#weh weh tearlaments is getting nerfed again but KASHTIRA is fine i'm so mad
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ac-liveblogs · 5 months ago
Ur right in that Scara-Irmin has more consequences. The reason I say Olorun is better tho is because, A. unlike Scara, we're actually there for his Very Long Suicide Plot. He doesn't vanish offscreen and get replaced by an amnesiac substitute. We meet Olorun, walk with Olorun, complete his evil puzzles, his sui attempt is the climax. B. His onscreen characterisation works with his struggle vs Scara who has half his characterisation stuck in artifact lore.
(2.)Olorun nicknames his veggies, he likes bugs, he doesn’t distinguish between humans and nature. He can run to the wild but, when the Abyss strikes, he cant escape the sight of his ‘failures’. C. Olorun was raised with love, Scara thought he was raised with hate. This makes Scara a standard revenge->sui. But Olorun can’t hate his family. They love each other. He's scared of them dying. He wants approval and control and he gains both my sacrificing himself. I find this much more fresh. (3) D.I find his gap-moe funny. Ifa calls him ‘weird’ bc of his gardening but THAT"s not why he's weird. He seems normy compared to Fish and Razor. At first. Then you realise this idiot has tricked himself into thinking he’s in a pitched sibling rivalry battle with Himself From Another Universe Who Died As A Baby. AND he’s losing! Dead Baby Olorun saved the world, but this Olorun can't even go to war! His shattered soul made him good for 1 thing and bad for everything else. He's doomed. (4) To me, “Vengeance -> Vengeance!" is less fresh than “I want to die so I can finally surpass dead baby me as a person -> maybe I can surpass dead baby me in other ways. That said, my big gripe with Olorun is that his eureka moment is SUPER rushed. Theres no clear point where his martyr-complex-imposter-syndrome-low-self-esteem-survivors-guilt clusterfuck transitions to "Life Good." He's just refuting Citlali's affirmations one second and accepting them the next. Hoyo Y As a reward for wading through my Olorun nonsense, I simply must hear your thoughts on VRAINS's VISIONARY depiction of hacking.
I can't argue with personal opinion! I do agree that Ororon is the easier character to like and sympathise with, and unlike Scaramouche isn't actually frustrating to engage with. I liked his scenes with Citlali. It's just that - exactly as you say - the resolution to his character is WAY too rushed. Personally, if this arc had been spread out over multiple acts and the plan with Capitano had actually gone somewhere, I'd be a lot more on board than I am.
Really feels like Scara and Ororon each got one half of a half-decent plotline, huh? Ororon got the character groundwork, Scara got the… actual stuff happening (lazy stuff, but still stuff, LMAO)
What gets me is that the concept of Ororon - someone that can be possessed by the spirits of the dead in Natlan, where they're uhhhh around in some capacity, someone who feels like he can save Natlan all by himself… this should really work.
Thinking on it, I'd rather he was the one we raced into the Night Kingdom to save rather than Kachina (partially bc Kachina's storyline uhhh lol she's not even the hero rep for her tribe, disrespectful - if they have the guts to kill Xilonen, which I doubt, Kachina better replace her), because man, that last minute "don't sacrifice yourself" mere moments away from someone actually doing it is always a heartwarming classic, right? Despite all my "this lazy emotional beat did not make my heart stir", I'm really not a hard sell…
Ororon has all the pieces to WORK for me, but it doesn't, because Genshin half-assed it as usual… very depressing. But on his gap moe - man, that is NOT the personality I expected for him. Or Citlali! I appreciated that a lot.
On VRAINS…. hahahaha okay oh boy this is where I make an embarrassing admission. I did not watch VRAINS for the plot. I bounced around VRAINS to watch certain duels so I could learn how to Link Summon.
A CERTAIN online Yu-Gi-Oh Video Game has cruelly and brutally nerfed both of the decks I run, and clearly my attempts at valor (not running a deck that requires me to waste approximately two minutes of my opponent's time to set up my field on the first turn) have been rejected, so I figured if I couldn't beat 'em, join 'em. And learn Link seven years late. But also, I hate reading big technical paragraphs of duel strategy so I figured "whatever, that's what the anime's there for…"
I tried with Vrains! I really did! But the pacing of the first few episodes really turned me off, and the way the duels are structured isn't much better… honestly, I get why they had to simplify the duels for Sevens and Go-Rush, bc oh boy they were really struggling with the way the card game's evolved in this one (no wonder they made them do parkour in Arc-V. And also, I do not envy whoever had to write the duels around Salamangreat LMAO). I'm a fake fan and Ai's tomfoolery was my saving grace, I swear (I love Ai. It's a shame @ Ignister is such an incomplete archetype, seriously)
I need to go back and watch it properly at some point, because what I DID pick up from jumping around the later seasons seemed pretty cool in concept. So uhhhh raincheck?
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