#went and looked up 'anatomy of cable wire' and might have yelled a bit
cantankerouscatfish · 2 years
couldn’t remember the name of a thing. the plastic (rubber?) that is around a wire. the tube you pull off to attach the wire to something. not ‘wrapping.’ not ‘sleeve.’ wire’s little shirt. what is it???
the term is ‘insulation.’
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
A (pretty decent tbh) Meeting With Starscream & Soundwave. And Metroplex.
At Starscream’s orders, Prowl is hooked up to Metroplex to demonstrate that he can cityspeak, by locating Starscream and communicating his location. Prowl is a lot better at locating Starscream than he is at communicating it, but he manages to find a way to get it out.
There’s a bit of a kerfuffle when Soundwave and Starscream tell Prowl to unplug and he doesn’t, but they get it sorted out. Prowl has now been assigned to try to extract more data from Metroplex, particularly concerning his anatomy/blueprints.
The process had the unintended side-effect of jolting Prowl back into some sort of alertness for the first time in weeks. He’s actually speaking in full sentences of his own volition again.
I didn’t record the first half of the chat like a fucking dumbass.
Starscream got situated somewhere out in Metroplex while Prowl got ready to plug in with Metroplex. Soundwave is accompanying Prowl, but he’s in alt-mode and hovering because No Touching The Inside Of Metroplex’s Head. Soundwave is waiting nearby with coolant. Starscream commed them to make sure they were both prepared, which they confirmed—Prowl’s pretty much just communicating in pings of acknowledgment right now. After plugging in, he flopped to sit on his legs and went silent for about a minute as Metroplex started feeding him data. Eventually he managed to say a string of useless words, based on images Metroplex was showing him of the vicinity around Starscream: “Window indigo wire mail tile electric reflection,” which Soundwave relayed on to Starscream. Which is pretty useless as far as positively identifying a location goes, but Starscream gave him 5/10 for “indigo,” and decided to give him another go. Soundwave suggested Starscream make himself more conspicuous.
Starscream: *Starscream will consider his options, then pull out the stylus on the datapd. A few clicks and- how about he draws a crown with wings on the wall. Starscream: *IT's his city he can draw on it* Prowl: I have— I can see— I— *he just can't get it into Neocybex.* Prowl: *words aren't working. try math. he reaches out for soundwave* Soundwave: *Soundwave's not exactly sure what's going on here, but he can't come out of this shape without contacting Metroplex himself, so he stretches a feeler out and wraps it around what's reaching for him.* Soundwave: (txt): What needed? Soundwave: *Can Prowl interpret texts while reading Metroplex? He doesn't know that either. Hmm.* Prowl: *there's a lot of metroplex noise being filtered through Prowl's mind now* Prowl: *the filtering is strong enough that, unless Soundwave TRIES to push through to it, it will be little more than distant colors on the horizon* Prowl: *what IS on the surface of Prowl's mind is Numbers, and no, he can't handle text right now, but he CAN try to think those numbers as loudly as possible.* Prowl: *and—just to make it extra clear—he tugs Soundwave's feeler closer, and presses it directly over the chevron on his helm* Soundwave: *It's kind of a good thing Starscream isn't here right now, because his own biolights brightening up has nothing to do with reading Metroplex. The feeler's tendrils instantly wrap around the chevron-- Soundwave: while the claws spread out and latch on. And oh, NUMBERS...* Starscream: *Starscream is adding to his doodle. the crown has a smaller crown* Prowl: *pure numbers. he's creating a 3D graph with line segments, drawing a building Metroplex is showing him. A wall of windows, the frames and the glass and doors and handles and walls and screws-- Prowl: *--replicated down to the centimeter.* Prowl: *but about halfway through the drawing is disrupted by different lines, something swooping and curving that obviously has nothing to do with the building. Soundwave: *Scrambling to keep up, not as quick with this kind of math as Prowl is. He reaches for Chimera with his other feeler and calls Buzzsaw's processors into play, splitting the work among them-- Soundwave: and combining the additions every few seconds to see where it's going.* Soundwave: [[He's creating a - it was a building. He doesn't know what these...]] Soundwave: [[Here. Look.]] Prowl: *it's chaos now. but before the chaos he got half a building out.* Soundwave: *Sends Starscream the half a building. Does he recognize this? What are these swoopy lines?* Starscream: *Well! He wasn't suspecting an image, but that works just as well as a physical description. As for the swoopy lines-* Starscream: ::I'm upgrading his score to a 9.:: Soundwave: [[What does Prowl need to 'pass'?]] Soundwave: *Please, please don't let this take much longer. He can feel the pull toward those colors...* Prowl: *he's still trying. he's got images. He does. they're just—millions of pixels, and he can only make sense out of eight hundred at a time. this isn't like normal vision, he can't just look at it* Starscream: ::To not fry himself and to score a seven or better one more time. Disconnect him from Metroplex and take a break.:: Starscream: ::I'm going to change my location, and we'll see if he can duplicate the results.:: Soundwave: *Soundwave immediately passes the order on, a little louder than strictly necessary to try to override whatever Metroplex is saying.* Soundwave: [[Disconnect. Separate. Break. Detach.]] Prowl: No. Ain't gonna. *that's... only slightly Prowl's voice there* Soundwave: *In 25 million years he has never once heard any Prowl say "ain't gonna".* Prowl: Moving. Moving? Soundwave: [[You WILL let Prowl go and detach. You do not function without him.]] Soundwave: [[Yes. Moving. Come back.]] Prowl: No. Not done. Soundwave: [[More later. You need a break. You will go back. You can finish then. Please.]] Prowl: *presses the feeler harder against his helm. he's got a map. Metroplex map. There's a trajectory flying over it.* Prowl: *The flight isn't done—still in transit from point A to point B—but he's predicting a range of areas where point B might be base on current trajectory* Soundwave: *Okay, NOW he's going to buzz Starscream.* Starscream: ::Yes? What is it?:: Soundwave: [[He's refusing. And predicting your flight. Here. Tell him if this is enough.]] Starscream: ::Refusing-:: Starscream: *swirtches coms* Starscream: ::Prowl! Disengage from Metroplex immediately!:: Starscream: *is going to switch flightpaths and head to where Prowl and Soundwave are.* Prowl: *the trajectory changes accordingly* Soundwave: [[Stop moving.]] Starscream: *fine, fine! He'll land right here* Soundwave: *Transferring the trajectory data. Look. Look, this is proof.* Prowl: *he got Starscream's comm. Doesn't comm back, though.* He wants— Disconnect— Soundwave: [[Yes. Disconnect. It is good. You have done well. You require coolant. We can begin again when you are well, if there is another test.]] Soundwave: [[If you do not, he will be forced to perform a manual override.]] Soundwave: [[He does not wish to do this.]] Prowl: *prowl clamps his hands over the cables plugging him into metroplex* Starscream: ::Prowl, disconnect from Metroplex immediately or I will call Windblade and tell HER to rip you out of his mind.:: Prowl: *a burst of data comes straight from metroplex, unfiltered through prowl, to Soundwave. not enough data to harm, but enough to shock.* Prowl: *It looks something like this: http://68.media.tumblr.com/7adf80c564fdbc401fa8696934e47870/tumblr_inline_mp4u33EOxZ1qz4rgp.jpg* Soundwave: *Drops a couple of feet in height before stabilizing.* Soundwave: *Hi, Starscream. New player here.* Soundwave: //Uh. Uh. Metroplex kinda... he kinda. He yelled 'stop'.// Starscream: ::You're- Augh. The not screaming one. Rumble. Stop /what/?:: Soundwave: //The Boss was tryna get him to cut off, 'n he wouldn't, so he said he don't wanna have ta pull him out, 'n Metroplex said STOP. So... we're stoppin'.// Soundwave: //Big fragger shouts at ya, ya listen.// Starscream: ::Is there an estimation on if and when Metroplex might be having Prowl disengage? Prowl: *and then, THEN, finally, Prowl unplugs.* Prowl: *and immediately doubles up and cradles his head in his hands.* ugh. Soundwave: //...Uh, right about now.// Soundwave: *Feeler immediately withdrawn. That was clearly a special occasion and there is no way he will take advantage of this to continue reading Prowl's mind.* Starscream: ::Prowl! Soundwave! Status report!:: Starscream: *will resume his flight to their location now that the 'stop' seems to be over with* Soundwave: [[Status: [][][]Ugh.[][][] ]] Prowl: ... Soundwave. *his voice is a little bit shaky* Soundwave: *Nudges coolant over. Pings. Expects Starscream will be here any minute, if he's anything like the others.* Starscream: ::Prowl, respond immediately!:: *a ping is acceptable* Prowl: «Ugh.» Prowl: Did it maybe, possibly, occur to you, that if somebody is interfacing with somebody with a brain five times bigger than their entire body... Prowl: ... it might take a couple of minutes to eject? Starscream: *that's two ughs. At least they're not fried, so that's not two employees he has to replace* Starscream: ::Remain where you are, I'll be joining you at your position shortly. Am I going to have to call in a medic before or after I get a debriefing?:: Prowl: @Starscream «None needed. I'm fine, just hot.» Soundwave: (txt): Soundwave does not know. This, never seen, never done. ... Only reference, self-past. Apology. Soundwave: [[No medics.]] Soundwave: *Even if his head hurts from that STOP.* Prowl: *mumbles something about improperly ejected dongles and defragging for weeks. feels around for the coolant he heard scooting across the floor.* Soundwave: *Nudges it closer to the hand.* Starscream: ::MEdical exam AFTER I yell at you. Good, that's how I prefer doing things.:: Prowl: «I get to yell first.» Prowl: *found it. picks it up and sips at.* ... Thanks. Soundwave: (txt): Welcome. Soundwave: [[...Personal medical exam declined. His deployers have not registered any system damage.]] Soundwave: [[He will accept any admonishments.]] Starscream: *ya'll get a few minutes to 'chill' before your boss shows up* Prowl: ... Well. Now you know. If you tell me to eject, it's going to take a bit before I can. Soundwave: (txt): Understood. Coolant: sufficient? Prowl: Unplug me early and the best case scenario is I'm left with a bunch of corrupt Metroplex junk data in my system, worse case is I lose some of MY data in him. Prowl: Mm. Sufficient. Soundwave: *Oh. Oh, oh, oh. So it's like Bee and Megatron and the... or worse, if he doesn't get all of HIS... okay.* Soundwave: (txt): Processed. Not risked. Prowl data preference: intact. Prowl: Agreed. Soundwave: *Well, that's a step up from wanting to die, he supposes.* Prowl: *sips while awaiting king screamy* Starscream: *KING SCREAMY IS HERE. He's rather cross* Prowl: *oh good so is Prowl, which one of them starts ranting at the other first?* Soundwave: *Drifts lower than Starscream's optic line so he doesn't have an extra reason to take offense at something.* Starscream: Explanations, now. Why did you not eject from Metroplex when ordered to? Prowl: Metroplex's brain is five times bigger than my entire body. It takes a couple of minutes to disengage my data and safely eject. Prowl: I DID eject from Metroplex when ordered to, it takes TIME to eject and you started throwing a fit before we had time to finish! Starscream: I was not informed that you had begun ejection, I was only told that you were still linked up and were tracking my trajectory. Starscream: Why did you not inform myself or Soundwave of the length of time ejection would take BEFORE the test? Prowl: You have a cityspeaker working for you, why did you not KNOW? Starscream: Because Windblade does't physically hook herself into Metroplex's brain most of the time! Prowl: ... Huh. Prowl: ... At any rate, it should be obvious. You interface with something, you need to eject properly when you're done. The more data is being transferred the longer that ejection process takes. Starscream: .... true. *It sounds a little painful for him to admit that*. Starscream: Do you have an exact estimate on how long ejection will take in the future. Prowl: It depends on how long I've been hooked in and what I'll be doing. Prowl: This time took about two minutes. It's the fastest I've ever unplugged, and it was... unpleasantly rushed. Soundwave: *Holds up a feeler* Prowl: The longest I've ever been hooked up was... thhhree hours? Three and a half? It took me fifteen minutes to unplug. Prowl: Yes? Soundwave: [[This, Soundwave's fault. Soundwave's duty: test preparations. Detail overlooked, Prowl response misinterpreted. Without error, no rush, confusion.]] Prowl: ... What WAS my response? *he has no idea* Soundwave: ((...i don't know why he's text talking there. go with it)) Soundwave: *About to replay it when he decides it's best not to let the weird voice get heard. Just repeats it by thought and text.* Soundwave: *And by repeats it, I mean:* Soundwave: [[No. Not done.]] Starscream: Next time, /pleae/ provide some sort of 'please hold' message for the duration of the ejection. Soundwave: *Prowl will get the actual response.* Starscream: Was there miscommunication on my orders? I ordered you to disconnect and I would change locations, not to be tracked. Prowl: Yes, all right, when I'm fifty thousand yottabytes deep in Metroplex's head, I'll be sure to clearly communicate why I can't do so right this second. Starscream: A preloaded message triggered when you start ejection will do. Prowl: ... It was not adequately conveyed to me that I was supposed to unplug and not track you. Starscream: *Looks at Soundwave* Prowl: I was under the impression I had not yet adequately located you and was to continue attempting to convey that I knew where you were. Prowl: *prowl is trying to say, without sacrificing any of his dignity, "i completely didn't understand you"* Soundwave: [[He will accept this blame. He did not initially realize what form or strength the orders to detach would need to be.]] Prowl: In the future—the order shouldn't be given to me. It should be given to Metroplex. Soundwave: *Soundwave will continue sponging blame to leave Prowl in less ill favor. He can handle a little more of it at the moment.* Soundwave: [[Acknowledged.]] Starscream: As I am not a Cityspeaker myself, I considered it better to relay commands through the regular Cybertronians. Starscream: *Starscream staunchly refuses to accept more blame than he can shove onto others* Prowl: The regular Cybertronian has trouble understanding you while he's inside Metroplex's head. Prowl: There is a fundamental misunderstanding most mechs have about cityspeakers—they think it means speaking TO the city. It doesn't. It means speaking FOR the city. Prowl: He can tell me things far more easily than I can tell him things. Starscream: So we know something we need to improve on. Luckily, we won't have to repeat the test, since you did prove that you're able to listen. Starscream: ...then why is the position not Citylisteners. Starscream: Anyway. Prowl: ... Because they help the city to speak? Starscream: ..you were able to speak FOR Metroplex by translating the data you were given into a projection, rather than describing it verbally. What can we set up to improve on that? Starscream: I don't mean a system by which you can describe it verbally, I mean something to transfer the projection more quickly and accurately. Starscream: Unless Soundwave wishes to continue playing intermediary. Prowl: ... Some kind of computer to plug into. So I can display what I'm getting on a screen. Prowl: It's much easier for me to translate his data into numbers than into words. Soundwave: *He wouldn't mind, but obviously Prowl's not having that.* Starscream: Easily arranged. Starscream: If you continue to speak for Metroplex, will a buffer system be required to limit the data? Or is there a time limit we should observe instead? Starscream: ..or perhaps you just require training to be able to deal with it... Prowl: If I'm going to speak for him for longer than a few minutes at a time, I'm going to need a more efficient cooling process. Starscream: *is going to do some pacing. This has a lot of potential, he's got to look at the options* Starscream: It's inelegant but what about an external auxillery system? Prowl: When I did it previously, I was hooked up to a... a rig, of sorts, to keep me cool better. It was jury-rigged but efficient, I can describe it so it can be replicated and improved on. Prowl: Yes—an external system, that's what I had. Starscream: *oh good, he's at least as smart as the folks on the LL. Thats a horrible thought* Starscream: Well. I'd say that if we don't fry your processor this should work. Soundwave: [[He requests the computer be turned over to him for safekeeping when it is not in use.]] Soundwave: *They don't need people tampering with it to screw up Prowl or Metroplex, and he doesn't trust Starscream or the Constructicons with it either.* Prowl: *... Prowl supposes he doesn't need the computer when it isn't being used.* Prowl: *still, though.* Wouldn't it be easier to just... build it into the room? Soundwave: [[Anyone who got access to the room would be able to modify it.]] Starscream: The only person with the will to do so is Windblade, and I doubt she'd risk something that would damage MEtroplex. Soundwave: [[The only one that you know of. If one of the dissatisfied civilians finds out...?]] Starscream: There are far more direct ways of tampering with our operations than breaking into this room and fiddling around on the computer. Starscream: A copy of the data on it should be stored externally, though. In preferrably more than one place. Soundwave: *Shakes his helm. He doesn't like it. But Starscream has that Tone that suggests he's already decided he knows what's best.* Soundwave: [[Very well.]] Starscream: *Soundwave can aregue his case later, maybe after someone actually tries to break in* Starscream: Well, Prowl? Is this something suffiently non-objectionable for you to do? Prowl: ... What, play hide-and-seek with you? Starscream: Cityspeak for Metroplex. 8I Prowl: ... I have no good reason not to. Soundwave: *The tiniest huff. It could easily be mistaken for an overheated system trying to cool itself down.* Prowl: But Metroplex has a cityspeaker. One who actually knows what she's doing. Prowl: What do I offer? Starscream: Windblade works for her own interests, and for the time being you work for mine. Prowl: *... Prowl is quite certain that his interests line up with Starscream's just as little or less than Windblade's do.* Prowl: *BUT that's none of his business. sips his coolant.* Starscream: There is the possibility of Theophany, as Crystal City has no Speaker at all, but if I have my choice I would rather have an eye on Metroplex. Prowl: *doesn't really want to go to theophany. but he supposes he doesn't care THAT much.* Prowl: So—what am I going to do? As cityspeaker. Starscream: For now, continue gathering information on his frame. Like the blueprints you aquired. You can work together with Soundwave in setting up survellance. Starscream: Naturally you'll need to share anything Metroplex thinks is important enough for us to know immediately. Prowl: Like the blueprints I decompressed? Starscream: Yes, exactly. Starscream: More tasks will have to be determined once we sort out Windblade. Prowl: "Sort out"? Soundwave: [[He will require updated movement permissions.]] Starscream: What? ...oh. Those. Starscream: *sighs loudly* Fine. Your holomatter privlages are reinstated. However, invisible guests are still banned. Starscream: If anyone wants to show up at your door they must be detectable through conventional means. Soundwave: [[...Prowl cannot plug in with a holoavatar, Lord.]] Starscream: Travel to and from the workplace was never part of the restriction. Soundwave: [[Acknowledged. Records updated as necessary.]] Prowl: What's my schedule now? Starscream: Will will keep your sessions with Metroplex short until the coolant rig can be built, which shouldn't take long- even less time if your groupies deign to help. Starscream: So for now your main assignment is still the construction yard, with a session either before or after with Metroplex. Prowl: After. Starscream: After, then. Prowl: So for now all I'm getting from him is physical data. Starscream: For now, yes. We don't really know how any of this works yet, so I'm actually attempting something called 'caution'. Prowl: Understood. Starscream: Alright. I'll follow up with the both of you later. Starscream: *gonna LEAVE BYE* Prowl: *there he go* Soundwave: *Soundwave waits a minute to make sure Starscream isn't going to come back* Soundwave: *And then gently whooshes air in Prowl's general direction for attention* Prowl: *glances at* Prowl: ... You said you were taking the blame for... something. For my not understanding some instruction. Prowl: It wasn't your fault, was it. Soundwave: *Wh-- oh. Okay. He was going to ask something, but he can answer this too.* Soundwave: (txt): Partial blame. After review, Soundwave's disconnection order, explanation: insufficient. However, initial response not "not done." True refusal, believed not Prowl's. That, not Starscream's -- Soundwave: business. Also, present Starscream ire: excessive. Unnecessary addition avoided. Not expected problem. Soundwave metrotitan unfamiliarity expressed before test. Prowl: ... You didn't need to distract it from me. But I'm sure you already know that. Soundwave: (txt): ...Prowl took blame after Rodimus bridge exposure. Prowl: Of course. It was my fault he found out. Soundwave: (txt): Original 'fault': Soundwave's. Within expected social structure, Prowl's right: pass all. Different outcome. Ally - Soundwave - guarded. That, not forgotten. Prowl: ... *small nod* Prowl: *wants to argue that soundwave stood to lose far more in rodimus's optics than prowl had stood to lose by shifting the blame over to himself* Soundwave: *Prowl has so much blame on himself he's staring into an abyss and not eating.* Soundwave: *He could stand not to get a pile more.* Prowl: *but prowl's footing with starscream is far more tenuous than soundwave's right now; soundwave could stand to lose a little ground far less than prowl could.* Prowl: *the math checks out.* Soundwave: (txt): More time required here? Movement home desired? ... Would accept travel company? Prowl: I'm sure the guards will be along to transport me back shortly. *Prowl isn't transported anywhere freely.* You can follow them if you can talk them into letting you. Soundwave: *Soundwave shake-laughs* Prowl: *... was that funny?* Soundwave: (txt): Soundwave: security. Starscream gave guard control. Prowl remembers? Talk: unnecessary. If demand: made, demand: obeyed. Prowl: ..................... Right. Prowl: If I'm making mistakes like that, clearly I need to finish my coolant first. Soundwave: (txt): Acknowledged. Take time. Soundwave: *Drifts closer (but not too close) and settles there, biolights dimming while he idles, just watching.* Prowl: *sips. he's not drinking super fast. they might be there for a bit.* Soundwave: *Hey, he's not gonna hurry Prowl back before Prowl's ready to go. That's practically freedom he's drinking right there. He should enjoy it.* Prowl: *he didn't really want freedom. he'll settle for coolant.* Soundwave: *Eh, one step at a time. In any case:* (txt): ...Prowl's building graph: impressive. Rapid, accurate line segment observation, recreation, delivery... Soundwave: (txt): Deployer interpretation assistance required. Prowl's numbers-- Soundwave: *Please hold. Need a word. Need, like, THREE words.* (txt): Mesmerizing, magnificent, exquisite, honor. Soundwave: *...FOUR.* Prowl: ... *awkward shrug* It's what I was built for. Soundwave: *His feeler flicks because he can't form a hand to do it.* Soundwave: (txt): Truth unchanged. Liked, enjoyed. Prowl should know. Soundwave: *Quiets down again.* Prowl: Mm. Prowl: *all right, coolant complete. looks around for somewhere to drop off an empty cube, sees nothing, so just. holds it.* Soundwave: *Holds out feeler* Prowl: ... You're a plane, you don't need to be carrying used cups. Soundwave: (txt): Soundwave: cupholder. #humorous Prowl: Pff. Soundwave: *A PFF. VICTORY.* Prowl: *something in his cheeks is stiff when he not-frowns. it's been a while since he moved those parts.* Soundwave: (txt): Come. Return drive: slow. Excuse given: tired Prowl. However, avatar visit requested when able. That, Soundwave's cube. Return needed. Prowl: ... I'm not going to be *outside,* am I? Prowl: I'm in a transport whenever I'm outside. Soundwave: (txt): ...Transport vehicle arranged if believed necessary. Soundwave: *Though he'd like to know in what universe Prowl could outrun his alt mode or evade Ravage's nose.* Prowl: The public would object to seeing me out in public. Even if I WAS being escorted. Soundwave: *A spiky stream of hatred for the general population and his inability to just brainwash the lot of them without breaking various promises runs through him for a second.* Soundwave: *It's swiftly replaced by a fresh dose of patience and a personal reminder that the general population is panicky and dumb and that's why they need watching in the first place.* Soundwave: (txt): Understood. Transport called. Accompaniment provided. ... Holo visit still requested. Prowl missed. Duties also expanded. Prowl: *nods* Soundwave: (txt): Query: Before immediate area surveillance net reactivated, affectionate action allowed? Prowl: *skeptical look* ... You're a plane. Soundwave: (txt): Outside helm area, Prowl. Prowl: Oh. Prowl: What action? Soundwave: *Displays a shot of one of the times he's pressed Prowl's hand to his 'face'.* Soundwave: *Well aware that avatar privileges may not be the same as physical ones. Avatar privileges don't include telepathy fears.* Soundwave: ((strike the display from the record, leave well aware, continue here:)) Soundwave: (txt): Hand against Soundwave visor, cheek. Prowl: *considers it* Prowl: *... considers it longer* Prowl: *...... is still considering it* Prowl: *......... honestly, the fact that it's taking this long reveals what the answer is, doesn't it?* Soundwave: *Vaguely crestfallen, though he won't let on at all. It's going to be a no, isn't it? Well, that's all right. He does get it. And he got to touch Prowl's mind for a couple of minutes.* Prowl: ... I can turn my avatar on. Soundwave: (txt): ....Accepted. Prowl: ...  I'm sorry. Soundwave: (txt): Understood. Avatar preferred against nothing. Soundwave: (txt): Come. Transport approaching. Prowl: *nods, stands, and heads for door* Soundwave: *Will float after* Prowl: *will wait outside for Soundwave. is this far enough for him to transform?* Soundwave: *Soundwave moves a little farther away than that before dropping out of the air and unfolding into himself (and those attached to him).* Prowl: *right. holomatter on, then. Prowl's real body lingers near the wall, perfectly still—watching himself as he walks up to Soundwave* Prowl: *for a moment, he's all polygons. it takes a moment for the textures to boot up.* Soundwave: *Weird, and a little startling, but interesting, in its way. He'll wait until they do.* Prowl: *there. everything ready. reaches most of the way to Soundwave's face and waits for him to reach back. Soundwave: *This is probably one of the strangest things he's ever seen or done, when it comes to... these kinds of things. Seeing both the Prowl he's gotten to know and the Prowl he deeply wishes he could,-- Soundwave: is somewhat jarring, thanks to the major difference in their appearances, but he's not going to change his mind. No. He reaches for the avatar's hand and presses it against his visor,-- Soundwave: silent. Then, suddenly, harder, because for a little while he'd been concerned Prowl would fade before they could find something for him, and a heavy, almost ragged vent.* Soundwave: *He'll let go after that, if reluctantly.* Prowl: *... not yet. presses his hand harder against Soundwave's face* Prowl: *and leans in to tap his helm against Soundwave's* Soundwave: *Oh. Oh! Gonna turn that tap into a quick, firm nuzzle while he has the chance.* Soundwave: (txt): ...Prowl thanked. Prowl: ... For what? Soundwave: (txt): Permission. Soundwave: (txt): Surveillance net reactivated. Soundwave: *Motions onward.* Prowl: *avatar promptly snaps off*
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Is the True Identity of Voldemort's Pet Snake Hidden in the New Fantastic Beasts Trailer?
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Is the True Identity of Voldemort's Pet Snake Hidden in the New Fantastic Beasts Trailer?
Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.
In the Harry Potter series, many of Voldemort’s horcruxes were give rich backstories, like Tom Riddle’s diary, Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, and of course, Harry himself. But the most personal horcrux containing a fragment of Voldemort’s soul is also the biggest mystery. Voldemort carries Nagini the snake with him wherever he goes, but we still don’t know how the two met or where Nagini came from. Fans may not have to wait much longer to find out: One fan theory laid out by Vanity Fair suggests that Nagini is actually a cursed witch, and her true identity will be revealed in the next Fantastic Beasts movie.
On March 13, the trailer dropped for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second installment in the Harry Potter prequel series written by J.K. Rowling. The clips include lots of goodies for fans—including a first look at Jude Law as young Dumbledore—but one potential bombshell requires closer examination.
Pay attention at the 1:07 mark in the video below and you’ll see Claudia Kim, the actress playing a new, unnamed character in the film. While we don’t know much about her yet, Pottermore tells us that she is a Maledictus or “someone who suffers from a ‘blood curse’ that turns them into a beast.” This revelation led some fans to suspect the beast she transforms into is Nagini, the snake destined to be Voldemort’s companion.
That isn’t the only clue backing up the theory. The second piece of evidence comes in the trailer at the 1:17 mark: There, you can see an advertisement for a “wizarding circus,” featuring a poster of a woman resembling Kim constricted a by massive snake.
If Kim’s character does turn out to be Nagini, the theory still doesn’t explain how she eventually joins forces with Voldemort and becomes his horcrux. Fans will have to wait until the film’s release on November 16, 2018 for answers. Fortunately, there are plenty of other Harry Potter fan theories to study up on in the meantime.
[h/t Vanity Fair]
Disney Enterprises, Inc.
9 Things You Might Not Know About National Treasure
Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Released in 2004 to mixed critical reviews but a positive audience response, director Jon Turteltaub’s National Treasure has grown into a perfect rainy-day film. Stumble upon it on a streaming service or a cable channel and the fable about historian-slash-codebreaker Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage) excavating the truth about a reputed treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence will suck you in. Check out some facts about the movie’s development, its approach to historical accuracy, and why we haven’t seen a third film.
Originally planned for a summer 2000 release, National Treasure—based on a concept by Disney marketing head Oren Aviv and DreamWorks television executive Charles Segars—had a Byzantine plot that kept it in a prolonged pre-production period. Nine writers were hired between 1999 and 2003 in an attempt to streamline the story, which sees code-breaker Benjamin Franklin Gates (Cage) pursuing the stash of riches squirreled away by Benjamin Franklin and his Freemason cohorts. Filming finally began in summer 2003 when Marianne and Cormac Wibberley got the script finalized. Turteltaub, who spent three years in development before finally starting production, told Variety that “getting Cage was worth [the wait].”
Fact and fiction blur considerably in National Treasure, which uses history as a jumping-off point for some major jumps in logic. While it’s not likely the Declaration of Independence has a secret treasure map written on it, Franklin and other Founding Fathers were actually Freemasons. Of the 55 men who signed the document, nine or more belonged to the society.
It can be tricky to secure permission to film on government property, which is why producers of National Treasure probably considered themselves fortunate when they discovered that Walter Knott of Knott’s Berry Farm fame had built a perfect replica of Independence Hall on his land in Buena Park, California back in the 1960s. The production used it for a scene requiring Cage to run on the Hall’s roof, a stunt that was not likely to have been approved by caretakers of the real thing.
One of Cage’s cryptic clues in the film is reading a time of 2:22 on the clock depicted on the image of Independence Hall on the $100 bill. Bills in circulation at that time really did have an illustration that pointed to that exact hour and minute, although it was changed to 10:30 for the 2009 redesign. There’s no given reason for why those times were picked by the Treasury Department, leaving conspiracy theorists plenty to chew on.
Speaking with The Washington Post in 2012, guards and escorts for the National Archives reported that the National Treasure films have led visitors to ask questions that could only have been motivated by seeing the series. One common query: whether or not there really is a secret map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. “I call it ‘that’ movie,” guard Robert Pringle told the paper. “We get a lot of questions about the filming.”
Both Cage and director Jon Turteltaub attended Beverly Hills High School in the late 1970s and shared a drama class together. While promoting a later film collaboration, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Cage revealed that Turteltaub had actually beat him out for the lead in a stage production of Our Town. Cage was relegated to two lines of dialogue in a bit part.
On a press tour for the film, Cage told reporters that he and co-star Diane Kruger bonded by going out at night and singing karaoke. “We’d go and karaoke from time to time and sort of blow it out and be completely ridiculous, which helped, I think,” he said. “I think it was some Rage Against the Machine, AC/DC and some Sex Pistols.”
Popular films often have the residual effect of drawing interest to the real-life locations or subject matter incorporated into their plots. Mackinac Island, site of the 1982 romance Somewhere in Time, has become a perennial tourist spot. The same influence was true of National Treasure and its 2007 sequel, both of which apparently contributed to an uptick in attendance at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
It’s been over a decade since National Treasure: Book of Secrets hit theaters, but Cage is still optimistic fans of the series could see another installment. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in 2016, the actor said a third film was in development, with the convoluted writing process slowing things down.
“I do know that those scripts are very difficult to write, because there has to be some credibility in terms of the facts and fact-checking, because it was relying on historical events,” Cage said. “And then you have to make it entertaining. I know that it’s been a challenge to get the script where it needs to be. That’s as much as I’ve heard. But they’re still working on it.”
Matthew Simmons/Getty Images
How Accurate are Hollywood Medical Dramas? A Doctor Breaks It Down
Matthew Simmons/Getty Images
Medical dramas like Grey’s Anatomy get a lot of things wrong when it comes to the procedures shown on the screen, but unless you’re a doctor, you’d probably never notice.
For its latest installment, WIRED‘s Technique Critique video series—which previously blessed us with a dialect coach’s critique of actors’ onscreen accents—tackled the accuracy of medical scenes in movies and TV, bringing in Annie Onishi, a general surgery resident at Columbia University, to comment on emergency room and operating scenes from Pulp Fiction, House, Scrubs, and more.
While Onishi breaks down just how inaccurate these shows and movies can be, she makes it clear that Hollywood doesn’t always get it wrong. Some shows, including Showtime’s historical drama The Knick, garner praise from Onishi for being true-to-life with their medical jargon and operations. And when doctors discuss what music to play during surgery on Scrubs? That’s “a tale as old as time in the O.R.,” according to Onishi.
Other tropes are very obviously ridiculous, like slapping a patient during CPR and telling them to fight, which we see in a scene from The Abyss. “Rule number one of CPR is: never stop effective chest compressions in order to slap or yell words of encouragement at the patient,” Onishi says. “Yelling at a patient or cheering them on has never brought them back to life.” And obviously, taking selfies in the operating room in the middle of a grisly operation like the doctors on Grey’s Anatomy do would get you fired in real life.
There are plenty of cliché words and phrases we hear over and over on doctor shows, and some are more accurate than others. Asking about a patient’s vitals is authentic, according to Onishi, who says it’s something doctors are always concerned with. However, yelling “We’re losing him!” is simply for added TV drama. “I have never once heard that in my real life,” Onishi says.
[h/t WIRED]
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