to buy an appropriate computer mouse (or control in the event you online game on a gaming system) are really worth the expense. Several stores have demo devices out that one could try out, so take advantage of the opportunity to find the computer mouse or controller that molds for your fingers flawlessly.
Make the most for your investment and purchase online games employed. If this isn't essential to buy online games after they initially appear, delay until you can buy a second hand duplicate. You will be able to conserve a little bit of funds in this way yet still enjoy the video game.
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Prevent buying the high priced version of online games, except when they are a favorite. It isn't necessary to have to be able to play in the activity, although many periods, online games will have a unique release. By not getting the unique release you can save funds on the video activity but still have fun with this.
Lots of games nowadays offer you gamers the possibility to gain new content or rewards by slowly making an effort at it or by getting it. You must in no way overspend on frivolous goods. Although they can actually supply not a lot of enhanced enjoy for your video clip gaming encounter. While that applies, they can save some time.
Avoid acquiring new games for consoles and private computers. The standard starting pricing is sixty dollars, but typically falls to 50 bucks inside a few weeks or a few months. The longer you wait to buy a name, the less costly it will probably be for you to get a similar activity.
Promote your aged video games goods. Instead of just making your game playing items you will no longer use sit about and acquire airborne dirt and dust, market them. You may either offer them online or at a number of online game stores. In most areas you will find video game merchants that offer and buy video gaming goods.
Prior to deciding to invest a lot of cash on things such as controllers or recollection greeting cards, look online for a used version. At times a shop will likely be out from employed game computer hardware, that may be very affordable. Make sure you look at an internet based seller's opinions before making the investment therefore you know if you're obtaining everything you purchased.
Just before allowing young kids play it, meticulously evaluation a video game's rating. There are actually brutal online games that have a ranking of 18+. It is really not smart to permit small children engage in video gaming like these. Young kids could be traumatized, exhibit unacceptable habits and experience nightmares when exposed to this content.
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Be specifically very careful about protecting your own details from the world of on-line video gaming. Popular online games make preferred targets for hackers and con artists. Never give out sign in info or individual information to other players. It's smart to work with a exclusive username and password for games and game professional services don't re-use logon info out of your e mail or another on the internet profiles.
Recognize that some online games have multi-person alternatives, that may expose your youngsters to other folks on the net. In cases like this, you should be tracking who your kids are speaking to, as you may not desire them to obtain too associated with total strangers. This can help to put your youngster within the most trusted place achievable.
Among the best reasons for online games is that you have enough of them for everybody to take pleasure from. However, there are several forms of game titles which are only ideal for a number of age brackets, and they are outlined consequently. If you recall the items in this informative article, You'll know which games are suitable for the people in your family.
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shervonfakhimi · 5 years ago
The Lakers’ Holiday Present
Everything had been smooth sailing for the Lakers this season. Both LeBron James and Anthony Davis have looked dominant and proven their continued superstar status and have gotten great defensive production from the rest of their supporting cast. Combined together, the Lakers have gotten off to a Western Conference-leading 26-7 start (important this year more so than previous seasons since the 8th seed in the West is currently occupied by a 14-18 San Antonio Spurs team and likely will be occupied by a team below .500) with a +7 point differential and a +6.9 Net Rating off the heels of a Top 10 offensive (111.7) and defensive (104.8) rating. These are the marks of a contender. However, if their four-game losing streak (before bouncing back to win two straight) is any indication, the Lakers still have work to do to win the Larry O’Brien trophy again for the 17th time in franchise history.
One aspect to start is coach Frank Vogel’s rotation. Vogel has largely done a very solid job so far, but some of his decisions regarding certain lineups have been questionable. For starters (pun intended), let’s look at the center position. Dwight Howard plays more minutes than nominal starter JaVale McGee but doesn’t play as many minutes with the starters/key players than JaVale does, despite the team being more successful with Dwight on the floor. Since Danny Green, LeBron and Davis have started every game they have played, in the minutes Dwight Howard has shared with them on the floor, the Lakers have a Net Rating of +23, per NBA.com. In the minutes those three shares with JaVale on the floor, the Lakers’ Net Rating dwindles to +4.6. The Lakers have started some 1st and 3rd quarters slowly; perhaps this could be a reason why. That will matter come playoff time.
Another rotation puzzle to solve is to give Alex Caruso more minutes. The sneaky athletic Laker folk hero is much more than just a meme; he brings a huge impact defensively, evidenced by his 2nd place standing among Shooting Guards in ESPN’s Defensive Real Plus-Minus metric. However, on Christmas Night, Frank Vogel had other plans, electing to dust off the fossil of Rajon Rondo instead. If only Rondo’s production matched his previous stellar reputation. There is not a steal Rondo doesn’t think he can get, putting his teammates in position to recover for his attempted gambles. But his presence negatively impacts the Lakers’ offense as well. Sure, Rondo has started the season shooting 39.7% from deep, but many of these are shots defenses are willing to concede. Just look how far perpetual irritant Patrick Beverley is sagging off Rondo when he doesn’t have the ball. Hard for Davis and LeBron to operate when they’re continuously met with bodies. The numbers agree. The Lakers Net Rating with Rondo on the floor with Davis and LeBron is -2 points per 100 possessions. With Caruso? +30.9, (the numbers paint a similar picture when LeBron is on the floor without Davis for Caruso vs Rondo.) thanks to a massive offensive boost with his shooting and activity off the ball (he does add about 2.4 points per 36 minutes with screen assists; necessary for a team with LeBron on it to allow him to hunt mismatches. Caruso also ranks in the 75th percentile amongst players in points per possession as a cutter).
While we’re at it, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope should be starting too. ‘Get KCP’ would normally be trending on Twitter to start the season, which was full of Lakers fans and LeBron stans pleading for the Lakers to get Rob Pelinka’s gift from heaven removed from the team. I was amongst the disgruntled, but I am so glad I have been proven wrong. Caldwell-Pope is hitting his catch-and-shoot shots from deep at a blistering 45.1% (ironically, Rondo is right behind him at 43.8%. However, defenses are more than willing to let him shoot those and he’s already beginning to prove them right. In December, Rondo’s percentage on those shots went down to 33.3%.). His defense against the bigger wings such as Kawhi has left some to be desired, but he has enough size and mobility to bother guards on the perimeter. He fits better with LeBron and Anthony Davis than Avery Bradley does, who, to be fair, was playing well before getting injured and is now currently starting. It makes sense for Vogel to find more time for the likes of Dwight Howard, Alex Caruso and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope with the dynamic duo of LeBron James and Anthony Davis.
Not to pile too much on Vogel because he has done legitimately well so far heading the Lakers, but many of their other issues come from the personnel they have. Continuing to play centers limits both the frequency and efficiency of Anthony Davis as a roll man since he is met with another brute waiting for him at the rim (Davis ranks only in the 53rd percentile as a roll man, which seems impossible. But at least his presence as a shooter allows for Howard and McGee to rumble more freely at the rim, ranking in the 79th and 77th percentile, respectively). 
The bigger issue regarding the Lakers pick and roll play, however, is they don’t have anybody (outside of LeBron James, Mark Jackson) that can actually put the ball in the basket from the perimeter running the pick and roll. The only Laker guard who ranks above the 50th percentile in points per possession as a pick and roll ballhandler is… nobody. Kentavious Caldwell-Pope and Avery Bradley are the most efficient amongst Lakers guards at 0.81 points per possession, per NBA.com. That’s what the kids would call a tough scene. Kyle Kuzma and LeBron rank ahead of KCP, but asking Kuzma to run multiple pick and rolls per game would be going out of his comfort zone. LeBron can do many things, but he can’t play the entire length of games. The answer sure as hell isn’t Rondo, who’s 0.74 points per possession matches Quinn Cook’s in the 37th percentile. Alex Caruso’s 0.53 points per possession aren’t working many wonders either. It’s fun to wonder if young rookie Talen Horton-Tucker could be a solution, but he likely isn’t ready for big minutes yet this early on in his career (though at least he is tearing up the G League!).
The answer to this issue is not on the Lakers’ roster and will be up to GM Rob Pelinka to figure out. Maybe Jeff Teague comes available on the buyout market as the Timberwolves continue to give us reason to sleep on them (his 1.06 points per possession as a pick and roll ball-handler ranks in the 91st percentile). Consistency has never been Jeff Teague’s friend as there are nights where he looks like Damian Lillard and others where he looks like a ghost, but maybe he’s done getting swept by LeBron-led teams and would like his turn at doing the sweeping over his competition. I’m not sure the Knicks’ Allonzo Trier will become available, but it’s hard to get much better than him in this area as a gunner off the bench; his 1.32 points per 100 possessions ranks in the 99th percentile. He’s got a smooth handle and a great poise to attack and finish when the opening presents itself. The Knicks have a logjam at guard and aren’t going anywhere; making stupid trades has never stopped you before James Dolan! He could very much be a fit in Los Angeles. Another name, generating more buzz than Trier, however, is the veteran Jamal Crawford. Crawford is unsigned but fits the bill of what the Lakers need. While his efficiency is left to be desired, he can still contribute. His 0.83 points per possession as a ballhandler last season would rank above the 50th percentile this season (hell, even this would be an upgrade), and that was while playing for a putrid Suns team that didn’t have LeBron James and Anthony Davis on it. Sure it was in a meaningless game, but the man did drop 51 points in a game at 39 years old. Maybe Crawford isn’t *the* solution to lift the Lakers over the top, but he *is* available and could help the Lakers the same way Carmelo Anthony has helped the Blazers as a stop-gap solution. Maybe the Lakers could find a way to pry Darren Collison out of retirement? ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski reported he may look to make a comeback in February, with the Lakers and Clippers as possible options. Collison scored 0.92 points per possessions as a pick and roll ballhandler last season, per NBA.com. Considering the options, prying Collison out of free agency/retirement is likely the Lakers’ best possible solution (it is also worth noting Collison shot 44% on catch-and-shoot threes last season according to NBA.com, further enhancing the fit with LeBron James and Anthony Davis). Bogdan Bogdanovic, Dennis Schroder, Derrick Rose, Luke Kennard, and DJ Augustin are probably sexier names, but the Lakers are deprived of assets after the deal with New Orleans to bring in Anthony Davis (the next first-round the Lakers can trade is their 2026 pick. The Lakers don’t have much to trade outside of Kyle Kuzma, who on Christmas gave a glimpse of the potential he has as a secondary scorer in his own right, so they’ll have to get creative. That might mean giving Crawford a shot to see if he can still contribute at age 39 or convincing Collison to come out of retirement.
I’d love for that to be enough of the Lakers roster issues, but unfortunately, there’s more. Another wing with size would be a worthwhile addition. An example of this would be PJ Tucker, who surely isn’t available but was able to give Kawhi Leonard fits when they played recently. Just about anybody on the Lakers, however, outside of Anthony Davis and Danny Green (who got his fair share of that work from Kawhi but at least made Leonard earn it) got wrecked by the Fun Guy on Christmas. Kuzma has the size to hang around with the bigger wings like Kawhi but still is not up to the level necessary defensively to ask him to disrupt guys like him and Paul George all game long (but I believe he is improving). LeBron’s defense has been much better this season but he still needs to preserve some energy on that end because of the big load he has to carry offensively. Outside of that, the only wing with size and a defensive reputation is Jared Dudley, who I believe should be getting more run in the rotation and just may, in fact, be the solution to this problem. I sure as hell would prefer to just play Jared Dudley than sign Jeff Green and have the Lakers be the 7th team to hope that Jeff Green is the missing piece (he isn’t). But… he does have size (6’8” 235lbs), history with LeBron and playoff experience (he was the 2nd best player, behind LeBron, on a team that won a Game 7 on the road in the Eastern Conference Finals! Yes, that actually happened!), all of which the Lakers could use, so I suppose he could help. I’m much more bullish about the idea of Andre Iguodala helping as another guy who could run the offense, defend just about anybody 1-4 and hit timely shots like he did time and time again as a Warrior, but it all depends on the Grizzlies buying him out as opposed to trading him, which seems unlikely, according to Omari Sankofa II of The Athletic. Robert Covington’s name has popped up in trade rumors, but again, the Lakers likely would get outbid for his services. Perhaps DeMarre Carroll could be had from the disappointing San Antonio Spurs? Maybe Marcus Morris? Jae Crowder? Would Orlando be willing to part from Al-Farouq Aminu since they have approximately 5,000 wings who do roughly the same things? Again, the Lakers will have to get creative. Maybe Jared Dudley is the answer here; I’d at least try to find out. But they have to find somebody.
Despite the Christmas Day loss, the Lakers are still not only in first in the Western Conference with a three-game. However, that can change quickly as they are not only already in a four-game losing streak, but are at risk of not having LeBron James for a few more games after sitting out Sunday against the Denver Nuggets because of a nagging groin injury unrelated to last season’s injury that essentially wrecked the Lakers’ season. For many Laker fans, the Christmas L served as a lump of coal in their Christmas stockings that what they have isn’t enough. Perhaps, they should look at it as a present to get them the help they need before it is too late.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year (and Decade) everybody!
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gamerszone2019-blog · 6 years ago
What The Hell Is Metal Wolf Chaos?
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/what-the-hell-is-metal-wolf-chaos/
What The Hell Is Metal Wolf Chaos?
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Before the days of the stoic Dark Souls and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, From Software was a niche developer nestled between regular releases of the mecha-action series Armored Core and the occasional oddball side project. Fifteen years ago, the developer released a game that blended its talents for mech combat and off-the-wall humor: Metal Wolf Chaos. Developed for the original Xbox, this action satire puts you in the role of the 47th President of the United States, Michael Wilson, who embarks on a high-octane trip across America fighting mechs, soldiers, and other machines of war following a coup led by vice president Richard Hawk.
Essentially a pastiche of action films, Saturday morning cartoons, and Japanese mecha anime, Metal Wolf Chaos pokes a lot of fun at American culture, embodied by the lead character who also happens to the leader of the free world. It’s a setup that seemed like it would have made for a decent third-person shooter for the North American audience–however, it would never arrive in the West. The original Metal Wolf Chaos for the Xbox was a Japan-only release, positioned as a hardcore action game intended to attract new players to the system. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t make much of a dent in the market, and its release came and went. Now in 2019, From Software and Devolver Digital have released Metal Wolf Chaos XD, a revival of the forgotten game for modern platforms. Out now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, it’s not often to see a game that has lived a second life as an internet meme return for a third with a remaster.
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What makes the circumstances surrounding Metal Wolf Chaos’ original release so strange was that the intended audience for its ridiculous satire of American culture was, ironically, unable to play the game. From Software never provided an official reason as to why Metal Wolf Chaos never made it to the West. However, publishers at the time were already in the transitional phase for the upcoming Xbox 360, and the game’s satire of terrorism and American culture on soon-to-be outdated hardware likely made it a tough sell. Developed on a budget and in under a year by 30 developers, Metal Wolf Chaos keeps things simple, leaning heavily on the over-the-top mech action with its revolving set of weaponry. President Wilson’s trek across the country to restore the so-called American way of life is emphasized with his mantra of “believing in your own justice,” which puts a certain gravitas behind the game.
In an interview with Destructoid, From Software producer Masanori Takeuchi described their approach to interpreting American culture, and how it was intended to attract both Western and Japanese audiences.
“It is America as perceived by the Japanese. It’s completely fictional, but at the time, it was our idea of this ideology of American culture and comic book heroes, and we pieced that together and it became the president piloting the mech,” Takeuchi said. “We think that when Japanese look at it that way, from the American point of view, it’s almost like how they imagine a Japanese ninja, and sort of the same ideologies, the same kind of fantasy, so it goes two ways.”
To put things into proper perspective, Metal Wolf Chaos is a political game–even when it focuses on fun. Its original release came during the height of Bush-era jingoism following the events of September 11, 2001 and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The style and tone of Metal Wolf Chaos are all about America, and the main plot often comes across like a Hollywood fantasy. The lead character, the strongwilled and capable US president, takes matters into his own hands to fight back against the invasion of the country, taking advantage of America’s ease of access to guns to do so. The game opens with the president of the United States piloting his mech, shouting “Let’s Party!” as he faces off against Hawk’s homegrown militia. From this intro alone, you know you’re in for something of a farce. To play Metal Wolf Chaos is to contend with a barrage of one-liners, melodrama, and cheesy platitudes of what it means to be an American–and it does everything with the utmost sincerity. It’s essentially a Japanese anime honed through an American fetishized lense crafted by Michael Bay.
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Though North America missed out on the full game, some western players had the chance to try a short demo of the game thanks to the Official Xbox Magazine. With every issue, readers also received a complimentary demo disc. This particular disc featured a hidden demo for Metal Wolf Chaos, allowing players to jump into the game’s early levels set in San Francisco. Unless you owned an imported Japanese Xbox or modified your system to play games region-free, this would be the only way for Western players to experience the game.
In the years since its release, Metal Wolf Chaos garnered a cult following in the West. This was due to the game receiving something of a revival in YouTube Let’s Play videos and internet memes highlighting select moments. But in 2016, indie publisher Devovler Digital–who’s past works included Hotline Miami and the Shadow Warrior reboot–reached out to From Software on Twitter, offering to get the game released in the West. Devolver even used the hashtag #FreeMetalWolf in their offer to the developer. After the tweet went viral, Devolver Digital and From Software began their collaboration on a remaster for modern consoles.
When compared to the original, Metal Wolf Chaos XD keeps things faithful to the original–low polycount and all. Some notable changes, however, include the upgraded resolution to play at 4K, along with a new save system, removing the original’s notoriously taxing process. Metal Wolf Chaos is a pure action game, leaving most of its main story beats for mission bookends. It’s a very low-budget game, and it shows. In a way, though, the low budget ends up creating an aesthetic that offers some added charm to Metal Wolf Chaos’s ridiculous plot and mostly straightforward, objective-driven gameplay. In that regard, it fills that similar “so bizarre, it’s good” space that Swery65’s Deadly Premonition inhabited.
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Playing through the game now, however, it’s hard not to draw parallels with the events and storytelling tropes of the game and today’s political climate. With homegrown terrorism, fascism, and propaganda on the rise, it can make some of the events of the game feel eerie–even when its story is totally absurd. Between levels, you’re treated to breaking news segments from major news channels where your battles against the Hawk’s militia are intentionally misconstrued and repackaged as propaganda. Essentially, fake news.
That’s not to say Metal Wolf Chaos is prophetic. But rather, From Software had an awareness of the inherent ridiculousness of American jingoism in 2004 and the absurd results that it could foster. Though we don’t have mechs in 2019, the level of overt patriotism on display in Metal Wolf Chaos isn’t that foreign. Playing through this satire of American culture can be a fun trip down memory lane circa 2004. Yet, there’s an interesting topic of discussion to be found in this game. In many ways, the tone and plot of this cult hit lands harder now then it did before–likely more than the creators ever imagined.
Source : Gamesport
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cheatfortnite968-blog · 6 years ago
Wish More Money? Start out working Vbucks Fortnite!
Money Laundering Scheme Uncovered Using Fortnite V
Despite Fortnite being the most popular competition associated with that generation, Epic Games' impressive battle royale say not really gone without their limitations. The trail it is getting appears to be leading to Loot Lake, with less than about three weeks left until the aim in the game's current year, it is expected to arrive at the location before the discharge of Fortnite Season 6. Every activity will consume count next take in generation can cost something especially when it's treating a cash amount from Fortnite V Bucks Hack. You can see the time span that will help you to focus on completing actions instantly.
That currently no confidence to scammers have lived wanting to make a fast buck in presenting gamers free V-Bucks, the exclusive currency that Fortnite players use to buy new objects and skins in the general battle royale activity. May was probably the most effective month that we have stats offered, with Fortnite: Battle Royale carry in $318 million (concrete post-May figures are challenging to get). This makes that the best-performing activity of its type through this metric.
These virtual coins can be purchased in the standard Fortnite store as well as vendors including Microsoft next ACTIVITY. Though, with 1,000 coins costing roughly $10, there is a market for discounted coins which are eagerly snapped ahead by players. Now this is a very indirect question I have asked. Simply because Fortnite is only a single type of activity so many games may really understand Fortnites case can they? Or may they? I believe they could. This certainly applies to online games, particularly activities like Label of Responsibility and FIFA.
Fortnite is control without V-Bucks, vbucks.codes given everyone with endless total of v-bucks, to enjoy all of Roblox. While there was a copyright campaign against the game, this currently looks Fortnite is innocent, for now. Bloomberg articles that PUBG Corp. delivered "a note of drawback" to Epic Games lawyers on Monday, which the crate happens at once met. While it remains unclear exactly how much cash criminals have gotten to make in Fortnite, over $250,000 were made in Fortnite articles on eBay in a two-month time last year. Number from Sixgill and demonstrate an increase in the number of states in the competition for the dark internet, with point link with the game's revenue.
This swagbucks link will allow for you to make a complimentary 3$ significance of characters when you earn only 3$ worth. This will allow you to get at least the beginner equipment in fortnite. Squad up with your friends and get an Xbox One X 1TB console, Xbox wireless controller, Fortnite Battle Royal, Legendary Eon cosmetic established, with 2,000 V-Bucks. How For Free V Kicks In Fortnite? Here really is the reservation which Suddenly being encouraged in all the Fortnite Game Players. The main reason is because; with V Bucks, it is possible to quickly access many of the things in Fortnite game.
Although Fortnite has been executing the most extraordinary multiplayer plot with tough for more than a day now, none of the stuff if the game isn't satisfying to compete. But there's a reason that get the attention of thousands around the world for so long, and it isn't just down to the Floss dancing with Head Trooper skin. Fortnite is a collection of choice based episodic story games. Each item in this activity circles around different characters. The Fortnite can be little tough later, that's the reason a person may need Fortnite V BUCKS Hack tool free those are presented by one click.
With Season 7 in full swing, version 7.01 could not look that exciting by association. That said, the new style of Fortnite enters the Infinity Blade weapon from Epic Games' Infinity Blade series, the new Close Encounters limited-time mode, and more. Figure 2a: Data reveals the estimated earnings from point category with assess selection in Fortnite players May 2017 — June 2018, based on the Edison Trends dataset.
The Perfect Process of VBUCKS
Accumulate resources: Unlike other Battle Royale, one of the explanation of Fortnite lives that make is extremely important. From a ramp that allows you to climb to an increased point with a wall behind which to embrace yourself, or exercise as a guard to fly if you are at a disadvantage, take a potion. For the first time ever, Fortnite Battle Royale players have the chance to compete with one another for a big amount of V-Bucks, the sport virtual currency.
If you want help with saving the fortnite redeem in xbox stay or playstation or microsoft marketplace then talk about the blog. If you may grasp and struggling to download fortnite game then contact us immediately to get service for the generator. V-Bucks are the most popular in-game hold for Fortnite players, being up 83% of points bought and 88% of use. While another V-Bucks amounts are available for buy, the separate most popular Fortnite piece is 1,000 V-Bucks for $9.99, report for 53% of items held and 33% of using.
Unfortunately, some Fortnite players, especially sons also teenagers, still fall for the thousands of scams online and also arranged YouTube promising them V-Bucks. You can use the Fortnite Generator to get Free Fornite V Bucks, the procedure to do that is attractive easy, when you got the application about your own pc, just launch Fortnite and planted the amount of Fortnite V Bucks that you want to get in your account, when you are fixed you just have to click on the Generate Buttons.
Currently, Fortnite is spread as several another game modes, using the same engine and has similar graphics, art resources, next ready mechanics. Fortnite: Fortnite is a house sandbox survival game formed and published by Epic Games Fortnite is set in contemporary World, where the sudden beginning of a worldwide storm causes 98% of the world's people to go, and zombie-like creatures spread to condemn the rest.
All the Fortnite Battle Royale tips you need, plus Fortnite Android info, free V Cash, and Fortnite Server status updates. Fortnite is the best battle royale video competition of 2018. PUBG is a similar game, yet its feature is significantly less than Fortnite's. The principal uncertainty becomes whether the dances used in Fortnite emotes are copyrightable material kept under US law. If not, then Epic Games' utilization of the parties is not copyright infringement, and in-game deal in the unique dances might last unfettered.
9 Ridiculous Rules About VBUCKS
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Watch the latest episode of our Fortnite talk show Squad Up to see Patrick Warburton enjoy a little controversy royale. One of the best things about building a MACHINE for Fortnite happens to, for a good in-game thing, you only really need 2 or more CPU cores. Kids may sometimes buy V-Bucks without the parents' knowledge, as their parents' credit or debit cards are associated with the diversion account they will treatment to sport. Although the issue isn't exclusive to Fortnite, the situation with Fortnite has attracted particular interest because the game is so popular right now.
And so these were some of the best method which may be used to receive free v cash in fortnite game without spending any real change. Fortnite Battle Royale is an online multiplayer survival shooter developed by Epic Games , in which 100 players fight to get the last part last here tough lasting less than thirty minutes. It is a free game using some mechanics on the first Fortnite, a survival sandbox game, many aspects from the battle royale” kind of entertainment.
You can make V Bucks in Fortnite without shelling away money soon for them, although your decisions for slowly building up the electronic currency are bound and expect you buy Fortnite Save the planet. Once purchased, one technique is to record in day-to-day for small numbers of V Bucks from the servers. This award is based on Fortnite (now renamed Fortnite But the planet), a third-person cooperative, base-defense sport. In 2017, developer Epic Games took that theory and rewrite that available into a single, free-to-play battle royale sport for COMPUTER, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
So that's everything you need to know or moving stuck into Fortnite and Fortnite Battle Royale. We'll go with anyone in the gutter. With reply , Epic band member darkveil” said, Yes!” The plan is in place but it is officially a bit difficult,” according to the comment. Epic wants to provide mini-BR” sport in Creative where users will be able to configure the Hurricane, use the bus stop feature, and other items through the primary Fortnite battle royale island.
To get Fortnite on a PC or Mac, you'll need an Epic Games account. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem a easy way to block childen by getting items about your story, if they know the password, though we've asked Epic Games and will update that feature when we consider back. The best Instant Sound Buttons in the greatest soundboard for Fortnite. Use it in Reception, in Entertainment or When Death! Create your best minutes before showing online.
V-Bucks hack - V-Bucks is live a really significant reference to improve your upgrade. Spend our Fortnite hack tool and you will allow the points. That's why you're now within the opening house. If you have enabled Players vs Enemies” (PvE) setting or Save the planet” game mode in Fortnite, you are the eligible to take function with Every day Quests from the game. Daily Quests are nothing but serially open daily in-game tasks for you to complete them one by one and acquire free v-bucks hostile to the missions you finished on the same day.
Motion blur: Drive this in puts a smear result while moving. This a visible putting to various participants enjoy, except for a competing competition of Fortnite, that will make things harder to grasp as change at speed. Try this off is proposed. Way the stats for Fortnite battle royale, complete with global leaderboards for single, duo and squad gamemodes. Unlike most multiplayer shooters, the object of Fortnite Battle Royale is to survive, not to get kills. This is likely the most important Fortnite ideas to evoke: you can make Fortnite vbucks free 98 kills and still lose.
You can turn off hardware acceleration with Google Chrome so to training applications killed by Chrome do not eat too many resources if you are performing Fortnite. Free Fortnite V Bucks Generator Greatest and Relaxed Way for 2019. But, if you're not, then pay attention to this area also deliver very carefully. Because those fake V Bucks Hack can cause the ‘Fortnite account banned or blocked‘ if you dropped in the corner.
It is unclear how much profit criminals were able to be over money laundering, though Sixgill observed to Fortnite items grossed more than $250,000 on eBay in a 60 time period last year. A minute model of Fortnite: Battle Royale will hopefully be around to persons soon via Creative Mode. Get V Bucks Free No Man Verify 2019 Hack Working Free V Bucks This Fortnite cheats may help in getting free v-bucks easily.
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fortnitegiyn7662-blog · 6 years ago
Receive Your own Free V Bucks FortniteA Fact!
Money Laundering Scheme Uncovered Using Fortnite V
Despite Fortnite being one of the most popular activity associated with this particular generation, Epic Games' impressive battle royale has not really reached without the limitations. The way it is taking appears to be leading to Loot Lake, with less than three weeks go until the base on the game's current time, it is presume to make the location before the publication of Fortnite Season 6. Every steps may consume era next consume generation will charge something especially when it's working with a money amount from Fortnite V Bucks Hack. You can see time span that will help you to focus on completing actions instantly.
That already no confidence that scammers have become wanting to make a quick money in delivering gamers free V-Bucks, the personal currency to Fortnite players use to buy new items with skins in the popular battle royale activity. May became probably the most profitable month for which we have stats open, with Fortnite: Battle Royale giving with $318 million (concrete post-May information are demanding to get). That becomes that the best-performing game of their sort with that metric.
These personal coins can be purchased from the public Fortnite store as well as vendors including Microsoft and MATCH. However, with 1,000 coins costing roughly $10, there is a market for discounted coins which are eagerly broke ahead beside participants. Now this is a very indirect problem I have asked. Simply because Fortnite is specifically a single type of tough so many games may really see Fortnites case can they? Or may they? I believe they can. This clearly applies to online games, particularly sports like Request of Tax and FIFA.
Fortnite is the biggest activity of 2018, when you see somebody that games regularly, there's an excellent chance they're enjoying this. The game itself is free, but players have to work in-game V-Bucks to buy customizations. EPIC UPDATES & EVENTS - Weekly updates constantly fuel the cool. New gameplay modes, significant and crazy new looks for your avatar, new guns and items….Fortnite is always expanding.
This swagbucks link will allow for you to receive a complimentary 3$ significance of characters when you make only 3$ worth. It will enable you to get at least the beginner package in fortnite. Squad up with your friends and get an Xbox One X 1TB console, Xbox wireless controller, Fortnite Battle Royal, Legendary Eon cosmetic fixed, and 2,000 V-Bucks. How To Receive Free V Jumps In Fortnite? Here is really the uncertainty that Suddenly being spread with the many Fortnite Game Players. The main purpose is because; with V Bucks, it is possible to voluntarily access many on the pieces within Fortnite game.
Although Fortnite has been executing the most amazing multiplayer story with sport for over a year now, nothing of their stuff when the game isn't enjoyable to join in. But there's a reason that get the eye of millions around the world for that long, and it isn't just into the Floss party with Skull Trooper skin. Fortnite is a collection of decision based episodic story games. Each story in this activity revolves in different characters. The Fortnite can be little tough later, that's the reason you could want Fortnite V BUCKS Hack tool free those become presented in particular click.
With Season 7 in full swing, version 7.01 might not look to exciting in contrast. That said, the new adaptation of Fortnite enters the Infinity Blade weapon from Epic Games' Infinity Blade series, the new Close Encounters limited-time mode, and more. Figure 2a: Data demonstrates the estimated earnings from item mode and rate vary in Fortnite players May 2017 — June 2018, based on the Edison Trends dataset.
VBUCKS Adventures
After the air starts, you'll see a preview in the upper-right curve regarding your activity (that you can minimise, if you want). This preview window enables you immediately toggle the microphone and webcam with and off, and you can also click on the "chat" bond to predict exactly what people are around around your terrible Fortnite death streak. If you're wondering what things are in the Fortnite shop today, on the generation that you're reading that, you can move to the Fortnite Battle Royale shop items guide So be updating that site every morning, to reveal all the brand new items which Epic brings to the Fortnite store.
If you want help with delivering the fortnite redeem in xbox live or playstation or microsoft marketplace then talk about the blog. If you cannot see and struggling to download fortnite game then write to us right now to get carry for the generator. V-Bucks are the most popular in-game buy for Fortnite players, cooking up 83% of objects purchased and 88% of use. While different V-Bucks amounts are intended for get, the lone most popular Fortnite piece is 1,000 V-Bucks for $9.99, reporting for 53% of things purchased and 33% of use.
Unfortunately, some Fortnite players, particularly results and teenagers, still fall for the many scams on-line and in YouTube promising them V-Bucks. You can use the Fortnite Generator to generate Free Fornite V Bucks, the procedure to do that is pretty straightforward, when you got the application by your own computer, just start Fortnite then place the amount of Fortnite V Bucks that you want to get in your account, when you are organized you just have to click on the Generate Buttons.
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Currently, Fortnite is distributed as three different game modes, using the same engine and has similar graphics, art tools, next brave mechanics. Fortnite: Fortnite is a co-op sandbox survival game developed with distributed by Epic Games Fortnite is defined in contemporary Earth, where the sudden arrival of the worldwide storm causes 98% of the world's population to recede, and zombie-like creatures spread to assault the remainder.
All the Fortnite Battle Royale tips you need, plus Fortnite Android info, free V Bucks, and Fortnite Server status updates. Fortnite is the best battle royale video competition of 2018. PUBG is a similar game, although the class is considerably less than Fortnite's. The core uncertainty remains whether the dancing used in Fortnite emotes are copyrightable material kept in US law. If not, then Epic Games' by using the parties is not copyright infringement, and in-game purchase of the point dances may remain unfettered.
Strange Statement On VBUCKS
More easily: Playing "Fortnite" is released, but growing through the game's loot-unlock system is not. While you follow now for the inside Fortnite game free v-bucks no person verification you will be presented rotating missions in the daily Quest machine. Once you have finished each one, you'll make your loose V-bucks and you will be able to spend them in reasons to the conflict Royale mode.
Now, not all Side Quests get you V-Bucks (Fortnite is attractive picky about these things) but the great function is that you have some Part Quests that finds people up to 150 V-Bucks. V Bucks Hack Problem in Fortnite also added an Anti-Ban story by employing Proxy setup. Fortnite battle royale is a free game, available in multi platforms. Participants could perform daily given challenges exactly where they can easily earn vbucks, it is the game internal currency which could be useful for the participant outfit and weapons.
The bank account confidence is the top priority! Protect your credit with permitting 2FA. As a reward for keeping the credit, you'll uncover the Boogiedown Emote in Fortnite Battle Royale. It's unclear at this time the way the Hidden Treasure item will work, however. It'd make sense if the item somehow told a singular, powerful weapon hidden somewhere around the map—but most Fortnite fans don't know what to expect quite yet.
So that's everything you need to know or getting put into Fortnite and Fortnite Battle Royale. We'll see you inside gutter. In answer , Epic group member darkveil” said, Yes!” The plan is already in place but it remains theoretically a bit difficult,” according to the comment. Epic wants to give mini-BR” ready with Creative where users can configure the Hurricane, use the bus drop feature, and other matters from the primary Fortnite battle royale island.
Fortnite season 6 is out today and able to buy but Epic Games have made a tell about V-Bucks purchases. Fortnite gift cards generator is a server-based tool. You can make unlimited gift cards codes by using this instrument. All term of Fortnite (that take 10 weeks), you fortnite vbucks are assigned a Tier Ranking. Just playing the action and achieving challenges can grow your Level Position. And for every Tier Position you unlock, you'll understand anything new. That may be some extra V-Bucks, a new skin or a good XP booster to encourage the reading.
Flamemaster”, a 10th grader, says that they are, Annoying, obnoxious, toxic, and infuriating.” What is now wrong? Of course, every game say the catches, and I am not trying to establish how Fortnite is a bad game, only show the way most people that perform this say ruined what could have been a reputable game. You will obtain an e-mail alert when the rate of Fortnite - 10,000 (+3,500 Bonus) V-Bucks can lower.
Motion blur: Turning that in includes a haze air when going. This a visual deciding that certain participants enjoy, but for a competitive activity of Fortnite, it may make things harder to find out when walking at speed. Break this down is recommended. Monitor your stats for Fortnite battle royale, complete with global leaderboards for solo, duo and squad gamemodes. Unlike the vast majority of multiplayer shooters, the object of Fortnite Battle Royale is to live, not to have kills. This is likely the most important Fortnite tips to evoke: you might find 98 kills and still lose.
You can turn off hardware acceleration with Google Chrome therefore which background applications implemented in Chrome do not consume too many resources once you are competing Fortnite. Free Fortnite V Bucks Generator Top and Calm Way for 2019. But, if you're not, then pay attention to this sector also read very carefully. As those fake V Bucks Hack can cause your ‘Fortnite account banned or blocked‘ if you slid to the trap.
Having moving storm crowds with creative would also be extremely met in the Fortnite competitive identity because persons will be able to consistently practice hectic end-game scenarios commonly referred to by LAN events. Fortnite could also follow PUBG's pattern also increase news guides to liven up the gameplay (but made with Fortnite's signature, goofy style). Other cars could be another interesting direction to look happening, with competitors PUBG , H1Z1 and now Appeal of Tax: Blackout successfully featuring vehicular gameplay.
0 notes
terrypevf1541-blog · 6 years ago
Have You Learned about Free V Bucks Fortnite?
Just how To Treat Fortnite V
Now for some latest exciting news: New leaks have appeared online that time to snow visiting the drawing of Fortnite Battle Royale for the winter season. Fortnite possesses a small player base. That's why Epic is making sure that all eligible participants with direct qualifiers are 13 years old or older, which players between 13 and 17 years old must have permission from a mother or legal guardian” to soften with the World Cup. That stuff contains more than 14 Plans to make your Fortnite FPS get top and minimize lag, also this includes over 30 Windows Tweaks & increases to boost concert with finally Raise your FPS while performing Fortnite.
To Get Free V Dollars in Fortnite Battle Royale, there are proportions of legit ways available for you. But, that free v bucks query and make itself an opportunity for scammers to scam game players by suggesting them Against Bucks Generator for Fortnite Game. If you happen to use Discord, then ensure that you optimize this as well to improve the FPS in Fortnite and other activities while Conflict is go in the education.
These virtual coins can be bought from the public Fortnite store as well as vendors including Microsoft next SPORT. Yet, with 1,000 coins costing roughly $10, there is a market for discounted coins which are eagerly snapped in place in persons. Now this is a very indirect question I have asked. Simply because Fortnite is merely a single variety of sport so many games may really see Fortnites model can they? Or could they? I believe they may. That clearly is appropriate to online games, particularly sports like Call of Job and FIFA.
Fortnite is control without V-Bucks, vbucks.codes gave me with endless total of v-bucks, to enjoy all of Roblox. While there is a copyright war against the game, it currently seems Fortnite is innocent, for now. Bloomberg surveys that PUBG Corp. posted "a notice of drawback" to Epic Games lawyers by Friday, which the litigation is right now closed. While it rests unclear just how much money criminals have gotten to make through Fortnite, over $250,000 were grossed in Fortnite points at eBay in a two-month time last year. Think from Sixgill and demonstrate an increase in the number of states of the competition on the black network, with primary correlation with the game's revenue.
This swagbucks link will allow for you to perceive a free Learn more here 3$ merit of positions when you make only 3$ worth. This will allow you to get at least the beginner system in fortnite. Squad up with your friends and get an Xbox One X 1TB console, Xbox wireless controller, Fortnite Battle Royal, Legendary Eon cosmetic fixed, with 2,000 V-Bucks. How To Receive Free V Cash In Fortnite? Here is really the query that Suddenly being heightened with all the Fortnite Game Players. The main cause is because; with V Bucks, it is possible to quickly access many of the articles within Fortnite game.
Part of Fortnite's advance to power has no doubt become the cross-platform availability, with everyday mobile gamers on the move able to get involved with great bedroom gamers on even footing ( Sony was reluctant , but cross-play operation has recently become allowed for PS4 players ). Most of the FORTNITE V BUCKS GENERATOR websites out there are try to ensure anyone which somehow their developers managed to hack into the FORTNITE Database, and therefore they may receive the unlimited free v-bucks in Conflict Royale game.
With Time 7 in full swing, version 7.01 could not sound to exciting in contrast. That said, the new translation of Fortnite embraces the Infinity Blade gun from Epic Games' Infinity Blade series, the new Close Encounters limited-time mode, and more. Figure 2a: Data program the estimated earnings from item sort with price selection in Fortnite players May 2017 — June 2018, based on the Edison Trends dataset.
The Five Commandments Of VBUCKS
If you're seeking more track to move up your Fortnite gameplay, be sure to look at these 40 awesome Fortnite Creative Island codes you can play today , and of course if you're a Fortnite Battle Royale player, be sure to check out the Fortnite Season 7: Week 8 Challenges call for facts and ideas. The Fortnite season 6 Battle Pass costs 950 V Dollars. A pack of 1,000 V Bucks can be purchased for £7.99.
Well, Fortnite's success isn't based just on the fact that it is free, but instead, it is due to how so its free-to-play asset interlocks with the premise and features of the game itself. That means that the fact that Fortnite is free on the moment is a great foundation to closely supports the other things we will be discussing. Form the elections are in and this been officially confirmed - Fortnite is the best Battle Royale game off here.
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Unfortunately, some Fortnite players, especially babies and teenagers, still fall to the many scams online with by YouTube offering them V-Bucks. You can use the Fortnite Generator to generate Free Fornite V Bucks, the procedure to do that is appealing straightforward, once you got the application upon your own computer, just launch Fortnite also laid the amount of Fortnite V Responsibilities that you need to get in your account, once you are organized you just have to click on the Generate Buttons.
Being the best at Fortnite Battle Royale is no easy accomplishment, and there's no sure-fire way to obtain a Success Royale every time. But, while we may guarantee you'll stop in the upper five each time you perform, our guide to playing Fortnite Battle Royale should help you out-survive your peers often than not. That important to see where chests are used in Fortnite - Battle Royale. That will give you the immense advantage. You can remember every single point but the easier way is to look at them on this application.
Epic Games are trying to develop a minute side of Fortnite Battle Royale for participants to enjoy with their friends with creative mode, using a smaller starting crowd. With summary, I found a backdoor breach into the lists of numerous large gaming business. The Fortnite Battle Royale database lets us to charge as many sources when I want in any Fortnite Battle Royale account.
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More easily: Playing "Fortnite" is released, but progressing through the game's loot-unlock system is not. While people project now to the center Fortnite game free v-bucks no man verification you will be presented rotating missions in the everyday Quest machine. As soon as you have finished each one, you'll follow your own loose V-bucks and you will be able to spend them by things for the conflict Royale mode.
And so these were some of the best method which is usually used to receive free v challenges in fortnite game without use any real change. Fortnite Battle Royale is an online multiplayer survival shooter developed by Epic Games , in which 100 players fight to be the last part putting with activities lasting less than forty minutes. It is a free game utilizing some mechanics from the original Fortnite, a success sandbox game, many aspects in the war royale” genre of games.
Good news on V-Bucks getting used to clean funds is anything but surprising, given that crooks are working with Fortnite to make money in a mind-boggling variety of methods. Similar to Snow in Year 7, Discovery awards any person who completes all eight weekly problems with a secret loading screen producing a fight star or hidden banner. Doing all this can be of composition, but for the most dedicated Fortnite players, that essential.
So that's everything you need to know before finding thrust into Fortnite and Fortnite Battle Royale. We'll make sure you from the ditch. With answer , Epic band member darkveil” said, Yes!” The plan is in place but it remains theoretically a bit difficult,” according to the comment. Epic wants to provide mini-BR” tough with Creative where users can configure the Tornado, use the bus drop feature, and other items from the main Fortnite battle royale island.
To get Fortnite on a MACHINE or Mac, you'll require a good Epic Games account. Unfortunately, there doesn't look like a direct way to stop childen from getting things going on your story, when they tell the password, though we've asked Epic Games and will update this tale when we hear back. The best Time Sound Options in the greatest soundboard for Fortnite. Use it in Reception, in Entertainment or When Death! Create your best times in engaging in online.
Flamemaster”, a tenth grader, says they are, Annoying, obnoxious, toxic, and infuriating.” What went wrong? Of course, every game holds their drawbacks, also I live not looking to prove how Fortnite is a negative game, just demonstrate how most people that participate it get destroyed what could have been a good game. You will meet an e-mail alert if the consequences of Fortnite - 10,000 (+3,500 Bonus) V-Bucks will stop.
Fortnite Battle Royale happens right now available in Android and IOS stock at free of cost. That amazing sport was founded also submitted by ‘Epic Games' company. The requirements to keep on that game are superior, recommended to use flagship way as the game counts upon weight entire planet record. In us you are able to develop free Fortnite V Bucks without completing any annoying surveys or moving yourself excluded in the game. Some Fortnite hacks include illicit bots that can be dangerous. Instead during our website we deal people the opportunity to get V Bucks without completing surveys, using illicit bots, or new illicit means.
After you have lived approved for the free gift, there will be the endorsement email. All you need is straight the idea and following the command to sign arrived near ones Samsung account, download Fortnite game, then make the 15,000 V-Bucks and also the Galaxy skin for free. A now-deleted tweet from a fake Epic Games report said: Fortnite will be closing lower upon Sept 26th 2018.
It is doubtful how much profit criminals were able to make out of money laundering, though Sixgill learned to Fortnite items got more than $250,000 on eBay in a 60 time time last year. A baby edition of Fortnite: Battle Royale will hopefully be around to persons soon via Creative Mode. Get V Bucks Free No Human Verify 2019 Hack Working Free V Bucks This Fortnite cheats will help in finding free v-bucks easily.
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