#when eddie's hurt or in danger the main person it impacts is buck right???
littlespoonevan · 1 year
ciara I trust your perspection so much so what are your thoughts on this eddie-less /less-eddie episode?I feel like they have ended the previous episode on such strong feelings that i think people are understandably upset about Eddie's absence in the dream. Thoughts?
ahhhh okay so. from a 'blorbos from my show' perspective, you better believe at least 25% of my brain capacity every time eddie wasn't on screen was thinking where is he asdkjfh like, i definitely checked how much time was left in the ep More Than Once because he hadn't been in it much lmao
but, if i take off my blorbo hat and put on my 'person with an english degree who knows how to engage in critical thinking' hat, i can try and offer you a logical explanation asjdh
so when i was first watching the ep i thought the dream world was sort of paralleling the real world?? as in the person buck interacted with in his dream was whoever was in the room with him irl at the time (like the way it cuts between chimney in his dream vs chimney sitting with him at the hospital)
that idea was sort of proven false bc chris didn't show up when he was talking to him however i do think there's still some merit in it. just because, it seems very clear from that chris/eddie scene that eddie hasn't been in the room much???? and so then that's maybe why buck doesn't really see him in his dream???? bc when eddie brings chris into the room he's Visibly upset. like, he walks chris over to the bed and then walks away as if he can't even watch. hen is mainly the one answering chris' question and eddie is standing at a distance, crying, as chris talks to buck.
so i think that's enough to sort of suggest eddie's maybe not ready to confront the reality of buck potentially dying and therefore didn't feel emotionally strong enough to be there like the others were????
now, i understand it was a very full episode. there's a lot to fit in, all of the characters have a strong connection to buck in one way or the other and they obviously spent a lot of time on the buckley parents that, under other circumstances, would've gone to members of the 118. so i'm not criticizing because i genuinely loved the episode.
however, i think it wouldn't have gone amiss for them to have given us one scene maybe between eddie and hen or something where we were explicitly told or shown in some way that eddie wasn't coping well with it. even just a shot of him sitting in the waiting room looking worn down would've done it, i feel.
i think him not being in the dream - as much as i would've loved an alternate meeting - makes sense in context and helps to emphasise that this world buck's found himself in is wrong. maddie's with doug, bobby's dead and his ghost is taunting buck, and eddie's gone. and idk i think there's something meaningful in the idea that coma!buck lost eddie before he could ever even have him because his impact on eddie right from the very beginning was so significant
also chris saying "can you help me find my dad" is making my brain whir in ways that i can't fully articulate yet askjdfhs
so TL;DR: it would've been nice to have at least one other scene to linger on eddie a bit more the way we got to see them do with bobby and maddie (and even chimney) but also i loved the scene we did get and i need to believe we'll get something more next week for the sake of my sanity lol ❤️
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