#when I got my covid vaccine and my body decided to self destruct it was dark red for a whole week.
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Hey guys! So I already tried to create this once. I got down to the very end and my computer self destructed and deleted everything. So this is my second attempt and doing EVERYTHING OVER. Anyway, I have to do this for my biomed class, and I thought y’all would like to read some of this too. So, enjoy! I will have the sources at the bottom in case you want to check out the websites yourselves.
Anyway, stay safe and wash your hands you filthy animals!
What is it?
The COVID-19 is considered a betacoronavirus, which means that it is a single-strand RNA. It attacks the RNA in your body and takes over your cells. The way this virus is transmitted is through respiratory droplets that are spread when someone coughs or sneezes. These droplets could land in the mouth or nose of someone sitting nearby, travelling to their lungs and infecting them, too.
There are different strains of the virus, alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Alpha and beta are most common in humans.
The good news about this virus is that it hasn’t changed much in a thousand years. I read somewhere that it was described as a raging storm. The waves were thrashing and it was chaotic on the surface, but underneath it was all the same. Most of us haven’t been exposed to this disease ever, unless we were alive in the 1960′s when they were first trying to create a vaccine for it. And lets face it, if you are on this website, you weren’t.
So, when your body comes in contact with a new virus such as this, what does it do? First, the virus must sneak in through a back door and into our cells, like a burglar. Only certain proteins can unlock our cells, since the receptors on the cells only open for them, but when these certain proteins open the cells, the virus sneak inside. From there, they start damaging your cell before moving on to more. After they break from the old cell, your body sends white blood cells to fight them, since they just now detected the virus. If this doesn’t work, which in this case it doesn’t, your body starts to wreck havoc on your lungs and kills the tissue so that the virus can latch on and feed on the good tissue. Your body repairs you lungs, but that takes a while since they are fighting the virus in your body. Your lungs stay in the crappy state until your body can find a way to fight back. And as Laboratory head Katherine Kedzierska says, “The immune cell populations we have seen emerging before patients recover are cells that we see in influenza.” So there you have it guys. Our bodies are fighting the beer virus with influenza. Great.
You see this mess up here?^ That is because a guy in Wuhan, China decided to eat a bat. Out of all the beautiful food on this planet, he decided to eat a bat. Since he got it from a bat, it is considered zoonotic. He then spread it to other people and they spread it to other people...you get the point. I don’t know who he is, and I don’t know where he lives exactly, but I really want to smack him with the loaf of bread that I do not have right now.
Now, let’s talk about Wuhan, China. Researchers aren’t exactly sure where the first case was at, but a large number of people who first got it where it Wuhan. At first people believed that it was caused by the large seafood market in the city, but people near there who got the virus claimed that they never bought or ate anything from there. So, it limits us to the guy who ate a bat.
When Should You Be Concerned?
As we all know by now, this has been considered a pandemic. A pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new virus, for those of you who do not know.
There are more than 118,000 cases in over 114 countries, and professionals believe that these numbers are going to continue to climb. The World Health Organization have been watching this outbreak since it first started, and were alarmed by the spread and severity of the COVID-19. Already they are calling for countries to take urgent and aggressive action. Don’t panic, but be vigilant of your surroundings and take precautions to remain safe.
How Bad Is It?
Right now, there are 193,475 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with only 7,864 deaths. Compared to the flu, which had 34 million cases, this isn’t that drastic. In addition, the death rate of the coronavirus isn’t as high as the others, either.
For example, by National Geographic(which is old data compared to what I just shared. Please don’t kill me) the COVID-19 has 31,528 confirmed cases and 638 deaths, which comes to only a 2% death rate overall. In addition, SARS(2002-2003) had 8,098 cases and a 10% death rate. MERS(2012-present) has 2,494 cases and a 34% death rate overall. Ebola(2014-2016) has 28,616 cases and a 40% death rate.
If you are worried about the death rate compared to age groups, I got that too.
How Are Other Countries Doing?
As of right now, there are 207,615 cases of COVID-19 in the world. China is first with 81,100, followed by Italy, Iran, Spain, and Germany. The total number of deaths is 8,248. China is first with 3,100, followed by Italy, Iran, France, and South Korea.
But, in the light of all this gloom, there have also been many people to recover from the virus, 82,104 in fact. The recovery rates are: first China at 56,927, followed by Iran, Italy, South Korea, and Spain.
With all these recoveries, you think people would stop stealing toilet paper.
Treatment and Control
If you have any of the symptoms of the coronavirus, which would be coughing, difficulty breathing, etc., please contact your doctor. Don’t try to play superhero.
Get tested if you think you have the symptoms.
Cover your nose and mouth if you sneeze or cough and throw away your contaminated tissues. Really, I shouldn’t be telling you this.
Wash. Your. Hands. Sing the alphabet song through twice if you have to.
Stay isolated. Even if you don’t have it, it would be best to not give anyone else the virus.
If you’re sick, wear a mask. As stated above, you don’t need to give the virus to anyone else.
As to control the spread, you can follow the above steps as well. Try to decontaminate your area as much as possible and wash your hands regularly.
I would say just stay safe, people. I am no medical expert. I am a freakin sophomore in high school. From what I can gather though, you need to be smart. Wash your hands, stay home if you can.
WHO. (March 11, 2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---11-march-2020. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
CDC. (March 16, 2020). What To Do if You Are Sick. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
Rettner, Rachael. (March 6, 2020). How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu? Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/new-coronavirus-compare-with-flu.html. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
CDC. (March 17, 2020). SItuation Summary. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/summary.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fsummary.html. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
Scott, Sophie. (March 17, 2020). Australian researchers discover how the body's immune system fights coronavirus COVID-19. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-17/research-how-bodys-immune-system-fights-coronavirus-covid-19/12059266. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
Munson, Marty. (March 17, 2020). How The New Coronavirus Behaves Inside Your Body, According To A Coronaviruses Expert. Retrieved from https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/familyhealth/how-the-new-coronavirus-behaves-inside-your-body-according-to-a-coronaviruses-expert/ar-BB11igK6. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
CoronaVirus{Map}. (n.a.). CoronaVirus{Map}. Retrieved from https://coronavirus-map.com/. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
Belluz, Julia. (January 27, 2020). Did China downplay the coronavirus outbreak early on? Retrieved from https://www.vox.com/2020/1/27/21082354/coronavirus-outbreak-wuhan-china-early-on-lancet. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
University Hospitals. (January 29, 2020). Coronavirus: Should You Be Concerned? Retrieved from https://www.uhhospitals.org/Healthy-at-UH/articles/2020/01/coronavirus-should-you-be-concerned. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
Akpan, Nsikan., Elliot, Kennedy. (February 7, 2020). How coronavirus compares to the flu, Ebola, and other major outbreaks. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/graphic-coronavirus-compares-flu-ebola-other-major-outbreaks/#close. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
Bendix, Aria. (February 27, 2020). Coronavirus patients over age 80 have a death rate of 15%. Here's the death rate for every age bracket. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-death-age-older-people-higher-risk-2020-2. (Accessed March 18, 2020).
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Choice Excludes Predeterminacy Выбор исключает предопределенность
All hail, dear readers of my journal! Recently I've got some free time in my schedule, and I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on the current events. I think I'd rather start with COVID-19. I heard that WHO promises a sizeable prize to the laboratory that would be able to isolate the live COVID-19 virus. It turns out strange somehow. For two years we have been fighting this virus, and it seems to exist, but at the same time nobody has ever seen it. Actually, we have a virtual computer model created by artificial intelligence, and nothing more. The classic situation: we are looking for a black cat in a dark room, despite the fact that it is not there. All we know is that there is a damage to the human body, but we have no a faintest idea what caused it. On the one hand, everyone says that the virus is dead, that is, not alive, unlike the very bacteria, but at the same time it somehow penetrates the cell in an incomprehensible way and multiplies like a living organism. Something similar happens in physics. Scientists recently decided to calculate the mass of the Universe, but it turned out that all the material of stars, planets and other objects in the aggregate is clearly not enough to satisfy the conditions of the equation. And then the pundits came up with a kind of "dark matter" that has a missing mass. This is what negligent schoolchildren usually do, and scientists are essentially the same children, but their "toys" can destroy humanity. Mind without spirituality is doomed to self-destruction – that is an axiom. Let me offer you another version of what is happening. To begin with, those in power are also people, and they have a well-developed instinct for self-preservation. So, they won't try out personally the vicissitudes of a virus infection. At the same time, for them the solution of the problem of eliminating people "superfluous" for the System on the supposedly overpopulated planet does not lose its relevance. Let us recall the lessons of civil defense, where we were told about binary ammunition, the first samples of which began to be created in the USSR, as well as in the USA, Germany in the mid-20s – early 30s of the last century. Real binary weapons appeared in the USSR at the turn of the 80s – 90s. By the way, the infamous Russian Novichok also belongs to the category of binary munitions. Ammunition of this type contains two absolutely harmless substances (gases), which during the explosion of the projectile, combine to form a chemical warfare agent. Something similar happens in the human body, which is allegedly infected with the COVID-19 virus. In fact, such a reaction is not difficult to carry out. Suppose we add to the food or water consumed by a person some harmless substance (let's call it component "A"), which, getting into his/her blood, does not cause any negative reactions. Then it is enough for another component "B" to appear in the body, to combine with component "A," and defeat is guaranteed. The second component enters the body with the inhaled air and combines with the first one in the human lungs when the blood is saturated with oxygen in the alveoli. This is akin to the effect of selective chemical weapons. If you remember, the entire elite prefers to consume only proven natural food, in contrast to the rest of the population. So, they are not in danger of being hit by the air component. As for the vaccine, it is designed to guarantee the defeat of the human body in the same way as the executioner's "control shot" in the head. The same WHO statistics show that deaths from COVID-19 doubled after the start of the vaccination process. Those in power who believe in their impunity are greatly mistaken. I will come for each of you, and each will consume the measure of evil that he/she has brought into this world. Bill Gates is trying to save his capital through a fictitious divorce from his wife for no apparent reason. No wonder they say that an uneasy conscience betrays itself. Well, hell with Bill and others like him. Their sins are still a problem from the category falling under the competence of the Creator, and He, as you know, does not have insoluble problems. As for you, my dear readers, your path to salvation is in those 17 points of the “User's Manual. Part 3,” which you can find in my journal. Thanks to my intervention and support, several people who I personally know have handled bilateral pneumonia themselves without any consequences. So, the rescue of drowning people is still the work of the drowning people themselves. It doesn't matter what the nature of the damage to your body is. It is important that there is a path to salvation, but to follow it or not is still your choice. Remember, choice excludes predeterminacy.
Translated by professor Leonid Bilousov
Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели моего журнала! В моем графике появилось немного свободного времени, и я хотел бы поделиться с вами некоторыми своими соображениями по поводу происходящих событий. Начну, пожалуй, с COVID-19. Слышал, что ВОЗ сулит хорошую премию той лаборатории, которая сможет выделить живой вирус COVID-19. Странно как-то получается. Два года боремся с этим вирусом, и он как бы есть, но при этом его никто в глаза не видел. По факту имеем виртуальную компьютерную модель, которую создал искусственный интеллект, и не более того. Классическая ситуация: ищем черную кошку в темной комнате при том, что ее там нет. Есть поражение организма человека, но мы не знаем, чем оно вызвано. С одной стороны, все говорят, что вирус мертвый, то бишь не живой, в отличие от тех же бактерий, но при этом он непонятным образом проникает в клетку и размножается как живой организм. Нечто подобное происходит и в физике. Решили недавно ученые посчитать массу Вселенной, но оказалось, что вещества звезд, планет и прочих объектов явно не хватает, дабы удовлетворить условиям уравнения. И тогда ученые мужи придумали некую «темную материю», которая имеет недостающую массу. Так обычно поступают нерадивые школьники, но и ученые по сути те же дети, а вот их "игрушки" могут уничтожить человечество. Разум без духовности обречен на самоуничтожение – это аксиома. Позвольте предложить вам еще одну версию происходящего. Начну с того, что власть предержащие тоже люди, и у них хорошо развит инстинкт самосохранения. Так что испытывать на себе превратности заражения вирусом они не станут. При этом для них решение задачи по уничтожению «лишних» для Системы людей на якобы перенаселенной планете не теряет своей актуальности. Вспомним уроки гражданской обороны, где нам рассказывали о бинарных боеприпасах, первые образцы которых начали создаваться в СССР, а также в США, Германии еще в середине 20-х – начале 30-х годов прошлого века. Реальное бинарное оружие появилось в СССР на рубеже 80-х – 90-х гг. Кстати, скандально известный российский "Новичок" тоже относится к разряду бинарных боеприпасов. Боеприпасы этого типа содержат в себе два абсолютно безвредных вещества (газа), которые во время взрыва снаряда соединяются, образуя боевое отравляющее вещество. Нечто подобное происходит и в организме человека, который якобы поражен вирусом COVID-19. Фактически такую реакцию провести не сложно. Допустим мы добавим в потребленную человеком пищу или воду некое безвредное вещество (назовем его компонент «А»), которое, попадая в его кровь, не вызывает никаких отрицательных реакций. Тогда достаточно другому компоненту «В» появиться в организме, соединиться с компонентом «А», и поражение гарантировано. Второй компонент попадает в организм с вдыхаемым воздухом и соединяется с первым в легких человека, когда кровь насыщается кислородом в альвеолах. Это сродни действию избирательного химического оружия. Если вы помните, то вся элита предпочитает употреблять только проверенную натуральную пищу, в отличие от остальной части населения. Так что поражение воздушным компонентом им не грозит. Что касается вакцины, то она призвана гарантировать поражение организма человека так же, как и «контрольный выстрел» палача в голову. Та же статистика ВОЗ показывает, что смертность от COVID-19 возросла вдвое именно после начала применения вакцины. Фигуранты от власти, уверовавшие в свою безнаказанность, сильно заблуждаются. Я приду за каждым из вас, и каждый потребит меру зла, которую он привнес в мир этот. Билл Гейтс пытается спасти свой капитал через фиктивный развод с супругой без явных к тому оснований. Не зря говорят, что на воре шапка горит. Ну да Бог с Биллом и иже с ним. Их прегрешения таки проблема из разряда подпадающих под компетенцию Создателя, а у Него, как известно, неразрешимых проблем не бывает. Что до вас, мои дорогие читатели, то ваш путь к спасению в тех 17 пунктах «Инструкции пользователя. Часть 3», с которыми вы можете ознакомиться в моем ��урнале. Благодаря моему вмешательству несколько знакомых мне людей без каких-либо последствий перенесли на ногах двустороннюю пневмонию. Так что спасение утопающих по-прежнему остается делом рук самих утопающих. Не имеет значения, какова природа поражения вашего организма. Важно, что есть путь к спасению, но следовать ему или нет – это таки ваш выбор. Помните, что выбор исключает предопределенность.
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The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
May 12, 2020
Coronavirus was created in a lab in China to win the trade war. As Don Von Drehle explains in The Washington Post: “Even the rational can be led, seduced or beguiled into believing the incredible.” This characteristic has always been exploited by people seeking money and power, Von Drehle says. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. We have the intel. Sherlock Holmes put it this way: “Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” And did you know that coronavirus was spread by Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, so they could make millions on a vaccine. With the internet, conspiracies are on steroids. Did you know that Democrats weaponized coronavirus to bring down President Trump. And did you know that self-distancing is a hoax perpetrated by Rod Rosenstein's sister who works at the CDC. One thing we know for sure is that none of these conspiracy theories were created in the White House or on Fox News or Hate Radio. Oh, and hey, did you hear about Obamagate? It's the worst ever.
As many people have recognized, Donald Trump is one of the smartest people to have ever lived. Some say he's smarter than Lincoln. So on the advice of his daughter, Ivanka, the president has decided to donate his brain to science — after he's dead, of course. Donald had wanted his perfectly-tanned body to be put on display at Mar-a-Lago, like Lenin's tomb in Red Square. And, of course, he wants his likeness carved on Mount Rushmore next to Lincoln — think of the ratings that would get. Actually, Ivanka didn't really suggest that he donate his brain to science, it was all a misunderstanding. She had said, Daddy, you are so smart and science could prove it if only they could look inside your brain. But Trump got to thinking about it and he just knew his brain was bigger than Kennedy's. Donald could imagine it under a lighted glass dome in the Smithsonian with a sign that said: “This is the brain of Donald Trump — The most brilliant man to have ever lived.” It's a grand idea. Let's see Obama top that.
Just because Attorney General Bill Barr pardoned, er uh, dropped charges against former national security advisor Michael Flynn is no reason to believe our entire system of jurisprudence has been tossed in the garbage. As we know, President Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it. Second, just because Flynn pleaded guilty twice to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador before the election doesn't mean he's guilty. As Barr told CBS news: “People plead guilty all the time to things they didn't do.” Sure, Flynn talked to Sergey Kislyak several times regarding dropping sanctions Obama leveled after Russia tampered with the 2016 election — but so what. And anyway, as we all know by now, Vladdy Putin didn't screw with the election, despite Robert Mueller's detailed indictments of 22 Russian operatives. Now some say Barr undercut the justice system by singling out one man for clemency who just happens to be Trump's buddy. But if justice were blind, how could you recognize your friends. And lookit, if it weren't for Bill Barr, Americans would believe the Mueller report was a in-depth road map of felonies committed by Trump and his minions. And as far as any criticism... well, Bill Barr is above all that — or he doesn't give a shit.
Before Ronald Reagan's time as president there were scarcely any homeless people. Since 1980, the GDP adjusted for inflation grew from $5.49 trillion to $17.29 trillion, but wages for Americans stagnated or even fell. A small elite group took all the gains, with a little help from Congress. Before the pandemic, many workers lived paycheck to paycheck and were one calamity away from eviction. Some have the notion that homeless people don't want to work and choose homelessness. That isn't true for 90 percent of people who have become homeless: single moms, people who lost jobs, folks who became addicted to painkillers after surgery or became bankrupt after an extended hospital stay. Since March, millions of Americans can't make rents or mortgage payments because they were furloughed or lost jobs permanently. While some countries, such as Denmark, Finland and Great Britain have substantial safety nets, the U.S. does not. That's abundantly clear now, if it wasn't before. Since 1980, workers have consistently voted to give up their share of the American pie. Will Covid 19 wake them up or will they remain prisoners of the rhetoric that got them here.
Post script — As our old friend Chops used to say, “When you're doomed, you're doomed.” And boy, howdy, is there a lot of doom going around. Of course, one person's doom is another's call to action. And that means protesting, damnit. Middle-aged white people in T shirts and automatic weapons are protesting in several states demanding their freedom. They are sick and tired of day-time TV and don't have any parents who died of Covid 19 in continuing care facilities (don't say rest homes). Only 80,000 Americans have died from the virus and so why should they not be able to shop, eat out and go to the drag races (we're talking about cars, here). And as that great American Phil Lyman said, “The government can't force [idiots like] me to wear a mask.” After all, there is nothing in the Constitution about masks and social distancing. By the way, did you hear, they're creating a new sitcom called “Social Distancing.” We are not making this up. Life has changed. But probably not forever. In the flu pandemic of 1918 that went into the spring of 1919, some 675,000 Americans died. Life did go back to normal, although America was changing rapidly. Women got the right to vote in 1920; the NBC radio network was formed in 1926; Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic; and the stock market crashed in 1929 leading to The Great Depression. If today's protestors are anxious now, just give them a year. Covid 19 will not be over soon — unless injections of Lysol are made available to all 325 million Americans. OK, we made that one up, we just couldn't help it. Hey, did you hear that Corona beer with lime will cure coronavirus?
OK, Wilson, tell the band to put down their Coronas and take us out of here with something to get us through the next week of the plague:
Time for a cool change / It's time for a cool change
If there's one thing In my life that's missing It's the time that I spend alone Sailing on the cool And bright clear water...
Time for a cool change I know that it's time for a cool change Now that my life is so prearranged I know that it's time for a cool change
(Cool Change, Little River Band)
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