#we're playing in sandboxes here and ur sand castle aint better than mine margaret
kenobster · 2 months
what's this "hold anakin accountable for his actions" bullshit like. do u want me to arrest him and put him on trial?? convict him and sentence him to several life terms in prison???
You dont need to hold fictional characters accountable for their actions
art doesn't have morality. it just exists. people who say shit about "holding a character responsible" aren't somehow smarter or better than the rest of us. they're just imposing their own morality onto a work of art. even worse, they're trying to use that work of art to sucker you into their own personal opinions.
The truth is that Anakin did nothing wrong ever in his entire life because Anakin doesn't exist! He and the other characters are made up! They're not victims! They don't suffer!
Maybe you characterize Anakin differently than I do, and that's okay!! But if you're going to say your interpretation is better than mine because yours "holds Anakin accountable" and mine doesn't, then you need to touch some fucking grass tbh
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