#welcome to my introductory crash course on the dragons that have lived in my brain for almost 7 years
keryth-fr · 1 year
Lore Revamp - The Warrens
Found within the Carrion Canyon, nearly where the land splits to allow the large river through between the Shifting Expanse and the Sunbeam Ruins, sits the settlement commonly referred to as the Warrens. Carved by draconic claw into the steep faces of the canyon walls themselves, the clan living within has tunnels that spiral deep into the earth. The depths of the caverns allow all it's citizens and visitors to escape from the brutal heat of the desert sun that beat down upon the land far above, at the surface.
Despite this, there are a few enterprising individuals that make their homes outside of the caverns in order to grow what hardy crops they can. A small orchard sits upon the lip on the canyon that overlooks the town's entrance, fed by a series of pumps and pipes tapping into an underground reservoir fed by the canyon's river, allows for the trees to be irrigated throughout the driest parts of the year.
However, those that tend to the orchard still follow a similar sleeping cycle to the rest of the clan - namely, they are largely nocturnal. While this may not be strictly necessary for those individuals that rarely venture out of the caves and tunnels, for those that must venture outside to go about their lives, this can be a welcome reprieve.
As a clan intentionally founded in a location in which their neighbors are fairly distant (for the founders are not that fond of the company of others), and near where two flight territories intersect, it has become a common stop for caravans and other travelers who aim to traverse the Shifting Expanse. The clan serves as an excellent point at which to replenish supply stores before crossing the desert, and a welcome rest stop for those who are already weary.
The Warren's position means that, despite still dwelling in a desert region, the clan has plentiful access to fish. While the great body of water separating the Shifting Expanse and the Sunbeam Ruins is some distance away, the largely draconic residents of the Warrens can reach the coast and return home fairly quickly, as long as they can fly as a decent pace.
Likewise, one may believe that a desert means that there would be a lack of food for the carnivores within the clan. However, between the orchard providing some forage for livestock, and desert-adapted animals such as the ampelope being excellent at locating food from the somewhat sparse plant life means that there is a good supply of meat and furs to the Warrens by the clan's ranchers. 
However, those that serve the role tend to be few and far between, as the herds of livestock tend to be diurnal, resting throughout the heat of the day, instead of sleeping through the day as many of the Warren's residents. In order to keep track of one's herd, and protect them from potential monster threats, a rancher will frequently keep an opposite schedule from the rest of the populous. As one can imagine, between going in to town only when everything has been closed for the day, and spending a majority of one's time in the canyon, ranching can be a very isolating line of work to pursue.
The town's source for those who are insectivorous is somewhat similar - some insects are kept at livestock, carefully raised for consumption. Thankfully for those who tend to these farms, many of the desert-dwelling bugs that they raise prefer dark, damp environments, allowing the farmers to do their work within the Warren's many caves. Farmed insects are fed with food scraps and other biodegradable materials, as to not let them go to waste.
Despite the clan being able to be largely self sufficient in terms of food, that does not mean that they never trade for food with others. Some popular treats can only be grown or found in more forgiving environments, making them difficult or impossible for one to secure by themself while never venturing out of Lightning's borders. Of course, trade will also frequently include metals and ores found in other places, in addition to wood, as there are very few trees growing near to the town.
While the clan dwelling within the Warrens definitely has founders, it's residents would be somewhat hard-pressed to try and name a single leader. As the clan founders, who had begun to create a new home far from other permanent settlements, did not wish to be around a large quantity of people, let alone be in charge of all of them, had quickly abandoned the leadership duties that others who had stumbled upon the burgeoning settlement had expected them to take up. This left the few enterprising individuals remaining to try and pick up what they could, splitting many of the responsibilities between them.
As a result, most of the citizens of the Warrens have as much say over the clan's operations as any other. While this may not be strictly true is all circumstances, and those more directly impacted or knowledgeable about a situation tend to be more favored in the resolution by the community. The clan elders will frequently be consulted should issues arise, as their experience and knowledge is usually highly valued.
The Warren's original founders still live in the area surrounding the clan, but dug their own small network of dwellings in an attempt to minimize contact with others. While one of them, Dricgo, is much more sociable than his partner, Riaza, all this means in reality is that should they need something from the clan proper, Dricgo is sent to obtain needed supplies. While others occasionally venture out to try and consult with the pair, the clan usually abide by their wishes and leave them be.
While there are some shops and merchants within the Warrens, they usually primarily serve the travelers that pass through. This is largely because between clan members, money generally is never used. The main form of transactions tends to be gifts, with the expectation that some time in the future one will repay the favor and it will all balance out in the end. In some cases, one may barter for the items they need, but that is usually viewed less as a necessity and as a fun hobby kept by those who are interested.
Instead, most of the clan's money is held by those in the markets who trade with outsiders. While one can easily give items to their neighbor and reasonably expect for that to someday be repaid, many travelers who pass through the Warrens do not do so again. The coin they leave behind is usually used to purchase needed materials and distributed as required to the clan at large.
While the Warrens are, at least a little, a place of commerce for those passing through, many expect to see the guard's cavern near the entrance to the clan's tunnels. Most who have not spent much, if any, time within the many caverns may expect there to be a set of laws that the guards enforce, that is not the purpose they serve. Most of those within the clan either solve disputes between themselves, or enlist the aid of a middleman to aid in negotiations if it gets especially heated. 
Those coming into the clan with ill-will are usually quickly refused most non-necessary services and sent on their way, with the guards only intervening if absolutely necessary. The reason why they are, at some points, willing to step in is due to the fact that sometimes, there is only a small line between someone wishing others harm, and the monsters the guards are tasked with slaying.
While those in more populated areas may not need to worry about monster attacks, the Warrens keeps a force of trained warriors to keep watch and prevent the vicious beings that dwell within the desert from breaching the caverns and causing damage, or injury, to what lays within.
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