#what i really wanted to say was ''maybe you're not ready for kant if you don't understand the concept of translation differences''
jesuisgourde · 1 year
working in a city is ridiculous some guy came in to my job today in sandals, white pajama pants and a brown bathrobe open with no shirt on and proceeded to ask my boss if he like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and then tried to give my boss the various fixings for said sandwiches (a bag of sliced bread, jars of peanut butter and jelly) and when my boss said he didn't want them the guy was like "well i have to go to the hospital in a minute and i need to get rid of them." my boss said something like well you can give them to someone on the street who needs it, or put it next to the trash can just out there. and the guy started stuffing the food back into his bag and just said "well, i'll be back in here later, but i have to go." then he walked out and crossed the street without looking
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compo67 · 3 years
Dean? I thought you went to bed.
I did.
I laid there like a hotdog for an hour, waiting for your ass to come to bed.
Like a hotdog?
Chicago style, baby.
Were the finger guns necessary?
They're always necessary, Sam. What are you working on that is so much more important than spooning me?
It's not more important than spooning you, I just have to finish grading these essays.
Ah, yes, the Professor's Plight.
Take a seat. I'm almost done.
I guess I can pop a squat... for a few minutes. Have I told you how comfortable our bed is? It's got these awesome pillows. It's even got sheets.
Sheets, you say? Does it have blankets?
Oh, it has luxury blankets. From Macy's.
And did you pay full price for these luxury blankets?
Fuck no. I never pay full price for anything.
Well. Almost anything. I don't go cheap on the important stuff.
And what's important stuff?
Cock rings, vibrators, lube, paletas, and engine oil.
Dean, you had that list ready and waiting, didn't you?
A man knows what he should spend his money on. And it ain't on full price sheets. I got that set for 30% off. What are you grading, anyway? What torture did you put those kids through now?
It's not torture. It's education.
Tomato, tomahto.
It's for my Ethics class, ass.
Ugh. I saw that syllabus. I can't Kant.
Kant was two weeks ago. This was more of a personal assignment. I asked them what ethics means to them and how they, and anyone else, can preserve them.
I know. I have some regrets.
You're doing the nose pinching thing.
It's just. I've spent all semester investing in these students and some of them didn't do well on this assignment. It's kind of... disappointing.
Hey, it's not your tuition money.
No, but it is my responsibility to teach them how to think and behave ethically--in their personal and professional lives.
Is it though?
Sammy. You always put so much on yourself.
I... Don't have a witty response to that.
You're gettin' on in your years. It's okay.
May I remind you, for the millionth time, that you're older than me?
I keep count and it's the two millionth time.
The longer you distract me, the longer I'll take to go to bed.
Look. My point is, you give them the information, the coordinates of ethics, and it's up to them to be responsible with it. Yeah, you gotta teach it well, be clear about the content, yadda yadda. But you, you Sammy, not Professor, gotta keep your own boundaries and stick to what's in your control. If these 'scholars' don't have the same ethics or take the time to understand what you're laying down, then that's on them. Not you.
... Dean.
That's. Just. Wow.
I know, right? Fuckin' A.
I'm a little turned on.
Only a little?
The finger guns don't help.
I guess this assignment just makes me question my own ethics. And what I'm willing to give up for them. I haven't... always had the best record.
No one has. Not even me. And we know how adorable I am.
Adorable and charming.
Don't make me blush, Sammy.
I think. What I wanted my students to understand is ethics are important. They teach us how to treat ourselves and others. If you don't fight to keep them, then you're not being honest with yourself. Or others.
People fuck up.
But there's a difference between fucking up and learning from it, and eventually stop fucking up. Or fucking up, not learning from it, and choosing to keep fucking up.
Can you teach this class next semester? Maybe without so much swearing.
Fuck no, to both of those. You're the Professor. I'm just the madman.
I wanna watch that on Netflix.
We could start it tonight. If you'd just come to bed.
Yeah, Sam.
I'm proud of us. As individuals and as... us.
As you should be, dammit. This shit is hard.
I don't want to give up anything important to me anymore for the sake of other people.
Then don't.
You give so much of yourself to everything you do and everyone you know, myself included. Put yourself first for once, Sam.
You know I'm right.
Right isn't always easy to follow.
I know. But nothing worth having, ethics too, is ever that easy. Just my two cents.
Look at you, Dean. Teaching me things into our fifties.
Fifties and beyond, baby. This is a lifetime deal.
Let's go to bed.
Is it synthetic or conventional oil for cars?
Synthetic. Fewer contaminants. Why?
I wanna make sure I get your Christmas present right.
Aw, ain't that nice. But Christmas was two weeks ago.
It's never too late for Christmas presents.
I won't argue that. But my birthday's coming up.
I already got your birthday present.
I hope you didn't pay full price for it.
It's not something you buy.
Don't tease. And don't hog the blankets.
Are you the big spoon or the little spoon tonight?
Little. Because I'm feeling generous.
Dean. Thank you.
Sam. Any time. Now tell me what you got me.
Nope. That's against my ethics.
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