#what she wants out of it. accounting for many bumps along the way that she's weathered admirably.
rimouskis · 14 days
one of my best friends is about to have a baby today........... so weird to be on the periphery of something so life changing. I want to go "life is going to change forever" as if it hasn't already
#I was thinking last night about how different we both are from the versions of us that were being young and active and busy and fit in pgh#before the pandemic and before her very targeted focused dating efforts yielded her the result she wanted (her now-husband)#[also I don't say that cattily lol she had the most coolheaded and down-to-business approach to dating bc she knew what she wanted.#and it worked!]#anyways I think back on that halcyon year of 2019 when we went to spin classes and spent every weekend doing something#or hanging out in her tiny mt. washington studio where we could watch downtown buzz at night#truly it was such a short period of time in retrospect. she convinced me to move here + then a year and a half later the whole world changed#and so too did we#I miss the her of those years (and I miss the me) but I'm making peace with not getting her back. it's cool to see her on this new journey#which she has worked so very hard for. like I cannot overstate the methodical and intentional way in which she has shaped her life to be#what she wants out of it. accounting for many bumps along the way that she's weathered admirably.#anyways within the next 48 hours she should be a mom. that's crazy#I feel weird when everyone around me is making lifechanging moves while I'm ''ho hum where should I go on vacation in the next 2 years'' lol#ay yai yai. strange to not want things other people want and being fine with that until you start losing touchpoints with your peers#then you're like. hang on now. what am I supposed to be doing right now
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nochukoo97 · 9 months
new beginnings
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pairing: ceo!jungkook x figureskater!oc
warnings/summary: oc takes up a new job as a cashier, and she gets a CAT, jk is a little grumpy but he gets better, he’s also annoying by calling oc’s cat a cottonbud LOL, he calls her sweetheart, and oc has a little crushy crush on this hot neighbour, they bump into each other three times, basically they’re destined to meet each other even when they barely know each other
word count: 2.4k+ / TAGLIST OPEN
series masterlist!
“Goddamn, how many pieces of clothing do you own?” Yeji grunts as she helps to pull along two of your suitcases into her apartment’s lift.
“It’s all costumes for my competitions, my coach keeps insisting to keep them in case we need it in the future,” You internally sigh at the thought of your coach, she wasn’t bad by all means, but she constantly pushed you to your limits with countless competitions she enrolled you in. But after all, you didn’t come to Seoul and join the national team expecting a smooth and comfortable journey.
“Anyways, you’ve gotta tap the card right here,” She explains the whole crazy security system here, then passes you the access card to the apartment. One week ago you would’ve probably not expected to be in this situation, now moving in with your best friend, as well as her boyfriend who has begun to sleepover at her place more often than necessary. But right now if it meant that less money would fall out of your bank account, putting up with whatever third-wheeling you were about to go through would make it all worth it.
You pull your other two suitcases into the lift, noticing a man shuffling into the corner to make space for the two of you and your four huge suitcases. The lift door closes and there’s this deafening silence that fills the lift, with the way Yeji widens her eyes at you but says nothing, you assume it might be about the latter standing in the corner of the lift.
“What kind of signals were you trying to send me in there?” You whine when the lift door finally closes, as Yeji abandons the now-rolling-away suitcases to grab onto your hands.
“It’s rolling!” You exclaim, as she jumps slightly, your voice raising a little louder than usual in panic.
“Sorry-sorry, anyways, he’s the guy I told you about! Maybe I can set you up with him,” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, giving you the same taunting look she did when she had proposed moving into her apartment.
“No! I don’t even know that man, anyways with those looks he might already be taken,” You brush your best friend off, anyways, you didn’t want a relationship right? When Yeji had told you about the hot guy in her apartment, you had immediately brushed the idea of being set up off, since that’s exactly how you met your ex, and it definitely did not end on a good note.
“Oh, so you’re attracted to him?” She jogs in front of you to look you in the eye, seemingly much more excited at her sudden discovery than you.
“What? No I didn’t say that? I just- whatever! Open the door!”
She only smirks at your stuttering, but complies as she opens the front door to her unit, and you’re greeted with a familiar sight that you now need to get used to calling home.
People had always praised you for being dainty and sweet, always dressed up in elegant costumes during your competitions, your moves on ice had always charmed the audience with how smooth you twirled and jumped.
You would like to say that they might change their minds when they spot you in this current situation: no makeup on, eyebags peeking through, in a neon green vest as you stare at the rows of cigarettes behind the cashier.
The younger you would have never expected to end up working part time in this convenience store, but here you are.
But somehow it didn’t seem too bad, you were the only worker here, besides a sweet lady who comes and sweeps the floor every evening, and the best part: you got to control the music.
To be honest, you may have been enjoying yourself a little too much with the way you hum to the music as you drink the complimentary-one-a-day coffee your manager had given you.
“One pack of menthol,” Your sudden peace is abruptly disrupted as you whip your head around, jumping slightly as you hear the voice sound from behind you.
Oh. It’s the same man from the lift, this time he’s wearing another suit in a different colour, but this time he seems much more drained than before.
“I said-” He repeats himself again, noticing your spaced out look as you stare straight at him.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry sorry, it’s been a long day,” You quickly gather yourself, mentally cursing yourself for checking out the man in front of you so shamelessly, but he only scoffs at your little mistake.
He’s either a total dickhead or is just having a bad day. Hopefully its the latter since as much as you hate to admit it, maybe he perhaps has caught your attention.
But the same man quickly walks out of the store the moment you return his black credit card, as you’re now once alone in the store, gathering your things to finally end your shift.
It’s only a few days later where you meet your next crisis, or rather a blessing in disguise.
An innocent trip to the local fair turned into you signing adoption papers for this fluffy little furball that you absolutely could not leave. To be fair, you were mainly there to find some cute accessories to buy, but the newly put up adoption booth had caught your eye.
The moment your eyes had met the beady little eyes of the small white cat, you couldn’t say no. Even if it meant paying thrice your income from working at the convenience store, anything would be worth this cat.
But then again, your heart sank further once the lady at the counter had told you the animals put up were free to adopt, or else they would be euthanised the following day. It almost made you attempt to calculate just how much it would cost to take care of all the animals here, but in the end you had settled to just bring the cat home.
“Yeji, hypothetically how mad would you be on a scale of 1 to 10 if I brought a cat home?” You press your phone in between your shoulder and cheek as you wrap the little cat in its blanket, snuggling the animal close to your chest in hopes to provide it more warmth.
“You’re kidding me right now,” You hear her sigh at the other end, “What makes you think we can raise a cat? Let alone you working night shifts and being out at training in the day?”
She wasn’t wrong, but you’re pretty sure it’ll all be okay.
“Trust me, the lady managing the adoption booth told me cats are way more independent, we can get her an automatic feeder and I’ll need to get a litter box too, and maybe some toys and treats on the side too…”
She sighs again, “And that’ll cost a gajillion dollars, where are you going to get that from?”
“I’ll find a way, trust me,”
Truth to be told, the package deal you had got for litter and food was a little more pricey than you had anticipated, but you were confident that it would save you money in the future anyways.
Cloud, the newly named cat, of which you spent many hours deciding on a name for her, was easier to handle than expected, she often played with the little gadget toy Yeji had got her, and learnt how to use her litterbox in a day, which made you come to a conclusion that you had raised a genius.
But yet your oh-so-smart furkid may also be a little too intelligent, the absence of a certain cat in the apartment has now caused your anxiety and hysteria.
“How did she manage to escape with us not noticing again! The last time I saw her crawl through your legs but this time I swear she disappeared into thin air!” You’re on the verge of tears as you tell Yeji, who only rubs her palm up and down your back as a offering of comfort.
“But you’ve got her tagged up, your number and her name is attached to her collar, I’m sure anyone who finds her will definitely call you immediately,” She tells you, watching as you now begin to hiccup, tears forming and rolling down your cheeks.
“What if she got run down by a car? Or some psychopath who hates cats found her? Oh my poor baby, she must be missing me already,” There’s a million different scenarios that play through your head, all leading to Cloud ending up in nowhere else but cat heaven.
“She’ll be fine, calm down, my friend’s cat often runs out of the house but the cat always returns every few days, some of them prefer to go out and explore, perhaps Cloud is the same,”
You can only sigh and hope for the best.
unknown number: hey
unknown number: did you lose a cat?
You gasp to yourself when your eyes scan the new text that had appeared on your screen, someone had found her.
you: YES
you: i promise ill pay anything for you not to do anything
Your heart beats frantically in your chest watching the three dots appear and disappear over and over again. There was no way a psychopath had truly found Cloud and already decided to perform whatever possible traumatic procedure on her right?
unknown number: why would i do anything to it??
unknown number: in fact your cat is the one who had run into my apartment and marked her territory all over.
Oh. That was the last thing you had expected.
you: do you have a litter box in your house?
The three dots taunt you as they appear once and pause for a good minute, as if whoever is on the other side is pondering hard to answer your simple question.
unknown number: what kind of question is that??
unknown number: i dont own a cat, why tf would i own a litter box??
You frown at the reply, you were grateful he didn’t do anything to Cloud, but a simple no would be great.
you: just send me your address!!
you: i need to see if she’s alright, she probably is crying for me right now
unknown number: it’s sleeping peacefully under my bed right now, i dont think its upset at all.
unknown number: here’s the address: xxx
You sigh in relief when you realise it’s the unit above your apartment, which meant she couldn’t have gone too far.
you: first of all, you never know if she’s crying in her heart
you: second of all, stop calling Cloud an it!!! she has a name and she is a girl
you: third of all, im coming upstairs im in the same apartment complex
You roll your eyes when a reply comes in faster than it did before, mostly because it’s an insult to your cat:
unknown number: who names a cat cloud?? she looks more like a cotton bud, hurry and get her.
When you reach the floor above you, you’re met with a black door, no doorbell in sight. So you simply knock, sure that it had been the person that found Cloud since it was the only unit on the floor.
What you didn’t expect is to be met with the same man you saw whilst working at the convenience store. Instead he’s in a loose shirt and some shorts, hair not styled as a few pieces of bangs fall over his eyes. His presence daunts you a little, considering how darkly lit his place was, and how he towered over you.
“Oh? So we meet again,” He seems to recognise you as he steps aside, watching as you take off your bedroom slippers, which you now curse at yourself for wearing since it was pink and fluffy.
You think you hear a little laugh when he spots your slippers but you choose to believe he didn’t anyways.
“Where is my baby?” You step in now, taking in the view of his place. It’s a little larger than Yeji’s apartment, and the interior seems… lacking some colour. It’s mostly black and grey furniture, with hints of marble and some white chairs here and there, but it’s a total opposite of your apartment.
“Don’t think she cares enough to be your baby, but your baby pissed all over my balenciaga shoes and my dumbbells,” He deadpans, nodding his head to show you the dark pair of shoes that now hang at the window, you assume to dry them out.
“Your what shoes?!” You almost turn pale at the mention of the designer brand, there’s no way he might ask you to get him a new pair right?
“Forget about that, go and get Cottonbud out of my room,” He walks into the hallway, looking back once to check if you follow him.
“What did you just call her?!” You yell at him from behind as he enters a room, a bed coming into sight and a much too familiar tail that sticks out from under the bed.
“Cloud!” You’re far too busy attempting to reunite with your cat to bother hearing another reply from the man, but the moment you come closer to the swaying tail, Cloud dashes away from your grasp and hides at the very deep end from under the bed.
“Looks like someone isn’t too keen on seeing you,”
You whip around, a frown on your face as you are met with the man who smirks, almost taunting you.
“Shut up,”
“What’re you gonna do now then? The cat’s gone further under the bed, I can’t reach there either,” He has his hands on his hips, standing and waiting for your reply.
His gaze and posture makes you feel small, and not having a single clue what to do fuels this feeling in you. And perhaps add some butterflies in too and it’ll perfectly describe how you are feeling.
“I- I don’t know! I’ve never had to deal with this situation before!” You’re pacing up and down, glancing at the bed, hoping Cloud would magically pop out and leap into your arms so you can run home away from this man.
“Well I’ve got all day sweetheart, you can slowly find a way to get Cottonbud out of my house,”
“Her name is not Cottonbud!”
TAGLIST: @skzthinker @cherrysainttt @vminkookgf @lilaissa @jjeonjjk7 @armystay89 @canyon-lwt @junecat18
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zeroeightzeroone · 5 months
I have a request?
Producer!Bang chan x reader
Established relationship
Bang chan is in a bad mood so when he's at the studio he shouts at a co-worker he's close to/ 3racha member.
The co-worker/3racha member leaves and bumps into reader (who was already on the way to the studio? Because they haven't spent time together in a while?) and like hints at chan's bad mood.
Reader enters studio and chan starts to get mad but like reader is like "can I sit on your lap?" and he's like ❔ and she's like "you can continue working, can I sit on your lap?" and he's like "... Yeah?". Then it's fluff fluff fluff because fluff is the best 💯💯🚫🧢. Like a lot of fluff.
Oh also can you work in the reader saying something along the lines of "I get your frustrated but can you please not speak to me like that?" 🥺
And like chan gets more at peace/ relaxed/ less frustrated and apologies to coworker/ member and yeah and they all live happily ever after
creative differences - bang chan
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff/soft (eventually)
pairings: idol/producer!bang chan x fem!reader
warnings: chan is snappy, use of profanity
notes: thank you so much for your request <3 i hope i did it justice. this may also be the longest fic i've posted on this account with a little over 4.3k words
wc ~4.3 | moodboard
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 。 。・:*:・゚★,。・:
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since their debut, the company had already set expectations that the boys would have at least two comebacks a year–one in the first half of the year and another in the latter half. if they wanted to have more than two, they could, but two was the absolute least. the first comeback of this year for the boys went off without a hitch, resulting in topping multiple charts and receiving a handful of music show wins. however, the process for this second comeback of the year was already off to a rocky start, and the road ahead only looks winding and increasingly difficult.
the boys of 3racha have been in the studio every day for the past couple of weeks brainstorming and trying to put things together for the upcoming release. but they all seem to be hitting walls, or the ideas clash due to the amount of stress and pressures looming over their heads. so many people are counting on them–the members, producers, choreographers, and the jyp entertainment team, stay. and as the days in the studio pass, with the boys not agreeing on songs, arrangements, mixing, and more, the weight on their shoulders increases as well.
bang chan, the leader of stray kids and 3racha, felt the pressures even more so than changbin and han did.
currently, the three boys find themselves in chan's room inside the jyp entertainment building; chan is seated on the rolling chair in front of the multiple screens and mixing boards, while changbin and han are seated on either end of the couch. the three of them with their phones, laptops and notebooks opened up as they continue to brainstorm and discuss. but much like weeks prior, the progress isn't progressing, the progress is lacking or non-existent.
letting a deep sigh slip past his lips, han's eyebrows furrow in frustration as he scratches over old bullet points and writes new ones in his notebook, looking for ideas that could work. changbin is scrolling through his notes app and audio recording app, intermittently bringing the speakers at the bottom of his phone closer to his ear to hear the audio better as it's turned down to not disturb the other two, changbin tapping his fingers on his knee as he listens with his lip pursed in a tight line. chan is doing a mix of what the two are doing; writing and scratching out old and new ideas in his notebook, scrolling through his notes and audio recording apps to find something that they could work with, as well as filing through the production hardware on the system to find any drafts that could also be used to at the least, spark some inspiration.
at one point, chan feels like he's going to tug his hair out by the roots as he runs his fingers through his locks haphazardly. he's reaching the end of his patience; they've been working for weeks, and they can't even find a starting place for the comeback–he feels as if all the old material he finds in the apps aren't good enough, that they won't exceed the expectations or hype of the last comeback, that it won't even reach those expectations. it's frustrating chan to no end as he feels like he's reaching a dead end.
with a sigh, chan turns in his chair to discuss with han and changbin who are on the couch. when changbin notices this, he glances at han from the corner of his eye, surveys the atmosphere, and runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
"we need to figure something out," chan splutters out, his mind quite frantic, "we have to have some ideas–at least something?"
he looks between changbin and han on the couch, their faces look just as discontented and their minds are frantic but blank at the same time–mirroring chan's own face and mind. chan shuts his eyes in an attempt to calm down his bubbling emotions as he leans back into his chair.
"we could look through the demos again?" han throws a suggestion onto the table.
"which ones?" changbin questions.
han shrugs while at the same time he says, "all of them?"
"why would we look through demos we already vetoed?" chan scoffs, "that would be a complete waste of time."
"it's just a suggestion," han restates, this time his tone laced with hints of irritation, "maybe one of those vetoed demos could actually work; we just need to rework it."
"this isn't the first time we've gone through the demos in the past couple of weeks," chan reminds, "if one of those demos could actually work, we would've found it on the first or second round of looking."
"what demos are you thinking of specifically?" changbin asks han, who shrugs.
"i don't know, but what harm is there to look again?"
chan groans in agitation, not understanding why han is so adamant about looking through the demos again: "this would probably be the fourth time–why waste our time with a fifth? we want to make progress, looking for a fifth time is a complete waste of time."
the older boy's tone is sharp, prompting an eye roll from the youngest in the room, his arms going up in protest: " hey. it was just a suggestion–at least something to get the ball rolling." he reiterates chan's words from the beginning of the conversation.
"how is doing something that hasn't worked the past four times for a fifth going to work? if it didn't work a majority, if not, all the past times–it's not going to work," the tension in the room continues to build.
"wouldn't it be better to start from scratch instead of looking through ideas that we already decided weren't working?" changbin chimes in.
at this, han starts to feel like the two older boys are ganging up against him, and he defends himself quickly, "once again, it was just a suggestion. i don't see either of you suggesting anything."
changbin scoffs, "did I not just suggest starting from scratch instead of looking through rejected ideas?"
han turns his head to face changbin on the other end of the couch, "haven't we also been trying to start from scratch these past couple of weeks? that also hasn't been working–if it did, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"how are we supposed to start from scratch if we have no ideas?" chan asks in a matter-of-fact tone.
"if we look through the old demos, put some together or play around, then maybe we can find ideas," han speaks slowly as if he's trying to enunciate his point to drill it into the other two's heads, "it's better than sitting at our notebooks and laptops and writing down, absolutely nothing."
han's method of slowing down and enunciating seems to have gone through changbin's head as he begins to see han's point. if they can't conjure something up from nothing, they might as well try to conjure something up from their old demos or many recordings of melodies that have come to mind in the past. putting things together could trigger some inspiration.
"no, i think han has a point here," changbin states, "if we have no foundation or starting point, we can't build anything on top of it. at least with the old demos, we can continue to build off of what we have."
a deep breath expels from chan's lips as he listens to both han and changbin bounce words of agreement off each other for this working with old demos plan.
"again," chan says slowly, "if it didn't work the past four times, why would it work now? the odds are not in your favour."
"but there's still a chance it could work," han argues, "if there's a chance, why not take it?"
chan tongues at his cheek, "because we have a deadline. we can't keep grasping at straws that are obviously not working."
"starting from scratch and coming up with absolutely nothing is also not going to help us meet the deadline."
"so you want to create an album of demos we've rejected? you want to release a subpar album?" chan taunts.
"that's not what i'm saying," han shakes his head.
"that's what i'm hearing!"
"look, hyung," changbin steps in, "just listen to us for a second."
"i'm listening," chan snaps, "and i disagree. we have a standard to reach, one to exceed. i'll be damned if we release something below that."
"why the hell would we release something below standard?" changbin scoffs, running his hands through his hair and over his face in exasperation. letting his hands linger on his face as he leans forward, elbows on his knees.
the youngest in the room snaps at chan, "the fuck? is this you saying you lack faith in our producing skills? that we can't rework old demos to produce something that not only hits that standard but exceeds it?"
the sharp change in han's tone and volume alerts changbin, who realizes this conversation–well now it's an argument–is getting out of hand. chan and han are practically at each others throats and they're both too headstrong but stubborn at the same time, neither of them will back down. obviously, avoiding conversation wasn't going to get them anywhere, but at this point, where emotions are high, and egos are even higher, no meaningful or productive conversation regarding the album will be shared. changbin realizes he needs to jump into action to diffuse the situation before it becomes a screaming match between the two heated bandmates.
"i'm saying we have a standard, we have expectations to uphold," chan speaks slowly, his voice deeper as he's practically sneering at han, "one that the company has for us, stay, everyone."
han snarls back, eyes throwing daggers in chan's direction, "i know that. i know that damn fucking well. i'm out here trying to innovate some sort of progress toward this album, progress that we have been severely lacking for the past couple of weeks. other than rejecting our ideas, what the hell have you been doing?" he raises his chin at the older boy in a provoking manner.
"han–" changbin starts but is quickly cut off by chan.
"what the hell have i been doing?" chan spits out the question, han nods, "i've been making sure all our releases since debut continue to surpass these standards–this upcoming album is no different. don't come into my studio questioning what the fuck i've been doing."
"hyung–" changbin tries again to no avail.
"maybe you should leave," chan hisses, and changbin's eyes widen, darting between the two other boys in the studio with fires in their eyes, "and come back when you have suggestions that aren't going to waste my fucking time."
"look, guys. hannie, channie hyung–" changbin is cut off again when han rises to his feet, jaw clenched as he stares down chan in front of him, eyes narrowed.
"fine. i'll leave," he declares, "this is a waste of my time. i'll come back when you've got your head out of your fucking ass and you're open to listening to anyone other than yourself."
chan spins back around in his chair, eyes rolling back in anger as he clenches his fists on the table. behind him, han is quickly packing up his laptop and notebook as changbin gulps, wracking his brain to think of who to attend to right now. when han stomps to the studio door, swinging it open and stomping out into the hall of the company building. changbin is quick to follow after him, leaving everything but his phone, keys and wallet in his pocket the whole time as he follows after han, shutting the door behind them, leaving chan to his own thoughts alone. he chooses to follow the younger boy to try to calm him down and ensure he's safe wherever he plans to run off to.
meanwhile, you're a couple moments away from the elevator reaching the same floor the three boys are on. your hands clasped in front of you as you keep an eye on the digital sign that changes with each floor, rocking back and forth on your heels to pass the time. you haven't seen your boyfriend in quite a while due to your conflicting schedules, work and life getting in the way of a relationship, but you were grateful for those moments in between the chaos where it was just steady love and happiness. you learned to cherish those small moments instead of grovelling over how much time you can't spend with your boyfriend–obviously you get sad once in a while when you're away from him but choose not to dwell on it. thankfully, tonight is one of those nights where you can spend your time in the comfort of your boyfriend's presence. but he has no idea that you were even planning on coming to the company building, he has no idea of this little surprise you've organized.
when the elevator dings, stopping at your floor, you exit quickly but you make your way down the hallway slowly. your head moving from left to right as you read the numbers on each door, ensuring you landed on the correct floor and were going in the right direction. when you hear footsteps and your eyes dart to changbin and han walking down the hall in your direction, a wave of relief washes over you until you catch a glimpse of the concern on changbin's face and the anger on han's. they notice you walking towards them belatedly, almost running into you, but you catch their attention before any collision.
"hey guys," you greet softly, concern written on your features at the sight of the two boys. eyes looking between changbin whose eyes are drooped with worry and han, who you can feel the anger radiating off of, "what's going on?"
they both exchange small greetings with you. given han's current state, his greetings are shorter and more reserved. his mouth shut and jaw clenched again once he's greeted you.
"creative differences," changbin says to which han scoffs, rolling his eyes, "ok well, that's how it started, but long story short, we got into an argument, and hannie walked out."
changbin nods, "yeah, hannie, chan hyung and i."
your lips purse in a tight line when the second name rolls off changbin's tongue: "if you don't mind, could you explain what happened?"
not wanting to get into too much detail as changbin doesn't want further rile up the already upset han, he gives you a quick run down of the main points of the argument between the 3racha boys–mainly chan and han. you keep your mouth shut the whole time and nod, listening intently to changbin explain while han stands with his arms crossed over his chest, a prominent pout on his lips and his eyebrows knit together.
"you're on your way to see, channie hyung?" changbin asks for clarification and you nod, "okay, obviously after what i told you, he's in a really bad mood right now so proceed with caution. angry chan is scary chan."
you thank changbin for letting you know what happened from their perspective, bidding short goodbyes to both the boys as han and changbin decide to make their way back to the dorms. han needs some time to unwind and collect his thoughts after the spat with chan. you continue to walk down the hall, turning a corner and finding the room number that felix sent you earlier–103.
you knock on the door softly but hear nothing from the inside; you knock once again and hear nothing. you sigh and decide to turn the knob, letting yourself in.
chan heard the knocks; the first one sparked his annoyance, and the second continued to heighten it. the sound of the door being opened caused him to bark at whoever decided to come in when, through his silence, he clearly didn't grant the permission to.
"what the hell?" he mutters to himself before he barks out, turning in his chair, "complete silence after knocking is not an invitation to come in, fuckin–"
when chan fully turns in his chair to face the direction of the door, the words get caught in his throat at the sight of you. he assumed it might have been changbin, han or a staff member, but seeing you standing there took him by complete shock. you shut the door behind you and give chan a small wave that he reciprocates hesitantly, still trying to let it sink in that you're actually in the room with him and that he isn't hallucinating due to how long it's been since the last time he's seen his girlfriend in person. you move to sit on the couch that was once occupied by the two other 3racha members; now, one side is occupied by changbin's laptop and notebook while you sit on the opposite end. chan turns his chair, following your every move.
when you sit down, take the pillow and place it on your lap, you smile up at chan again, "hi."
"hey baby," chan speaks slowly, "what are you doing here?"
you hum before answering, "well, we haven't been able to see each other in a while cos of our schedules but some time opened up for me today, so i wanted to pay you a surprise visit."
chan feels his heart warm at the gesture, but he's still quite irritated and agitated from the argument with han and changbin. the lack of progress for the upcoming album, along with the plethora of expectations looming over his head and his patience begins to dwindle again.
"that's nice, but i don't really have time for this right now," chan's tone is stern, his voice deep in warning, "i've got so much shit to do for this upcoming album, and nothing is fucking–"
"can I sit on your lap?" you ask, cutting chan off and causing him to furrow his eyebrows together in a mix of confusion and irritation–irritated that you had cut him off but confused about whether he had heard you right.
"what?" he deadpans, blinking at you.
"can I sit on your lap?" you repeat, and now he knows he definitely didn't hear things.
"did you not hear what i said?" chan holds back from snarling at you in frustration. "nothing is done for the album, and i don't have time to take a break."
you nod, hearing his words but adding, "you can continue working. i just want to sit on your lap while you do."
chan opens his mouth to refuse, but his eyes lock with yours–your shiny, beautiful eyes with a perfect array of colours decorating the irises, gazing up at him with a splash of hope in the depths of love in your eyes. that's when his mouth snaps shut again, probably looking like a fish when it opens again, but this time he says:
"yeah? sure."
the bright smile that stretches on your face feels like a reward to chan. you make your way over, placing yourself on his lap while facing him; thankfully, chan's chair is big enough for you to practically straddle him in a comfortable position. you wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle yourself into his neck.
"you can go back to work now," you say, your voice muffled from the pressure of your lips against his skin.
chan can't help the lopsided smile that makes its way to his lips. he also can't help the way his whole body seems to relax with your touch; the longer he feels the warmth radiating off your body onto his, the more he feels the tension in his muscles deteriorating slowly. the feeling of your body pressed against his, his arms outstretched to continue typing or writing in his notebook, feels comforting.
moments pass when chan's room is quiet, and the occasional noise of chan typing on the keyboard, picking up or placing his pencil down to scratch down who knows what in his notebook. at the same time, you're still perched on his lap, your arms comfortably draped around him, and your face nuzzled in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
chan isn't sure if the arguing with han and changbin or if the feeling of you in his arms sparked some ideas to come out of him and onto paper, but he would like to say both. despite the heated atmosphere and half-hearted words thrown around, he doesn't want to feel like that argument was completely unnecessary and a waste of time; instead, he wants to see it as a bump in the road that shows him how he can continue to improve as a friend, producer, bandmate and a person as a whole.
meanwhile, you're thinking about how comfortable you feel in the position your in right now, and how you could probably fall asleep at this moment. sure, maybe your back will hurt when you wake up, but right now, you feel your whole body relax in your boyfriend's arms. a couple moments later, your eyes are half open and you felt yourself falling asleep, but you jump a little in shock when you feel both of chan's hands sprawled on your back. his hands rub your back gently and comfortingly before he circles his arms around your body and pulls you closer. a deep sigh escaping his lips as he holds you, his eyes falling shut for a few seconds. chan turns his head, kissing the side of your head on your hair.
"thank you," he whispers, placing another gentle kiss as his hands rub circles on your back again.
you respond in a small, quiet and slightly sleepy voice, "for what?"
chan shrugs, "for this. being here."
you nod, pausing for a moment before you say, "i ran into changbin and han in the hall."
you feel your boyfriend tense up in your arms. you begin to reciprocate his comforting action as you trace circles on his back with the pads of your thumbs, his muscles relaxing under your gentle caresses. you continue to speak in a soft, timid manner that only chan can hear since your lips are so close to his ear.
"i know you're under a lot of stress and pressure preparing for the album," you begin, "i get that you're frustrated, but can you please not speak to me like that?"
the man feels his heart drop listening to your words. his mind rewinds back to when he heard the door opening, and how his first instinct was to bark and scold whoever came into the studio uninvited. chan remembers how you blinked and gave him a small smile, trying to hide your surprise, but it was evident in how your eyes widened the slightest bit for a split second before returning to normal.
you and chan sit in silence; he's dwelling on your words while you're still tracing circles into his back with your thumbs. chan wants to say that he didn't know you were the one coming into the studio, to use that as a defence, but he knows how weak that is–that regardless of who came into the room, he shouldn't have let his frustrations blow over, flipping out and greeting them by raising his voice. sure, his emotions were high, which is a factor in how he acted earlier, but he can't use that as an excuse to get away with snapping at people who have nothing to do with what he's emotional about.
you feel chan nod, and he says softly, "i'm sorry." you go to say that it's okay, but chan interrupts, "it's not, though. even if i didn't mean to speak to you that way, i still need to figure out how to regulate and control my emotions."
"you're human," you say, "when emotions are high, it's hard to find a way to keep them under control all the time. but the fact that you recognize your mistake–that's a lot more than many people can say."
chan pulls you even closer against him, if it's even possible, "i'll try my best though. i'll speak to you at a normal volume, respectfully and saying sweet things. that's what my girl deserves."
your cheeks heat up at the way chan calls you 'his girl'.
"thank you," chan repeats.
this time, you pull away, sitting up straight to look at chan's face, your eyes meeting his soft ones. his hands rub up and down your sides slowly, a slight smile on his lips. you cock your head in confusion, "for what?"
"you always know the right thing to say," chan moves one of his hands up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, keeping his hand on your cheek gently and the pad of his thumb swiping over the skin, "i love you."
you're blushing even harder now, "i love you too."
chan uses the hand on your cheek to guide your face so your lips meet his halfway for a sweet kiss. after quite a while, a smile breaks out on your face at the feeling of his soft pink and plump lips against yours. your hands move to hold either side of his neck, and the two of you spend the next couple of moments sharing tender kisses and giggles in between.
in the midst of all of the kisses, you and chan are gazing down at each other when he brushes your hair away again. this time, he opens his mouth to speak with flushed cheeks, "i'm starting to think han and his suggestions were right; it'll be better to build on something we already have and improve on it than to force ourselves to start from scratch and continue to hit a dead end."
you brush chan's hair out of his forehead, and he continues.
"my head was too far up my ass to consider his suggestion," chan purses his lips together, and his eyes flash with regret as he recalls the words thrown around between him and the younger producer earlier. chan lets himself linger in his head again before voicing his concerns, "do you think they'll forgive me?"
you nod.
"really? you're not just saying that?"
you nod again, and this time, you explain, "as long as you can identify and acknowledge where you went wrong and what you did wrong, and sincerely and genuinely apologize–which i know you feel sincerely and genuinely apologetic for–i believe they'll forgive you."
chan's eyelids flutter quickly as he thinks, nodding as he fully processes your words. still, a wave of nervousness washes over him at the possibility that han and changbin won't forgive him.
"they're your brothers," you snap him out of his thoughts, "brothers fight, but at the end of the day, they still love each other."
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skippyv20 · 15 days
Fare thee well friends....
Hi Skippy & Friends-This is Pilgrim checking in via another's site. It has taken me days to find a way to get thru to all of you! As you know, I don't have an account on this platform. I only submitted to you via the submit a post button. Skippy, you have been so generous all these years, curating my submissions and letting them be seen here. Along the trail, we have had some interesting revelations as well as tons of fun in the art room. Last week I had a little something I tried to submit as usual, until I bumped into the NEW rules. No one is allowed to accept an ask or post from an anon that is NOT a member on the platform. See that Whoa note saying log in or sign up...that is a big blocking wall. I just have to wonder why this new rule has been implemented here, especially since many are complaining that their posts on major Youtuber sites are not posted or disappear. People are asking very deep questions now and those with solid info are being removed IMHO. Now, I really do believe there is a creeping censorship sifting down to our little pipsqueak level. I wonder if those that run this company are connected somehow to the big chart that TRG has been making...hmmm.
Of course, I visit your site daily and have just seen your stormy message also noticing a difference here. You are right to ask what is going on! This has hit me as a personal sign. It is time to retire to the sidelines and let the many much bigger sites continue the fight for truth concerning the con artist grifter from west LA that has scaled the castle walls with her claws. We have always said she had backers and was part of a much larger scheme. Those huge dancing diamond earrings she proudly wore that matched Maxwell's were gifts from someone back in the day...LOL!!!
I am happy I was able to help push this cart up the hill. So many of those early keen observers must be proud to hear their creative words all over Main Street media now. There should be a list...starting with grifter and word salad!!! Many are only just now taking off their rose-tinted glasses, realizing the massive gaslighting via photoshopping they have been blindly accepting, while drinking gallons of Kool-aide.
Onward! I am already missing sending in cards and art but in reality, it is best I concentrate on my real painting. I need to shake up things at my easel before I can't hold a brush any longer. Trust that I am out here reading your comments, laughing at the adorable and uplifting posts and whispering your prayers. Much love to you Skippy and fellow friends that have become so dear to me. I didn't want you to worry Skippy, because I know you would. We shall see if I pop back in, but for now, I will wait things out as others catch up. Standing by...over and out from Cape Cod. Pilgrim
My dear friend, I am so sorry to see this. It did manage to make it into my asks. I don’t know why Tumblr is doing that, I suspect a glitch. We do have the option of only taking asks, etc with people only in Tumblr. I did a double check and I still show available to everyone. We go through many difficulties here. I still don’t have a functioning “like” button, I still don’t get notification when I get a private message. Others on here have different difficulties. So, I think that is the problem you have been faced with. I certainly understand dealing with frustration at the whole thing though. I think that is great you will focus on your art. You are amazing, and you should follow your gift…even if it’s not with us. I do get comfort knowing that you will still be around, even if I don’t see you! I thank you so much for all your much appreciated contributions. You have added so much to this blog, and have entertained us all the time. I wish you all the very best, I will keep you in my heart and my prayers! I send you love and many hugs!😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sequinsmile-x · 8 months
Buy the Promises - Chapter 4
It gets harder to keep the promise as time goes on, as Emily goes from his girlfriend to his fiancée to his wife. He wants nothing more than to put Elizabeth in her place, to stop her from hurting her daughter in a way that only she could. 
AKA The three times Aaron doesn't tell Elizabeth off, and the one time he does
Chapter 3/4
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Hi friends,
Here we are - the one where he DOES tell Elizabeth off. Sorry for the slight delay on this, I've not been well and my internet went down last night.
I hope you like this and please, as always, let me know what you think <3
Warnings: brief mentions of labour
Words: 3.7k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Aaron rolls his neck as he climbs out of the car, mentally making a checklist of what he wants to get done over the weekend. It was a habit Emily always gently made fun of him for, a wry smile on her face as she told him not every second had to be accounted for. 
He smiles as he steps into the house, pleased to see that the box that contains the crib is just inside the door. As soon as he saw the email confirming it had been delivered he’d text his wife to say he would take it upstairs to the still partially decorated nursery when he got home. Part of him had imagined he’d walk in the door to find it already up there, Emily’s need for independence one of the many things he’d always loved about her. 
She’d been more willing to take a step back and let him help her since they found out she was pregnant. It had surprised him at first. How she agreed to everything the doctor told them about her taking it easy without argument. She’d stopped going away on cases when she was just over 5 months pregnant, a spike in her blood pressure enough to make her doctor ground her. Aaron had said to her one evening when they were curled up in bed, both their hands on her belly as they waited to feel their daughter move, that he was proud of her for how she’d taken it all in her stride. She’d whispered back, as if scared speaking too loudly would jinx something, that she had waited so long for this, had convinced herself it would never happen, that she didn’t want to risk anything. 
She was close to 7 months along now the due date they’d been given at Emily’s first scan that had once felt so far away feeling within reach. He was looking forward to seeing her, to spending time with her and Jack, after a few days away on a case. 
“Sweetheart, I’m home,” he calls out, dropping his go bag on the floor as he walks further into the house, furrowing his brow when she doesn’t respond. It doesn’t take him long to find her, but he frowns when he does, his concern rising as he immediately picks up on the fact she’s annoyed. 
He approaches her carefully, her fury rolling off of her in waves as she paces back and forth in the living room. He’d never dare tell her, but she looked adorable. She’s wearing a t-shirt that used to be his, the material tight around her bump, and a pair of leggings, an outfit she often wore at home now - changing into it from her work clothes the moment she stepped into the house. 
As he gets closer he realises she’s muttering to herself, her eyes slightly wild as her jaw flexes, her irritation clear. 
“Sweetheart,” he says as he steps into the living room, his presence finally registering as she stops pacing and looks at him. 
“Hi,” she says, clearing her throat as she looks at him, her smile not quite reaching her eyes, “When did you get home?” 
“A couple of minutes ago,” he says, not mentioning that he’d called for her when he opened the front door, “Is everything okay?” 
She huffs out a breath and rolls her eyes, “I spoke to my mother.” 
He berates himself for not thinking about it the moment he walked in and saw her pacing. There was only one person on earth who could get to Emily to the point where she was physically irritated. Even with her pregnancy hormones, which had given her more of a short fuse than normal, she was mostly able to keep it together - apart from the one time Derek unknowingly ate her snack one morning in the office. Elizabeth had this ability to undo Emily, to pull apart the walls she’d built around her brick by brick. 
He clenches his teeth and gives himself a moment to get through the immediate irritation that rushes through him whilst he wonders what his mother-in-law has done this time, “What happened?” 
“She called and we talked about the baby,” she rubs a circle on her belly, “And she said she wants to be there when I give birth.” 
It’s the last thing Aaron expects to hear and it makes him furrow his brows, a laugh escaping him before he can stop it, “She wants to do what?” 
“We’re talking about the woman who didn’t even come with me to the hospital when I was 7 and had to get my tonsils out, but this she wants to be there for? When I have a person tunnelling out of me?” 
Aaron frowns, finally interjecting into her rant, unable to stop himself, “She didn’t go with you to the hospital when you had your tonsils out?” 
She sighs and rolls her eyes, her arms crossed and resting on the top of her bump, “The nanny came with me,” she huffs out and she shakes her head, “And that’s not the point I was trying to make. I don’t want her there,” she shrugs, “I don’t even know if I would if we had a ‘normal’ relationship.” 
“Em,” he says, stepping closer to her and placing his hand on her back, smiling at the press of her stomach between them, “It’s your decision. If you don’t want her there I won’t let her attempt to guilt you into it.” 
She smiles, pressing her lips together in an attempt to hide it, and she raises her eyebrow “You won’t let her?” 
“I won’t,” he says, kissing her again, “How did you leave it with her?”
She groans and rests her forehead against his, “I told her I’d think about it, even though I don’t have to,” she pulls back to look at him, “I just want it to be you.” 
He nods and runs his fingers through her hair, cupping the back of her head as he holds her in place, “Then it will just be me, you, and her,” he says, placing his hand on her stomach, smiling when he feels the baby kick, “She’s kicking a lot.”
Emily hums and places her hand over his on her belly, shifting it to where she can feel the baby moving even more, an elbow sticking into her ribs as if the little girl was begging for attention.
“She missed her daddy,” Emily replies, “I missed him too.” 
“I missed all of you,” he says, dropping a kiss on her forehead before he leads her over to the couch, “Where’s Jack?” 
She grunts as she lowers onto the couch, the movement forcing the air from her lungs, “Jess picked him up from school and took him for dinner, he’ll be home soon.” 
“Have you eaten?”
She shakes her head and rests against him, wrapping her arms around one of his as she feels him start to move, intent on making sure she ate something before he ever truly relaxed on the couch, “No. But let's sit here for a bit, then I’ll eat whatever healthy crap you pull together for me and baby girl.” 
He smiles against her hairline, “Even even if I put brussell sprouts in it?” 
She scrunches her nose and looks up at him, her disgust clear, “Don’t push your luck honey.”
Two Months Later
She feels nervous. It’s shifting around under her skin, making her restless, itching at a scratch that doesn’t exist as she looks at the time and huffs out a breath. 
“There she is Mia,” Aaron says as he walks back into the living room, their 5-day-old daughter against his chest almost impossibly tiny in his hands, “Mommy is right where we left her.” 
Emily immediately feels a little calmer the moment she sees her baby, and she playfully rolls her eyes at her husband as he passes Mia over, “Because Daddy told me to stay here whilst he changed your diaper.” 
He sits next to them, his smile wide at the sight of his girls together, “You had major surgery 5 days ago, sweetheart,” he says, carefully looping his arm over her shoulder before he pulls her towards him gently, “I’m going to look after both of you.”
She smiles softly and kisses the top of Mia’s head, holding her closer at the mention of her birth. Things hadn’t gone the way she planned at all, and in the end, after a very long labour that ended up stalling, her doctor decided a c-section was the safest thing for her and her baby. It hadn’t been what she wanted but as soon as she was handed her little girl the fear and disappointment disappeared. It was a moment she’d been waiting for much longer than the almost 9 months she’d been pregnant. 
She looks up at Aaron and feels her heart clench at the barely concealed fear that still lingers in his eyes. He’d been her rock during labour, the support she’d needed at every awful turn, but she knew him well enough to know he’d barely held himself together at times. Seeing her in pain had always been his Achilles heel. He’d been treating her like she was made of glass ever since, like she was fragile, and she was letting him - partially because she felt like she was. Like she could shatter at the tiniest thing, physically and emotionally exhausted in a way she’d never felt before. She’d let him look after her like this until she felt more like herself again. 
Or, at least until Mia was the only one wearing a diaper. 
“My mother will be here soon,” she says, resting her cheek on top of Mia’s head, the thought of it making her blow out a shaky breath. Her mother could pick at her insecurities easily when she was at her best, but right now she could barely stand up without needing help from Aaron. He knew she needed the support for this, even though she’d never ask, so he’d made sure Jack was out with Jessica for the afternoon so his attention could be solely on his wife and what she needs. 
“Are you okay, Em?” He asks, stroking her cheek, protectiveness sparking in his belly.
She sighs, “Yeah,” she says, smiling tightly at him, “No. I don’t know,” she chuckles humourlessly at herself, “She’s criticised everything I’ve ever done. My degree, my career…marrying you,” she pauses as they exchange a smile, “And I’ve always done my best to take it in my stride. But…if she says something about Mia I don’t think I could take it,” she looks down at the baby contentedly sleeping against her, “I mean look at her Aaron. She’s perfect.” 
“I know she is,” he says, kissing Emily’s temple, “She’s just like you,” he adds, and she chuckles and shakes her head at him, “Em, she’s coming to meet her granddaughter,” he says, pushing some of her hair from her face, “She’ll behave.”
She hums and smiles at him, “Why does that kind of sound like a threat?” 
He’s cut off from responding, his comment that it absolutely was a threat on the tip of his tongue, as the doorbell rings. He feels Emily tense against him and he kisses her before he stands up, winking at her before he leaves the room. 
“You two stay there and look pretty, I’ll be back,” he says as he walks towards the front door. He gets to the door quickly before Elizabeth can ring the doorbell again, not wanting Mia to wake up. He takes a steady breath as he pulls the door open and smiles at his mother-in-law as his eyes meet hers, “Elizabeth, good to see you.” 
“You too, Aaron,” she says, stepping into the house and past him, “Congratulations.” 
“Thank you,” he replies, closing the door and leading the way to the living room, “They are just through here.” 
He pauses in the doorway when Elizabeth steps into the room, giving them a moment alone but lingering just on the perimeter. In any other situation, if his mother-in-law was anyone else, he’s sure this would be a moment full of nothing but joy. A mother watching her little girl holding her own little girl. He had more time than he cared to admit wishing Emily had the mother she’d deserved, but he also knew if she had, if Elizabeth had been who she needed, then Emily wouldn’t be who she was. In a way that felt endlessly selfish, he was glad for it. Grateful Emily’s life had led her straight to him. 
He couldn’t imagine his life without her. 
“Hi Mom,” Emily says, smiling up at her, her chest warm at the look on her mother’s face, a tender look she had only ever seen a handful of times throughout her life, “This is Mia.” 
Elizabeth pauses before she sits down, her breath catching in her chest for a moment before she sits next to Emily, “Hello Mia,” she says, smiling up at Emily, “Can I hold her?”
Emily nods and shifts, covering a wince as she passes the baby over, “Careful with her-”
“Head, I do know how to hold a baby, Emily,” Elizabeth says, raising her eyebrow at her as she settles Mia into the crook of her arm. 
Emily throws Aaron a look and he walks over, slipping in next to her on the couch, letting her relax against him. He reaches for her hand and squeezes it tightly, linking their fingers together as she feels herself itching to grab her daughter back from her mother, the need to have Mia with her at all times was something she was still getting used to. It felt instinctual, like something deep inside of her that overtook any time she was separated from her daughter. 
She wondered if her mother ever felt the same way. If Elizabeth ever looked down at a tiny newborn version of her and felt the need to pull her into her arms, to just sit there and look at her and wonder at the fact she had come from her. 
“She’s so big already,” Elizabeth says, and Emily clenches her teeth, her grip on Aaron’s hand increasing. 
Emily knew it was a dig, that it was a comment aimed at the fact she’d put her foot down and said she hadn’t wanted her mother in the hospital when she had Mia. It was a decision she’d only felt more sure of when everything went wrong. 
“She’s 6lbs, Mother,” Emily replies, her smile tight, “She’s tiny. She’s actually lost a little weight since she was born.” 
It was normal, she knew that, but it didn’t make it any harder to take, especially since nursing Mia hadn’t come easily to her yet. Aaron had, more than once, found both of them crying as she tried to feed her, his reassurances that it was normal, that no matter what they’d be fine, feeling less than helpful when she was half convinced she was failing her daughter. 
Elizabeth hums and looks back down at Mia, pulling the blanket wrapped around her back just enough to look at her face properly, “She looks just like you, Emily,” she says, “Right down to your nose, poor thing.” 
Emily chokes on a laugh, the sound catching in her chest, as she realises what her mother has said. She doesn’t have a chance to respond, doesn’t have a moment to think about what she would say in response, because Aaron does instead. 
He feels his patience snap. His barely there control over it, frayed by the lack of sleep that came with having a newborn and the lingering fear over how Emily’s labour had gone, disappears in a second. Her words from almost a year ago, before she’d fallen pregnant, ringing around his head as he carefully eases her up from him as he stands. 
“If we do have a baby, and she ever says anything remotely mean about them or Jack you have my permission to break your promise.”
“You need to leave,” he says firmly, easing Mia out of Elizabeth’s embrace, his back turned to her as he passes the infant back to Emily causing him to miss the confusion that flashes across the older woman’s face.
“Aaron, it was just a joke-” She scoffs, as if he’s being ridiculous, and it just makes him angrier. He turns to look at her and clenches his jaw, his hands on his hips as he shakes his head. 
“No,” he says, cutting over her, “You need to leave. I have stood by and let you be rude to Emily because she asked me not to say anything,-”
Emily sighs, wincing as she shifts forward enough to reach out for him, her hand on his arm, squeezing his wrist as she holds Mia to her chest with one hand, “Aaron, honey, it’s okay-”
“It isn’t okay, Em,” he says, his voice softer for a moment as he addresses her, “It’s never been okay but I am done just sitting down and not saying anything,” he turns to look at Elizabeth again, “So you need to leave.”
Elizabeth stands up, her brow furrowed as she crosses her arms over her chest, “I am her mother-”
“Then start acting like it,” he says, his teeth clenched as he tries to keep his voice down, still aware that Mia was in the room, that he never wanted her to see him angry even when she was only a few days old and far too young to understand it, “Otherwise as her husband, I’m not letting you in this house until you do.” 
For a moment, he thinks Elizabeth is going to argue with him. He can see familiar anger in her eyes, he’d seen it in Emily’s before, burning and wild and cracking through the walls built tightly around her. Whatever she was going to say, she thinks better of it, instead she clears her throat and grabs her purse, her eye flicking between Emily and Aaron as she steps away.
“It really was a joke,” she says, her lips pressed together and she looks at Emily, “We’ve always joked about it.”
“No, you always have,” Emily says, feeling bolstered by Aaron’s defence of her, his love a foundation she could build her strength on until she could do it by herself again, “I never have,” she swallows thickly, any hope she’d had that this could be nice, that her mother would be who she wanted just this once, gone as quickly as it had appeared, “Aaron’s right, you should leave.” 
Elizabeth sighs and shakes her head, her grip on her purse tighter as she walks out of the room. Aaron follows, acting as her shadow as he makes sure that she leaves. He closes the front door behind her and sighs, pressing his palms on the door whilst he breathes in and out slowly, desperate to relieve some of the tension in his shoulders. He gives himself a moment before he heads back into the living room, his hands in his pockets as he avoids eye contact with his wife, any confidence he had that he’d done the right thing gone. 
“Well,” Emily says, breaking the silence, “That went as well as I expected it to.”
When he looks at her she’s got a wry smile on her face but he can see the hurt behind it. He walks over and sits on the couch next to her, he places one hand on her thigh and the other on Mia’s back over hers, “I’m sorry sweetheart.” 
She hums and looks down at Mia, her eyes flicking over facial features she loves, especially the ones she’d never liked on herself, “For what? Breaking the promise you made or for the fact I have a shitty mother.” 
He sighs and rests his forehead against her temple, “Em, I’m sorry-”
“No, you don’t have anything to apologise for. I’m glad you said something. Mia’s only five days old and my mother is already starting…being herself. I’m not going to expose my daughter to that.” 
He nods and then kisses the side of her head, running his thumb back and forth on her leg, the material of the leggings soft against his skin, “What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know,” she says honestly, “I need some time to think,” she rests her head on his shoulder, “Thank you for sticking up for us. No one’s ever stuck up for me like that before.” 
He chuckles and pulls back to look at her, “You never have to thank me for that.” 
She smiles at him, her words trapped in her chest. There was so much she wanted to say but she also just wanted to sit here with her husband and her newborn daughter and enjoy the moment, to sit in the love and joy she’d found and curated all by herself. 
“It was really hot,” she says, her smile turning to a smirk as she purposely moves on from the seriousness in the air. He catches on, as he always did, and he smiles wildly, the same smile Jack had - the one she hopes their daughter will have too. 
“Yeah?” He asks, raising his eyebrow at her.
She nods and bites her lower lip, looking up at him, “Yeah,” she kisses him, “But I’m sleep deprived and your daughter’s own personal dairy cow right now to store this away for blowjob points. So you’re going to have to remind me of this in approximately five weeks and two days, okay?” 
He kisses her, his hand on her cheek as he kisses her again, “I’ll remind you,” he says, smiling before he leans in again, his words lost against her lips, “I promise.” 
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months
Post Coming Out Universe Masterlist
Basically I'm Gay: Dan's True Colors (ao3) - trancelover99
Summary: This was it: The one video that would change his entire life. A part of himself that Dan pushed deep down for YEARS. With a little encouragement from Phil, Dan uploads his coming out video. But will he be prepared for the comments that follow?
Big crowds means judging eyes (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: From their hotel room Dan and Phil can see the crowds they'll encounter at this years vidcon. In a post-coming out world, comfort is needed for the prospect of many judging eyes
Devilishly Endearing (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan and Phil are making a mess in Karen's kitchen, luckily for them, she thinks they are cute.
from the starting line (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil visit Dan’s family for the first time in a post-coming out universe.
endings are like beginnings (ao3) - wiccamoody
Summary: Dan wakes up in the post-coming out universe.
hey, brother (ao3) - lestered (clonetrobed)
Summary: It’s time for Phil to reintroduce himself to Dan’s family in the proper context, but there’s one member that he’s not entirely confident about connecting with.
I Want to Hold Your Hand (ao3) - CaibrynM
Summary: A minor incident/misunderstanding while traveling to IOM for Christmas leads Dan to reflect on boundaries and comfort levels in the post coming out universe.
i’ll meet you in the light (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Phil looks at the photo and sees them how he sees them in his own head, not them as their larger-than-life internet personas. It’s them, happy and at peace with their lives and who they are in 2019. And he suddenly has the strangest urge to share the photo, to show the world how damn happy he and Dan are, despite everything that’s happened in the past.
i'm ready now (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: “When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.” -Billy, age 4 (2 of 2)
Lighter Than Air (ao3) - silentdescant
Summary: Dan and Phil are sappy drunks and they're heading home together.
little comfort card (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary. Phil goes to VidCon alone. Cue separation anxiety, something Dan seems to have accounted for..
meet the howells (ao3) - toffeelemon
Summary: After a decade of going home alone, Dan finally brings Phil along to see his family. As his boyfriend.
(set after the awkward email, before the video)
Nana (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: “The thing is, coming out to his family proved to be the easy part. It’s what followed that’s been difficult, more emotionally draining, more vulnerable. It’s like the invisible wall that’s been between them now has physical form. It has a name now.“
On The Road (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: Phil still isn’t quite used to it all being okay. He isn’t used to Dan not fearfully dissecting a tweet reply that called them queer icons. He isn’t used to things like what the two teenagers they bumped into at the airport said when they stuttered out, “I met my girlfriend because of you,” feeling only good. No twinge of bittersweet.
A fic about changes and landscape.
rainbow, proud (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Phil really wants the corgi shirt, but Dan thinks he has enough already
Safe (ao3) - TearDrop1234
Summary: Phil is in a mood and works his way through it with a naked Dan.
Safe Place (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: The Isle of Man is warm and unseasonably sunny, or maybe it’s just Kath. Maybe her maternal glow just radiates off this little island.
secrets (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: of sharpie tattoos and facing the bittersweet truths of a post-coming out universe
some killer queen you are (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan’s enjoyed taking a break from YouTube, but for some reason, he still feels like something is missing. Determined to fill the creative void in his life, he decides to try out something new: drag.
stop speak support (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: There’s just an extra layer of awareness in his mind as he sits next to Phil on the sparsely populated tube on their way to a meeting, and the group of lads in their school uniforms stream into the carriage and start filling up the empty seats.
Strike a Pose (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: Walking a red carpet in a post coming out world
words that water flowers (ao3) - neopold
Summary: He would call his nan and ask, like he usually does when life asks unanswerable questions. But she would most likely refer to a bible verse, and he’s not sure he’s up to listening to a book constantly trying to invalidate his existence.
your hoodies (come wrapped around me) (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Unpacking for their move into bigger quarters, Dan finds an ancient treasure in the back of their conjoined closet.
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lauri-rosehearts · 2 months
Its taken me way too long to get to this but months ago when I asked for questions and post promps about EAH, one of the things I was asked about were my thoughts on Crystal Winter (shout out to @birdbombs714 for giving me an excuse to rant about this). I had to organize my thoughts but its taken me long enough so here it is.
Honestly, my thoughts on her as a character are far from unpopular. I wouldn’t say I HATE her but I definitely don’t care about her. Before I get into that, I’ll put in a positive note and say I do love her design. Granted, I still don’t understand how she’s literally grayish lavender when her parents have regular human skin tones…maybe its a recessive gene but I digress.
That being said, I think she’s very poorly written and it frustrates me because even though she has the protagonistic role in Epic Winter, she’s literally surrounded by characters with infinitely more depth and character growth than her. Even with characters like Rosabella, whose character doesn’t really quite go anywhere aside from aiding Daring in his own arc, I still genuinely like her because there’s alot of things they could’ve done with her without having to rewrite the entire base of her character (as in, had the series continued). But since Crystal is introduced in this movie without any previous establishment, you practically have to rewrite her character to make it interesting.
I think in concept, the whole “sheltered princess who learns to be self-reliant” thing is a solid enough idea for a character arc… and then it felt like they had no idea where to take the execution. Listen, I know this has been memed to death, but it really is true that them deciding to make her learning how to tie her shoes the central symbolism for her “growth” was laughably ridiculous. The writers seem to cherry pick when they want her to be smart. Like in the movie, when the team comes across a bump in the road, Crystal always manages to solve the problem with the first solution she can think of (lowkey sacrificing the other characters’ previously established intelligence in the process, since for most of the movie, they rely on her for answers ), but it takes her nearly an hour into the movie to figure out that the rose of winter is the same rose she was given at the beginning of the movie. I already ranted about that in a very recent post but it lacks all common sense given what we learn about the roses of the seasons.
Another thing about her is the fact that she doesn’t seem to have any major flaws aside from being too carefree and childish. I swear Jackie complains about the royal family like their tyrants who impose high taxes on the peasants. But thats clearly not the case cause everyone else loves them and Crystal genuinely seems enthusiastic to be queen for all the right reasons. Yeah she likes to have fun and too much of that could lead to a lack of responsibility for others, but with her compassion, I genuinely have a hard time thinking she would rule a kingdom failing to think about others. If they made Crystal more actively selfish and flawed, then I think Jackie’s motivation would make a lot more sense. And selfishness is a core theme of a lot of the characters in ever after high so it’s not like this would be totally off-base.
Given the fact that she has such laughably minor flaws, along with the fact that she ends up effortlessly solving half of the problems in the movie despite the narrative trying to feed you the idea that she needs to go through a character arc, it’s no wonder so many people feel like she’s a Mary Sue. Her character is the farthest thing from compelling, especially when you take into account that her best friends are Ashlyn and Briar, who, in my opinion have some of the most compelling character arcs in the show. But in this movie, they get lowkey sidelined for their childhood friend who’s character arc boils down to “I learned how to tie my shoes”. I don’t think epic winter is as bad as a movie as some people think, but I admittedly mainly come back to it for every other character aside from Crystal.
It’s very clear Crystal’s character could benefit from a rewrite, but even I’m not sure how I would rewrite her. I personally wouldn’t make her downright villainous the way some people have, mainly cause in the original fairytale, the Snow Queen while antagonistic is a neutral force if anything. She’s not as villainous as some people claim she is in my opinion. The only true genuine, pure evil in this story is the devil responsible for making the cursed mirror at the beginning. He’s the one who kickstarts the main conflict. The snow queen is more just an embodiment of the harshness of winter, rather than a pure force of evil like the Evil Queen or the Dark Fairy. Yeah, the Snow queen kidnaps and nearly freezes Kay, but that’s more of a symbolic representation of how deadly winter can be sometimes. Its in her nature. Especially given when Kay and Gerda manage to escape, she doesn’t even show up to try to stop them. So I think if we were to go the fairytale accurate route for Crystal, making her morally ambiguous/gray would help. Not exactly sure where we would take it from there, but it would make it more interesting at least.
I apologize is this went kinda off the rails but I realized even after months my thoughts aren’t as organized as I thought. 😭
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If it isn't too specific, I'd like to request some Mae Borowski x writer!reader (but specifically the "has hundreds of overly complicated stories they're trying to work on all at once and suffers proportionately for their hubris" type of writer) relationship headcanons, please
Man this reader is just like me fr fr.
Mae Borowski x Writer!Reader Headcanons
Fun fact: I'm this exact type if writer, and it's why I do mostly headcanons now. Hope y'all enjoy!
• Man, you really need to finish that story.
• Which one? Even you don't really know.
• Besides, you have this brilliant idea you just have to write!
• Yeahhhh, you don't exactly have a reputation for finishing projects.
• In fact you have, how many was it? 1,2,6,10,15... more unfinished stories than you can count on your hands.
• Still, on the rare chance you do get something finished, you'll treat yourself to the Clik Clak, or maybe even that new taco place.
• It was during one of these triumphs that you ended up running face first into a glass door.
• In your defense, the door had just been opened by a short cat.
• You, not expecting to be headbutted by solid glass, ended up falling over.
• As you got up you heard someone give, what you're pretty sure was an apology. It didn't really feel like one though.
• One of the four people standing nearby, the bear, helped you to your feet, and made sure you were okay.
• He, along with the other girl of the group, were fairly nice, actually.
• Meanwhile a shorter guy was giggling while the girl who hit you with the door looked mortified.
• You met eachother’s eyes, and she attempted to apologize again.
• "I...Can I apologize with, like, food, or something? We were going to the Clik Clak, if you want to tag along."
• After the tall lady, who you later found out was Bea, had to explain that she was the one actually paying, and that you didn't have to come if you didn't want to, you decided a free meal was the perfect cure for your bumped noggin.
• The group was actually fairly nice, if a bit odd.
• At the very least it was nice to meet more people around your age in Possum Springs.
• You knew Selmers, since she lived right across the street, but aside from that people in town were mostly in their 30s at the earliest.
• Well, not accounting for the Harleys.
• To be fair there were probably more people on town that were in that young adult range, but you didn't get out of the house enough to know for sure.
• Nah, sunlight is underrated, so writing Demon Tower fanfics was obviously a better use of your time than going outside.
• But these people were a nice change of pace.
• You became friends with them for a reason, after all.
• You could nerd out with, well, basically all of them, but mostly Greg and Angus.
• Bea was nice to just talk with when your mental health plummeted.
• And then there was Mae, the cat who knocked you off your feet in more ways than one.
• You never put much belief in the "love at first sight," thing, even though you had written it more than a few times.
• Even so, boy was your heart skipping fast when you first saw her.
• And now that you were talking with Mae regularly? Honey, if romantic attraction was alcohol, you'd be plastered.
• You can't explain it, neither can Bea or Angus when you tell them, but you absolutely adore this woman.
• After enough time you end up finally asking her out and, after a lot of disbelief, the two of you officially begin dating.
• Oh, and in case you're wondering, you do have a story started that is absolutely, 100% not two characters stand inside for you two.
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a-vast-horizon · 1 year
Ink Demonth day 19: Ghost
To the outside world, it had been forty years since Henry Stein set foot in the home he’d once shared with his wife Linda.
For Henry, it had been even longer.
He’d only lived in the house for a few years, but some part of it still rang faintly familiar in his head, like déjà vu. The hallway where he and Linda had almost bumped into each other every morning. The steep stairs he’d tripped on more than once. The kitchen big enough for them to both work in at the same time–not anymore, not with Henry’s body the way it was now, but he could remember happy evenings when he peeled potatoes at the same time she stirred something on the stove, talking and laughing together.
The wallpaper was different, now, and she’d had carpeting put in over most of the floor, a pale blue. There was new furniture, new pictures on the walls. He didn’t remember the lights being this bright.
Linda had invited him in readily enough, along with Audrey and the copy. She’d heard them out, taking in their whole crazy story with a skeptical look, but she listened. She was crying by the end of it, and he’d wanted to reach out, to wipe away her tears–
But his hands were tipped with sharp claws now. But he would have only smeared ink across her face. But he wasn’t the man she’d married anymore.
Linda had changed in those forty years, but Henry had changed even more, beyond what simply aging did to a person. His body had been destroyed and reformed, he’d been puppeted into playing a villain for decades, he’d clawed out the top spot in a world of pain and chaos only to have it stolen away and been tortured…
And now he was back in the real world, dripping black ink onto the pastel carpets. 
There were photos on the walls. Most of them showed Linda and her friends over the years, some showed her siblings and parents, a few of pets that had lived and died while Henry was gone. But there were still pictures from before everything went wrong: the two of them on a beach, sitting in the park, under the altar on their wedding day. Henry could barely remember any of it. After so many years of pain and violence, those happy memories were hazy, the person he was back then a stranger.
He felt more like a ghost than a demon, a person long gone come back to haunt someone who had once loved him. 
(Follow and read on AO3 if you have an account!)
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jodilin65 · 7 months
Feeling the best I’ve felt since I first got sick although I still have fatigue. It’s hard to say whether the fatigue is post-recovery or just the way I usually am. I still think my TSH has risen but now that I’m back on the vitamin D every few days, that should help. I feel chilled at times but Tom thinks it’s just because it takes longer than you realize to fully recover. But this is the least nauseous I’ve been since getting sick so I’m glad for that much. My hair and skin are dry but if my TSH is that high, it wouldn’t explain why my weight is still down. I think my weight will be going back up soon, though.
Best of all, I’m now pretty sure that I didn’t get a UTI. I think that because I took a little break from my probiotics and lady lube while sick that’s why I started feeling a burning sensation again. Either that or the one Nitrofurantoin I took last night was one seriously powerful pill along with the cranberry juice I’ve been drinking. I’ll know soon enough because if it flares back up, then that will make me think some things up.
I messaged Rhonda about it and the message wasn’t picked up until this afternoon. I then sent a second message asking that she cancel the antibiotic request and explained that I don’t think I have a UTI after all but if the symptoms return I’ll do an urgent video appointment.
More good news. I haven’t had to sleep with the nasal dilator and I haven’t snored in a while so I think the problem was the blood pressure medicine. Also, when I took my blood pressure earlier, it was 113/73, so I don’t think I really need to try anything else. As long as I watch what I eat I should be okay.
Even more good news. Yes, I have a few good things which is great. The only negative is my fatigue. The dishwasher is fixed and Tom was in and out of the plasma place in under an hour. We’ve also been making decent money online. Not move-to-Hawaii kind of decent but still decent. I even splurged on a small Temu order and got $33 worth of stuff that would have normally cost about $100 elsewhere. I got a couple of figurines, lip gloss, a 6-pack of G-strings, and another sticker to decorate the toilet seat with. Pictures will eventually show up on my secondary Facebook account. Just not of me wearing the G-strings of course. LOL.
One figurine is a fairy that sits on the edge of a shelf, windowsill, table, or wherever you want to put her. The other is a German shepherd and while I may not be a dog fan, it seems to be a really nice and realistic sculpture.
The good news still goes on…although it’s delayed a month, I got a call from my ENT’s office saying that the doctor will be in surgery during my appointment and it was bumped up to late April at a time that fits into my schedule much better. So now I don’t have to stress over that.
And the last bit of good news is that the honker’s company left. Seems that way anyway. Tomorrow I’ll take a chance when I crash and not blast the sound machine so loud and hope he stays off the motorcycle. There shouldn’t be any thunderstorms to worry about but I’d rather Mother Nature than human assholes.
Saw a crime documentary about a guy in the UK who went down for 8 years for cyberstalking people for years. They talked about his childhood, how he didn’t know he was autistic at the time, how he felt bullied and alienated, and how many (not all) are a problem in society and use their autism as an excuse to give people so much grief. I know not all of them are trouble but I think that many of them know exactly what they’re doing but instead of doing something to better themselves, they use their condition as a ticket to act out. And OMG, the inappropriately intense emotions and paranoia! It seems that where most people would get moderately upset over something more serious, these people will go ballistic over next to nothing.
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macverse · 9 months
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Denim & Mistletoe Desires
JC and Justin have been separated for far too long during the pandemic. With the world slowly falling back to what can be considered normal, it's the holiday season and they finally are able to be with each other again.
I know you like it
I know you like it it it
I know you like it
I know youI know you like it it it
When you walk in it’s as if the world slows down around me. Like magic, the sea of people between us parts, and all I see is you. Perfectly dressed as always; black on black with a hint of Christmas red at your breast. You wore your glasses that you hate because I love them and I asked you to wear them. My fine ass man that I haven’t seen in over a year because of the pandemic. 
We didn't need to stay apart but it was the best choice. When your dad injured his back for the second time this year and unfortunately needed surgery to help recover it was clear that you were the best person out of your siblings to make the sacrifice and go all the way to Florida to help your mom out. Although we knew we’d miss each other we ultimately decided that you’d stay put with family after your father recovered rather than risk contact trying to get back to each other. Trains were just as risky if not riskier than planes and I didn't want to ask you to drive the 42 hours between us. As the days turned to months then turned to years the 2,780 miles between you and me felt further and further away but finally tonight my eyes can behold you without the guise of a computer screen between us.
Don't know why, but girl, I'm feeling close to you
Maybe is this ocean view, I'm so emotional
And all these stars been dancing on my head
Too long, too long, too long
You haven’t seen me yet as you are greeted by the people you know closest to the door. I’m all the way across the room but I can still enjoy watching you from here. Almost everyone knows you; by association or by fame. The ones you worked with that beautiful year you spared to work with me greet you with surprise and exclamations. Mike from accounting who you used to talk about traveling with. Leslie, whose position you had temporally filled after she left to get married, hugged, and kissed you around her baby bump. It's been so long since anyone has seen anyone and everyone is a sight for sore eyes this year at the company holiday party. 
David, the one who you trained to replace you, hugs you warmly and his now almost three-year-old toddler grabs on to you with joy from his fathers’ arms although he’s never met you. This does give me a chance to see you in the rare but beautiful element of you with a child. Although you've told me time and time again that you never wanted to be a father it’s always been clear that you are the best with children. Even my son, now our son cracked through your iron-clad door to parenthood. A soft smile finds my lips as my heart warms to see you take the toddler in your arms with a soft toss in the air and hug him sweetly to your body. His giggles are like music even from where I’m standing and many heads turn to see the happy child.
I wrote a song for you, I wanna sing to you
But every time I'm close to you
The words wanna come out, but I forget
It's so strong, it's so strong, it's so strong
Moving closer to where you are I am stopped by Marcella and Johan. I lose sight of you as I stop to speak with them, passing along holiday wishes and hopes for the new year but the chimes of your laugh reach my ears through the cacophony of the largest group anyone has been comfortable to be around in a while. Thankfully we’re a small company and we were able to rent out a large space to keep everyone comfortable and stress-free. We’ve had a good year despite the total shift to work from home. Lots of other brands had suffered during the past two years but WilliamRast was thankfully not one of them. Our sales dropped slightly but this year we nearly cracked the hundred million so obviously, we had to celebrate. 
The other people in the group with Marcella and Johan ask me about my year, about our son but my answers come automatically because my mind is only on you. My heartbeat picked up the moment I caught a glance of your now long, gray-streaked hair. Bless your mother for keeping you from dying your gray away and keeping your luscious chestnut lock from getting too long. You look like something out of my dreams as I spy you now closer to me talking to a new group of people. We both gained and lost, and lost some more weight while we quarantined. Not that I could complain before but the return of your perfect strong, sturdy form had me wishing for your return more and more each day. Your back is to me so I take full advantage; eating up just how toned your already beautiful ass has become. 
Didn't I seem like I'm catching something
That's because it's true
I can't deny it, I won't try it
But I think that you know
I look around and everything I see is beautiful
Cause all I see is you
And I can't deny it, and I stand by you
And I won't hide it anymore
I don’t want you to find me too soon. I’m enjoying watching you work the room. Not one to spoil a good show, I excuse myself from the group that had pulled me in under the pretense of needing a refill. Unfortunately, I have to turn my back to you as I head off in the direction of the bar. Our son, now almost seven years old flys by me with his cousins on his tail. He’s been just as excited to finally see you as I have been and had barely wanted to sleep the night prior. 
He's not the only one that aches for you. My hand and lips were hungry to hold and taste you as my eyes were to see you. Each day we've been apart a dull ache has built inside of me that after all this time feels like it's meant to be there. For the first time in so long, it's gone and I almost feel lost without it. With each step away from you, my mind says ‘ turn around’. Accompanied with each heartbeat I hear 'he's just over there’. I'm going against my body's instinct to reclaim my place by your side but as you’d taught me the anticipation is just as sweet as the beholding. You've already been here just a few miles away from our home taking the appropriate time to self-quarantine after traveling back to me. Your last day of quarantine couldn’t have come sooner. 
Our son signaled to me that I was going the wrong way, that you were behind me but I placed a finger on my lips signaling to him to not say that he’d seen me to you. I sealed our silent agreement with a wink as he giggled and continued at high speed towards you. I heard his exclamation of joy as he careened into you. Peeking over my shoulder once I reached the bar I see you crouched down hugging him and gesturing at how tall he’s gotten. You’ve missed almost half a foot of his life all this while. Even from here, I can see the disappointment under the joy on your face. I feel a pang of sadness in my chest but quickly think that you still have at least his full body height more to go and there will be time to make up for the lost six inches.
Soon you're complimenting my nieces on their dresses and I see you twirl the youngest of the two causing the light to play off the sequins on her skirt. She’s pulling your hand, probably saying she wants to dance with you. You expertly swing her up into your arms and glide across the floor in your usual effortless way. We're all a family here and there are many children here tonight but the co-founders’ children are the center of the attention. Many eyes turn your way as you waltz across the dance floor with my business partner and best friend’s youngest to the music softly playing in the room; spinning and dipping her high and low causing her to giggle and the spectators to clap as they look on. 
You're in the best of moods tonight. I'm sure it wouldn't take me long to guess why...
Read the rest of the story on my AO3
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unboundwanderers · 2 years
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               Deep within the libraries of The Sumeru Akademiya- A little wedge between two bookshelves seems to be cosmically and coincidentally perfect for a specific Police Box that begins to fade in and out of reality with a loud groan and a wheeze. The Box fades in and rests with a loud thud before the doors spring open and a silver hair, fair-eyed, sharp-chinned Timelord emerges. His outfit comprises many tans and navy blues together in a beautiful fusion- but a long multi-colored scarf that drops down to the knees- seemingly throws off the look. A dress shirt, waistcoat, cravat, tan pants, and white trainer sneakers compromise the base outfit- with a navy blue coat and scarf making up the outer layers. His tan fedora is left in the Tardis- which is closed behind him.
               "Now, if I'm going to bring along someone from this region- I might as well start reading up about their culture." The Timelord had recently brought along a new Companion, a mercenary from the region known as Dehya- and while she wasn't presently with him, he'd used the benefit of being a time traveler to pop a few weeks into the past before he'd met Dehya- That way he could smuggle some books from Sumeru aboard The TARDIS and pop out without needing to worry about anyone asking where she'd gone or where she might be. The Sumeru Akademiya seemed the best place to find cataloged accounts of their culture and history. However, after wandering for a few minutes The Doctor quickly stopped to bite the tip of his middle finger as his eyes scanned the library.
               "Oh, dear-oh-me..." He muttered to himself, "Doesn't anyone keep a central cataloging system in this library...?" He muttered to himself pressing a hand against his forehead and scanning the books. "Alphabetically organized? Genre separated? What if I decide I want to take a break from History and try crime noir?" He stopped for a second, "If they even have Crime Noire, here." He wandered aimlessly again until he eventually found book slivers titled 'HISTORY VOLUMES I - IV' and a bit of reading eventually led him to find it was just general history of Teyvat- which frustrated him initially, but he realized he might need that- so he stacked it in a pile along with the rest of the volumes.
               Eventually, after wandering aimlessly through the library for a good hour or four, he finally bumped into someone else- eyes still wandering over the expansive library. "Oh, good-" He quickly turned their back to them as he kept scanning various titles with his eyes, "A custodian- I need some help... looking for Sumeru History, you see I'm trying to practice my social skills with a local and I figured learning up about the history might make for some good-" He finally eventually turned toward the direction of the person he'd bumped into... train of thought horrifically crashing and burning once his eyes met the other, "...Conversation... Oh, dear."
               A look-alike stood directly in front of him. Same height, same features, maybe a bit less jewelry and exposed arms- but this person was pretty much a picture-perfect duplicate. Oh, no. The Doctor really thought he'd gotten away with an original face this time- but low and behold, he'd stolen another one through the curse of regeneration. You really do never know what you're going to get. "...Er... Uh... Good evening, is-" He looked from side to side and pressed a finger against his chin, "How are you today?"
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The Girl’s Got Rhythm | Eddie Munson
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: just a bit of cursing? 
Words: 2,701
A/N: This is just something random I came up with while scrolling through tiktok past those female drummer accounts. Shout out to them, honestly. I tried to avoid using (Y/N) this time, I hope I did a good job? Enjoy! 
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He hated absolutely everyone in school. Every student, from freshmen to seniors. All they ever did was pretend to be these picture-perfect students with their completely perfect lives. None of them were ever themselves. 
Forced conforming, he’d called it once. 
The cheerleaders and jocks were the worst of all. Everywhere they went, they had to be in those ridiculous green-and-white jackets, or the skirt-and-top combo. To Eddie, what he wore reflected how he felt, what he loved, who he was. He doubted any of them felt like wearing the stupid uniforms every day. 
It made them look like sheep in a flock. You could never tell one from the other. 
“We’re rehearsing in the music room tonight, right?” asked Jeff as he and Eddie made their way to their lockers to get their books for their last period – Mrs. O’Donnell’s. 
Eddie hummed. Just one more hour before he could finally be released from this hell. “Yeah, right after Hellfire… I still can’t believe Gareth’s parents decided to turn their garage into a fucking mancave. They really don’t want their kid in a band, do they?” 
“Mmh-mhh,” Jeff shook his head in response. “They always regretted buying him that first drum kit.” The boy patted Eddie on the back, saying “‘right, I’ll see you later.” 
“See ya, Jeff.” 
With a deep sigh, Eddie gathered his courage and made his way towards Mrs. O’Donnell’s classroom where he maneuvered towards the back. His head was far up into song-lyric land. The new song was coming along nicely, it just needed a banging bridge, but for some reason, he couldn’t figure it out. 
Eddie didn’t notice where he was going and only looked up when he bumped into someone. Her sparkling eyes met his as her lips curled up into a smile. “Sorry,” they both muttered before moving the same way again. Eddie chuckled before grabbing her shoulders and basically making her dance around him. 
The head cheerleader.  Pretty much the only one of the entire squad of girl sheep that gave him the light of day, even if it was just smiling at him in the hallway or not giving him weird glances. 
There was something about her that he liked a lot. But he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. 
It wasn’t the fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous, or the fact that she was nice to him. It was something different about her, but he had no clue what it was. 
Mrs. O’Donnell’s class always seemed to last longer than any other class, but it did give Eddie the opportunity to work on that one godforsaken bridge he couldn’t seem to get right. While he knew he should be paying attention, he didn’t quite feel like doing so. 
By the end of the class, his bridge was halfway finished and his friends were ready to get to playing his new D&D campaign. He, himself, was excited for them. There were so many plot twists he had an ‘aha!’-moment with and he couldn’t wait for his friends to react to it, too. 
But it wasn’t until half of Hellfire made their way to the music room with Gareth, Jeff and Grant gushing about the first part of the campaign that Eddie felt truly accomplished. Not a lot of people would understand what they were even talking about or why Eddie was so proud of himself for doing such a great job on the campaign, but he didn’t care that they didn’t get it. All he cared about was that his friends had liked it. That was what Hellfire was all about. 
The band stopped halfway towards the music room when they heard the beat of a drum echoing through the hallway.
“Didn’t we ask Mr. Franklin to use the room for tonight?” Gareth asked, his eyebrows furrowing. 
Eddie slowly nodded his head before his curiosity took over and inched closer towards the door to take a peek inside. There, behind the drums, sat a girl. Someone he didn’t recall ever seeing before. He would’ve remembered the long hair and the ripped jeans and the band shirt. Then again, he couldn’t quite see her face yet as she was all head banging and hair flying everywhere. 
He was perplexed. Whoever this girl was, he had to talk to her and get to know her. She could drum like Tommy Lee. He had never seen a girl drum. If he had, he would’ve married her already. 
Seemingly sensing the boys’ presence in the room, the girl suddenly looked up and halted her drumming. “Shit, sorry,” she mumbled and the smile she gave the boys had Eddie’s heart skip a beat or five. 
It was her. 
The head cheerleader. 
The only one of the flock of sheep that ever paid attention to them. 
Her name stuttered across Eddie’s lips. “Wha–? You can drum?! Where’s your cheerleader outfit? Wh–?” The girl giggled at his confused blabbering and let her hand glide through her long, loose locks. 
“I’ve been drumming since I was five, so yea, I can drum a little,” she shrugged nonchalantly. “My father has always been into rock bands and used to be a drummer himself. I had a bit of a frustrating day, so it always helps coming in here and whaling out on some drums. As for the cheerleader outfit, I always change clothes after practice.” 
“Can you play us something?” Gareth asked, his interest piqued as well. 
The girl nodded her head and started playing a beat. There was a smile that tugged at her lips whilst she played, showing the boys that she absolutely loved doing what she did. Playing completely transcended Eddie’s beliefs about cheerleaders. 
“I can do Michael Jackson too,” she shouted over her own drumming and switched the beat to a song Eddie vaguely recognized from the radio. “But I can also…” she started playing a Black Sabbath song the boys immediately recognized. 
“Can she become our drummer instead?” Jeff asked, earning a glare from their own drummer, Gareth while the others – including her – let out a collective laugh. 
“You should come to our gig sometime,” said Eddie nervously as she moved from behind the drum kit. “We play at the Hideout on Tuesdays. Maybe you could even join us on stage for a song or something?” 
She smiled at him, causing him to go absolutely feral. “Yeah, that would be fun.” 
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The following Tuesday, Eddie was more nervous for their gig than he had ever been. He wasn’t certain if she was even going to be there. She said she would be, and for some reason, he totally and genuinely believed her. 
He hadn’t been able to think about something else but her. 
And yet he was still surprised when he saw her entering the Hideout during their set. 
She looked stunning, especially in that pair of jeans, the black tank top and the leather jacket. It was a completely different look from what he’s used to seeing her in at school. If she wore that at school, he’d have tried talking to her earlier. 
“We have a special guest in the crowd tonight…” The words rolled off Eddie’s lips before he could stop them. “Everyone, give it up for her!” He pointed at her with a slight smirk pulling at his lips. None of the drunks in the crowd even reacted, but he didn’t care. All he could see was the grin on her face and the sparkle in her eyes. 
“Why don’t you come up here?” Jeff suggested, cocking his head slightly. 
She shot the boys a confused look and shook her head. Eddie could tell she was just trying to be polite, so he gave her an encouraging nod. The girl’s eyes flicked back and forth between Eddie and Gareth before the latter got up from his seat behind the drums, vacating his spot for the girl to take. 
Hesitatingly at first, she got up on the stage and sat down on the stool. Eddie watched her for a moment as she grabbed the drum sticks and twirled them around, getting familiar with the kit in front of her. 
“What song have you got up your sleeve?” Grant asked her, away from the mic so the crowd wouldn’t hear. 
Her lips pursed together in thought for a moment. “You guys know your AC/DC?” 
All three remaining boys nodded their heads, and Eddie’s mind immediately went to Girls Got Rhythm and when the kick drum kicked in at the same time he started plucking away at his guitar, he knew he had guessed correctly. 
The girl smiled at him, causing him to go weak in the knees. He had to turn back to his microphone before he’d melt right on the spot like ice cream in the sun on a warm summer’s day. 
Grant and Jeff quickly picked up on the song and started playing along with them, recreating the infamous beats of the 70s band’s. 
“I've been around the world I've seen a million girls Ain't one of them got What my lady she's got”
The crowd’s interest piqued as soon as the song started playing, especially with the new drummer at the back of the stage.  
“She's stealin' the spotlight Knocks me off my feet She's enough to start a landslide Just a walkin' down the street”
Eddie glanced back at her for a second, witnessing her head banging along to the beat, much like she had done days prior when the boys had found her in the music classroom on the drums. 
“Wearing dresses so tight And looking dynamite Enough to blow me out No doubt about it can't live without it”
Together with Grant and Jeff, they lapsed into the chorus. Eddie took the lead vocals while the other boys backed him up. 
“The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) She's got the backseat rhythm (backseat rhythm) The girl's got rhythm”
Eddie turned towards her as he shredded on the guitar. Their eyes locked and he swore a spark crackled between them. She was energy and passion and everything Eddie had ever dreamed of. 
“She's like a lethal brand Too much for any man She gives me first degree She really satisfies me”
“Love me till I'm legless Aching and sore Enough to stop a freight train Or start the Third World War”
“You know I'm losin' sleep I'm in too deep Like a body needs blood No doubt about it, can't live without it”
Eddie noticed how the crowd was bobbing their heads along to the song. This was the first time they had ever gotten any interaction from the crowd, even if it was just a minor thing like a little head-bop. 
“The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) She's got the backseat rhythm (backseat rhythm) The girl's got rhythm”
Eddie hopped onto the small stage the drums were situated on and propped his leg up on her kick drum. As the girl smashed at her drums, his fingers slid across his strings. He noticed her nose scrunching up when her eyes fell on his fingers, playing his guitar like he had never done. 
“You know she moves like sin And when she lets me in It's like liquid love No doubt about it, can't live without it”
“The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) She's got the backseat rhythm (backseat rhythm) The girl's got rhythm (girl's got rhythm) You know she really got the rhythm (girl's got rhythm) She's got the backseat rhythm (backseat rhythm) Rock 'n' roll rhythm (rock n roll rhythm) The girl's got rhythm”
The crowd applauded – they actually applauded – when the song came to an end. Glancing back at the girl behind him, Eddie couldn’t help but mirror the wide smile on her face. She had absolutely loved doing that, there was no denying that. 
And he loved witnessing her and doing it with her. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, the best drummer of Hawkins.”
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“You know, that actually wasn’t bad,” she said when Eddie approached her right after the gig. 
She was leaning against the bar with one bottle of beer in her hand and four on the bartop right beside her. Eddie tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach at the thought of her thinking of buying them drinks for after their set. 
“That wasn’t bad?!” Gareth exclaimed in disbelief. “That was the tightest we ever played! And you actually got the crowd moving!” He held out his fist for her to bump hers to, which she giddily did. 
The girl scoffed. “You could hardly call that moving, but sure… Happy to help.” She clinked her beer bottle to Gareth’s in a cheer before taking a sip. Her eyes then focused on Eddie, who was intensely staring at her too, hoping the boys would actually leave them alone for two seconds. Or more. 
“I’m gonna go and… do … something…” said Jeff unconvincingly, nudging Gareth and Grant with his elbow to follow. The two boys mumbled something about helping Jeff, but most of what came out of their mouths was incomprehensible. 
Eddie nervously bit his lip as her focus came back from the mumbling bunch. “Hi,” he chuckled, not daring to look her directly in the eye. 
“Hi,” she said back. “You were amazing up there. I always love watching you play.” 
Ignoring the heat that rose up to his cheeks, he perked up at that. “You’ve seen me play before?” 
“Yep,” she replied. “My father owns the Hideout and my sister works the bar most Tuesdays.” 
“How–” Eddie’s brows furrowed. “How have I never seen you before?” 
She shrugged in response. “I’m mostly hiding behind the bar or with the sound guy.” He followed where her finger was pointing at the sound booth. The guy was now playing some old playlist of his, one he always used on Tuesdays, Eddie noticed. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t know our head cheerleader was actually the coolest chick alive,” Eddie mumbled, shaking his head. 
“Eh, you can’t always believe the masks we put on at school.” 
Eddie took a sip from his beer. “I don’t believe in those masks – It’s forced conformity, if you ask me.” 
“Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do…” 
“Is that something you gotta do?” he asked. “Be a cheerleader, wear the outfit? I mean – don’t you just wanna be you? Fully-fledged, unapologetically you?” 
Her hand lifted to the necklace around her neck. “Who said I wasn’t?” 
“I mean…” Eddie let out a nervous chuckle. “You’re telling me you’d rather be seen as a preppy cheerleader than this cool rock chick that’s standing in front of me right now?” 
She smiled at him and tilted her head a little. “I suppose I’ve always liked the best of both worlds? I don’t really change my personality, no matter what I wear. I don’t pretend not to like rock bands when I’m in my cheerleader outfit and I don’t pretend not to love a good pop song and dance while I’m in… this,” she pointed at the outfit she was currently wearing. 
Eddie had never thought about it that way. He never thought about the fact that the cheerleaders might just enjoy being cheerleaders and the jocks might enjoy being jocks. Maybe his ideas were a little selfish and hateful towards his classmates. 
“I never thought about it that way…” he mumbled. “I always thought all cheerleaders and jocks were just mean bitches – no offense.” 
“Oh, none taken. We totally are.” 
Eddie waited a beat until she started laughing, to chuckle too. At first, he thought she was being completely serious, but he wasn’t entirely sure. 
“You’ve always been the only one to show me and my friends the light of day. I knew there was something wrong with you,” Eddie said, laughing a little as she did, too. It was becoming one of Eddie’s favorite sounds, second to the sound of a shredding guitar. 
“What can I say, Munson? I’m a freak like you.” 
She totally was, and that was what he loved most about her. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty​ @littlemissaddict​ @n0wornever​ @phantompogues​   @wanniiieeee​ @crybabyddl​ @unnowhatthisistbh​ 
Stranger Things taglist: @micr0-pig​ @greengarsstuff​ @bella​ @nostandards94​ @avalon-doesit
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badassbuchanan · 4 years
White Lies
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Warnings: smut, oral (male and female receiving), unprotected sex, overuse of the f word, riding, dirty talk, kinda sad ending.
Word Count: 5335
A/N: Sorry my inactiveness this past week, my loves! I’ve just had so much on my plate - hopefully everything will be back to normal this week xx
Also, let me know if my tag list still isn't working for you? I’ve had a few people having issues with it lately.
*** would just like to state for the record I do not condone cheating. Please do not read if this will upset or offend you in any way ***
The empty bottle of wine made Y/N’s body tingle with warmth. Andy’s larger body wasn’t feeling the affects of the alcohol as much, he was a different kind of drunk. His body was more tingly and warm from the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen laying so vulnerably against his side.
Y/N tried to act normal around him, she really had. She desperately attempted to treat tonight like every other night he’d come over to her place. But it was hard to act normal, when the secret of his she’d accidentally uncovered tormented her mind. Y/N knew that tonight was the last time she could ever see Andy.
She first met Andy only a couple of weeks ago when he was assigned to assist a case at the firm she worked at. He’d come in to the reception area looking smart and professional, but his mannerisms were slightly more on the causal side than most lawyer’s she’d liaised with. “Can I help you?” Her voice came out calm, almost soothing to his ears. Andy couldn’t ignore how beautiful she was, or the way his heart skipped a beat as their eyes met. “Yeah, is this where I sign in?” She was immediately attracted to his charm and dopey smile.
“My name’s Andy. M’gunna be working with…” He leaned his palms on her desk with a frown as he tried to wrack his brain, Y/N’s beauty distracting his mind from thinking straight. She watched with a soft smile as he quickly pulled out his phone, checking for the name of the person he was supposed to meet. “William Heartly on the Alberto and Bexley case.”
“Okay, Andy,” Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes off of the charming man. Andy tried to ignore the throbbing of his cock as he admired her, just getting hard from the way she said his name. “I’ll let Mr Heartly know you’re here. Please, take a seat.”
A few days of borderline flirty remarks whilst waiting for the lawyer to come and collect Andy later, and Y/N had grown fond of the blue eyed visitor. They had become quite well acquainted with eachother. She adored the way he seemed to be genuinely interested in talking to her. She was attracted to the way he made her laugh, his kind nature. Everything about him made her crave his attention. He was so different to all the other men she’d met, she’d never felt this way about anyone before. It was as if they were just destined to meet, like the stars had aligned.
“Morning Y/N.”
“So where are you from originally?”
“Here, I bought you a coffee.”
“I’ll see you again tomorrow.”
“What do you do when you’re not at work?”
“We should be finished up on the case by tomorrow.”
“I don’t want it to be the last time I see you. Do you wanna come to dinner with me?”
It was the small things he said that had her heart skipping every time he walked through the door, sometimes unscheduled. She wasn’t the kind of girl who has sex with someone she’s just met, but this was different. Andy was everything she’d ever looked for in a guy. She wasn’t going to let herself self sabotage this time, she’d trust that it was supposed to be. So they fucked in the back of his car that night. They exchanged numbers. They texted daily. They hung out, mostly at Y/N’s house. They cooked together. They watched movies. They stayed up late talking about anything and everything. They made love.
Thoughts of their times together flooded through her mind as she laid against his side, her heart sinking as she breathed in his intoxicating scent, one that she would soon be trying to forget. Deep down she’d always known he was too good to be true. But she thought that just this once, maybe she’d find the love of her life. And well, technically, she did.
“This is my favourite part.” Andy chuckled, blissfully unaware of the thoughts that tormented her mind, distracted by the movie on the screen and the peacefulness of being with her. She faked a chuckle, letting her hand rest on his bare stomach under his business shirt. She didn’t want to let him go, to feel the coldness of his absence. She wanted to go back to before that dumb accountant had run her mouth, unknowingly telling Y/N something she never imagined she’d hear.
“Andy.” She mumbled softly, craving all of his attention as she tilted her head to look up at him, noticing how well groomed his beard was. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies as her fingers massaged over his skin, desperate for the intimacy the both relied on. Her mind stilled as she admired him, perfection in human form.
Andy immediately fixed his ocean blue eyes on hers, one of his strong hands sliding down her back and into the waistband of her gym shorts instinctively as he gave her a soft smile.
Yeah?” He breathed out sweetly, leaning down to peck her lips slowly without hesitation. She hummed as she kissed him back, not missing a beat as her hand moved from his stomach up to his jaw, pulling his face harder onto hers.
Y/N felt her pussy throb with need as his muscly arms wrapped around her body. She shook her head, causing her to second guess her confrontational conversation and enjoy the moment instead. “Nothing.” She whispered seductively, opening her mouth for his tongue as he ran it over her bottom lip. She loved how wet Andy could get her from his hand simply squeezing her ass cheek inside her shorts.
Andy groaned into the kiss, letting his other hand dip under the bottom of her baggy top, resting on her soft tummy as he felt his cock throb. “Wanna feel myself in here.” He mumbled euphorically as he trailed his lips across her cheek, his tongue leaving wet marks as he went. Andy loved how she made him feel, not just sexually, although he loved that too. But emotionally, she made him feel whole, she made him feel loved and needed, she completed him.
Goose bumps covered Y/N’s skin as she tilted her neck, granting him more access. His hand started moving again as his lips trailed along the flesh of her neck, pushing further under her top as he palmed over one of her perky tits, squeezing it gently.
“Andy.” She threw her head back breathlessly, helplessly submitting to him as her legs parting instinctively. Andy continued to squeeze her ass and massage her boob, his cock straining against the material of his pants as he heard her moan.
“Need to be inside you, baby.” He kissed at her neck repeatedly, longing for the love only she could give him as he bit down softly on her neck, tugging her nipple between his fingers. She let out a whimper as she felt her wetness dripping down her pussy and onto the thin material of her underwear, begging to feel more of his touch. “I need you.”
Y/N licked her lips, resting her hand on the back of his head as her eyelids fluttered shut, her body relaxing against him. Andy let his hand glide back down her tummy, touching her body delicately before fisting the material of her top in his hand, impatiently pulling it up to expose her bare chest.
His lips left her neck, taking a moment to admire how perfect her body was, how perfect she was, breathing out shakily as he looked up into her lust filled eyes, staring back at him lovingly. He leaned closer to her, dropping his head to her tits as he started sucking on her pebbled nipple with his tongue.
She whimpered out in pleasure, tugging on his hair as her back arched off of the sofa in pleasure, nudging closer to his mouth. “Andy.” She moaned his name shamelessly, edging him on to get what she wanted, his cock inside of her.
He squeezed her other boob in the palm of his hand, letting out a groan as he felt her body wiggling desperately under him. His teeth grazed along the flesh of her breast as she tries to wrap her leg around him, needing something to hump her eager pussy on.
“Andy, please.” She choked out in a whimper, losing control of her body as she forced her eyes open to look at him. Y/N breathed shakily as she pushed her tits out for him, watching him kiss his way to the valley of her breasts, letting his tongue leave sloppy wet marks along her soft skin. “I’m so wet.”
“Tell me what you want.” He muttered mindlessly, too distracted by his desire to kiss every inch of her gorgeous body. His tongue snaked across her chest to attach to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment as the first.
“You.” She moaned weakly, her eyes closing in pleasure as her head spun, her hips bucking desperately as she gripped his hair. “I want you.”
Andy lifted his head, moving his body up to level with hers, their breaths mixing as he stared down at her intensely. “I can give you what you just asked for in so many different ways, baby.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips as he felt himself weakening under her touch. “But if you want what’s going on inside that sweet mind of yours,” He kissed her again, feeling her absentmindedly open her mouth to welcome his tongue. “You’re gunna have to get a little more graphic for me.”
She nodded obediently with a whimper, licking her lips as she watched his, her eyes glistening with desire as her hands smoothed over the burning skin of his stomach. “I want your mouth on my pussy.”
Andy let out a strangled grunt, his jaw clenching as his strong hand squeezed her bare thigh. “You wanna feel my tongue inside that tight little cunt of yours?” He breathed out heavily through his nose as he looked down at her submitting beneath him.
Y/N nodded shyly at the vulgarity of his words, biting her lip as the soft hair of his beard grazed her chin. “Go get on the bed.” Andy instructed as his lips pressed a kiss on her cheek. “Take your shorts and top off.” He continued as he kissed her other cheek. “Then wait for me like a good girl.” He mumbled as he watched her through hooded eyes, his head spinning with desire.
Y/N’s pussy clenched, her crotch nudging against his bulge as she immediately moved to get up, leaving Andy with a final peck on his lips. He watched her obediently make her way across the room, her shirt dropping to the floor before she’d even reached the hallway.
Andy let out a scoff in amusement, smiling admirably as he felt his heart burst with adoration for the girl. He took the moment alone to regain his strength which seemed to dissolve whenever she was begging him.
His cock throbbed when he walked into the bedroom, immediately seeing her tight little pussy on display for him now that her legs were spread. Andy unbuttoned his shirt as he strolled to the end of the bed, keeping his eyes glued on her dripping centre that was begging for him.
“I don’t remember telling you to take off your underwear.” He mumbled cheekily as his hands dropped to unbuckle his belt after running a hand through his tousled hair, pushing it out of his way as he subconsciously licked his lips.
Y/N’s leg lifted to dig her heel into the mattress, her pussy clenching as her eyes dropped to marvel at his tattooed body that she loved so much. She bit her lip in anticipation as she watched his big hands pull the belt, that had tied her up on multiple occasions, out of the loops and into his hand in a smooth motion.
“They were coming off eventually,” She dropped her voice in a sultry tone as she leaned back on her palm, batting her eyelashes as she watched him unbutton his pants in front of her. “Thought I’d save you some time.”
“And what if I wanted to fuck you with them on?” He raised his eyebrow, smirking as he moved his hand down to grip her ankle. He tugged at her feet, forcing her body towards him as her back hit the mattress. She giggled at his dominance, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she looked up at where he stood between her legs. Andy admired her naked form as he let go of her ankle, pushing his pants down before crawling onto the bed, hovering above her. “Have to wait until next time, won’t I?” He chuckled sweetly as he pressed a gentle kiss on her plump lips.
Her heart sank. There wouldn’t be a next time. A slight twinge of anxiety returned to her body as she remembered the secret he’d hidden from her so well. Was any of this real?
“Andy, wait.” She watched him slide his hand up her inner thigh as his lips travelled down her body, stopping inches away from her heat. Her chest heaved as she slightly panicked, feeling his movements come to a sudden stop.
He looked up, eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion as she tugged his hands off of her. Y/N silently rolled herself over, propping herself up on her knees as she pushed her palms into the mattress, her ass and pussy on display for him.
“Fuck,” Andy sighed in desire, his cock painfully straining inside of his boxers at the sight of her as he shifted to lay on his side. “This how you want it?”
“Mmh.” She moaned out with a nod, looking back at him from over her shoulder. Andy’s weight rested on his elbow as he came face to face with her pussy.
“So pretty.” He mumbled in awe, using his spare hand to grip the back of her thigh, spreading her ass cheek a bit more as he leaned in and kissed her pussy lips softly. “So wet.” He added, mumbling against her heat as he let his tongue poke teasingly out of his mouth, kissing her pussy again.
“Fuck.” She whispered shakily, already overwhelmed with pleasure as her head dropped against the mattress, desperately pushing her ass back towards him.
Andy licked a long strip up her slit, his spit mixing with her juices as he felt her jolting with pleasure in front of him, she was so responsive for him. “So sweet.” He mumbled against her pussy, the vibrations sending shivers through her body.
“Oh,” she whimpered erotically, arching her back as her hands gripped tightly against the bedsheets, her nipples rubbing against the mattress as she lost the strength to hold herself up. “Andy.”
Andy let go of her thigh, a growl escaping his lips as his passion took over, forcing his face deep into her pussy, his tongue rubbing against her inner walls. Andy guided his hand down, pushing inside his boxers to pull out his throbbing cock.
He moaned against her, pumping his thick shaft in his hand as he sucked on her clit. Andy’s eyes darkened with desire as he felt her fidget in front of him, rocking her hips against his face as he drank her arousal.
The slapping and sucking sounds of their intimate activity filled the air, a thin layer of sweat escaped her skin as her thighs shook, the pleasure taking over her body.
Andy teased his tip, spreading the leaking precum over his reddened tip before fucking into his hand again. He moaned as his tongue explored her eager pussy, drinking in her scent.
“Andy, I’m gunna cum.” Y/N whined desperately, the feeling on Andy’s beard tickling between her thighs too much for her to take. Her upper body collapsed against the bed as she jolted repeatedly, a bubbling pleasure building up inside of her as she reached a hand toward the pillows for support.
Her words only made his mouth fuck her harder, eager to watch her come undone as he flicked his tongue rapidly up and down her clit. A groan erupted from the back of his throat, his hand pumping his cock faster as a way of settling his desperate need for attention.
The vibration of his voice caused Y/N’s orgasm to hit, suddenly flooding her body with with pleasure as she desperately gripped the pillow her hand. Porn-star moans escaped her mouth as Andy lapped up her juices, his eagerness to feel her walls around him growing as he felt her overstimulated pussy jolting at his touch.
Andy pressed his thumb covered in his pre-cum against her core as he leaned back, admiring her puffy pussy lips through hooded eyes. The sight was almost enough for him to push her down and shove his face back between her thighs. But his cock was throbbing for attention. Y/N was too fucked out to pay much attention to Andy shifting behind her on the bed, still recovering from her orgasm as slid his boxers down his legs and knelt behind her, lining himself up with her soaked entrance before pushing his cock inside of her throbbing pussy.
“Oh, fuck.” Andy moaned loudly, his head dropping back in pleasure as a frown covered his face. His hands gripped her hips, her warm pussy clenching around his cock as he started thrusting in and out of her aching hole.
“Pull out.” Y/N whimpered out quickly, her head turning sideways to look at him over her shoulder as she moved her palm back to push him away by his stomach. His cock felt so good inside of her aching pussy, satisfying the need to feel him, like he was made to fit inside of her.
“No.” Andy growled desperately as he pulled her hips back against him hard, unable to fathom the idea of having to pull his cock out of her warm, dripping cunt.
“Andy,” Y/N hissed in frustration, whining at the feeling of his balls slap against her ass, the enormous amount pleasure coursing through her veins almost made her second guess her request. “I want your cock in my mouth first.”
Andy’s movements stilled as he let out a groan, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips as he leaned down to press his chest against her back. His cock angled deeper inside of her, a soft whimper leaving her lips as she arched back, feeling the material of his shirt which hung open on his body. “Well, in that case.” Andy chuckled deviously as he pressed his lips to the back of her shoulder, a sigh leaving his lips as he regretfully pulled out of her soft pussy.
Andy leaned back up on his knees, not even giving Y/N time to think about the empty feeling washing over her before tugging her backwards by her arm to press her back against his chest. Andy’s hand snaked around to her throat, his fingers digging into her flesh as he kissed her passionate. Y/N smiled as she kissed him back, feeling the desperation on his lips contrasted by his rough touches.
“Lay down for me, okay?” She asked sweetly, knowing that if she tried to command him in any way, he’d fuck her into the mattress just to put her in her place. She pecked his lips softly, feeling his cock nudging desperately between her ass cheeks.
Andy groaned as he pulled himself away from the kiss, her voice sweet enough to be able to get him to do anything. He let go of her body, shuffling to obey her request as he turned his body to lay his head on the pillows.
He watched the way she admired his cock that was standing proudly, glistening with her juices as she crawls toward him. She bit her lip, her soft hand running ticklishly up one of his thighs as her lips kissed along the other.
Andy groaned as her lips inched closer to his throbbing member, his hips bucking slightly in need. Y/N’s mouth watered at the sight of his cock, unable to stop her lips from wrapping around his tip, her tongue flicking ever so teasingly over him.
Andy let out a grunt of frustration, forcing his eyes to stay open as his hand moved down to rest on the back of her head. Y/N could tell he wanted to take control, feeling his cock throbbing against her tongue as she glided it down his shaft and started bobbing her head.
“Fuck, baby.” Andy’s hand tightened on her head, his fingers digging into her scalp as he tugged hard on her hair, little moans escaping his open mouth uncontrollably. “Just like that.”
He breathed out shakily, his eyes fixated on the sight of her between his legs, gagging on his cock as she took his whole length. Y/N let her jaw go slack, allowing him the freedom of controlling her movements as he fucked into her mouth.
Andy’s jaw clenched as he felt his tip hit the back of her throat, sending waves of pleasure through his body. “Oh, fuck.” His face screwed up, in awe of just how good she always made him feel.
The sound of Andy’s heavy breathing has Y/N’s pussy clenching in anticipation of his throbbing cock being back inside of her. She moaned around his length, bobbing her head to assist with the rhythm that his hand was moving it up and down. The drops of saliva that trickled down her mouth didn’t cross her mind as they landed on Andy’s skin.
Y/N’s eyes fluttered closed, breathing through her nose as Andy’s cock filled her throat, her nails digging harshly into the flesh of his thigh.
Andy movements came to a sudden stop, desperately trying to recompose himself as he almost lost control. He kept her lips against his skin as he held her head down, his cock filling her mouth and opening her throat as he tried to stop himself from reaching his climax.
“Fuck.” He moaned loudly, eyes not leaving the sight of her mouth warming his thick cock. Y/N was caught by surprise, trying to control her breathing as she choked, swallowing around him in an attempt to breathe. “Baby I’m gunna cum down that pretty little throat of yours if you don’t stop.”
She whimpered at his words, staying in position as her pussy dripped down her thighs, moving her other hand to rest on Andy’s lower stomach, trailing her fingers delicately over the skin.
Her throat started to involuntarily tighten as Andy watched her keep his cock in her mouth like a pacifier. He licked his lips as his blue eyes locked with hers, finally letting go of her head as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair.
Y/N took a moment to catch her breath, leaning up on her hands as they smiled knowingly at eachother. Andy watched intensely as she crawled up his body, their skin touching intimately as she sat back on her knees, straddling his waist.
He pulled her into a deep kiss as her hand cupped his beard covered jaw, her head tilting to grant him more access. Y/N rocked her hips down from where she sat above him, feeling his thick cock nudge against her pussy.
Andy moaned into the kiss, his hands sliding from her hips around to massage her ass cheeks. She sucked on his bottom lip desperately, pressing her chest against his she let go of his jaw, tugging the material of his shirt off of his body. She slid her hand down to his cock once he was completely naked beneath her, lining him up with her entrance as she braced herself for the feeling of his cock stretching her out.
“You’re so needy for my cock, baby.” Andy groaned into her ear as he tugged her hand away from his shaft, jolting his hips up to push himself fully inside of her.
“Andy.” Y/N moaned out with a gasp, surprised by his sudden movement as she momentarily dropped her head onto his chest, losing control of her body as her nails dug into his arm.
Andy’s wide chest caught her weak body, guiding her ass back and forth along his length with his big hands. “I’m not gunna last long.” He groaned desperately as his lips parted in pleasure, his eyes squeezing shut as he felt her pussy tight around him.
“So big.” She whimpered softly, still trying to stretch in order to accommodate to his size. Andy kissed her temple lovingly, his heart sinking at her words as his cock twitching inside of her rubbed up against her walls.
“Thought you would’ve gotten used to me by now.” He whispered cheekily, trying to distract her from the pain. He dropped his head to press a kiss to her lips, smiling as he noticed her chuckle shakily in response, both of them drunk on the feeling of their intimacy.
“Your cock is huge, Andy.” She mumbled sweetly as she kissed him back, starting to move her hips slowly as she adjusted to his thick shaft. “It’d take a lot longer than this for me to get used to it.”
“Shit.” He hissed as Y/N forced herself to bounce a little faster on him, a soft sound of their skin slapping together filled the room. Her stomach clenched as she paced up and down his cock, feeling so full with him inside of her.
One of her hands lifted to rest on his shoulder, the other on the mattress beside his head as she sat up on him, regaining her strength. Little whimpers left her lips as she pleasured herself on Andy’s cock, feeling his strong hands holding her tightly. His fingers left marks on her curvy hips, the new angle gave them both an increased amount of pleasure.
Groans rumbled in Andy’s throat as he clenched his jaw, admiring the gorgeous woman above him. He forced his eyes to stay on her, smitten with the way her back arches towards him, the way her tits bounce with every thrust, the way her face looks flushed and so very satisfied.
“Andy” She moaned his name, her eyes fluttering shut as she slid her hand from his shoulder to his chest, her finger nails digging into his skin.
He was mesmerised by the way her pussy smacked down against his skin with every bounce of her hips, rubbing the length his cock with her tight walls.
“C’mere.” Andy mumbled breathlessly, reaching his hand up to lift her arm from his chest, as he tugged her arm towards his head. He pulled her body down on to him with ease, desperate to have her closer.
Y/N didn’t hesitate to obey to his gentle command, resting her chest flush against his once more as she looked up at him through hooded eyes. His hands slid down to her ass, spreading her cheeks as he took control, thrusting up into her.
She forced her head to stay focused on him, even as the overwhelming pleasure filled her body. Andy instantly smiled admiringly down at her, proud of how well she was taking him. His heart fluttered as he noticed her smiling beck at him, losing theirselves in the love they felt.
He grunted desperately, feeling his cock push deep inside of her with every jolt of his hips. “Just because you’re on top, doesn’t mean you’re in control.” He mumbled through hooded eyes, craving more and more of her attention.
Y/N chuckled at his comment before whimpering as his cock hit her cervix, leaning up to kiss him as she cupped his jaw in an attempt to satisfy the need to bring him closer.
Andy kissed her back, his tongue slipping into her mouth to twirl with hers. He lifted his knees, pressing the heels of his feet into the mattress as he fucked up into her with more leverage.
Y/N moaned as she felt Andy’s cock slide deeper into her, protruding through the bottom of her tummy from inside of her. She moaned into another loving kiss, her clit rubbing against his skin as she felt her orgasm bubbling.
“Want you to cum around my cock.” Andy moaned against her lips, one hand digging into the thick flesh of her thigh as his length twitched inside of her.
“You’re close, Andy.” She whispered back matter-of-factly, noticing the way his cock was twitching desperately inside of her. Andy knew she was right, he could feel his release rapidly building up, his heart swelling at how well she knew him.
He nodded in response, their breaths colliding as Andy’s spare hand held the back of her head, tugging her hair slightly out of desperation.
Andy quickened his pace, feeling her juices running down onto his balls. Moans filled the room as Y/N moved her hips down aggressively, using the last of her strength to sit back up on Andy.
The sudden change of her angle was too much for Andy, sending him spilling his seed inside of her as his hips jolted erratically.
“Fuck.” He moaned as his face screwed up in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing as he emptied his seed into her tight pussy, not letting go of his grip on her body.
Andy didn’t stop slamming up into her, the feeling of her pussy clenching around his length was something he never wanted to stop.
Y/N felt her orgasm wash over her with a loud moan, his cock rutting into her sensitive pussy as her hole filled with his warm cum. Her nails dug into his chest as they both stilled for a moment, trying to make the euphoria of the moment last.
Her overstimulated pussy pulsated around his cock, still deep inside of her as he took hold of her wrist softly, looking up at her in admiration.
Y/N closed her eyes, trying to steady herself with one hand as she felt Andy’s lips kissing her wrist. Her stomach sunk as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat, dread washing away the pleasure.
“Say it.” She whispered breathlessly, her eyes slowly opening as she looked at him innocently through her lashes.
“I love you.” He spoke without hesitation between kisses, his eyes never leaving her face as he admired her beauty.
“No, Andy.” She sighed irritably, lifting her hips up just enough for his cock to slide out of her, emptying herself of his length before sitting back down on him carefully. “Just say it.”
Andy sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he felt his heart sinking inside of his chest. He knew that his truth would catch up with him eventually, he just hoped it would be further in the future. The sadness that covered Y/N’s face had his heart aching at her pain, hating that he’d done that to her. “I’m married.”
She held her breath for a moment too long, feeling her heart break as the words left his lips. “I hate you.” She mumbled, closing her eyes to stop the tears from escaping. She sighed heaving as she laid her chest back on to his, enjoying the last of his presence. How could she have let herself so vulnerable? Why did she ever let her guard down? Why did she ever let him in?
“I know.” Andy sighed heavily, hating himself for hurting her. She hid her saddened face in the dip of his neck, relaxing against him as she inhaled his scent. Andy’s hands slid up her sides to wrap around her back, hugging her tightly.
The haunting silence engulfed the room, an emptiness between them where there had once been an overwhelming sense of fulfilment. Andy knew deep down in his gut that he’d lost her. He knew how much he’d unintentionally hurt her. He knew it was over. But there was nothing he could do, because the truth was, it never even should’ve started.
@harrysthiccthighss​ @annestine​ @bestofbucky​ @velvetcardiganbucky​ @sexwithhiddlesbatch​ @be-patient-be-good​ @codyl-angdon​ @marveljunkieee​ @melchills-j​ @krislhurt​ @patzammit​
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
They want us together - Vinnie Hacker
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Picture’s not mine
I know my last post were about Rio and Johnny , and Vinnie has nothing to do with them, but he is one of my favorite dudes so ... Hope you enjoy it 
Vinnie Fluff
Warning : Language
Word Count : 1.4k
Bzzzz bzzzz
Your phone buzzed, indicating Vinnie was live. It was rare of him to do so since he was more likely to stream on twitch. You opened your phone, tapping on the app as you entered his live. You watched as more people are joining in and commenting in hopes of Vinnie noticing them.
“Hey guys, hope you are all having a good day! I wanted to hop on in since it’s been a while, I was thinking of just chatting for a bit and I’ll probably go annoy the others” he said chuckling a little. His eyes were moving fast trying to read as many comments as possible.
“SUP FOOL 😝” you write down, as everyone commented that you were watching Vinnie’s live.
He chuckled “Hi (Y/N), weren’t you supposed to be here like an hour ago?”
See, you were kind of popular on social media and you had made some friends over at the Hype house over the past months. When Vinnie moved in, you hit it off quite fast with him. You had a lot of mutual interests and you would always laugh when you were around him. Being in the public eyes wasn’t always easy. Vinnie had everyone drooling over him and you being around, got you a lot of hate.
On the contrary, a lot of people were shipping you, saying you had the same vibe and that you’d look good together. Vinnie was attractive, no denying that, but everything isn’t about looks. He’d always been nice to you, supporting and encouraging you through everything and you’d do the same for him. He was easy to talk to and everyone could see that you’ve grown closer and had a genuine connection.
“I’m in a uber heading over to the house” you typed as he read your message.
You continued watching for a bit as he answered some question as you got off commenting that you’d arrive soon.
Once you logged off, Vinnie spoke “Ok guys, what do you say we prank (Y/N) when she gets here?” He said smiling eagerly planning something with his followers. “I’ll go downstairs now”
As the gate opened, leading your uber driver, onto the path to the big mansion, Vinnie runs to the front of the house, hiding in the bushes next to the door, ready to scare you.
“Ok guys, she’s pulling up now, get ready to laugh” He snickered trying to stay silent so you wouldn’t notice him.
You got out of the car and started walking towards the front door when Vinnie came out of nowhere scaring the hell out of you. One hand flying to your chest as you let out a scream of terror while Vinnie laughed is ass of at your reaction.
“Guys! Did you see that? Shit was hilarious” He continued almost dying of laughter.
“Shut up you asshole” You said chuckling lightly as you slapped him on his chest. “You really got me there” you smiled sweetly at him.
“I’ll leave you to this, guys. I’ll talk to you soon, probably streaming tomorrow as well. Bye” He said as both of you waved before he ended the live. You got inside, going straight to the kitchen where everyone was already chilling.
“(Y/N)!” Michael stood up drink in hand, standing next to you while giving you a side hug. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Whatever you’re having is fine with me” You smiled greeting everyone. Michael came back, handing you a rum and coke.
You all catch up for a bit when Alex spoke “What do you say we play never have I ever?” He said already a bit tipsy filming us all to get content for his vlog.
As most of us were down to do something other than just chatting, we decided to agree as Alex filled in his drink.  “Ok I’ll go first than” He said sitting down next to Kouvr.
“Never have I ever gone 24hours without showering” Pretty much everyone drank except for Vinnie, Mia and yourself.
“Why am I not surprised that you didn’t drink, boy’s always in the damn shower” you said laughing at Vinnie, referencing to all the thirst traps he posts.
You all continued to play for a bit, everyone having fun and laughing.
“Never have I ever fantasized about someone in this room” Michael said before taking a big gulp out of his drink, clearly too drunk to get the concept of the game anymore.
Thomas, Mia, Kouvr, Alex and Vinnie took one as well.
“Girl you better drink, cause I know for a fact you have” Mia said pointing at you as you blush taking a sip.
“Oh yeah who is it?” Michael asked smirking at you, bumping your shoulder with his.
Your eyes went to Vinnie for a quick second
“None of your goddamn business” You answered chuckling lightly as you continued to play for a little bit before everyone got tired.
You weren’t though, so you decided to go down to the pool while most of the others went to bed.
“Anyone wants to join me for a dip or are you all going to leave me by myself” you asked
‘Vinnie will join you. He never goes to sleep before 3 in the morning anyways” Thomas said smirking looking at the both of you.
“Uh yeah sure, let me just go get change and I’ll meet you back down here”
You went into the pool as you waited for Vinnie to come back. When he did, he jumped in, splashing you as you laughed. He came back to the surface and swam closer to you.
“Want to make a Tiktok with me” you agreed, plopping the phone near the stairs as you got in place to film a TikTok dance that was trending. You filmed yourselves a bunch of times since you couldn’t stop laughing at each other. Once you finally got a nice take, you ended the video by pushing Vinnie in the water his arms grabbing you dragging you along as you both feel in the pool.
You both were laughing as you came back to get some air and Vinnie posted the video on his account. Even though it was late, the video already got a lot of reactions, comments saying stuff about how hot he looked and how you too would make a great couple as people shipped you.
“People really want us together” He said chuckling as he stared down at me
He put his phone back near the table as he came back in the water approaching you.
“So, who’s the person you’ve been fantasizing about huh?” he asked getting closer to you as the words left his mouth, a smirk plastered on his face.
“No one” you shrugged blushing “Let me remind you that you drank too, so who’s the person you’ve been fantasizing about?” you asked as you grinned back.
“You” he said boldly looking directly into your eyes. “I mean I like you (Y/N). I’m myself when I’m with you and you always make me laugh at the simplest things. I don’t want to lie and say I never thought about kissing you before because I have. In fact, I’m always think about kissing you”
“Are you thinking about kissing me right now?”
“Yeah I mean –“ You cut him off pressing your lips to his. He kisses you back as his hands flew to your hips pulling you in closer to his body. His tongue peaks out just enough against you bottom lip for you to open your mouth a little bit more, as you whimpered against him. His lips were softer than you’d ever thought they’d be, and they meld perfectly against yours. Your hands made their way trough his hair, tugging a bit as you got more into the kiss, making him let out a small groan. You could feel him smile against your lips as you pulled away to get some air. Once you open your eyes, Vinnie is already looking at you, his eyes piercing your soul.
“I like you too Vinnie, I have for a while now” you said blushing avoiding his stare.
He grabbed you by your chin pulling you closer as he pecked your lips, laughing afterward. He looked so good, his hair dripping, his eyes sparkling with joy and his lips swollen caused by the kiss you just shared.
“So, I guess everyone was right about us huh?”
“I guess they were” you giggled leaning towards him as you cuddled and made out all night.
Thank you for reading
Hope you like it, let me know what you think
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edie-baby · 3 years
we're okay, we're alright | lando norris
summary: When Lando Norris has a panic attack, McLaren's personal assistant, Olivia McKinnon, is there to calm him down. Even if they have to penguin walk.
word count: 2337
warnings: panic attacks
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When a seventeen year old Olivia McKinnon first joined the McLaren F1 team as a personal assistant to their drivers, Fernando Alonso and Stoffel Vandoorne were in the cockpits, and she got along well with both of them. Fernando had become a bit of an uncle to the teenager, teaching her Spanish whenever she asked, and ruffling up her hair in the most inconvenient of situations. Stoffel was much like an older brother, he joked around with her, teased her endlessly, and was always quick to worry if anything happened to her - he also threatened to beat up her boyfriend when she found out he was cheating on her, but that’s beside the point.
The day the news broke that two new drivers would be filling the seats of the two men she was incredibly close to, it shocked Oli. She was finally getting used to the specifics of the older men’s orders - how they liked coffee, water, what food they liked in what moods, who they were always happy to answer calls from, and who to consistently avoid. And now she’d be having to learn it for two completely new people.
Carlos Sainz she had seen around the paddock, never spoken to nor been introduced to, however after the first few weekends of seeing her multiple times, they began exchanging smiles in passing. He seemed nice, and Oli figured she might be able to continue her Spanish lessons if they got on well enough.
Lando Norris however, Oli had a complicated relationship with. They had bumped into each other multiple times around the MTC when he was there for meetings or sim work, or during race weekends when he hung around the McLaren garage on account of him being a test and reserve driver. Zak introduced them multiple times, sure that a friendship would blossom between the two youngins quite quickly, however Lando was always quick to leave whenever Oli was near. After wondering if she had offended him, or done something wrong, she began to worry and spoke to Zak about the issue, not wanting to have tension between her and one of the men she would be working for. Zak spoke with Lando a few days later, and found out in quite a memorable conversation, exactly why Lando had such an aversion to the small brunette.
“I’m scared of her.” Lando muttered ashamedly. Zak couldn’t help but bark out a laugh, that the boy who drove fast cars was scared of a five foot two pixie of a girl who had a beaming smile and cute nose.
“How? She’s so small.” Zak chuckled, the image of Lando cowering away from a girl six inches shorter than him was one he wouldn’t forget.
“I don’t know, she’s just so scary. I feel like if she wanted to, she could say five words and I would be ruined. Completely, like she could tear me apart in a sentence. I also think she could probably take me in a fight.” Lando replied, fiddling with the bracelet on his right wrist, a nervous habit he had developed after his Mum gifted it to him. Zak merely laughed in response, a fond smile crossing his face at the young driver. He could see from the beginning the two were made for each other, Lando didn’t know it yet but it seemed he already had a very strong connection with the girl.
“Anyone could take you in a fight, Lando. Just be nice to her and I’m sure she won’t bite. Unless you ask, of course.” Zak teased, thankful for his easy going and close relationship with the eighteen year old. Lando went bright red, covering his cheeks with a nervous laugh, the serious eyes Zak was giving him pushing him to flee the room in the mess of flushed cheeks and embarrassed laughter.
“Oli! Have you seen Carlos or Jon?” Charlotte yelled, startling the brunette who was pouring over the weekend’s schedule. Olivia looked up, shaking her head at Charlotte who sighed in frustration.
“According to his schedule, Carlos should be in interviews for the next hour, and Jon should be floating around somewhere. Why? What’s gone on?” Oli questioned, double checking the schedule in front of her.
“I think Lando’s having a panic attack and I don’t know how to calm him down. I figured one of the boys would know.” Charlotte rushed out, causing Oli to stand up from her chair abruptly. She had dealt with many panic attacks during her high school years and knew firsthand how hard it was to ground yourself sometimes.
“Where is he?” Oli demanded, already gathering her belongings on the table while Charlotte pointed wordlessly to the drivers’ rooms. Oli set off, jogging through the McLaren hospitality, making a beeline for the Brit’s room. When she got up there, the door was partially open, and that was enough for Oli to push the door all the way open, then quickly closing it behind her to give Lando some privacy.
“Lando? It’s Olivia, Charlotte’s out looking for Jon and Carlos at the moment. She said you were having a panic attack, and I don’t know if you have them much but I wanted to try some breathing with you? You just have to follow along with what I’m doing, okay sweetheart? Big breath in through your nose, one, two, three, four. Now hold that breath in, two, three, four. And let it out through your mouth, one, two, three, four, five, six. Okay, we’re going to do it again. In, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four. And out, two, three, four, five, six.” Oli attempted the most well known ‘calm the fuck down’ technique, something that never really worked for her but was often good for others. Lando didn’t seem to be able to hear anything she was saying, barely reacting to her presence when the door opened.
He was curled up in the corner of the small bed, his back against the wall, legs pulled tight up to his chest. His breaths were heavy and uneven, and Oli wondered how long he had been breathing like this as it most definitely wasn’t good for his oxygen consumption.
“Sweetheart, I’m going to try something different. I’m going to talk, and I want you to focus on my voice. You don’t need to listen to what I’m saying if you can’t, but just listen to the noise, alright?” Olivia tried again, slowly making her way to the bed. She sank down onto her knees in front of the bed, trying to come off as non-threatening as possible.
“You know, I really like your shoes. I usually don’t like the look of trainers, I’m more of a sneakers girl myself, but they look really nice. But we’ll have to get you some cool socks, they’ll get hidden by your pants most of the time but it’s always fun to have a bit of a secret. I’m wearing beer socks right now. They’re pretty cute, and no one can tell unless I pull my jeans up.” Oli’s ramblings didn’t seem to be doing much to help Lando either, his breathing and rocking completely undisturbed. Olivia wanted to try one more thing before she began repeating the process of different techniques.
She stood up, leaning slightly against the bed Lando was curled on and reached her hand out slowly. She aimed for his bicep, the skin to skin contact startled something in Lando and he jumped. Oli moved back immediately, scared that she had made everything worse when Lando’s hands landed on her own arms, hauling her pliant body up onto the bed and curling his body around her. His head rested next to her shoulder, his nose lightly brushing the fabric of her team shirt, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. He was still curled up quite a bit, his knees tucked close to his chest, the bony joints resting against Oli’s hips.
She heard Lando sniffle and turned to look at him immediately, a choked sob left his lips as tears trailed on a warpath down his tanned face. Oli wrapped her arms around Lando, pulling his head to rest on her upper chest, close enough to her heart that he would be able to hear it beating, whilst not completely smothering him in her boobs. Her hands began brushing through Lando’s hair, listening to the heartbreaking sounds of him sobbing so hard he was coughing.
“It’s okay sweetheart. You’re gonna be okay.” Oli whispered, her lips brushing the top of Lando’s forehead. His sobs began slowing, turning into whimpers and sniffles, then finally stopping to the rare sniffle.
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing from the driver’s lips when he had calmed himself down. He attempted to untangle himself from his assistant, but she only held on tighter. Lando relaxed straight away, her fingers carding through his curls was so soothing that he could have fallen asleep right there.
“Do not apologise. There’s not a single thing to be sorry for, honey. Are you feeling a little better now? Your breathing is much better and your tears have stopped.” Olivia spoke, softly brushing the slowly drying tear tracks with the back of her index finger, the gentleness of her touch causing a lone tear to fall from Lando’s eye, catching on Olivia���s hand. He hadn’t been touched like this in so long, and knowing that she was only doing it because it was her job could have sent him spiralling again, but Oli caught the look swimming in his eyes.
“Hey, hey! Look at me, okay? We’re okay. We’re alright. Do you want to come with me to get you some water? Maybe a cup of tea? And we should get you a hoodie, you’re shivering like crazy, love.” Olivia was so patient with him, allowing him a few moments to process everything she was saying and speaking a little slower than she usually would. She made a move to get up, her arm outstretched reaching for a hoodie hung over the back of the couch that she presumed Lando had ripped off when he first got in the room. Just as her fingers grasped the material, Lando tightened his arms around her, his breath hitching at the lessened contact with the only thing that was holding him together at that point.
“Honey, I need to get your hoodie. You’re freezing and you’ll get sick if you don’t rug up soon. Look, we can shuffle over there together.” Oli held tight to Lando, scooching her body closer to the edge of the uncomfortable bed to reach out for the teen’s hoodie. She got it this time, letting out a breath that she had held in order to stretch her appendage further. She turned back to Lando, his orange and grey hoodie clutched tightly in her hands, his arms still wrapped in a death grip around her waist.
“Can you sit up for me? You’ll feel better once you’re warmer, and you can go right back to holding me once this is on, I promise.” Olivia assured, using her warm hands to coax Lando into a sitting position, his arms still around her, legs coming to rest on either side of her hips as she sat on her knees. His thighs were pressed tightly against hers, trying to keep as many points of contact with her as physically possible, and she would be lying if she said it wasn’t comforting.
Slowly, Oli got one arm off her waist, slipping the orange hoodie onto Lando’s arm, letting him return it to her back once it was pushed up far enough. She did the same with the other arm, pulling it over his head moments after. Once the hood was down off his head, Olivia fixed his hair, small fingers threading through his curls in an attempt to return them to their previous perfection. Lando remained in his spot, eyes trained on a spot on the floor just over Oli’s shoulder.
“How about that water, sweetheart? I don’t care if we have to penguin walk there.” Oli joked, and she saw a flicker of confusion pass over Lando’s face. She figured it would be something to explain in detail at a later date, instead choosing to spin in her spot on the table, still folded up on her knees with Lando’s legs around her.
Olivia slipped off the bed, her own hands covering Lando’s to reassure him that he could keep them around her waist, his body following hers onto his own two feet when she got too far away from him. Oli continued shuffling forward slowly, hands still holding Lando’s while he followed her small steps to the door of the room.
“Are you okay?” Olivia whispered, feeling Lando curl himself around her more, his chin coming to rest over her shoulder, his curls tickling the underside of his jaw. She felt him nod against her and took it as her queue to open the door and begin the slow adventure to the canteen in the hospitality centre. It took them about three times as long as it usually would, and garnered a lot more looks than usual, however a lot of those stares were in awe of the young couple shuffling through the building. The innocence the two possessed while both working in such a cutthroat environment was adorable, the naivety in their unwillingness to let go of each other.
Zak Brown checked his phone when it buzzed, only to be greeted with a video of the company’s youngest employees that he had a certain fatherly protectiveness over. And after seeing them together, much of the McLaren staff were extremely protective of the two youngsters. They were comforted that their young driver had found someone he trusted and could rely on like the two before them.
The connection they made was an unbreakable one, and there was a bright future for McLaren with Lando and Olivia taking on everything side by side.
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