#well. i say reread but i mean i'll slow down and read everything instead of just skimming for panels
every-sanji · 2 months
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ao3-kintou · 2 years
hi kintou!! I'm a fan of homesick for a mountain's song and I'm also a fanfic writer so I'm suuuper curious about the fanfic writer ask! so honestly I wanna ask you everything lol but I'll calm down. I'm curious about questions 1, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 29, 30, and 3, 4, 31 about homesick. lol that's a lot so feel free to answer as little or as much as you want!! I love your work, thanks for sharing <3
Hello! Thank you for sending me your asks and thank you for reading and enjoying my fics! This will be fun ((:
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
Sasuke Uchiha, still and maybe for forever. It's starting to become a close call with Lan Zhan/Wangji from mdzs though. I love their silence and their conflicted feelings. Writing them is like soothing a quiet pain.
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I would say... not plot driven. Slow. So much happens because nothing happens (or we realise so much has happened, because nothing happens). It's like quiet mornings for talking. Like making space, like a calm after a storm?
Also, somehow, uncontroled and messy (which i do not see as a bad thing per se, but bless @kemperrose for beta reading).
12. Who is your favorite author? 
It's Ali Smith! Her style is uncontroled, witty, engaged and completely unique. Don't ask me what her books are about, I won't know, but oh i love them so much. Also! I love Louise Gluck so much rn, especially her book Averno (I posted some Averno fragments earlier). Then for fanfic writers I mainly love @kinomiakai (:
13. When did you start writing fanfic? 
I started writing Naruto fanfiction when I was 13, which is 11 years ago! I started by writing/posting Shikamaru centric fics. I wrote snk for a while instead of Naruto though.
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
This won't come as a surprise but: domestic fluff or hurt/comfort. I used to write so so many dumb Coffee shop au's and Farmfics as well hahaha.
18. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
I can't edit while writing bc I will get stuck but when I want to continue writing (say, after writing 1k and falling asleep) I'll reread what I wrote the day before to get inspired and edit that part. I read all stories 1 more time before publishing them though.
21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
Hmm.. not really? I have been thinking about writing a farmfic / small village fic that is more in a modern setting. I would love to write another multi chapter slow fic where they're just in nature. Maybe one where Sasuke rents Naruto's bnb cottage?
29. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
Honestly, I brainstorm and outline very little. Literally answering something like question 21 is as much as I have before i sit down to write. So, the sitting down and doing the actual writing. I'm a very "go hard"/blunt writer. I sit down without having any idea what will come, and I write a lot of my fics in one sitting, starting at breakfast and forgetting to sleep in the evening.
I also love going through @kemperrose 's edits bc she's so funny and I make so many stupid little dutch mistakes (we've been working together since Your name, and what that really means, so for exactly a year now)
30. Do you write down all your ideas? What makes you decide to write one versus the other?
Nope! If I want to write a fic I just think of something and get started. Most of the time I also upload it even if it sucks a bit.
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from Homesick for a mountain's song story/chapter? 
Yes, I certainly do! My ultimate favourite scene is the ending scene of chapter 5, where they say sounds together. I think it's such a small scene (in it's energy) but the most powerful one.
I also love the scene where Kana hints that she thinks Naruto and Sasuke are in a relationship and that she accepts them/sasuke in chapter 3. When she says: ‘A lot of people become incapable of loving, because of what the world has done to them. It’s a blessing if you still can, even if it’s the last thing you get to keep.’  and ‘I just want you to know that we don’t mind. You and Naruto are always welcome with us. We’re not going to judge you, even if he starts living here permanently.’ 
4. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of Homesick for a mountain's song? 
Hmm.. not really? I changed Sakura a bit while editing. She was a bit more rude to Sasuke in my first versions, bc I wanted to add it to what made Naruto felt conflicted, but I made her more calm eventually. I think that Kishimoto did his female characters dirty, and I don't want that in my fics. I only gave her the normal amount of guarded.
I ended up not writing the party where they "marry". Though i thought about it, I wanted to keep the ending small. The altar for their parents made it to the sequel, but I could say the same for that.
31. What was the development process of Homesick for a mountain's song like? 
Oh.. hmm.. so basically I wrote this story while I was at home with a burn-out, in my graduation year. I was the most broken version of myself when I started this story, and I honestly believed it saved me and me as a writer. I've always been good at enjoying small things and I've always been a calm person. Homesick gave me a place where I could show myself I still had that in me.
With that said... the proces was me getting up way too late, or way too early to watch the sun come up bc I couldn't sleep, and sitting down to write this. I had no plan. I just sat down and wrote. I think it was a distraction and it made me happy. I wanted to write 5 chapters at first, but since me and my readers got attached to the slow chapters it turned into 6 and then into 8.
I posted every chapter right after writing them, and the comments motivated me a lot, though i never expected to get so many. To write this fic, but also to try and write my final work. So... yeah... i think i lived with this story. I somehow ended up still graduating, and it was the same week when i uploaded chapter 8.
Replying to your other ask: know that we're together on that one! Ichiko Aoba makes me feel so nostalgic... or shall I say homesick haha, for nature, for this softness, for late converstations or quiet, for the small things in life. May you live softly! And of course you're always welcome to come find me.
Thank you so much for these questions and your kind words!
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