#well I'm someone who thought your blog was super awesome but didn't have the nerve to talk to you directly and so—tag meme!
fullmetal-analysts · 4 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know/catch up with
Thanks for the tag, @greedfromfullmetalalchemist! a delight to drop in and see this in my notes ^_^
let it be noted: I’m a trash hamster running this blog for my three friends who do not know how to tumblr but whose podcast/liveblog of FMA is excellent and a thing I thought tumblr would enjoy—so, my opinions aren’t the official Fullmetal Analyst Podcast opinions :P
3 ships*: RoyAi so, I am personally deeply confused to find myself not just liking but thoroughly and actively shipping a het ship? like?? when and how and why??? (I will tell you why—because their story is beautiful and nuanced, the respect running so deep it turns into a bedrock of loyalty and trust, not unconditional but instead foundational, which will always be more meaningful to me.) and ohman, so FMA is the home of all my favorite Dynamics™ but not very many of my ships? apparently? So.... erm..... I do love Greedling, but I am very new to it and mostly just into it because Greed is my trashiest trash son and I want him to have love and happiness. hmmmmmm and maybe Envy/Greed?  I haven’t seen any content of them and idk what their ship name is/if they have one, but they are the two humunculi who actually seem to have pretty intense issues about their own identities, and I would be fascinated to see the backstory on their relationship over the centuries. they definitely seemed to have ~issues~ worth working out. for sure not as any sort of endgame, just like, yeah I would read fic of that.
*alternatively, 3 “oh I could watch these two on screen all fucking day and never get bored” dynamics are— Olivier + Mustang (they are!! so catty!!!! it is THE ACTUAL BEST!!!!!!!), Greed + Ling (I know I said I ship it, and yeah, probs, but mostly it’s just LOOK AT THEM SASS IT IS PURE GOLD), and okay, hear me out, but I fucking love Hohenheim + Father?  Like, either character, on their own, can go and eat an entire basketful of sharp rocks, but when they are together it is just two exasperated, tired gods bickering and that is the shit I live and breath for :P
Also obvious Ed + Al, but that goes without saying
Last song: Don’t Try So Hard - Queen
Last movie: Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) dir. Taika Waititi
Currently reading: Borne by Jeff Vandermeer and having Way Too Many Feelings about it ;-;
Currently watching: I’m showing my girlfriend Dirk Gently’s Hollistic Detective Agency, though as soon as that’s done I’m going to take her on her first ever watch of FMAB, keeping time with the podcast! mostly watching OSP and ExtraCredits on youtube outside of that, because New Content™ is hard on my brain atm xp
Currently consuming: frozen pizza was lunch/dinner, followed by some prosciutto and cantaloupe for dessert-ish
Currently craving: sangria, which me and a friend will be making tomorrow! ^_^
I tag @royai, @later-slayer, @borkthemork, @rizaisthesuperstar, @presumenothing, @humming-fly, @fma-facts, @chewytran, and @the-shrimp-alchemist
If you see this and you weren’t tagged, feel free to do it anyway!!
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