#we're not going to meet any new vamps for a while yet
thebramblewood · 2 months
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They're going on a best friend date. 🥰
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Helena: Caleb, get dressed. We’re going out.
Caleb: [mumbling] Oh, but Dru and I were just getting comfortable.
Helena: She looks like she’d rather be elsewhere. And so would I. I’m tired of being a recluse with you. All I can think about when I’m hanging around here is my next meal.
Caleb: But where are we-
Helena: It’s a surprise! Would you rather I ask your sister instead?
Lilith: Where are you two off to? Oh, are you having one of your little mental conversations. You know I hate that. It’s so unfair! Fine, don’t tell me. But at least take your hellcat with you. [to rubber ducky] I guess it’s just you, me, and that… thing. Now, what are we going to do about them keeping secrets from us?
Helena: Why have we never taken this path?
Caleb: Enemy territory.
Helena: Oh my god, is this the way to Vlad’s? You have to show me his place!
Caleb: [weakly] Helena…
Helena: [shudders] Ostentatious and creepy as fuck. It’s strange how little I noticed that first night. And what I do remember is all fragmented and blurry, like a dream.
Caleb: Well, you had an awful lot to drink, and you did technically die. [ruminative pause] Then, of course, there was all the glamouring-
Helena: Glamouring?
Caleb: Vampire party trick. Like hypnosis, but more sophisticated. Once you learn it, you can make yourself as discreet or flashy as you’d like. Most humans have encountered vampires without even realizing it. If they stumble into this place  — and make it out alive — they likely won’t remember how to return. Straud and the other ancients keep it well-shrouded.
Helena: [nervously] Does it work on other vampires? I’ve barely seen any-
Caleb: We can always see our kind for what they are. You’ve just been unobservant.
Helena: Hey! I’ve been distracted. It’s hard not to have tunnel vision when you’re in perpetual survival mode.
Caleb: You’re feeling better now. I can tell.
Helena: I’m full on plasma and ready to party!
Caleb: [chuckles] Seriously?
Helena: Well, not quite. You’ll see.
Caleb: You know, I could just peek into your head and-
Helena: [teasingly] Too bad your morals will never allow it.
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magicalqueennightmare · 9 months
The Originals
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(Eventual) Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Rebekah takes you to meet her brothers
This was insane, you were actively avoiding going to the place you could call your own. You were back to crashing in hotels and the nearest couch or your nova. Why, one may ask? You weren't trying to avoid Rebekah, technically.
You'd answer her calls and even her texts. If you were being honest the two of you had actually developed a pretty good friendship since you met. She wasn't the problem. The problem was your vampiric friend wanted you to meet her family. Rebekah was one thing, while you knew she was dangerous she'd never made a move against you and had never even asked to be invited into your home. 
Her brothers on the other hand? She'd told you stories about them. Klaus was a hybrid, vampire and werewolf. He had also daggered her numerous times for going against his wishes. What if he decided to simply kill you then dagger her until she got over it? Against any other vamp you'd bet on yourself but an original? And a hybrid at that? Yeah you were scared. As for Elijah she'd said he was calmer than Klaus on most things but that his beast was just better hidden beneath tailored suits and a charming smile. Kol was a wild card, Rebekah had said even she had a hard time reading his temperament at any given moment. 
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So your plan was to stay away from New Orleans for a few weeks. Who knows, maybe you were just a new shiny toy and she'd get tired of you? Unfortunately you hadn't planned on Garth calling you to take care of a ghoul problem in Chalmette which was about twenty minutes outside of New Orleans. 
Which meant you were now heading on the road to Chalmette in hopes to take care of the problem before Rebekah realized you were nearby again. 
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You walked slowly into the door of your apartment. You were sore as hell and your torso was bruised but all in all you'd fared well going against a pack of ghouls solo. You'd never heard Garth curse before you called to tell him that it had indeed been a pack, not a couple of ghouls. He'd apologized profusely but you'd told him it wasn't a big deal, you'd made it through just fine. Kyle was now black listed from hunting for failure to give accurate information but that was well deserved.
Being hurt meant you had no choice but to go home. No hotel would be comfortable enough. You dropped your bags next to the door and locked it. A hot shower was due then you wanted to crash for a few hours.
You had just laid across your bed when your phone rang. You snatched it off the nightstand and glanced at the screen, Rebekah. “Hello?” You laid back amongst the pillows as her voice hit your ears “Are you back in town yet?” You nodded and then said “Yeah, just got back but I'm crashing for the next however many hours I can manage” “What was it?” She asked “Pack of ghouls” “Savage little creatures aren't they? I'll leave you to rest but I'm coming by tomorrow. We're going shopping then you're coming by my place with me” 
“Rebekah..” you tried but she cut you off “They'll be on their best behavior, I promise. Bring weapons if you need to feel safer” you let out a breath then said “Ok. Just make it later tomorrow so I can sleep in?” “Of course” with that she hung up so you plugged your phone in and was asleep almost time your head hit the pillow.
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You walked behind Rebekah feeling the nerves roll through your stomach as you looked around at the house. It was in the center of the french quarter and nothing short of elegant. It had a fucking courtyard for Christ's sake. Now you were feeling twice as out of place as you did before. Not only were you a human and a hunter walking into the home of the Original vampires but you were poor too. Hunting wasn't exactly lucrative, you got by on a card that was attached to a bank account in Sweden that a friend had set up by removing money from some very bad people. 
She looked back at you and smiled “Come on now, don't lurk in the doorways. Klaus enjoys doing that enough for all of us” you plastered a small smile onto your face all the time wondering what the hell were you doing.
She led the way into the sitting room. You swallowed down the nerves in your stomach to see only one man inside. At least it was just one of her brothers? 
He glanced up when the two of you walked in but did a double take when he noticed you “Sister, what have you dragged home?” You spun towards him at that comment “Excuse me?” 
You saw the hint of a smile pulling at his lips “Oh I like this one” Rebekah laughed lightly “Easy Kol. She may hurt you human or not” he eyed you for a moment then nodded and offered his hand  “Nice to meet you”  you shook his hand “I'd like to say the same but we'll see won't we?” a laugh escaped him at that “I see why you like her. Klaus and Elijah should be back anytime. Let's see how they like your little hunter” 
He left the room after that something about having a date so you turned to look at Rebekah “If your brothers kill me I'm going to find a way to haunt you the rest of your life and considering you're a vampire that's a very long time” she laughed lightly “I promise I'll make sure you have a way to haunt me” “Not very promising there Rebekah”
You heard a man's voice calling her name and felt the tattoo on your shoulder twitch. The two men that walked into the room were nothing short of gorgeous. 
One had lighter colored hair, cut short that was almost curly in places. He was wearing jeans and a henley with blue eyes watching your every movement. You'd be willing to bet money on that one being Klaus. 
That meant the other was one Elijah. He had darker hair, styled perfectly. He was wearing a suit that was obviously made for him and hugged his shoulders deliciously. Brown eyes held your gaze. 
“Rebekah?” You spoke after a moment looking over at her. She smiled then did the introductions between all of you. 
“So this is the hunter you've been spending time with” Klaus acknowledged walking over to where you stood. Your mind was screaming to step back, give room between yourself and this man. The hybrid. You knew though that space wouldn't do any good if he meant you harm and besides if he chose to kill you, the last thing you did would not be to cower. He stared you down for a moment and you felt the urge to drop your gaze, to show some kind of submission but you refused to give in to it. Even if it caused a throbbing just behind your eyes. 
After a moment a smile split his face “Oh she is something indeed isn't she?” He looked amused and that was when it hit you, the urge to submit. He'd been trying to compel you and you hadn't given in. The surprising part was his amusement at that fact. 
He stepped aside and that was when you realized Elijah's eyes were now focused on you. You fought the urge to squirm under his attention. He was absolutely gorgeous, a sculpted jawline and a smile that flickered to his lips with a capability to make the strongest knees go weak. Damn, were you attracted to a vampire? To Rebekah's oldest brother at that? 
He studied you much the same way Kol and Klaus had. “Must be strong magic infused in that tattoo of yours if Niklaus failed to compel you” you shrugged “My line of work I can't exactly leave my neck open as an appetizer. I have an anti possession tattoo as well along with a few others that give me some protection from different odds and ends of the supernatural world” 
He nodded slowly “I must say my sister has the strangest taste in companions” without much thought process you did the thing you always did which was to allow yourself to be as surprised at what came out of your mouth as everyone else around you was “Well I mean with brothers like the lot of you she needs a different flavor of crazy every now and then as a break” 
Klaus and Rebekah exchanged a look out of the corner of your eye as all three vampires went still before laughter broke out of them all “She does fit in well doesn't she?” Elijah asked Rebekah then turned to you “You're welcome in our home and you have my word no harm will fall to you inside these walls” you smiled “Thank you” he nodded then looked at Klaus “Come Niklaus we still have business to attend to” 
Before he left Elijah shook your hand “Pleasure to meet you” you watched him walk out along with Klaus and felt Rebekah at your side before she whispered “Please tell me you're not checking my brother out” You cut your eyes at her “I wasn't” she raised an eyebrow “For a hunter you're a terrible liar at times” you shook your head then motioned around “Well show me around the place!” 
Governor's Ball
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Turning The Vampire Genre on its Head (Buffy The Vampire Slayer analysis)
The opening scene of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, like many openings do, sets the tone for the whole show, or at least the first season. I would like to remind the reader or inform if you're not in the loop that I've only watched one episode of this amazing series. But I can see how different it will be from other vampire/hunter/action media, just from the opening scene. This will obviously contain spoilers for that scene as I dissect it in detail.
We open the show with "In every generation a slayer is born", etc. After that, the ambience is gloomy, we are in an empty high school, all the lights turned off and... CRASH, a window is broken. We see a fist breaking it. This gesture suggests great strength. We know from the title of the show that we are watching that there are vampires in this universe, so we assume this is one of them. We see a couple, a boy and a girl enter the empty, dark classroom. As soon as we see them, the girl is reticent about what they are doing. She is scared she'll get caught, she is scared of the dark. At the mention of "monsters", she startles. The guy is excited to be here, he wants to do something to the girl, kiss her, make out, have sex, what have you. We all know what he wants. And we assume the worst. If there are vampires on the loose, this might be one of them. Why else would he bring an innocent girl into an empty high school? He clearly has nefarious purposes. She's scared, she jumps at any minuscule sound, we're about to witness a massacre or else a chase scene that rivals the opening of Scream.
But, last minute, everything shifts. "Are you sure we're alone?" She asks. He answers positively. She turns into a vampire about to feed and a man's scream fills our ears.
This reversal of roles was something I did not expect when I first watched this episode and it still astonishes me when I rewatch it. It's so obviously a misdirect, yet I fell for it. This reversal of roles between men and women is a constant throughout the episode (and dare I say, even if I haven't watched it, throughout the whole show). Buffy as a character is a great example of this. She could've easily been a guy, the vampire slayer of the generation could've easily been a man, but we see instead a teenage girl killing vampires. Darla (the vamp from the opening scene) is clearly a strong vampire as her companion at the end of the episode gets immediately vaporized and turned to dust by Buffy's stake while she escapes it and fights back. She even shows up in 5 more episodes AND in the Angel spin-off, so she's a scrappy woman. It also means that she survives both Buffy and Angel in various occasions. I don't know, I haven't watched the shows.
Going back to that opening scene, Darla is the first vampire we see and I think it is indicative of the whole show's premise. The women rule over the men in this one. We see Buffy meet three men in her first time in the new school. One clearly states he is not a slayer and the other two are walking himbos. Meanwhile, Willow is obviously intelligent and Cordelia, even as a mean girl, is socially smart. Darla sets the stage for these incredible women, changing the helpless victim from typical vampire media into the heroin (and in Darla's case, the villain) of the entire show.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 3 months
Well of course I must ask about Much Ado About Nandermo
I've actually already started posting this one but it's been on hiatus for waaay too long, I'm hoping the last season gives me the WWDITS brainworms I need to power through! But it's so so fun to write whenever I get into it - it's script style and literally just a wacky rewrite of Much Ado About Nothing with the WWDITS vamps, with an emphasis on Nandermo and also on a weirdly fun and cute friendship between Guillermo and Nadja, and I really hope I finish it someday bc I haven't even got to the great romantic bits that I pre-drafted like, basically the second I came up with the idea! Like the gazebo/confession scene is my FAVE SCENE and we're not even there yet!!!
Since I have no idea when we WILL be there, and I'm dying to share it with someone, I'm gonna post a sneak peek of said confession scene under the cut. It won't be a spoiler if you know Much Ado but to anyone reading this who doesn't, beware fic spoilers I guess!
NANDOR: Guillermo; you’re crying.
GUILLERMO: (bitter laugh) Yeah. No shit.
NANDOR: Have you been weeping all this while?
GUILLERMO: Yeah. And if it’s all the same to you I’m gonna cry a while longer, so.
NANDOR drifts a little closer, fingers interlinked anxiously at his front.
NANDOR: I… would not wish for you to cry.
GUILLERMO: You don’t have to wish for anything. It’s happening whether you — whether I like it or not.
NANDOR follows in GUILLERMO’S wake, unsure of himself, unsure how to offer comfort.
NANDOR: I understand, Guillermo. You have seen a good friend greatly wronged tonight. It must be made right.
GUILLERMO: Yeah. And who the hell’s gonna do that round here?
Bolder, NANDOR steps closer.
NANDOR: Tell me how, old friend. It will be done.
GUILLERMO hesitates, then returns to evenly straightening chairs, refusing to meet NANDOR’S gaze.
GUILLERMO: ‘Old friend’. You really did bump your head or something, didn’t you? Just… just go away, Nandor. It’s none of your concern. You left, remember?
NANDOR: Guillermo —!
GUILLERMO: You left. It’s just been me, in this house with them for five years, and it’s me who has to pick this fucking mess up off the floor. Nadja’s my friend, and now I’ve gotta be a friend to her. I don’t need — I don’t need any more friends getting under my feet. I don’t need men getting under my feet, tripping me up and confusing me when I have shit to deal with, least of all you; so unless you have something new, or real or useful to say, how about you just get lost?
GUILLERMO turns his back, and NANDOR panics.
NANDOR: (blurting) I do love nothing in this world so well as you!
Silence. Both stand, frozen. Slowly, GUILLERMO turns back around to face NANDOR, stunned.
NANDOR: (softly, flustered) Is that not strange?
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queen-rainy-love · 11 months
FINALE!! ITS DONE!?! The concert starts, Parfait and Rockstar thanks everyone for coming & they give their best performance ever! CONFETTI!! LIGHTS!!! DANCING!!! Near the end, Parfait & RS thanks them and teases the audience of a special guest coming. Soon, the lights black out. And electronic music plays as RS & Parfait start singing quietly. Lights on, new cookie appears!(He’s wearing a wig with black hair and brown highlights, he has brown eye contacts. Black lipstick, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Wearing a black leather jacket with spikes, a white tank top, a star necklace, black oversized cargo pants with patches, and brown boots.) 
Choco Star starts singing; voice mesmerizing & smooth. He sings with the two, eventually he starts dancing with RS. He gets nervous (shaky hands), but RS quickly holds his hand to stable him. The two dance (with RS catching CS as part of the dance), harmonized together (Parfait backup vocals) & the three ended the song successfully. Crowd goes wild, they all bow. GB & CHR stayed to get autographs, they leave. TP, Vamp, & Cocoa met the three and congratulated them all. The three smile & take a photo.
Finale! This was fun to write! Let's go!
*The scene is set on the day of the concert. The crowd cheered as Parfait and Rockstar walked on stage. The duo waved to the crowd, getting a louder cheer in response.*
Parfait: Hello everybody!! Welcome to the show!
Rockstar: Thank you all for coming out!!
Parfait: We hope you all enjoy our concert!!
*The crowd cheers again and the show starts! Through every song, Parfait and Rockstar sing their hearts out. With every dance move, with every mini light show, with every confetti rain, the crowd went wild. Toward the end, Parfait and Rockstar walk on center stage.*
Parfait: What a show! You were all an amazing crowd! Thank you all!
Rockstar: The Rock Spirit was so strong here! Thank you! But we're not done yet! We have a surprise for you all!
Parfait: That's right! A special surprise! This will be the finale everyone will love!
*The lights black out, leaving the crowd confused. Soon, electronic music started playing. Rockstar and Parfait started singing quietly. The crowd kept their eyes on the stage, wondering where the duo were. Suddenly, the lights turned on, and a new Cookie stood on center stage! He didn't look like any Cookie from the kingdom: black and brown hair (a wig), brown eyes (contacts), black makeup, a black leather jacket, a white tank top, a star necklace, oversized black cargo pants, and brown boots.*
Crowd 1: Who is that? I've never seen him before.
Crowd 2: I think he's an old friend of Rockstar?
*Choco Star starts singing, his voice mesmerizing and smooth. As he sang, Parfait and Rockstar got closer to him and started dancing. It wasn't long until Choco Star joined in on the dancing. As he danced, Choco Star could feel his hands shaky. Thankfully, Rockstar quickly held his hand and pulled him into another dance. They danced while Parfait provided the backup vocals. They finished the song and the whole crowd went wild.*
Parfait: Thank you all! You were a great audience! *The trio bows.*
*After the show, the trio had a quick fan meet and greet. Gumball and Cherry, along with other Cookies, got autographs and photos with the trio. After this, Toothpaste, Vampire, and Cocoa walked up to them.*
Toothpaste: That was awesome! I didn't know you still had it in you, bro!
Cocoa: It was amazing! You did great! *hugs all three*
Vampire: I knew this would end well. Good job. How about a photo?
Parfait: Yeah!
*The night ended with the group taking a photo, and everyone smiling.*
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heisen-shrine · 1 year
Hello everyone and welcome to the new and improved Heisen-Shrine!
You guys know the drill! Here I post all kinds of awesome self shipping things, and now I have six f/os and plenty of love to go around.
I can't believe I now have as many f/os as Henry the 8th had wives, but at least I haven't killed any of my guys...yet lol. I'm mostly a villain shipper, but I've dipped my toes into anti-hero territory over the years. Most of my F/Os are villains, and that's okay. They hate everyone else but they love me ^^
Meet my guys!
Karl Heisenberg- the main man! I married this man Halloween of 2022 and we're still going strong. We also have an adopted son, Nanaue from the Suicide Squad. Karl is probably the most prominently featured f/o on here, and I love him to bits. He's encouraging, sweet, makes cool stuff, and is really big about my own creative endeavors. We support each other and make everything work <3
Astarion- the vampire from Baldur's Gate 3, I absolutely adore him. Normally vamps aren't my thing but this guy's got me by the throat with his sass and unabashed honesty. He's the sassy pansexual boyfriend I feel everyone needs in life ^.^
Elijah Kamski- Elijah is admittedly more of a familial f/o rather than a romantic one. But even so he's important to me and seems to be the perfect brother figure. He's helped me through a lot of my own sibling related trauma and I'm really thankful for that. If you need practical or technical advice, Elijah is my go to guy :)
Otto Octavius- from the Raimi-verse spider-man movies. I've loved this man since I was a child, and he's the oldest of my f/os on here. Partly familial, Partly romantic, my relationship with Otto can be rather complicated. Sometimes we don't even really know what we are to each other and I feel that's okay. He's a great man and I love him so much ^^
Oswald Cobblepot- from the Reeves-verse batman. He's a little out of the ordinary for me but I find we just click. He genuinely cares about me and was there when I was going through a very difficult period when I first moved to this new town. In a way he's my backbone and I appreciate it a ton :)
Rabban- from the 2021 Remake of Dune. This is my most recent F/O. He got my attention about two or three years ago but I really wasn't sure where I stood with him. To a degree we're still figuring everything out. Yes while he's brutal, he's been oddly nothing but kind to me and has been there for me in recent weeks. He's very much interested in my world, and I'm very much into his ^.^
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Be sure to read my Rules please!
1. This isn't a Fandom blog per se, but I'd appreciate no Fandom drama on here.
2. Please be nice to me and my guys, we're really just trying here lol.
3. Keep the thirst to a minimum. I get it my guys are good looking, but they're more than that. Feel free to ask them or myself anything.
4. I try to be respectful of other self ships. If I'm shipping with any character that my followers aren't comfortable I fully respect your right to unfollow and block if you need to. I have no desire to make anyone feel uncomfortable or disrespected. I personally don't mind sharing but I know there's a few people who want their f/os to be exclusive to them and that is ABSOLUTELY valid! If you need to leave/block the blog it's perfectly fine and I understand.
5. I don't tolerate hate of any kind. If your only purpose is to come on to this blog and be an asshole you can move right along.
6. I don't think I personally classify myself as pro-ship, I am normally ship and let ship but I do have limits. Yes I know the difference between fiction and IRL but for me personally it all comes down to taste if that makes sense. Self shipping is a spectrum, and I'm on the end of not shipping with people who are far younger than you if you're a grown person. Two consenting adults is fine, but I don't wanna hear some nonsense about how "Oh well this young looking character is actually 1000 years old" or wtf ever. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, understand?
7. Speaking of ages, I am 30+. I honestly do not feel comfortable with people following me who are under the age of at least 20. It's nothing against anyone personally, but in my opinion if you still have teen at the end of your age, you're still a teenager to me. Granted I don't post adult content, but to be on the safe side if you're under the age of 20 please don't follow me. Thanks <3
8. Feel free to come on here and tell me about your f/os! I'm always happy to hear about anything you guys are doing together! I like to see others happy and how their relationships are going! If you need to vent, I'm always here too! I'd like to make more friends in this community.
9. Understand please that this is a side blog. If I follow anyone it'll be from my main blog, which is am RP blog. Heisen-Shrine isn't an rp blog per se, but I might post little funny/fun scenarios with my and my f/os, just general self shipping shenanigans
10. Just have fun, seriously. Life is too short to not enjoy things. Have fun, take it easy, and whether you use self shipping to cope or for some other reason, don't forget to have fun with it and enjoy just being with your f/os. They love you and they want you to be happy, and believe it or not, so do I <3 you deserve it
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