#we've been trying to catch their father for years without much luck
cakemagemaeve · 2 months
Ugh, I think I need to take a break from Serious Business(TM) for a while. I've been exhausted and stressed and just feeling so hopeless lately, and I think I need to take some time to just focus on happy shit for a little while.
Speaking of, anyone want to see pictures of the kittens that were born in my back yard this April and whom I've been taking care of until they're old enough to go to new homes? I've also got to find homes for their mother and older sister, who was the only survivor of the mom's first litter and who is still slightly feral (but she's made so much progress since we moved them all into the guest room). As attached as I am to these little shits, unfortunately I can't keep any of them. A stray cat having babies in my back yard is how I ended up with five of the seven cats I already have, so... yeah. It's also unfortunate that they're already 11 weeks old and I still haven't found anyone willing to take one. It's kinda stressing me out, to be honest! I mean I love them all and will no doubt cry when they do leave, but frankly, we're already struggling right now, and in more ways than one. Anyway, picspam time!
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This is the mama, October Daye, taken when she was still pregnant. She's an incredibly sweet cat and an excellent mother, and honestly I don't think she's a stray so much as she and her previous litter were dumped in the woods by my house (it's a big problem in my area). I only saw her with two kittens, but they were both feral and only one of them was able to get over her fear of people, at least for the most part. Unfortunately, I couldn't save the other one.
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This is the older sister, Little Soot. She used to run whenever she hear the door open, but little by little I was able to bond with her. I basically just did what Hiccup did in HTTYD, and I'm pleased to say that his dragon-training method works for cats, too. She's come a long way, but I've still got a lot of work left to do before she'll be be ready for a new home. Baby steps and all that. She took to the litterbox right away, and she's increasingly affectionate, playful, and showing signs of wanting to jump into my lap at times. The next big hurdle is going to be picking her up and putting her in a carrier, something we've only managed once (to get her into the guest room) and which kind of set us back a little ways. Had to rebuild some trust). As it is, her mama and siblings have had their shots, and she was supposed to get them at the same time, but we couldn't get her into the carrier and didn't want to traumatize her further. Still working on it.
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And here are the babies the day they were born! There are only four in this picture, but we found the fifth not long after.
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There's one boy and the rest are girls. Two calicos, one solid black, one black and white.
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It took us a while to find the right box setup for them until we could bring them inside (was waiting for the flea/tick/heartworm/etc. meds to come in, which took a bit, but we somehow managed to keep them safe while they were living on the back porch. Luckily, the flea treatment I gave their mother and sister killed all the fleas on them, too.
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Clockwise from the top we have Panda, Fumbo, Puzzle, Harriet Houdini and Sir Cheeto the Cheez Doodl of the Marmalade Order. And yes, he is my favorite and I wish I could keep him SO BAD.
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During the day, we'd put them in a kiddie kitty pool for air and exercise. Also, my dog Pippin was and is both obsessed with and terrified of the kittens.
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I think these are from the day we moved them all into the guest room (don't worry, we took that shelf behind them out of there). They also took to the litter box right away, and quickly turned the entire room into their personal playground.
Anyway, this is what I've spent most of my time and energy on these last few months. I love them all so so much, but boy am I exhausted! Also, my legs and hands look like I lost a fight with a weedwhacker. Which reminds me, it's time to give them another nail trim.
But yeah, the mama and the babies have had their first shots, and I'm trying to set up appointments for Toby and Soot at a low-cost spay/neuter clinic. I want to give them all the best start I possibly can, but even so it's not gonna be cheap, and right now we're hurting for money. Had some emergency expenses this week that took a chunk of my bank account (my cat Maya Miette [and yes, she does send me to jail for 1000 years on a daily basis] has a lump on her leg that's going to have to be removed), but worry not, I would gladly go hungry before I let any of my furry little demon children do without anything they need. So yeah, this is why I'm scrambling to get stuff listed on eBay.
More pics later if I have the energy!
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gnashingwailing · 5 months
@fireflywritesgt LOVINGLY WRITING MY UNHINGED CH23 THOUGHTS AND THEN BURYING THEM UNDER A READMORE. I felt such overwhelming hype when I saw we got 2 chapters in 1 day I truly was ready to throw my phone out the fucking window. TOO MUCH JOY FOR ONE LITTLE GNASH... I hadn't even finished processing ch21......
first off pov Joe when he goes to Calloway's to pick up his cute new tailored fit in 3 days
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soooo right from the jump. hey.
"“…’cause he’s way better off than I am, it’ll make it harder for me to leave him or something. That he’s luring me in. I mean—” Joe laughed nervously as he steeled himself in preparation for how the captain would react to his next statement “—if it were a giant treating me the way he treats me, everyone would call me a pet.”
“Well of course they would, Joe. That’s because giants are evil.” The captain said matter-of-factly.
He may as well have poked Joe squarely in the eye. Nonetheless, the bartender continued."
hey. UM. Joe you beautiful idiot who canonically has bad luck and, presumably from reading this very chapter, a terrible poker face. Maybe you should have said. Any Other Thing? GODDD in my heart he's definitely sooo overconfident and drunk like wow I am so smooth :) nobody suspects a thing :) while Calloway is having a conversation with him like uh... just saying, but you know, none of us could stop you from. for example. idk. becoming a giant's pet. we wouldn't like that but it's just a random thing that came to mind just now, unrelated to the really tall really wealthy really powerful guy who is afraid of taking advantage of you by luring you in and giving you things like a giant would and maybe isn't treating you like a person. And you're afraid you shouldn't want it. Like BRO IT IS SO OVER FOR YOU even without Harry literally calling Joe's name 3+ times in the dead silence 😭😭😭😭 And presumably Harry having been waiting around there for a while to see Joe! Loitering in a way we know tinies are on guard about since they all noticed that snatcher back in Ch13!
They're idiots ur honor, so true, but it's all worth it to see Joe get rescued and swoon like a damsel ... I definitely wonder if Calloway observed any of that, and what he might think about it if so. >:) May or may not have been daydreaming and writing bits about how horrifying it would be to give your surrogate kid all this well-meaning advice, see him nearly slip to his death, and while you're hurrying down to try and help him, watching him call out to a walking nightmare for help and then get whisked away by it
I have a pet theory that everything we've seen from Calloway so far has been pretty heavily colored by it being from Joe's perspective when he's having a bad day, and maybe he will be more understanding than we think? Objectively, I didn't think he was being very rude or anything back in Ch 13, when he was speculating on Joe's love life. It rankled Joe, which is understandable, but he 1) he's happy that Joe looks good, 2) he doesn't let Gutters or O'Grady rag on Joe too hard and 3) he just generally seems like an interested father figure would about his kid's love life:
"“Oh, lay off him, Tim. It’s a good borrowing year!” Captain Calloway cut in. “We all have ‘em, we all enjoy ‘em, we all cry ourselves to sleep when they’re over.”
Relief washed over Joe like the warm water in Harry’s sink.
“Though I gotta say…” The captain gave a wry smile as he continued. “…it could just as easily be someone else’s good borrowing year if ya’ catch my drift. Could be he’s got a little sweetheart looking after him. A brick of pure chocolate? That’s practically a dowry."”
Although I may be wrong here, since Ch 21's incident at Tiny Town with the Italian mob that saved him gives us the insight that "[for] the first time in Joe’s entire existence at that, Joe understood what it was like to have a real father." So maybe Calloway is not that nurturing to Joe and not much of a caring dad -- as @remordsposthume's tags so wisely point out:
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WTF WAS HE DOING LETTING HIM LEAVE THE BAR LMAO. Calloway's Den of Drunkards confirmed for an "everybody drive home drunk. it's not my problem" bar??? Everyone is processing TAoLaW thru their own cultural lens and. in that spirit. lmfao. I must say. Calloway reminds me of the libertarian redneck dads I've known who just let their kids do whatever. If he was a giant I think he'd let his kids ride ATVs thru the woods drunk. Most probably he would also be ridin around drunk with them. "If you die it's your own damn fault" being his motto is too on the nose LOL. Huge farm dad "I LOVE MY SONS. ONLY HALF OF THEM WILL SURVIVE TO ADULTHOOD BUT I DO LOVE THEM" energy. To Me.
(Btw Harry & Joe processing their parental issues together WHEN <3)
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AND MORE ABOUT CALLOWAY... I am very heartened by how you mentioned once, Warren, that you planned to give each character real depth and treat them with sincerity. I feel very interested about when that time will be for Calloway! We know that he takes in kids (or at least O'Grady and Joe scratch that. tag lore be upon me) and teaches them how to sell trinkets. We know that he hates giants. We know he's been horribly injured in a way that led to him losing a hand, an eye, and possibly teeth. Knowing what we do about the risks of being a borrower, and how casually cruel giants are to them, it's not unlikely those last 2 things are related. I'M TAKING YOUR TAGS AND RUNNING AWAY WITH THEM LIKE A DOG W SOMETHING IN ITS MOUTH.
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So Calloway knew them for several years as vulnerable kids... then lost them for a year or so... then got them back after they escaped the watchmaker's? I will be interested to see if that trauma means he's more protective of them, or uh, still more drunk libertarian dad about them. Lmao. He seemed like he cared about Joe getting into Tiny Town way back in Ch3 tho at least! (as an aside... interested in who Gutters is, too. He SEEMS to be older than Joe/Tim, but he could also still be a Calloway Kid himself... he seems to defer to Calloway... and/or he could just be some guy embittered about giant/tiny relations. which. fair, brother.)
If the broader Tiny Town culture (such as it is... would word get around about this incident with Joe and Harry, or does news just not travel that well amongst lots of secluded borrower communities? much to consider. it makes sense in a dark way why you would physically mark somebody who's transgressed against society's cardinal rule, in a culture where you cannot generally spread information effectively) would reject Joe for his proclivities... will Calloway, too? Or is it Joe's anxiety making him think that? I'm afraid we already know how Tim would feel. Other than him, Calloway is the person who Joe seems most connected to in miniature society... Although Harry's worry about Joe not spending enough time around his fellow miniatures in Ch22 is at least partially motivated by his own guilt-trip, I think he has a bit of a point! I hope Joe doesn't lose touch with everyone -- or if he does, I hope there will be new friends out there for him, too, who are more understanding.
“Joe… can we go back to the big, sexy giant part for a second?” <- LIT'RALLY me rereading this chapter 800 times
A snapping turtle is a fantastic little horror for poor Joe to face, woof. Those fuckers are scary enough when ur height is measured in feet. The quick way they snap is no joke. Just want to 👏👏👏👏 about how good this passage is: The turtle’s maw emerged from the waters of the lake like the gaping mouth of some ancient monster that fed on the souls of sailors. The grimy lakewater rushed over its beady little eyes as its beak, sharp as a dagger, flew towards Joe faster than a gunshot. YEAH.
It just!! makes my little heart sooooo happy to see that Joe does have someone who will unconditionally look out for him...!!! Harry has his issues, and they're still learning how to open up about themselves, but he consistently shows up!! :') the thought of him waiting for his man all night ... hoping the dredge would be the place Joe meant ... and then acting sooo fast when he saw a tiny guy fall off of it... what a faithful hound of a [future] boyfriend. Calloway is so right. Joe deserves somebody to look after him. And Joe has done the (forgive me for the loaded meme) girl math on this. One big man is the best possible outcome for him. ONLY THE BIGGEST MAN WILL DO to keep him off of his bullshit as much as possible 👍👍
And OF COURSE god their conversation is just so so so fucking funny. "Thank you" "fuck no I'm not" -> "FUCK YOU" is INCREDIBLE i CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT lmaooooo and Harry still being so gentle about receiving this insult and trying to parse what Joe means ... he does listen to Joe, they're definitely not back to square one as drunk!Joe feared, his own issues are just getting in the way! (And Joe's are getting in the way of him seeing thru Harry's facade into what the real issue is! We love to see it!)
"“I meant that. You don’t get to call me handsome until you start listening to me.” He slurred. “You gotta—you gotta want it.”
Joe crossed his arms and scowled up at the beautiful man and his beautiful face as Harry tried to parse what Joe was saying.
“Want it…?” Harry echoed.
“Yeah. You gotta want to be my friend. And screw what anyone else thinks!”"
And did anyone else cackle at how Joe telephone-gamed Calloway's advice to still be in plausible-deniability-land. "You gotta want to be my friend" ok. not what he fuckin said. run that back real quick -> "Not if you’re being open about what you want and everything. That’s how love works, Joe. You gotta want it."
I just adored the moments of insight between them, too. "... Joe knew his real answer was yes – he was just too afraid to say it overtly. He argued and fought and begrudgingly accepted it instead. / What was that saying to Harry?" vs. Ch22 Harry's revelation: "How much of his relationship with Joe was genuine, he wondered, and how much of it was Joe going along with Harry’s suggestions in the name of diplomacy?"
Joe IS acting like somebody who's being coerced! Harry IS being a trustworthy guy by noticing it and checking in once their relationship is definitely turning intimate! It's so fascinating to think in hindsight that every time Joe turned red and embarrassed, Harry was having a thought at the back of his mind like "he doesn't want this. I'm scaring him. He doesn't want me, and he doesn't even know the real me yet. And worse, he can't tell me, because he's afraid of what I might do to him." But he can't SAY all that because it would hurt too much if he said it and Joe confirmed he was actually correct, so Ch22 comes out as a trainwreck where he's accidentally insulting Joe's ability to survive without him. (Side note I KNEW Harry wasn't REALLY considering Joe his landlord. Sad!!! That fucked up scrawny starving guy has squatter's rights and he was doing pretty good all things considered maybe !!!)
The respective issues ~Society~ has given both of them just make it impossible to talk about the root of their problems without baring your guts in a really terrifying way. OOF.
HOWEVER this chapter confirming that homophobia isn't such a problem in tiny society is going to make this eventual conversation betwen them real interesting... Harry like "You don't understand Joe :( there's something really wrong with me... ... I like ... men..." and Joe being like "omg :) :) :) :) :) wait what's wrong with you tho" and then Joe "No you don't understand Harry :( I know this is sick but... I like.. giants... I'm sure you could never see someone smaller than you as anything other than a pet ..." and Harry just ":) :) :) :) oh what no :) Georgie was shorter than me" I hope they can have a good, baffled laugh at how long they could've been snuggling guilt-free. At the end of the angst. <3
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inspirationalucky · 5 months
🦈 EPIC: The Musical: Act One, The Ocean Saga sentence starters. Going by the exact lyrics except for a few lines here and there, but definitely go ahead and change things to fit your muse's situation<3
"Is it nature or divine or a blessing in disguise?"
"This storm's our final fight."
"There's no time to die."
"Brace for a storm, the likes of which we've never seen before."
"With home so close, we must keep pushing forward!"
"Have them follow my ship, I'll ensure that we prevail."
"We're taking too much damage to survive!"
"We'll beat this storm!"
"What do you have in mind?"
"We're gonna shoot for the sky."
Luck Runs Out
"Please don't tell me you're about to do what I think you'll do."
"You've heard the legends, this proves they're true!"
"I'm gonna climb to the top and ask 'em for a hand."
"You could be caught off guard and lose your life."
"Don't forget how dangerous the gods are!"
"Have faith, friend, we've come this far!"
"How much longer 'til your luck runs out?"
"You rely on wit, and people die on it."
"I still believe in goodness. I still believe that we could be kind."
"What will we do when it tears us apart?"
"Where is this coming from?"
"I just don't wanna see another life end."
"And suddenly, you doubt that I could figure this out?"
"How much longer 'til your great days cease?"
"How much longer 'til your strength takes leave?"
"I understand that we're tired, I understand that we're fazed, but don't forget how much we've already faced."
"I took 600 men to war and not one of them died there, in case you needed a reminder."
"If you'd like to speak more, let me pull you aside then. I need to talk to you in private."
"I can't have you planting seeds of doubt."
"I need you to always be devout and comply with this or we'll all die in this. Okay?"
Keep Your Friends Close
"Out path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm."
"Let's play a game!"
"And if you win, you will get what you're yearning."
"All you gotta do is not open this bag."
"Sounds too easy. What's the catch?"
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, never really know who you can trust."
"Sometimes killing is a must."
"'Cause the end always justifies the means."
"Friends turn to foes in rivalries."
"I can't wait to make some new memories."
"Time for me to be the father I never was."
"Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?"
"I keep on trying to embrace you both, why won't you let me?"
"So much has changed but I'm the same."
"If I had to guess? You're headed for the Land of the Giants."
"ODYSSEUS OF ITHACA! Do you know who I am?"
"In all my years of living it isn't very often that I get pissed off."
"I try to chill with the waves but damn, you've crossed the line."
"I've been so gracious and yet, you hurt this son of mine!"
"I'm left without a choice and without a doubt."
"Guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now!"
"I've gotta make you bleed, I need to see you drown."
"But before you go, I need to make you learn how ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves."
"You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great."
"A Greek who reeks of false righteousness, that's what I hate!"
"You fight to save lives, but won't kill and don't get the job done."
"I mean, you totally could've avoided all this had you just killed my son. But no!"
"You are far too nice, mercy has a price!"
"You reveal your name, then you let him live?"
"Unlike you I've got no mercy left to give."
"Today you die. Unless, of course, you apologize."
"We took no pleasure in his pain, we only wanted to escape."
"The line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible."
"Close your heart, the world is dark, and ruthlessness is mercy."
"Forty-three left under your command."
"I am your darkest moment, the monster that always draws near."
"Any last words?"
"Remember me."
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memekais · 9 months
epic the musical sentence starters. the ocean saga. feel free to change pronouns as needed!
these waves and tides have grown in strength and size.
is it nature or divine or a blessing in disguise?
our home's in sight.
this storm's our final fight.
brace for a storm!
with home so close, we must keep pushing forward.
head towards the island but avoid the crashing waves.
tread where the tide is flat and then you will be saved.
have them follow my ship, i'll ensure that we prevail!
we're taking too much damage to survive.
at this rate, we won't make it out alive.
grab the harpoons, as many as you can find!
we're gonna shoot for the sky!
everyone grab a harpoon and aim it high!
we're shooting for the island in the sky!
luck runs out
please don't tell me you're about to do what i think you'll do.
you've heard the legends of the island in the sky, this proves they're true.
i'm gonna climb to the top and ask 'em for a hand.
you could be caught off guard and lose your life or piss off this god and infuse us with strife.
don't forget how dangerous the gods are.
have faith, friend, we've come this far.
how much longer till your luck runs out?
how much longer till the show goes south?
how much longer till we all fall down?
you rely on wit, and people die on it...
i still believe in goodness, i still believe that we could be kind.
lead from the heart and see what starts.
what will we do when it tears us apart?
i just don't wanna see another life end.
you're like the brother i could never do without.
suddenly you doubt that i could figure this out?
how much longer till your great days cease?
how much longer till your strength takes leave?
thank you for the concern but brother I can assure you our journey is almost done.
i understand that we're tired, i understand that we're fazed but don't forget how much we've already faced.
if you'd like to speak more, let me pull you aside then i need to talk to you in private.
i can't have you planting seeds of doubt, i can't have you disagreeing each route...
i need you to always be devout and comply with this or we'll all die in this, okay?
keep your friends close
our path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm.
i ask for your assistance so we at last can go the distance.
i am the wind, twisting and turning, i give the fire enough to stay burning!
if you win, you will get what you're yearning.
take a look right here at this bag, it has the winds of the storm all trapped.
sounds too easy, what's the catch?
keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
never really know who you can trust.
sometimes killing is a must.
the end always justifies the means; friends turn into foes in rivalries.
we cannot let the treasure rumour fly.
now they wanna get the bag open so they can have closure.
sometimes sneaking is a must
for nine days, i've stayed wide awake.
i can't wait to make some new memories.
time for me to be the father i never was.
why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?
i keep on tried to embraced you both. why won't you let me?
we can save whatever wind we have to use another day, come on!
[NAME].... do you know who i am?
in all my years of living, it isn't very often that i get pissed off.
i try to chill with the waves but damn, you crossed the line.
i've been so gracious and yet, you hurt the son of mine.
i'm left without a choice and without a doubt!
guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now!
i've gotta make you bleed, i need to see you drown but before you go, I need to make you learn...
ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves!
you are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great!
a greek who reeks of false righteousness, that's what I hate!
you fight to save lives but won't kill and don't get the job done...
you are far too nice - mercy has a price!
it's the final crack we're about to break the ice now!
unlike you i've got no mercy left to give.
now it is finally time to say goodbye. today, you die unless, of course, you apologize...
we meant no harm, we only hurt him to disarm him!
we took no pleasure in his pain, we only wanted to escape!
the line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible.
so, close your heart the world is dark, and ruthlessness is mercy.
i am your darkest moment... the monster that always draws near.
any last words?
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princimutasays · 11 days
I got covid twice. The first time was in august 2022 and the second right at the end of 2023. Now I find myself suffering with migraines I never had before that hit at least twice a week and often leave me with nausea and impaired vision for hours.
The first time I had it was an absolute shitshow. Sometimes the coughing was so severe I really thought I was going to faint for the luck of oxigen. My mom caught it too and she got so immunocompromised that the pre-existing cancer she had on her skin entered her blood and she had to undergo chemotherapy. I swore to be careful, I did not want to live through THAT ever again.
I've been masking at work, on the train, every time I had to be in a crowd. My parents have been very careful too and I'm so happy that we've all decided to try to be safe as much as we could.
My boyfriend, though he's less rigorous about masking, has been supportive and he's tested everytime we were to be together. Sometimes, I wish he could be more careful though. This matter has been the cause of many quarrels between us: he's still too concerned about what people think of him and this is what caused my second infection.
In fact, I got it again - from him - when he came back home after a week abroad for work. He had *mild* symptoms but he had never experienced it so he could not read the signs. He had low fever, coughing, headache and all the rest but he tested negative. It was december so we thought "it must be the flu". It wasn't the flu. It was Covid. And I knew it as soon I felt the first symptoms. I recognised them from the first time. I tested and SBAM, mine was VERY positive. He tested again then, and he was positive too. That's when we discovered that you could have all the symptoms and still be negative for a while. But it was too late.
I was VERY angry, because we've been trying VERY HARD and my mom had just finished her last round of chemotherapy and I was terrified she would catch it. But we acted fast, I isolated, we used masks, I used alcohol on everything I had to touch and my parents got through it unscathed. Phewww...
Two months later, they both tested positive. They always wore a mask when they were with other people but after months and months lived between our home and the hospital they had decided to go on a little vacation. We don't know how or where or from whom they cought it; probably in an elevator or by touching something. But they got it and they came home as soon as my dad started showing symptoms. I decided to work from home that following week (thank God I could) and I helped them through it without catching anything. Probably I was still "immunised" after the last time.
They had all the usual symptoms and after a week they started getting better. Still, my dad lived with not-so-occasional coughing fits for at least a month after that and my mom...well, let's hope we don't have any other surprise this time.
Now I have migraines so strong I have to sit still on my bed in the dark for hours with nausea and sometimes aurea. My dad's memory is shit. He forgets everything after five minutes and we have to repeat things over and over and sometimes it's not enough. I know that many studies show that Covid can accelerate many degenerative illnesses and I know that my father's family has an history of Alzheimer and dementia. I hope his symptoms are just temporary but I'm scared they're could not be.
My friend's dad had an heart attack after catching covid for the second time. My friend developed myalgia after her third. A family friend still has not recovered her taste after 3 years. A colleague stayed home for 6 months because her Covid infection caused a severe trigeminal nerve inflammation. Another is battling with pneumonia and we don't know when she will be back.
Every single day we have new studies that denounce the effect of Covid on our bodies, our brains, our cardiovascular system, our health. Long Covid is very much real and very much dangerous and I don't know how long we have to wait before governments start to take it seriously.
I'm tired and I'm scared and I'm still one of the few people I know that uses masks and tries to stear clear of this awful virus. I've seen its effects on me, on my mom, on my family, on my friends and collegues. I've seen them on Olypmic athletes and Influencers and actors and singers. We see people die every day, young, healthy people.
We've forced disabled people to stay home for years and years because we don't seem to be able (or want) to create a safe space for them, not even in school, not even in hospitals. How is this acceptable? How is this okay in 2024?
We need clean air. We need real information. We need truth. And we need people to start to listen to us before it's too late. And we need ventilators, air purifier in our schools and in our hospitals. We need to prioritise our health and the health of our children and our elders.
Please, please, please. Covid still kills people , though nobody talks about it. Not talking about it won't save us. Only being informed and kind and caring about our communities will.
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allegra-writes · 5 years
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Dom!Peter, jealous, Possesive!Peter, rough sex.
Weeks after the island, Peter finally sees you again. But you aren't alone...
Part of the "Fine Line" series but you don't need to have read that first.
Series Masterlist
Peter couldn't breath. His clothes felt stiff and restrictive, the bowtie, suffocating. This was a bad, bad idea. He wasn't cut for this. He was just a Parker, not a Stark, he had spent most his life trying to be invisible, not even getting superpowers had changed that. He had never wanted to stand out. He didn't want to be seen, to be recognized. 
Even Quentin Beck had realized that. That's why he had done what he had, because he knew it would be the best way to ruin Peter's life. It had been almost a month since his return from Eroda, since Pepper and Fury had managed to clear his name and expose Quentin Beck as the fraud he was, trying to frame Peter for his murder with an adulterated video out of jealousy and envy. The greedy, insane employee gone mad after being overlooked in favor of the young intern, chosen by Tony Stark himself to be his successor. Spider-Man had just been doing his job as Peter's bodyguard when the incident at the bridge happened.
That was the official story, and the press had bought it with gusto, plastering the wide eyed boy's face on every cover, every paper, every magazine, every news site. A few weeks later, he was pretty much America's new sweetheart. Everybody knew his name. Everybody knew his face. His anonymity was gone.
Quentin Beck had won. 
And now, there he was, being blinded by flashing lights, walking the red carpet of his first gala as the official heir of Stark Industries… two seconds away from throwing up.
"Breathe, Peter" Pepper whispered to him, voice calm and reassuring, "Just focus on a point above their heads, and keep your head high" 
She took a step forward and Peter couldn't help but stare: she looked like a queen in her white gown, complete with cape and everything. She was an elegant woman but it wasn't just about her beauty, it was about the power, the authority she commanded, every eye in that red carpet had no choice but to focus on her. 
Tony had been like that too, albeit in a different way: charismatic and bigger than life. Peter wondered how anybody could look at him, awkward and pasty, and think he was related to the man. Because he knew what people were saying...
"Parker, how are you holding up, mate?" A tall, blond boy patted his back, pulling him out of his thoughts. Harry Osborn, the only person there to introduce himself to Peter and actually take the time to try and make him feel comfortable. At first Peter had thought it had something to do with his family being the one hosting the gala but the youngest Osborn wasn't exactly famous for his good manners or decorum. 
"I think I'm about to have a panic attack" more like sensory overload, but Peter wasn't sure how could he explain something like that to his new friend.
"Well, you are not hungover and puking on the photographers" The blond flashed him a brilliant smile, "so you're already doing better than me on my first red carpet"
Peter couldn't help the burst of laughter, but far from offended, Harry's grin turned even brighter. The flashes went wild.
"There you go, that should make for better photographs than the deer-in-the-headlights look you were sporting"
Peter offered him a grateful smile,
"Thanks dude, really"
"Don't mention it" Harry shook his head, "You're actually doing me a favor, letting me hang out with you. You're saving me from looking all lonely and pathetic in front of these vultures, since apparently I have been stood up..."
Peter stared at the blond in surprise. With those sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes, it was hard to believe any girl could resist him. He suddenly felt a lot less bad about showing up dateless. 
"Alright, we've spent about fifteen minutes out here, we can go in now" Harry instructed, already a pro at this kind of event, gesturing for Peter to follow. 
He noticed the whispers as they walked into the massive lobby together, Oscorp and Stark Industries were rivals, just as Norman Osborn and Tony Stark used to be. His mentor used to find the other billionaire shady and his experiments, unethical. Even now, Pepper's and Norman's relationship was strained, at best, so seeing both heirs so friendly with each other was a little shocking. But if Harry didn't care about that, neither would Peter. Whatever sins the father had committed, he wasn't going to hold them against the son. That wasn't Peter's style. 
"So, what do you think of your first gala, so far?" Harry sauntered in front of him, stealing two champagne flutes from a passing waiter and handling one to Peter.
"Oh, I- I don't drink, thank you"
"Good, that's a wise choice, don't change it" Harry praised, taking the glass back and downing that one too. Peter shook his head.
"I like it," He replied, looking around at the huge salon decked in lavished green and silver banners, the tables gilded with intricate floral arrangements, the huge shiny dance floor in the middle. "Stark Industries' is having one for Christmas, but it's going to be held at a hotel…"
Harry made a face,
"Yeah, that would be the norm, actually. But my father wanted to have it here this year, to prove the facilities are safe, you know?"
Peter thought back to that fatidical field trip all those years ago, to this very same building, when he was bitten by a stray radioactive spider that had escaped one of the labs. He hummed noncommittally. He seriously hoped mister Osborn was right, for the good of everyone attending the party, Harry included. Because truth was he really liked his new friend, he made everything easier just by offering Peter his company, by giving him someone his age to talk too, amongst all those old, stuck up gazillionaires that stared at him with curiosity at best, and open contempt at worst. 
But of course all good things had to come to an end, such was the Parker luck. Harry took his vibrating cell phone out of his pocket.
"Would you look at that! It seems my date has finally arrived" He announced, eyes glued to the screen, smitten smile on his face, "One would think an influencer would jump at the chance of being photographed by the press at a red carpet… But not her, of course. No, she arrives an hour late… I'll go find her, be right back, Parker"
That was when he saw you. Entering the ballroom, a siren in your long golden dress, scanning the crowd. You looked stunning, hair longer, lighter, done in elegant waves cascading down your back.   Your smile was dazzling as you found what you were looking for, and Peter didn't see his new friend make his way to you, entranced as he was by your mere presence.
Until he reached your side, and kissed your lips. 
Harry Osborn offered you his arm, and you took it graciously, and he walked you through the room, proud swag on his steps as he introduced you to practically everyone in the party, Peter's heart breaking a little more with every step you took towards him.
He hadn't heard from you since the island, and now he knew why: You had already found someone new. Someone better, more handsome, and classier than Peter. Than the awkward boy you had been sent to protect. 
Because underneath the Stark's money and his spider powers, that was all Peter was: some orphan kid from Queens who didn't belong. Harry could take you on dates to fancy restaurants without mispronouncing the names of the dishes, he could take you walking around his mother's art gallery in the upper east. He, with his aristocratic features, his british boarding school accent, his old family money, was a much better fit for a princess like you. You wanting Peter had never made much sense anyway. 
And you looked good on Harry's arm, better than ever, actually. You looked happy. Peter hated it, and he hated himself for it. 
"Parker! I want you to meet my date, Sixtine Boucher, influencer, it girl, philanthropist..." Harry was saying, suddenly in front of him, but Peter wasn't listening. You were there, close enough to touch, in the flesh. He could hear your heartbeat, smell you, sunshine and sweetness under the chemical tang of your expensive perfume for the first time after so long and it was almost overwhelming.
"Sixtine" You corrected him, sighing as if it was something you did all the time and you were tired of it, "Bonsoir, Peter."
You sounded… funny. 
"You know each other?" Harry's voice asked, politely curious.
"We met during vacation, at the…" You trailed off, eyes meeting Peter in a silent request to play along, disguised as a struggle to find the right words, “... Comment dis-tu ‘plage’ en anglais?”
"Beach" Provided Peter, his brain catching up at last "Yeah, at the beach… when I was on vacation… a-at the french riviera"
"What a small world!" Harry chuckled but it sounded nervous, uncertain. No doubt he could feel the tension between the two of you, growing with every passing second. Along with Peter's understanding. The hair, the dress, the french accent? It was a costume, you were a spy after all. You weren't there for leisure, you were there for work. This was a mission. Harry was your target, or maybe your cover. Whatever it was, it wasn't you. It wasn't real. 
But then again, had Peter really met the real you? After all, not that long ago he had been your mission too…
When the next waiter passed in front of him, Peter stopped him. It probably would no nothing to his spider metabolism, but alcohol was looking more and more like a good idea. He had a feeling he was going to need all the help possible to get through the night. Harry arched a brow but luckily didn't comment, as he was beginning to get a clearer idea about how you and the brown eyed boy knew each other.
A glint on your cleavage caught Peter's eyes and he frowned. There, hanging from a long gold chain, nested between your breasts and almost completely hidden by the, admittedly low cut, neckline of your dress, rested a familiar crystal sunflower. The cheap jewel didn't match your cover, or your outfit, the only reason why you could be wearing it, was him. 
He nodded, almost imperceptibly, letting you know he understood, and you let out the breath you were holding. 
But awareness didn't make watching you, plastered to Harry's side all night any easier. It didn't stop him from seeing red every time you called Harry "baby", the endearment close enough to the "baby boy" you used for Peter to feel like a betrayal. It definitely didn't save the glass of wine he was holding from shattering under his grip as he saw you sneak outside of the room with him in the middle of dinner.
"Peter! Are you alright?" Pepper fussed over his hand, looking for cuts, and motioning to a waiter to help clean the shards of glass from the table.
"Yeah" He murmured, distractedly, eyes never leaving the doorway you had disappeared through, "I-I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me"
He didn't even wait for Mrs. Stark's reply as he got up from the table, giving chase to you and your date through corridors and elevators, following your giggles and the faint trace of your perfume. His persecution led him to the upmost floor of the building, where a single mahogany awaited him, but the fingertip scanner on the lock told him he wasn't going to be able to open it. 
He cursed, barely catching himself from making a dent on the wall with a punch. You were doing your job, that was all, he repeated, like a mantra. Whatever was happening behind that door meant nothing. You were wearing his sunflower, that had to mean something, it had to.
After a few minutes, that felt like hours to him, the door opened.
"Peter! Shit, I was hoping you would be smarter than to follow me!" You hissed, as he pushed you back, stepping inside the room and closing the door behind him.
"Where is Harry?" 
"Knocked out in the bathroom" You pointed at a door by the side. Peter took a look around the room, by far the biggest, most luxurious office he had ever seen in his entire life. And he had been inside Pepper's so that was saying something. The view of the Manhattan skyline through the floor to ceiling window was nothing short of breath taking. "I just needed him to get in here"
"Right. Of course. I knew that" 
You squinted in suspicion at his flat tone,
"Pete, are you… jealous?" You smirked, amused. But Peter wasn't in the mood for your teasing, his patience finally reaching its limit.
He was on you in a heartbeat, pushing you back against the wall, caging you with his body. There was a dangerous, possessive spark in his eyes that you had never seen before. One that promised trouble for you. 
"So what if I am?" He challenged, bracing himself on one hand on the wall next to your head, the other one slipping through the high slit on the skirt of your dress, fingertips digging on the sensitive skin at the inside of your thighs, "So what if every time I saw him put his hands on you tonight, I wanted to break his fingers? What if every time he kissed you, I felt like dying?" 
The pain was evident in his voice, breaking your heart a little. But this was you, you were a special agent, this was what you did. Peter had said he wanted you, wanted to get to know the real you. Well, this was it. 
"I'm not going to apologise for doing my job…" 
"I'm not asking you to" He interrupted
"Then what are you asking of me?" 
Peter pinned you with a long, considering look and you did your best not to squirm under its intensity.
"I'm not asking anymore, mon chérie " he finally spoke, "I'm taking"
He crushed his mouth, and his body, to yours, trapping you under his familiar weight and, for the first time since returning from the island, you felt home. He tasted like wine, and the cherries from dessert and heat. You had almost forgotten how his warmth felt like sunlight against your skin, until every starved pore opened to soak him up. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, making you moan. God, how you had missed him on your lips! 
You must have said it out loud, because you felt his smile against your jaw as he broke the kiss to let you breathe. 
"Did you, now?" He inquired, nuzzling down your neck, "Where else did you miss me, cherry?" 
You felt his long, talented fingers find their goal, tugging your underwear to the side, slipping into you with no warning once he realized how ready you already were for him.
"Did you miss me here? Did you miss me inside you?" 
There was a buzzing in your coms and the reality of what was about to happen, andwhere it was about to happen hit you like a bucket of cold water. 
"Peter, wait, not here!" Peter ignored you, lips latching onto the spot just under your ear that Peter knew made you see stars. He couldn't wait, couldn't tear himself away from you, from your body. You were already breathing hard and he knew your halfhearted resistance wasn't going to last much longer. He speeded up the movement of his fingers inside you, tearing an involuntary cry out of your mouth. He was working you expertely, wave after wave of wetness bathing his hand, undeniable proof of your pleasure. 
"Gonna leave so many pretty marks on you..." He promised, puncturing his words by biting down, hard, on the column of your neck, "Everybody's going to know who you really belong to..."
"Peter, please!" You sobbed, implored.
"Want me to stop baby girl? Really?"
You shook your head no. You didn't, you couldn't. Fuck the mission, fuck Oscorp, you only wanted to feel him. It had been too long, way too long. You took your coms out of your ear and smashed it under your hill. You'd deal with Hill later. 
Peter slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders, lowering his face to your exposed chest, all wet lips and hot tongue as you hurriedly undid his button and zipper, finally freeing his angry, hard member. You pumped him once, and he bit on your nipple with enough strength to draw a single, sweet drop of blood. 
"Oh god… feels so good" Peter's words were muffled against your collar bone, as he stretched you, burying himself deep inside you, as far as he would go, "being one with you again…"
"I missed you" You confessed, "so much, baby boy!"
Peter leaned back, stormy eyes capturing yours, holding you hostage,
"Oh no, my cherry, after your little stunt calling Harry baby all night?" He tsked, "No, you don't get to call me that anymore… now, you're gonna call me 'daddy'"
With that, he started thrusting up into you roughly, hips almost cruel in their onslaught as they slammed into you, truly railing you against the wall, unyielding, unrelenting. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, holding on for dear life, taking what he gave you like a good girl cause that was what Peter needed from you. 
But god, did it feel good! His large thick cock, hard as vibranium, stretching you to your limits, a fit so tight you could feel every bump, every vein, as he hit all the secret spots inside you, tearing the pleasure out of you. Your orgasm was building fast, so fast it made you dizzy with the way all your blood rushed to your center. As your walls began to quiver around him, and you met Peter's fierce, furious face, you knew he wasn't going to be satisfied with just the one. Oh, no, he was going to rip out at least one more orgasm from your ravished body before releasing you. Undoubtedly not before marking you from the inside with his own release, you had long ago learned Peter was animalistic like that, all higher reasoning disappearing when it came to making you his. 
"Tell me you're mine" he breathed, demanding, against your cheek, hand sneaking between your bodies to tease your pearl, making you explode in sensation, and prolonging your climax, keeping you there where he wanted you, right on your peak until you were at the edge of sanity, your brain unable to process that much pleasure so suddenly and for so long.
You tried, but you couldn't remember how to form words, the only sound leaving your lips a delirious,
"Say it, my cherry" he insisted, feeling his own release approach much quicker than he would like, but it just had been so long, and he had missed you so much and you just felt so fucking good  "let me hear you say you're mine as I make you come again…"
"Yes!" You cried, finally finding your voice, "I'm yours, Peter… only yours!"
"Damn right… all mine… only mine…"
He was almost there, and judging from the way your muscles were tensing and locking around him again, Peter knew you were too. But something was going on outside, his super hearing catching the sound of the elevator doors, and footsteps on the hallway. Still, he couldn't stop. He was so close, so fucking close… He had to come, had to make you come, before they did. There were voices outside, one of them he even recognized, telling the others to stop, to listen. Peter sneaked an arm around your waist, getting you away from the wall, moving you up and down his cock at inhuman speed, and he finally felt you fall apart. He came with a final cry of triumph… right as the doorknob started to turn. 
Faster than any human could, he ran behind the door, with you still in his arms, to buy himself a couple of seconds as he slipped out of you, fixing your dress so you were completely covered before even thinking about tucking himself back inside his pants. 
"Oh, for fucks sake!" Norman Osborn's exasperated voice was the first thing your pleasure addled brain was able to process as you stood on shaky legs, Peter's frame still hiding you from view. He took of his suit jacket, helping you put your hands through the sleeves and fastening it close.
"Put down your weapons, you goons! High security breach?.. Horny teenagers are not a menace, I should know!" Norman was still yelling at his guards. Peter turned around to face the old man, and you muffled your histerical laugh against his sweaty back, breathing him in. 
"S-sir… sorry, we-we we-were just" Peter babbled, trying to catch his breath.
"Oh, save it, boy! I know exactly what you were doing, this whole place stinks of sex!" 
You snorted and Norman finally seemed to notice who you were,
"I'm sorry, weren't you my son's date?"
You could only laugh harder.
"He passed out" provided Peter, as innocently as he managed, "in the bathroom"
"He's in the…" the billionaire's eyes widened, "Wait, you… you three were…"
"He really liked Peter" You announced, unhelpfully, fake accent restored. 
"Ignore her, please" Peter sounded apologetic, not wanting the blonde boy that had so kindly offered his friendship to him to face unjust consequences for his own fuck up "Harry has nothing to do with this. My girlfriend was just trying to make me jealous. It worked. Harry's only mistake was to get drunk"
Norman rolled his blue eyes, so alike his son's,
"A common mistake for him. Trust me, boy, you don't need to make excuses for him… God knows I got tired of making them myself a long time ago." He sighed, gesturing to his guards to check on Harry inside the bathroom.
"Now, get out of here, both of you, so I can call the cleaning crew… not Tony's son my ass, this is the exact same shit your father used to pull at all my parties!"
Peter opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, but you tugged on his arm, it was pointless to try and deny it, Osborn senior was never going to believe him. 
Peter took your hand,
"Right. Of course… we'll be… going, then"
You chuckles at his cute, nervous babbling became a full on belly splitting laugh as you ran out of the office and locked yourselves inside the elevator. 
"Oh my god, his face!" You clutched at your stomach, doubled over, "that was… the best alibi in history! They didn't even search me!!" You showed Peter the tiny pendrive with S.H.I.E.L.D's logo where you had copied all the information inside Norman Osborn's computer. Peter tilted his head in confusion,
"Six, where were you even keeping that?!" Osborn's security might ot have searched you, but his own had been… pretty thorough. 
You merely winked, 
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?"
This time, it was Peter's turn of barking a laugh. He pulled you to him, kissing your forehead.
"Come on, let's find Happy and tell him to get the car. I want to get out of here…"
And he was taking you home with him. 
To be continued...
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annaphoenix1994 · 3 years
Colter - Eastward Bound
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Arthur had never been so happy to be moving. He, as well as the rest of the gang, were sick of the snow. The numbness, the insomnia, the brink famine, was all about to be left at Colter. His body craved sunshine and whiskey, which he hoped a town was closeby wherever they were going. He dismounted his horse as he met up with Dutch to discuss further plans.
"Oh, for Lord's sake! Put that book away and go help!" Miss Grimshaw barked within Arthur's earshot. It didn't take him long to figure out that she was scolding Mary-Beth Gaskill, one of the women in the camp who reminded him a lot of Lenny - she preferred reading or writing over robbing and killing, but could do so if need be. She was also one for romance, taking a liking to Arthur in particular, at least, that was the rumor. He had always thought that she liked how nice he was to her and nothing more than that.
"So, we getting out of this Hellhole?" Arthur asked as he joined Dutch and Hosea.
"We're gonna try, weather seems stable," Dutch assured.
"And we just robbed a Leviticus Cornwall train," Hosea added.
"We got money in our pockets...the worst is behind us, gentlemen! So the question is, where now?"
"I know this country a little," Hosea assured the worried leader. "I told you, we should set up camp in Horseshoe Overlook near Valentine. We'll be able to hide out there no problem as long as we keep our noses clean."
"Well then let's go! Clean noses and everything else!" Dutch commanded as he watched the rest of the gang load up the caravan. "Arthur, you're in that one, bring Hosea, I know you two like to talk about the good old days and what's wrong with old Dutch."
Arthur chuckled as he shook his head, following Dutch's orders as he loaded himself up onto the wagon, Hosea alongside him.
The caravan made its way slowly down the trail. The scenery of lush, white snow slowly turning to dewey green grass. The wind was still cold, though, as it still had a strong breeze, but to Arthur, even that was warm. He let his mind wander to where they were heading. Was there a town where he could have a hot meal other than Pearson's stew? Was there whiskey? Was there laying low for a long while instead of running? Was there hunting ground? Was there any more chances to run into Minnie Barlow? He shook the last question from his head, scolding himself for thinking of her and how he shouldn't think about her, but his mind continued to wander. There was something about her already that he needed to reassure himself on.
Arthur's thoughts were quickly interrupted by Dutch shouting from ahead, sighing a breath of relief that he was only shouting for Lenny and Micah instead of announcing there was trouble ahead.
"Lenny! Micah! Get over here!"
"Yes, boss?" Micah replied as he obeyed Dutch's command, along with Lenny.
"You two ride up ahead, make sure there's no surprises," Dutch ordered. "We've had enough of those."
"Me, with the boy?" Micah responded, almost insulted.
"Just go!"
"Come on, kid," Micah sighed as he spurred his horse into a lope. "You can buy me a whiskey!"
"Get us out the stream!" Hosea panicked as he felt the wagon shutter as they had now crossed into New Hanover. Arthur repeatedly tapped the harness leather across the horse's backs as they pulled the wagon through to the other side, only to be stopped by the rear left wheel buckling and keeping the wagon at a halt.
"Ah, shit!" Arthur shouted.
"Okay, let's take a look," Hosea sighed as he lept from the wagon, walking around the back.
"You alright back there?"
"Does everything look alright?" Arthur argued as he too dismounted from the wagon.
"Well, what's goin' on?" He heard Javier ask.
"I broke the goddamn wheel!" Arthur shouted, scolding himself.
"Alright, let's get it fixed!" Hosea assured him as Charles rushed over to help, pairing with the old man as they lifted up the rear of the wagon as best as they could as Arthur rushed to push the wheel back into place.
"You still strong enough to hold up a wagon?" Arthur teased as he tightened the joints.
"Shut up!" Hosea replied gruffly.
"I'm just sayin'!" Arthur replied.
"Well, say less!"
"See, you ain't so useless after all!" Arthur teased as he helped Charles and Hosea pick up the items that had fallen off.
"Not quite!" Hosea chuckled as he picked up a suitcase, seeing that Charles had noticed the other eyes that were on them, watching from the cliffside ahead...
"What you think?" Arthur asked hesitantly.
"If they wanted trouble, we wouldn't have seen 'em," Charles assured the two as Hosea waved a sign of peace to them. "Poor bastards... We really screwed them over down here. Come on, let's not push our luck,"
"What happened?" Arthur asked.
"Well, get in, I'll tell ya on the way," Hosea said as the men quickly loaded themselved back up onto the wagon. "Not too far now, stay on this trail. We'll follow the river then cut left inland," Hosea directed. "So... Yes, the Indians in these parts got sold a very raw deal. This is the Heartlands we're going to, good farming and grazing country, they lost it all. Stolen clean away from them it was, even every blade of grass. Killed or herded up to the reservations in the middle of nowhere." Hosea explained.
"And how's that different from everywhere else?" Charles asked.
"Well, maybe it's not. I just heard some of the army out here was particularly, uh, unpleasant about it."
"Unpleasant? How do you rob and kill people pleasantly?" Charles questioned. "We don't, in spite of Dutch's talk."
"I fear I was perhaps trying to simplify something more complicated for the benefit of our blockheaded driver here." Hosea teased.
"Hey, don't blame it on me!" Arthur replied. "Never forget, this here's a conman, Charles, born and bred. Just 'cause it sounds fancy don't mean he knows a damn thing about what he's talkin' about." Arthur explained.
"Oh, but I sure know about that there 'wanted' poster you're keepin' on you," Hosea chuckled. "You plannin' on goin' after her, aren't you?"
Arthur scoffed, "No. Like I said, you don't know what you're talkin' about."
"Are you still talking about that Minnie Barlow woman? What's the deal about her anyway? Lenny told me that she saved your hide back on that train." Charles intervened.
"Oh, did she now?" Hosea asked, raising his grey brows. "I didn't know about this!"
'Shit!' Arthur thought to himself. He was now going to have to talk about her. He looked at the smug grin on Hosea's face as he loved to try and land him a relationship that he would never settle for. He had already tried with Mary-Beth, which now made things almost awkward in camp. "I don't think it was her," Arthur grit, tapping the harness leather harder on the horse's backs.
"Yeah?" Hosea questioned. "Anyway, Charles, Minnie Barlow is known as Bandit Barlow around here. By what I've read, she used to work for some feller who is employed with the Pinkertons. Apparently, she knew too much and her supervisor tried to get her killed. After she found out about it, she turned around and robbed him, then became an outlaw!" Hosea explained, chuckling.
"Does she have a gang or what?"
"No, she runs alone," Hosea replied. "I reckon she had a small gang a few years ago, but they knew about her bounty and tried to have her captured for the payment. According to the poster Arthur is dearly holding on to, she has eight-thousand dollars for her head," Hosea snickered. "I don't know much about her past, just by what I've read or heard, but I do know she robbed the Lemoyne National Bank in Saint Denis, robbing a well-known tycoon as well. Some Italian feller. Robbed him and that bank in broad daylight and nobody knew until she was long gone,"
"Sounds like I need to buy her a drink and have a few hours of her time just to hear the stories!" Charles replied, intrigued. "When did the bank robbery happen?"
"A couple of years ago," Hosea replied. "By what I read, the robbery took up to three months to do without anybody knowin'. She got a job there, made it well with the bank manager over time, and got a promotion to a loan manager position and the fellers she was runnin' with would come in every few weeks to "take out a loan" of a few thousand dollars when she would just walk into the safe and give them as much money as she could. After the bank was running low on funds, they didn't question her as she covered her tracks. Once time got scarce, she had one of her boys take out another big loan before she made a break for it."
"Sounds like she and Dutch would get along," Arthur replied, smirking at the thought of how smart the woman was.
"I'm sure," Charles said. "So, how did nobody catch her?"
"She used a fake name to get the job. The only thing that messed her up was that she got the wrong men for the job. They were giving details to the Pinkertons the whole time. They turned her name in for the bounty after she gave orders to rob a train goin' towards Rhodes. Big roadblock over the tracks, but Minnie took wind of it and made a break for it, leavin' her two guys to fend for themselves. They ended up getting arrested and are now in a state penitentiary. Since then, only her tracks have been discovered, but no sign of her. She's slick, now," Hosea warned.
"Sure," Arthur replied. "I'm sure she won't be that hard to find..."
Hosea chuckled, "Let me know how that goes." He teased.
"So..." Arthur cleared his throat, taking in all of the new information he had just learned of his apparent crush. "What happened to your tribe?" He asked Charles.
"I don't even know if I have one," Charles replied. "Least not that I can remember. My father was a colored man. They told me he lived with our people for a while, a number of free men did, but when we were forced to move from our lands, the three of us fled. I was too young to really remember much. All live I've been on the run. A couple of years later, some soldiers captured my mother, took her somewhere. We never saw her again. We drifted around... He was a very sad man and the drink had a mean hold on him. Around thirteen... I just took off on my own." He explained.
"That was about the age we found young Arthur here, maybe a little older," Hosea said. "A wilder delinquent you never did see. But he learned fast."
"Not as fast as Marston, apparently," Arthur replied, his jealousy spiking yet again.
"Wait... I don't understand," Charles said, confused. "What's the problem between you two?"
"Arthur?" Hosea said, insisting for him to explain.
"It's a long story," Arthur sighed. "We still heading the right way?" He asked, now shifting during the awkward silence.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"You okay, pa?" Minnie asked her father as she woke from a midday nap, something she never did unless she needed it. She gripped her shawl tighter as the wind from the Cumberland Forest engulfed the cabin.
"Somethin' don't feel right," He replied, gripping his rifle as he continued to stare out the window. She knew this wasn't anything new as he had been acting like this for a couple of years, but she too got the odd feeling in her gut. She needed to prepare.
"I'm sure it's nothin', pa," Minnie assured as she stepped closer to her father, patting his shoulder. "Want me to cook ya somethin'?"
"No, I'm not hungry. Night's comin' soon. Best get some rest. I'll be out on the porch."
She nodded and shook her head, not daring to inform her father that it was only early in the afternoon. She went to the chest at the end of the bed, retrieving her gunbelt and tightening it around her waist before walking out of the cabin, passing her father who was sitting in the rocking chair. "I'm gonna go feed the chickens and get the eggs, but we'll need some more food soon. Want me to go into town later?" She asked.
"No need, dear. I will. I need to get out of here for a bit. Those mountains are taunting me." He replied, taking a drag off of his pipe.
"You'll need a horse, take Trace." She suggested as she pointed to her buckskin Quarter Horse.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, he'll take care of you. He always does." She smiled.
"Okay, well I'll take him out first thing in the mornin' to Valentine and get some more food," He nodded, a grin appearing on his face as he was excited to ride a horse again, but the lurking doom he felt coming never did settle in his mind. He didn't want to leave his daughter alone tomorrow, but whatever was coming, he knew they both couldn't escape. At least she had a fighting chance.
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
The softer side of Neville..
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I had fun writing this for @sirbeepsalot and the #SofterSideofNeville prompt. I hope everyone likes it.
Word count: 4164..( it kind of got away from me. LOL)
Writer tags: @dcbbw @choicesarehard @jovialyouthmusic @ritachacha @tornbetween2loves @bobasheebaby
Warnings: None really, I guess you could rate it PG.
A month after King Liam's coronation the Capital city was abuzz with preparations for the annual Harvest Festival. It was the last social event of the year where the Palace and grounds were open to the public. All over the city Cordonia's citizens were gathering their family's best recipes in hopes of winning the pie baking contest.
A week before the Masquerade Ball, costume designers and local stores were busy with shoppers looking for something special to wear. It was a black tie event and by invitation only. Rumors among gossip magazines, entertainment blogs, and social media outlets were flying with who among Hollywood's elite might be there.
In a menswear shop on Fenton Street, the Capital's posh upscale shopping district, Lord Neville Vancoeur and his friend Earl Rashad Domvalier were browsing through designer suits.
"Neville if you show up in another boring Armani suit it's hardly going to be a costume." Rashad scoffed.
Neville rolls his eyes, "No kidding. So this time I'm looking for some inspiration. If I'm going to be rubbing elbows with commoners, nobility and celebrities alike I want to look good. For the first time in decades, Cordonia has a young King who everyone wants to get to know."
Rashad was looking forward to seeing the ladies at the Ball. His father was anxious for him to find a wife and settle down, but Rashad wasn't quite ready for commitment just yet. He was more interested in finding a hot Hollywood girlfriend. He wasn't sure about Neville's romantic ambitions though, he'd never seen his friend successfully pick up a date at any one of these events.
"So Neville, do you have a theme in mind for your costume? A rakish, well dressed comic book supervillain perhaps? Or  something more from a classic movie character angle." Rashad wondered out loud as he looked through a rack of pinstriped dark suits.
Neville pauses from where he was looking at dress shirts, "Hey, that's not a bad idea."
"Which one?" Rashad raises an eyebrow.
"Either one. Hmmm, do you think I could pull off that dark grey pinstriped suit and that fedora as a gangster or something?"
Rashad narrows his eyes, trying to picture Neville as Al Capone or Elliot Ness from the Untouchables.
"Eh, I don't know. But that dark suit with a top hat would make you an excellent Penquin from DCs Batman."
Neville tilts his head, trying to picture it. "You know what? I like it. I wonder if they have a suit jacket with tails?"
As Neville walks over to the shop employee to ask, Rashad chuckles to himself. He could totally see Neville pulling off the dapper yet cunning Oswald Cobblepot.
Rashad frowned in thought. What could he wear to the Ball? He wanted to look handsome, not foolish. Checking out his reflection in the mirror he considered his dark features, piercing eyes and slim but athletic build. What heroic movie character could he fit into?  Spotting a black pair of suit pants and an embroidered white shirt on a rack behind him in the mirror, his eyes go wide when his mind clicks onto an idea.
Zorro. Oh my goodness why hadn't he thought about that before?
Spinning back around, his eyes searched the shop for clothing pieces he could put together.
At the Palace boutique, Hana, Madeleine, Riley and Olivia were looking through dresses for costume inspiration. Riley would be on Drake's arm and she had convinced him to wear a tuxedo. He had balked at the idea of dressing fancy but she had insisted. Now she was wondering what to wear to look nice next to him.
"No, no, no." Olivia protested. "None of these dresses are the right style." She had planned to wear a sexy vampire costume with a mask. She'd already had the mask custom made to fit her face, and none of the Palace dress offerings were good enough to go with it.
Hana and Riley both roll their eyes at Olivia's whining. Riley speaks up, "You must have something suitable at home then. I know how much you covet the color red."
Madeleine turns away from the rack she's looking at and folds her arms, sneering at Olivia. "Oh please, she'd look much better in something black to match her cold dead heart."
Olivia scowls at her, "You're one to talk. Why Liam chose you as Queen is beyond me. Oh look Maddy, here's an icy blue dress that would suit your cold heart too."
Hana smirks, "Oh would you two just let it go already."
Riley picks up on the 'Elsa' reference and bursts out laughing. Olivia and Madeleine both scowl at her, not getting the joke.
Still giggling, Riley tries to catch her breath. "So Hana, do you have a date for the Ball?"
Hana bites her lip, "Not really. But I'm assuming Maxwell will be without a date either, so he'll make do as a companion."
Olivia scoffs, "You two are both so foolishly cheerful most of the time you make a good pair. I'm assuming Riley is going to stumble around the dance floor with the oafish Mr. Walker."
Riley frowns, "Hey, we've been taking dance lessons. I'm sure Drake and I will manage just fine."
Olivia turns to leave the boutique, "Whatever you say. I have some calls to make to my favorite dress designer. Good luck Ladies."
The night of the Ball, Drake goes to Riley's room to pick her up. Stopping outside her door he tugs at the white collar of his dress shirt, trying to loosen the strangled sensation his black bowtie was causing around his neck. Sucking in a deep breath to calm his nerves, he lets it out slowly then knocks.
Standing at her mirror, Riley fixes her earring. She was wearing a long black satin gown that skimmed her curvy figure in places, and hugged it in others. It was cut low in the back, and dropped into a deep vee in the front. She hoped the ballroom wasn't going to be too chilly. On her face she wore a black lace cat mask. Her hair was in a partial updo, secured with a black sparkly clip, the rest of her hair falling in chestnut curls  against her shoulders. Her makeup was simple, so as not to be ruined by the mask, and she wore a bright red lipstick that matched her fingernails.
"Come in," she says when she hears Drake's knock.
Drake swings the door open, "I hope you're rea-.." Then his mind goes blank. Wow, she looked incredible. Turning around, Riley smirks at his dumbstruck expression. Walking over to him she straightens his tie.
"What's the matter Drake, cat got your tongue?"
The cat's got my everything tied up in knots at the moment, he thought.
Having her so close to him in that ridiculously sexy dress, those red lips of hers turned up in a sly grin, he felt warm all over. He needed to get control of himself, quickly, if he was going to lead her into the ballroom and not embarrass them both. Damnit she was still touching him, smoothing the lapels of his jacket...
Drake steps back, brushing her hands aside. "Ahem, enough fussing over me Brooks. I already feel like I'm dressed like one of the waiters."
Riley scoops up her clutch from the desk and then takes his arm.
"Nonsense Drake, you look very handsome, even if a tux isn't really much of a costume. Who are supposed to be?"
Drake leads her out of the door then closes it. He hadn't a clue what to say at first, but then glancing at the cat mask she was wearing he had a spark of inspiration.
"I'm Bruce Wayne."
A red carpet lolled out of the doors of the Palace like the long tongue of a snake. Flashbulbs of press photographers bombarded each limousine and sleek luxury car as it pulled up to eject its passengers.
Flocks of Nobles from all over Cordonia and Europe, Hollywood movie stars, and local dignitaries were arriving. Some wore elaborate costumes, some wore formal wear and masks, and some were just dressed in formal wear.
Neville and Rashad shared the backseat of a limousine. Waiting in a long line of other sleak automobiles, they were both getting impatient at the delay.
Rashad shifted in his seat again, adjusting his mask, every time he moved the sword he wore at his side rattled. Neville rolled his eyes at him and sighed.
"Seriously Rashad, the Palace security isn't going to let you into the Ball wearing that thing. Even if it is part of your costume."
Rashad looked over at Neville. With his top hat, monocle, and cane he looked like the dapper gentleman. He felt kind of foolish in his black mask, bolero hat and tall boots. But he had no doubts about who was going to catch more attention from the women. He wish he could have arrived on horseback since it suited his Spanish persona better. The press would have eaten it up.
Hana and Riley are standing next to a table of hors d'oeurves and sipping champagne. Drake had ditched Riley shortly after they made their grand entrance into the ballroom. When the camera flashes had gone off, Drake's body had stiffened and Riley had to keep a death grip on his arm to stop him from running away. Once he had spotted Hana at the hors d'oeurves table he escorted her that far and then made himself scarce. Riley didn't mind, because she knew these sort of events weren't his kind of thing, but she had made him promise to give her at least one waltz before the night was over.
The two ladies were oohing and aweing over the various costumes and trying to pick out the celebrities and nobles that they recognized.
Hana, in her flowered goddess of spring costume dress was getting plenty of looks of her own. With Riley's dark and sleek next to her sweet and ethereal they were the perfect picture of opposites. Yin and Yang.
Hana took a sip of her champagne and then gestured to a group of men standing across the room, nursing drinks and plates of food of their own.
"I can pick out Drake for sure, because for once his dressed up tuxedo looks casual compared to the other guys. But who is that guy in the tophat, tails and gloves? I don't recognize him."
Riley takes a moment to appreciate Drake in his tux, and then looks over the other men. She didn't know many of the noblemen at court, but she could pick out most of the Hollywood celebrities.
"I haven't a clue but the tall man in the bolero hat and boots looks like a tasty snack."
Hana takes in his costume and frowns. "He looks like a cross between a thief and a pirate. What is he dressed as?"
Riley takes a sip of her champagne and then smiles as she catches his eye from across the room. "He's not wearing the sword, but that is definitely a Zorro costume."
"What's a Zorro?" Hana asks.
"Not a what, a who. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, sort of a Spanish version of Robin Hood." Riley says.
As the orchestra begins the first waltz of the evening, guests start pairing up. Drake stays rooted to his spot, there wasn't enough whiskey in him yet to attempt any dancing foolishness. The costumed  men next to him were openly debating which available women they wanted to proposition to be a dance partner. He eavesdropped on their conversation, waiting for the chance to defend the honour of Riley or Hana if they received any harsh comments.
Neville sipped his wine, and listened to Rashad talk about his options as he scanned the room himself.
"The dark haired vixen over there keeps looking at me." Rashad says, tipping his hat at Riley.
Drake frowns and then interrupts, "Actually I think she's wearing a cat mask."
Rashad smirks at Drake, "Oh believe me, I know a fox when I see one. Pardon me, I think I've found my first partner for the evening."
Before Drake can protest, Rashad weaves his way across the dancefloor and makes his way over to Hana and Riley.
Neville notices Drake's frown deepen as Rashad sweeps his cape to the side with a flourish, removes his hat and bows low to kiss Riley's hand.
"You seem to be interested in her as well, do you know her?" Neville says turning to Drake.
Drake tears his eyes away from Riley and Rashad, just realizing that the stranger next to him had asked him something.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I know her." Drake says, downing the last of his whiskey. 
When he looks back across the room he sees Hana standing by herself. Damn, that Zorro dickhead took her for a dance. He searches the crowd for his ridiculous hat, seeing them both on the far side of the room.
Neville gestures to Hana with his wine glass. "Well now that Rashad has claimed the girl in the black dress, why not take her for a spin instead? She is quite attractive."
Drake attempts to swallow the lump in his throat. He knew he couldn't keep up with the rest of the gentlemen dancers on the floor. He decides to spare Hana's toes from getting stomped on.
"Go ahead. She's a nice dancer. Her name is Hana by the way."
Neville grins, pulling off his hat and gloves and handing them to Drake. "I wouldn't mind at all, she does have a lovely smile. Here hold these will you?"
Drake is left alone at the bar, reluctantly holding Neville's things, as he strides over and approaches Hana. Looking down, he shoves the hat and gloves toward the bewildered bartender and then walks away.
Riley smiles up at Rashad as he whisks her across the dancefloor. He was an excellent dancer, even if she had to keep moving his hand off of her ass from time to time. He kept blaming it on the slippery nature of her gown, but she knew better. He held her against him a little too firmly at times as well, but she just went along with it. The dance wouldn't go on forever, and he was ridiculously charming. From time to time she spotted Hana dancing with someone as well. The dance steps of Hana's partner were more precise than romantic, and Riley wondered who he was. She'd lost sight of Drake entirely, and her scanning the room for him meant she often fell out of step with Rashad. He kept correcting her, and was losing his patience from her not following his lead.
Maxwell, carrying a plate of appetizers, finds Drake standing alone in the corridor between the ballroom and library. "Hey there Drake, I thought you came to this shindig with Riley?"
Drake sighs with exasperation. "Yes I know, but dancing isn't really my thing."
Maxwell looks hurt for a moment, since he was Drake and Riley's dance teacher, "But you were doing so well with your lessons."
"Dancing with Riley in private is one thing. But dancing with Riley with everyone else watching is something else." Drake replies, he really hated the idea of Riley dancing with somebody else, but he didn't want his own limitations to get in the way of her enjoying herself.
Maxwell pats him on the arm. "I understand buddy, big events like this can be overwhelming. But she's your date, and I know she would rather dance with you, squashed toes or not."
Drake nods, swiping the last shrimp canapé from Maxwell's plate and eating it. "You have a point. I promised her a dance afterall."
Maxwell smiles as Drake turns and walks back into the ballroom. "Go getter tiger."
As Drake makes his way through the crowd, he sees Liam talking with Madeleine nearby. Liam waves him over. Once he's within earshot Liam smiles and says, "So Drake, how are you enjoying the festivities so far?"
Drake shrugs, picking up a glass of  champagne from a passing server, "The food is tasty, but the drinks are better. So everything is fine."
Madeleine smirks, "High praise from Mr. Walker, so glad we're keeping you entertained."
Drake frowns at her and then downs his champagne. Stifling his burp with his fist. He feels amused at Madeleine's look of disgust.
Liam just shakes his head and grins. "So Drake are we going to see you on the floor during the upcoming Cordonian Waltz?"
Drake's eyebrows shoot up, and his eyes desperately search the crowd for Riley. "Uh, if I can find where my date has run off to sure!"
He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees Riley walking over to them. "Oh look there she is."
Drake smiles as Riley steps up to him and tucks her hand under his arm. "Good evening your Majesty, Countess Madeleine." she says with a curtsey.
Liam looks Riley over from top to toe and gives her a warm smile.
Madeleine quirks an eyebrow, taking in Riley's risque choice of dress. "Good evening Riley."
As the orchestra begins the opening notes of the Cordonian Waltz, Madeleine pats Liam on the arm to draw his attention away from Riley. "Uh sweetheart, shall we dance?"
Liam's face flushes slightly as she leads him away, "Oh certainly..."
Drake slips an arm around Riley's waist, feeling how thin her dress actually was, sweeping his hand over her hip he didn't feel any discernible undergarments. Leaning in he whispers in her ear, "Please tell me you're not naked under this dress."
Riley turns her face toward him, her lips a breath away from his. "Maybe, maybe not." she says.
Closing his eyes, Drake groans and then looks away. "You're trying to kill me aren't you?"
As Riley leads him onto the dancefloor she whispers, "You'd die a very happy man Drake."
As guests start pairing up again, Riley sees Hana being led onto the floor by Rashad, Penelope is in the arms of his friend.
Taking up the starting position Riley checks Drake's form, he seemed to be ok. "Ready?" she asks.
"Yup," he lied. Drake was terrified.
As they sweep through the first few steps without any problems, Drake feels his confidence rising. Maybe he could do this afterall.
They both stumble a little but manage to avoid eachother's toes, and the other dancers. Drake holds up his arm and watches Riley do her spin. He smiles and brings her in close, her back pressed up to his chest. As the music changes, Riley twirls out of his arms again. When she gives him a slight curtsey and then turns toward her next partner, Drake starts to panic. Oh crap! I forgot this was supposed to be a group thing.
Drake turns to accept his next partner. It's a woman in a bluish green costume dress, he guessed by the design and the sequins she was supposed to represent a mermaid. She flashes a dazzling white smile at him as he takes her hand, leading her through the same steps as he did Riley. He tries not to step on the hem of her sparkly dress as he goes through the motions. Her red curly hair kept whipping him in the face, and he clamps his mouth shut so he doesn't have to taste it too. When he raises her hand and she does her spin she giggles and nearly trips over her dress. He gasps and reaches out to grab her by the waist to steady her. When she leans in close and attempts to kiss him, he panics and pushes her away gently. "Uh sorry, but no thanks."
Looking at the other dancers around them, to see which move he was supposed to be doing, he carefully turns her around and after giving her a slight bow, hands her off to the next gentleman.
He takes a quick look around the room to see where Riley was. She was with a man he didn't recognize, but by her smile and blush she did seem to recognize him. Drake tries to ignore the person who was tapping him gently on the shoulder with a shrug. "Um Drake?"
He turns to see Hana, and then breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God it's you. Please tell me this waltz ends soon."
He takes Hana's hand, not fighting her as she corrects his form and they go through the rest of the steps smoothly together. "Don't worry Drake," she says with a smile. "I should be your last partner."
Drake doesn't mind dancing with Hana, as she participated in Maxwell's dance lessons with him and Riley. She knew how to avoid his clumsy feet and smiled and nodded as he performed steps of a dance correctly. She was an excellent and patient teacher.
Drake smiles as she dances gracefully next to, and with him as the music ends. As he bows and she curtsies to end the waltz he's deeply relieved. "Thanks Hana. I'm so glad you didn't turn out to be another drunk mermaid."
Hana giggles and takes his arm as he leads her off the dance floor. "Oh my goodness Drake you poor thing."
Drake and Hana meet up with Riley, Rashad, Neville and Maxwell by the bar. Riley smiles and settles in next to Drake. He wraps his arm around her again, laying his hand on her hip. She wraps her arm behind him as well, tucking her thumb into his back pocket and cupping his ass cheek. Drake shoots her a warning look and she just smirks back at him with defiance.
Hana cozies up next to Maxwell, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Rashad and Neville exchange a surprised glance, assuming they're standing with two couples. Rashad removes his hat and mask, raking his hands back through his hair to fix it. He smiles and extends his hand to Maxwell in greeting.
"Lord Beaumont can you properly introduce us to your friends? I know we've both danced with these lovely ladies tonight but didn't know they were friends of yours."
Maxwell laughs and then shakes Rashad's hand, "Oh I'm sorry, sure. This lovely goddess of spring next to me is Miss Hana Lee of Shanghai.  Hana meet Earl Rashad Domvalier."
Hana and Riley remove their masks. Hana smiles, "It's a pleasure to meet you Rashad."
Rashad smiles, bowing low and taking Hana's hand and kisses it. "The pleasure is all mine Miss Lee. You are a lovely dancer."
"Thankyou Rashad, you're too kind."
No he's not, thought Neville. He's a lecherous lothario and if you only knew, you'd probably want to wash that hand Miss Lee.
Rashad straightens back up again, and then smiles, patting Neville on the back.
"Oh where are my manners? Lord Maxwell, Miss Lee, this gentleman next to me is Lord Neville Vancoeur."
Neville nods and smiles, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. And who are your other friends Lord Maxwell?"
Maxwell turns and indicates Drake and Riley. "Oh this is Drake Walker and Riley..."
"Riley Brooks!" ... Neville's eyes go wide. "Oh my goodness I recognize you now. Those tabloid photos of you and Tariq didn't do you any favours did they? You're far lovelier looking in person."
Riley's smile falters, not sure how to respond. Drake's arm tightens around her protectively.
Neville's expression goes from one of surprise to being apologetic, "Oh don't worry I don't believe the trash in the tabloids."
He steps forward and gives her a slight bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well Miss Brooks, and from what I've read you're being sponsored by the Beaumonts, a most honorable house."
Riley smiles, relaxing a little, "Thankyou Lord.."
Neville smiles, "Oh please, just call me Neville."
Drake extends his hand in greeting, "Lord Neville."
Neville shakes it, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Walker... Walker?..Why does that name sound familiar?"
Drake braces himself for some kind of commoner insult. But it doesn't happen.
"The son of Jackson Walker I presume?" Neville's smile widens, he keeps a hold of Drake's hand, placing his other hand on Drake's arm to extend his warm greeting.
Drake frowns slightly. "You knew my Father?"
Neville shakes his head, "No unfortunately, but it's an honour to shake the hand of the son of a National Hero."
Drake grins, feeling a mixture of pride and embarassment. He'd never been acknowledged that way before. "Th..thanks."
Neville lets go of his hand, still smiling. He turns toward the others in the group. "Well now that we're all acquainted, why don't we all celebrate with a round of drinks?"
Drake glances at Riley, raising an eyebrow. "Sure, why not?" She says with a smile.
Everyone turns back toward the bar.
"Bartender? Six whiskeys please." Drake says.
-- the end--
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humanistauno · 5 years
A Journal by: Melody Leagogo
Earth’s Rumble
On December 15, 2019 that was Sunday, I slept comfortably and pretty-well that I was not able to recognize the day of our Sabbath and devotion. I woke up as the morning sunray touches my lips, tardily crawling and wriggling like a worm. I accelerate slowly to switch my hips, indolently awake after the heavy sleep. I just told myself that this Christmas break, I should withdraw sleep because if there are classes I always woke up early. I fixed my bed and went into the kitchen to have my breakfast. It was just a normal day for me, no other plans aside from doing my daily routine and household chores then after, I will grab my contraption and start scrolling my social media accounts, watching videos, and doing some leisure. As the afternoon shadow stretched long and thin, I feel drowsy and decided to take some sleep but before that I played a game in my cellphone. I did not expected that this, this boredom feeling will turn into a trauma and replaced a feeling of huge nervousness and worry. Around 2:11 in the afternoon, the Mindanao Island shake again. A magnitude of 6.9 strike the Mindanao again for the third time and the strongest among the major earthquake that happened so far that hit the Land of Promise. I hurriedly jump from the bed and grab my six years old niece together with my father to go out. I was very nervous but my father told us do not panic, do not rattle and be aware. Prayers filled my mouth and I looked into my niece whose wrapping her arms around mine that seems very nervous as well. I opened my Facebook and saw the different updates about the recent calamity where Davao del sur is its center, the damages, and the ruined infrastructure caused by the disaster. The whole Mindanao was mourning and I remained astonished as I never assumed that this day will give a great impact to the Mindanao’s. I ended the day in fear that it might happen again and a prayer that it will not happen again.
Christmas Eve
Every year we are tend to celebrate Christmas with our family and gathered into my aunt’s house in General Santos city. It is our tradition as a family to celebrate Christmas together there and prepare foods for the Noche Buena. Today, December 24, 2019 before the Christmas day, I woke up with excitement because finally I will be able to escape the boredom that ruled the house for the past days but most importantly, I will be able to see my aunties, uncles, cousins and the quality time we will be spending to each other. We prepared and packed our things for the few days of staying there and then, leave the house. We rode on a bus to reach our destination and as we arrived at my aunt's house, the smells of delicious Noche Buena welcomed us. Caldereta, Barbeque, Grilled tuna, Seafood, Sweets and Desserts, fruits, and the every year's center attraction on the table of Filipinos, Lechon. I was glad that there is such event on our life that make us gathered together and capture each moment that our family will cherish. As everyone bide one's time for midnight, my uncles were already drunken laughter, spill the beans of liquor with matching karaoke. My aunties who became story tellers, exchanging one's ideas and hearty laughter. Their clamor and chatter makes harmony in mine that the connection between us is still there. During the Christmas Eve, my sister Cathy, contacted our oldest sister in the family via video call because she was not around with us. Actually, she was not around for 15 years and 15 years of celebrating Christmas without her. I am just 2 years old when she left to catch her luck and currently she's living in Cavite and have her own family now. We greeted each other a Merry Christmas, some chitchats and goodbye for each has stuffs to do. It's now 12 midnight, my uncle light the fire crackers, greeting each other a "Merry Christmas".
We Christians celebrate Christmas as a commemoration on Jesus birth and often giving and receiving presents and cards as one of the symbol. Today, December 25, 2019, I started a Christmas day with a midnight mass at the chapel together with my mother in Calumpang, Gensan as a thanks giving for all the gift and blessings we received this year. After attending the mas, we went home and I took some sleep because it's already morning since yesterday of going around. Today, my aunt from Ilo-ilo city together with her son will be arriving soon to have their vacation and will be spending time for us in this season of holiday. I am eager to see them because the last time we saw each other was in the year 2016. It was around 12 noon when they arrived at my aunt's house in Gensan. We greeted each other and welcome them a hug. There were many pasalubong they've brought for us including clothes, bags, shoes, cosmetics, and of course the delicacies of Ilo-ilo is imperishable. There are Bischocho, Piyaya, and Pinasugbo. Aside from giving us all this stuffs, I also received a cash from them. I can say that December is truly a season of giving and the only season for me to collect more money. Our dinner was burst into laughter because my cousin with a mental disorder or what we called being hyper was stealing our foods because he was fond of eating and make funny acts. I hope that this is not the last time that we will be seeing each other again. I am looking forward for many years of spending Christmas with the family.
After staying in my aunt's house in General Santos City to celebrate Christmas, now it’s a time for us to go back home. Last night was another memory to be keep on my album of happy moments and love. It’s already December 26, 2019, time flies really. First of all, I woke excited because this day, I'll be witnessing the annular solar eclipse where Sol and Luna will be meeting each other again. According to the news and information I've read from social media, around noon, the moon will engulf the sun enable to form a ring of fire and will visible in some parts of Mindanao. We are hoping to witness the said phenomenon but unfortunately Sol and Luna was ashamed of showing its stunning union that they were hiding on the clouds. I feel blue because of missing such phenomenon but that was not a big deal. On the other hand, this afternoon, we went into nearby purok not so far from our house because this day was the death anniversary of my uncle, the late husband of my aunt from Ilo-ilo city. My uncle from Cagayan de Oro will be also arriving this day. They decided to stay in Antong instead of directing to Gensan because my aunt will be also going here. As we arrived to my late uncle's house, my uncle and his family was waiting for us. We greeted each other a hug because we've been seeing each other once a year and I cannot deny that I've misses them a lot as the two celestial beings met earlier it happened also on us. Actually, I don't have that strong relationship with my cousins or closeness with them because they are living in Cagayan de Oro and I am staying here but both company was trying to socialize and talk to each other to build connection and friendship. We had boodle fight for dinner and some enjoyable moment as we commemorate the memories of our late member of the family..
A family is like branches on a tree that grow in a different directions yet the roots remained as one. Today, December 27, 2019 is our 4th Plaga family reunion. It is once a year occasion that held every December of the month. I started the day grateful because again, our family was a given a chance to reunite and know each other better. Our first reunion happened in Gensan, then Mlang North Cotabato, last year was in Manili Lutayan, and today here in Lamba Banga. As we arrived, they welcomed us with a warm hug and we bless to the elders as a sign of respect. We started a program with a Bible service coming from our relative who is a pastor and shared the value of family. The elders start to bring back the history and ancestors of our race. Each family introduce their children so that the other family will know each other and the connection between us. After the chatters, the story telling, and socializing, we had our lunch. After filling our stomachs, they started to raffle our names who were listed earlier to some prizes awaited. Luckily, my name was not called. I told ‘ya I am not with this kind of gimmick. However, it was fun, expecting that your name will be the next one to be called. Not one of the winners of raffle but a winner in our parlor games. Together with my cousins, we played the game pass the message in the form of face movement and fortunately, we won the said game with a prize of 500 pesos. Our reunited was great and fun, I know a lot of the relatives and start to build friendship with them. I hope that this is not the last and hoping for many years of spending time and moments with them as for the next generation to continue our identity and legacy.
A Decade Has Pass
The year 2019 was not too bad for me. We are just creatures engulfed by imperfections and flaws. Challenges and tests were given and it is normal for us to feel crestfallen, to feel sorrow, and to feel anger. As I leave one year behind and roll into the next one, I am looking forward for the new year of bringing blessings, good health, and prosperity. New Year of hoping for a successful and fulfilling life I desire and deserve. Each fresh new start offers an oozing opportunity and beginning which is probably the reason I look into New Year’s Eve so much. As I end the last page of this chapter, I am with my parents on our own humble home beneath swaying palms. As we celebrate the New Year, we prepared minimal for the Medya Noche because we’re just three left here to face the new chapter. I and my mother cooked a minimal amount of Mango Graham, Lumpiang Shanghai and Grilled Tilapia for some reason, there is served on our daily table where we can eat together. Around 10 pm, me and my mother attended a midnight mass for the last day of the year to thanks God for the year of bitter-sweet and prayed to God that this coming year will shower us blessings, opportunities, and new discoveries. As I stand at the edge of the decade, waiting for 12 am for the 2020 to wave, there were different sounds that believed to drive away all the negativity and bad spirits, so as a tradition each one of us made noise and watched as the fireworks display. No matter what goals and changes I have for this coming year or how many New Year’s resolution I planned to move, in the start of a new year is a moment to acknowledge.
Community Engagement
Today, January 2, 2020, it is great to start a year with discoveries at the same time with adventure. We were tasked to go in a community we thought who are in needs as part of our subject Community Engagement and as a Humanities Student who are in lined with this area of specialization. Our group agreed to meet in front of SPDA at 8 am but unfortunately out of the 10 members only four of us were able to come. It is OK for me because of some instances that we cannot handle and commitments. At around 11 am, we decided to light up the fuel onward. We rode on a tricycle motioning the distance of Brgy. Assumption. We were lost bird in a desert misguided by the location of that hidden vicinity. We have no little knowledge on how far that place is nor where is the exact location because the one who’s suggest the place was not around why the driver occupied our being clueless. He charged us fare that is not accurate to the distance of our trip but we didn’t argue anymore. He dropped us in the low part area because he said that the tricycle has no resistance to climb up the mountainous area so we started walking and seeking for the whereabouts of our destination. Luckily, the people there was approachable and not rude. Some people we’ve asked warned us that the Brgy. Hall is far to walked but we decided to pursue it to exercise our muscles and enjoy the surroundings. We walked for about 4 kilometers fortunately, the road was cemented before reaching the Barangay hall and then we signed our permission letter to run the evaluation smooth. According to the people there, there 7 sitios and we are not sure where to go. The air brought us to Sitio Datal Fitak, the fifth sitio and more elevated and a kilometer away from the Brgy. Office. The people there are B'laans and the way they live is very simple. As we start our evaluation, we were surprised by their kindness and genuinely. The warm welcome and smile to us relieved our tired. Every time we asked them to conduct a survey, they let us in their humble home and treat us politely. It was 3 in the afternoon when we finished our sample target population and we went home. I wish I can go back to that place again where the smiles of the children are genuine and sincere.
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