#well either way ur accusations do not faze the accused parties.....better get some more evidence jay :'D
ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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@thegreenswillcome sent in: “Mana.” He looks a tad serious, brows knitted together. “This is your fault.” Jay says as a matter-of-factly, with head slightly inclined to the side and his eyes focused elsewhere as if in deep thought. “The other day, someone called a friend lover boy and guess what I did.. I jumped in the conversation thinking it was about me. As if I have started thinking that I claim that title.” he finally looks over at his friend with a baffled look before letting out a laughter out of disbelief. “I mean...” (TA-DA! Dropping by your inbox just because :D have a good night/day ferre!!! I enjoyed talking to u lots these days! )
“Is it really my fault though?” She takes a sip from her steaming coffee mug ( which in reality only has hot water…it’s not like a paper cup would hold its shape in that temperature ) and unimpressed, stares at Jay over the rim. “You’re the one who reacted to the nickname- I know for a fact I’m probably the only one who called you ‘lover boy’…wouldn’t you be able to recognize my voice from anyone else’s. You’re the musician.” And musicians are supposed to have GOOD EARS…perfect pitch in some cases too? She sets her mug down; the steam keeps rising into the air. “I don’t know- it looks you actually enjoy the nickname? Are you sure that doesn’t make you a masochist?”
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And then standing up, she hands Jay a book- War & Peace. Does she expect him to read the entire thing like she does with Tai? …Maybe. Okay, well if he does, she’ll be impressed. “Want to get over it? Read this- maybe you can like your new title unironically too.”
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