#wechat statistics
skopostheorie · 9 months
Anyway I've been here for six days now (basically a naturalised citizen) so here is what I have to say about China
Shit is CHEAP. Worryingly cheap. Don't think about it too much.
Their hourly minimum wage is the equiv of about $5AUD but that's reasonably proportionate to how much a meal is. Rent seems a bit more difficult though so I don't know how people manage that (cheap as dirt places go for 4000yuan a month or so)
People are REALLY nice, even security guards and cops and other people you'd assume would kind of give you a hard time. They'll have a laugh with you about stuff.
The country kind of feels like it's encased in a giant metaphorical glass dome - everything functions using their own special apps, special ways of doing things, etc etc. Breaking into it is difficult, but once you're "in", so to speak, it's very easy.
Public spaces including trains and buses are a bit of an "every man for himself" vibe. People will play their phone videos out loud and no one even gives a shit. Once a security guard on shift was just sitting there playing his 抖音 videos out loud with little concern for anything or anyone. It's not mayhem, but it's certainly no polite affair.
Your phone loses battery very quickly and unless you're just going for a walk it's impossible to leave home without it as any purchase is via WeChat, Alipay et al. Many times I had considered going for a phone free outing before realising it just couldn't be done.
China is beautiful and just about every place has something to offer. There are streets that are clearly just a result of a LOT of urban development being done very quickly but in terms of actual sites, it's hard to find a city that doesn't have something incredible in it.
Their coffee is top notch. Seriously approaching Melbourne level. I'm flabbergasted and slightly concerned because frankly Australia is bullied by China on the daily and our coffee is the only thing I knew for certain we had over them. Now I don't know what the fuck we're meant to do
Trains tend to be in English, even if it's not particularly big with foreigners, though I haven't gone to any suuuuper remote locations so I don't know about those. They're very well maintained; they're more or less indistinguishable from those in Japan, Korea etc.
Bikes and motorbikes don't have to follow traffic lights which will make you shit yourself the first couple times they ride right past you as you cross the road.
There is not as much propaganda around as I was expecting. My uni has a big statue of Mao but as it happens that's just cuz he has a history with this particular university. I haven't seen any pictures of Mao anywhere else that's not, like, a dedicated Spot for that sort of thing (think Tiananmen square etc). I saw one pic of Xi in a museum. Most propaganda is just asking people to become soldiers and cops and stuff. I was expecting it to be like Vietnam or something but it's basically non-existent.
No the social credit memes are not true unless everyone else can see mine and is just not telling me
Those world statistics weren't lying that country really can heavily populayed
People love taking photos of themselves but selfies are not too popular, so dedicated individuals will bring whole stands with lights and shit like that, as though they were dedicated cosplayers. Yesterday we saw a middle aged woman doing a sort of VR anime idol stream (I can't remember what they're called but the one where your face is overlayed with an anime avatar) in the middle of the bridge haha
^ and people will take these sorts of photos in front of ANYTHING. Even if it's... Slightly inappropriate by some standards. It's kind of funny.
People are generally quite chill and don't take themselves too seriously
I'll add more if I think of more
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businessfortune · 18 days
"Mobile Payment Systems: The Shift Towards a Cashless Society"
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Cash is no longer the "King"! Cashless payments are a result of the complete change in the payment landscape brought about by the digital age.
Credit cards were the first form of cashless payment fintech innovations in the 1990s. The electronic banking system became widely used throughout that same decade. The developments in cashless payments carried on after that.
Well-known brands like Apple Pay and PayPal entered the fintech innovations scene. Plus, nobody likes to carry cash these days. Everyone wishes to gain from cashless transactions. Though cash is still important in many places, the globe is gradually shifting to cashless transactions.
There has been an increase in cashless transactions worldwide, according to the most recent Statista survey. There will be 2297 billion cashless transactions worldwide by 2027. The statistics above demonstrate the exponential rise of cashless transactions.
Mobile Payment Systems: The Shift Towards a Cashless Society
Globally, cashless transactions are growing increasingly typical as card and digital payments spread. Digital payment methods like debit and credit cards, smartphone payment apps, and others are increasingly popular for everyday transactions around the world.
Contactless payments, such as digital wallets and tap-to-pay cards, have become increasingly popular. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated this trend due to the perceived safety of contactless payments. Mobile payment systems like Apple Pay and Google Pay have made it even easier to make cashless transactions resulting in an e-commerce growth. Global digital transactions are predicted to reach over $14 trillion by 2027. Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway have already reached a cashless point-of-sale transaction rate of over 90%. In Asia, mobile payments are rapidly growing, with China leading the way through services like WeChat Pay and Alipay e-commerce growth. However, cash is still preferred in some regions due to factors like informal economies, limited access to banking services, and mistrust of financial institutions. Overall, more and more people are embracing digital payments for their convenience and expanding possibilities. Efforts are being made by governments and financial organizations to support this shift while considering the needs of all individuals.
What Are Digital Wallets, and How Do They Work?
Due to the pandemic, contactless payments like digital wallets have become very popular. Digital wallets store payment methods for easy purchases using a smartwatch or smartphone. They can also hold coupons, tickets, and cards and allow money transfers to others.
How digital wallets work
Different digital wallets process payments using various technologies:
NFC stands for near-field communication: If two devices are positioned adjacent to one another, this enables information sharing between them. This technology is used by Google Pay and Apple Pay. The retailer needs to have card readers that are compatible with these digital wallets at the point of sale.
MST stands for magnetic secure transmission: Similar to when a credit card is swiped on its magnetic stripe, this produces a magnetic signal. The card reader at the payment terminal receives the signal. NFC and MST technologies are both used by Samsung Pay.
QR codes: You may use the camera on your smartphone to scan these barcodes for secure transactions. For instance, you can create a QR code using the PayPal app that enables you to pay for items in stores using your account.
Some digital wallets, such as the Starbucks app, are "closed," meaning they can only be used at that particular store. In contrast, the digital wallet examples above can be used at any retailer that accepts them.
The Technology Behind Mobile Payments
The manner in which consumers make payments around the world has been drastically changed by mobile payment technologies. The fundamental technologies that make this possible are:
NFC:With this technique, data may be exchanged through secure transactions between two devices that are positioned just a few centimeters apart. NFC facilitates rapid and safe transactions by enabling smartphones and payment terminals to communicate.
QR codes:To start a transaction, customers can use the camera on their smartphone to scan "quick-response" codes. The codes point the user to a website or payment application when they are scanned.
SMS-based transactions:Businesses can use this technique to send text message instructions for payments, which is especially helpful in areas where smartphone adoption is low. A series of text messages, including a confirmation code at the conclusion of the transaction, are used by customers to complete purchases.
Digital wallets:In order to enable customers to make payments using their phones rather than paper cards, digital wallets securely hold credit card information on a mobile device. Transport tickets, vouchers, and loyalty cards can all be kept in digital wallets.
Encryption and tokenization:In mobile payments, sensitive data is encrypted. Further enhancing security is tokenization, which uses a special digital identification (called a "token") to execute payments without disclosing account information.
Biometric verification:Mobile devices frequently come equipped with biometric sensors, like facial recognition or fingerprint scanners, which add an extra degree of security to transactions.
Cloud-based payments:Payment details are kept on cloud servers by certain mobile payment solutions. Payments are accepted from any device, and unified security management is in place.
Host card emulation (HCE):With an NFC-capable device, HCE enables a phone to function as a physical card without depending on access to a secure element, or chip, which holds private information like credit card numbers.
Application programming interfaces (APIs):APIs allow apps to talk to banking systems and other applications, which makes transactions easier.
Thanks to these technologies, consumers can now use their mobile devices for a wide range of payment-related tasks, such as online shopping, paying for goods and services at physical locations, and transferring money between people.
Cryptocurrency Transactions: A New Frontier in Mobile Payments
The number of people who own bitcoin is growing rapidly, with over 400 million worldwide. This has led to an increase in demand for cryptocurrency payment options in everyday life. Starting a cryptocurrency transaction is easy, as users can simply use their mobile crypto wallet app to send payments to vendors. Specialized payment gateways are also available, which allow businesses to accept cryptocurrency and convert it to regular money quickly. By accepting cryptocurrency payments, businesses can reach a larger customer base and increase their revenues. Many companies, including e-commerce stores, gaming platforms, and Forex platforms, are already accepting bitcoin payments. The best part is that bitcoin payments are faster and cheaper than traditional banking methods.
Advantages of Using Mobile Payment Systems
Advantages of widely used Mobile banking:
Reduce expenses by eliminating costly equipment and setup.
Improve cash flow with faster payments.
Easily integrate loyalty programs for repeat purchases.
Gain insights from customer data for personalized strategies.
Increase customer convenience by accepting payments anytime, anywhere.
Stay competitive by offering multiple payment options.
Mobile banking enhances payment security with encrypted codes.
Simplify bookkeeping with collected business information.
These benefits improve the customer experience and make accepting payments on the go easier.
The future of payments will undoubtedly revolve around preserving the integrity of cash as a viable payment option, while concurrently expanding and enhancing digital payment solutions. Empowering individuals to select their preferred transaction method based on personal circumstances and preferences is of utmost importance. In order to construct an all-encompassing financial system that caters to the requirements of every participant, it is imperative for businesses, policymakers, and financial institutions to establish resilient digital payment systems alongside a sturdy infrastructure for cash.
What are mobile payment systems?
Mobile payment systems allow you to make payments using your smartphone or mobile device, typically through apps or digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Wallet.
How secure are mobile payment systems?
Mobile payment systems are generally secure, using encryption, tokenization, and biometric authentication to protect your data. However, security also depends on user practices like keeping your device and apps updated.
What are the benefits of using mobile payment systems?
Mobile payment systems offer convenience, speed, and security. They also support contactless payments, track spending, and often integrate with loyalty programs.
How do mobile payments impact global economies?
Mobile payments boost global economies by increasing financial inclusion, speeding up transactions, and supporting digital commerce, especially in emerging markets.
What technologies are driving the growth of mobile payment systems?
Key technologies include Near Field Communication (NFC), QR codes, biometric authentication, and blockchain, all of which enhance security and convenience in mobile payments.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
When China relaxed its zero-COVID policy at the start of December, international observers warned there would be mass outbreaksin the Chinese population, which, it was estimated, lacks sufficient herd immunity or vaccine protection.
One statistical model published by healthdata.org predicts that 300,000 people could die from COVID-19 infections by April 2023 and 1.6 million people could die by the end of the year.
"Infections are steeply on the rise and hospitals are overwhelmed. It's quite [certain] that the situation is spiraling out of control, at least in Beijing and other big cities," said Björn Alpermann, a sinologist at the University of Würzburg in Germany.
COVID wave in China 'thermonuclear bad'
On December 19, a prominent epidemiologist, Eric Feigl-Ding, tweeted that the situation was "thermonuclear bad."
Feigl-Ding predicted "over 60% of China's and 10% of the Earth's population likely infected over the next 90 days. Deaths likely in the millions — plural."
In scenes reminiscent of the early months of the pandemic in 2020, Feigl-Ding posted a video of what looks like an overcrowded hospital, with patients lying close next to each other on the floor.
Other reports suggest morgues and crematoriums are overloaded, with backlogs running into the thousands. "The reports that crematoriums are working 24/7 are deeply disturbing," said Alpermann.
How accurate are the statistics?
It's not known how many people are currently infected with COVID-19 in China or the number of those who have recently died from the disease.
Oliver Radtke who lives in Beijing and is the chief representative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, an independent political foundation affiliated with Germany's Greens, said it was impossible to know how severe the current COVID wave was by reading the official statistics.
"Judging strictly from personal evidence, scrolling through WeChat [social media] and having conversations with colleagues and friends, I reckon about one third in the city is sick, one third is taking care of the sick and one third simply doesn't dare to venture out," Radtke told DW.
Alpermann said the Chinese government had more or less admitted that its statistics were artificially low when it said that it would only count COVID deaths that had happened due to lung failure. That's Alpermann's personal assessment, but it suggests that those statistics tell only a partial truth.
The lack of accurate statistics about the current COVID situation in China makes predictions about deaths and illness difficult.
"There are so many moving parts in models, so there's a lot of guess work. The subvariant [of omicron, BF.7] circulating in China now isn't well studied, and we don't know how fast people will get boosters this winter," Alpermann said.
Booster campaign to target elderly
So, how are Chinese health authorities responding to the situation? Radtke said authorities had placed responsibility on individuals to keep safe.
"The official slogan these days is 'everybody is responsible for the prevention and control of the pandemic,'" he said.
But the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC) has initiated a large vaccination and booster campaign, especially for the elder and other high-risk groups.
Many health experts outside China have been critical about the effectiveness of Chinese vaccines from Sinovac and Sinopharm compared to mRNA vaccines, such as the BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna jabs — and the NHC is only administering vaccines made in China.
However, reports suggest they may include new nasal spray vaccines in the booster program. The hope is that the new vaccine types will reduce COVID transmission as well as the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms.
"Worries about grandparents and older parents are high. Especially regarding family members in the countryside and [remote] provinces, where Intensive Care Unit beds are rare or non-existent," said Radtke.
What caused the latest COVID outbreak in China?
Experts say that the current infection and death rates in China may be because the country has a lower level of population immunity than that in other countries. 
"The Chinese government boasted they won a victory against COVID with their zero-COVID strategy. For some time it looked that way in 2021, but with omicron the picture completely changed," said Alpermann.
China has pursued a zero-COVID policy since the pandemic began.
During zero-COVID, the government implemented mass testing, imposed strict lockdowns and quarantined those people with COVID-19 in special facilities.
Now that it has relaxed its lockdown rules, the population has been going out but with very little natural exposure to infection, especially the more contagious variants, such as omicron — because they were locked in for all that time. In any case, that is the theory you hear from health experts outside China.
Rates of booster vaccine uptake are estimated to be low in China, especially among older people who have a higher risk of developing severe symptoms — only about one-third of over-80s and two-thirds of over 60s have received their first booster shot, according to official data.
"In retrospect, it now looks like the Chinese government did not use the time during zero-COVID to their own advantage to get vaccination rates as high as they should have been. They did not import more advanced mRNA vaccines or approve mRNA vaccines created in China," Alpermann said.
The first of three waves
Speaking at a conference in Beijing on December 17, Zunyou Wu, a chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the current outbreak would peak this winter and run in three waves for about three months.
The modelling mentioned at the start of this article puts the potential death rate as high as 1.6 million people by the end of 2023. But that depends on whether COVID transmission can or will be contained with new lockdowns and by the success of vaccination programs.
"I am worried about what happens once the current wave reaches the lesser-developed parts of the country, especially in the western hinterland," said Radtke.
Whatever the exact figures, Chinese health authorities appear to be struggling to keep up with the spread of the disease, and that continues to cause concern outside of the country as well.
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certifiedslytherin · 2 years
China: Their own bubble.
How does Internet Censorship work in China and What is Social Credit System that is being implemented in the country?
Can you imagine if we are not able to access our global social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter?
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These social media platforms have allowed us to express our thoughts and views and spread information, whether right or wrong, without the need for approval from authorities and being controlled by the government.
However, in China, it is the norm.
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According to statistics, China has the highest number of internet users in the world compared to other countries, with a total of 1.5 billion users, thrice the number of users in the United States, which are only around 100 million users (Thomala, 2022).
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source: (Thomala, 2022) https://www.statista.com/statistics/265140/number-of-internet-users-in-china/
Even though they have access to the internet, their government has restricted (blocked) them from accessing Instagram, Google, YouTube, or even WhatsApp due to Internet censorship.
The censorship is to combat potentially disruptive consequences of Western cultural globalization (Miller, 2020). In the case of VPNs, only the ones approved by the government can be used, and the ones that are not approved are banned. However, VPN access will expose our data, making it more unsecure for everyone to use (How to use a VPN for China? is it legal? 2022).
In that case, China has its own social media developed to replace the platforms we use. For instance, WhatsApp is replaced with 'WeChat' and 'Baidu' similar to Google. These platforms are approved by the Chinese Government and are strictly monitored by the officials (DeGennaro & DeGennaro, 2020).
The Great Firewall of China, also known as "China's Golden Shield," is a system of internet censorship. It was first initiated in 1998 and began to operate in 2008 (Chandel et al., 2019).
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Image Source: https://www.china-briefing.com/news/chinas-great-firewall-implications-businesses/
This censorship started to get stricter when hundreds of people were killed in the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, when students fought for free speech and a free press in China. The information on the massacre is not available on the Chinese Internet because the Chinese Government is seeking to conceal it because they want people to avoid remembering their wrongdoings (Gilbert, 2019).
Basically this censorship made the people in China to not being able to spread their words freely without having to go through surveillance and filtration by the governemnt. Thus making it difficult to raise awareness in what is happening in their country to the people outside of China. As the title of this blog says "their own bubble". They are only able to share and receive opinion from their own people.
It is not easy to pass the firewall, although many attempts has been done.
Oh, K-pop is banned in China too! Most of us will not survive in that country-
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Social Credit System
Figure below shows an example of 'Social Credit System' using AI.
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Source: (Campbell, 2019) on https://time.com/collection/davos-2019/5502592/china-social-credit-score
Well, it gets more complicated here.
China has a social credit system being implemented. According to Liang (2018), China's intention of implementing the social credit system is to "compute a credit score for every individual and organizational actor based on previous and continuing social and economic activity, and these credit ratings will govern whether an actor can get advantages of sanctions." Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is used widely in the process.
The credit scores are divided into two, good and bad. The examples of good actions are donating blood and involving in charities, while bad actions are stealing and cheating. Obtaining good social credit points will be given tax breaks or even cheaper public transportation fares, while the bad social credit points will be penalized and restricted from traveling (Velocityglobal, 2022).
According to Liang (2018), "the data collected are used and organized by the government to monitor and administer China's political, social, and commercial dominions." Behaviors are monitored to remain "trustworthy" through positive actions with this implementation of social credit.
Figure above shows how the social credit system works in China.
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Image Source: https://twitter.com/merics_eu/status/898220464090341377
What about privacy?
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It is something that invades someone's privacy. The Government has every data of ours organized. Alongside, we are under surveillance for EACH and every hour of the day. With one wrongdoing from an individual in the society, the person will probably go through some hardship to clear out that bad social credit(s).
The question is, will we survive such a controlled movement being implemented on us in Malaysia?
Probably not. Malaysians are highly vocal and our movements are compelling. Therefore, this topic is eye-opening, and we should be grateful that we are privileged enough to have freedom and peace. Although China's movements seems culture shock on our side, they're probably used to it by now as they cannot really voice out openly even if they are suffering.
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Chandel, S., Jingji, Z., Yunnan, Y., Jingyao, S. and Zhipeng, Z., 2019, October. The golden shield project of china: A decade later—an in-depth study of the great firewall. In 2019 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC) (pp. 111-119). IEEE.
DeGennaro, T. and DeGennaro, T. (2020) The 10 most popular social media sites in China (2019), Dragon Social. Available at: https://www.dragonsocial.net/blog/social-media-in-china/ (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
Gilbert, D. (2019) How China is wiping memories of Tiananmen Square off the internet, VICE. Available at: https://www.vice.com/en/article/7xge3b/chinese-dissidents-are-running-out-of-ways-to-remember-tiananmen-square (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
How to use a VPN for China? is it legal? (2022) NordVPN. Available at: https://nordvpn.com/blog/vpn-for-china/#:~:text=Officially%2C%20the%20Chinese%20government%20has,and%20corporations%20rather%20than%20individuals. (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
Miller, J.S., 2020. China‘s Censorship and Cultural Power--Necessarily at Odds?.
Thomala, L.L. (2022) Internet users by country 2022, Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/262966/number-of-internet-users-in-selected-countries/ (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
Velocityglobal (2022) The Chinese Social Credit System: What to know as a business owner, Velocity Global. Available at: https://velocityglobal.com/blog/chinese-social-credit-system/ (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
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Automatic Compact Concrete Batching Plant
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The features of automatic compact concrete batching plant are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
High efficiency:
Fully automatic compact concrete batching plant adopts advanced control system and sensor technology, which can automatically complete the whole process of concrete batching, mixing and conveying. In the case of unattended, it can work uninterruptedly for 24 hours, which greatly improves the working efficiency. According to statistics, the efficiency of fully automatic concrete mixing plant is more than 20% higher than that of traditional mixing plant.
With its compact design and small footprint, it can be adapted to various complex construction environments. This design makes the mixing plant more efficient in space utilization, especially suitable for sites with limited space.
Energy saving and environmental protection:
The fully automatic compact concrete batching plant has low energy consumption, which helps reduce production costs. At the same time, through the optimized design and the use of environmentally friendly materials, the plant also has good environmental performance, which helps to reduce environmental pollution.
Precise control:
The fully automatic control system can precisely control parameters such as the concrete ratio, mixing time, and the amount of additives added to ensure the quality and stability of the concrete. This avoids quality problems caused by human factors and improves the quality and safety of construction projects.
Convenient operation:
The control operation is all done by utilizing the computer system, and there is an operation platform and computer monitoring in the equipment control room, which can show the complete concrete production process and the actual operation status of each part.
In a word, with its high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection and precise control, the automatic compact concrete batching plant has been widely used in the fields of building construction, prefabricated component factory and soil mixing manufacturer. It can not only improve the production efficiency and reduce the cost, but also ensure the quality and stability of concrete, and improve the safety and durability of construction projects.
This resource is from https://www.concretebatchplant24.com/automatic-compact-concrete-batching-plant.html Should you be interested in buying our product, please contact us at: Haomei Machinery Equipment Co.,ltd Whatsapp/Wechat: 0086 181 3788 9531 Email: [email protected]
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sultanaislammow · 8 months
In order to make up for the "deficiencies" of its own ecology, the value of "filling in" the mini program ecology is highlighted
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As mentioned before, two factors, memory  HE Tuber anxiety and inconvenience of mobile phone operation, have caused the number of commonly used apps per mobile phone user to hover around 20 or 30. Moreover, since mobile phones need to clear storage space from time to time, and user preferences are constantly changing, it is normal to uninstall apps regularly regardless of iOS or Android systems.
Image source: "2023 Mobile App Uninstallation Status Report"
AppsFlyer released the "2023 Mobile App Uninstallation Status Report" which shows that 49% of apps on Android phones in 2022 will be uninstalled within 30 days after downloading, a decrease of 8% compared to 2021. Gaming apps were hit the hardest, with an uninstall rate of 66%. Followed by social and educational applications. Travel apps have the lowest uninstall rate, only 31%, indicating that users in this category are more loyal to the brand.
The richer the app service ecology, the more stable its "position" on the mobile phone, and the smaller the probability of users uninstalling it. However, whether it is the old Internet platform BAT or the newly emerged Douyin and Kuaishou, it is impossible for one company to invest in all service fields. How to connect users of your own APP to a richer service ecosystem? The “mini programs” born in 2017 have become an important “filler” for the ecosystem.
For all apps, there is no absolute "irreplaceability". Various potential "black swan" events may make an app go from popular to marginalized. In order to resist this crisis, each App continues to enhance its "entry" attribute. Only by becoming the most important "entry" for users to connect to the mobile Internet can their status be more stable and avoid the fate of being left out or even "uninstalled".
The surfing habits of mobile Internet users have led to the birth of super apps and islanding phenomena.
Taobao App proactively blocks WeChat in the hope that users will open Taobao App more and not just "shopping" within WeChat. WeChat proactively blocks Douyin because it does not want its own traffic to "nourish" external platforms. When establishing a video account, we also hope that this part of the traffic will accumulate on WeChat, rather than "making a wedding dress for others."
Therefore, compared with the major PC Internet giants who focus on vertical and professional services, the mobile Internet is based on the concept of super App. Even if they are not good at a certain field, the giants will take the initiative to attack out of a "defensive" mentality.
WeChat and Toutiao launched search, Taobao and JD.com launched short videos, Douyin and Kuaishou entered e-commerce, and Pinduoduo disrupted local life. They all seemed to be offensive postures, but more of a passive defense to strengthen their own "use value" .
2. Change: Starting from “mini programs” to tear down walls
In order to increase the "chips" in their hands, Internet giants in the past have adopted the idea that they would rather not do well themselves than "cheap" competitors' apps.
In the past two years, due to antitrust pressure and considerations of improving user experience, the mobile Internet's past isolated status has shown signs of loosening. As a small program that once "filled the gap" in the ecosystem, it is becoming an excellent channel for connecting with each other.
1. For entrants, the traffic ceiling has arrived, and mini programs can activate "new increments"
According to statistics, Meituan’s two core offline businesses, in-store ordering and power bank, have been used by the Alipay mini program since its launch, with usage exceeding 7 million. The search also revealed that Meituan’s food delivery service has not yet been launched on Alipay.
In the context of mobile Internet traffic growth hitting the ceiling, small programs of one of its own service lines launched on Super App can gain new traffic.
The characteristic of seeking new increments means that entrants will tend to launch segmented businesses or services that are in a state of development on the rival super App ecosystem through mature mini programs. In the past two years, two major enemies, Meituan and Alipay (Alibaba sold Meituan shares at a discount in 2016, and Meituan delisted Alipay many times in the following years) have reconciled through mini programs. Alibaba and Tencent are also easing their relationship through mini programs. .
In September 2021, affected by the anti-monopoly background, Alibaba's Ele.me, Youku, Damai, Kaola Haigou, Shuqi, etc. began to access WeChat payment. During this period, Alibaba’s mini programs also began to be launched on WeChat, which heralded the breaking of some aspects of the relationship between the two parties. In May 2021, Alibaba internally tested the "Money-saving shopping for relatives and friends" mini program on WeChat. In October last year, it launched the "Tmall Supermarket Xiaodangjia" mini program. In May this year, Tmall launched the "Tmall Supermarket" mini program on WeChat. "Excellent Products" mini program mall.
Image source: WeChat App
However, the mini program could no longer be opened before the deadline. Searching for "Tmall Premium" on WeChat showed only official accounts and no such mini program in the relevant search results. Currently, the editor-in-chief can only find the mini program in the "Recently Used Mini Programs" list in the WeChat drop-down menu. Click to enter the system prompt page.
The page prompts that "Tmall Premium has suspended services due to violations." The detailed introduction further explains that "services have been suspended due to the existence of induced sharing behavior."
According to the "White Paper on Mini Program Internet Development in the First Half of 2022" released by Aladdin Research Institute, the number of mini programs on WeChat, Alipay, Douyin, Kuaishou and other platforms exceeds 7.5 million, and the number of daily active users exceeds 780 million.
For entrants, the traffic of any super App outside the ecosystem is a new increase, and active entry must be based on the purpose of seeking growth. However, judging from the experience of "Tmall Premium", when the service rules of each mini program are not "transparent" enough, if you want to obtain traffic on the opponent's App, you still need to be familiar with the other party's relevant rules.
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mamun258 · 8 months
Graphical explanation of interview assignment examples
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The opening outline is very clear, and clearly HE Tuber explains the perspective from which you choose to stand, and the objects that you will focus on later.
According to the pyramid principle, questions are asked first and the answers are given directly, and each answer is explained in detail later.
In fact, the page layout of data-type ppt can be very simple. The title of each page tells the problem, and then uses text to explain the conclusion. Finally, a large area of ​​​​data charts is used to confirm the conclusion. It is ok ~ much easier to write than other report-type ppt. .
What do you think is the general purpose of publishing data reports on the platform? Generally, it is either to sell oneself or boast, or to guide the behavior of participants. The common way to use public opinion data now is to discover the voices of users in a timely manner, in addition to monitoring negative feedback~
What we are talking about here is to quickly and efficiently identify creative mini-games through some simple statistical analysis.
 The identification method is likely to be a few indicators. Although this method will not be particularly accurate, it will basically not miss the real high-quality mini-games. After the initial screening, it can be combined with manual identification to judge, which is better than simply screening massive human flesh. A lot can be explained.
What we are talking about here is another method of identifying creative mini games. By training a two-class prediction model, compared with ordinary mini games, it can learn to automatically judge whether a mini game is a creative mini game through a large number of features.
However, this method will not have strong interpretability, because many high-accuracy classification models are black-box, such as the currently popular deep learning. However, even if it is a black box, we can finally extract the importance of variables from the model and let the model tell us which indicators it thinks are better for making judgments.
Identify the creative mini-games and then what? You can’t just hold an awards and commendation meeting and it’s over. It’s best for the platform to give them substantial encouragement. In addition to money, the most practical thing is to directly allocate a group of high-quality users to you to tide over the cold start ~ This page talks about how the platform selects high-quality users and assigns them to these mini-games. It is a bit similar to the logic of recommendation, which emphasizes matching and suitability.
It’s time to talk about making money. For developers of a large number of small games, they need to quickly find users who like to play this game. As a platform, I will make a tool that allows you to spend a small amount of money to find out from WeChat. A group of users, they most likely like to play your game, and then put the advertisements of this game to them, so that more people will play your game in the future and you can make money.
So the platform is a good deal. It allows developers to do business according to my rules, and I even charge money for shouting. But the euphemistic name is that I empower you and help you find your target users, hahaha.
The logic of advertising is similar to the logic of most DMPs, but here I simply put a dynamic adjustment link so that developers who spend money on advertising can not only see the effect of spending money, but also Automatically adjust the way you spend money based on performance.
For example, if you place an advertisement for singles in your circle of friends, and after spending money for a period of time, the platform finds that although the number of users it brings is large, they are all prostitute-type users who don’t spend money with me, so the platform recommends that you narrow down to this. Channel advertising expenditures to increase your overall ROI.
When it comes to plagiarism between games, the same routine applies, with machine prediction first and then manual judgment.
 The underlying logic of machine prediction is that if you are not plagiarizing others, then since it is plagiarism, there must be a lot of similarities. Since there are similarities, it will lead to many similarities in player groups or gameplay, then You should be able to see the clues from the data performance.
If several games look too similar from the data, they are all played by a group of students, and they all love to play in the middle of the night. When they play, they all click violently and then follow the gestures on the screen. If there is a large area of ​​​​swiping, then I will take out these games separately and give them to people to play with and see if they are plagiarized.
Plagiarism is a typical type of cheating. In fact, there are many cheating behaviors. However, the problem with discovering these behaviors in time is that if I don’t know about this method in advance, I can’t find it.
For example, I have never seen a weasel, how do you want me to design a complete set to capture it? But there is a way here, which is not to start with behavior, but to start with people. People who do not follow the rules will always form cliques for personal gain. You only need to find one of them to follow the clues.
There is another way, which is the logic of exception recognition. Although I don’t know your cheating pattern, I can find that your behavior is different from normal. I can still find you through data.
The same structure, but the object of concern is changed to the player~
What I talked about before was how to find users who like you for small games. Now I’m going to talk about the reverse, how to recommend a small game to you that you will most likely like. This will involve the concept of decentralization. We cannot let everyone focus on a few small games at the top, leaving other developers with no food to eat.
This requires carefully designing the timing of recommendations when recommending to users. Here we simply use geographical location and time to intersect and combine different opportunities (such as vacation travel, casual dinner, watching TV on weekends). At different times, people’s mood states are different, and the content suitable for recommendation is different. Advertising and recommendations sometimes have the same essence, which is to say the right words at the right time to the people who need it.
Continuing from the previous page, we further design a small recommendation scenario and give some optimization and improvement suggestions on the existing pages. This suggestion actually also applies to WeChat. It means recommending content to me through friend relationships at different times. But the friends here must be friends that I really trust, not zombies or pretend friends lying in my WeChat list.
The subject of credit scores can actually be big or small. It can be as complex as credit scores in financial risk control, but does it really need to be that complicated? Are the scene requirements consistent? Therefore, we can also go to a smaller level and create some explainable points system that facilitates operational strategies to guide users to compare with some good behaviors.
Finally, I worry that in the structure of summarizing first and then dividing, there are too many “dividing” pages, which will make readers forget the “total” after a long time. So I deliberately added a finishing touch to make the overall structure a total score.
At the same time, this ending is not just a simple retelling of what Che Lulu said, but an attempt to abstract the suggestions and methods mentioned before. Tell the reader (interviewer) what systematic data operations look like in general, and let her once again feel that the suggestions we give are not patchwork. After all, the requirements for this position are level 3–1 (level 9), and the system The ability to abstract and summarize is already a necessity
3. Review and Summary
After the assignment was handed in, I waited anxiously for about 3 days before I got the approval reply. The follow-up meeting with the director was also very pleasant, and no more homework was left (haha!).
It was the first time that Gu Mujun had prepared so much for an interview, doing homework until late at night every day. Although it has been nearly 2 years, I still feel that the methods and methods used in this process are still applicable today: fully understand the business background of the position, combine your resume to prove one by one that you meet the requirements of the recruitment position, and systemize and abstract Sort out and express your understanding and suggestions about the position . These are the final points, oh, and attitude .
This is a typical interview for Gu Mujun as a data practitioner. If you encounter any unforgettable interviews, or encounter any difficulties at work or during interviews, you can leave a message to communicate! Don’t reject anyone who comes, whatever you ask for~
I’m tired, I’m tired, watch some videos and relax~
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jerry618 · 8 months
How Much Does a Perimeter LED Display Cost?
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What Is Perimeter LED Display? 
A key technological advancement in sports entertainment is perimeter LED displays. These large LED screens have several uses and are typically positioned around the Perimeter or sidelines of sporting venues. They are primarily used for marketing campaigns but are also vital for providing real-time score updates, sponsor messaging, and an enhanced fan experience.
These dynamic Perimeter LED displays add a great deal to the immersive atmosphere of sporting events. They may show a wide range of content, from vivid adverts to real-time graphics and live video feeds. In addition to providing entertainment, peripheral LED displays are essential sources of income for event planners, who may increase profits by utilizing targeted advertising alliances.
Where Can You Use LED Displays for Sports Stadiums
LED displays have become integral components in modern sports stadiums, enhancing the overall spectator experience and offering versatile opportunities for engagement. These displays are strategically positioned throughout the venue, serving various purposes and contributing to sporting events’ immersive and dynamic nature.
Perimeter LED Displays:
Installed along the sidelines or Perimeter of the field or court, perimeter LED displays are prevalent in many sports stadiums. These expansive screens are utilized for advertising, displaying sponsor messages, and broadcasting live game statistics. Their dynamic capabilities allow for the seamless integration of vibrant advertisements, graphics, and live video feeds, contributing to the overall spectacle of the event.
LED displays are commonly employed as scoreboards and video screens. Placed in prominent locations like the center of the arena or above each end zone, these displays provide real-time updates on scores, game statistics, and instant replays. Their high resolution ensures that spectators can follow the action clearly, even from a distance.
Ribbon Displays:
Positioned around the stadium’s fascia, the ribbon LED display for sport provides a distinctive visual accent. These endless horizontal screens are multifunctional; they can show ads, animations, and scrolling text. Regarding displaying information in real time, ribbon displays work exceptionally well for things like sponsor announcements, news updates, and other game scores. The stadium’s atmosphere is enhanced by its dynamic nature, especially at halftime or game breaks.
Concourse Displays:
LED display for sport in concourse areas serve as communication hubs, providing information, entertainment, and promotional content. These screens, which provide vital announcements, event schedules, and highlights, are positioned strategically in busy places. Concourse displays, which include interactive features, trivia, and adverts, are beneficial for keeping fans interested during downtime. By providing information and entertainment to spectators as they go through the stadium concourse, they enhance the fan experience and heighten the excitement and anticipation during the event.
Digital Signage in Concession Areas:
Perimeter LED displays in concession areas are used to showcase menus, promotions, and advertisements. These dynamic signs inform spectators about available food and beverage options and serve as revenue generators through strategic advertising partnerships with vendors.
Club and Suite Displays:
Premium seating areas, such as clubs and suites, often feature high-quality LED displays for sport. These screens can provide exclusive content, live game feeds, and personalized messages for VIP attendees, enhancing their overall experience.
Entrance and Ticketing Displays:
LED displays at entrances and ticketing areas serve as information hubs, welcoming fans, providing directions, and displaying essential announcements. These displays contribute to the overall aesthetics of the stadium and help create a positive first impression for attendees.
Interactive Fan Engagement Zones:
Some stadiums incorporate interactive LED display for sports in designated fan zones. These displays may allow fans to participate in games, polls, or social media interactions, fostering a sense of community and engagement among spectators.
What Are Factors Related to Perimeter LED Display
Several factors are integral to the design, implementation, and effectiveness of LED perimeter displays in sports stadiums. These are some of the critical factors related to LED perimeter displays:
Resolution and Clarity:
LED perimeter display for sport must have a high resolution to guarantee sharp and vivid visuals. The total impact of the display is increased when complex details, including text and logos in advertising, can be effectively communicated. The increased resolution also allows displaying dynamic content and live game data effectively, giving viewers a more engaging experience.
Brightness and Visibility:
LED display for sports stadiums must contend with varying lighting conditions. Adequate brightness ensures visibility, even in daylight or under stadium floodlights during evening events. Displays with adjustable brightness levels can adapt to different environmental conditions, maintaining optimal visibility for spectators and maximizing the impact of advertising content.
Dynamic Content Capabilities:
Perimeter LED displays are highly versatile due to their capacity to present dynamic material. Whether showing real-time statistics, animated graphics, or live video feeds, smoothly transitioning between different kinds of content raises the display’s entertainment value. This function is essential for interacting with followers and sending a strong message during advertising.
Size and Dimensions:
The specific requirements of the sports venue determine the size and dimensions of Perimeter LED displays. Displays must be large enough to captivate the audience and proportionate to the stadium’s viewing distances. Careful consideration of size ensures that the display remains a prominent visual element without obstructing the view of spectators in different seating areas.
Weather Resistance:
Since outdoor LED display for sport are weather-exposed, they must have strong weather resistance. For displays to function dependably in any weather condition, they need to be built to endure rain, wind, and temperature changes. Weatherproofing techniques, such as sealed cabinets and protective coatings, contributed to the display’s extended lifespan and continued maximum performance.
Advertising Content Management:
LED perimeter displays often serve as prime advertising for real estate. An effective content management system allows for the dynamic scheduling and display of advertisements. This capability enables event organizers to manage advertising campaigns, showcase sponsor messages, and tailor content to specific events, maximizing the revenue potential of the displays.
Control and Connectivity:
A reliable control system is essential for efficiently managing LED perimeter display for sport. This includes connectivity options for integrating with broadcast systems, scoreboards, and other stadium control systems. Remote control capabilities facilitate real-time adjustments and troubleshooting, ensuring that the displays operate seamlessly during events.
Maintenance and Serviceability:
Regular maintenance is crucial for LED perimeter displays’ longevity and optimal performance. Displays should be designed for easy access and serviceability, allowing technicians to address issues promptly. Proactive maintenance practices, such as routine inspections and software updates, help prevent event downtime.
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michel-tanguy · 11 months
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The proposal was in response to the rise in popularity of digital payment networks, including Google Pay and Apple Pay These changes could potentially bring digital payment networks closer to the purview of financial regulations and authorities. The Australian government seeks to regulate non-bank digital payment wallets and transactions in the country to modern standards. This development was in response to the remarkable rise in popularity of digital payment networks, including Google Pay, Apple Pay, and WeChat Pay. Notably, these proposed regulations could have a profound impact on the cryptocurrency landscape in Australia. Digital payment platforms have experienced exponential growth, witnessing a surge in transaction volumes from 29.2 million in 2018 to a staggering 2.4 billion in 2022. As the country grapples with this evolving financial landscape, the government is looking to modernize the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act (PSRA) of 1988. The proposed changes look to expand the definitions of essential terms like “payment system” and “participant.” Traditional financial systems to gain more push Under the current regulatory framework, Australia’s Reserve Bank is the sole authority. However, the proposed modifications introduce civil penalty provisions, “enforceable undertakings,” and an increase in maximum criminal penalties where applicable. What makes this development particularly noteworthy is its potential implications for the cryptocurrency sector. Although digital wallets such as Google Pay and Apple Pay generally require connections to regulated bank accounts and credit cards, transactions involving digital wallets currently exist outside the realm of Australia’s financial regulations and banking systems. These changes could potentially bring digital payment networks closer to the purview of financial regulations and authorities. A game changer for the Australian crypto market? The revised regulatory framework does not explicitly mention digital currencies or blockchain technology. However, the broader definitions of terms like “funds” and “payment system” could potentially encompass digital assets like cryptocurrencies if the government deems it necessary. In many countries, including Australia, cryptocurrencies are primarily used for speculative trading, with limited adoption for consumer purchases. These regulations may signal a shift in how cryptocurrencies are treated within the regulatory landscape. The motivations behind the government’s decision to enact these regulatory changes have sparked several theories. One suggests that governments naturally seek increased surveillance and control, extending these powers to encompass payments outside the traditional banking system. This could have significant implications for the cryptocurrency sector, as it operates outside the traditional financial framework. Another perspective points to the banking sector’s desire for greater transparency regarding technology giants’ fee structures and transaction statistics. As digital payments become more prevalent, large banks are looking to maintain their competitive edge. However, it is to be noted that Australia’s approach to cryptocurrency and blockchain has historically been favorable, with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin recognized as legal and treated as property. Cryptocurrencies can be traded, spent, received, and stored in the country. It is also accepted as a means of payment for personal and business transactions. However, merchants are not obligated to accept them. Additionally, the government is taking steps to develop a regulatory framework for the cryptocurrency sector. The main focus is on consumer protection and market integrity.
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webyildiz · 1 year
The British Economist magazine said that China launched to the public on August 31 a chatbot application based on artificial intelligence and called it “Ernie.” The magazine reported that the new Chinese application provides its users with information biased towards China in various fields, such as its claim that American e-cigarette smokers are the source of the Corona virus (Covid-19) when it first appeared in July 2019, before it spread later that year. To the Chinese city of Wuhan via American lobsters. In the political field, the Economist report says that Ernie remains somewhat silent, and gave an example of this when Ernie responded to questions such as, “Who is the president of China?” He also seemed confused before telling the questioner the name of the mother of Chinese leader Xi Jinping. When asked about the flaws of socialism, he fails to mention, and often tries to redirect sensitive conversations by saying, “Let’s talk about something else.” The British magazine says - in its report - that Ernie's reticence to answer such questions will not constitute any shock to the program's Chinese users, as they are aware of the strict censorship imposed on the Internet service. Baidu is a technology giant The Ernie app is the brainchild of Chinese tech giant Baidu, which has been outpaced by companies competing with it for years. But, thanks to artificial intelligence, the company is now setting its sights on getting back to the forefront again. As for the extent to which it can reach, this would reveal many of the prospects for Chinese technology, which is suffering under the pressure of American export controls and the “increasing tyranny” of President Xi, according to the newspaper. A decade ago, Baidu, which runs the largest search engine in China, formed a trio with Alibaba and Tencent. Baidu faced little competition as foreign search engines were banned or severely censored. Capturing 90% of search traffic According to the report, Baidu has never lost its dominance in the technology sector, as it still accounts for more than 90% of Internet search traffic in China. However, the transformations that occurred in the technological landscape negatively affected the company, and Internet users in China can now access the Internet through high-quality applications such as WeChat, a subsidiary of Tencent. In a remarkable statistic, the newspaper reported that Baidu’s introduction of artificial intelligence applications aroused interest in the company, to the point that its Ernie program was downloaded one million times within 19 hours of its release, compared to the most famous generative artificial intelligence program, “GBT Chat,” which reached that number (1 million). ) within 5 days. Quantum leap The newspaper quoted Robin Li, CEO and co-founder of Baidu, as saying - last month - that the introduction of artificial intelligence represents a “paradigm shift” for the company, a shift that did not happen overnight. Years of investment have turned Baidu into one of China's most advanced AI companies, with a ecosystem that includes chip design, a deep learning framework, and proprietary models and applications. Baidu has also strengthened its position as the largest cloud AI provider in China, and has begun providing solutions for companies that want to design AI models specifically for them.
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customwriter · 1 year
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hadeschan · 1 year
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item # K20A03
RARE Sua Saming, Luang Phor Pian Wat Kroen Ka Thin, Roon Raek, Ngan Krathin Pee Ha Sip Song, Nua Loha-rom dum. A cast statue of Mystical Weretiger King, made from copper alloy with oxidation skin. Under the base was stuffed with Weretiger bone powder, holy powder, and inlaid with a copper sheet engraved with cabalistic writing to force the spirit of Weretiger King to stay in the statue. Made to commemorate the Rainy Season Monk Robe Offering Ceremony of Wat Kroen Ka Thin , Lopburi Province in BE 2552 (CE 2009), as the FIRST Batch of Sua Saming of Luang Phor Pian, made by Luang Phor Pian, the abbot of Wat Kroen Ka Thin in BE 2552 (CE 2009).
Sua Saming
The legend has it that Sua Saming is a Weretiger, a person with wizardry of transformation into a fierce tiger and back again at will, or a wild tiger, a demon that kills and consumes many humans, and the souls of those who that tiger killed would stay with the tiger, and the tiger could have power to force the spirit of the dead and transform itself to any person to fool its future victims. The Weretiger can use its action to polymorph into a tiger-humanoid hybrid, a human or into a tiger, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. And It reverts to its true form if it dies. The Weretiger has Keen Hearing and Smell, it has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell, and Weretiger has hypnotizing power to puppet anybody after staring directly at it eyes.
BEST FOR: The magic power of Sua Saming would fill you with courage, ambition and energy. You will soon be a natural leader and go-getter, yet it also makes people around you feel sensitive, loving and emotional. You will be very competitive, and you are not afraid of taking up any risk for achieving what you want. You would gain honesty, generosity from friends and passionate from lovers. Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you). Sua Saming is also best for chasing ghost, warding off evil spirits, protection of bad luck, bad omen and unlock the spells, and safeguarding your house and family members.
DIMENSION: 23.00 cm long / 14.00 cm wide / 8.00 cm thick
item # K20A03
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly
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[ad_1] Eight months ago, the future of China’s largest internet companies looked grim. Covid-era lockdowns crushed sales, and Beijing’s harsh tech regulations had spooked even audacious China investors. Shares of Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent dropped to some of their lowest levels in several years.With China’s economy now reopen, the tech giants this week released earnings reports that showed initial signs of recovery. But the financial results, the first issued since the end of “zero Covid” restrictions, also reflected the uneven pace of China’s economic rebound and signaled that the companies’ makeovers, while underway, are likely to be rocky.Baidu, China’s leading internet search business, and Tencent, owner of the ubiquitous messaging app WeChat, both recorded double-digit revenue growth in the first three months of the year over the same period in 2022, marking the first time in over a year that they had reached that level.Revenue rose 10 percent at Baidu, which said on Tuesday that strong digital advertising sales had continued into the current quarter. Tencent on Wednesday attributed its 11 percent revenue climb in part to a rebound in digital payments as Chinese consumers began to spend money again after a long dry spell. Tencent, China’s dominant video game company, also benefited from an easing of restrictions on gaming licenses last year after a nine-month freeze.On Thursday, Alibaba reported that revenue rose 2 percent from a year earlier, below analyst estimates. Its core online e-commerce division and cloud computing unit reported sales declines in the single digits, though online shopping began to rebound in March, the company said.The reports followed a turbulent two years for tech companies under Beijing’s tight regulatory grip. After Alibaba’s founder, Jack Ma, criticized financial regulators in 2020 for stifling innovation, officials halted the public offering of Ant Group, a financial technology company built by Mr. Ma.In January, a month after China abruptly reversed its “zero Covid” restrictions under public pressure, a top official at China’s central bank said the campaign against tech companies was “basically complete.” China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, is now hoping the country’s tech industry can provide a lifeline for growth. And spurred by an escalating tech competition with the United States, China is eager to nurture its beleaguered titans back to life.“The worst time policy-wise for them is over,” said Tian Hou, the founder of TH Data Capital, a data analytics company in Beijing. “The government now wants to use these internet companies to create more jobs, innovate, and catch up with the United States.”The initial investor reaction to the companies’ first-quarter results was muted. Shares of Baidu and Tencent were roughly flat this week in Hong Kong, though both have rallied since October. Alibaba’s stock fell roughly 6 percent on Friday, but was down about 2 percent for the week.The companies’ fortunes will remain tied to China’s economy. Local governments are saddled with debt. The property sector, long a stimulant of growth, is sputtering. Data released by China’s National Bureau of Statistics for April underwhelmed analysts: Chinese were spending more on food, but appeared to avoid items like cosmetics and cars. Youth unemployment reached a record of 20.4 percent.“People are going out on holiday, but they’re not spending compared to prepandemic levels,” said Bruce Pang, chief economist for Greater China at Jones Lang LaSalle, the global real estate and investment advisory firm. “They’re cautious because they have low confidence in job prospects and future sources of income.”Alibaba is in the midst of an overhaul. It announced a reorganization in March that split the company into six units. And this week it announced a spinoff of its prized cloud division, which the company said would be completed within 12 months to prepare for a public listing.The e-commerce giant also said it was exploring
a public offering for its grocery chain and logistics arm, after a series of regulatory probes held up many promising tech firms from going public.The breakup of Alibaba, one of China’s most iconic corporate empires, showcases the level of reassessment happening in the tech sector. For years, China’s internet firms swelled as millions of Chinese went online. Recently, that migration has reached a ceiling, and companies are competing intensely for the same customers.All three of China’s big internet companies are hoping to tell investors a new story, one pegged to artificial intelligence, the new technology underlying services, like ChatGPT, that are promising to unseat old ways of doing business.Daniel Zhang, the Alibaba chairman, who will also serve as chief executive of Alibaba’s soon-to-be independent cloud unit, described A.I. as a technology that would “reshape every aspect of our society.”The companies hope investments in artificial intelligence will pay off for their cloud computing units, a technology that underpins A.I. services. Baidu said its A.I. cloud division reported its first profit last quarter.This year, Baidu and Alibaba unveiled artificial intelligence systems similar to ChatGPT, which was developed by the Silicon Valley research lab OpenAI. Baidu said it had requested approval for the go-ahead after China’s cyberspace watchdog released guidelines for the A.I. systems in April.Tencent has made “good progress” on its own A.I. model, the company said on Wednesday, with teams planning new A.I. offerings, though it did not elaborate. The companies are focusing their A.I. services on enterprises or businesses — in part because chatbots with mass appeal could disrupt China’s firm hold on information. Alibaba and Baidu each said more than 100,000 enterprises had lined up to try their artificial intelligence products.Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent are engaged in makeovers at a difficult time. Beijing’s grip on the economy is tighter than ever. Intensified rivalries with the United States have deprived Chinese companies of the access to some cutting-edge microchips necessary to develop the most advanced artificial intelligence systems. And analysts say a lucrative pool of domestic customers — China’s state-owned enterprises — are spurning private cloud-computing providers in favor of government-backed alternatives.Recently, U.S. officials have called for a review of Chinese cloud providers such as Alibaba on national security grounds. Alibaba said Thursday that its cloud business declined last quarter in part because a major customer had backed out of its international service for “non-product reasons.”Those difficulties, both in China and abroad, are keeping some investors away, knowing that the internet companies are not likely to return to the growth rates they had a decade prior. Others think they deserve a second look.“I would suggest to forget the past,” said Kenny Wen, head of investment strategy at the asset management company KGI Asia in Hong Kong. “Now they are coming back, and we’re seeing gradual improvement. We need to give them a new evaluation standard.” [ad_2] #Alibaba #Baidu #Tencent #Signal #Steps #Bumpy #Recovery
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