#well I'll tell you I'm wondering why he became an NPS member for like 3 minutes as well
S - Saigo no Keikan & S: Saigo no Keikan - Dakkan: Recovery of Our Future Whump List
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(transl.: "As I thought, you're an awesome sniper.")
Native titles: S(エス)-最後の警官; S-最後の警官- 奪還 RECOVERY OF OUR FUTURE
Synopsis: To fight extreme crimes like terrorism, kidnappings, etc. three 'S' groups were formed: SAT, SIT and the newly formed NPS. Unlike SAT, who only focus on saving the hostages' lives and prioritize public safety over the lives of the criminals, NPS's main goal is to arrest the criminal alive.
Kamikura Ichigo is a former boxer and is the main fighter of NPS. His principle is not to let anyone die no matter what and the only weapon he uses is his fists. Iori Soga is the sniper of SAT, and he thinks criminals deserve death and will not hesitate to kill. Their different views often cause conflicts, but the looming threat of dangerous terrorists necessitate the two teams to work closely together. (Guys I'm sorry there will be no bromance between them :c they actually dislike each other most of the time. Well in the end they kinda warm up to each other but that's not as cool...)
Genre: Cop/Crime, Military, Action
Whumpees: Kamikura Ichigo(left) played by Mukai Osamu and Iori Soga(right) played by Ayano Go
!!Spoliers Below!!
Warning!! Rape mentioned in ep. 5
Kamikura Ichigo
The series
Ep. 01: under heavy gunfire using a shield trying to protect someone, shot in the shoulder(?), lying on the ground exhausted, nearly blown up, protected, saved, passed out, in hospital, threatened with a knife, fought, (flashback: in a boxing match), wrapping a grenade with his body(it didn't blow obv), grabbed by the front of the shirt, crying
Ep. 02: attacked by his co-workers(just for funzies), sort of uncomfortable touching, egg in hand, nearly shot, shot in the back(in the vest)
Ep. 03: going through very extreme training
Ep. 04: targeted by the criminals, shot at, someone catches a bullet for him, disoriented by a flashbang, shot at, feeling guilty
Ep. 05: desperately trying to bring someone back to life by doing cpr, crying
Ep. 06: punched
Ep. 07: running towards a bomb that's about to explode, being near an explosion
Ep. 08: none
Ep. 09: nearly stabbed, taunted by a criminal, his family is threatened, fought, punched, stepped on, at gunpoint, passed out
Ep. 10: concern for him, shot at, holding a really heavy door (I think it's a door but idk), at gunpoint, aiming gun at someone, in explosion
The movie
2:55, 3:40 shot at
36:20 pressed to shoot and kill, devastated
41:25 feeling insecure and guilty
1:08:16, 1:12:03 shot at
1:20:40 shielding someone from grenade explosion, shot at
1:36:16 in an explosion
1:38:30 fought, choked, stepped on, grabs the blade of the knife
1:43:40 fought, straddled, punched in the face repeatedly, choked, struggling to stand up
1:48:30 using himself as a human shield, shot in the back(in the vest), holding a dying person
Iori Soga
The series
Ep. 01: none
Ep. 02: flashbacks, crying, aiming gun at someone
Ep. 03: flashbacks, crying, going through a very extreme training,
Ep. 04: disoriented by a flashbang, shot at
Ep. 05: flashbacks, reveals his sister was raped and killed, emotional, teary-eyed
Ep. 06: alienated by his previous co-workers, flashbacks
Ep. 07-09: none
Ep. 10: shot in the knee, kicked, knocked down, at gunpoint, helped to run, in explosion, helped to walk(or more like dragged)
The movie
None :c
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