#we're just asking yall to stop being identity cops
demonic-shadowlucifer · 3 months
ive ranted about this on threads already, but I need to complain about it here too, this whole "cishets dont belong at pride" and this whole telling bi girls to leave their cishet bfs at home... kinda defeats the point of pride and is still very fucking exclusionary. first off... do you guys want allies to show up or not? do you want allies to stand up or not? second, we need to get rid of the whole "cishet = not queer" mindset. aspec cishets exist. abrosexual cishets exist. intersex cishets exist. some nonbinary people consider themselves cishet. some cishets use the split attraction model as well. and that's not even getting into the cishets who have or are currently questioning their orientation or gender.
Also... when it comes to the cishet partners debate, I've noticed it's only bi girls being told to leave their cishet bfs at home, but never the other way around. Wonder why... 🤔 And sidenote, don't give me the whole "comfort" bullshit. I get being concerned about cishets causing trouble at pride, but if that were the case, why would their partner bring them in the first place? And if you get uncomfortable by seeing a bi individual with their cishet partner at pride, both of whom very happy together and accepting, I'm sorry but that's a personal problem you need to deal with yourself. (And also... if you think you can tell who's cishet and who isn't just by looking at them, or if you think you have to be a certain level of queer to go to pride... maybe you're the one who shouldn't go).
(TL;DR: the whole "cishets shouldn't go to pride convo" isn't doing anything to help queer folks feel more comfortable, in fact it's only biphobic, extremely exclusionist, and reeks of misogyny too).
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