#wheeeee :) this was very fun to draw
smile-files · 1 month
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redraw of my redraw of my first tumblr bfb fanart
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original & original redraw
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doodle-girl · 3 months
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@follychromatic @dimonds456 Felt like doing a real quick doodle page of the sillies before bed because my brain decided it’s Missing/Loving Them Hours <3 I love Dante, his pointy little doggo snoot is very fun to draw hehe :]
(Would also like to quickly take the moment to apologize for saying I was making this animatic like over half a year ago and then never speaking of it again, heheh. Let’s just say school plus lack of motivation got in the way at first and well….. If you’ve seen ANY of my insane amount of art at ALL from the past few months I think we both kinda know that Pastra/Dreams of an Insomniac/Alex Williams’ entire existence will not let me think about almost anything else for the next while lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The fixation made me change my pinned post for the first time in 2 years it’s unreal)
Mini ramble aside, aheheh, RECENT FOLLOWERS/MUTUALS 🫵 NOW IS YOUR SIGN TO GO CHECK OUT FOLLYCHROMATIC!!! It’s a really neat WIP rubberhose cartoon where they regain color to the world by growing as people and a town and it looks SO COOL I LOVE IT I LOVE YOU FOLLYCHROMATIC WHEEEEE <333 Give it a looksie please pls pls
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graphite-oysters · 10 months
Day Zero. Hey.
I've felt very uncomfortable with my own drawing for a long time. I always said I loved to do it but honestly my anxiety and fear of disappointing other people turned it into more of a chore than something I truly viewed as a passion. Also that sense of "becoming an artist" put it on a pedestal and I got too stressed about doing it "correctly."
But I DO have ideas. A lot of them. I want to see them realized in a way I can be proud of. So, instead of ignoring the skills I need to develop and referring to that as a "stylistic choice" I've decided, again, to start from a beginners standpoint and revisit/learn my fundamentals. Only this time with a layer of accountability.
My plan for this side-blog is to catalogue my progress in the course, no matter how embarrassing it truly is to me. I think I need a tougher skin as a person AND as an artist honestly. So, regardless of outcome, I'm putting my stuff out on the internet. Wheeeee...
-Follow along with the Draw A Box lessons and have at least 1 page of drawing uploaded each evening. (If for some reason I run out of time, I'll backlog when I can.) This will happen daily until I have completed the course in its entirety, no matter how long I may take.
-Draw whatever I want on the side while putting my new skills to practice. (This is to prevent burnout and genuinely whats the point in learning if I'm not even drawing for fun and for myself at that point?)
I'll be using my Samsung Tab S6 Lite (the arrival of which re-inspired my love of drawing!) but NOT using the eraser tool or undo buttons, to stay within the spirit of accepting what I put down. This isn't too difficult for me, since I do tend to prefer going straight in with ink when I draw traditionally just because I like how free it feels. I'm also using the Draw a Box YouTube videos since I learn better visually.
With that, we're off! :)
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spikedru · 11 months
hello!! (prev anon here again!) ooohh all of them sound so fun and interesting!! particularly presley and dullahan, they seem so tragic <3
wheeeee im so glad !! ive been wanting to actually draw them out and design them for a while.... ive been wanting to do some kind of webcomic with any of my ocs since i made them... midas and danae are the oldest of the bunch theyve been around since i was in high school, but i just gotta think about a story. presleys been the most recent one bc she came about after i got covid last yr which resulted in a bunch of other health issues, so her deal is very much based in me feeling sick and something being wrong for months not knowing why. also other just related negative experiences in the hospital lmao. dullahan came about bc i think the headless horseman is a cool and underused creature in pop culture and also the idea of losing a piece of yourself so crucial to your understanding of yourself you become something else while trying to get that piece back. i also like it when girls are harbingers of death. kisses
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midnightdemonhunter · 3 years
In honor of Valentine’s Day I’d like to present my first finished animatic-- Verbatim for chapter 1 of srd2 :) Love wins, apparently!
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sleepysheepytea · 3 years
hello! i hope you're doing well! i hope you don't mind me asking an art-related question (i love your art so freaking much btw)-
how do you learn to draw as fast as you do? i draw occasionally as well but i find most pieces take me several hours (probably around 5-6) spread out over several days,, and my style isn't complicated enough to warrant me spending that much time on a single piece in my opinion,, do you have any advice on speeding up the process? (other than just drawing more cause i know i don't do it enough ahsgjkdfg)
thank you so much and i hope you have a lovely evening/morning/afternoon!
ee thank youu!!
if i'm being completely honest, i don't put nearly as much detail in my tk drawings as i would for a fully rendered drawing to post on my normal social medias, since these are really just for fun
normally before i begin drawing, i really quickly scribble a very loose guide for the pose and such, then after i begin to go more into detail, erasing the guidelines along the way.
the program i use also helps a lot with coloring time-saving wise since there are good fill features which help coloring go a lot faster. so if you have a program with color fill features, they're very very helpful
so yeah i would say to pretty much start very loosely and scribbly and that will give you a nice guide on where to put the good lines. also again, a bit of a confession but, i don't really do lineart, i just clean up the sketch to make it look nice hehe
of course, yk practice does help a lot and i know everyone who draws says that but it is true hdksfds
also putting on fun music helps a lot too! i also like to listen to stories sometimes too fdhk
and you should never rush yourself! don't feel pressured to draw fast, there are a lot of days where it takes me several hours just to do a simple lil sketch and when that happens it's best to take a nice break and come back to it later!
oh woah this is getting long but yeah my serious non-tk art normally takes me a very long time but these only take me an hour or so since i just go really doodly and wheeeee for these drawings hehe
i'm sure you'll be able to draw super speedy really well soon and always take care of yourself!!
(also if there's anything in here that doesn't make any sense just let me know fhsjkdf im bad at explaining things)
have a lovely evening/morning/afternoon as well!!<3
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ritoryb · 2 years
my fish drawings from this past month bc i keep painting them and making a separate post is a bit much wheeeee
This was my first attempt at drawing some fish. courtesy of some screen grab from i believe the monterey bay aquarium's after hours video? i think they're cute and i didn't know until now just how blue the ocean was… some friends who live near the ocean and regularly visit it always recontextualize it for me because that's when i realize it's basically a huge blue abyss and i feel very… small…
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this second one was painted the same night! i really wanted to learn how to draw fish. my friend breeds and raises fish and sometimes he sends me pictures, so it's fun, anyway this is a type of goby i believe? it's very, very small and kind of translucent
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ok venat isn't actually a fish :( but i think this counts? they're just small doodles and kind of fit the theme of mermay but… only barely LOL
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fourth one is a wip and also an implied fish! it takes me back to how i painted when i was 16-18 because back then i didn't have waterproof ink so i relied on forming an image from layers of watercolour, hence the misty appearance.
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long story short i painted a lot of fish this month and i am bored beyond belief because i got sick with the 'vid yk but all's well and good or will be soon anyway!
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rannadylin · 7 years
30 questions
Time to prolong the snow day peacefulness by responding to meme tags and such instead of starting my grading?
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know Thank you @storyknitter for the tag! (Wait, contractually obligated to know...what? the rules? 10 blogs? When did I sign a contract to know 10 blogs?)
Nicknames: Bookie (my aunt’s play on my name being Becki and, well, I like books?); Cupcake Girl (only a long time ago, when one of my sister’s high school friends came to visit whiile I was baking cupcakes and called me that ever after); Magistra (hey I teach Latin 😊) Gender/pronouns: feminini generis sum Star sign: Virgo Height:  5’3”? 5’2”? Somewhere in there Time:  2:12 pm Birthday: September 18 Favorite bands: Out of the Grey, The Piano Guys, Matapat Favorite solo artist: Matthew West Song stuck in your head: none at the moment? Last movie you watched?:  The Last Jedi Last show?: Critical Role, CAMPAIGN TWO EPISODE ONE WHEEEEE!
Why did you create your blog?: Uh…Dragon Age fandom? I’m not sure anymore What do you post?: Lots of Pillars of Eternity lately, and there’s been a lull in the Critical Role but hey the new season has begun so the queue is filling fast. Also – my knitting, writing, and lately I’m drawing things too. And the occasional classical geekery (Hi I’m Magistra and I teach Latin!) Last thing you googled?: Falchion – only because I saw the post that yes indeed there was a leap in the search statistics for it at that particular moment last night in CR 2.1 and I laughed and jumped on that bandwagon. Other blogs: @lanaemagistra sideblog for my knitting bucket list. @pillarspromptsweekly which I run for PoE writers’ inspiration. Some others from the days of trying to do a separate sideblog for each of my fandoms and keep this one all Dragon Age, which have idled since I no longer care much about dividing the posts thus… AO3: Yep Do you get asks?: Not on any huge regular basis but the occasional ones keep things interesting! How did you get the idea for your URL?: I have no idea where I came up with it initially but it was for a Star Wars fic character for fic I never ended up writing so now I use it for my go-to username. I follow: 648, of which a bunch are probably inactive nowadays Followers: 696 Average hours of sleep: 7-8 probably on school nights. Lucky number: Three Instruments: Flute, and a bit of piano (a very, very tiny bit). What are you wearing?: Vox Machina t-shirt (a must for watching the first episode in which the CR cast are NOT Vox Machina anymore, right?) and snow-day sweatpants. Dream job: Anything bookish, really. Writer, editor/proofreader, librarian, but teaching is fun as long as you don’t get bogged down in the stuff outside of actual teaching, like all the paperwork and meetings and such. And as long as you don’t assign too much that you then have to grade… Dream trip: All the Roman ruins everywhere. Favorite food: All of it. Currently really loving my mom’s cheesy potato soup though. Significant other?:  No Last book I read: The Beauty of Darkness, Mary E. Pearson Top 3 fictional universes: Middle-earth, Star Wars, and…um…the realm of Greco-Roman mythology totally counts, right?
Tagging: @grumpy-jedi @queen-scribbles @shimmer-like-agirl @quinnlocke @haledamage @lyriumrebel @theherocomplex @unwritten-fantasy @sayonaramidnight @captainofthefallen but no contractual obligations here!
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midnightdemonhunter · 3 years
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