#we're just doing it sdalkfjasfsda that's it that's the job x.x
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi! I’m currently having a hard time, with chronic pain flare ups, and am re-reading Eversion, one of my favorite works of yours. It helps. (I originally ended up playing the game thanks to it). I’m at Chapter 17: High Ball, and wondered how you go about writing and researching such an intense drug trip? It’s so good. Anyway you for writing such fantastic works.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about the chronic pain flare ups! They're such a bitch. The rheumatoid arthritis in my hands lately has been Cruel (TM) and it's definitely something you need comfort things for! I hope your flare eases sooner rather than later though <333
As for the High Ball chapter, I have a very unsatisfactory answer for you which is: 'I made it up.'
As in: 'I used my imagination because I'm a writer and wrote it based off what I imagine a really bad trip to be like. Especially because it was a synthetic drug so I didn't need to base it on anything real.'
The only thing I had to research were the names of the drugs used to make the drug itself, but I wasn't out there researching bad trip experiences / bad drug experiences. I know a little from research in the past on the use of LSD to treat PTSD (and some of the negative side effects of this), but yeah.
My job as a writer is to imagine things, and this is one of those areas where it's going to make everyone groan but I didn't do anything to 'go about writing/researching an intense drug trip' beyond sitting down and imagining Connor going through an intense drug trip and writing that.
That's my job x.x I don't research about 90% of the things that I write, that's what my imagination is fooooor. I do read a lot of non-fiction, which I think is good practice (it's good to have a scientific understanding of the body if you're going to be writing bodies and it's good to have a general understanding of mental health stuff if you're going to be writing mental health stuff - but the good news is a lot of naturally curious people learn things about this anyway).
Er so yeah, anon, I just... I just literally sat down and wrote it in one take. And that's how that scene happened.
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