#when coloring their mom I realized her glasses's beads are the multiple colors that her family has and that is so cute
mikodrawnnarratives · 3 months
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Martin is the dead one in this au since Coraline's parents are the un-fun ones and Martin is already... martin
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alt under the cut (alternative version. I mean. I don't have descriptions yet.. that's my bad)
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thekitsune · 4 years
The Keyblade Witch, Luz Noceda
Here I am with a new fic! A Kingdom Hearts and Owl House crossover fic! Honestly, I did not even have this idea until I saw some fanart of the Kingdom Hearts 1 cover, but with the Owl House characters in place of the KH characters. It was amazing, and it made me realize just how well fitting these two series are to mix together. I hope everyone enjoys this fic as I have some ideas. Plus there will be some slight KH story changes to fit the crossover. Also, note, I will use worlds from the game as well as worlds based on other Disney cartoons/movies that have not appeared in the KH series. I might also add some worlds based on anime or video games, but if I do I will probably limit the number of them. We will see... Now enjoy the fic! And remember, that I do not own The Owl House or Kingdom Hearts!
Prologue ~ Dive to the Heart~
A void of complete darkness. No matter where she looked, she could only see infinite darkness. Was she trapped in some horrible dimension. With no possibility of returning to her friends or her mom? The very idea of this terrified her. She felt cold inside at the prospect of this. All of a sudden, she felt another cold chill before she lost her footing, and she began falling backwards.
Freaking out, she began waving her arms and legs erratically as she continued descending deeper into the black void. There was nothing to grab onto and no staff to catch her. Was this where she was going to die?! Her stomach felt like it did a multitude of flips as she fell even quicker. Flashes of her mother, Eda, King, Willow, Gus, and Amity passed through her eyes as she flinched in anticipation for a collision with some form of the ground.
What she got instead was a gentle breeze slowing her descent while also pushing her into an upright position. So shocked was she, that Luz took a couple of moments to realize that she was once again standing on something. Glancing down in surprise, she began to slowly walk around to try and find out where she was. However, the moment her foot made contact with something(?), the darkness beneath her shattered and fluttered away in the form of doves. Looking around in surprise, Luz was amazed and mesmerized at the sight.
Gasping in shock, she smiled at the sight before she realized that the ground beneath her was illuminating the entire void to different degrees. Looking back down, she was surprised to see that the platform was in fact a stain-glass platform of a girl that was a few years older than her. She must have been a princess considering she was wearing a crown.
"Wow..." Luz whispered under her breath as she gazed upon the platform. Smiling lightly, she once again began to look around. Now that there was some light, she was not nearly as scared as she was before. She was clearly in some void. What it was, she had no idea. She knew it was filled with darkness, but the platform beneath her proved that there might be hidden areas amongst the darkness. These platforms might mean something as well. While she did not know who the girl on the platform was, she had to be important.
The most important question in her mind though was: How did she get here? The last thing that she remembered was going to sleep in the Owl House. King had bunked with her again, and she cuddled up under the covers as she let sleep take her. So was this place a dream? But everything in here felt way too real. This fear, the amazed feeling at the seeing this platform, the sense of touch, and... "Ow! That hurt!" pain...definite pain.
This was real. Somehow, someway, it was real. And she was trapped here alone. Feeling her pockets, she winced when she realized that she did not have anything to draw glyphs on in case of something dangerous happening. Her fingers began to twitch as the thought went through her head. She had been through various dangerous situations since coming to the Boiling Isles, but she had always had someone or something to help her out during it. Now though...
Fear. It's a common emotion to feel in a situation like this.
"Ack! Who's there?!" Luz shouted after falling backwards in shock. Glancing around, she tried to see someone through the darkness, but she knew it was futile.
Ah. There's so much to get done, but alas we have so little time. We should begin.
With that statement, Luz froze as she heard a cracking noise. Looking back, she saw a crack begin to form across the platform. Shooting up, she felt sweat beads begin to form on her forehead as she looked around for somewhere else to go. Sadly, the crack turned into a full-blown spider-web before the entire platform shattered into glass shards. "Not againnnnn!!!...." Luz shouted as she immediately fell again. Gasping, she began floundering around again before letting out a grunt as she collided with another platform.
Rubbing her chin, she pushed herself up while suppressing a groan. Once she got back to her feet, she looked down and spotted a different princess on this platform. And she was surrounded by multiple circles, each with their own little man. They were kinda cute. Giggling at the sight, she looked back around before looking up into the sky. "The heck was that for voice?!"
As you know, danger can lurk around any corner. What will you use to defend yourself?
Blinking in surprise at the complete dismissal of her question, she jumped back in surprise as three pedestals arose from the platform. A spotlight emerged above each one. One had a sword with an odd symbol on the hilt and a blue handle. Another one had a magic wand...or was it a rod? The two ends of its handle were tan with the main portion of the handle being green. The head of the rod was a blue version of the symbol on the sword. The last pedestal had a shield resting atop it. The shield itself was pentagonal in shape with a red border and a black face. Once again that symbol was present on this weapon and was sporting a red color.
"Uh...I get that I'm suppose to pick a weapon, but I want to ask a very important question. What the heck is that symbol? It's on all three of these things!" Luz shouted in exasperation before sighing and shaking her head. She really had no idea what was going on, but she should just go along with it for now. Plus...that rod looks pretty cool...
Running over to the pedestal with the rod on it, she grasped it tightly in her hand and smiled in triumph. Now she had a wand like everyone else! Deciding to test it, she tuned out the voice as it spoke again, and began drawing one of the glyphs in the air. Smiling as the glyph shone before her eyes before bursting into a bright light like it usually would whenever she drew a large version of the light glyph. As the light expanded, she felt a warm feeling in her chest at the sight of her first spell with her own wand.
Choose one to give up. Please. I am tired of waiting.
Luz finally tuned back into the voice right as her wand disappeared which earned the voice an irate ''Hey! That was mine!'' Growling in anger, Luz let out a little "Hmph" as she folded her arms over her chest and pouted. Her mind finally registered what the voice had said which gave her something to distract herself with. Looking back over at the sword and shield, she let out a little "Hmmm..."
"I have a wand now so I don't really need a sword. However, that shield looks really big and heavy. My weak, nerd arms might not be able to lift it. Hm...Oh I know!" Luz shouted as an idea popped in her head before closing her eyes. Pointing at the sword, she began her choosing process, "Eenie meenie miney mo! Catch a tiger by the toe! If it hollers let it go! Eenie meenie miney...MO!"
Luz opened her eyes and saw that her finger had landed on the sword. Smiling in victory, she walked over to the weapon and grasped it tightly in her hands. Listening to the description of the sword, she was kind of disappointed since it apparently was a sword that gave someone invincible courage and caused terrible destruction. It must be really powerful...
"Well...do I really need a shield?" Luz whistled innocently as she turned on her heel and walked over to the other weapon. Grabbing it, she winced at the weight of the object. She was right, her weak little nerd arms wouldn't allow her to use this that effectively. As she was about to announce that she chose to give this one up, the description for it rang out:
The Power of the Guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is that what you wish to give up?
Luz froze at this. She would lose her kindness? She wouldn't be able to help defend her friends anymore? The faces of everyone that she held dear flashed through her mind. Looking back at the shield, she grasped it tightly before shaking her head no. Releasing it from her grasp, she walked back to the sword and announced that she gave it up. The sword vanished from the pedestal along with the shield, but she didn't feel any different so she knew that she didn't lose her kindness.
Be aware of the dangers that surround you. They can come from anywhere. Even the shadows.
Gasping as three black silhouettes shot out around the platform, she watched as they all sped around before slowly taking shape. Stepping back, she saw one shoot pass her, under her feet, and she heard a wooshing sound. Listening to her instincts, she threw herself forward right as the creature shot up from the ground and took a swipe at where her head was. Rolling forward, she jumped back to her feet and watched as the other two creatures rose from the platform as well.
Feeling a power begin to form in her chest, she stuck her hand out and watched as the magic rod that she chose only a few moments earlier materialized into her hand. Grabbing it tightly, she narrowed her eyes as she jumped back and quickly drew three small ice glyphs in the air. Each one was focused on one of the creatures. The rod shone before the glyphs lit up as well. Immediately, a spike of ice shot from each glyph and struck the creatures dead-on.
Smiling, Luz began hopping up and down in victory. Her victory hopping was cut short as another creature suddenly jumped at her. Shouting, she swung the rod and smacked it across the face which sent it flying off the side of the platform. Breathing hard, she collapsed to her knees and let her eyes dart around to survey the entire area.
Thankfully, the mysterious voice gave her the all clear as it soon began speaking again.
Nice work. Now, there are some questions that need to be answered.
Blinking in surprise as a door materialized on the platform. Pushing herself back up, she slowly approached the door and inspected it for any kind of trap. She wanted to trust this voice, but...it's sent her falling who knows how many feet and summoned shadow creatures to attack her. Sure it provided her with a weapon, but...it was sending her mixed signals.
Sighing, she grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open. A bright light shone through which caused Luz to shut her eyes tightly to try and shield her vision. Walking through the doorway, she winced as she kept moving forward. The hard platform beneath soon changed to feel like...dirt. Was she standing on regular ground now? Peeking down, she was surprised to see grass staring back at her. Did that door really just send her to a different location...then again, Eda has one as well so it's not too surprising.
Looking up, she gasped at the sight of the Owl House. "I'm back! I'm back!" Luz yelled in excitement as she was about to run towards the place that she's been calling home for the last few months. However, she screeched to a halt as soon as she saw three figures standing outside of it. None of them made a move to look at her. Looking at them cautiously, she held her hand out and watched as the rod...wand, she still wasn't sure, appeared in her grasp once more.
"Oh come on voice! When can I go home?!" Luz complained with a pout on her face.
There was a pause before it began speaking.
Just answer the questions, and it will speed up the process.
Luz blinked in a surprise before nodding and turning to face the three people that this world was showing her: Eda, King, and Amity.
Walking over to the fake King, she saw that he had his arms crossed while running his foot back and forth in the dirt. Holding back an 'Awww,' she waited for him to ask his question.
"What are you most scared of?"
Surprised at hearing King's voice in such a serious manner, she quickly went over the question in her mind before opening her mouth to answer, "I'm scared of losing my friends and family. I don't know what I would do if that happened." Fake King stared at her before looking back down and going back to what he was doing.
Walking away from the fake version of her friend, she walked over to her teacher, well the fake version of her anyway. Fake Eda smirked down at her before petting her head in the usual manner that Luz had become accustomed too since meeting her. "Hey kid, you know I'm not the real me, right?" Surprised at how direct she was being, Luz just nodded back which earned a chuckle out of her fake mentor. They failed at capturing King's personality, but they seemed to hit the nail on the head with Eda.
"Heh, anyway, I'm going to ask some stupid question that you have to answer alright. After this, go ask the fake version of your little friend over there the last question and then move on. Some things will be going on soon, and you need to be prepared for it. Now then," she coughs into her fist before raising her hand up, "What do you want out of life?"
Luz pursed her lips and began thinking hard. She really wants to be a witch, like Eda and Azura, but was that really all she wanted out of life? That was such a hard question... "I...I'm not really sure Eda. I mean...I want to become a powerful witch, but that's not the only thing I want! Maybe...maybe I just want to make some lasting friendships with others and have people who accept me for me as well? I don't know..."
Fake Eda looked down at her before running her hand over Luz's head once more. Luz glanced up and saw that the fake version of Eda went still once more which signaled that she needed to move on. Sighing, she turned and headed to fake version of Amity.
Fake Amity glanced up at her from the book that she was holding. Nervously waving at her, Luz quickly grabbed her hand when she realized this was not her real friend and pulled it back down. Fake Amity watched silently before speaking up, "What's most important to you?"
Luz didn't even hesitate to answer, "Everyone." Fake Amity briefly smiled before going back to her book. Before Luz could react to this, the entire world began shining brighter before she was once engulfed by light.
Opening her eyes after a few moments, she saw that she was on another platform in the endless void. Sighing, she looked up and saw that this platform had a path that lead to another platform. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she shrugged before running down the path.
"Almost there, almost there, almost there..." Luz muttered to herself as she approached the second platform. Taking a break to catch her breath, she looked around and saw that there seemed to be another spotlight like before shining down in the middle of the platform. Blinking in surprise, she slowly walked towards it.
Be careful. The closer you are to the light...the larger your shadow becomes.
Luz froze in shock before glancing back and spotting the elongated shadow that was attached to her feet. Summoning her rod, she began to draw another glyph in the air only to let out a grunt as an invisible force slammed into her gut and sent her flying backwards. Skidding to a halt, she opened her eyes when she realized her head was not lying on anything. Shooting up into an upright position, she glanced back and realized that she was almost sent flying off the platform.
Climbing back up to her feet, she watched as her shadow disconnected itself and rose from the platform's surface while transforming into a giant, hulking behemoth. Eyes wide, mouth hanging wide open, Luz almost dropped the magic rod in shock, but she quickly tightened her hold on it.
Don't be scared though. You have the power-
"Yeah yeah, 'I have the power to defeat it, blah blah,' Hush! I'm trying to concentrate on this boss fight so I don't get crushed!" Luz shouted in anger while holding the rod with both hands. Seeing the behemoth staring down at her, she quickly drew five small ice glyphs in the air and activated them which sent five ice spears straight at it. The behemoth swiped its arm down and smashed straight through them with ease. Wincing, Luz quickly ducked under another swipe and ran inbetween its legs to get behind it.
"Light spell!" Luz shouted as she drew a light glyph. Before she could activate it, she stumbled and fell to the ground as it smashed its fist into the platform. "Ughhh...stupid monster thing..." Luz grumbled before pulling her head up.
Glaring up at the creature, she tried to think of what to do before remembering something that she's done before. Looking down at her rod, she saw a small light shining at its tip. Pushing down on the platform as she stood back up, she began running around the platform while dodging the behemoth's swipes and punches. With a few close shaves, she smiled as she jumped onto its fist when it slammed it back onto the platform.
"Take this! Ice spell!" Luz shouted as she used the behemoth's momentum to send herself high into the air and right outside the glyph's area. Activating her rod, she watched as the glyph lit up before a huge pillar of ice shot out beneath the behemoth and sent it flying high into the void. Looking down, Luz flinched as she saw that there was now a massive hole in the platform. Sighing in relief, she de-summoned the magic rod and waited for the voice to say something...only to trip.
Straight into the hole.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 020 [Living Valley Online]
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Author’s Note: So, this was obviously inspired by the third ending, “Datte Atashi no Hiro” by LiSA. I love that ending and I thought it would be cool to explore that RPG side for a couple chapters! You can watch the clean version at the bottom of this page~
Word Count: 2,344
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〈“If you don’t like the way I talk, then why am I on your mind? If you don’t like the way I rock, then finish your glass of wine. We fight and we argue, you’ll still love me blind.” Dua Lipa, “Blow Your Mind (Mwah)”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“She was… a villain?”
Toshi nodded, hanging his head. “Alissa grew up as an orphan on the streets. She became a mercenary at a young age in order to survive. As she grew up, she came to care less and less for the rules society tried to force upon her and so… she became a contract killer.”
“A mother fucking assassin…”
“Yes. Her quirk, ‘rogue’, made it an easy profession for her. She could use stealth at will, and she was well versed in all manner of poison and venom.”
“Holy fucknuggets,”
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to hate her. Alissa’s rough childhood shaped her into who she became because she had no one to guide her, to show her love. She was utterly alone in life, and she did the very best she could with the cards she had been given.”
“Her past was pretty bad, that’s true,” Aizawa interjected. “But everything she did was her own choice. She understood that better than anyone and she didn’t go around making excuses for her actions. She took responsibility for her poor life choices.”
“Alissa had already begun to turn her life around when I met her. Rather than continuing on as an assassin, she chose to become a bounty hunter instead.”
“Ain’t they the same thing?” I raised a brow.
“No, they’re not. Bounty hunters don’t kill their targets, they incapacitate them and hand them over to the police.” Toshi held up a finger as he explained. “She stopped killing people and started to attack only criminals that had done terrible acts of violence. Actually, that’s how we met. She saved my life from a group of villains when I was in my last year of middle school. Of course, I had heard all of the rumors surrounding Alissasears, but she was surprisingly kind to me. She made sure I was unharmed and safe before taking off. After that day, it was like fate had decided that we would continue to cross paths. And then…”
“She turned herself into the police,” Aizawa muttered. “It was all over the news for months how the police had finally apprehended the famed assassin.”
“But she became a hero, right?” My brow furrowed. “How’d that work?”
“She made a deal with the police commissioner. In exchange for her cooperation and testimony against several top villains that she had done jobs for, they would let her go free. She agreed to this, giving up multiple associates and old clients. Because of her actions, twenty-five top villains of the time were taken into custody, but… she was never free again after that. She was under constant surveillance by both cops and villains. No one trusted her. Just like that, she was completely isolated again.”
“So you weren’t kidding when you said she had a lot of enemies, huh?” I swallowed, leaning back a bit.
“No, I’m afraid not.” Toshi heaved a heavy sigh. “As far as most people are concerned, Alissasears ‘retired’ from being a hero because of the target on her back, but there are a few people that know the real reason behind it.”
“Which is?”
He lifted his hand, pointing a bony finger at my heart. “You, young Jen. When she became pregnant with you, her whole world took on a new meaning. She did her best to avoid the public eye, but with so many people watching her so intently, she knew that that could never happen. Not here, anyway.”
Aizawa humphed. “She kept what she was planning a secret from all of us. She didn’t trust anyone… except for this idiot.”
“Even then, she didn’t tell me everything. The day she tried to leave, for example. Alissa kept telling me that she was planning to make a break for a different world, but she never told me when she was going to leave. And then she tried to run.”
I scratched my cheek, my brain trying to process all of this new information. My head is really starting to hurt… “You told me before that she… uh, died in your arms… How’d you find her?”
“When she was heading for the meeting spot, she realized that the hero killer, Stain, was following her. She panicked… I’ll never forget getting that message from her. I was on the other side of town at the time, attempting to help save a group of women being held hostage. Maybe if I had left immediately instead of waiting, she…”
“Tch,” I leaned forward, flicking him hard between the eyes. He winced, blue eyes snapping to meet mine. “All these years and you’re blamin’ yourself, aye? Not cool, Toshi.”
He gave me a sad smile, nodding his head. “I have many regrets when it comes to her, but… the past is the past. There’s nothing I can do to change that.”
“Hmm, and you’re trying to make amends by taking care of me, huh?” I cocked a brow, folding my arms over my chest.
He jumped out of his seat in surprise, blood spurting from his mouth and onto the white blanket draped over Aizawa, who glared at him. “Of course not! I mean, in a way, I hope it makes up for my failures, but I genuinely do care about you, young Jen!”
“Calm your man tits, I was kidding.” I grinned.
Aizawa continued to glare at him, not that he noticed.
Toshi took me by the shoulders, his expression dead serious. “No matter what happens from here on out, I promise you, Jen, I won’t let the league of villains take you. I don’t know what they want from you, if it’s some sort of revenge or if they have other plans, but I won’t give them the chance.”
His sincerity caught me off guard. My grin softened to a smile as I pulled his hands from my shoulders. “I don’t need you to defend me ’cause I’m gonna get stronger. I’ll defend myself and everyone I care about. Let that blue-haired freak come for me. I’ll make him regret the day he was fucking born!”
Toshi smiled proudly, giving me a nod.
“You can both leave now,” Aizawa grunted. “And get me a clean blanket.”
“Oh yeah, that reminds me.” I rubbed the back of my head, giving them a blank look. “Apparently I can teleport,”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Are you fucking serious?!”
I winced, pulling the phone back away from my ear. “Do you have to be so goddamn loud?”
Bakugo scoffed from the other end of the line. “Bitch, you just told me your mom is Alissa-fucking-sears!”
I scratched my cheek. “She’s that popular, huh?”
He was silent for a moment. “Oi, have you told anyone else?”
“No, you’re the only person I really talk to, bro.”
“Good. Don’t fucking mention that to anyone else, got it?”
“D’aww, are you worried about me, Bakuhoe~?” I grinned.
“I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!! And no I ain’t worried about your dumbass! Are you gonna fuckin’ log in or not?!”
“Yeah, yeah, geez.” I put the phone on speaker, setting it on the coffee table beside me before picking up the controller and booting up my game system. “What’s this game about anyway?”
“It’s an RPG,”
I hummed. “Doesn’t seem like your kinda game,”
He scoffed. “It’s currently one of the hardest games to fucking beat. I’m gonna destroy this fucking game and leave all those losers in the dust!”
“‘Kay… but why do I have to play?”
“Bakuh -”
“Shut up,” he grunted. “This stupid game doesn’t let you play alone.”
“And you have no friends, huh?”
“S-Shut up, bitch! You don’t, either!!”
Yeah, but I’m not the one trying to play a multi-player game. I rolled my eyes as the game loaded.
“Hurry up and make your damn character!”
“Don’t fucking rush me,” I scowled, selecting the swordmaster class. “Fuck, there’s so many options. Why are there so many options? This is hella detailed for a free game.”
“Che, I’m gonna go get food. You better be done by the time I get back!”
Hm, should I make her look like myself or a completely different person? Making a cute ass guy is also an option. Meh, I’ll just make her look like me with a few subtle changes. Let’s try… green hair? Ooh, girl, green is not your color, fam. Blonde maybe? Oh, that actually looks pretty dope, but it’s too normal. Red? Not nearly as cool as Erza Scarlet. Damn, that blue looks amazing, though. Maybe I’ll dye my real hair that color for a while.
Now for the clothes. I’ll just choose some pants and a basic, plain shirt with boots. I confirmed her looks and the game started to load. I heard a door opening and slamming over the phone, followed by the obnoxious sound of someone munching loudly on chips.
“Are you done yet?”
“Just loaded in.”
“Ignore the fuckin’ NPC and come outside.”
“No can no, chief. Gotta do the tutorial before I can leave.”
“For fuck’s sake!”
I chuckled at his impatience. “Tuts usually aren’t too long, keep your thong on.”
And I was right. Five minutes passed and the tutorial ended. I left the building, a blinding white light filling the screen.
それ以上に上昇 ☆ Living Valley Online
Bakugo was waiting outside the building, leaning against the wooden support beam. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he was wearing an open vest, the top rimmed with thick white fur. Red fangs hung from his ears, and various necklaces and beads hung around his neck. His pants were blue, white fur between the hem and the top of his black boots. Red cloth was pulled over his elbows and a cutlass was strapped to his waist.
“Fucking finally!” he scowled, holding his palm up. A blue screen projected in front of him and he glanced at me. “Swordmaster, right?”
He pressed on the screen a couple times before a sword materialized in his hand. “It’s only a rank twenty, but it’s better than that shitty rank one on your back. Trade me.”
A blue screen popped up in front of me: ‘LordXplosionMurder has requested to trade with you.’ I accepted and selected my sword, while he added the higher level sword and some potions. We both confirmed the trade and I took the sword out to examine it. The metal was dark grey with a faint sapphire-blue glow around the blade. The handle was wrapped in leather with wolves stitched into it with black thread. The game said it was a blue item – rare.
“Let’s go! We need to power level your ass!”
I hummed as I followed behind him, strapping the sword to my back. The fantasy city we were in was called Rune Province. According to the information popping up beside me, this is the main city in the game, but it was only medium-large in size. The buildings were made from white brick and dark oak wood. Lanterns hung beside the doors, a cream-colored candle unlit inside.
Hmm, so it’s a fantasy middle-age type game without electricity.
“Hey, what’s the max level in this game?” I asked, glancing at his back.
“One hundred eighteen.”
“And what level are you?”
“One hundred.” He growled, clenching his fists. “You have to pass through the fuckin’ Jade Forest to get to the level one hundred one area, but you have to have at least one level eighty in your party to enter the fucking place.”
“Sheesh. How long you been playin’ this shit?”
He mumbled under his breath.
“You’re walking in front of me, Bakuhoe, I can’t hear you.”
“Since it came out!” he yelled, earning weird looks from the citizens and other players. “And stop fucking calling me that, bitch!”
If I remember correctly, the download page said this game came out a little under a year ago. Has he been playing alone this whole time? I sped up so I could walk beside him. “So, how are we gonna power level?”
“We’re going to Moonbrick Manor,”
I hummed, folding my hands behind my head. “Sounds interesting. And I just gotta let you fight, right?” He grunted and a screen popped up in front of my face: ‘LordXplosionMurder has invited you to a party!’ I accepted and he stopped in front of a wooden post, atop which was a whitish blue stone with a teal swirl in the center. He put his hand on the stone, grabbing my wrist with the other. A bright blue light surrounded us, blinding me.
When the light faded, we were standing in front of a large wooden door, standing at least twenty feet tall. We were on a stone bridge surrounded by spruce forests as far as the eye could see. I glanced over the side of the bridge and whistled. This shit is hella high off the ground, so much so that I can barely see the river flowing underneath it. The fog hanging in the air didn’t help my visibility, either.
“Stop gawking and let’s go, bitch!” Bakugo barked.
I approached the gate, lifting my hand to the wood. A red screen popped in front of my face: ‘Warning! You are about to enter a level one hundred dungeon. Your current level is one. You will definitely die. Proceed?’
I sweatdropped. No pulling punches, huh? “Uhh, Bakuhoe. Don’t think this area is just a bit too high?”
“Hah? Are you scared, tiger?” He smirked, folding his arms over his bare chest.
The fuck is with that nickname, brah? I scowled, “No, I’m not scared, but it’ll take ten times as long to level up if I keep getting one shot when an enemy so much as looks at me.”
He rolled his eyes, approaching the door. “Just stay the fuck behind me and you’ll be fine, dumbass. I’m not weak like you are!” His body walked through the door as if it were made of water.
I have a bad feeling about this, man.
With a sigh, I accepted the warning and stepped through the door.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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teatimewithlennon · 5 years
I Know The Way There [John Lennon] - Part 2
~~Lydia makes her way to her dad's cafe to help out when he gives her a good piece of advice~~
Part One
Song Inspo
Word Count: 1298
{Also, the cafe name came from my friend Brandon, he wanted me to tell y’all.}
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One of the great parts of living in such a big, weird, city is that you don't look that crazy taking a bus in full glam-rock clothes at 9 am. You do still get weird looks from old ladies, but it's not too bad.
I do realize that I could just jump to the places I need to go to, but there are a few problems with it.
1) It's not exactly the most conspicuous thing to just pop out of nowhere in the middle of a crowded city 2) It does quite a number on the body to do multiple times in a row And finally...
3) You don't get the lovely experience of little kids asking to touch your jacket spikes.
So I tend to just take the bus when I need to go somewhere. Driving in Seattle is a nightmare and I don't even have a license. You'd think with the ability to time travel I could find the time to go get my license, but honestly, the real problem isn't time. It's the lack of ability to pass a driver's test. My dad always gets on my ass about it.
Henry Tyler is a great man and an even better father. He and my mother always tried to give me the best in life. Even if they didn't mean to have me, they cherished me with every fiber of their being. See, my parents never tried to have kids; when my mother was younger she had been told she could probably never have kids due to an illness she had. My parents were fairly old when they had me and had already settled down into a life without kids. They owned a cafe, had a cute little apartment, and they thought their dogs were enough; having never considered adopting. But, like many things in life, something unexpected happened and my mother had me. While both my parents were excited, my dad was ecstatic; something he'd never thought he'd feel about a child.
Even more unexpected was that I'd have the abilities I do. They were extremely freak at first; when I started teleporting as a toddler. In the beginning, they thought I was just moving around the house really fast until they found me in very strange places. Like inside the dryer, or on top of the bookcases. My mother believed it to be a gift from the universe, that I was a gift from the universe. She relished every second she had with me.
When I get to me stop, I swing myself out of my seat and off the bus, making quick pace down the street.
The Ballard neighborhood is much prettier than Seattle proper. I mean, nothing against downtown, but I hate towering buildings and the smell of piss everywhere. Also, this is where I grew up. The area is full of breweries and therefore, hipsters. It's a quaint area and looking out over the water from the locks is a real sight to behold.
As I turn around the corner my dad's cafe comes into view. The building is brick and very old as is most of the Ballard area. There are two metal tables out front on either side of the door with beautiful white and yellow striped umbrellas. At one table sits a couple enjoying an early morning cup of coffee before heading off to start their days. On the glass in the front of the cafe is a cute drawing of a coffee mug with the words, "Terrains De Repos" printed in cursive.
I push open the door and am greeted with the smell of freshly ground coffee and baked goods. Slow music plays softly in the background.
"Dad!" I call out, "I'm here to help set up for tonight."
The morning sun shines through the glass onto the checkered floor tiles. In the front windows of the shop, on either side, are counters with four bar stools. On the right wall is an old sofa with colorful pillows set out. Next to it is a couple of comfy armchairs. The coffee table in front is covered in old copies of Rolling Stone. Across from this sitting area is another, this one with several bean bag chairs on top of a bright orange rug from the 70s. Against the brick wall is a record player with several wood cartons of vinyl under it.
Moving further back into the cafe there is an elevated platform on the left wall. On it, there is a small music setup, with two guitars, one electric, and the other acoustic; as well as a couple of amps and a microphone. There are a few tables against the wall opposite the makeshift stage. The walls are covered in old photos and posters. Some from my parents' escapades and some from my own.
Then, there's the counter. It stretches across the back wall ending just before a hallway. Half of it has a pastry case full of wonderful goodies. There sits a vintage cash register on one end. Next to the register is a tip jar labeled "LSD Fund" and a bell. Behind the counter are all of the coffee machines and other accouterments of the trade. On the Back wall is a photo of my mom smiling brightly.
Just as I reach to ring the bell on the counter, my dad comes out from behind the bead curtain leading to the kitchen.
"Hey there kiddo," He says with a smile, "Didn't think you'd be here so early."
"Well, I got in earlier than I thought I would," I hop onto the counter.
"You sure don't look like it. You doing okay?" He asks with that fatherly concern of his.
"I'm fine. Just a little hungover is all." I say with a sigh.
"The 80s will do that to a person," He starts pouring a cup of tea for me. "but to me, this seems like more than a hangover. I can see it in your eyes pumpkin."
"I'm just having a hard time finding inspiration for my music." He hands me my cup and I look into the brown liquid.
"You've never had that problem before." He looks concerned, "Has something changed?"
"It's just- It's that I've been all sorts of wonderful places. I keep going to all these places hoping that I'll find something that drives me to make real music. I've met so many people, but no one has made me really feel something authentic." I look up from my cup of tea, "I want to have something like you did with mom. I've realized I'm nowhere near that. And for some reason, I can't see it in the future."
"Maybe your love isn't waiting for you in your future, maybe your love is somewhere unexpected." His eyes are soft when I meet them.
"I just don't know how that would work. If it's someone in the past, wouldn't they already be here?" I ask
"How would I know, you're the time wizard." He shrugs at me. Walking over to put a recond on. "This one goes out to a one Miss Tyler."
I hop off the counter and skip over to him as the iconic beginning song of Rubber Soul starts to play. And as those first notes play I start to dance, and my dad sings the opening to me.
"Asked a girl what she wanted to be She said, 'baby, can't you see I want to be famous, a star on the screen But you can do something in-between'"
When the chorus builds I grab the microphone of the stage and sing back to him.
"Baby, you can drive my car Yes, I'm gonna be a star Baby, you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you"
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quirksofartstuff · 6 years
Searching For The Perfect Mother's Day Gift? Look No Further Than This Handy Quirktacular Guide!
Mom, Mother, Mama-there is not a word we can call the woman that gave us life, took care of us, or took us in that can do justice for what our mothers have done for us. Whether it is a biological mother, adopted mom, grandma, a very special Aunt, a dad that had to act as both, or even a friend that was able to take on that motherly role for you, we all think of someone that means the world to us when we hear that word. Sunday, May 13th (look at that reminder I made sure to include. YOU. ARE. WELCOME!) is the day we in the US celebrate our very special someone, and this year Quirks and The Sideshow have gift ideas to help you find the perfect token of your love, Friends!
We have gone through some of our very favorite Mom gifts in the galleries, and have made a handy dandy list just for you, Dear Friends! These whimsical items range from the classic jewelry to the oh so sweet and beautiful art-all guaranteed to make your Mother over the moon ecstatic that you remember and appreciate all she has done for you since you came into her life and made her world shine a little brighter! AND we even have a code for you when you check out! Don't forget to use quirksblog when checking out for a surprise discount!!
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10. "Love Mom" 3' Art Pole by Painted Peace
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From artist Stephanie Burgess, who is the first artist to introduce the concept of the art pole, this This 3-foot Art Pole features bold, bright colors and sentimental messaging "All Things Grow From A Mother's Love". It makes a uniquely beautiful addition to any lawn or garden. A Studio M exclusive, Art Poles are an impactful way to bring beautiful artwork to any landscape. Ultra-durable for years of enjoyment, and best of all, there's no digging required!
9. Crown Handbag by Mary Frances
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Mary Frances beaded handbags fuse whimsy with elegance, femininity with functionality. Richly embellished with opulent natural stones and trims from all over the world, each piece is handcrafted in intricate detail.
8. Fabulous As Fuck Slouchy Women’s Tee
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Screen printed right here in Williamsburg, this subtle and unique tee with The Sideshow’s logo on the nape of the neck, the soft as kittens Fabulous as Fuck Women's Slouchy Tee lets everyone know your Mom is fabulous and she knows it. #momgoals
Don't forget to check out other prints available now at Quirks and The Sideshow stores and websites!
7. Bird Sculptures By Mullanium
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Mullanium’s song bird scultures are not only gorgueous and unusual pieces of art, but each one is different because the props are all made from found objects. That does mean each one with vary slightly from the photos, but this also means each gift is 100% unique! Check out this Cardinal, which is especially perfect for the special lady in your life because a cardninal stands for beauty, vibrancy, and nobility-something the ladies of Quirks and Sideshow know an awful lot about!
6.Colorful Bobtanical Art Glass Sculptures by Kliss Glass
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Kliss Glass is one of the newest artists to join the Quirks and The Sideshow family! Bob and Laurie Kliss create sculptural blown glass objects with a playful use of color, form, texture, and shape. They take pleasure in each handmade piece they create and strive to enrich the lives of art lovers everywhere, and that includes you, Friends! Like flowers from a fairy tale, this trio has whimsical blossoms sprout from colorful blown glass vessels that are sandblasted and acid etched for a soft, matte finish. Each vessel is dotted with glass cane, and the flower's striped stamen serves as a removable stopper. Signed and dated on bottom. Each is unique, so size and shape will vary slightly.
5. Spicher and Company EB I Love You Mom Sentiments Quotes Framed Print Wall Art
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Perfect for any of your mom’s home, office, class room, dining, hospital, restaurant walls, this inspirational Wall art by Spicher and Company will let your favorite mother figure know that you are always thinking of them, and love them with all of your heart. It's also available in multiple sizes!
4. Sticks Wine is Good Lazy Susan
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Sticks lazy susans make art functional for your kitchen aid – All printed and made with love in Des Moines, Iowa. This beautiful American Folkart is not only useful, it is perfect for the wine and art loving Mama. This roomy 18-inch lazy susan is a functional conversation piece. Words are etched by hand directly into the 3/4'' thick maple plywood and then hand embellished with paint. Finished with numerous coats of protective semi-gloss finish, so no worry about those wine spills! Note: shipped with wording ''Wine is Good'' in center. This item is available to be personalized, though...just message us with details.
3. Single Diamond Sterling Silver Bangle Bracelet By Rene Escobar Jewelry
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Rene Escobar is the namesake jewelry label launched in the early 90s. A family-run label now in its third generation, Rene Escobar's collections bring together artisanal design techniques with precious metals and stones in a collection of jewelry, featuring necklaces, cuffs, earrings and rings.
2. Chickenscratch Cherry Blossom Pin by Lisa and Scott Cylinder
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In a time when personal interactions are at a minimum, Chickenscratch jewelry creates a narrative that invites conversations through stories, humor, and clever anecdotes. It is this human aspect that gives the work a warmth that is sometimes nostalgic, often curious, and usually joyful. This playful piece features blackened and green patinated leaf and stem with a nickel silver, felt and a brass flower. A copper worm crawls on the stem, adding that quirky vibe and look that let's everyone know your mom isn't a regular Mom, she's a super cool Mom!
1. Houston Llew "Miracle" Spiritile
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Handmade molten glass on copper art collectible, "Miracle" was made by the Houston Llew Studio in Atlanta, GA. The beautiful saying on the side is "When you need a miracle, just look at your child and realize you created one.". It is perfect for a truly heartfelt gift for the Mom you love to spoil, and the artisanship is flawless, and it is practically impossible to choose just one for this list. We managed to do it for you, my dear Friends, but come into Quirks to see even more! Trust us, there is a veritable plethora to choose from!
Which of our picks is your favorite? More importantly, which one will you be getting for your Mom for Mother’s Day (SUNDAY MAY 13TH, DON’T FORGET!) to celebrate how wonderful she is? Tell us in comments, or come on in to Quirks and tell us in person!  As always, don’t forget to follow Quirks on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and Don't forget to use the code quirksblog when checking out for a surprise discount!!
Check out our sister store The Sideshow, has it’s own Instagram, Facebook, and, of course, website, and we can’t wait to show you how we’ve made the new gallery our very own. Good Shot Judy, one of our favorite bands in the world, will be clowning around for our Grand Opening!
Jenn's newest gallery adventure will not only carry fantastical furnishing and art, but it will also be Colonial Williamsburg's very first "tattoo" parlor! Curious? Join us on Sunday, May 13th at The Sideshow for our first artist trunk show!
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themomsandthecity · 7 years
Should I Send My Kid to Preschool?
My son turned 3 in June, and I've already had a few people ask me where I will be sending him to preschool. "It will get him socialized before kindergarten, and you don't want him to be behind," they said. I shrugged it off; it sounded like a glorified day care to me. But then I started to worry. What if my son does get behind and I could have prevented it? What if he gets to kindergarten and starts to pull other kids' hair or scratch them or, even worse, bite them? I was a biter. Then reality set in, and I panicked. "If I don't send him to preschool, he could get kicked out of kindergarten and it will be my fault." I couldn't let that idea escape me and it really made me wonder. Should I send my kid to preschool? Until this point, I've been fortunate enough to avoid the high sticker price of day care. I primarily work from home and I have a lot of family that lives close by. So the idea of paying a stranger to teach my son while I do laundry or mow the lawn seems absurd. I started asking my mommy friends what the going rate was for preschool, and I was shocked! Related 3 Reasons to Send Your Child to Preschool One of my friends has a baby under the age of 1 and a 3-year-old. She pays close to $900 dollars a month for her two sons, and that's after her 15 percent discount. Another friend of mine spends $600 dollars a month on preschool for her 3-year-old daughter. Yet another friend spends $400 a month for her daughter, and she gets an employee discount for working at the school because she's a teacher. These numbers made my head spin! How am I going to afford preschool and college? I started thinking about items in my home I could sell, or side jobs I could do. "Do they take credit cards?" I was ready to vomit when, out of the blue, I heard some healing news. My friend Kristi's 4-year-old son just started pre-K at a public school, and she told me it was a free program. "It's free?" I said. I didn't realize that Florida (where I live) has state-funded pre-K. This means I can take my son to a public preschool after he turns 4 and not pay a single dime. I took a couple of deep breaths, had a glass of Pinot, and dove headfirst into Google. I needed more statistics and some info. After reading numerous articles and multiple studies, I had a good understanding of preschool and how it could benefit my child. But I wasn't quite convinced. I wanted to speak to an actual person, someone who could give me a personal account of how impactful preschool could be. So I phoned Charlsie McElroy, my cousin who teaches first grade, and her mother (my aunt), Dr. Jobeth Bird. Dr. Bird is a retired elementary school principal with a 32-year-career in the field of education. They both gave me their professional opinions on how beneficial preschool can be and why I should strongly consider it for my son. Here are some of the major pros and cons when considering preschool for your child. Pro: They will learn to socialize better and share. I take my son on a lot of playdates. We regularly attend the library for story time, the waterpark (during season), Chik-fil-A's playground, and even Gymnastics Plus for the preschool jam. But he only engages with one or two kids a day. In preschool, they spend four hours a day with 10-20 other kids their age. They will be forced to share that one teddy bear or Lego set and have no choice other than to work with (rather than against) other children. Opposition: Lots of siblings and/or friends. If they already have two or three siblings in their life 24/7, socialization and learning to share might not be a major priority. They may already be getting the social skills they need from their siblings, cousins, and even neighborhood friends. Con: Preschool is expensive. There are still six states remaining in the US that have a zero budget for state-funded preschool. Your only option may be to fund it yourself, and we've already covered how expensive it can be. Opposition: It could be free. The good news is there are 44 states with state-funded preschool. If you live in one of these states, then just be thankful and take the cost of preschool out of your cons list. There are also a lot of churches that do preschool, and some are nonprofit. It's worth looking into. Pro: Routine and attention span. In preschool, they are introduced to a routine, and in kindergarten, they are forced into it. Kids who are used to a routine can focus more on academics. Less temper tantrums, a lot more learning. Dr Bird said she witnessed a major difference in the kids who skipped out on pre-K."They did not have the routine down or the attention span that the other kids did," she said. "And they really struggled because of it." Con: Transportation might be a challenge. Now that you've signed them up, how will they get there? Riding the bus to school isn't recommended until kindergarten, and preschool isn't full-time like K-12. It will be your responsibility to drop them off and rush back a few hours later to pick them up. If you don't have a car or the time to make all the necessary trips, this might be a problem. Possible solution: Try carpooling with a fellow mom or asking grandma for help every now and then. Pro: They will learn to problem-solve. Wouldn't life be great without any math problems or social problems or emotional problems? Problems are what make the world go round, and we love to hate them. "Most preschools will teach kids to count with blocks and actually learn what letters are," Charlsie McElroy said. In most preschools, the focus is on learning in a fun environment; no major math or reading will be introduced until grade school. Related What a 25-Year Veteran Teacher Wants Parents to Realize About Kindergarten Con: Some preschools are glorified day cares. Be aware of what preschool you decide to take your little one to. There are plenty of day cares out there with a preschool label slapped on the title. I'm not slamming all day care, but some are there to take your money and provide you with very little return on your investment. Make sure you choose a place with a trained professional and avoid an establishment that will simply stick your kid in front of a TV all day. You can do that yourself for free. Pro: They will build motor skills. My son seems to be focused on scissors a lot lately, and that terrifies me. In preschool, they will be taught how to cut and color, thread beads, climb, and glue. I have already begun to incorporate these things into my son's routine now, but it will help him to be around other children who are also learning these skills for the first time. Con: Early schooling might have a negative effect on your child's development. This is an age-old argument that is never going away. Experts say a child's brain reaches 90 percent capacity by age 5 and that maximizing their ability to learn is essential. But others argue that we are overschooling our children and we shouldn't be teaching them any academics until they are 6 or even 7 years old. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but that seems a little absurd. That is the beauty of perspective and why we all must find our own. Do a little research. Knowledge is power. Being well-informed before you make your decision is key. Pro: It can increase their self-esteem. Having high self-esteem is going to be very important for your child over the course of their school journey. Children who attend preschool have higher self-esteem by kindergarten than ones who didn't. "The biggest difference was self-esteem and how much they liked school," Dr. Bird said. "The ones who had high self-esteem were willing to try more." Con: They might be better off with the person who loves them the most. This is the only reason that I am still not quite convinced. I know how much time I spend teaching my son right from wrong. I do daily activities with him. I read with him. I have playdates with him. I even take him outside when he wants to swing or swim (even when it's 100 degrees). I nurture and love him every single day. A stranger can't give him the personal attention that I can when they are responsible for 20 other kids. Related Mom Photographs Her Daughter Before and After Her First Day of Preschool and the Results Are Hilarious Middle ground: It's a personal choice. Every child has a different home life. Some have parents who must both work 40+ hours a week to pay the bills. Staying home with your child and creating that fun daytime environment might not be an option for you. That's OK because you are doing the best you can. Be proud of that. Take full advantage of the benefits that preschool can offer and enjoy watching your kid grow stronger and smarter every day. http://bit.ly/2vFZj3v
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