#well actually only like five acts of terrorism
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damianwaynerocks · 2 years ago
“jason todd is the crazy one” “no it’s damian” tim drake committed several acts of terrorism
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amourane · 11 months ago
hate the way you smile
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst, comedy, e2l + childhood enemies??
w/c: 4.7k
summary: from the second you met theodore nott you knew that your life would be torturous and that the boy would never leave you alone but maybe forever isn't so bad with theodore nott.
warnings: none just a lot of bickering
a/n: omg this one is a bit long but i finished it!
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From the moment that you met Theodore Nott at the bright age of five you knew you would hate him forever. Maybe it was the way he would sneer at you with distaste or the way he would mock you for being a big crybaby whenever he took your toys. All you knew was that you simply loathed his presence.
Your families had been friends and they had initially thought that you and Theo would get along since you were both the same age. What they didn’t expect was the young boy to rip the heads of your dolls and proceed to mock you for crying your heart out. Yet even with all of your constant bickering your families still met up every holiday, bringing the demon child with them to torment your life.
Since that day your childhood was filled with cruel laughter and the mischievous eyes that would watch wherever you went.  At age seven, Theodore Nott found it appropriate to fill your bathtub with toads causing you to shriek out in terror when you opened the bathroom door, and him, to run away with glee at your horrified face. At age nine, he thought it would’ve been funny to surprise you by dumping a bucket load of pumpkin juice all over you and he cackled at your expected screams of anger. What he didn’t expect was for you to retaliate by smashing a tray of cauldron cakes into his face. 
Needless to say the war between you two started way back then and it had continued, the only difference being that now you both were more mature and civilised and there was no room for childish pranks.
“Suck my cock you mangled prat, I hope you trip and fall to your death you insignificant shit goblin!” 
At least so you thought.
You made a move and lunged for Theodore Nott’s throat as anger flared in your eyes. No one paid mind to the scene that was unfolding before them afterall it was a common occurrence for the last six years. 
“You enchanted my hair green!” You shrieked as you shook the brunette violently. “Are you out of your mind Nott? I thought we agreed we wouldn’t mess with each other’s appearances, what happened to that?” 
Theodore simply smirked and you felt your fury bubble inside you. He tilted his head to the right and acted as if he was actually pondering your question. If you could you would have been breathing flames as you felt yourself grow more livid as every second went by. 
“Hmm…I like your hair L/n, really suits the whole vibe you’re going for, don't you think bella?” Theo flashed you a wicked grin as he reached out to twirl a lock of your hair between his fingers. You slapped his hand away.
“And what vibe am I going for Nott? Please enlighten me since you apparently are the one making decisions for me.”
You should’ve just walked away. You really should’ve just cursed him out and gone to Madam Pomfrey for some sort of remedy instead of staying and entertaining whatever shit-faced idea he had come up with. The moment you saw the smug smirk that spread across his face and the dangerous twinkle in his eyes you knew he was going to spew some absolute bullshit. And you were right.
“Well obviously it’s a statement declaring that you’re mine, why else would you dye your hair to match my house?” The Slythering feigned disbelief, clutching his hands to his chest innocently. “But Salazar, I didn’t know you would be so bold about your feelings towards me bella.”
You felt heat rise and settle on your cheeks as you tried to come up with a colourful comeback to wipe the stupid smirk off his face but the words die in your throat. It was against your will but you could feel your face growing hotter as he continued to stare at you with that flirty glint in his eyes. Your brain spluttered to a stop and you scrambled desperately for something to say.
“Fuck you Nott.” You seethed before storming away with your hands balled into fists. You could hear the whispers of students and you could feel their stares as you stomped to the infirmary, determined to find some way to get your hair back to normal. 
Theodore Nott was the biggest pain in the arse you knew and he had never stopped being one. You still remembered when you had received your letter to Hogwarts and he had scoffed at the sight asking why Hogwarts would want a half-wit like you. Needless to say your parents weren’t surprised at the cries that erupted a second later from both you and him.
Throughout your years the two of you had become known for the obvious tension and pure hatred you harboured for each other though it did seem to lean on your side a bit more than it did to his. It had been the same for the first three years, bickering, pranks and whatnot. Then fourth year came and the scrawny boy you once knew had magically grown much taller and his face had lost a lot of the baby fat it once had. All at once Theodore Nott became one of the most sought after boys in Hogwarts and it only made you loathe him more. It made his ego triple in size and it made him much more flirty towards everyone but you seemed to be his number one target. All you wanted to do was to take your wand and puncture that bloated head of his.
Though his appearance changed he still was the boy you knew since you were a child and whenever he smiled you could see the same boyish grin he had way back when he was five. He had always been the same but now he just had a much more pretty face to disguise the fact he was a blithering idiot.
Theo watched as you stormed off, his smile never once leaving his face. He loved to mess with you purely to see the visceral anger that radiated off you every single time. The way you would try to stare him down but the action proved useless as he was much taller allowing him to simply look down smugly. It amused him to see how your reactions never changed. 
Ever since you were five you held the same expressions: whenever you were mildly irritated by him you would chew on your bottom lip, whenever you were pissed your eyes would double in size and you’d look like a fire-breathing dragon, and whenever he made you upset you would stare blankly without a word. He’d only ever made you truly upset once and when seeing your face he knew he would never do it again because even if the two of you bickered and fought he would never hurt you.
“Sometimes I think you’re secretly dating because you should see the way you’re daydreaming hopelessly while staring at L/n’s retreating figure Nott, you look like a bloody imbecile.” Draco slapped Theo’s back startling him out of his own thoughts. He scoffed after realising what his friend was implying.
“Oh Salazar’s balls I think I’m going to regurgitate my breakfast. You’ve gone insane if you even think for a second there’s a chance I fancy that creature.”
Laughter erupted from his friends and they continued to mock and tease him obviously not being mature enough to handle the situation with grace.
“I would rather shag the giant squid than date L/n and I’m sure the feeling is mutual.”
Mattheo hummed to himself and smirked. He placed his arm on Theo’s shoulder. “Well then can I ask her out? She’s real hot and I think she’d be interested.”
“L/n might be stupid Riddle but she wouldn’t ever go out with you or even give you the time of day. So don’t even think about doing it.” And with that he left and his friends exchanged knowing glances before bursting into another fit of laughter at their friend’s own obliviousness.
This was so not your day. 
Never in your life had you forgotten to hand in homework yet one silly slip up had cost you to spend your free afternoon in detention. It wasn’t your fault you had mixed up the dates on when the transfiguration homework was due. 
You begrudgingly opened the classroom doors, finding a seat to sit down for the next hour. At least you were able to catch up on some other classes while you were in detention otherwise you thought you would’ve gone mad. You looked around the classroom save for Professor McGonagall who had already greeted you when you walked in there was no one else there. 
It hadn’t even been a minute when the doors burst open to reveal a very tall and very smug Slytherin.
“Mr Nott, glad for you to join us, find a seat please.”
Theo's grin faltered as his eyes locked onto yours, a flicker of confusion dancing across his features before it was swiftly replaced by his trademark smirk. He made his way toward you, closing the distance until there were mere centimetres separating you from him.
“Now L/n, Nott, I have important business to tend to so I assume the both of you are mature enough to sit through this detention. I hope that I don’t hear about any incidents when I am gone.”
It was as if your nightmare had all of a sudden come to life as you watched McGonagall leave the classroom. You tried to protest but it fell upon deaf ears as the professor had already left the room, leaving you stuck with your nemesis.
You whipped your head to face the brunette, irritation flashing in your eyes. Why had he chosen to sit next to you when there were plenty of other seats available? The classroom was far from crowded, yet here he was, invading your personal space with his mere presence
“Why are you sitting next to me Nott?”
“Why can’t I? Do you happen to own every seat in this classroom?” He teased. “I didn’t think you did, so I’m going to sit where I want.”
You grumbled under your breath at his stubbornness, getting up to pack your things. “Fine, but then I’m moving.”
Before you could make your move, Theo reached out and grabbed your arm. “Hey slow down, I have a perfect seat right here.” Your irritation flared at his audacity, and you shot him a scathing glare as he gestured to his lap with a smug smirk. “Why don’t you-”
“Nott, if you seriously propose that I sit in your lap I will hex you to oblivion.”
“Okay!” Theo held his hands up in mock surrender, his expression feigning innocence as he cocked his head to the side, the smirk never once leaving his face. “Stay here, I won’t bother you, I swear.”
You eyed him cautiously, your scepticism evident. You weighed the options before you reluctantly sat back down. “Fine.”
A quiet hush befell the classroom and all that could be heard was the scratching of quills on parchment. That is until you were interrupted by a persistent poking sensation that disrupted your concentration, each jab of the quill more annoying than the last. You clenched your jaw as you tried to ignore Theo but you knew he wouldn’t stop until you gave him attention and there was no way you were giving him the satisfaction of reacting. So he continued to poke and poke and poke. 
His incessant poking finally pushed you over the edge, prompting a sharp hiss of irritation from your lips. "What?" You snapped, unable to contain your frustration any longer.
“What are you doing here?” 
If there was a competition for incompetence Theodore Nott would sure have won first place.
“Detention obviously.”
“Oh you know what I meant, why are you in detention? Did you do something stupid? Wait, you do that all the time I forgot.” You rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to roll them right out of your skull. "Tell me, bella," He continued, his voice laced with faux innocence. "I don't bite."
“Forgot my homework.” You reluctantly mumbled under your breath, feeling all too claustrophobic at how close he was to you. “Not that big of a deal.”
“Oh but it is.”
“What does that even mean, Nott?” Your eyes narrowed. Theo’s face twisted into a playful smirk and he was so close that you could practically hear his heart beating.
He chuckled, undeterred by your hostility. "But it's not like you to forget your homework," He teased, leaning in closer. "There must be something distracting you. Perhaps... thoughts of me?"
As if on instinct your hands reached out to push the unbearable boy away from you and you immediately got up at his incredulous words. You saw the way laughter bubbled and slipped from his lips, mocking you which only added more fuel to the evergrowing fire.
"In your dreams, Nott," You retorted, your voice laced with venom as you rose from your seat, your movements quick and determined. "I would sooner volunteer for a Dementor's kiss than waste a single thought on you."
Theo’s smirk only widened and his eyes gleamed with mischief. "Oh, believe me, the feeling is mutual," He quipped, his voice dripping with amusement as he rested his chin on his palms, his gaze never wavering from yours.
You huffed out an angry breath before picking your stuff up and stalking to the opposite end of the classroom. Luckily, he didn’t follow and you were left in peace for the rest of the detention.
It had been a week and a half since your detention yet Theodore Nott hadn’t approached you once since. In fact, you hadn’t seen him around school a lot, not that you were paying attention of course. It was just weird. Usually his face would pop up in front of you multiple times a day yet he was nowhere to be found. You had even lingered around the Slytherin table at lunch to see if he would show up but he never did. 
There was this sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Even though you did despise Theo you had known him since he was a kid and he never was one to skip lessons much less disappear for over a week. Even his Slytherin friends didn’t know where he went.
That is until today. The moment you had walked into the dungeons ready for your Potions lesson you spotted him. There was a part of you that hoped you would see him today, after all he was your Potions partner. But there was something wrong. His face looked gaunt, pale, sapped of life and his eyes were merely blank as he sat unmoving. His usual demeanour was replaced with one of hollow emptiness.
“Where have you been Nott?” No response. You frowned as you looked at him, he seemed to not even hear you. “Nott? Have you suddenly become deaf?”
“It’s none of your business.” He snapped voice obviously laced with malice as the words cut through the air. The sharpness of his tone caught you off guard, a twinge of hurt gnawing at the edges of your consciousness despite the fact you both had said worse to each other.
You chose to ignore the fact that Theo was obviously in a sour mood and sat down beside him, unpacking your things. There was nothing special about the lesson, nothing that you needed to particularly pay attention to. Not that you did since you were too focused on trying to figure out what was wrong with your partner. Theo didn’t look okay, not in the slightest. He seemed exhausted and his sluggish movements proved you correct as he diced the various ingredients. 
You were in the middle of stirring the cauldron when Theo dropped a dandelion root in the mixture causing it to bubble and spit. The concoction spilled onto your hand and you shrieked at the sudden burning sensation that seemed to consume your hand in flames. The sensation is unbearable, a sharp, burning agony that seems to penetrate deep into your very bones. By now the whole class had stopped to look at you not fully registering what had happened. You turned to Theo, tears threatening to fall from your eyes at the pain but he stood there frozen, an expression you couldn’t decipher on his face.
"Fucking hell, L/n." He spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "Would it kill you to not be such a clumsy moron? You could've hurt me as well. How can you even call yourself a witch?"
His words were sharp and spiteful. Through the many years of knowing Theodore Nott he had never blamed you for something he did. He might have been an incorrigible prick but he would still apologise if he had ever hurt you genuinely. But as you looked at him you couldn’t recognise the cold harsh look he gave you and you bit back your tears. You wouldn’t cry in front of him. 
Despite the fact your hand was in pain you felt something tighten around your chest and it made the air around you feel thick as if you couldn’t breathe. You stood up angrily, opening your mouth to snap back but your vision starts to fade, black spots invade your senses and that was the last thing you remember before you tumbled to the floor.
You woke up a few hours later as you felt the sun shine on your face. You blinked, disorientated, as you tried to get used to your surroundings. The familiar walls of the infirmary materialised and you felt some ease at knowing where you were. Confusion still gnawed at your mind as you struggled to piece together what had happened. How had you ended up in the infirmary? And why did everything feel so hazy, as if viewed through a foggy lens? 
Your gaze drifted to your hand, the source of the searing pain. And there, wrapped in a pristine white bandage, lay the answer to at least one of your questions. The memory flooded back in fragments, disjointed and incomplete.
Theo's careless mistake, the scalding mixture splattering across your skin, the sharp cry of pain that had torn through the air, all of it came rushing back with startling clarity.
“Miss L/n you’re awake!” Madam Pomfrey’s voice cut through your thoughts and you saw the woman make her way towards you hurriedly. “That was a terrible burn you had, lucky I had some burn-healing paste on me otherwise you would have had an ugly scar.”
You were still a bit dazed, trying to piece together how you even managed to make your way here. You distinctively remembered collapsing to the floor but that was where your memory stopped and it refused to give you any more.
“Sorry Madam Pomfrey but do you know how I got here? I really can’t seem to remember.”
“Oh dear.” The nurse frowned at your condition. “Mr Nott brought you here. He’s been here the whole afternoon. He's only just popped to dinner. I'm sure he’ll be back. Merlin, the boy did look worried.”
You resisted the urge to scoff at her words. Theodore Nott, worried. Not a chance. He probably only brought you here because Slughorn insisted, and he couldn't risk getting on the professor's bad side. No, you highly doubted he cared about what had happened to you.
The memory of his harsh words repeated in your head like an echo that refused to go away, a reminder of his indifference to your situation. And yet, despite your efforts to brush it off, a bitter laugh escaped your lips. Why were you even upset? After all, the two of you were experts at hurling mean insults at each other. It was practically a pastime. 
Rather you should have been mad at the fact he was the one who caused you to get this injury anyway. If it wasn’t for his stupid mistake you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Then again, you remembered his movements, how his usual nimble fingers were fumbling the ingredients, how he stared at the pages of his book as though they were in a foreign language. Something wasn’t right.
“You’re awake.”
The words startled you and you spotted the Slytherin boy approaching your bed as his face held the same blank expression as before. He sat down beside you and your eyes narrowed. You shuffled away, not wanting to be near him.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured quietly and the words caught you off guard. “These past few days just haven’t been the best and-”
“That’s your excuse?” You bristled at his pathetic apology, hoping that you had misheard what he had said. “You mess up our potion resulting in me getting hurt and then hurl insults my way trying to blame me for what happened. And you think simply saying ‘I’m sorry’ is enough? Using the excuse of having a few bad days as your way out?”
He stayed silent allowing you to continue.
“Theodore Nott, you always were an idiot.” You spat, the words tinged with disappointment. “But I never expected you to be such a heartless prick.”
As the final syllable fell from your lips, a heavy silence settled over the room, punctuated only by the shallow rise and fall of your breath. You held Theo’s gaze and as you studied him you noticed something you had failed to notice before. The dark circles that marred the skin beneath his eyes, the redness that rimmed their edges. The weariness that had been etched into his features. 
“I went home.” He finally said, breaking the silence with his words. “Father sent a letter saying it was urgent, that I needed to return home at once.”
You felt yourself deflate and your gaze softened. Theo and his father had never been on the best terms and ever since his mother died they drifted apart even more. Suddenly his attitude made sense and you felt the guilt seep into your senses.
“Turns out his urgent matter was that he found himself another potential wife. Some poor woman to endure his torture and he wanted to happily announce it to his son. He burnt all of my mother’s belongings and if I hadn’t stopped him he would’ve gotten rid of her grave as well.” Theo scoffed bitterly and you saw the way he was trying to stop the tears from falling. “That bastard calls himself my father but not once in his life has he ever cared about me.”
A heavy silence enveloped the both of you as you sat not uttering a word. You knew that he had always struggled with the strained relationship with his family. The death of his mother had resulted in Theo being distraught for weeks as he relived the nightmare whenever he closed his eyes. 
“I’m not going back there. I’m never setting foot in that house ever again.”
You placed your hand on his shoulder as you tried to offer some sort of comfort. His eyes locked with yours and you saw how his tears glistened as they fell silently. You felt ropes tighten around your heart and you squeezed his shoulder gently. It had been a long time since you saw Theodore Nott cry. It was a rare sight but that was what made it that much more painful.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” You whispered. “I honestly…I’m so sorry Theo. He really doesn’t deserve a son like you. You’re incredible, you know that? You might be irritating and loud and downright infuriating at times but he doesn’t deserve you because you’re amazing Theodore Nott. And, Merlin, if I’m saying that then it must mean a lot because we both know my word is golden.”
You offered him a small smile and your heart warms when you see one tug at his lips too. He looked away for a second and you saw his eyes land on your bandaged hand and he winced.
“I really am sorry for messing up our potion. I didn’t mean what I said, you’re a brilliant witch Y/n, you always have been. I was just being a prat, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine, it’s honestly nothing bad. My hand will probably already be back to normal, I heal quickly you know.” You paused as your smile faltered and you chose your next words carefully. “If…if you don’t want to return to your house, you can always go to someone else's.”
Theo chuckled as he shook his head. “No one is going to accept me into their house without turning me into my father.”
“I will.” 
Silence. Theo looked at you, confusion clear on his face but your gaze was strong and he could tell you had meant what you had said. You felt yourself flush at his stare and you realised your hand was still on his shoulder and you quickly removed it.
“Accept you into my house I mean. My parents love you and you know they haven’t been on good terms with your father ever since what happened. We would be more than willing to take you in.” You watched as his face contorted into expressions that you couldn’t formulate. “That is if you promise not to fill my bathtub with toads again.”
Laughter fell from his lips, cascading like a melody. He lifted his hands to wipe away his tears that had been streaking down his face. His eyes no longer held the blank emotionless look but rather a certain warmth that you had missed seeing. Your grin widened upon hearing the sound and you found yourself joining in.
“At least you look pretty-”
Your words were cut off abruptly as Theo leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a sudden and unexpected kiss. You froze, unable to comprehend what exactly was happening as disbelief rippled through your body. His hands found their way at the back of your neck and you feel his thumb caress your cheek tenderly. You were still in shock when he pulled away and the last few words of the sentence you were about to say tumbled out of your mouth.
“-when you cry…”
You blinked as your mind tried to grapple at what had just happened. Theodore Nott had just kissed you. Theodore Nott, the boy you had despised since you were five, had just kissed you. He kissed you. Kissed…you. Immediately, your body erupted into flames and you felt your face flush hot at how close the both of you were.
“Your body temperature has risen extremely quickly.” Theo teased and you felt yourself grow even hotter.
“Shut it.”
“Like you’re actually a human radiator.” He continued undeterred by your glare.
“Nott if you don’t want to lose your head I would advise you to shut up.”
Theo grinned and you felt your heart stutter at the sight. “Oh so now I’m back to being Nott? What happened to Theo?” He said his name in a high pitched croon in an attempt to mock your voice and you smacked the backside of his head which only encouraged his laughter.
“You’re actually going to be the death of me.” You groaned as you slumped back down the bed, pulling the covers over your face as a feeble attempt to hide yourself from the pretty Slytherin.
Theo poked your arm and you peeked out to find him staring at you with a bright grin on his face. 
"Don't worry." He reassured you, his voice light and teasing. "I'll make sure to stay by your side forever and ever, like a blood-sucking parasite."
“How romantic.” You drawled as you rolled your eyes, trying to maintain a facade of annoyance as you retreated under the covers once more.
“Aren’t I just?” 
You ignored Theo’s playful whines for you to let him see your face. Your heart threatened to break out of your chest as you tried to calm yourself down. But even so, you were unable to stop the grin that spread across your face. Maybe, just maybe, forever wouldn't be so bad with Theodore Nott by your side.
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morose-melodies · 6 months ago
i need dottore,tartaglia,pantalone and capitano(those were in my mind for a while and its killing me) with a reader who always tries to escape.using different tactics each time but always ends up failing.and one day,the reader hads enough and snaps "if you didnt take away and acted like a normal person from the start,i could have loved you"
İf you dont want to or dont feel like writing,thats ok👍
failing attempts | various! yandere! harbingers x reader
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this was escape attempt five.
you truly were optimistic, but capitano wouldn't let you leave him so easily.
your escape attempts seemed to be getting more and more desperate and, therefore, more dangerous to you.
you had attempted to jump out of a window the night before, just as he was arriving home from a mission. the sheer terror he felt as he watched you lean out of the second-floor window was insurmountable.
now, not only was the front door locked shut from the outside, but the windows were now barricaded too. you were a danger to yourself.
and all capitano ever wanted was for you to be safe and with him. was that too much to ask for? was that so terribly wrong of him?
the captain didn't want to take extreme measures to keep you home; he didn't want to lock you in a room, nor did he want to tie you down. he wasn't the sort. He just wanted you to stay without any excessive force.
but you were pushing him into a corner.
this morning, you had darted out of the backdoor, still in your pajamas and without shoes, into the cold.
you didn't make it far at all. you had barely made it over the garden fence, and you were stumbling now.
the captain... sighed as he followed after you. it wasn't an extreme chase; you hadn't even tried to fight back as usual when he caught you; you just stumbled on about something incomprehensible as he wrapped you up into his coat and lifted you into his arms.
"that was terribly immature of you," looking down at you, the captain felt sorry for you, "I would like it if you would stay home but if you plan on leaving, please do wear proper clothing next time. i can not bear the thought of you dying out in the cold."
"if you didn't take me away," at this point, perhaps death was better than being stuck with him, "and if you acted like a normal person," but, you wanted to go home - you wanted to be with your family, "I could've loved you."
capitano's mind blanked. he had given you a chance to come with him freely; he had been kind to you, so were you not lying?
it didn't matter now, did it? "(y/n), you do understand you've caused all this trouble, correct? should you have been a bit more understanding, you wouldn't be in this situation. i love you. Is that not obvious? i only want to see you thrive and to be happy."
he was at the point of no return; he could only go backward from here.
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to take time out of dottore's day, to make him leave the manor to come find you for what seemed like the millionth time - he was admittedly quite frustrated with you.
he found you hanging from the gate, your coat caught on the spike of it.
he grinned - this was a funny sight, but, at the same time, it wasn't funny at all. he was actually very disappointed in you.
dottore approached the gate, standing behind you, "tell me just how long have you been hanging here for?"
your nose was running, and you looked absolutely defeated. when you don't reply, dottore clicks his tongue, shaking his head, "Would your life not be simpler if you just accepted your situation? This is such a pitiful sight, (y/n)."
dottore unlocked the gate and walked outside of him, and he helped you down and brushed off the snow that piled on your coat.
"let's go, (y/n)," dottore grabbed your forearm and prepared to pull you back towards the manor, "I've had enough of your antics - perhaps a night or two in the basement would do you well."
"no-" you tugged back, attempting to free your arm from his grip, "stop it! you make me s-so sick! just let me go!"
"(y/n), please. you've done nothing be give me grief," dottore sighed, tugging you along with him, "I don't understand why you feel that being stubborn will get you anywhere."
"you... don't understand?" you grumbled, digging your feet into the snow, trying to pull your weight, trying to stop dottore from getting you back inside, "you're kidding me! i hate you! You're disgusting and unlovable!"
"(y/n), lower your voice - I'm exhausted and you're giving me a migraine," dottore sighed, stopping and getting a better hold on your arm before tugging you along once more.
"if you have yet to notice, I'm quite content with just having you near. i don't exactly need your love to make me feel any better than i do now. hm, that's the sort of effect you have on me."
you went quiet and dottore assumed you had worn yourself out. he brought you inside and sat you down in front of the fireplace, his hand rubbing circles on your shoulder.
"I could've loved you... maybe if you hadn't taken me away..." you trailed off, holding your hands in front of the fire. Why did he continue to act as if he cared for you? "maybe, um, if you were normal, I could've loved you."
dottore smiled at you, though you couldn't see it, "whether you love me or not is trivial - i have you, (y/n), and that's what I need. you, (y/n), you're all I need."
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pantalone was above getting dirty.
it was nothing personal. he'd do just about anything else for you! he just couldn't imagine himself running around late at night trying to find you.
what was the point when he had other fatuus to do such things for him? they have yet to fail him.
so, while you were out, trying to leave pantalone as multiple fatuus' chased after you, pantalone was running you a warm bath and set a pair of clean clothes out for you.
he knew you'd come back filthy. You always did.
he wondered what he could do to keep you home. He wasn't one for forceful methods; he would hate to hurt you. you were his pride and joy.
pantalone would sigh deeply, dipping his hand into the bathwater to make sure it was still warm.
you never wanted anything from pantalone... well, except for that one time, you asked for a can of soup, but then you used it to smash the bathroom window open and jumped out...
that didn't exactly count.
he heard the front door open and knew you were being dragged in now. the guards weren't gentlemen, quite the contrary, in truth.
you always looked so sad and defeated after the caught you.
"oh, (y/n)," pantalone held a hand to his chest as he stood from where he kneeled at the side of the tub, he stepped forward and wanted to embrace you but you were a mess, "you're a mess."
he frowned at you, as the guards released you and shut the bathroom door behind them as they left. "you must be cold, oh dear," his heart ached for you, such a pitiful sight you were.
you were so lucky that he loved you.
he attempted to remove your top, but you tensed, making it hard for him, "do-don't touch me."
"but you're filthy," pantalone reasoned, once again trying to remove your top but you wouldn't budge, "(y/n), I'm doing this because I love you so very much. please, don't make this hard."
"I don't-" you stepped back, shaking your head at him, "I don't want your help. g-get out, just leave."
pantalone's lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at you, "what's the matter? i-i'm not mad at you, not at all. I understand that i must be lacking something-"
"get out! my gosh, wh-what's with you!? just leave!"
"get out! get out! leave!"
"please, calm down. let me help you undress, alright? You're in a bad mood, i get it. That's no excuse to be rude to someone who loves you dearly," pantalone spoke to you as if he were your mother.
he reached forward and tugged off your shirt with extra force; it wasn't much force; it was just in case you were prepared to tense up again!
"there we go," pantalone cooed as he eased you into the warm bath. he washed your hair for you, making sure to scrub extra hard to get the muck out of your hair.
it was, in a way, soothing...
if only...
"if you hadn't... taken me away and, um," you sniffled, raising your hand to wipe at your nose, "if you were normal... i could've loved you."
instead of offending, that pleased pantalone. what he was hearing was 'you liked him for who he was' and there was nothing better than hearing that.
hm, if only he hadn't taken you away.
"that is the kindest thing you've ever said to me," pantalone smiled, "thank you, (y/n)."
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it was a sort of game to childe at this point.
how many times could you attempt to escape this week? how many times would you curse him to hell? how many times would you glare at him today?
he had to find humor in it, or else, he'd lose his mind. after all, there was no easy way to cope with the love of his life hating his guts.
in truth, he had been a bit overbearing the past few days - there was a snowstorm outside and he couldn't allow you to be out in that sort of weather alone.
so, as he stared out the window, looking at the rapidly falling snow, all he could think about was if only something was different. perhaps if the two of you were childhood sweethearts, maybe if the two of you had met before he fell into the abyss, or maybe if the two of you were neighbors.
he, at one point, had gotten so desperate to keep you home that he bent to your will - anything you asked, he did. you never really asked much of him, though...
well, unless telling him to go away was a question.
he was so busy thinking of all the "what ifs" that he didn't notice you running past the window and into the snowy woods.
well, he did, but it just didn't click for him at the moment.
and when it did click? he was out the door, tugging his coat on, not even bothering to shut it behind himself.
"c'mon, (y/n), now is not the time for this!" he called out, watching as you ran around a tree and seemingly "disappeared."
he knew you too well. you expected him to run around the tree to look for you, but he wouldn't; he watched as you emerged from the other side of the tree and pulled you into his open arms.
you can't use the same trick twice on him.
he held you against his chest - he didn't mind that you were nudging at his chest, trying to get away from him. "c'mon, it's pretty cold out here. I'll make you tea when we get back inside."
"no! im not going back!" you nudged harder at his chest, trying to get out of his hold.
"I said we're going back in. we really need to talk ab-"
"there's nothing to talk about! you're not normal and i won't love you!"
he thought had heard it all from you, so, hearing this wasn't anything new, but, what was new was hearing you say:
"if you wanted me to love you, maybe you should've been normal," you paused, and childe's hold on you loosened, his arms going slack at his sides and he looked down at you, "if you didn't take me away... and maybe if you acted like a normal person from the start-"
once again, you paused and took a step back away from him. childe didn't want to hear what you were going to say, even as he imagined what you might say, his chest ached... he wouldn't be able to handle it, "(y/n), let's just go in, okay? i don't want to hear it from you."
"- i could've loved you."
oh, it hurt so badly.
childe tried so hard to be unbothered, so, why was he so hurt from hearing this? he loved you, and he's tried everything to make you understand just how much he loved you, and now you say that you'll never love him.
it hurt, of course, but he's come so far.
childe strongly believes that people can change, anyway. so, he'd keep trying his absolute hardest for you until you buckled and confessed that you loved him back.
but, in the meantime...
"you can still love me," he said, with a weak smile, "I've been good to you, (y/n) and I think I deserve some credit for being so patient, right?"
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year ago
Butterscotch Harlow
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, 2forwoyne, taylorrooks, blancahood, and 1,283,052 others
y/ninsta: A little while ago, I surprised smush with a puppy (even though he said no more pets). the two have finally warmed up to each other and all she does is terrorize him lmao
jackharlow: I like how you find my pain humorous smh urbanwyatt: I still can't believe yall literally have fourteen pets now lilnasx: urbanwyatt you mean fifteen, they have druski2funny druski2funny: what the actual fuck do yall be on for me to constantly get dragged like this?!?!? 2forwoyne: yall might as well open up your home and sell tickets because yall live in a damn zoo y/ninsta: all yall can kiss my ass because who is over here every damn week trying to get fed? not too much on my babies. blancahood: you have 3 real babies, pay them some attention y/ninsta: B, I have 5 children. how quickly you forget. jackharlow: who the hell is four and five?!?!? dualipa: jackharlow you and Urban urbanwyatt: NOW WHY AM I ALWAYS IN IT?! y/ninsta: dualipa you a real one for that softtcurse: urbanwyatt because your ass is always doing something smh jackharlow: dualipa and now here you come terrorizing me too smh dualipa: jackharlow I was nice about it but I can be mean. watch that tone. jackharlow: dualipa you better not start with me. I swear yall want me bald by 30. jackandy/naremyparents: I'm convinced that soon y/ninsta will find a way to buy an elephant. mark my words. urbandjack26: jackandy/naremyparents she probably already has one and just keeps it at the actual zoo in Louisville jackharlow: DO NOT GIVE HER ANY IDEAS y/ninsta: 👀👀👀 jackharlow: y/ninsta baby don't you dare y/ninsta: jackharlow BRB
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Liked by y/ninsta, druski2funny, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, maggieharlow, quiiso, jessicakelce, and 1,943,271 others
jackharlow: your shirt says mother so please come and get this puppy. I have not known peace since you bought her 😭
urbanwyatt: jackharlow let's be real for a second. you haven't known peace since you got married to y/ninsta taylorrooks: URBAN! TAKE IT BACK BEFORE SHE SEES IT! 2forwoyne: urbanwyatt not your wanting best friend to kick your ass jackharlow: urbanwyatt you just asking to die tonight aren't you? y/ninsta: I heard I've been summoned and urbanwyatt don't go to sleep tonight urbanwyatt: y/ninsta not my fault you terrorize my best friend! y/ninsta: urbanwyatt is this about me forgetting to make you spaghetti the other day? because right now your ass is acting outta pocket. don't let that mouth of yours get you hair cut off and weed stolen theestallion: Y/N PLEASEEEEEEE blancahood: y/ninsta if you steal it, save me some yungskylark: why when it's taco tuesday, someone in PG acts like they don't have no got damn sense smh shloob_: urbanwyatt my stomach is making whale mating calls. you better fix this shit so she feeds us. urbanwyatt: I SAID WHAT I SAID y/ninsta: urby, you asked for it smh jackharlow: like not too much on my baby now but urb actually claimed me as his best friend for once so I call this day a win y/ninsta: look at my pookie defending me and you were always the first best friend, he just loves me more jackharlow: 🙄🙄🙄
yungskylark: he need to defend my stomach from biting the rest of my insides quiiso: jackharlow IT'S NOT NO WIN WHEN WE'RE HUNGRY, TF? jackharlow: quiiso oh imma eat regardless. idc what happens to yall lmaoooo saweetie: jackharlow just nasty as hell as usual jackharlow: saweetie HAVE YOU SEEN MY WIFE?!?! saweetie: jackharlow for the billionth time, YES! jackharlow: saweetie just making sure lol
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Liked by y/ninsta, saweetie, urbanwyatt, theestallion, privategarden, theshaderoom, neelamthadhani, and 3,281,937 others
jackharlow: you see what she does in my time of need? LEAVES ME 😭
But my wife a baddie 😍😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow you are so damn dramatic! I'm only going to be gone for two days! but love you smush. claybornharlow: oh, so the babies have to eat jack's cooking? maggieharlow come save your grandchildren! jackharlow: HEY! THEY'RE FINE! dualipa: I highly doubt that jackharlow: dualipa hop off the nearest cliff y/ninsta: I pumped enough and there's more in the freezer, along with formula and the baby food I made. they're good! jackharlow: umm y/ninsta...... I think I only have enough for a few more hours y/ninsta: WHAT blancahood: oh good lord smh jackharlow: y/ninsta axel is eating like he has never seen food in his entire life maggieharlow: smh jackharlow if you needed me, why didn't you call? jackharlow: maggieharlow I got it handled! claybornharlow: only thing jackharlow has a handle on is.... hmm.... I'm at a loss saweetie: clay, pleaseeeee lmao urbandjack26: chaos in the Harlow household lol neelamthadhani: and jackharlow has the nerve to want more children smh handle those three first! y/ninsta: jackharlow is a good daddy! but his way of doing things concerns me sometimes jackharlow: y/ninsta I know I'm a good daddy. to my triplets and my wife. y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm taking my compliment back smh
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, estgee, champagnepapi, zackbia, taylorrooks, and 1,928,036 others
y/ninsta: pleading for my damn help, and once I get home, this is what I see 🙄🙄
jackharlow: and that was the first decent amount of sleep that I got since you left y/ninsta: jackharlow I see little miss kept guard while you slept. I told you she loves you. jackandy/naremyparents: are yall gonna tell us her name now?!?!? jackharlow: jackandy/naremyparents I want to protect her privacy urbanwyatt: this man has officially lost it lmao saweetie: privacy? she literally pees and shits outside for the world to see jackharlow: not too much on my baby now! she still deserves privacy! claybornharlow: jack, she's a dog jackharlow: claybornharlow and? she's MY dog and what I say goes blancahood: that man don't know how to act now that he has his own pet quiiso: y/ninsta please get your husband lmao y/ninsta: quiiso he's a lost cause. I tried to come close to him while she was next to him and long story short, she is very territorial of him. she likes me, but he's her go to person. like sis, I was here first. show your mom some respect lmao urbanwyatt: not y/n finally having to compete for jack's heart y/ninsta: urbanwyatt he lowkey might divorce me to be able to have all of his attention on her jackharlow: I AM NOT THAT BAD neelamthadhani: jackharlow who lied to you? smh y/ninsta: jackharlow just tell everyone her name! jackharlow: y/ninsta no. that's her business and no one else's. jackandy/naremyparents: she probably doesn't even have one jackharlow: YES SHE DOES! If yall can guess it, I'll tell you saweetie: wait, what did yall end up deciding because it was down to two names urbandjack26: probably named her alcatraz y/ninsta: urbandjack26 over my dead body lmao allthingsy/n: hmm..... Louisville related? y/ninsta: allthingsy/n no for once lol jackandurbupdates: toffee y/ninsta: getting warmer jackandy/naremyparents: caramel? y/ninsta: getting closer! jackharlow: yall get on my nerves jackandurb26: BUTTERSCOTCH! BUTTERSCOTCH HARLOW! jackharlow: 😒😒😒😒😒 jackandurb26: well?!?!? jackharlow: I'm logging out y/ninsta: 😭😭😭😭
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fiber-optic-alligator · 9 months ago
(Not a request dw) (I definitely borrowed a little from what you wrote and slashed through earlier)
Knock Out brainrot time. >:3c
Just thinking of him occasionally taking his human Back to the train tracks where he caught them the first time to torment them further. Especially about how they failed to escape him the first time. Not that they Actually Had a Chance, but he's an arrogant asshole so he's gonna act like they did. And that they failed to utilize it correctly.
Maybe he pretends to give them another chance to properly flee, with the same rules/time limit as last time? 20 minutes, but after 5 he's going to begin his search for them. But this time? The human has something of a plan, even if it'll only delay the inevitable. They use the fog cover to sneakily dash about, and cover things in heir scent. They're trying to fool his nose so he has to try harder to find them in the fog.
Five minutes pass of him tracking their progress, and he begins to move. Taunting them about their plan to con a Con, and how it won't work. Of course he knew what they were doing, and it's a decent plan outside of the fact that he can See them trying to put it into action. But, oh well, better luck next time, morsel.
At the ten minute mark, however, he loses sight of them. And with minimal sign of them beyond the smell of terror they leave behind, he begins to grow a little antsy. Not worried, no, he's going to catch them, and It Will Be Easy. They just... hadn't been much of a challenge before. This is certainly proving to be an interesting round of Hide and Shriek.
It's a little past the fifteen minute mark that he catches a definitive trace of them. "Ah, There they are." He laughs lowly, and stomps closer to the boxcar they'd stashed themselves away in. Now that he's locked onto where they've hidden, he decides to walk a little further away from them. To make them think he's still oblivious to their hiding spot. A minute passes. Two, three. Little footsteps pad through the door to the next boxcar.
At nineteen minutes, Knock Out decides to stop playing with his food. He saunters over to their new hiding spot, and tears the door open. Leaning the whole boxcar at an angle with a servo, so His human is forced to skid over to the far side and look up at him. "You know, this game of Cyber cat and Glitch mouse was certainly thrilling, but all good things must come to an end eventually. Now, sit still for me won't you? We have things to do once we get back to the Nemesis."
He reaches in with his right servo to daintily pluck them from their rusty tomb, but stops short when something blunt smashes into one of his digits. He pulls his claws away from them to survey the damage, and notices rusty little scratches in one of them. He growls in displeasure before lunging to harshly pin His Plaything's arm to the wall, and wrenching away the offending weapon. An old crowbar sits pinched between two of his talons before he snaps it in two, and throws it away like a used tooth pick.
He regards his captive with a snarl, hating the effect their resistance has on him. The fact that they have the Audacity to attack him is in itself is infuriating, and he loathes losing his cool. Especially in regards to a fleshbag he's been ever So lenient with. He'll make them buff out the scratch later, but for now... "As much as I can respect your meager survival tactics, don't you think it's a little late to be trying this hard to escape?" He tries to maintain his self-assured tone to scare the human into thinking that their efforts to piss him off were Entirely in vain. But even they can detect the wrath bleeding into his tone like a drop of ink in water.
Knock Out lunges to pin his prize to the far wall with a servo again, making sure that the sharp ends of his claws graze their flesh lightly. "Has it Not sunken in yet human? You. Can't. Escape. From. Me. You only get as far as you do during our little games, because I let you. You didn't stand a chance In The Pits of escaping the second I laid my optics on you the first time, and you certainly don't have a shot now." He lifts them out of the boxcar, and drops it back onto the tracks, a crumpled heap of scrap metal. He ceases to keep his contempt for their petulance out of his voice now that he's got a proper grip on them.
"In case you haven't noticed, human? I am Faster than you. I am Stronger than you. And no matter how Far you run, I will Always find you. Remember that the next time you forget your place in this little arrangement of ours. Though, in case you Do need a reminder after all that?
You. Are. Mine.
His grip tightens while he speaks, and only loosens his grip again once he can he feel them gasp for air. He sighs, satisfied that he'd gotten his point across, and brings his little Snack down from optic level. "Once we get back to the Nemesis, you're getting a bath. And then, you're due for a night long tour of my tank. That's a fitting punishment for a squirmy little fleshy like you, I think. Oh, and you Will be buffing this scratch out of my hand, by the by. Don't think your panicked flailing fit with a piece of scrap metal slipped my mind, dear. I won't be as gentle with you the next time you lash out like that."
Anon. Holy shit. I literally have no words. This is absolutely incredible. I have nothing to add to this because it’s so damn GOOD!!! I don’t even have to write a part 2 anymore because this is that AMAZING!!!! God I am going to be rereading this at least twice a week SHAUZISKDJFNFJJFAAAAAAUGH!!!!!
I can only imagine afterwords when this is all over and you are within his tank. You have never seen Knockout that angry before. Though he makes an effort to intimidate you and show how terrifying he can be, he’s always been relatively gentle with you. Now, though? The memory of being slammed against the boxcar, how his claws grazed your skin, his snarls, the way he nearly squeezed the life out of you. And his words…
“You. Are. Mine.”
You curl up tighter and bury your head into your knees, shaking. You begin to quietly weep.
Meanwhile, Knockout is tinkering away with some stuff when he hears your soft sobs rising up from his middle. Pausing his activities and looking down, he listens to you cry and feels you tremble. A part of him feels smugly satisfied that you know your place now…but there’s another part of him that feels strangely…guilty. Your a small, fragile little thing. He could have seriously hurt you.
Heaving a low sigh, he clenches his tank muscles to squeeze you gently. “Settle down, little thing,” he murmurs. “I was harsh with you, I’ll admit. But you must understand that at moments, harshness is necessary. You need to know your place. You need to know you are mine.”
You don’t respond. He doesn’t expect you to. His comfort is not exactly the most comforting. He’s silent. He doesn’t feel as triumphant as he did earlier.
Even Decepticons can feel remorse sometimes.
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bandgie · 1 year ago
could you do another hate sex yj?? and could it have loads of banter and verbal teasing?? literally love your stuff soooo much
a/n: yes! I actually have an idea for this! and thank you sm!!
synopsis: Being part of the The Titans means putting your life at risk for Jump City. Defeating villains and putting them behind bars should be the hardest part, but it's actually your own team member that drives you insane.
notes/warnings: MDNI 18+, teen titans AU, fem!reader, reader is called 'Raven', elements of drugging, heat, dom-ish!reader, foot job (sorry), monster fucking I think? I dunno if it counts lmao, bondage (m!rec), tentacles (I had to), throat fucking (m!rec), light chocking (m!rec), PIV/no protection, creampie
2.4k words
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You should have known tonight's mission wasn't going to go well. There was an ominous atmosphere as the team carried out their assignments. Being gifted with psychic abilities, you can feel the emotions of those around you. That empathic ability was both a blessing and a curse. The one time you decided to ignore it was the one time you needed to listen to it the most.
Deathstroke had anticipated the attack. He laced the area with drugs and gasses that left the five of you weak, and incapable. Your power was uncontrollable as you were filled with raw fear. The only person you had to rely on was Beastboy who was trapped in the same room as you.
That alone was a trap in itself.
Black tendrils whipped around you viciously. Your power smacked and tried to break through the walls, but they seemed impenetrable. If you were in your right mind, you could easily find a way out. 
"Fuck Raven! You're gonna get us killed!" Beastboy ducked and covered his head as your magic continued to act recklessly. You ignored him, beating at the room. The rest of the team members were most likely separated, and you'd be damned if anything happened to them.
It's now you grow tired that your legs give out from under you. You collapsed on the hard ground, your black magic quickly dissipating. Beastboy rushed to your side and cursed, "Shit. If you would have just calmed down-"
"Calm down!?" The room shook with your voice. "How the fuck can I calm down when our friends are out there and we're in here? You don't get it Yeonjun, I can feel it. They're scared, and alone. We can't sit here and-"
Yeonjun cut you off with a growl, "I never said I wanted to sit here. If you knew how to fucking control yourself we could have found a way out!" Despite trying to keep a level head, Yeonjun could feel the terror in his chest. Watching you, who's usually composed, freak out did little to help. 
"Oh fuck you! You say 'we,' but I always save our asses. You've been doing bat shit to help!" It probably isn't wise to further engage in arguing, but you don't have the patience otherwise. With the gas you both inhaled and the fear you feel, it's impossible to think rationally.
You can see the veins that pop out from under Yeonjun's green skin as he yells back. "How do you expect me to help when you're whipping those things around like a madman!? While you were going crazy I found something."
The retort dies in your throat, "Found something?"
"Yes," Yeonjun sounds exasperated. "I think we're in Deathstroke's lab. Found some potions and shit." He pulls a small vial from his pocket, holding it between his thumb and forefinger. The clear bottle swooshes with pink liquid inside, words scribbled on it.
You look at the bright color curiously, "What's it say?" He shrugs, "Beats me. I think it's his own language or whatever." Without saying more, he pops the cork off and raises it to his lips. "Bottoms up."
He swallows and grimaces at the taste, burping. "I said to call me Yeonjun."
"You idiot!" The fire in your chest flames once again. "Do you even know what you drank?" Rather than seeming upset, Yeonjun flashes his sharp canines at you. It's better to watch you grow furious at him than be scared. Even if you look at him with rage in your eyes, it's better than seeing the overwhelming panic.
"Nope," he pops the 'p'. "Guess we'll find out soon enough."
You scoot a few inches away from him, waiting for disaster to strike. Will he go ballistic? Maybe he'll explode. Now that you're thinking about it, that potion was awfully pink. Maybe that'll be his new skin color.
Rather than turning into a flamingo, he remains the same hue. Yeonjun's lip twitches and his pupils dilate. His heart rate increases and it suddenly feels much too hot in the room. Your empathetic power picks up on this. Even if you don't physiologically react the same, you can taste the thickness in the air. An intense sense of excitement pools in your stomach, your chest. 
You snatch the vile from Yeonjun's hands. That fucking moron, you groan internally. It wasn't Deathstroke's secret language, it was Latin.
"Eros libido," you read the scribbled words. "Fuck."
"Libido?" Yeonjun's sweaty face looks confused. "The game with the stick?"
"No, you- oh my god. That's limbo. Libido is....nothing. How do you feel?" You quickly change the subject. The potion must be strong. If Yeonjun felt it in mere seconds and you felt the effects soon after, you can only imagine how it'll progress. 
"I feel...restless? I dunno just...like I wanna do something?" He speaks unsurely. The hair on his neck raises and so does a muscle underneath his pants apron making eye contact with you. "Oh shit," his eyes go wide. "S-stop looking at me!"
Yeonjun stands up abruptly, running to the corner of the room. He knows this feeling now. The warmth in his body, the feeling of unfiltered desire, the ache in his cock. He's in heat. Yeonjun could try and play human all he wants, but he still has animal DNA in him.
His raw lust filters into you. It hits you like a ton of bricks and you feel like discarding your cloak. 
"You stupid fuck," despite being aroused, you attempt to turn it into anger. "Who drinks a potion in a language they don't know when they're trapped?" Standing to your feet, you stomp to Yeonjun who's shriveled on the ground. 
He groans your name out, "Don't get close to me please."
You ignore him, throwing your purple cape on the ground and flipping Yeonjun to his back. His eyes are full-blown wide, he's drooling helplessly, and his dick strains painfully against his pants. You scoff, pressing a foot on his erection, "You look so pathetic."
Yeonjun's entire body keens at your touch. His hands reach down and grip your ankle. He means to throw your foot off of him, but instead, he pushes your heel harder against his cock. Yeonjun whines and thuds his head down on the ground roughly. How hates how good it feels, hates that he'd beg to cum from your shoe even if it was beyond shameful. 
Rather than pulling away, you let him hump your foot. Your boots are latex, so it's easy to feel his clothed erection against you. "Fuck, you're really hard huh?" There's a sick sweetness in your voice Yeonjun's not used to. 
He nods mindlessly, "I'm sorry. Mmm fuck, I didn't know. I swear I didn't know. I thought- shit! -I thought it would make me stronger." Yeonjun pants through his sentences. His eyes are crazed, but he manages to speak through it. "I'm such an idiot. Fuck fuck fuck.." You can see tears slip from the corner of his eyes. He bites down on his lower lip to keep from being so loud. After all, how can a mere foot make him feel this good?
"Are you crying?"
Yeonjun whines at your harsh tone. "It hurts..." he speaks in a small voice. 
You tear your foot from his grasp. Yeonjun violently sobs, he is so close. He's about to beg you to let him use your foot when you kneel. He watches in shock as you button his tight pants, yanking them to free his cock.
"Oh," You're in shock. Calling Yeonjun big would be an understatement. The shaft darkens as your eyes trail to the very tip of his dark green head. It's a stark contrast from the white pre-cum that dribbles from his slit. The cold air makes Yeonjun twitch and groan, at least the confines of his pants had given him pressure. 
You don't think when your hand reaches out to grab the base. Even with two fists, the tip would peek out with a few more inches. Desire pools in your stomach. You quickly try to blame it on Yeonjun's condition. This isn't your own emotions, you're just reading his. It's strong, and it's affecting you.
That's all.
That's all, you tell yourself when you move to hover on top. That's all, you think when you move the sticky crotch of your leotard to the side. "That's all," you murmur when you grind yourself on his cock. It's warm, it twitches, it leaks. Begging to be put where your legs ache. You expect Yeonjun to start pleading, crying to let him fuck you.
He knows better though. Talking would ruin the headspace you're in. It would make it real, make it a permanent memory that Yeonjun was inside you. The same person who went out of his way to make piss you off, to watch your turn red from anger.
And you're going to let him.
It's not until you sink down on him that he squeaks. His cock stretches you out fully, forcing your walls to mold into his shape. You groan and place your hands on his torso, pushing yourself deeper and deeper. Your legs quiver and your stomach flips when you feel him kiss your cervix. You've fully seated yourself on him, letting your cunt convulse and squeeze around his length.
"Fuck!" Yeonjun can't help himself as his hands find your waist. He moans your name, over and over until he's started drooling again. "You're so tight. Fuck me, please fuck me. I can't move, I-"
Black tendrils come out of your back without you needing to think. One shoves itself inside Yeonjun's mouth, cutting his needy demands off. Another two grab his wrists and pull them away from your hips, pinning them above his head. 
You pick your hips up and slam down. There's a loud squelch from where you connect, and you can hear Yeonjun's muffled moans as the appendage forces itself down his throat. 
"Shut." You drop your weight on his dick. "Up." And you do it again. His dick drags against your soft walls, a hot sensation slowly building inside you. "You can't do shit right." Your hands reach up to wrap around his neck. You can feel how your magic moves inside his mouth. How Yeonjun's gags and drools around the dark appendage. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and there's a light flush on his cheeks from the lack of oxygen. 
"I have to do everything for you," you seethe. "Useless." Your hips move in circles, letting Yeonjun's cock explore every part of you. "Can't even fuck me. I always do all the work, and you just lie there and take it." 
Yeonjun can't disagree. It feels too good to let you use him. To force his throat open, to hold him down while he writhes in unbelievable pleasure. You're so warm, cunt terribly hot it makes him squirm. It's better than he could have possibly imagined. Your pussy perfectly fits onto his cock, it squeezes him in all the right ways that he's surprised he's lasted this long. 
You scoff at his fucked out state, somewhat jealous. Yeonjun gets to fuck up consistently, yet he still reaps all the rewards. 
"I hate you," you moan out. The warmth in your belly doubles. Your pussy has drenched his cock with cream and slick. It makes it easy to slide in and out, to fuck yourself on him without worrying if Yeonjun will split you open. 
Yeonjun frantically shakes his head, trying to free himself of your magic. You slow your hips and oblige, your back magic pulling away from his mouth. 
His lips are swollen, red, and wet. He coughs and gasps for air. "Again," he chokes out. "Tell me you hate me again."
"I can't stand you," your grip tightens around his neck. "I hate that you mess everything up. I hate that you bother me." Your hips have a mind of their own. Bouncing and dragging themselves along his length. "I hate your voice. I hate how you look at me." You curse when his hips buck him uncontrollably. He starts meeting your thrusts, clear that he'll finish soon. 
Yeonjun only moans at your horrible confessions. His wet eyes look up at yours almost endearingly. "I hate you too," he moans out. "I hate how mean you are to everyone. I hate- ahhh shit, I hate that I can't stop thinking about you. I hate that I dream about you. I hate your skin, I hate your eyes." 
You moan at his cruel words. Your body leans down on top of his, lower body moving with intent. Your hands steady themselves on his green chest, squeezing and pinching the skin there. 
"I fucking hate everything about you."
Then you cum. Waves and pleasure and hot spurts flooding your pussy and his cock. You rock against him until you feel his cock twitch. Yeonjun's arms have gone numb from their positions, but he tugs against the restraints nonetheless. He wants to squeeze to plump flesh of your ass, he wants to leave your body with marks. He wants to remember, wants you to remember how you let him have you. 
His cum pours inside you, moaning and thrusting animalistically in your ear. Yeonjun snarls when your walls tighten around his girth again, milking his cock for all it has to give. He fucks up into you lazily, trying to ride out his high.
The overwhelming pleasure tugs at your stomach and sends your body on overdrive as multiple black points sprout from your body. They stab at the ground below you, the walls beside you. Yeonjun would have been terrified had he not just orgasmed. Instead, he smiles at your violent response, looking at the damage to the room.
A ray of pale light pokes through the roof where your magic has pierced it. He squints at the hole, making sure it doesn't disappear. Yeonjun shouts in excitement. You jump at the noise. Yeonjun nods in the direction and you follow his line of sight. Sure enough, you see the same beam of moonlight shining down. You look back at him, a mere breath away, 
You smile.
The sight makes Yeonjun shiver, his limp cock twitches inside you. He quickly replaces his look of awe with false confidence, flashing his sharp teeth. "Told you that potion would help."
a/n: this actually took me so long to write. no idea where I was goin with it. I had a lot of different plot ideas, but I decided to do this one. please tell me how you liked it! it's defo new to me lmao in case you're wondering! this is how I planned on doing the characters: robin- Taehyun starfire - Kai cyborg - soobin beastboy - yeonjun raven - reader deathstroke - beomgyu
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darlingsfandom · 5 months ago
kinktober day five.
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pairing: Dr. Johnathan Crane x Patient Fem Reader!
tw: blood play, drugging, knife play!
No actual smut! A little nipple sucking but that’s it.
The moon light pooled into the room acting as the only light source while you laid upon the mattress in the corner. Everyone always said you’d end up here but you never listened and now you were paying the price.
You were on your side half asleep when the foot steps outside your cell grew louder making you sit up on your elbows until the clanking metal perked you up onto your feet. You walked out of the cell and looked around before you felt a hand around your throat and a damp cloth that had been laced with chloroform was covering your nose. Your heart was beating fast until your eyes felt heavy , body weak but as you passed out you never felt your body hit the floor.
The feeling of water slowly dripping onto your forehead eventually woke you. Everything felt hazy and heavy as you opened your eyes. You looked around to realize this room was somewhere you had never been and to be fair you had been in a few areas of the asylum.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” A voice spoke up as the figure walked closer to you , flicking a light on to make you squint before you realized that you were strapped down to an old hospital bed.
“Please!” You felt fear rush in your veins.
“Cute, already begging and I haven’t done a single thing to you.” The figure became a person as he stood in front of you with the light glowing behind him. Dr. Johnathan Crane, your psychiatrist. He stood there with his hands behind his back and tight lipped smile on his face as he observed you.
“Please Dr. Crane, don’t hurt me !” You whimpered as he circled the bed.
“Oh? You think I’m going to hurt you! That’s rich.” He stood in front of you. “No, well it might hurt a lot but you’re absolutely perfect for this.” He held out a needle before sticking it in your arm making you yell before trying to move and yet you couldn’t.
“What the fuck was that ?”
“You won’t be able to move, but you will be able to feel everything.” His lips turned into a sly smile as he ran his fingers over your lips. Crane tossed the needle away before he dimmed the lights , stood over you and watched you lay there with tears in your eyes. He walked over to a tray, examined it and grabbed something before he came back. “Like I said, you won’t move but this will hurt and it will be my pleasure.” He held out a knife and your skin went flush at the sight.
“PLEASE!!” You screamed in terror before the cold metal dragged into your soft thigh. The blood ran down your thigh making you cry. “Why are you doing this to me?” You sobbed.
Johnathan smirked as he ran his fingers through your blood and brought them to his mouth before licking them clean all while looking you in the eye.
It shouldn’t turn you on. It shouldn’t make you clench and yet it did. He stuck the knife into your other thigh making you cry as the blood dripped. Your mind and heart were racing as he laughed at how pathetic you were. Johnathan held up the knife and licked your blood from it. he was crazy, beyond crazy! How was this man a professional?
“ I know what you’re thinking sweetheart, how could I be head psychiatrist here when I’m clearly mad ?” He dragged the knife down your stomach at an agonizing pace that made your nipples hard. That part didn’t go unnoticed since he dragged his fingers through your bloody thighs and smeared it across them before he licked the blood off your nipples making a whimper leave your lips.
“Such a sweet sacrifice .” Crane licked his lips before he took the knife and completely cut the fabric of your gown to expose your whole body. “I knew you would be.” He pushed the fabric off of you before he set the knife down. “See, you’re the type girl who was just pushed too far. You lived up to everyone’s expectations but your own and snapped. Plus you add in your daddy and mommy issues it was no wonder I had to have you. You just go along with it and now, now you’re choosing to fight, well you tried to before I drugged you. A pretty girl like you, I’m trying a new drug on you, a little sacrifice for science.” He breathed in your face before kissing you gently which fogged up your judgement even more!
This man had drugged you, cut you and kissed you all in a day. Crane had a new toy, you and he was about to play with you until you were nothing but a broken doll for him because you were his, all his and he’d make sure the marks he left you on kept you in line.
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skyfallscotland · 2 months ago
Twisted Love, by Ana Huang 📷
“I never claimed to be Prince Charming, and my love isn’t a fairy-tale type of love. I’m a fucked-up person with fucked-up morals. I won’t write you poems or serenade you beneath the moonlight. But you are the only woman I have eyes for."
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I was so close to DNF'ing this, and honestly, I hate-read my way to the end. It's a shame really, because I feel like Huang isn't a bad writer per se, but her characters are completely intolerable (to me) and she needed to make better choices about what was included in this book.
Firstly, this book has every trope you could possibly imagine and I am not exaggerating. This is every wattpad story ever written crammed into one (too long tbh) book. Brother's best friend, grumpy-sunshine, billionaire CEO who doesn't like anyone else, crazy ex-boyfriend, one bed, family members out for your money, family members who wanted to kill you, oh shit actually you're adopted—everything. EVERYTHING. It's too much.
And even if we put that aside...let's move onto the characters.
Ava: the girl with so much trauma she has night terrors and a mysterious past she can't remember, whose father acts like he hates her, whose ex stalks and manhandles her, and oh yeah, she's SO nice and SO happy and just the BEST PERSON EVER all the fucking time, because none of that affected her. At all. ✔️ Check.
Alex: What isn't Alex Volkov? No seriously, what can't he do? And that's not a compliment.
He drove the same way he walked, talked, and breathed—steady and controlled, with an undercurrent of danger warning those foolish enough to contemplate crossing him that doing so would be their death sentence.
Alex’s parents had died when he was young and left him a pile of money he’d quadrupled the value of when he came into his inheritance at age eighteen. Not that he’d needed it, because he’d invented a new financial modeling software in high school that made him a multimillionaire before he could vote. With an IQ of 160, Alex Volkov was a genius, or close to it. He was the only person in Thayer’s history to complete its five-year joint undergrad/ MBA program in three years, and at age twenty-six, he was the COO of one of the most successful real estate development companies in the country. He was a legend, and he knew it.
“I’m not bragging. I have hyperthymesia, or HSAM. Highly superior autobiographical memory. Look it up.”
Stop. Please, I'm begging you.
And if you thought that might have just been her thoughts about him, well...
I didn’t do sweet nothings or lovemaking. I fucked a certain way, and only a specific type of woman was into that shit. Not hard-core BDSM, but not soft. No kissing, no face-to-face contact. Women agreed, then tried to change it up halfway through, after which I’d stop and show them the door.
You like to take a woman from behind and throw in some dirty talk and degradation babe, it's really not that deep 🥴
It's giving ✨i'm not like other guys✨
So anyway after we filter through at least 3178920 predictable plots and sideplots and just sideways journeys that didn't really need to be in here, finally we get to a third-act breakup (his choice) after which he decides he doesn't like (his choice) and decides to stalk her. For over a year.
“I’ll file a restraining order against you. Have you arrested for stalking.” “You can try, but I can’t guarantee my friends in the British government will comply.” His face darkened. “And if you think I’m leaving you alone and unprotected anywhere, you don’t know me at all.”
Ummm bro, the only danger to her here is you, are you kidding me? And sunny old Ava who was literally stalked by her last boyfriend (and it was a whole damn plot point) is like you know what, I love this guy who's stalking me! I'll give him another chance! Sure!
But wait, wait, wait, only after he serenades her with a love song. I'm not kidding. Oh, and you guessed it—voice of an angel, because there's nothing Alex Volkov can't do.
Personally I feel like ten years have passed since I picked up this book yesterday and some chick was stranded in the rain on the side of the road.
Also, minus ten points for
thick, and hard as a steel pipe—
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Just...no. Just no.
I'd love to have something more positive to say but I really don't have anything. The side characters were more tolerable than the main characters and that's the only reason I'm wondering if I should subject myself to the next book in the series, but honestly? I really don't think I can. I wish I'd picked up one of the fanfics on my TBR instead 😶
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sevikascaitvi · 4 months ago
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« What am I here for? »
—— Caitvi, post s2 ep9.
The sun crippled into Caitlyn's bedroom lazily, the scent of rubbing alcohol invading Vi's nostrils as she stepped in.
Not that she hadn't spent the past ten hours pacing back and forth to check when Caitlyn was gonna wake up.
She knew that the doctor had mumbled some bullshit, like some sort of "she needs rest, I gave her sleeping pills", but Vi couldn't wait.
She wanted to talk to her, to mourn her sister and her dad with the one person she had left.
She wanted Caitlyn to hold her, and she wanted to hold her as well.
It was only when she could hear Caitlyn's voice attempting to let out some words, that she rushed to the side of the mattress.
She began, breathing heavily through her nose, almost to let out the stress that had bottled up until that moment. She saw the terror in her eye, the hands coming to touch what was blocking the view on her left one.
"Easy, easy, you can't touch that, cupcake."
Vi's voice slipped through the creases of silence broken only by Caitlyn's rugged breath, while the shorter girl grabbed her wrists and placed them back down.
"What happened?"
Caitlyn's voice stabbed at Vi's chest; nothing sounded like her. Like the woman she had fallen in love with.
She was scared, terrified.
A kind of terror Vi had swore she would've never let anyone she loved feel, not on her watch.
"Ambessa's dead, love."
Caitlyn's eyebrow rose; she knew Ambessa was dead, it was the nickname that stinged her.
She asked, Vi's cheeks catching fire almost, as she looked down, and Caitlyn couldn't help but chuckle, a silent note taken about picking her on that later.
"Sorry, anyway— Mel brought you here, you were hurt pretty bad, but she could keep Loris alive, no wonder how she did that with you as well."
That name hurt on Caitlyn's lips as much as it burned in Vi's chest. They had talked about it.
After their encounter in the bunker, Caitlyn had let the name of the person she'd seen slip out. Even tho Vi always took at least five minutes to remember the name associated with the face.
"what about her? she's fine"
Vi whispered, gritting her teeth and leaned back on her chair, scoffing, her arms crossing at her chest.
"She told her to shoot me,"
And that was enough for Vi to completely relax her eyebrows and eyelids.
"She's with Ambessa, and— Violet!"
The thud of the chair - once it dropped for the way Vi had stood - made Caitlyn flinch, the cold air from the door flying open hitting her with the realization that probably she was gonna regret telling Vi that Maddie wasn't on their side before she was strong enough to hold her back.
She called again, her act already reflecting on her senses, obliging her to lay back down and take deep, deep breaths.
Without Mel worrying about the people in Piltover, of course Maddie was outside the Kiramman's house with whoever apparently hadn't seen her betrayal on full display — more for Vi to get mad for.
Hands clenched in fists, it was like Maddie had seen that coming; the pink haired Zaunite was still covered in blood and bruises, had refused to leave Caitlyn's side, not trusting anyone next to her —and when Maddie saw her walking towards her, she only had enough strength to start walking backwards.
Funny how the slower she walked, the faster Violet seemed to be approaching her. As much as Maddie had adored her for her story, now fear was dripping down her forehead in liquid form — because Vi's eyes were empty, there wasn't anything except for rage, that was deductible more from the way she was breathing through her nostrils and the way her neck veins were swollen, than her actual expression.
Covered in dried blood, dirt and with her eyes redder than she'd ever admit, she made sure both her hands were ready enough for her to grab that obnoxious redhead, and give her what she deserved.
Now, it's not that Vi hadn't thought about being better, proving everyone that the place she came from meant nothing but oh well - she was gonna / fucking thank you / prove everyone wrong next time.
Probably as high on adrenaline as someone who just spent two hours on rollercoasters, or mouth-filled with the same anger she felt only once she'd realised her father was gone, it took her nothing to close the distance with- fuck, she had already forgotten her name again.
Abby. Yes, had to be Abby.
Closed the distance between them, Vi's fists clenched at the girl's uniform, lifting her from the ground not without a little groan for the effort and her muscles still sore.
"You tried to kill her!"
"Vi- I was following orders, I had to— I didn't have a choice-"
Maddie's voice came out shaky, a first fist flying in her direction - once her feet touched the ground again -, landing exactly on her cheek.
There weren't much people around the building, which was probably the best for Vi, not so much for Maddie; the timing and the coincidence of Maddie being here were presented to Vi like a cake on a silver plate. The mere thought of her being here to try to pay visit to Caitlyn coursed through her veins, gathering up rage until she could only see red.
The stumble she took had Violet taking advance of the girl's tripping, a kick to her shin as the redhead fell on her back, Vi's knee on her stomach.
Another punch landed on her nose, and Maddie really thought Vi would've stopped there.
But Violet? She was filled up with rage, remorse, grief, anger, her nerves so on edge she could've snapped any time and probably crawl back to Caitlyn's lap, crying.
The way she grabbed Maddie's cheeks with one hand and squeezed made her groan and cough up, her nose bleeding already.
It was quick, sudden, and after a second, Vi's face was inches away from Maddie's.
"I would've shot myself in the fucking mouth at any given command to even aim at the strands of hair out of her ponytail."
The comment made Maddie gasp in horror, her eyes swelling up with tears, her only resource now being the emotional pang of guilt.
"I did love her, I care about her, I was just-"
Before Maddie could finish the sentence, a pressure gripped at her throat, her eyes widening.
"Stop saying bullshit, stop fucking talking!"
The more Vi pressed on Maddie's throat, the more the girl's eyes widened, and it was useless her tapping on Vi's shoulder to loosen the grip.
Around them, a crowd of helpless spectators, because the Arcane Forbid anyone would mistakenly get into Vi's way.
Caitlyn's voice echoed through the crowd; she had left her room. And damn, she looked like crap.
Now, Caitlyn hadn't exactly seen Vi beat up Maddie, but if she had to put two plus two with the way Vi had stormed out of the room, and her... aggressive way to handle feelings, it was an easy guess.
She took her time, slowly walking down the stairs, both of the women on the ground turning like deers in headlights.
"Would you let Maddie go, please?"
Caitlyn's voice was firm, but there was a hint of struggle in speaking, her hand covering the stitches on the hip stab Ambessa had given her just a couple days before.
Violet's grasp around Maddie's neck loosened.
"Maddie, that's your name, you useless piece of-"
Grounded by the taller Piltovian, the shorter girl removed her hands and lifted them in surrender.
And that's when it hit her.
An attempt to escape, probably, but a kick arrived right at Violet's hip wound / ironic the symmetry in each other's wounds /, while she was turned to Caitlyn, making her bend on her stomach.
She indeed finished her sentence, her hand coming to rest exactly on the wound.
Then, the shot.
Caitlyn's eye widened in terror; the tight embrace Maddie had pulled Vi in only needed to push the can of the gun up to the woman's waist.
And fire again.
The last thing Vi heard before fainting was Loris' voice, and a prayer for her to stay awake.
Opening her eyes again, the purple of Caitlyn's bed curtains helped her understanding where she was, a weight on her chest keeping her from sitting up.
She groaned, and from her chest the weight shifted, a soft hand sliding down from her shoulder to her sternum.
"You're awake"
The woman's voice making it through the room and filling that torturing silence. Vi's chest trembled, rising and falling in a slow pace.
"Loris got her before she could shoot again"
Caitlyn continued, her blue eye analyzing Violet's face features, waiting for her to say something.
"Did you actually need to go beat her up?"
Violet's answer was weak, her eyes hadn't opened yet, but she could feel Caitlyn's judgement stare burn on her skin.
"I can feel you judging "
She whispered, a chuckle escaping the Kiramman's lips.
"I'm not happy with how you handled the thing. It wasn't necessary to beat her up, Violet."
"Oh don't 'Violet' me with that sweet mouth, cupcake."
She could feel Caitlyn's hand sliding up her cheek, caressing her jaw as she gently traced her skin with her thumb. The touch relaxed her, her hand coming to rest on her own stomach, the index flicking up to try to touch Caitlyn's arm.
They stayed silent for a while, basking in the sound of the other's breath, until finally Caitlyn spoke again.
"I don't want you to fight my battles. You could've gotten yourself killed."
Violet thought about her answer, about how true Caitlyn's words were; she opened her eyes enough to see her, blue hair falling on her shoulders, her closed eye scarred, the opened one swelling with tears.
"I only have you to fight for."
The girl whispered, and it was her turn to reach up and cup the taller's cheek.
"I only have us, left to hold onto."
Her words cut through scars Caitlyn didn't know she had, betraying her own silence with a sigh.
"I have to protect you, cupcake."
She whispered, the hand tugging slightly, her thumb tracing an imaginary vertical line from Caitlyn's nose tip to her chin. She had lost everything she ever gave value to in her own life. Her sister, her father, her friends, and part of her ability to feel anything except for rage.
"If I'm not here to love you, what am I here for?"
That line took Caitlyn by surprise, the weakness in Vi's half lidded eyes, stirring something inside of her.
"What did you just say?"
She asked softly, trying to understand if she had misheard.
Violet's bandaged hand stroked the back of her knuckles against her cheek, as she tried sit up, only succeeding into buckling her shoulders up.
Her eyes opened a little more, droplets of emotions streaming through her powder blue irises.
She remained silent, observing the sweet features in Caitlyn's face, the tenderness in the way she curved her eyebrows, and her eyes seemed as beautiful as always, even if one of them couldn't open anymore.
She traced with her index finger the bridge of her nose, slid it up to her eyebrow, and back to her cheekbone.
She'd spent hours analyzing the starry sky that Caitlyn was, but this was different. There was a different type of longing, a different type of worship in Vi's eyes.
Caitlyn stilled there, a little frown adorning her forehead as she felt the confusion rising for how sweetly Vi was handling her.
Not that Vi hadn't laid her hands softly on the Piltovian's untained skin before, but this? This was something she didn't think Vi could be capable of.
"I love you."
Easy like whispering her own name, Violet pronounced those words in the exact moment Caitlyn had opened her mouth to speak. The breath caught in her throat, she looked like she'd just been caught doing something bad.
"why are you looking at me like that?"
Violet dared to speak, only to find herself exhale under the weight of Caitlyn's lips.
She hadn't kissed her yet, not since both of them had had much more important things to do, such as surviving, and she was planning to, don't get her wrong.
Just not like this.
Not that she complained anyway.
She let Caitlyn lead her, the excitement of that kiss bringing her hand to firmly grip at the girl's hip, tugging at her top.
"You're unbelievable."
Caitlyn whispered as their lips parted, briefly, a chuckle escaping from Vi, that lifted her hand in surrender, her eyes widened as she suppressed her next words when Caitlyn kissed her again.
"You're lucky I love you too."
She breathed out, softly, her hand shifting to pat her cheek affectionately, just before leaning down in the position she was before Vi woke up.
"I can hear your heart beating."
She felt the pink haired Zaunite's hand through her hair, caressing her head gently, a chuckle making her chest wiggle, barely.
"Hmm, tell me when it stops."
[ Little post scriptum! I'm italian, first of all, so excuse me for any mistake. Second of all, I wrote it just for fun after seeing a tiktok and I hope you find it a little entertaining at least. :) No hate on anyone, spread love. <<3 ]
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months ago
I succumbed to temptation and wrote a lil something for our Geto Junior and big bro Suguru-nii once more...
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"Hey, Satoru, can I ask a question?"
"Make it quick, I'm grinding right now." Gojo's fingers smacked the phone so hard and so many times it was a miracle it hadn't broken... but seeing how rich he was he'd probably replace it within a day with a newer, better model. "SHOO, TJ UNDERSCORE 010, THAT WAS MY KILL!"
Geto pinches the bridge of his nose. "Does my hair really look that weird?"
Gojo actually slams down his phone. Geto breathes a sigh of relief; it can't be that bad if Gojo is stunned he's asking the question, right? Maybe those bangs weren't as bad of a decision as he had thought yesterday.
Never mind.
Geto threw a cushion off the couch at him, ears reddening against his will. "Stop laughing! What's wrong with them, boke?"
"Everything! Shoko told me not to say anything because it'd be embarrassing if you thought they were cool, but if you're asking...ha! Hahahaha! Who told you they were ugly?" Gojo pounded his fist on the floor, writing around like a gasping fish full of mirth.
The day before..:
"Your house?" Geto self-consciously reaches a hand to his hair. What on earth had gotten into his brother, digging his head under the pillow and yelling blue murder? Granted, kids at this age of not yet double digits were kinda...yeah, but he'd never seen him act this way before, throwing a literal fit the moment he opened the door. "Are you - are you mad at me for going out without you or something? I already told you I was just going to the salon, you would've been bored, and I thought that show you were watching only airs at 2."
The younger kid's mouth fell open and hung there, suspicion and terror immediately creeping into his widened eyes. "How do you know all that, you imposter! You must've been spying on Suguru-nii! Stop pretending to be him!"
Is he seriously continuing the spy game from this morning?
Geto plopped himself down next to him on the couch, throwing off the pillow and grabbing his legs before his idiot brother could roll off and away; he clapped a hand over his mouth, causing the boy to cease his accusing mumbles of trying to take the "real Suguru-nii's place". If eye rolling was a sport Geto would've won gold, silver and bronze.
"First off, I'm not an imposter, and second, stop squirming around. And don't you lick my hand."
"It was one time! When I was five!" His eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Wait, how do you know that? I'm calling my mom, you fake Suguru!"
Geto actually slapped a hand to his forehead. "Because I AM the real Suguru, idiot!"
"Huh? But the real Suguru wouldn't have gotten such ugly bangs!" The kid wailed in reply.
"..." Unbelievabe. Geto could hear his pride, dignity and all self confidence shattering into a million pieces. "Say that again, you little punk."
"It's true! Suguru-nii is super cool! He wouldn't get this kinda haircut on purpose!" He gasped, nearly falling off Suguru's legs, where he was currently being held hostage. "Someone must have - uh - uh - mailed black him!"
"Blackmail? No, what - what - I got this haircut myself?" Geto groaned loudly, letting his head fall back and tilt towards the ceiling. "How can it be so bad you think I'm an imposter?!"
"It is! And the only way to prove you're the real Suguru is...tell me something only the real Suguru will know!" This kid and his demands...
Geto pretended to think hard, tapping his free hand that wasn't locking his brother in place on his chin. "Well, let's see, remember that time you told everyone you were a big kid and you could sleep without a mattress protector now? And that night you immediately wet the bed even though I told you to go use the bathroom before sleeping? And you made me promise not to tell mom and dad?"
"And it was all because you thought there was a cockroach in your room?" Geto continued, smirking at his brother's crestfallen expression. He began to secretly inch his fingers closer towards his side, preparing for an attack. "Then the next few nights you kept barging into mine to sleep because you were too scared to be alone?"
He gasped. "No, I didn't! I only slept in your room because you took my- HAHAHAHA, STOP! STOP, PLEASE!"
Geto couldn't help but chuckle as he went on flattening his baby brother into a pancake on the sofa, digging tickling fingers into all his weak spots and stirring up a racket shrill enough to annoy the neighbours. His brother's writhing and futile attempts to get away were all literally quashed by Geto's irritatingly long limbs.
"I'm hurt," Geto whined, finally lifting himself off his squealing younger brother. "Just because my hair's ugly, why wouldn't I be the real Suguru?"
His brother scrunches up his nose in thought, trying to come up with ways to appease Geto and avoid another tickle attack. "Hmmm...you do sound like him and act like him, so you are Suguru! My bad!"
"Dummy." Geto fondly pulls at the kid's own hair. "You gotta stop playing Among Us."
"You do sound like him and act like him, so you are Suguru!"
But whoever was using his body wasn't Suguru. Not for the first time he wondered if this was the wisest of decisions, aligning himself with that... entity, despite his desperate sisters Mimi-chan and Nana-chan's attempts to stop him, bring him back, pleading there was a better way to avenge Geto. Regretfully he had to go as far as to disappearing without a trace or a word to Jujutsu High, where they'd have no way to find him.
It was all for a good cause.
A very good, good cause.
To kill Gojo Satoru.
A thought crosses his mind as he fakes a smile at Fushiguro and Itadori, coughing out a fairly convincing boisterous laugh. Kind of ironic now I'm the one playing imposter as well.
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get-caitjinxed · 3 months ago
caitjinx adopting a puppy together? as a little soft prompt
this somehow takes place in a post-s2 universe where everything is mostly fine and jinx is still around
It was Jinx's idea. Everything was always Jinx's idea, and as much as Caitlyn tried to act like a hard ass, Jinx was her weak spot. That's how she wound up at the Piltover animal shelter on her day off, letting her girlfriend drag her from kennel to kennel as her ears were assaulted by endless yipping and barking.
Caitlyn was familiar with dogs. The enforcers had K-9 units. They were exceptionally well trained. A puppy would not be. A puppy would make a mess. Like Jinx.
"Ohhh my gosh! Look at this one!"
Jinx pulled her over to look at a small puppy with a saggy face and floppy ears.
"Oh. He looks very... droopy."
Jinx rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Cait, one of these has to be speaking to you."
"Actually, I think they're all barking."
That got a laugh out of her.
One of the shelter workers was leading them through, pointing out different breeds and talking about the dogs' varying personalities. This breed was very active and would need lots of attention, that breed was more relaxed, this one is known for having health issues, so on and so forth. Caitlyn knew that Jinx was responsible enough to handle a dog, but she also knew she was going to have to help out. Lower maintenance was the goal, but Jinx seemed to be drifting towards the dogs that were leaping five feet into the air and doing backflips, because of course she was.
But they went through the entire menagerie of available pups, and Jinx had not connected with any of them.
"I'll know when I see The One," she explained. "You just feel it."
Caitlyn, who had never had a pet before, trusted her on this. So, they left the shelter empty handed, considering taking a trip to the pound, or perhaps looking up some local breeders.
"Y'know those Ionian dogs? The ones with the chubby cheeks?"
"Are you asking me to import a puppy from overseas?" Caitlyn chuckled.
Jinx shrugged. "I'm just jokin'. I'm sure there's a little guy somewhere around here just waiting for us to come along."
Caitlyn checked her watch. "And that little guy would be Ekko, who we promised to meet up with in an hour."
Jinx smacked her forehead. "Oh, right! That's today!" She stood on the tips of her toes and gave Caitlyn a kiss on the cheek. "What would I do without you?"
"Terrorism, I'd assume. Or jail time."
The odd couple made their way across the bridge and into Zaun, where Ekko was waiting for them at a sandwich shop in the Promenade. They caught up over lunch, discussing the goings on in the respective cities. Ekko talked about his work on Z-drive, and Jinx offered her expert opinions on his theories. Caitlyn mostly listened to them talk, all the mechanical jargon flying way over her head. It reminded her of listening to Jayce and Viktor, which was something of a comfort in a world without them.
After lunch, they parted ways, and Jinx insisted on taking a walk around Zaun. Since she had moved in with Caitlyn, she didn't get down here as much as she would like. She led Caitlyn through the streets, pointing out her old haunts.
They were strolling down a mostly empty street when Jinx heard a whimper on the wind. She followed the sound, dragging Caitlyn along, and the two of them came across a shabby cardboard box.
Inside, was a dog. A puppy, to be precise. Breed? Inconclusive. A mutt for sure. He was tiny and thin. Most importantly, he only had one eye.
Jinx lifted him from the box with great reverence and held him at eye level with Caitlyn. "He looks like you!" she exclaimed.
Caitlyn stared at the dog. They certainly both only had one eye.
"Oh, Cait, he's perfect!" Jinx pulled him into a hug. "And he's a Zaunite, just like his momma! Shoulda known a Piltie dog wasn't the right fit for me."
Caitlyn took no real offense, but she pouted at her girlfriend regardless.
"Oh, you know you're the exception. But what do you think?"
Caitlyn reached out to the dog, and it lapped at her fingers. She smiled and said, "I'm sure you've already named him."
"You're damn right! Prepare yourself for the terrifying terror... KILLER KIRAMMAN!" Jinx lifted the dog high above her head. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, and his tail wagged.
"And who said he gets to have my housename?"
"He's your son!" Jinx gasped. "Would you deny him that?"
Caitlyn took the puppy from Jinx and looked him over. "Well, he might have the makings of a Kiramman in him." She looked past the dog - Killer, she reminded herself - at Jinx. "If he's raised right."
Jinx was brimming with glee. "You mean...?"
"Yes, we'll take him. We better get him to a vet, though, and make sure he's in good health. Come on."
Jinx jumped for joy. Caitlyn cradled the puppy in her arms like a baby and started trekking back towards topside.
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 1 year ago
Skeleton is going on a trip with his S/O for two weeks and so lets his child to his brother for a while. How does it go?
Undertale Sans - Pretty good. Sans is already pretty close from his nephew/niece, he's actually happy he gets to have some alone time with them for two weeks. Sans is just happy to not be alone in his house actually. He's taking the kid to the beach and the mall, and even to Disneyland. He's buying them new toys and ice creams. He still can't cook a proper dinner though, to the point they're dining at Toriel's place almost every night lol. He's actually a little sad when Papyrus comes to pick them up. It was fun.
Undertale Papyrus - He's very happy to have his niece/nephew! Well, it's obvious to him now that the kid picks up after their dad, sleeping in the morning and everything, but that won't stop Papyrus to take them running in the morning (on his back, most of the time), and have fun with Undyne and Alphys a few days a week, hiking or to have lunch in the park. Papyrus plays the cool uncle, he wants Sans to be so impressed.
Underswap Sans - Lord have mercy. Blue took the kid only because Asgore was not here either. Even if he loves his nephew/niece, he was really fine just seeing them once a week or something. This is a bit too much for him. Funnily enough, Honey's kid is his mirror: super energetic and impossible to convince to just lie down for five minutes. Blue is having anxiety as they keep running on the road without a warning or playing with sharp knives in the kitchen. He needs a break. Someone saves him. He keeps repeating himself it's only for two weeks and counts the days, grinding his teeth.
Underswap Papyrus - The kid is actually already closer from his uncle than his father, which is a little sad, but that's how it is. It doesn't change anything for Honey, who considers them like his own kid already. They're always hanging out together, it's just extra time together.
Underfell Sans - The kid is happy his dad is not there and tends to get a little too much at home for Red's taste lol. They're a little monster, pranking him, running away in the crowds, randomly jumpscaring their uncle behind the corners just to see him screech in terror... Red wants the two weeks to end lol. He loves his nephew/niece but they're too much to handle for one skeleton and he certainly doesn't have Edge's natural authority to lecture them efficiently. They know he won't say anything and so just keep tormenting him for the rest of the week :')
Underfell Papyrus - He can't believe how much swear they know and he's so mad at this. Other than that, he's a pretty chill uncle as long as the kids behave. They know better anyway. Uncle Edge is less merciful than his brother and more strict naturally. The kids are little angels for two weeks. Red is shocked none of them were bad actually. That's witchcraft.
Horrortale Sans - He's using the kid as emotional support lol. He feels betrayed and abandoned by Willow and he's not living it well. Willow dropped him at Grillby's place for the two weeks with his nephew/niece. Oak is pouting the entire first week, and the second, he's acting like his brother doesn't exist lol. He's warming up to the kid though and they spend some time together, even if it's hard because Oak can't really help with their basic needs. When Willow is coming to fetch them, Oak still pretends he's not there and refuses to move. He's mad.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's more nervous about Oak being all alone in the wild with his human than about the kids. He loves the kids, and he's already taking care of them every day anyway. Nothing really change, except he's a nervous wreck through all the two weeks.
Swapfell Sans - Pranks. Pranks and mess everywhere. Rus kids are the worse. They're like Rus, but somehow with even more energy. Nox is screeching all day long after them but they're immuned to his big eyes and his big voice. He has no authority whatsoever on them. Nox is resigned after the first week. He knows his house is a battlefield, but at least he still has coffee. Until that tragic day when his precious baby served him blue paint coffee and he lost his mind, screaming and rolling on the floor. He's going to tell Rus what he thinks of his education techniques lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's terrified. His niece tied him to a small chair so tight he can't actually move and she's forcing him to drink muddy water as she wants to have a tea party with him. This is torture. That kid is not normal. Rus is traumatised, the kid keeps imagination the weirdest game possible, straight up torturing him or drawing on his face for fun. Someone comes to his rescue please... He needs help.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine didn't sleep the entire two weeks as he was terrified something bad could happen to the child. He's guarding them with his life, refusing them to spend even two minutes on their own lol. He's not used to having children around, he's stressed as hell but he doesn't want to disappoint his brother. He's a terrible uncle, he has no idea what he is doing and that's the first time he shows vulnerability lol. Please, Coffee, come home early. He's going to die.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Welp, Wine doesn't have children so he takes care of himself and that's already a lot, trust me. I mean, he's not sure how he's going to explain Wine why there is no kitchen any more. He might have put foil into the microwave and it exploded...
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literary-illuminati · 7 months ago
2024 Book Review #40 – Dead Silence by S. A. Barnes
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This was yet another book that has been on my TBR list for so long I had entirely forgotten what the actual pitch was – I went into it pretty much entirely blind, just ‘sci fi horror’ from the glanced over marketing copy on the back. Which is really the best way to go about reading(/watching/playing) horror, anyway. It was an entertaining enough read? If an uneven one – the first half was really incredibly better than the second, unfortunately.
The story follows Claire Kovalik, the ‘team lead’ of a maintenance crew repairing com relays in the ass end of the solar system – at least until they finish this last run and are officially rendered obsolete. Too psychologically fragile for her corporate masters to trust her with an actual ship, the only future she has to look forward to is a deskbound sinecure revising training manuals on Earth. She’s seriously considering killing herself instead, when their sensors detect an archaic distress signal past the edge of charted space – the Aurora, first and last space liner for the rich and famous, vanished with all hands on its maiden voyage decades ago. The finder’s fee and accumulated bounties would be enough to set everyone on the team for life (not even counting any artifacts they pocket to auction on the side), so the five of them board and reactivate the old hulk, exploring its galleries and aiming it towards Earth. Just a 60 hour burn to reliable communications with the rest of the system, totally worth it for fame and fortune. Even once they start discovering the state of all the former passengers, and figuring out what happened in those last hours aboard the ship.
So! This is Event Horizon but with the Titanic. It’s other things too, but that’s the pitch. Now, I like Event Horizon, and adore exploited corporate serfs being slowly suffocated by looming dread as they explore the gore-stained ruins of past decadence, so that’s no bad thing for me. But still, even from the outset this is not a work that tries to break any molds. This honestly becomes much more of an issue in the third act, when the book basically shifts genre and also has to come up with answers and a resolution to the whole thing and just does not land it for me.
The main twist on the formula is that Claire is the only survivor of a Martian colony that was annihilated by plague (and a missed resupply) when she was a child, the physical and emotional trauma of which left her partially deaf in one ear, terrified of emotional connections and (most pertinently) already possessed of significant experience with hallucinating the bloody corpses of people she cares about wandering around when she’s stressed. Which turns out to be a very useful life skill, when they turn the ship back on and everyone starts having to deal with that. Which is mostly pretty fun! The paranoia and terror as everything goes to shit at the end of the first act are great. Sadly, the book then decides to keep going.
The first half of the book is the story of the initial salvage crew’s discovery of the Aurora, as relayed through Claire getting debriefed/interrogated by a couple of corporate goons after being found half-dead in an escape pod. The latter half is those same corporate goons conscripting her for a return journey to the ship, now guiding three platoons of mercenaries. It’s like if you watched a double-feature of Alien and one of its bad sequels. The book slips from well-executed to paint-by-numbers, and the big reveal is basically the most boring possible answer you could imagine. This is not helped by the book’s action sequences just not being very...good.
Part of that is just the book’s complete lack of faith in its audience, or understanding of subtlety. Several twists are telegraphed so obviously that it’s hard to believe Claire is actually surprised by them, and character beats are just repeated so often you want to grab the author and scream you get it already. Claire’s tragic backstory is repeated something like half a dozen times, and the surprise villain spends half the final confrontation basically giving a monologue about how he’d drown a nursery full of babies if it topped up his 401k.
Villains aside, the supporting cast is mostly fun-if-one-note. Decently executed, but all very much walked out of sci fi central casting. Which more or less works, in that they’re all energetic and mostly fun to have on page. The unfortunate and singular exception is Claire’s love interest, the team medic. Whose...nice? Has a daughter back on Earth? Might as well be a statue carved from literal white bread? You know the cliche about hollywood action movies where the hero’s girlfriend has zero personality or arc and mostly exists to be hot and motivate him by being imperilled? Basically the gender-flip of that.
One thing the book kind of teases but absolutely never really explores or tries to resolve is the fact that in addition to all the hallucinations and madness with (boring, but) mechanistic and materialistic explanations, ghosts might also just be real? There’s several points in the book where Claire sees the body she doesn’t recognize hovering around someone, and when she describes it to them, they know who it is. It’s also a recurring thing that her visions of her dead mom are supposed to be how she even knew how to send out the SOS that got her rescued from the dead colony as a child. You might expect that this would eventually build to something, or be key to the final resolution. You would be incorrect.
So yeah, would have been a very solid horror novella if it just cut the entire second act. As is, I mean I’m not angry I read it, but not sure I’d go out of my way to recommend it either.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year ago
How did the relationship in the starlet non au evolve from their first meeting to the tipping point of giving their hearts away to each other?
As in, glacial.
The idea for the story itself is only a oneshot, but their story would be a 25 chapter slowburn where they don't even hold hands until chapter 10 😔
Because you have to understand, these two are very deeply hunkered down in the closet. No one knows. No one. And when they meet, yes there's sparks and an instant attraction, but there's also a lot of fear and resistance to that attraction. So they just... ignore it. Pretend like it doesn't exist. Without ever saying more to each other than a polite hello in passing, each (unbeknownst to the other) vows to themselves to avoid the other and never let themselves get too close. Not in any kind of hostile way, just forced indifference. Out of sight, of mind. Because otherwise, there's just too much temptation there.
The problem is, they keep getting thrown back together. They gravitate to the same people and places, and are constantly finding themselves in each other's space. It's hard to ignore each other's existence when five times in the span of three months you find yourself seated across from this person at some dinner party or another.
Over many, long months, that stubborn insistence that they just cannot let themselves have anything to do with each other fades because it's honestly too hard. It's too hard constantly being around each other and putting up all these walls and feeling like they have to walk on eggshells. It's too hard to force silence and feign a coldness toward the other when it constantly feels like this invisible string just keeps pulling them back together.
So. They do the logical thing.
The smart thing. The thing that'll make this stupid situation easier and less like some kind of taboo. There thing that'll surely kill all of these feelings and the awkwardness of these run-ins in one fell swoop.
They become friends.
Because friends is fine. Friends is safe. Friends means nothing within a crowd of other people. Friends means feelings are innocent so it's ok to talk to each other over dinner, and learn more about each other as time goes on. Friends means it's ok for them enjoy each other's company within the safety of their sphere, and to miss each the other when they're gone. Even if they never say it. Friends means it's ok to text each other whenever they feel like it, just to mindlessly talk about their thoughts, their lives, their fears and their doubts. To dictate their every plan for the future.
Friends means it's ok to slip up just that once, because they were lonely and tired from working so much recently. Everyone else already had plans and neither really wanted to 'do something' anyway... so the logical thing was just to meet up at Lexa's house.
Except one bottle of wine turns to into two and two turns into three, and before they know it they're shuffled far too close on the enormity of Lexa's couch, drunk and spilling far too many secrets.
Like how Clarke kissed a girl in high school.
Well... a few actually. But only... Only if she's being honest.
Which then leads to a rather terror stricken and pale looking Lexa to admit that she had too. That actually, if she were being honest... she'd done a lot more than kissing. In fact, if they're "bearing their souls to each other" - which earned her a wine scented snort - she'd kind of only ever done anything with girls.
Well. Women.
No... No men have ever been on her radar.
And it all feels like so much. On a dime, that friendship that was supposed to kill all of these feelings completely turns upside down. Because nothing's changed, and yet everything has. And neither one knows exactly how to deal with it.
So, they do the logical thing.
The smart thing.
They go right back to acting as though the other one simply does not exist.
Because the attraction is still there but goddammit, now it's real. Now it's A Thing that isn't unrequited and it's a possibility that's more than just them being hopeless and gay internally. Now they know that the other one knows, and both of them know that they fucking know it, and none of this between them fits into any of their plans. So they're still scared, and still stubborn, and still absolutely determined that they will not do anything to jeopardize the careers that they have built.
That blockade lasts nearly a year. The longest, most miserable year either of them can remember. They individually shut themselves up in their own world, seperate from anything that could possibly connect them, and let themselves get lost in their work. They don't call, they never text, they ask before hand who will be at a party and decide then if they already have plans or not. They divide themselves and cut the pieces of their world away that have anything to do with them.
It's not until an awards night that they reconnect, one where Lexa won and Clarke was snubbed.
But it was just... Something inside of Lexa made her reach out because despite this self-imposed cold war of silence between them, Lexa had followed Clarke's work from that very first meeting and thought... dammit, she should've won. Even with the trophy in her hand, sitting on her bed in her gown and hair half undone, she still felt Clarke should've won. And so she breaks the truce she made with herself, and texts Clarke exactly that.
Other than a few fear-induced breakups in the beginning of their eventual relationship, they never miss a day of speaking again.
But that text of "you deserved this more than I do", sent with a snap of a rather glum looking Lexa holding up her trophy - hair half frazzled and slightly runny makeup from a night of too much dancing and too many drinks and schmoozing with people she barely likes... that's what actually changes it all.
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misfitwashere · 6 months ago
“We did not do well”: MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump
And all the King’s horses and all the King’s men won’t put him together again
By Brian Karem
Published September 12, 2024 9:00AM (EDT)
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Beware the prosecutor who smiles. Be wary of the cornered sewer rat who feels threatened.
That sums up the contentious presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president and convicted felon Donald Trump in Philadelphia Tuesday night. At every turn, she brilliantly laid out bait that he couldn’t resist. By the end of the night, he was the cornered sewer rat – and he knew it. His closing speech was just a volcano of rage spewing at an opponent who had just thoroughly destroyed him. 
Harris proved beyond all reasonable doubt she was presidential. Trump again proved he is not.
The Republicans, curiously, find themselves in the same position Democrats were in following the last debate.
Then, on Wednesday the nation took a breath from the divisive politics of the day to remember our fellow Americans who died 23 years ago in the most infamous act of terrorism ever perpetrated against our country. Democrats and Republicans, political rivals and enemies for a brief moment acknowledged what the rest of us face on a daily basis; we are all in it together.
If only Donald Trump and his minions understood and practiced that ideal. But, as my dad used to say, “wish in one hand and s**t in the other and see which one fills up first.” Political realities these days, being an inexhaustible source of feculence, ensure that at least one hand is filled at all times with an undesirable solid waste disposal project – and usually it is courtesy of Donald J. Trump. Five minutes after a somber ceremony in Pennsylvania honoring those who died, Trump was back grifting; asking for money and calling Harris a Marxist.
Trump dabbles in the devious, delights in the disingenuous and hopes to destroy with deception. Being decrepit and a demonically driven demagogue, he has only been successful in duplicity with those who cannot differentiate between fact and fiction. 
The debate was a total debacle for Donald Trump
Immediately following Tuesday’s debate (just think of how far we’ve come since Trump debated Biden in June) Trump again declared victory – saying in emails to his supporters that he destroyed the Harris campaign, while Harris issued an email declaring she had done the same to Trump.
The only thing both camps agree on, seemingly, is that the moderators sucked. I gave both moderators much better grades than their counterparts at CNN during the first debate. ABC News’ David Muir and Linsey Davis actually fact-checked both candidates in real time. Democrats thinks Trump got too much time to talk and was never muted. The right thinks Trump was fact-checked too often and the moderators sided with Harris. The fact that both sides have complaints about the moderators is an indication that they did a better job than their CNN predecessors. Muir was good at fact-checking Trump on the false claim of Haitian immigrants eating pets and pinning Trump down on his 2020 election loss. Davis was really good at getting Trump to shut up when he rambled. Trump and his supporters complained that he was fact-checked more than Harris, but that’s merely an admission that he lied more often than she did.
I covered the Trump administration daily for four years. I came to know him as an unprincipled man of greed, lust and carnal desires that continue to rule him and thus make him unfit for office. As Harris said Tuesday night, he’s a disgrace.
A year ago, I was not a fan of the vice president. I served as the pool reporter on a trip through Los Angeles and noted how laughably inept the staged visit was. I noted that she looked like a local city council member making an appearance rather than the person who was only a heartbeat away from the presidency. Worst of all, she simply wasn’t impressive when she spoke. 
Harris has grown considerably in her role since then. 
Her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention was impressive. Though she ad-libbed next to nothing of that speech, she delivered an impassioned call to voters to turn the page on Donald Trump and his outlandish, outmoded thinking. Tuesday night was impressive on another level – she proved not only that she could think on her feet, but she nailed the issues. From the beginning, when she forced Trump to shake hands to her closing when she charted a course for America that resonated, she owned Trump. She looked right at him with the gaze of a prosecutor as she called Trump out, and she looked out at the audience as if we were the jury as she made a plea for a better nation. 
Trump couldn’t offer a complete answer to any policy question. The closest he came was saying he had a “concept” of an idea for healthcare after nine years of dealing with the subject. I guess he was channeling his inner George Costanza. He never said how he could end the wars in either Gaza or Ukraine - though he claimed he would do both. Finally, he failed to explain why he called GOP lawmakers to kill a bipartisan immigration bill while he continued to try and campaign on the issue.  Harris nailed him there when she said he “wanted to run on a problem rather than fixing the problem.”
Trump failed to understand the abortion issue and why women are so upset that men get to make choices about their bodies when women cannot. Again, Harris nailed him on that. Davis as moderator asked Trump why women should trust him. He couldn’t answer that. Harris reminded everyone how unconscionable Trump was and that “one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree: The government and Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body.” At that point in time, they should’ve sent in a coroner to check for Trump’s vital signs. He was dead in the water.
Mind you, Trump didn’t know who was running the Taliban (Abdul?) and when Harris said he was manipulated by flattery from international leaders who laughed at him, he could only say that Viktor Orban loved him. 
At the end of the day, even Trump staffers were quietly talking about the fiasco.
Trump is ultimately blind to what America is, and only attracts those who are willing to give up their independence to him and believe that despite whatever facts are available to the contrary – Donald is the only truth-teller.
Of course, to Donny Darko, a day in the life of an immigrant in the U.S. is to wake up in jail, get your transgender operation before you have your dogmeat breakfast, then take over Seattle or a small town in Ohio before you chow down on your favorite feline for dinner.
Bless his heart.
Donald Trump is many things. He is rude, crude, socially unacceptable, inflammatory and demonstrative. He constantly called the U.S. a failing nation, said only he could fix it and that world leaders (who laugh at him) are so afraid of him that if he isn’t let back into the Oval Office, World War III will ensue. 
To Harris’s credit, she never took the bait, even as he clumsily tried to talk about race. “Same old lies,” was all she could muster, in between laughs. “Now that’s extreme,” she laughed off his absurd claims about immigrants eating dogs. 
At the end of the day, even Trump staffers were quietly talking about the fiasco. “Down ballot Republicans are very angry and worried,” one Trump staffer told me. “We did not do well.” That was certainly the reason why Trump appeared in the “spin room” to talk to reporters after the debate. He was trying to shore up the press response to a horrible outing. It didn’t work.
The question, of course, is did this debate move the needle at all?  
The Republicans, curiously, find themselves in the same position the Democrats were in following the last debate. Trump is seen as old, out of touch and delusional. When Harris mentioned that Trump was still having “a hard time processing” the fact that he lost the last election, to many people she was speaking directly to a loss of mental capacity. “World leaders are laughing at you,” she said to his face. Dictators, “would eat you for lunch,” she chided. And then, she used his own catchphrase against him when she said “81 million people fired you.” He was a crushed lunatic. A cornered sewer rat. She reminded everyone that 200 former Republicans, including some of the highest members of the former Trump administration had endorsed her. He could only lamely say they were all bad people. 
But does it matter? For the Trump cult, nothing has nor apparently will it ever make a difference. He consistently polls between 42-44 percent of the electorate who will vote for him. If that number drops below 42 percent in the next few weeks, then Trump is done. 
The better chance, of course, is that of the two candidates on stage in Philadelphia Tuesday, only Kamala Harris did what she had to do to reach the fabled undecided voters. “I could see her as the president of the United States,” an undecided voter who is a friend of mine told me after watching the debate. “I didn’t see her that way before.” As for Trump, “He’s a lost ball in the high weeds,” I was told.
Nope. He’s the cornered sewer rat. Norm Ornstein, an American political scientist and an emeritus scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington, D.C., conservative think tank, said on Mary Trump’s “Nerd Avengers” show Tuesday night that a damaged Trump is still a very dangerous Trump. “We cannot rest. We cannot give an inch. Don’t let them get away with the stuff they will try to get away with.”
The Republicans themselves understand the desperation. Though they are at the same place the Democrats were in June, they are well past their national convention and cannot switch candidates as easily as the Democrats did after Biden’s lackluster performance in the June debate. In short, the Republicans are stuck with Donald Trump. Desperation is mounting as the GOP sees its chances to dominate either the Senate or the House dwindling. 
That makes Trump and his minions more dangerous by the day. 
“We cannot pretend he is not one of the most dangerous people we’ve encountered in American history. He doesn’t care about any of us,” his niece Mary Trump said. 
Be wary of that sewer rat.
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bravo4iscool · 1 year ago
simon riley witnesses a terror attack
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this randomly came to my mind and i though i’d share it with you lol.
this is only a headcanon (!!), i won’t force anyone to believe this and i’m well aware that he’s fictional (since i’ve got so much shit for my last ghost headcanon😍)
this is inspired by the story of “obi wan nairobi”. in 2019 christian craighead, a SAS-operator stationed in kenia, witnessed a terror attack in kenia and decided to act before the police arrived. he had his gear with him, neutralized two of five terrorists and saved multiple civilians.
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if there would ever be a (terror) attack or a hostage taking, in public, while simon “ghost” riley is off duty and he’d witness it, that man would drop every fucking thing, rush to his car (he’s keeping his gear there. you never know) and he would walk into that bloody building like he’s fucking immortal, eliminating threat after threat.
precise shots and inaudible footsteps. this man is almost floating through the building, becoming one with his callsign. he’s becoming a ghost.
his vest is stacked with grenades and rifle magazines, the hand gun strapped to his leg as good as weightless.
adrenaline is pumping through his veins but his head is clear. he saves hostage after hostage, tugging them behind him and urging them to just run. he’d be extra careful with kids, talking to them to assure them that the man with the scary skull mask is actually there to safe and not hurt them.
by the time the police arrived almost every hostage is safely outside and the threat eliminated.
but before anyone can identity the SAS-operator who saved all those people and neutralized the threat Ghost is already gone, walking past the crime scene without his mask. He stands behind the striped police tape and listens to one of the hostages telling a police officer about the skulled ghost who saved them.
simon can’t help but smirk at that.
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