#went kinda wild with this. don't ask me about accurate characterisation. jason is my oc now
mvriigold · 4 months
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜ + " the fucker deserved it. " | ( fbsdhjkf also danny for chrissy, pls let him punch ur weakass bf- )
“No.” Chrissy’s as quiet as usual when it comes to this. Eyes avoidant, arms tucked around herself in replacement of her letterman sweater. There’s a giveaway tremble to her voice that could be mistaken for anxiety, and probably would be by most people that know her. But more than anything, she’s just upset. Upset, and tired. It felt like fate that the game would turn into a disaster. Jason had gotten his mind set on the opposing team making a foul play, building anger evident as he’d practically picked a fight with the referee. Chrissy had watched the telltale veins pulse in his neck, had blown a kiss his way to try to ease his temper back down. It hadn’t worked. Especially when her school’s team had ultimately lost. And only by three points, too. She hadn’t wanted to go to the post-game party, after that. Jason’s frustration had stunk as bad as if he’d drowned himself in alcohol, and Chrissy hadn’t wanted to go anywhere with him in that state. She hadn’t even wanted to go to the party to begin with - not even if they won. She’d always planned on excusing herself away. But God, had the stare he’d given her when she’d done so made her squirm. Made her want to shrink and hide, as phantom bugs skittered over her skin. He’d stared, said “Chris,” in that flat, disbelieving tone, and she’d avoided his eyes as she stood her ground. It’d been easy to hear the cogs turning in his head. Easy to picture his eyes shifting upwards, and finding Maria where she stood in the crowd. Jason had never been a huge fan of her befriending one of the “enemy.” Chrissy was sure that the word on her letting him down would reach her mother by the morning. It always did. “Can we just… go somewhere?” Still hugging herself, she finds herself reluctant to look up at Danny just yet. Talking to him right now won’t do her any favours; she can feel Jason’s eyes digging into her from where he stands near the gymnasium doors, before they cut away. She can already hear the way he’ll remark on this when they’re back at school. “I just… don’t really want to stay here, right now.”
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