#well kindaaaaaa because i think shoko kinda...proves me right in certain aspects
maddyshome · 1 year
I think I see Geto’s and Gojo’s relationship much more different than most users here. You see.. I don’t think Gojo ever saw the true Geto. It was mostly Geto who saw through Gojo’s facade. Not Gojo.
Why do I think that? Welll... I think Geto has always believed that jujutsu sorcerers are superior, but until THAT moment they didnt have a meaning. Humans were not a threat. He was just taught to believe that his role was to protect humans. And he believe that was right because thats what he was taught. The speech that he had about the role of jujutsu sorcerers was just that, a speech, that he heard from others and a speech that the entire jujutsu world believed in. That a sorcerer’s role is to protect humans from curses. We have seen his belief be completely abandoned when seeing how cruel humans can be. If he truly believed that his role was to protect humans from curses then surely he would realize that the cruelty of some specific humans is not something shared between all humans. But he didn’t. Because all humans were always the same for him. Just animals. And he wasn’t human. 
The whole thing with “one and only” is that in fact well they didnt have any other meaningful relationship. They didnt have other friends. Some were just close acquaintances (like Shoko). They were closed off because they were the strongest duo. So none could compare. What was the point in investing in other people? That’s kinda why Gojo thinks he is alone. Because he saw Geto as his only friend and equal. Same for Geto in a way. 
Shoko was there too, she was one of their friends too. But that’s the catch. She wasn’t really seen as a friend. You open up to a friend. You talk about your problems and joys with a friend. For me it seems that only Shoko saw them as her friends. So I’m sure if someone were to ask them, yes, sure, both would say Shoko is a friend. But we all have those people we call friends.. but are they really? They aren’t close friends, but they aren’t acquaintances either so they are somewhere inbetween. 
This relationship crumbled mostly because of lack of honesty. 
edit: oh and egocentrism. just two people who lied to each other, with different values, that grew dependent on the only close contact they had.
Coming back to this post after reading Gojo’s natal chart makes me feel kinda proud because I’m right lmao.
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