#well we don't know what to do with Caitlin anymore uhhhh
jade4813 · 8 years
You're right. SB fans have always tried to twist the narrative to fit what they want rather than what's happening. The fact that they're now demanding Caitlin be included in Westallen moments is both proof they've run out of things to cling to and a reminder of what we've been saying all along, which is that Westallen is a great relationship. I think it's time people stop responding to it now. The writers don't care and the media loves Westallen and we have better things to focus on.
I mean, basically.I think people think if they keep fighting them, they'll go away. But they'll never go away. Caitlin could be dead, DP could be on another show, Barry and Iris could be married with kids, and there would still be some SB fans making edits taking a shot of Barry from the wedding and cutting it to look like an SB wedding. Or writing fics using WA lines for SB. Or tweeting to the writers that SB SHOULD have happened.Find any show that's off the air. That's been off the air for a while. Find a non canon ship in it. Are people still out there shipping it and posting about it? So why do people think SB fans will be any different?They. Are. Never. Going. Away.So at a point, engaging with them is an enormous waste of time. If they attack the actors? That's different. But if they're sitting in their corner spinning wild theories about how the fact they both wore gray is an indication they're meant to be together? Is anyone thinking anyone at the show is changing their game plan because some people are stoked about Barry's tie color? (The MOST they would do with that ever is to indulge in matching colors on occasion because it keeps those shippers watching for the absolute LEAST amount of effort. If that theory even got past the automatic response - laughter - and registered at all. They can keep people watching if they have them both wear black and they don't have to do anything in the story to actually promote the ship? Easiest decision ever.)I mean, if Cisco/Barry/Eddie shippers came up with a theory about how Cisco's love of candy and Eddie's shirts told a secret story about how they love Barry, and Barry indicated the feelings are reciprocal and the threesome would be endgame because he looked left instead of right when maybe looking at HR one time...would the fandom as a whole do anything other than go, uhhhh...I mean...um...you know what? You do you?No. We would not. We probably wouldn't even notice it, and if we did it would be for the span of time it took to scroll past.Look, I get it. I get why WA fans care more about SB than they do about the above - because of the history of the ship, with fandom, etc. And I am NOT saying we should all get along. That will never happen. Nor do I think it necessarily should.But I am saying...however SB started, however it's fed today, whatever beef people have with what DP tried or didn't try in the past...well, to put it bluntly, whatever battle we had to fight against those shippers changing the direction of the show...we won. They lost. They may have TRIED to erase CP and Iris. Some think DP TRIED to push SB to become leading lady. Well, if she did, it didn't happen. (She isn't even talking about SB anymore, and I think that's because she knows it isn't going to happen so she's moved on to storylines that she will or might have.) Some SB fans wanted Iris to die/CP to be recast/Iris to be sidelined. That isn't happening, and with the reception she's getting this season and has gotten overall, it isn't going to happen any time soon.So...I mean...we can keep caring what they say and want and why they think Barry is secretly in love with Caitlin, but...so? Even if there was perhaps a moment the show might have considered whether it was worth it to explore SB, they clearly decided it wasn't. So why are we acting like SB fans and their theories are any more significant than Barry/Julian shippers? They both have the exact same odds of happening - and would end just the same if they ever did, because they show is VERY CLEAR that Barry will always love Iris first and foremost. Period.I don't think we need to get along with SB fans. I just think we should have a rule not to give them any more attention (outside of finding amusement at some of it because some of it is damn funny) than the show has done in the last year and a half. And that is a very, very small amount.
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